What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
>lets remake 10 year old valve game
What the fuck happened to Yea Forums this month? Was it cyberpunk bringing in a ton of retards? well more than usual that is or some shit i dont give a shit.
fuck off shill
why do they keep trying to make multiplayer games
they're ALWAYS fucking AWFUL
OP is a faggot nigger
seething outbreak cuck
There was already a thread up, or did you make this one because other wasn't full of people mindlessly shitting on the game?
I'll reserve judgment for when it shows up in TGS. No point shitting myself and throwing a tantrum.
If Valve doesn't want to make another Left 4 Dead, fuck them.
ORC is fun with friends tho
>Zombie Master meets Dead by Daylight
Press F for the homies who thought we'd get Outbreak HD.
plenty of shit games are "fun with friends". it's the fact that you're playing *with friends* that lets you have fun. all multiplayer-focused RE games are pure dogshit.
I just... wanted outbreak
that's all
is that so bad?
I need to see gameplay, only then can I call the game a piece of shit. When's TGS?
It’s not 3make or RE8
I have no opinions until I see some gameplay. It will be hard to make a good re multiplayer game but I'm cautious optimistic since they've been on a winning streak with RE lately.
>I have no opinions until I see some gameplay
Is going to be shit and a mess.
>I'm cautious optimistic
go back to pleddit and stay there
I didn't eat my cum despite promising I would
ORC is fun when you join a group of ghetto black guys who banter and laugh with each other throughout all the hard points and boss fights. We went through every difficulty that night. Good stuff.
>Could've just rereleased Outbreak HD on stream and people would've ate that up
>LOL Let's make a game that's following a trend that died 3 years ago
Capcom was always shit. They always treated their audience like retards. They babyfy every franchise to widen the target demographic.