Redpill me on this game

Redpill me on this game

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Overrated tbqh.


kill dinosaur make weapon to kill bigger dinosaur to make bigger weapon

basically you fight giant monsters to make weapons and armor to fight stronger monsters, and repeat this cycle.
You don't level up your character, but your progression through gear is how you make it through the game.
Not much of a story. So if the fight / craft stronger gear cycle sounds fun, play. If not, don't.

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Picked it up as a drunken purchase a few months after it first released. Never played or had any interest in the series before.

Currently have about 300 hours in it.
Around 400 hours in mh4u
And about 100ish in both 3U and FU.
Don’t pick it up if you hate fun.

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Glorified cinematic experience

This game probably has the least amount of cinematic/cutscenes compared to any recent game.


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Spotted the angry Nintendo fan

>compared to any recent game.
How does that make it any more acceptable?

Have you ever played any MH game? Even with world attempting to have more of a story, you don't really ever see them through 95% of your gameplay. And once you beat the main story and get to late game you never see them.
Again, either bait or you've never played a MH game.

How friendly is the game if I intend to play through it with a friend?

Is it kind of like Diablo 3? Also to add to , is it playable solo? Better with randoms?

Vanilla World is bad but Iceborne somewhat saves it. I'd recommend it if you're not allergic to one extremely annoying character and tons of unskippable cutscenes.

They're not dinosaurs you stupid gamer

>Is it kind of like Diablo 3?
In terms of gear kind of. To play it's nothing like Diablo, more like dark souls if anything where you have nothing but bosses. You can solo. Everything can be soloed, although siege bosses while can be are designed towards a group. Randoms can be fun but frankly some monster are easier solo. Like pic related where I have had nothing but randoms carting all day.

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It's worse than most previous entries.

Just another Snoy movie game.


Good if you stay within the same gear/quest range. If one of you plays ahead then you'll be playing catch up for the person behind.
It's not the best MH, but it's not horrible. Plus if OP has never played any MH game then he won't have anything to compare it to, so it is still a good game even if it is different from previous entries.

I can't. Don't you fucking come MH threads complaining that you can't beat Behemoth. Any other platform and you would have anons happy to help you.

>very grindy, sometimes with sub 1% chance based drops on monsters that take 10-15 minutes to kill each time
>le prepare to die dark souls difficulty
>shitty camera when getting close to monsters or fighting larger than average ones
>most weapons have some resource management gimmick and the few that don't have a shitty moveset so you may not find one that really clicks for you
>most maps are annoyingly designed due to little interconnectivity and too much verticality
>huge fluctuation between tastefully stylish aesthetic like on the cover art you posted, and full on retarded Bleach tier shounen anime shit - this is present in monster designs, armor designs (pic related) and weapon movesets
>the devs pull the cheapest shit like bloating the game's roster with monster "subspecies" that are just recolored and slightly altered versions of a monster you already fought a dozen times, or "tempered" monsters which just have increased stats. just embarrassing
>instead of improving the basics and fixing the issues the devs are just intent on throwing more and more shitty features no one asked for like mounting, grappling hooks, wristgun that shoots actual pebbles at fucking dinosaurs, or being able to ride the smaller dinos like horses
World made some big improvements though like having actual graphics, reducing the grind a bit, or being more accepting of solo players.

The series has the potential to be great, there's a reason World sold so much on the premise of being a pseudo-reboot, but the devs aren't good enough to pull it off. And Iceborne shows they're not even trying anymore. Instead of improving, the series is just going back to what it was when everyone ignored it.

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I think it makes sense to go back to what the core niche player base wants. Most of the first timers have already bought, played it, and left. I think it would be a mistake for them to think that 13 million people are going to get the expansion too, or even the next mainline sequel in the future.

Disagree with the first four points but the rest is good.

You hunt mons. And of course by mons I mean mons pubis.

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What makes you think Iceborne isn't what most 'core players' want? It's also been the #1 selling game in Japan for a few months now.

I am saying it is what they want. The post I was replying to made it seem like a bad thing that Icebourne went back to some of its roots. I think it is a good thing.

It's not really like Diablo except in the sense of
>Get stronger gear to do stronger content
The gear itself doesn't come random, only the gems you slot into the gear, and rather than building up stats gear is meant to build certain perks up, like resisting certain debuffs or extending your dodge. The monsters are a lot more dynamic than Diablo bosses and all have certain patterns and behaviors that you can exploit.
All but three fights in the game are very much soloable, with two of those three just being difficult to solo and the other being mandatory-multiplayer.
Randoms tend to not be too bad, kinda depends on where you are.

>I think it would be a mistake for them to think that 13 million people are going to get the next mainline sequel
As it stands I agree. Doubt any future game of theirs will sell this much. This was their chance but they couldn't do it right and they show no signs of caring to do better. However if they dod focus on ironing out those problems I really think they could hit that target.

Literally a running simulator.

I'd consider myself core yet Iceborne is not what I want.

You can only progress if you can dedicate serveral hours of your time per sitting. No pauses, so if you spent 60 minutes on some mission and u gotta go, too bad. You have to start over some other time. They game is also super unsatisfying and cringe.

Duality of trannies


Want to wait for World 2 and get it on PC, I regret getting it on PS4.

This. Unless youre a permavirgin that can spend hundreds of hours playing in a very short timespan, this game is not for you.

I know Behemoth is required multiplayer, and Kulve can be soloed, whats the other one?

I think they did it right. Seems we agree on it possibly being their peak though. I just think there was nothing they could do to please everyone. If they made it anymore casual then the establish player base would REEE, and if they made it exactly like the previous games then as you mentioned before, they wouldn't have sold 13 mil. copies.
Plus a lot of what you listed in your original post are things that have been in MH games before.

That sucks. I honestly haven't played it yet. Just haven't gotten around to it. I didn't expect much of a change, but I just heard through the grape vine it was different that vanilla World.
Hopefully next full sequel goes towards the classic MH aspects, but with some of the quality of life improvements from World.

Can Kulve be solo'd? I thought she was the one that had mandatory multiplayer due to being a Siege.
Behemoth also isn't required Multiplayer, but his mechanics are based around having it and his health is already at MP levels even while solo.
The other as I hear it is Ancient Leshin due to being an absolute cunt of a fight without somebody running Wide Range support.

>very grindy, sometimes with sub 1% chance based drops on monsters that take 10-15 minutes to kill each time
The entire game is killing monsters. What do you want to be doing that isn't killing monsters? And I don't know what game you're talking about with 1% drop rates, because it sure isn't MHW where they boosted everything and give you gold tickets like candy.
>le prepare to die dark souls difficulty
Are you one of those legal retards? World gives you a hundred mechanics to make the game easier than ever before. A game that offers the remotest challenge is not hopping on the Dark Souls train, which came out a decade later.
>shitty camera when getting close to monsters or fighting larger than average ones
Maybe choose the widest camera in the options menu.

>there's a reason World sold so much on the premise of being a pseudo-reboot... the series is just going back to what it was when everyone ignored it.
I don't care to address all your nitpicks, but damn dude, do you actually think a game that sold millions every single release was ignored just because the Fifa crowd wasn't playing it yet?

>Handler looks like a man
>Female monsters are stronger than male monsters
>Commander is black
It's SJW propaganda.

>>Female monsters are stronger than male monsters
The only monster that's true for is Teostra and Lunastra, and even then just barely.

>The only monster that's true for is Teostra and Lunastra
I believe Black Diablos is meant to be a female variant as well. Regardless, the user you replied to is retarded.

Loot mostly isn't random (until end-game). The game is mostly about enjoying the battle itself rather than the enjoyment of getting rare loot or anything, so it's pretty different to something like Diablo.


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>Female monsters are stronger than male monsters
Just like in real life?

Diablos is the female version of Monoblos. Just look at the horns.

Good goys protect the ecosystem so you can harvest more sóy beans and ORANGE MAN BAD


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Fuck you buddy, slashberry farming is good business. How else are Bowgunners going to cut tails?

coooom beans

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Female animals tend to be bigger and stronger than males in plenty of animal species.

stop getting baited

Who told you that? Dr. Goldbergstein?

This joke isn't that funny, user, you can stop.

I play on Xbox and there’s a shit ton of people online

is it worth full price? i know the expansion is coming out until january for PC with a price reduction so I was thinking of grinding shit until then.

steam also seems to randomly make popular stuff go on sale, like DBFZ going on sale twice in the last month.

It’s not still on sale on Steam? When I was on there a week or so ago it was only 30 bucks

But yes it’s worth full price. It’s a very good game that you’ll likely get at least 150+ hours out of, or much more with Iceborne

I've seen it go on sale before around 20%, but maybe even more since the last time I saw it. So if that is a concern I would wait for the next sale. Especially if you are uncertain if you will like it or not.
But if you are itching to play and know you will put tens/hundreds of hours into it then it is worth the price now.

It was literally Dark Souls of video games before it left Nintendo hardware.
Now it's just watered down pinata smacking simulator.
If you want that true MH experience play 4U.

>It was literally Dark Souls of video games

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>It was literally Dark Souls of video games

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Regular Diablos could be either male or female, but Black Diablos are specifically females in heat.

I'll finish everything on 4U then since I got regulars I can play with.

I might grab Greed Fall if it's not shit and wait until Spooky Sale to get World.

Last week they had a Witcher sale.

Thanks for clarifying.

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I love the game very much expect how you cannot co-op with someone in story missions, as you cannot join unless he has seen a cutscene.
Fucking Japs and their online.

Is it wrong to want to fuck her?


you are weak, weapon is strong, make weapon bigger and watch number grow