DBFZ is better than Smash Ultimate.
DBFZ is better than Smash Ultimate
dead game
DBFZ is a fighting game.
DBFZ isn't even better than the tag team games it took inspiration from
Holy shit he's in
Okay seriously when are they gonna top Cell?
muh family and the empire
alright character but he kinda sucked as an antagonist
Has a shit ton of disdain for every breathing thing in the Universe and wants to rule it but his character only really works well with Goku and Vegeta
>17 & 18
Better as Z Fighters
Evil because... it's all he knows
>Super Buu
Evil because... evil
>Kid Buu
Sadistic unreasonable sociopath kinda based but they can't really do much with that alone
Don't remember GT too well so I'm not gonna comment on any of those assholes
Sucks cause he went from 100% apathetic God to just another member of the gang/ deus ex machina
>Universe 6
Introduced Super's best character with Hit. Left him in the dust after that.
>Zamasu/ Goku Black
Zamasu's development into Goku Black was cool and Goku Black's absolute contempt for lower beings was alright but that Rage Trunks bullshit just takes a fat dump on everything he was likeable for
Generic ayy lmao just happens to be the strongest being on Earth yea fuck off
Left out Dragon Ball because Piccolo Daimao trumps everyone. Fuck Arale.
this but unironically
>An actual fighting game vs a party game for babby
no shit OP
It is a good game but its stuck with a shit anime .
Make another (updated) Jojo classic fighter already dammit!
So THIS is a copypasta? Why?
Considering that one is a fighting game while the other is a party game yes
>haha if i keep calling it party game it will lose relevancy some day im sure of it!
Not him, but isn't it a party game by design?
a good portion of the cell saga sucked dick
it's not even a good anime
At least it's better than Ultimate and Cross Tag
I mean yeah, i think.
But dark souls is supossed to be a rpg yet doesnt really feel like one. Labels and genres mean nothings these days
Meant Infinite but Ultimate too
is it better than cross tag?
I sure do love fighting a team of Bardock, Adult Gohan, and Cell.