>NiTW co-creator commits suicide after his family, friends, and dev team all threw him under the bus due to abuse allegations
>sequel game gets cancelled
>now it turns out those the story behind those abuse allegations has massive inconsistencies
Is this one of the biggest fuckups in gaming?
NiTW co-creator commits suicide after his family, friends...
Other urls found in this thread:
Hope he chose a good song to go.
No. The original """game""" was dogshit. It's good that he's dead.
Grudge culture should be a thing.
Nobody cares dude, Zoe is a murderer but the guy as a retard.
And the game sucked
So you are not going to get Yea Forums to care for very long
no one cares anymore find a fresher topic
I thought this was supposed to be Gamer Gate Part 2
I believe this “post millennial” article on some internet archive, and not the multiple people who all corroborated different allegations of abuse.
I dont believe anything because Im not a cuck
what this fails to take into account is that zoes allegations are essentially "he made me feel bad" which can't actually be disproven at all
and posting twitter caps of someone who obviously lies all the time and pretending like they're actually telling the truth there so it disproves a later lie is also fallicious
I'm more confused on why a small indie studio would fire key staff, ruin their reputation and commit corporate suicide.
Just seems completely retarded based on a few tweets of all fucking things.
They already stopped working with him after they finished making Night in the Woods, he wasn't fired
I'm sure your parents will think the same about you
But they canceled a game he was currently working on. That doesn't make sense.
did they? the blog post said they stopped working with him ages ago
>zoe quinn kills a man with lies
>gamergate cunt "victim" is a fraud
apologize, media.
This is all 5D chess
She will make a new html link game about guilt thatll make millions from feminists
He teased a new NiTW game a few weeks before he killed himself.
The real question is, why did Alec have a relationship with a woman who constantly accuses people of rape/sexual harassment? Why are men such dumb creatures. That's like letting a known sex offender babysit your kids.
Alec was an insane SJW tpe aswell which people convieniently forget because he's the enemy of zoe quinn
Did she already do it at the time tho? Their relationship was like, what, 5 years ago?
He was a weak guy with no self respect, there are tons of those its really not hard to imagine I see "men" like that all the time
Theyd obey any woman no matter how ugly
This is why there needs to be laws against bringing allegations public. They can be extremely damaging to all parties involved, both accuser and accused, and pervert the course of justice, and can even be used to just "cancel" someone.
This sort of thing needs to be handled through the judicial system. My understanding is that the allegations were not even that severe, were people frequently assume the worst and jump to calling the accused a rapist.
To me? This post is a bit extreme
Yeah her accusations where completey vague and she didnt even say it was sexual abuse she literally wanted to out this guy because she didnt like the rules he gave her for sleeping on his couch
Uhh there is? Its called slander
there is no indie studio.
from scott benson's medium post:
>we announced that we had cut ties with Alec. Some folks reported this as us “firing” Alec, when there was nothing to fire him from. Infinite Fall isn’t a company. It’s a name we picked for our collaboration. There’s no Infinite Fall HQ, no salary to cut. We weren’t working on any big money-making project he’d no longer be a part of. It’s more like we broke up or something. And to be honest he’d already moved on.
Zoe Quinn literally just hops from boyfriend to boyfriend sleeping in their apartments and homes, and when her host loses patience she plays dumb and act like she's being abused when they break up and she becomes homeless again
That's very anti-free speech.
I don't care about Zoe. I care about his "friends" that caved in and abandoned a mentally ill "friend" over a rumor.
She didnt say he sexually abused her she said 'i lived at his place and thats where he abused me: he wouldnt even give me a key'. Thats what she said
Its almost like the indie dev scene is full of spineless and retarded faggots
I am guilty of this user, but only for 1 woman. I wouldn't do it for any other woman. I now avoid her because I realized how weak I am in front of her. Do NOT date a woman you love guys. Date women you don't care about, that way you can't be mind controlled
Ummm there are several
Imagine being such a fucking SJW you kill yourself for being called creepy, instead of embracing the NEET life like the rest of us
Look what happened to Alec, its the new Scarlet Letter
If they stood by him they would be branded pro rape and careers ruined
Im not saying they arent cowards or shit, but its understandable
it wasnt a rumor
literally all women under 30 do this
No, you apologize you over-sensitive white male
Kinda amazing how much the author assumes about someone they never knew
I don't get why people like this off themselves instead of taking the traitors with them to the grave.
It's weird that we assume that he's the perfect angel and none of us would do the same if we were in their shoes and actually knew him. I don't know enough to be upset with them in that regard.
She also said that he was verbally abusive and wouldn't stop roughly fingering her when she said to stop. That doesn't make him a rapist, just a jerk. He really didn't have to kill himself because he was still talented. He could give his side of the story and leave it at that, not even apologize, and look for work elsewhere. He did one of the worst things for his case.
I remember a hipster bitch did this to me and my roomates lol. She lived with us for like 3 months without paying rent and refused to get a job. She was an ex of one of my friends, and it was ridiculous. Finally she left after getting a job and quitting it after a day. One of the ugliest personalities I had the misfortune of meeting
He killed himself two days after. You can't say he was ruined when the guy didn't even try.
Isn't 'A Night in the Woods' the game where the lying college dropout habitually destroys property in their hometown while wallowing in self-pity with her peers, and the resolution is them comparing the town's working class to cthulu for working the jobs the dropouts have refused to do? Point being it is a very mentally ill game that glorifies depression and hatred towards family
>we weren't officially together but we cut ties anyways
Basedboi consistency.
>He did one of the worst things for his case.
The alternative was staying alive after having his entire chance at a future career completely destroyed overnight, and knowing that no matter what you're going to spend the rest of your life receiving constant hate and death threats, no matter what you do, because you're a man and you don't matter.
He did the only thing left for modern men to do and the end goal of all of this bullshit, kill themselves.
why would he kill himself if it wasn't true lmao
>hatred towards family
>Mae has awesome parents and we're meant to think Mae is a dumb piece of shit
Confirmed for not "playing" it.
>his entire chance at a future career completely destroyed overnight
your career isn't destroyed if someone makes allegations of abuse if you're a fucking freelance game developer
Gamergate was never about Zoe Quinn.
It's cool you've had the privilege of never having to deal with a shitty life or mental health issues, but that doesn't mean he wasn't trying, idiot.
>Is this one of the biggest fuckups in gaming?
nah, i love it when beta liberal males kill themselves
Cant wait to see more of it.
You joined teh wrong side fella's
I mean theres probably truth to it. Sounds like he was mentally unstable, hence the suicide. Still, zoe is a whore
Crippletards want it to be, luckily they've been vocally told to fuck off and that they're not wanted here.
Its an arthouse furry game about how the authors hate themselves for how they acted as pitiable dropouts
why did he abuse alligators?
Two days isn't enough time to wait for a call back from a potential new employer. Adults know this.
Yes it is. His current successful project was immediately flushed down the toilet when the allegation hit. He basically became nuclear waste
What was with the hooded figures at the end of A Night in the Woods?
>zoe is a whore
that's what I'm counting on, and the reason I got into indie gamedev, I want to fuck her thicc sexy body so bad
>freelance people have to rely on good reputation to get work
>get #metoo'd and have the little amount of goodwill you got from making NitW completely destroyed overnight
>get denounced by an entire group you thought you had a good relationship with, further sending the message to blacklist and not work with you
Add on top of that he already had social and mental health issues, yea, he was completely fucked the moment she woke up and decided to post the shit she did. You're an ignorant moron if you can't see how that works. The indie gaming community is extremely close-knit.
Because he cancelled it
God this woman is built like a fridge, shame her snootch looks like homer simpson
We should just kill everyone who makes things we don't like tbqh
Don't bother implying you're an adult when you don't know the first fucking thing about wreputation
muh art style
why would you make an adult themed game with simplistic childrens book art style? to infantilize adults? or to corrupt youth? or both? theres really no good reason at all.
What's with people's obsession with race nowadays?
This post is dogshit. kys
The game is shit, but RIP, suicide is sad.
they want white men to kill themselves, it's entirely about revenge because it's taught in schools
you think every game developer likes zoe quinn and gives a shit that he's her ex boyfriend and stuck his fingers up her pussy? He basically killed himself because he's a coward and doesn't want to face up to his parasitic social behaviour, not much to do with work
>The indie gaming community is extremely close-knit.
It's not
>thicc sexy body
you mean pasty, doughy, malformed rolls?
Daily reminder that nothing is going to come from this.
>Zoe will return to Twitter after having a bunch of people call her out
>"I'm being harassed again, just like gloober grate 2.0"
>"poor zoe, she doesn't deserve this"
>Gamers Are Over Again
>Zoe starts a new kickstarter for a Cuck Tingle board game
>$100,000 later
>"lol what game? we ran out of money"
Zoe is untouchable. Nothing is going to change, so stop sperging about this woman.
I actually see more of this sort of shit on here than I did on 8ch, thing is the gamergate threads served as a containment for such discussions.
Its not an adult game its a antifa furry game where the authors try to share a 'slice of life' that was their mentally ill manic destructive phase after failing college due to drug use
Its the left way of pointing fingers at an evil group
They always need an evil group to fight against otherwise they dont make sense and should dissolve
Imagine you're in Canada and an "indie game dev" and there's this stripper pussy being passed around your circle that gives crazy head cause she's fat and has daddy issues so she'll let you do anything and like it. You're a virgin with a no friends and a shitty personality from being abused while your sister gets diddled and this is your only chance.
Do you fishhook some nasty cunt's cunt and lead her around your apartment because she told you to?
This desu.
His game(using the term loosely here) is shit and by all accounts he was a terrible person who deserved this. BPD """people""" like him need to be eradicated. Zoe did the world a favor by ridding us of him.
That being said, anyone who actually believes anything that comes out of that harlots mouth is an idiot and anyone who is surprised by this should also kill themselves.
Whatever his crimes might have been, I'd say he's atoned for them in death.
Nothing happened last time, nothing is going to happen this time.
It’s useless.
I hate complaining about things that are useless.
Utterly useless.
Imagine being this upset over inde game trannies
>Zoe will return to Twitter
She's already back.
This. The games tries to pull it around with morals, but its about an autobiographical BPD episode
Giorno pls go
>you think every game developer likes zoe quinn
She did tours with fucking Anita, and they liked Anita. They supported the agenda that grew out from the absolute muck that she created by being a prime example of everything wrong with modern ignorant and delusional young adults (not even young anymore).
Maybe you should try actually doing some research or try getting involved in it and realize that if you don't follow or abide by certain dogmas it's okay to destroy you and your life. I'm sure your argument to this is "yea be a decent human being" or something ignorant and arrogant and ignoring how "be a decent human being" to these people means "blindly support every single thing that's happening these days and hate yourself for it".
based and deathsquad pilled
NITW team themselves said Alec getting canned was due to tons of shit that happened before the allegations, the abuse shit was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
why? she is a walking bomb, the moment she feels like it she can accuse you of rape? is that what you want? are indie devs THIS dumb?
Imagine being so edgy you think someone should die for making a video game you don’t like.
>He was getting canned anyway
Why? Wasn’t he the lead programmer and in charge of music? What’d he do wrong?
Nothings gonna come of it but at the same time I seriously doubt we're going to get a repeat of this shit. Most of industry figures have figured out that Zoe is bad news and trying to defend her is a PR risk. I even have a hard time seeing her return to twitter, she's just too damn controversial at this point.
>>now it turns out those the story behind those abuse allegations has massive inconsistencies
can someone tell me what zoe's recent tweets have been since she locked her account? just curious.
Indie game developers are not a "they". I'm an indie game developer. Some of my friends are involved in this Alec scandal, having screenshots of their tweets reposted. Do you think everyone supports this insanity? They don't, infact I'd say most people don't, the people that do are just the ones you hear about. Being outed by Zoe Quinn for some non-offense is not going to ruin your career. He just had his social life ruined by having his behaviour exposed
Zoe and Anita have social media sway but their careers are very tough-and-go. They rule certain circles but they're really small as fuck
I mean you act like Zoe is a god who can affect anyone, buy the only reason this happened is because this guy literally fucked her. She didnt go accuse some random guy, he was close as fuck to her and she went with this because its what she HAD. And for what? Her own piece of mind at best, maybe some money
I have BPD and have kind of given up on trying to interact with people socially, it's lonely and makes me want to kill myself and i'm not living a real life. What i'm saying is, fuck you, because it's Yea Forums and you're one of the many inhuman cunts that made me this way.
Imagine all the dicks she's sucked and how hard they'll still have to allypost to keep her from ruining them.
They made a post about it from their Kickstarter, but from what I remember he was apparently abusive and creepy to fellow peers long before the allegations.
So apparently he had been a complete shit at their not-company (according to them) for so long. Yet they didn't feel the need to dissociate until it was socially advantageous? Just make another game with this guy you know is terrible? Doesn't that stand out to you at all as strangely convenient?
As if. Its an autobiography about mental illness. Prove me wrong
You aren't really smart or creative or aware of the fact that Louis CK is still getting work despite his realer and "creepier" allegations. He didn't even stick around to find out how great life can be once you shed the venomous SJW indie clique. That's all on him.
The devs are pretty retarded.
>tries to make a game that appeals to leftists, just ends up showing leftists are whiny lazy brats
>whole theme of the game is to stick with your friends so you don't have to suffer alone
>throw their friend Alec under the bus in exchange for a modicum of twitter points
>cancel nitw2 in hopes of kicking Alec down even further and getting more twitter points, backfires and just makes everyone mad they cancelled the game
If you take a bunch of anonymous people over the internet seriously, the fault is on you.
yeah, surely these people have no reason at all to lie... ...oh wait they shat all over someone without there being proof which lead to said someone killing themselves, no reason at all /s
Sure, but none of them have bothered saying what those "real reasons" were.
I'm pretty sure I'd be saying the same thing, if I'd just manslaughtered a former friend over what turned out to be no reason at all. I'd probably even believe it myself.
So why did he even do it if he was innocent?
Im sure you're a good person and I would love to hang out with you, but you know the difference between trying to be better, and blamong others for a BPD attack
I mean look at you, you already are stoking up your sense of violent self-pity, threatening us while acting the victim! Take your meds.
you are seriously overestimating the reach of any sort of anti-Zoe media.
Defending her isn't a PR risk, it's still the fucking norm. She'll scam people out of money yet again and they will eat that shit up with a smile on their lips.
Chuck Tingle just released a tabletop RPG book. Zoe is going to capitalize on it, just watch.
Again, spoken like someone that's never been the target of a hate campaign. Let people terrorize where you live then you realize how dangerous they can be.
That's why I like it.
uh, based department?
Agreed, I pirated it and I wanted my money back.
Remember that the guy who died who apparently lived in my city but I never cared enough to even know that and the faggot he worked with and his roastie wife, ALL of them hated everyone who would post here. They'd be the exact types calling us "incels" and "problematic gamers" or whatever, they fucking hate us so we should hate them back and enjoy when they suffer and die.
Don’t blame anonymous people for your personal shit. Also, if you’re that thin skinned to be insulted by a screen and take it to heart, you probably shouldn’t be here. I’m not saying that to be rude, I’m saying that because if you’re seriously getting hurt by what people can spam and say here, you’d be better off somewhere else.
>Chuck Tingle just released a tabletop RPG book.
I may finally get my friends to play a tabletop.
Second post best post
It was literally starred by a (((bisexual))) character. I'm not glad he's dead but nothing of value was lost, just like it will happen when I die.
You're not doing yourself any favours with thoughts like this.
You literally only know about this from Yea Forums twitter reposts, why are you acting like this is the whole world? This is literally internet fighting, why do ypu claim expertise in the opinions of an industry you do not work in? Why are you basing your knowledge on tweets and another retard ex of Zoe's?
>you don't know the first fucking thing about wreputation
Louis CK still gets work doing stand-up. I'm not implying an adult, I'm saying anyone can see that waiting two days to decide "my life is over" is really dumb.
He was a thirsty leftist incel. He was a feminist and thus thought it would turn on other females on and not turn on him.
Literally kill yourself. If you're going to get worked up over a bunch of Yea Forums posts you NEED to die. You cannot function in society. You will never function in society. You are worthless and I hope no one ever loved you. Certainly, no loves you now. You can fix all this however, you just need to hang yourself
Mental health issues, which they all knew he had. For all we know there were other issues in his life, I doubt being a no name indie dev in a big city is good for the bills.
Typical AS FUCK BPD behavior. Honestly have some self reflection and see how textbook you are. Actually is this ir0nic?
BPD people will threaten suicide all the time. He did just that and they were used to him crying wolf.
oh did he use the wrong pronoun? you fucking faggot
I don't claim to know shit. I'm just a cynic. Zoe has been failing upward for the past five years despite having an army of internet autists screaming at her at every turn.
I just don't see why things will be any different this time.
Yeah his life was likely a mess
learn to read retard
What a fucking faggot lmao, whish I was at home and able to ip switch so I could spam you with webm of dead cats.
throwing the first stone, nice hit bro, sure got'em ill folks, feels good being normal and socially functioning amirite
The guy still abused people anyway you choose to look at it. He clearly had a shit ton of mental issues. Scott didn't even consider him much of a friend all throughout the development of NITW, and only saw him as his boss. It wasn't until near the end when it seemed like Alec was finally starting to show signs of not being such a depressed person that he truly felt that he was becoming friends with him. But then the cat got let out of the bag, and everyone revealed just how gross the guy truly was, and any hope he might have had was dashed away. At the end of the day, he chose to commit suicide. No one forced him to.
The guy was extremely unstable and already talked about it for years and years, so he was one of those attention beggars. The most he contributed to NITW was from a strict programming aspect side of things, and didn't actually help with any of the art and whatnot. It doesn't change the fact that the guy was still scum and abused people, and would then drop projects out of disinterest and leave the people floating in a shit ton of debt. I don't know why Yea Forums is trying to defend this guy so fucking hard. Is it seriously because that absolute bitch Zoe Quinn is involved, and Yea Forums needs to act contrarian against her? Probably.
Use your fucking brains, you absolute mongs.
What the fuck are you talking to yourself cuck?
She hasnt beem falling upwards she is barely employable and she's a freelancer in generating scandal, while also lacking the competence to control an outcome. She has earned an average lower middle class salary at best, by clawing her way through a BPD life of abuse, petitioning, and bargaining for sympathy. What makes you think she's doing well? When was the last time you heard of her?
i can read...you are whining about the pronoun they used for indie developers. like a gay
Slander and libel are not protected by the first amendment. They're actually frowned upon.
The first guy said he wanted to hurt him
>The guy still abused people anyway you choose to look at it.
But it wasn't proven, and the point of the article linked in OP's post was saying that it's doubtful he did abuse her.
Innocent until proven guilty is how things are supposed to work.
Better idea, go shoot yourself in the head. No, seriously, use those fat fingers of yours to pull the fucking trigger so your brain can't send any more signals through your fat, retarded fucking body and save us all from your toxic jackass attitude. You're just as worthless fucktard and the less people that have to deal with you the better
No I'm not I'm complaining that he lumps all indie developers together like they all think the same thing
how did he do it
Lol nice anger attack, sperg. You want to pick your skin and eat your hair too?
For me it's just right.
Fuck him. This sick cuck wanted "girls to be more than just 5% of the gamer audience". He is a bigger cancer than /ourgirl/ Quinn and im glad he is as dead as his commie furry videogame.
With the exception of mcfatass and maybe the sexy blasphemous devs, they're all pretty much the same unless they're japs.
She's not as prominent as she was immediately post-Gamergate, but she's hardly unemployable. She just finished a run of comics, she's been hired on to do more. She probably has other projects waiting in the back for her to whip out once her patreon starts sagging again too.
She's not hugely successful or rich or anything, but she's still getting work.
>he lumps all indie developers together like THEY all think the same thing
now shut up
>Multiple accounts and statements provided by multiple people, including Scott Benson himself, doesn't prove anything
I agree that this should have been settled within a court of law, but you still trying to deny multiple paragraph long testimonies brought up by the victims doesn't change a thing.
no, they aren't
im not complaining about pronouns retard
I guess thats plenty, but I dont need her to be homeless and poor to be satisfied. She basically has a normal career
>don't blame anonymous people for your personal shit
Except you realize, due to the anonymous nature of Yea Forums, how different people really are without a filter. You realize everyone's just being nice on the surface level and really we're all just cunts deep down. The responses I got were expected, because I've realized holding in anger doesn't do jack shit either. Better to just air the dirty laundry, because the truth is people without BPD can be just and even more annoying and terrible than people dealing with it.
Then name some exceptions that aren't Vrelnir/Harmarist tier.
Stopped reading right there. Back to retardera, dilate, etc.
>an ill dude saying fuck you to people who dehumanise folks with his condition is the same as an allegedly normal dude repeatedly telling a mentally ill person to kill himself
nice reading comprehention
The Zoe Brigade is attacking, lmao.
What’s worse - to be scum knowing you are being scum, or to be scum because you don’t have control over yourself?
I want snowflakes that disagree and get heated over this best post to fucking kys like that fag Alec lol ;)
Why would I single people out by naming them? Most people don't want to be associated with this shit. The truth is if everyone was a mentally ill SJW no work would actually get done. Your idea of what indie game devs are like by reading loudmouths on twitter is not representative of reality, surprising as it may seem
Don't forget that she also scammed $80,000 for a game that will never be. And that was after the $100,000 game jam that also never materialized.
Normal career or not, this bitch is a scam artist and deserves to be called out.
It is literally impossible for abuse allegations to be inconsistent because Zoe quinn isn't the only one to say he was abusive.
>be scott
>be nothing
>be kealous of alec
>be greedy
>want all the monies from switch release
>alec needs go
>zoe gets on board
>writes slanderous hit piece
>everyone in her contacts repeats it
>throw out alec
>reap all the monies
His death was just collateral damage. Now even more than before the narrative that he was a serial abuser needs to be reinforced or the whole monument of lies falls apart.
>a rumor
They had been abused by him as well. Why do you retards keep ignoring that?
This, the guy was an asshole. Just because Zoe Quinn is a reprehensible bitch doesn't magically make Alec a saint.
I've been to the meetups and seen the same people every time. It's small and incestuous. Mainstream indie and the connections it brings is huge.
The former obviously, but you don't get to have a social life because of the latter
Probably stop concerning yourself with shit that literally doesn't matter.
>I've been to the meetups and seen the same people every time
yeah because there's one social group and they all meet at one physical location right
get real
>Defending her isn't a PR risk, it's still the fucking norm.
It's a PR risk because no one knows what she's going to end up doing or saying next. Look what happened with Alec, a lot of the people who spoke up for her went dead silent after his suicide was reported.
haha epic you put le quotation marks so it is not true. Everyone is lying except....who? You? You didn't even know the guy existed.
Alec's game was better than Zoe's game
Alec's dead and won't have chances to improve
Zoe's alive and literally just steals people's money
She seriously needs to be hit with some legal ramifications. Not dead, not injured, she just needs karma to come back at her for once.
They're not lying, but the abuse sounds like nothing more than the guy being an asshole at worst.
Pretty much. Until you get to like straya and it's all the Tasman zinefags.
Moral of the story is dont associate with women
Dont talk to them
Dont let them work with you
Only interact when absolutely forced
Personality disorders are not illnesses, they are dysfunctional patterns of thought and behavior that lead to reduced functioning. It is entirely his fault he is BPD, and he should kill himself.
They are waiting until this blows over. Once the body is cold and everyone forgets about the drama, Zoe will go back to playing the victim card and people will jump on the bandwagon for another go around Patreon Square.
Any chance Zoe or the twitter metoo squad get brought up on some kind of charges for this?
>Tasman zinefags.
that's funny, that's where I live and I know plenty of local game developers and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Here's a helpful hint, the people who attend physical meetups are usually the biggest posers
I'm sure you'll grow out of it by the time you're 18 :^)
But seriously if you have an actual mental illness then maybe get some professional help? It's never been easier than now
>and he should kill himself
You have a mental illness worse than BPD if that's what your argument boils down to
Literally zero.
No one will face any repercussions for this other than Zoe probably getting an influx of fresh donations.
this garbage definitely made me want to kill myself
I doubt it. It's not the kind of thing you can enforce easily and trying to charge somebody over this would be a bad idea I think. It's just one more piece of evidence of these people being scummy.
Wasn't it 10 years ago? How the fuck was he supposed to know?
he was also an SJW loser, but I believe this was before her activities were public knowledge.
He still didn't say anything about wanting to hurt people, while you are constantly telling him to kill himself.
>make post with no intention on making the dude necking himself
>he does
>now she should be in trouble because he was a sad cunt
I hate this bitch too, but how is that fair?
Here's the truth of the matter. How the fuck are women so consistently insane?
women are monsters
My ex did this to me and I'm still paying the price LMAO
>Yea Forums is real but people aren't
You dont know shit, me and everyone else come here to either joke or vent for things we know are not worthy to vent on in real life. Why is this 'the true humanity' to you, because you're a cynic and its gross here so it must all be true ultimate honesty? Fucking no man, anons get pissy and insecure and weird and all of it is just extra shit on the side of the mild mannered diplomatic lives we actually live. Dont take it as a chance to get all pissy and feel judged, its stress relief.
We'll see. This isn't like back when Gamergate started when no one knew what Zoe was all about
>drags his name through the mud all across the internet to try and make people feel sorry for you
>he kills himself directly because of that, and that alone
She should be held accountable to some degree.
Oh no, 'saying things about hurting people', eeeeek! Now THAT would be evil! Thank god we are all saved from if he were so fucking evil he would say a boo boo word!
Why do retarded Burgers still insist on mental illness not existing despite being proven otherwise time and time again? Is it because their healthcare system is an absolute goddamn joke? Or their insistence on using drugs for literally any signs of instability?
The Post Millenial that published the piece exposing Zoe lies just came under a DDOS attack and the journalist is getting her accounts attacked. Can't have the truth stay out there, can we, Zoe? Too bad it's all documented and covered with backups. No getting away from this.
We simply dont know he killed himself only because of her
>Original Post: [x] made me feel bad during our relationship so he's bad
>Retweet 1: Did you hear [x] made a girl feel bad? He must be a creep
>Retweet 10: I'm not sure I'm comfortable enjoying [game] because [x] has worked on it
>Retweet 100: Known woman abuser [x] has a new project out, remember not to support it to show him hate will not be tolerated!
>Retweet 1000: [x] is a literal piece of shit serial rapist if you mention him at all you're getting blocked. I'm removing every creative piece I've done that involves him and I suggest you all do the same.
Everyone involved in this farce is mentally ill and/or on meds. Jesus Fucking Christ.
rent free
Do people act like pricks because they’re anonymous? Yes, they do.
I strive to be a kind person in life and someone who people can depend on, and I’m happy with that. I’ve had struggles, sure, and I’ve been an asshole to people sometimes. But I don’t let my failures define who I am or who I can strive to be.
Has Zoe even ever made a game? Why do people donate money to her? Why do people fuck her? Why do people listen to her?
Not true, humoral hormone regulation and other shit plays a big role in BPD, secondly bad though patterns a re a fucking virus and you're only reinforcing this idea, your whole post screams "my thought patterns make my own life miserable and are harmfull to society yet I can't change them fuck you". You should not kill yourself though, you should help yourself by seeing and embracing the humanity in others, and then in yourself.
She made a shitty, bare bones VN. That's it.
Do not worry citizen, I am sure some VIDEOGAME JOURNALISTS will investigate this and provide unbiased answers!
she made a really simplistic (both in gameplay and concept of depression) multiple choice browser 'game'.
that's like saying WW1 wasn't about what's his name
If we're talking about proofless, long standing grand negative allegations than Zoe Quinn has dozens spanning back nearly a decade. Remember the 5 guys debacle? Zoe Quinn is a black hole for dicks and toxicity.
>indieshit beta bitch creates a relationship with known shit stirrer and necks himself over guilty conscience/not enough scrotall fortitude to prove innocence
why should anyone feel bad?
no, that kurt cobain chap
On the one hand If I got raped you can damn well expect I'll make it public
on the other hand I'm a man and men can get raped or sexually harassed
Based sanity user helping us stay sane
Zoe's shit doesn't affect me one bit but I just love internet drama. Who doesnt?
There are laws but those laws are not and never have covered tweets. Even people punished for them are not pushed by law but instead by individuals in the court of public opinion.
Sexual culture has been stuck on this hateful tirade of "we can call anyone out we want and if you ask for proof you're a shitlord enabler" for the greater half of a decade now. In a private setting it's not illegal to talk shit about people otherwise a good third of the country would have been behind bars for saying Obama was from Kenya.
Unfortunately it's not illegal to be retarded, and hating someone and saying why you hate someone isn't illegal even if it's uneducated and potentially harmful, because once again, outside of OFFICIAL settings, tweets and shit are not protected by fair use laws. It's EXCLUSIVELY a popularity contest, and if a juggernaut like Zoe Quinn has their eyes on you-
Well, just as an example, let's just say they can drive someone to suicide and then spin it to look like the victims.
When you set out to hurt someone, and they die as a result, that's voluntary manslaughter. Even if they have a preexisting condition that makes them more likely to die, such as a weak heart or clinical depression.
>Multiple accounts and statements provided by multiple people, including Scott Benson himself, doesn't prove anything
This is unironically true. Especially when, in Quinn's statements, she doesn't actually accuse him of anything
>I agree that this should have been settled within a court of law
Then you're agreeing with my point, why are you trying to disagree
>but you still trying to deny multiple paragraph long testimonies brought up by the victims doesn't change a thing
Yes and those should have been properly given IN A COURT OF LAW you moron
>but you still trying to deny multiple paragraph long testimonies brought up by the victims
But it does when they have not been proven to be victims. The fact they all came out after one big possibly false case is something we have to consider. He wasn't a known predator, people were happy to interact an employee him until a queen bee decided it was time to cancel him. In circumstances like that you have to question the motive, suddenly a well like and respected guy was secretly hated by everyone and they never actually wanted to promote him or his game.
Especially when far as I have seen, Zoe's were the worst accusations ranging from actual abusive actions to a lack of boundaries or getting when to stop. The rest seems more socially unacceptable rather than actual abuse.
Am I retarded or is the OP's link filled with nothing?
She literally didn't set out to hurt someone, she reported abusive behavior. Its also not manslaughter if a man kills himself after you reported he stole your stereo
Hello, epic department?
I’ve found an epic post
The fact that you're afraid of naming them should tell you that they're the exception, not the norm.
What's done is done and you can't change it because you're some powerless faggots on the internet. I suggest you move on and go outside and get a breathe of fresh air for once. Unless you live in California or China.
She has had a trend of lying for sympathy and vitriol in the past, going so far as having faked tweets made by alternate accounts to threaten herself of rape.
She's a complete loon and uses words as weapons and anyone who takes what she says at face value is an enabler.
And if you need to hide your actual opinions, and publicly conform to the social justice doctrine, then you're powerless.
being a SJW is not the norm. You just gain nothing by saying you're against them
Can Yea Forums explain this to me?
>his family says he was fairly abusive
>his friends say he was abusive and retell times he abused them
>co-workers do the same
Literally didn't even know the guy existed two weeks ago but you guys consider yourself able to judge how the dude was and state everyone who ever said something bad about him is lying and part of a shadow cabal
>reported abusive behavior
Online, not to authorities, and several years after terminating relations? That surely doesn't scream "deliberate", right?
zoe quinn said it so it's false
>They’re bad human being so we should be also bad human being
fuck you, no human can work 7 hour days
>I'm wrong but it doesn't matter, fuck you
0%. No crime was committed in any fashion. That's like saying if my wife divorced me and I kill myself over it, my ex-wife goes to jail.
Why that guys have to kill himself instead of this user? At least Alex worked in a game unlike this shitposter
>She literally didn't set out to hurt someone, she reported abusive behavior.
Seven years after it occurred, when it seems like there was nothing specific she was reporting him for.
can't be the hero without a villain
Remind me, was that their second, or third statement?
She made an online quiz with the help of two other cucks.
>Why are men such dumb creatures?
You already answered yourself
You're actually right user
She'll get some male feminists to finish her Chuck Tingle game I bet. They'll do anything for Zoe.
You only have to look at the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation to see just how fucked allegations can get.
As soon as Blasey Ford accused him other women came out with stories. Each more crazier than the last.
In fact the Democrats blame Avenatti for tainting Ford's claims with his client's allegations because they were too insane to believe.
Zoe Quinn started a chain reaction and other people came out to support her with their own stories no matter how true they may be.
>her Chuck Tingle game
what? how are they related?
The real reason this pisses me off is because Zoe didn't actually accuse Alec of anything in particular but people still called him a rapist
Holy shit this situation truly served to reveal everyone's true faces twitter.com
twitter people just picked zoe quinn as their hill to die on. i mean eventually if enough shit surfaces about zoe quinn, people will eventually phase her out of the conversation like they did with brianna wu. no one ever admitted that brianna wu is a bit crazy in those big arguments, but nowadays i've seen these same twitter warriors mention that yeah brianna wu seems a bit fucked
It's because the dumb bitch told two stories of two dudes that "abused" her in one Twitter thread. Her retard brigade thought Alec raped her, when it was some dude she met before Alec.
pretty redpilled
>shocked but not surprised
Is this the most weaselly non-statement ever?
whats weaselly about it? someone who threatens to kill themselves and is mentally ill finally does it? sounds exactly like how I'd feel
And 6 other dudes. She's a rape magnet, apparently.
This is actually true, brought to light I expect her to claim that all those happy posts back then were the result of his “gaslighting” or somethig, and most importantly this is what she believes.
Note this is how women behave, they have a feeling today and it becomes real. They are like children. Zoe Quinn thrives on victimhood so she invents situations where she is the victim. It may seem insane to a man reading about it but that’s because, plain and simple, men aren’t women.
Mattress Girl is another psycho, it was the objective truth she fucked that guy willingly and just got mad because he got bored of fucking her. But there is no doubt in my mind she believes he raped her.
While not all women are destructive sociopaths like her, but they all do this to some degree. It’s why doing things like giving them political power and hiring them to work alongside men is such an insane idea and we are paying for it.
>His family
aka his feminist sister
>His friends
aka his sjw coworkers
So let me get this straight.
This lady gets patreon donations for living a real life soap opera?
It's confirmed fake.
Thanks for letting me know then
she sounds like my grilfriend
Numerous allegations by large groups of people do hold up, m8. One accusation is heresay but when like 10+ people say "Yeah, he was abusive", it does hold weight.
Maybe the biggest fuck-up was the guy who killed himself instead of fighting the allegations.
>fighting the allegations.
cant fight them if theyre true
>>his family says he was fairly abusive
His sister, yeah.
No, it isn't. You are legit retarded and there is a reason no charges are going to ever be brought because she would be able to sue for it.
I work ten hours a day. My closest colleague, twelve. My friend, sixteen.
You are weak.
Eh, as soon as an indie dev works with him you have a million cunts and soiboys on twitter yelling at them. For oversocialized faggots like indie devs that’s way too much to deal with especially when the one guy is basically replaceable.
I don’t think this guy should have killed himself obviously, but killingnyoursef is always irrational - “a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” No doubt his life as he knew it was over, he lost his friends, his support network, his professional reputation, his twitter, even his cunt sister was throwing him to the wolves to virtue signal. But he could have made it through to the other side.
>It’s why doing things like giving them political power and hiring them to work alongside men is such an insane idea and we are paying for it.
it's also why it makes no sense to let men work in people-facing jobs like teaching, customer service or as doctors considering they do 98% of all rape. let women handle all the work involving people and let men perform cold logical decision making, and keep them separate because men will inevitably rape and women will inevitably act crazy.
That's fake but one of her friends did mention that Zoe was upset because her patreon tanked and she can't afford rent anymore due to these events.
And you're retarded. That was a sarcastic reference, you fucking dumbass.
This. It's called spinning a narrative.
Which is abuse.
>For oversocialized faggots like indie devs
most of them are undersocialized and autistic thats why they become SJWs
That's because women aren't wired to actually do anything, they're wired to get men to do things for them. Cleaning up someone else's mess? meh. Innocent victim? With tits? Where the fuck do I sign up?
If the allegations weren't true why did everyone around him dump him so readily? People who like you and think you are innocent wouldn't do that.
>nothing will change
>so stop being mad about it
Nah fuck you. That's all the more reason to be mad about this shit.
These opinions come with a heavy dose of agenda and cyncism. It's more about raging at liberal cliques then it is about making any sort of rational point. People in this thread are seeing what they want.
There is no legal requirement to press charges on a person. To go to a court of law they'd need to be seeking for Alec's imprisonment
>Yea Forums
>not caring about five guys burgers and fries saga getting another chapter
Honestly, people just need to be held responsible for the accusations they make. Nothing will change until someone goes to prison over something like this.
She didn't even accuse him of rape.
She talked about her first, unnamed "rapist" whom she forgave, then in the same breath about Alec making her uncomfortable, having rough sex with her, and the hunk he is driving her around the house with his finger jammed in her butthole.
Devious manipulation to make people associate him with rape.
Jilted ex accusations. Eron has texts where she vows to take revenge from Alec for jilting her.
No comment about the butt-o-mobile, maybe advanced woke physics can shed light on that.
Then the allegation that he manipulates people by threatening suicide is by... Scott, who has a vested interest in driving him out of the picture, and in a post after Alec's suicide for the purpose of demonizing Alec and excusing Scott's actions.
His only family, his sister, who corroborated Quinn's story and accused her brother of unspecific "abuse", is herself a hardcore feminist from the same indie gamedev circles. She also put words on his mouth that he respects Zoe Quinn after her manifesto and accepts it AFTER his death.
There's also the other jilted ex, who joined the "emotional abuse" train, and aired on twitter that she was hounding him along with his sister and NiTW devs in the last hours before his death, to call him out how horrible he is, but he wouldn't answer the calls.
Alec has fb posts from 2016 about treating his "paranoia" about people wanting him dead, from the game industry, and about family members telling him they don't care if he's dead.
There are people who stood by him, sadly posthumously. A voice actress from Aquaria who denounced cancel culture and Quinn quite openly, another friend (girl) who worked with him and blamed herself for his death because she wasn't there, 2 composers for a chiptune label that cancelled them over "inclusivity" concerns.
His tragedy was that he didn't keep good company, but murderous sociopaths exploiting him right until an ultimate metoo. Male feminists behold your similar fate.
I am the walrus
There's hardly any rationalizing with it. Rather than seeing "we just don't know" as a moot point and carrying on, the politics of everyone involved gets the already suspicious mind creating theories that are as good as fact to them.
As much as I think that it's really sad that Alec is dead, I don't 100% trust that he was a completely normal person with a clear past. That would be very biased and naive from me.
>someone goes to prison
only if you can prove they're lying
since her allegations only concern her feelings, you cant
No one with BPD would ever kill themself. They are far too narcissistic. A BPD person would be far more likely to kill someone else instead
Sure, but you need to prove that it's actually slander.
I meant “Oversocialized” the way Ted Kacszynski did in ISAIF. Basically people who are “too” integrated into society and basically orient their entire lives around trying to “fit in” and do what society expects of them. For SJWs that live their entire lives on twitter, that’s it. You simply cannot support your friend going through a rough patch because Twitter Won’t Allow It. You’ll get canceled too. That’s what happened to this guy.
I read a lot about Justine Sacco who faced the internet firing squad and at least she had friends that didn’t care about SJW Twitter. Holowka didn’t.
is this the first time you see a bandwagon?
>Then the allegation that he manipulates people by threatening suicide is by... Scott
and Edmund McMillen
How the fuck did the Western Indie scene end up like this? If I were to make an indie game that ends up being super popular can I just...not interact with these fucks? Or is it some weird connected shit in which I'd have no choice?
Retards gonna retard.
Literally the only high profile case where someone went to jail over another persons suicide involved a person continuously telling someone to kill themselves and spending time trying to convince them. Someone saying "This person did X" is not remotely the same and anyone who thinks it is is fucking retarded. She didn't hound him for days, she put something up once. There is no case in any world where this would EVER count as involuntary manslaughter.
But what can we expect from the legal masterminds of Yea Forums, which also told me Vic Mignignog's case was a slam dunk.
All because of SJW
People kept calling Zoe borderline so now it's the fags' go-to insult. Monkey see, monkey do. Like when they called everyone schizos because people poked fun of them for not being able to keep track of who they're talking to here.
False, a BPD with other problems would. Purely BPD often accidentally kill themselves.
i think twittergate would me more appropiate since it has nothing to do with videogames
Don't care. Even if he was abusive, or even if he chained the bitch to a radiator and raped her for decades, he still deserved to be tried by a court of law rather than lynched by Twitter.
edmund also had this happen to him but because hes a decent human being he only said anything after the guy was already dead, because you dont pile up on someone whos suicidal like everyone (icnluding celeste dev) did
>Ted Kacszynski
I agree with your point but why are you citing this serial killer, develop some philosophical taste
You can just be like toby fox and be completely scared of even posting on twitter in first place anything that isn't related to your game in some way or post something you think is important or a safe opinion once in months just so people won't think you are dead. Toby probably has a private acc no one knows.
>his family says he was fairly abusive
>his friends say he was abusive and retell times he abused them
>co-workers do the same
"He was mean to me. :("
>I meant “Oversocialized” the way Ted Kacszynski did in ISAIF. Basically people who are “too” integrated into society and basically orient their entire lives around trying to “fit in” and do what society expects of them.
Normalfags, you mean.
The other girls that accused him of being abusive, any info on them? Are hey part of the indie scene? Zoe's friends?
He wasn't lynched you baby. So funny that Yea Forums is suddenly on team "mean words on the internet should be illegal".
Toby makes these wierd moral police posts like he's a fairy godmother and the ultimate authority of whats considered immoral behaviour
>gets a page of points to pick at
The one you are on?
>Numerous allegations by large groups of people do hold up, m8.
No they don't, that's actually not true at all.
>no u
I wouldn't say that it strikes that much as sjw friendly since it isn't even that political but it is something completely safe and paints a fake image that he is a wise old person.
>There is no legal requirement to press charges on a person. To go to a court of law they'd need to be seeking for Alec's imprisonment
Yes, there is a legal requirement to press charges. If you do so without a reason that's a crime. And going to a court of law doesn't simply mean imprisonment, people go to court all the time for civil disputes.
Dingdong, this is not a good time.
An amazing argument you have there.
poor guy, his own people made him commit sudoku. it's really sad actually. just proves that sjw's are never your friend, they are the worst human garbage and they will stab you in the back for whatever reason.
I believe the word you're looking for is ridicule.
you don't need to be political to be a SJW
in some ways he seems way more insane and unhinged than the people who do acare about politics
I mean Kavanaugh did that shit m8.
>"50 witnesses saw you shoot this man but I guess we have to let you go because you disposed of the murder weapon"
>there is a legal requirement to press charges.
Please point me to this law as well as the punishment for not reporting abuse immediately. Why aren't you guys having Zoe arrested for not reporting it?
>civil dispute
Lawyers aren't free.
>"50 witnesses saw you shoot this man"
It's be more like
>These couple of chicks say you were mean to them
>Not in any specific way (no rape certainly) but you WERE mean.
Multiple allegations are still allegations. That's what the word means.
It's fucking disgusting. As soon as he died they all took turns pissing on his unburied body.
Alright. Name one person who could collaborate a single event. All I saw was people going
>I always knew that boy ain't right
He's right though.
You'd need to be able to prove she lied, which you can't.Your feefees don't matter in court.
learn proper English you disgusting shitskin
>Zoe told me that he was a piece of shit so I believed her
are you saying they had an audience when they did the pussymobile maneuvers?
>Please point me to this law as well as the punishment for not reporting abuse immediately.
There's no punishment for reporting abuse immedietly, but there is a statute of limitations. Also about pressing charges:
False accusations are a straight up crime, user.
>Lawyers aren't free.
And lawyers don't just go to trial to put people in jail user, that was my point.
>not listening and believing
What are you, adolf hitler?
"oversocialized" just means people who follow the crowrd which has nothing to do with society honestly
Who are you quoting?
It is confirmed her patreon is tanking?
Don't be ridiculous. Hitler died like 70 years ago. Even if I made it to south america, he'd have died of old age by now.
I won't tell you that toby is any closer of being right/alt right wing but you should remember that there are people that genuinely have no interest in politics and doesn't really want to engage in such things. I doubt that these people as game devs would daily talk about it so you can't judge them based on their political views (since there wont be any to begin with)
why is resetera here
Nah but it is on a downward trend. Still making $1300+ a month
I recall her saying she needs 1800+ to afford rent. She's retarded for relying on Patreon for income.
I don't think Toby is political, I think he is a social justice warrior in the literal sense of the word, he thinks of himself as a morality policeman
Which might be ok if he wasn't mentally unhinged
Of course. No one person could live that long, especially not with secret medical technology developed in a secret arctic base.
Last I heard it jumped to $1,500 and now it's back down to $1,300? She surely is losing patreons. God forbid she has to get a real job.
What does she actually do?
Fraud and exploitation.
>Is this one of the biggest fuckups in gaming?
it will and already has been memory-holed by kiketaku, polygon, etc.
What was that about advanced GERMAN medical technology?
Shut up, #2, I told you not to talk about the secret base. It doesn't exist, by the way, and it's called Antarctica. The arctic is north.
Certainly nothing about it BEING THE WORLD'S GREATEST, I can assure you.
what people are not talking about is some game developers get forced to work on games and are forced to stay in a certain location until the games finished. Like zoe is claming
Please prove the accusations were false. Also if they were false, why didn't Alec go to the cops? You stated any greviance needs to first be brought to a court, and he never did.
And no, there is no law or requirement to report a crime committed on you. This isn't a thing and no victim of anything is required to go to the cops before telling someone else. You may WANT that to be a thing, but it isn't, and you didn't link a law, you linked some article.
As for statute of limitations, they vary based on state. Some states have no statute of limitations for sexual assault. And most are far longer than 7 years.
Oh I see what you mean. That is not really surprising considering the game UT is. Well, you just can't have mentally healthy indie devs for some reason, just the fact we both are in this website already shows that we might have the any problem to begin with.
>these charges against Alec are false because you haven't proved them!
>Zoe also needs to go to jail over these accusations because they are false. I shouldn't need to prove it.
Nigga, are you retarded? If you make a claim then the buirden of proof is on you. If you claim something happened and you can't prove it then you made a false claim.
I wish this had gone to court like Vic Mignogna's shit. It would have been fun to see incels lose their mind again because judges don't care about upholding alt-right feefees
>you just can't have mentally healthy indie devs for some reason
The most fucked up people draw the most attention, it's not fair to judge an entire group of people on the worst of them
Vic's court shit went to shit because of the retard judge.
>Please prove the accusations were false.
Please prove they're true, what a dumb thing to say user
Imo the problem isn't even the accusations, it's this culture that's eager and willing to make an Untouchable of you at the mere suspicion of contemptible behavior (most of the time they aren't even accusing the victims of anything illegal, just of being assholes, and that's enough for others to treat them as lepers). After what the indie scene did to him, suicide was almost a rational decision for the guy, he wasn't going to find work in the field he knows again.
I swear, my home village in bumfuck Eastern Europe is more tolerant towards "deviant" behavior than educated Western society, only what's acceptable and what's deviant is a little different.
>Imo the problem isn't even the accusations, it's this culture that's eager and willing to make an Untouchable of you at the mere suspicion of contemptible behavior (most of the time they aren't even accusing the victims of anything illegal, just of being assholes, and that's enough for others to treat them as lepers)
Why don't you go be sexist somewhere else, incel.
There's probably someone but frankly right now I can't think on a single extremely either popular/sucessful/influential indie title that are made by a normal person. It seems that you need to be a madman to hit it big.
Why don't you have sex with him if you're so concerned about incels?
wait what
maybe i'm just a good judge of character, but i fucking knew all this before having read any of this shit.
>yeah, uh, I don't have a problem with men, just machismo, body hair, manspreading and ugh, mansplaining
fuck of retard
Read the archive in the OP. Zoe's own twitter proved her a liar.
Honestly I never ever heard of it. But I won't say that this invalidate it.
>true =/= false
>accusation = no proof = false
accusations without any kind of resemblance of proof are proof of their falsehood, but retards like you cant understand basic shit.
Considering how game deving as an indie is stressful as fuck for the pressure and other things, I can see why that happens so often.
>Why are men such dumb creatures
all of them are just born that way
replying to the wrong post i guess
You have to take it to court. Alec just fucking killed himself after two days. He he's dumb as hell if he's really completely innocent.
And that's the way any case like this would be. All we know is that everyone who knew him seemed to think what he did was in character. And what he did wasn't much. He could have assumed professional victim status, he could have tried leaving the shitlib indie clique scene, he could have taken it to court but all he did was prove everyone right.
Slander and liable laws. The issue is that its up to the victim to file the lawsuit with these things and the SJW cult has men falling on their swords for women in the cult.
>And that's the way any case like this would be.
Including this one, you're correct.
Fat bitch was lying. Yea Forums knew from the moment they wrote a article about. She needed the money and #metoo bullshit. Also the guy was an dumbass from killing himself. You are innocent until proven guilty. Should've just fucking wait, took her to court, and laugh at her face when she has nothing to prove. Also you guys are dumbass for not knowing this sooner but I guess you just want (you)s.
no smoke without fire. By all accounts he was a very troubled and toxic individual.
Jesus christ no wonder everyone on twitter is retarded. They have no fucking clue about how legal systems work
>no smoke without fire. By all accounts she was a very troubled and toxic individual.
If you're under the age of 25 you're not allowed to look at this image
That doesn't matter if he's found innocent. The fucked up thing about America is that it's literally impossible to live a normal life if you're even ACCUSED of sexual assault. No company will hire you, most stores will kick you out, you'll be socially ostracized, and your life will fall into shambles. Killing himself was his only option, to be honest.
I don't remember seeing anyone accusing Zoe Quinn of imprisonment and sexual harassment
There's nothing to prove. Her allegation led to his suicide, and there's no argument to be made here. You could say that we don't know if he deserved to die or not since we don't know if he's a rapist, but there's no denying that Zoe is responsible for his death.
whatever helps you sleep at night
Nobody accused Alec of sexual harassment or even imprisonment though. Just that she was made to be uncomfortable during their relationship
When she cheated on Eron, she had unprotected sex and didn't tell Eron when they had sex again, which by her own account is tantamount to rape.
There's actually tons of zoes tweets from that time of the trip, and they quested on some podcast. that indicate most of what she said is just made up bullshit.
Is Twitter the worst thing ever created? I could say more positive things about nukes than about Twitter.
people accused her of making shit up for her own gain and fucking people for her own gain and being an overall psycho
It's probably done more to hurt society than anything else in the last decade.
She literally accused him of forcefully finger fucking her and walking around the house with his fingers still inside of her
It's not Twitter's fault people are simply abhorrent barbarians at heart. Same for the nuke, really, it just doesn't get used that often.
>I don't remember seeing anyone accusing Zoe Quinn of sexual harassment
Of course you wouldn't.
thats not harassment
based but also unbased
Not him, but I doubt she's honest about that being anything all that bad. Probably if there's any truth to it, it's just him going a little too hard. She's lied so much over the years about abuse and other things that it's impossible to trust her.
That's not harassment user
>We will make it sound like we fired him like we employ him but we won't be a company when people actually want us to be liable for our actions.
I love when they go for that double jeparody shit.
you're right, it's worse, it's sexual assualt
Guys, we need to stop this! Vaush and Destiny are saying that we're rape apologists and we're on their shitlist! We fucked up!
Guilty or not zoe ruined his life in the clique with the accusation. everybody he knew turned their back to him instantly, and they all knew he had mental issues, so i guess it's in "character" for all mentally unstable to abuse everyone. Easy target for zoe. I mean his own sister just kept licking zoes ass.
Last I checked, rough fingering isn't a crime.
He was in the cult and probably joined in with everyone else in bashing the dumb fucks who had been through it before him.
Social media overall is the worst thing ever created, and it feeds the worst aspects of people and social interactions. At least when you get nuked you get sweet darkness.
She also accused him of trapping her in the apartment and taking control of her project, but all her tweets indicate otherwise, so why would that be true.
But user her tweets around that time indicate she was likely lying.
Because you're an useful idiot who remembers only what news articles tell you to remember.
Some move to other countries don't they?
A pedophile and a horse fucker are mad at is!? No way!
>literal who and literal-who-destiny
>We fired him when addressing the sjw mob
>We just stopped working with him lol to everyone else
Leftist cucks and their word games. They all deserve to rot in hell for what they did.
Co-creator was schizophrenic piece of shit that was already teetering on the edge of reality and fantasy. All it did was push him over the edge, but if he didn't do it now he would have done it later for some other reason. This is like blaming Etika's death on his haters; mentally ill people will use any excuse to kill themselves.
We had a teacher one state over who got falsely accused of rape. He had one of his students say that he raped her when she was late coming home, when in reality she was out fucking her boyfriend. I still remember that (thankfully) she eventually admitted to everything, and the judge told her that she would be getting no punishment because "she'd been through enough already"
Of course the guy got fired ASAP, and he wasn't rehired after. That's justice for ya.
>article is specifically (and awkwardly) written to avoid using pronouns for Zoe
>this woman is responsible for a guy's death but we still have to cater to her nonbinary/genderfluid narcissistic delusions
pretty fucking honkpilled.
>Completely cut off a person from all sources of support, something that drives normal people to suicide
>Kill his career, the one thing he was living for
>Do all this KNOWING he has depression
Can't tell if troll or actually evil.
It's called slander, you never hear about it because it goes on off of Twitter.
Maybe he shouldn't have been a piece of shit sexual abuser, then
it's libel, slander is verbal
Quinn lying is no more surprising than water being wet, but apparently that dude did do something to her and other people bad enough that his sister was glad he was dead.
They’re all bad and I’m glad they are eating their own.
Those tweets about her life in Winnipeg reads like make believe stories of someone who pretends to a protagonist in a tv show. “A car crashed through the store we were at” “I was randomly in a musical”. I don’t believe any of it. Absolute lunatic, but what happens in Canada, stays in Canada, eh?
Anyone disagreeing with this post is a faggot.
>Completely cut off a person from all sources of support, something that drives normal people to suicide
What support? He was paranoid about everyone around him from the get-go.
>Kill his career
Mentally healthy people don't kill themselves over false allegations that they can fight against if they don't have a mental illness warping their perception of reality and making everything out to be the end of the fucking world. His ramblings were those of a schizophrenic, just like Etika's.
>Do all this KNOWING he has depression
Depression is the #1 cause of disability in the US. Pick any random fucking person, especially in a socially awkward magnet industry like gaming, and you'll have a good chance of them being depressive. That aside, the dude had more than just depression going on if you actually read his crazy rambles.
You may as well put this into your shitty spiel:
>Has sex/close ties with dumb bitches who knowingly throw people under the bus like Zoey Quinn
>Expect not to get thrown under the bus by dumb crazy bitch who only cares about herself and creating large amounts of controversy
>directly contradictory tweets from the mouth of the horse itself
>or unsubstantiated allegations
wow, I can see your dilemma, really tough to know which to place more trust in.
>not wanting Pence to straighten out the country
it would be cool if trump died though
their relationship happened 10 years ago, retard. no one knew who the fuck zoe quinn was in 2012, 2 years before gamergate
>all those redditors "yikes"ing at this post
He was an annoying person to deal with because of his issues.
The accusations were the perfect excuse for people to cut him off with no guilt.
He's basically Trump's full-time carer. Nothing would be different if he was president.
It was deadass deliberate but nobody cares because "vidyagames" has been a cry-wolf pretty much since its inception. So nobody cares anymore that you think it causes violence or something because it obviously doesn't. Nothing does. Violence is a human tendency and it will never go away.
>excuse for people to cut him off with no social blowback
Though even that failed.
>Use legal options available to defend yourself
>"Well, he must be guilty. No one innocent would have to do that."
>Don't defend yourself
>"See?! See!? He's guilty! Otherwise he sould defend himself!
I'm glad floe lawyered up. That #MeToo against him died fast as fuck even if people were bitching on his Twitter about how he lawyered up.
Oh I'm m sure that's what Alex meant
He behaved improperly for a true ally. He must have secretely been a literal hitler boy from brazil.
You mean mission accomplished
And both would be accurate, just as Francis Ferdinand's assassination just ignited tensions that were built-up well in advance by other causes, the Zoe stuff was just the happening that mobilized internet culture war between well-defined camps. If it wasn't that something else would've pulled the trigger, probably not even that long afterwards, with the exact same people saying almost exactly the same things.
Everything Gamergate was about could be gleamed from browsing Yea Forums 2010-2013.
It's the fabled #GamerGate 2.0 and more people should talk about it.
Zoe eternally runs with the most degenerate skiddies, I'm still waiting for the perfect time to remind the world Kirtaner goatsed himself with a Bawls bottle
Gamergate was about integrity in journalism. About how they shouldn't receive bribes and favors just to be the loudspeaker of PR. Not about some manipulative whore who tries to make everything about her.
but women doesn't rhyme with relax
>Gamergate was about integrity in journalism
fuck oof zoe
i don't agree but based because it pisses redditors
>leftist zealots devouring eachother
Thats the thing with this whole #metoo thing. Aziz Ansari, Louis CK, Alec etc. are the on same level as a Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein simply because they've suffered the fate of that label.
She just admitted it there that it's mostly fake, damn."Exaggerations" here become lies, the courts are quite clear on this. As in she has outright admitted here she LIED about it.
Reminder that the worst he'd done was be an extreme rage-addicted asshole 5-8 years ago and since then received helped and tried to make amends to the people he's hurt.
So what this tells me is those same people said "uh uh I forgive you" and proceed to hold a grudge for several years waiting for this moment.
That screencap is fake, my dude.
>it's trannys faults they kill themselves after being harrassed and their lives ruined!
>It was not this guys fault for killing himself when his life was ruined
Why does a board that prides itself in trying to get mentally ill people to die suddenly pretends to care about mental illness at all?
Sure it is. Wink wink
How would that even work?
Well Zoe and her friends don't need proof, why should I?
Agreed. It's just lolrandumbquirky bullshit.
This, fuck these furfags and liberalists faggots crying about this bastard. The game sucks btw.
The funny part is it's some artsy shit about standing by your friends when they are going through hard times. And all his friends abandoned him the moment things got hard.
The difference is that trannies generally bring it on themselves, it's not like there's anybody forcing them to fuck up their body's like that and show it off to everyone.
>avalanche of misogyny and homophobia that snowballed from a bitter asshole doxxing his ex, from which the repercussions are still being felt far beyond gaming
>actually it was about ethics in games journalism
Because I like to believe that you're not retarded, unlike them.
They care about mental illness whenever someone shoots up a school or a walmart and think someone is taking away their 2nd amendment
How would a court case even mean anything to retards? If there was a court case, and Zoe won, everyone would just flipflop over to "THE CASE WAS RIGGED! SJWS PRESSURED THE JUDGE/JURY! THEY ALL WERE WITH ZOE TOO! JUSTICE HAS BEEN STOLEN FOR US!"
You would never accept the judgment if it did not go your way. If a judge ruled in Zoe's favor, you would not turn around and go "Oh, well, she was right and I was wrong!" It's like with the Vic Mignogna shit. Dude goes to court and his fanboys cheer him on because, in their mind, this is a formality and he has ever won. Once he didn't win, they went apeshit and began sending death threats and stating justice is dead. They only wanted a court case because they assumed they were gauranteed victory
so is it worth a pirate? or is it just a walking simulator?
>misogyny and homophobia
Oh sweetie. Telling a woman/tranny they're wrong is not misogyny or homophobia.
This is the first time I've ever seen a picture of this person and I gagged after opening the image
What do you mean? CK masturbated in front of consenting women. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable this made them? He's all gross and out of shape. How is this not on the same level as decades of human trafficking of minors?
yeah, but making death threats to women and lgbt people because "muh video games" kinda is.
So Yea Forums let me ask you. If you got falsely #metoo'ed followed by the inevitable twitter post of others jumping on the boat with tweets such as "yea he has a history of doing this". How many people would turn on you. I feel like its safe to say that my mother, father, sister, wife would. I think I would be safe in the workplace because I'm good friends with my boss but it would probably cause me to lose my job. The only people who would stand by me is my brother and best friend
Your parents would? Your sister would? Why?
No one would turn on me, because there is no one who could turn on me. There is no life to ruin.
based and wholesomepilled
a court case means she would have to actually present evidence which I bet she does not have. If she does not have anything to prove her accusations its illegal. Libel, or slander. I'm not sure which
>Gamergate was about integrity in journalism
And the fact that they've been shown to turn a massive blind eye on zoe's actions while praising her as some champion against anti-harassment isn't showing a colossal lack of integrity?
I have fickle parents who are a terrible judge of character. I don't dislike them or anything but they would probably not invite me to christmas/thanksgiving because it would be embarrassing for them.
A court case exists to present evidence, not for your mental gymnastics. Vic Mignogna's case is not over, it still has another process 2 months from now or so, and appeal is still up in the air.
This bitch and her SJW troupe are forever discredited and GamerGate is given a moral win because she represented the entire anti-GamerGate.
Cancel Culture is being fucked in the ass on all fronts.
Cray Cray more bitch.
>source of information: people with patreon accounts
Your wife though?
Appeals cost money. Gawkers appeal cost 50 mil. He also must pay legal fees of the defendants.
>Only 90 percent of his bullshit was tossed out! He will still win
And when he doesn't, is it back to death threats on Monica and the Judge for you guys.
Technically libel since it's written. The problem with defamation claims of any sort is that you have to prove willful misrepresentation of the facts. All a person has to do is go "Oops, I misremembered," and the case gets thrown out.
Wow I didn't know Metokur looked like that!
Flip it around. If everyone and their dog was talking about how your wife/girlfriend raped/abused someone and you knew everyone was talking about it behind your back. How would you take it? I think she would believe me but not many relationships can survive that.
>Appeals cost money.
And Vic has plenty of supporters.
>Gawkers appeal cost 50 mil.
Your comparison doesn't make sense.
>>Only 90 percent of his bullshit
>>plausible interference
Your brain just went full retard.
>And when he doesn't, is it back to death threats on Monica and the Judge
I'll leave it to the SJWs to send death threats to a rapist and a dumb rapist-collaborator bitch, and don't forget the wife beater Toye or whatever his name, you stupid little shit.
Right, and nobody on the gamergate side has tried to make a career out of incel clicks
Remember that part in NitW where Bea was jealous of Mae going to college and accused Mae of rape for sympathy, Mae's friends all threw her under the bus because of her mental health issues and kicked her out of their band and her family announced all her issues to the world and told everyone she was a horrible person and didn't care about her even when she killed herself?
That was a weird chapter
That's why.
Woman is a proven liar why did anyone take her word in the first place.
>do you trust the person you love enough to make a part of your family or a bunch of losers on the internet?
If you can't withstand that you shouldn't marry the person in the first place.
Never heard of this game till this dude died. Looks like furry shit and all furry shit people are degenerates so he prob did abuse someone. He was weak enough to kill himself when it came out.
Nah user, she was never 100% proven in the past.
This time however, investigative journalism by a left-leaning website itself has put a stamp on it. No going back from this for the SJW and cancel culture brigade.
Enjoy your loss and inability to take the L
i'd say social media in general is probably the most cancerous thing in modern society, but yeah twitter is a particularly malignant strain of it due to the word count limit resulting in extremely briefly worded ideas without much elaboration and the importance of retweets/shares facilitating the creation of echo chamber social circles.
I met a girl on Bumble (dating app) who was apparently a long time friend and ex-gf of Alec. She swore off social media so I had to break the news to her. Apparently he was gonna meet her in Seattle last week at PAX.
It does not matter what she sais or how much she lies. Her cult following will have her back, because they must or they will be unperson'd and excommunicated.
Say that after the court has finally finished little bitch, and after we see what happens regarding the Japanese studio seeking answers now right before the Olympics.
Timeline of events.
What loss? Funimation is now painted as hypocritical and their reputation tarnished.
AnimeNewsNetwork is being called a fake news laughingstock and a pile of shit by everyone, even worse than ever before.
The Twitterati kickvick SJWs have been outed for supporting casting couch rapists, wife beaters, and homophobes and pedophiles.
We'll take a loss of Vic over the eternal loss of moral highground and reputation of the SJW squad as a trade any time of the day.
Cave Story?
Well they aren't doing it through lying and even if they are that's evading the fucking point.
>people whose source of income depends on a continuous stream of scandal and outrage are definitely being honest
This. It's fucking pointless to throw around accusations like that when what was said was tantamount to "that guy's a dick". What Zoe had said about him wasn't much. Oh fucking no, you can't work with SJWs. Get better work, better friends.