ITT smash images that didn’t age well

I’ll start

Attached: E55E5DE5-D267-40B9-BBF0-A789676D04C1.jpg (900x599, 102K)

the smash fanbase doesn't seem to age well in general.

Attached: 39C70887-1947-462C-A185-113C93F3551C.png (729x1094, 1M)

Attached: comic372.png (650x1809, 469K)

Dlc is still coming buddy. Rosterfaggin and all that shit is here to stay wether you like it or not

Any grinch leak pic

Attached: Grinch_leak.png (1405x1509, 2.04M)

>piranha plant poster

What didn't age poorly about this board and Dragon Quest in Smash?

Attached: D8yv5vZXUAAynrm.png (928x475, 462K)

Attached: 56b.gif (571x522, 163K)

Attached: 1540609695939.png (2000x1600, 3.54M)

>Desperate Skullfags actually thought that chairs in the background where a hint

Attached: 1534697591173.png (1123x863, 881K)

this will always be my favorite

Attached: erderik.png (2592x1214, 569K)

>the jaw is different
>the nose is different
>the eyes are different
>the hair is different
>the cheek bones are different
>other than that it's exactly the same head
Another masterful sleuthing job by smashfags.

>Post Samus
>Nothing lewd

2013-2017 NeoGAF/ResetERA is a fucking joke even when they're not shoehorning politics into literally everything.

was this when they announced wario

ganon killed link's parents. wasn't fox's dad killed by star wolf?

I'm not even sure Fox's dad was dead until the end of 64

Yes Sakurai traveled back in time in the Ultimate direct to announce Wario in Brawl.

I thought Pigma killed James

James was betrayed by Pigma who later joined Star Wolf.

>wasn't fox's dad killed by star wolf?
Just Andross and Pigma. Wolf and the others had nothing to do with it.

Just because he got in doesn't make it stop being funny.

This is the first time I'm seeing this one and I was in pretty much every grinch thread. Not to mention you would think it would be Ken and not Steve since Verg said the last 2 characters revealed would be Ken and Inciniroar and Steve would only be DLC if anything. Not to mention, if somebody was going to bother making this and genuinely believed it, their autism would have had them including pretty much everyone from the ginch leak, not just Banjo and Geno. This reeks of something recently made by a buttmad Stevefag who still can't get over Banjo getting in and is grasping at straws and rewriting history to make Banjofags look foolish.

and now they still believe they're in

That image has been around since the Grinch leak first dropped you newfaggot.

FPBP in existence