What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

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>lets remake 10 year old valve game

What the fuck happened to Yea Forums this month? Was it cyberpunk bringing in a ton of retards? well more than usual that is or some shit i dont give a shit.

fuck off shill

why do they keep trying to make multiplayer games
they're ALWAYS fucking AWFUL


OP is a faggot nigger

seething outbreak cuck

There was already a thread up, or did you make this one because other wasn't full of people mindlessly shitting on the game?

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I'll reserve judgment for when it shows up in TGS. No point shitting myself and throwing a tantrum.

If Valve doesn't want to make another Left 4 Dead, fuck them.

ORC is fun with friends tho

>Zombie Master meets Dead by Daylight
Press F for the homies who thought we'd get Outbreak HD.

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plenty of shit games are "fun with friends". it's the fact that you're playing *with friends* that lets you have fun. all multiplayer-focused RE games are pure dogshit.

I just... wanted outbreak
that's all
is that so bad?

I need to see gameplay, only then can I call the game a piece of shit. When's TGS?

It’s not 3make or RE8


I have no opinions until I see some gameplay. It will be hard to make a good re multiplayer game but I'm cautious optimistic since they've been on a winning streak with RE lately.

>I have no opinions until I see some gameplay
Is going to be shit and a mess.
>I'm cautious optimistic
go back to pleddit and stay there

I didn't eat my cum despite promising I would

ORC is fun when you join a group of ghetto black guys who banter and laugh with each other throughout all the hard points and boss fights. We went through every difficulty that night. Good stuff.

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>Could've just rereleased Outbreak HD on stream and people would've ate that up
>LOL Let's make a game that's following a trend that died 3 years ago
Capcom was always shit. They always treated their audience like retards. They babyfy every franchise to widen the target demographic.
