Is this game worth playing in current year? Thinking about getting it on switch but it looks a little dated.
Is this game worth playing in current year? Thinking about getting it on switch but it looks a little dated
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I played it a decade ago and it felt dated back THEN compared to DMC3.
Might still be worth playing if you don't mind simplistic combat.
>worth playing
What does that even mean?
Ah you're one of those. Never mind, you probably wouldn't know how to appreciate this game anyway.
If so, be prepared for
>Fixed camera angles
>Shit to be in the way of the camera when you fight bosses and other shit
>Repetitive music
>Gold orbs
>Do the same combos and downward thrust over and over
>Have the same bosses repeated
>Backtrack to literally and figuratively hell and back
>A boring Dante that doesnt say that much
Most importantly try to have fun
judge it by what it is, datedness and all.
Its like Resident Evil, but as a hack n slash
get it on ps3 so you'll have two fine games
It's great.
you forgot
>first person swimming sections
>mundus phase 1
It's the best DMC game
nevermind, you're a faggot, you won't like it.
Hd ports are shitty
It still my favourite DMC game, I like the progression and that the combat is utilitarian rather than flashy for the sake of it.
Think about it, would you watch old vanilla erotics from the 80s when you can watch modern incest gay furry foot-fetish dominatrix coprophilia porn instead?
Some things just keep evolving, user.
The only CP with actual penetration is vintage though!
user that's a horrible analogy and honestly the latter sounds like an overdesigned downgrade to me. Sometimes more is less.
>Repetitive music
aw no this nigga serious
>Gold orbs
lol ran out of lives like a fgt
>Do the same combos and downward thrust over and over
Wouldn't be a problem if you weren't button mashing like a basic bitch.
>Have the same bosses repeated
with new moves each encounter
>>Backtrack to literally and figuratively hell and back
Welcome to the series hope you enjoy your stay
>A boring Dante that doesnt say that much
lmao dude pizza radical
It's great, but wait for a sale. Don't give those greedy fucks Capcom the money they're charging for it.
If REmake is worth playing so is this.
Is it dated? Yes. People want to deny it but it's true, but here's what everyone don't seem to get, that doesn't matter, the game is still a hell of an experience. Even if some aspects of the game have aged but once you get into the groove of things, once you get used to it, they are a none issue.
As for the Switch? If you have the option, don't get it on the Switch unless it's on sale. You can get the game plus 2 & 3 on any other system for a better price. $20 for a game you can get plus 2 more for $30 new, $20 used, is not a good offer. If you only got a Switch then wait for a sale. If the price is no big deal to you, then go for it, but if it is, wait or go for another system.
Have fun with your dated unreplayable action game, pal ;)
An 18 years old game looks dated? How could you tell?
Every game is worth a shot, even DMC2. You might not like it, but that's okay. It would still be an experience and will teach you something. I think.....
And if you didn't like it, give 3 a chance when it comes to Switch.
It's still the best DMC game
Playing DMC2, especially if you played 1 before it, is truly an unique experience and if you play 3 after it you get the full roller coaster package. I love that webm by the way
Yes, it's the best one.
>the combat is utilitarian rather than flashy for the sake of it.
This very much
The game has style and ranking, but it doesn't want you to arbitrarily show off like later games do. It wants you to kill enemies quickly and efficiently before you get overwhelmed, especially on DMD, and the enemy-specific quick kill techniques are essential to this.
You know, I've never considered this.
It's true that when they were making DMC Mikami mentioned in interviews that they were making the combat to be cool and stylish, but the game never does anything JUST to be that. Each move has a function and it is precise, never superfluous, while in DMC3 and beyond there is a lot of flash over effectiveness. That's not to say that the moves serve no purpose but as the games progress the flash became more and more important.
It's what makes DMC1 unique within the series
Still to this day I'm sad we never got a real sequel to it
It's pretty fun but definitely dated, but in the RE4 way where the game is still good
>Each move has a function and it is precise
The same could be said about Nero in 5 though...
And I don't see your point every move has it's purpose in Itsuno's DMC, there are those that damage, other that stun and moves that make parrying easier. I can't think of a move that's really useless and shouldn't be there.
Is a great game OP.
The HD release has the modern control layout which is better, the old layout was my biggest problem while playing the OG on PS2.
/thread /keked and almost /checked
Kill yourself
Played it for the first time last year and loved it. With that being said the Switch port costs too much.
No u
DMC2 is essential playing.
Well, one of the things. But you are right that it is a tragedy that there will never be a true sequel to it.
>The same could be said about Nero in 5 though...
You're telling me that riding around on a rocket isn't done for flash? Yeah, you can damage enemies and extend your combo, etc, but you can't tell me that that isn't more for the hell of being cool than for precision. Yeah, it is cool, no denying it, but it drives my point home.
>I can't think of a move that's really useless and shouldn't be there.
THat's not what I said. In fact, I very much pointed out that it's not as though any of the moves were without purpose, just that flash became more and more important with every game.
Efficient play in DMC1 still looks stylish though. It's one of the rare games where speedruns are fun to watch.
Backslide(the shotgun back shot) is really useless though. It looks cool, but that's it.
>You're telling me that riding around on a rocket isn't done for flash?
You can attack, parry and launch enemies with it while staying airborne, since Nero doesn't have his DT. It has the same reason as DMC1's air raid
>flash became more and more important with every game.
I suppose so, but that's the fate of every action game. Kamiya made Bayonetta very flashy, and Itagaki made NG2 flashy.
>Backslide(the shotgun back shot)
It gives you the ability to shoot (push away) an enemy that's behind you while focusing on the enemy that's in front of you. That's a useful option, if the enemy AI was aggressive enough.
>You can attack, parry and launch enemies with it while staying airborne,
Come on, man. That's not why that move is there. Let's not pretend that there are essential moves that can only be done on the rocket. That move is completely superfluous and just there to let you show off. You are barely above the air, you are slow, hard to turn and limited to a few moves. Jumping gets you more height, running gets you more speed and control, and just because you can parry, attack and jump or do some very basic stuff it doesn't make it an efficient or practical move. And it's also not a good replacement for Air Raid.
It barely works in practice though. You have to go out of your way to make it work. The idea of the move is good on paper but poorly executed.
Is there a no item category for speedruns that people do? Only ones I've seen involve a lot of holy water.
>Let's not pretend that there are essential moves that can only be done on the rocket.
There is a level segment that requires you to use it to progress.
And you can get very high with it, if you're good enough. And it doesn't serve as an air raid replacement but an air raid equivalent because Nero is supposed to be different from Dante. But to be honest the idea just came from the animation dude because he though it was cool.
It does work. It's just barely used because there are way more better alternatives.
If you're a complete newcomer, DMC1 should be approached as a more combat heavy Resident Evil-style adventure title, than as a modern character action game of the Platinum mold. Your mindset should be similar to playing/revisiting an 'old school' tank control game, with the assumption that the controls will not conform to modern sensibilities.
In a sense, the situation is similar to expecting modern tps controls and conventions from RE4. With an open mind to play the game on its own terms, there's fun to be had.
Air Raid and the rocket ride are completely different. You don't have to steer yourself into enemies to attack them with Air Raid, for one thing, which is part of what makes it strong.
>It's just barely used because there are way more better alternatives.
In other words, it's superfluous. That's what the person you were talking with said already.
it really is. DMC2 sucks as much today as it did back on release, 3 is where the series got good.
at least a hundred times better than 5 flaws and all
only thing I hated about this game was it having fixed camera angles. If you look past that, the game is a delight to play.
>Air Raid and the rocket ride are completely different
Yes, Dante and Nero are ment to be different while still doing the same functions.
And I understand that air raid is easier and better to use but that doesnt mean rocket ride isn't used for anything in the game.
>In other words, it's superfluous
There is no other move that let's you do what the backshot does. The alternatives are blocking and dodging.
That is true. I forgot about that section. If that was a consideration, though, I wish they'd added more segments like it across Nero's campaign. Just one, very complicated, optional segment doesn't exactly make me optimistic about it's necessity. If move segments with varying degrees of difficulty were scattered around it would feel far more essential than what is is now. That's something that's more of an issue because the game is split amongst 3 characters instead of each getting a full game.
Yeah if you enjoy good old jank
Give em the ole Joch1
It's pretty dated but it's definitely worth playing at least once. It's an important part of vidya history as the entire LE CRUZYY action genre has DMC to thank for it's existence.
And as a game itself it is clearly very intellegently made and well designed, and still fun.
But compared to anything after it is indeed clunky as all hell.
>Each move has a function and it is precise
that's an interesting point. aside from the sword toss, which i never really found a proper use for, every other move filled a very specific role
Well, for that I've only ever used it when I don't have Ifrit yet and want to do some hand to hand. Round Trip is only really useful in 1 where covering a large distance isn't as easy as the other games and you want to inflict serious damage to a far away enemy. I use it a lot during the Griffon fights.
i've always assumed that going barehanded without ifrit was going to be less optimal than simply using alastor
never tried it against griffon, i've always went with ifrit and spammed meteors
>never tried it against griffon, i've always went with ifrit and spammed meteors
I play New Game each run because NG+ is for plebs. You don't get meteor for griffon's first fight, but then again you can still just skip it.
you can only skip griffon in ng+ though
Well, I use it against Griffon because the bird bastard moves around the most compared to the other bosses.
Forgot to mention. Round Trip is also VERY useful against Mundus.
>A boring Dante
fuck you, pathetic manchild