New trailer is out. Organization XIII data battles confirmed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nomura’s redemption arc is almost here

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cutscene will be two seconds long

lets keep fanbase warring to a minimum if thats possible.

Oh boy, sure would be a shame is Barry came to shit up this thread too!

And it will only be a cutscene.

Just ignore him it’s that simple

Are they going to add longer scenes to the game on top of the new ones? I don't get why the Chirithy part is added to the trailer when it explains something that is already there in the real game. Same with corporeal Namine.

In typical Nomura fashion I have no idea whats happening. Retcon powers? We homestuck now?

Who else is hyped right now?

Attached: all smiles.jpg (280x330, 19K)

post hopes for superbosses
Icould go for something equivalent to kurt zisa from kh1. Also of course sephiroth and maybe a lingering will equivalent

What do you mean?

>Retcon powers
More or less, the power of waking has the ability to rewrite time if you wish hard enough at the cost of your personal existence.

>I don't get why the Chirithy part is added to the trailer when it explains something that is already there in the real game.
It shows that we'll get to see (and play through) how Sora saved Kairi though.

What a shitshow
Literally just selling cut content.

Ideally with a less shitty ending

I'm expecting the 13 Org fights as solo, though having the MoM cameo as the LW equivalent would be dope.

OH SHIT IT'S AFTER THE FINAL FIGHT? I'm such a retard, that makes sense, although it wasn't really needed, I think.

its a safe bet that the xigbar and vanitas fights they showed in the trailer is something akin to data org


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Kurt Ziza was Dark inferno. As for the rest of the fights, they are basically brand new considering each Org member minus Xehanort had 3 moves

Is he doing the Marge krump?

There’s no way this is just a cutscene. This will be a playable fight. ReMind is giving us more playable characters obviously why would this be different?

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It seems (or at least many people already think so) Sora gets to time-travel and re-write the KG events again and that's why some of the fights look different. Essentially Sora creates a 3rd timeline.

>mfw they brought back reaction commands
I hope you faggots are happy now.

This shit should have been in the base game. Fuck Nomura and FUCK Square

You overestimate Nomura, and quite honestly Square as a whole.

i think its more likely that a LW equivalent would be yozora

Posted in the last thread but there are now THREE timelines right? The one were lol everybody dead. The current timeline. And now a new one that Sora created to save Kairi? Still lost as fuck

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I see. I liked how the process of saving Kairi again was in a ellipse, but I guess Nomura is using this DLC to fully explain the (bogus) mechanisms of all the comebacks for the people at the back. Which will probably not be fun. Well, at least there seems to be more battles.

it's time. KH3 and DMC5 were the only games i looked forward to this year and while 5 was great i hope that 3 will get better with the dlc

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You guys keep saying this and it never happens.

Based DMCbros.

He's just abusing the shit out of his powers to rewrite the events at the expense of his own livelihood, it's not very hard. However, in the next game these dimensions could interact, it would be mad interesting and it would be an understatement for Nomura to use this element, as DDD's crazy ass plotting shows.

Worldlines, user.
It's even dumber than timelines.

But it’s ALWAYS been Nomura style to not finish a game on time and then add the kino shit a year later . It’s been that way since KH 1

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Unless this dlc retcons Roxas/Xion/Namine/Repliku coming back and undoes the trend of FF/Disney getting made irrelevant as each entry passes I doubt it.

Trying too hard. KHchads will never be bros with games that flop hard while including P2W microtransaction mechanics.

Attached: Khchads cant stop winning.png (2775x1775, 2.75M)

>only Barry can criticize my favorite game
The absolute delusion of KH3 apologists

hi barry

Make Scala Ad Caelum an actual full world please

Even if it was just the hub for the data fights I'd be down, the theme is just too good.

and here comes the fan warring shit. Didnt i tell you to fuck off at the beginning of the thread?

Reminder that patches can't save Floaty Hearts 3.

Attached: this hurts the osakafag.jpg (400x400, 30K)

>Re Mind

KH1 added a fucking boss battle and some unvoiced cutscenes that didn't really matter. It was basically a glorified balance patch.

You know Barry, this bait doesn’t really work if you try to do it twice in a row.

its honestly one of the most aesthetically beautiful worlds in any kh game up there with the world that never was and hollow bastion. It looks so fucking cool and i wish we can explore it with remind

KH1's european and american release was already "patched" in many regards, but I agree, KH1 was completely solid before any patches. So was CoM.

No just someone who realizes that no amount of DLC can fix this game
The story and pacing are fundamentally shit

>dabbing on both Demakecucks and SandbagMayCrybabies in one image

Based KhCHAD

Attached: KH2-Sora-CHAD.png (1143x768, 1.3M)

ReMind... or ReWind?

does it have better gameplay

So it really was KH 2.9. Now that it's going to be a finished game what can we expect in the way of FM content?

>Even Axel realized that he’s a shit Keyblade wielder and just went back to chakrams

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Based and also BBpilled.

Attached: KH3 is shit.png (609x246, 19K)

ok barry

>more sales=good!
>less sales=bad!
REmake 2 and DMC5 are masterpieces compared to the steaming pile of shit that is KH3

Fuck off barry. Sora and Dante would share a monster.

I can't wait.

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It's kino time

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what happened to the shibuya dlc

kh3 was trash
dmc5 is kino

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: Oq1XSGFF_400x400.jpg (294x294, 19K)

>Data Xion
>She turns into the giant armor form

They're all shit, DMCuck. But at least one of them sold well.

Attached: DMC5 'combat'.webm (900x506, 2.63M)

>Be a streamer
>Make peanuts
>Your gf has like 3 jobs to pick up your slack
>Decide to have a baby
>Stream now runescape full time for like 10 people must
>Has no clue his life will be hell in a couple of months
Such a fucking retard

Fuck off kh fag falseflaggers

Just because the thread got closed i'm not letting you escape from your sameposting.

What games do you like?


? That's for the next game dude: KH4: DDD2 Riku's Orpheus Drive or something in latin

Barry, AKA Bazztek (among a few other names) is an FF15 shill. He spent several years pre-release shilling it, and it came out, and it was shit, so he doubled down on the shilling. Any game he feels even slightly threatened by he will false-flag in an attempt to shill FF15. Most common examples of this are FF14, KH3, DMC5, Sekiro, and TWEWY. Also he tried to sexually assault some Luna cosplayer. He once got IP-banned on Yea Forums 15 times in a single day, and any time anyone calls him out he'll insist that some other namefag is responsible.

everyone forgot kh3 came out so they named the dlc ReMind

based 2fmchad putting dmc losers in their place

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Not DLC, that's the next game.

Stop evading barry

this fuck kh

>he tries using the brain argument

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I didn't know ff15 had so many shills and were so insufferable.

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Says the samefagger nathan

Reminder that KHbros, DMChads and Sekirobros are all together in hating barry and XVfags

Aqua is a slut


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We are never gonna have nice threads again, arent we. Just because one autist is really fixated on us and wont stop evading.

Everyone that disagrees with you is Nathan Barry, we are all Nathan got it?

So when we getting playable Donald? He’s literally the most powerful character in the entire franchise

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Barry is a KH fag boogeyman that only attacks KH because its shit.

Because KH3 bombed and lost to FFXV, KH fags tried to attack XV by falseflagging as "Barry" in DMC threads so they could throw DMC fans against XV fans, which only benefits the butthurt KH fags that want to attack XV because of their perceived slight, and since DMC fans are not autistic KH fags they were not aware of this Barry falseflagging that KH fags kept doing, and so unwittingly believed that 'Barry" or XV fans are the ones attacking DMC despite the fact that they aren't.

"Barry" doesn't attack DMC, KH fags do and then will try and pretend they're chummy with DMC fans to deny their involvement.

XV fans love DMC and even created mods for DMC5 in XV.

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we need to get God Hand chads & MGR chads

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today I will ReMind them

atleast crop your image properly. Do we not deserve some quality in our shitposts?

I just wanna talk about video games, bros. Why the fuck do all of these autistic fan wars have to happen?

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>Several posts within literally just a bunch of weapons and characters randomly listed as if they're techs
This is what an abbo's brain is like

DMCfags on suicide watch LMFAO.

Attached: 1449124927641.png (1280x633, 806K)

Don't forget about TWEWYfags desu.

Stop evading nathan

>autist is clearly holding R1+O and still gets hit taking damage while having wait mode on and using one of the strongest base game regular weapons in the game Durandal with elemental advantage against one of the weakest grunt mob enemies in the entire game while having a full 5 member party

Attached: just hold O to win except for when you don't .webm (960x540, 2.93M)

>backloaded story
>fanservice resurrections
>time travel
>Master Xehanort gets a happy ending
>sequel bait ending
How is DLC going to fix any of this?
I’m not Barry FFXV is also a garbage game but at least there aren’t nearly as many delusional retards defending it

Could mods theoretically ban Barry entire city isp?

KH3 outsold FFXV

Same user everyone.

>IP count doesn't go up while Barry replies to himself
So what happened in his life he had to live in his mom's basement till the age of 40 browsing KH threads Yea Forums and /vg/ all day?

All you faggots in this thread refer to

I don't think God Hand chads or MGRchads have been falseflagged by barry yet, but as an MGRchad I fully support this idea

>single button combat with uniquely named moves
Nice try

Bloodbornechad here to say you're all fags LMAO

If 3 had been good he wouldn't have a leg to stand on and everyone would bully him out of threads. But now the dicksuckers just paint everyone as Barry because they can't cope.

Reminder that DMChads, XVbros and Sekirobros all hate KH

Attached: oka kh2 ffxv mgr bayo2 vanquish w101.jpg (809x1340, 271K)

So he is hating on each community? Not just KH and DMC?

Will we ever be able to discuss this fucking game without this faggot shitting up the threads?

sorry for posting that image, but i had to to show that fucker that the brain meme is retarded because arguments in both images are terrible

Attached: proof that i'm him.png (626x81, 7K)

Nice try nathan

Attached: neithof aka nathan.jpg (1080x929, 291K)

Still seething because he was the only one not invited to any press event before release

Just don't respond to him even if others do, it's probably himself samefagging

There's almost no actual fanbase warring. It's just barry trying to start shit.

Reminder that DMChads and XVchads are bros and even make mods for eachother's games. Meanwhile KH3 is so shit and irrelevant that it doesn't even have a PC release.

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seething barry

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Look at nathan cope

Look at the falseflagging kh fag


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you know that's a joke weapon right? the point of DMC is self improvement, Dr faust is for people who have nothing else to buy with their orbs and want to throw it away on something.
it's not like ff15 where there's no self improvement, just warp strike.

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Look at barry cope
Look at the falseflagging ff15 fag

>"nathan" has several instances of posting at least 3 times in under a minute, faster than even a pass user can post

XV sold 6m in 1 month and sold 9m atm
KH3 is still at 5m shipped as of august 2019


Attached: Ansem,_Seeker_of_Darkness_KHIII.png (463x1153, 308K)

Looks like Sora is rushing to prevent the fight.

>Vanitas rides on keyblades to dab on Ven in BBS
>Ventus rides on his keyblade to dab on Vanitas

Attached: ven ride.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

No it didn't.

kh is literally single button combat

KHfags seething from this truthpost.

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In which ways is Sora going to break the matrix on reality on his second rewriting spin upon it? Is he gonna see past and future collided, maybe? Flashbacks in Scala Ad Caelum?

So we arnt dicussing the dlc and just autisticly arguing about other fanbases this thread?


We can only hope

"We'll just release the game now and finish it later." Kingdom Hearts 3 was so lacking in content it hurt. They had the means to make a great game, but decided not to. It's frustrating simply for the fact that that they chose to have barren landscapes with no treasure at all. They chose to put stupid G&W games in all of the big chests. I still enjoy the game, but it wasn't up to snuff with the first 2. It really doesn't help that the remixed versions made 3 look even worse.

Nomura is a hack everyone should know this by now

>i-it doesn't count bro it was just a joke it's just a prank bro


Attached: 1556825283347.png (280x284, 82K)

>Please stop bothering us me, I’m getting too old for this shit

XV shipped 8m in it's lifetime
KH3 is currently at least at 6.3 million, since it passed KH1's record of 6.2

Kh3 will unquestioningly outsell FFXV, even without a PC version

Oh no kh fag seething because kh3 bombed

t. nathan

>backloaded story
Par for the course for KH desu.
>fanservice resurrections
Everyone saw them coming (and the characters deserved them, at least Terra and Roxas did)
>time travel
Used since DDD or even KH2 if you want to get technical
>Master Xehanort gets a happy ending
Probably had a reason for turning evil if these Remind scenes are anything to go by, probably corrupted by MoM in some way
>sequel bait ending
KH3 was never meant to be a "finale" and Nomura made that clear in some of his older interviews

>no skateboarding in 3 proper

Doesn't get that is falseflagging to hate and like at the same time the dmc fanbase

What the fuck did TWEWY ever do to him?

Will KH's narrative end up determining cycle in the nature of existence that Sora will provoke without knowing and that Xehanort was trying to put forward but couldn't because he was doing it knowingly?

>Single button
>Need to constantly make active use of dodges, blocks, formchanges, reactions, and menus, even as low as standard difficulty
>XV on hard can be cleared by holding attack

So it's not Xion focused? Seems like when they mentioned Xion they meant it as one of the playable characters seeing as I assume you're gonna play as one of the main trios in each fight.

Nothing. He feels threatened by it because KH3s ending references it.
That should give you an idea of the scope of this abbo nigger's autism.

Funnily enough, FFXV doesn’t even have a hard mode.



*breaths in*



Attached: 1487155307914.png (181x201, 48K)

>KH3 was never meant to be a "finale"
It was, it was supposed to be the finale of the dark seeker saga. But it just spends more time setting up KH4.

XV sold 6m in its first month
XV sold 8.4m by November 2018 and has hit 9m by june 2019 when the steam version hit 1 million sold

kh3 is still at 5m shipped by August 2019

kh3 is not and never has been at 6m you lying fuck

Does the DLC make the combat fun and not about spamming cutscenes?


Didn't you said that DMChads and XVchads are bros?

That sounds insanely autistic.

It's just more half assed cutscenes to explain how and why she returned.

>using the same images from that GoW thread a while back

I thought it had normal mode (game journalist mode) and hard mode (easy mode)? It's been a while admittedly

Reminder that the mods/jannies do listen. Just do the r-word in the corner of his posts.

Attached: xv btfo 2.png (1095x462, 75K)

Nope. Just Easy and Normal.

I don't even particularly care about XV, but I like everything you listed.

You just quoted two different people, retard. I'm a 2FMchad.

Attached: 1547161027423.png (750x717, 245K)

So dodges, blocks, combos, directional inputs, weapon switches, warps and warpstrikes, counterparries, character switch etc that are in XV which is more required buttons than any kh

Attached: You can hold only O to win amirite.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

lol you're so angry that you're lying to yourself

He's a fun case study on insanity and paranoia.

It's over Barry im going to use the N word

Attached: Cloud1.jpg (1383x719, 71K)

And as already pointed out KH fag is falseflagging you retard

Where the fuck can you actually discuss the trailer without 45 literal autists falseflagging each other and calling themselves nathan and barry over and over?

Jesus fucking christ. This board is shit.

No i did not you are all the same person impersonating other users.


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Astral Chad reporting in. Unfortunately I haven't transferred over my screencaps from my switch yet, so have this instead.

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I get that that's probably gonna be one of the reasons of the dlc, but it seems mpre like he should have advertised it for how Kairi returns.


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japanese dub is literal shit wow. People defend this?

>no Aladdin to do King of Thieves
>No Treasure Planet
>No Kim Possible
>no Marvel
>no Star Wars
>no FF subplot resolving Cloud/Sephiroth conflict
>no Riku/Kairi moments
>No battle with Sora/Riku/Kairi
>Axel doesn't get a new outfit until the very end of the game
>Mickey isn't playable
>no Mickey/Donald/Goofy party
>no real scene between Ven and Roxas
>Lingering will isn't playable
>Terranort isn't the final boss
>no Roxas fight against Xemnas
>Ansem doesn't use his Guardian in battle
>Organization 13 members only have 3-5 attacks max each
>no two become one with a keyblade transformation that's final form dual-wielding oathkeeper and oblivion.
>no Fenrir with the keyblade transformation based off of FF7 limit breaks.
>no Sephiroth boss battle
>no Noctis boss battle
>no Colosseum
>no Tidus meeting the fairies from KH2 or Auron
>Only 20 hours long
>no real ending
>end is all sequelbait
>khux shoved in to pander to gachafags
>didn't meet Neku and the gang at Shibuya
>riku and aqua only playable once
>no playable Kairi
>no playable Axel
>no world that acknowledges gummi space like monstro
>somehow gummi flights are even more boring than KH1 and they knew it so you can very easily just cut off to the side and avoid enemies entirely
>cut content was released as 0.2 a couple years earlier instead of leaving it in the game to polish
>paid dlc is recyled content that includes just organization rematches, and the keyblade graveyard with different characters
>organization rematches don't have their own unique battle arenas like in KH2FM
>Sora can't run in circles properly

KH3 was a disaster.

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>Manages to have more heart than the culminating entry of a nearly two decade old franchise about hearts

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I often wonder how Walt Disney would react to this. Never would he imagine that the Japs would make Donald fucking Duck conjure up enough magic power to literally nuke a man out of existence

Attached: zettaflare.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

We'll get more trailers before it comes out, they'll probably just post the whole DLC on YouTube like the base game.

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Attached: Cloud4.jpg (1200x624, 280K)

Do you think the expanded cutscenes will be added to the game itself as a form of NG+ or, on the contrary, will be added in the literal post game as way to show how Kairi was saved from death again?

He was a math major. He can get a job whenever he wants.

Only dumbasses do. Having Disney involved automatically requires English dubs.

It’s a better ARPG than XV so of course he feels threatened by it.

Attached: Cloud5.jpg (1200x624, 307K)

There is a reason why the Final Mix had English dubs. It's because the Japs prefer the English voices . Kingdom Hearts dub is so much superior to the Japanese version it's not even debatable

Attached: braig.png (1366x768, 635K)

>they deserved to be resurrected
Roxas and Xion literally came out of nowhere their stories were finished they became whole with Sora
Nomura just brought them back so retards can clap when they recognize them
>time travel was in DDD and 2
In 2 it was for a special world that was never taken seriously it had no relevance to the main story
DDD is the game that permanently ruined the series’ story by introducing time travel and resurrecting every dead villain
The plot should have never focused on time travel it convolutes everything
>Master Xehanort was turned evil
This is such an awful twist that ruins MX as both a character and a villain how could anyone defend this?
>it was never meant to be a finale
That’s my point it should have been after how long we had to wait between main games but Nomura has to keep milking the cash cow with another 20 side games
KH2 has a much more conclusive and satisfying ending and still teased future games in a way that wasn’t insulting
Fuck anyone who defends this story

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>touch screen QTE simulator

You just posted cringe bro

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Re:Mind me not to fall for this shit again

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Imagine having to explain yourself in your resume that you didn't want to further you career because you wanted to stream some kiddy game. Embarrassing.

I have no clue user. I kind of wish it was lineal content in the same way the Roxas fight was part of the game in Kh2FM+, as well as the ton of extra cutscenes, but we'll see.

I think it'd be kind of dumb considering maybe I want to start a new file to play the game with the DLC and I can't on the first clean playthrough since it's locked behind NG+

Here is SE state XV hit 5m on day 1 and is the fastest selling FF game

Here is Tabata stating XV broke even on day 1
>G: There has been a lot of speculation on how many copies the game needed to sell to break even. Are we there yet? Did Final Fantasy XV break even and is now into profitable territory?

>HT: Of course, we broke even on day one.

Here is official report confirming XV was close to 6.6m by Nov 2017

Here is SE confirm XV hit 8.4m by Nov 2018, 2 years after release

And now it's at 9m+ since Steam XV hit 1m+ by June 2019 and was at around 500k on Steam back when it was at 8.4m

Meanwhile KH3 is still only at 5m

Here is what SE said in August 2018 about KH3
>Having surpassed 5 million shipments and digital sales following its launch earlier this year

Now here is what SE said about KH3 in February during its launch at the end of January/Start of February 2019

> SQUARE ENIX® proudly announces that KINGDOM HEARTS III, the latest mainline entry in the beloved action RPG series, has shipped more than five million units globally, both physically and digitally, across all platforms since its January 29 release, making it the fastest selling game in the history of the series.

By August 2019 they just reworded the same thing saying KH3 surpassed 5m shipped and digital sales which means it has not actually sold more than 5m, as that 5m number was for shipped units to retailers, not customers.



Attached: single fact.jpg (207x253, 8K)

he dun did it!


August 2019*

>ignoring the announcement that KH3 is the best selling game in the series
Lmao barry. Seeth harder


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Stop posting this

Roxas coming back from being part of Sora has been hinted at since DDD, arguably since coded.

>I kind of wish it was lineal content in the same way the Roxas fight was part of the game in Kh2FM+, as well as the ton of extra cutscenes, but we'll see.
This is probably the best solution. When I meant NG+ I meant this, sorry for using that concept.


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Going through that movie really hurt

At least actually look up or play the games you shitpost about, you autist.

Are you ignoring that statement was made by NPD and applies TO THE US ONLY you fucking retard? NPD only tracks US sales and only even talk about US sales, not worldwide.

It had the best gameplay of the Command Deck games. It's a shame it got saddled with a filler plot, it's a really fun game.

Hinted at maybe but they didn't actually set anything up. They both just popped in to the graveyard with no rhyme or reason.

KH3 is shit
XV is shit
Both had post-game DLC, and I have no faith that KH3's will be any better than XV's shit DLCs.
Fuck both Nomura and Tabata.

how isn't it a qte?

Release date?

Everyone please just mass report Barry so mods can ban him for the xth time and we can talk about the game.

it isnt in any regard, also twewy devs worked on xv which is superior


Attached: 1556825283347.png (279x283, 82K)

That doesn’t make it a good thing his story arc was completely finished in 2 he had no reason to come back
3 resurrecting him ruins the tragedy of his character and his bittersweet ending of becoming whole with Sora
How is it anything else but fanservice?

How the fuck is it? You never seem to explain what constitutes as one.


>haven't been in a KH thread since 3 dropped
>threads are still overrun with barryposting
how have you schizos not killed yourselves yet

>Both had post-game DLC, and I have no faith that KH3's will be any better than XV's shit DLCs.
At the very least KH has a history of putting story significant content in international/expanded versions, which is why it's a bit less sour than whatever they did for XV. Also, obligatory:

I played this shit.

>superior than TWEWY

>they didn't actually set anything up
Vexen giving Demyx that replica (who then gave it to Ienzo) doesn't count? I'll give you that Roxas just falling into KG was kinda contrived but i still liked it.

XV is kino
KH3 is shit

Wait did the game have a japanese voices options?
Will it?

So this DLC is a post game alternate timeline Sora creates. Does this make the original ending noncanon now?

You don't know what QTE means.

Somebody post the webm where you don't even have to move to beat the Org members

on screen button prompts where if you press them a certain action happens = qte

>kh threads are still full of autistic shitposting


No because the post game timeline doesn't happen unless the other timeline happens.
At least the second timeline isn't utterly fucked like the first one is with no Xehanort about

It's worldwide. KH3 is over 6.5 million copies sold, and XV hasn't sold a single copy in months. KH3 is gonna outsell it

Never played a DMC in my life outside of that one demo for DMCV.
No. The alternate timeline is the ending. Sora broke the first timeline after everybody died to Terranort and the cyclone, then did it again to save Kairi. It's fucking retarded Khux-tier shit.

The japanese game will definitely have english options later on from what I can remember but Nomura hasn't confirmed Eng->Jap yet.

KH3A was nothing but fanservice.

I honestly believe Nomura didn't want to make it.

>Vexen giving Demyx that replica (who then gave it to Ienzo) doesn't count?
They didn't use it, he just burst from the sky. If they had sent him to the graveyard or something that'd be different but as it stands now it doesn't even feel like that scene contributed to his return in any capacity when he just magics his way back to life because Xion was sad.

fuck nomura

how the fuck did twewy get wrapped up in this shitfest lol

>on screen button prompts where if you press them a certain action happens = qte
So, TWEWY doesn’t have QTEs then.

Attached: twewy gameplay.jpg (256x384, 43K)






The mods do ban him, you don't have to just put up with his autism.

So the MoM is just Demyx, right?

>posts the 1 and only music track by that artist
Guess you ignored all the other actual kino music by ACE+ composer and his arrangements of Shimomuras cocompositions because you're retarded

please tell me LW is playable.

>Does this make the original ending noncanon now?
No, it just explains it for people to make explanations about the power of waking, the replica models and how Xion and Roxas come back and other shit that was already explained alongside HOPEFULLY some fucking interesting gameplay.

What the fuck? Were the leaks yesterday real?

>criticize RE2make
>constructive discussion ensues
>criticize DMCV
>constructive discussion ensues
>criticize KH3

Attached: 1563016346223.jpg (338x424, 19K)

>So the MoM is just Demyx, right?
I wish i'd saved that pic that compared Demyx's and MoM's movements. God help me i'm starting to believe this theory

>So the MoM is just Demyx, right?
No it's KH3 sucks

Archive link?

You're surprised Squaretards are fucking children?

it is in every aspect
Core members of TWEWY worked on XV too

Top left Hasegawa (TWEWY Co-Director), who was Art Director and Monster Art Director on Versus and XV left SE in 2019 and joined Tabata's company JP Games.
Bottom Left Arakawa (TWEWY Planning Director) who was a UI system menu designer on Versus left SE in 2012 to work on Mobile games at GREE.
Top Right Kando (TWEWY Director) is still at SE and was Animation Director on Versus, all his animations were retained in XV in the final game, then Animation Supervisor on KH3.
Nomura is a hack.

No it isn't you lying fuck, see XV is at 8.4m by November 2018 and is 9m+ now
KH3 is still only 5m shipped, it has not sold 6m

Attached: Hasegawa_Arakawa_Kando_Nomura_twewy_44.jpg (500x660, 57K)

God I hope so. It would be fucking hilarious, if a little gimmicky.

However, Luxord has better cards for it. His theme about boxes and probability, being Nomura's favourite since 2 for no apparent reason (for how long has he planned his character? It's kinda impressive)

Those leaks didn't have anything from this trailer that wasn't already confirmed by interviews.

The "leak" did however claim there would be a playable Shibuya world which is nowhere in sight.

>>criticize DMCV
>>constructive discussion ensues

Literally never happened. Post this webm in any of their threads and watch the sperging & coping ensue.

Attached: 1552396367630.webm (900x506, 2.89M)

Will Barry finally kill himself when Sora gets in Smash?

Attached: hahad to do it to em.png (568x317, 286K)

Also, FFXV has this.

Attached: FFXV QTE.jpg (1280x720, 142K)


post a source

NPD is not worldwide they are US only

>it is in every aspect
TWEWY was actually a complete game on release so it’s already superior to XV on that front.

you literally posted button prompts

AquaxSora /ss/ sidequest?

Name one case in this thread where KH3 got criticized by anyone other than barry and shitposting ensued like you say.

Yea Forums is extremely lukewarm on KH3, no one is defending its flaws. We are just tired of barry's autism since he has no arguments and never has.

No, this is a QTE

MoM is a doomed timelime Sora

Attached: i am darkness.png (419x676, 290K)

so like how kh2 and kh3 have QTEs?

Attached: kh3 qte 2.png (1924x1076, 1.72M)

The D-Pad and ABXY controls that you use for combos are QTE’s?

i got you

Attached: 1566265941705.png (2104x1811, 1.3M)

>twewy final remix

TWEWY is full of QTEs
I don't think you know what QTEs are if you deny kh2, kh3 and twewy have them

Attached: FF qtes.jpg (400x1139, 131K)

>Line about Sora's heart being eternal

On screen button prompts are QTEs

Yes, you autist. Those are also QTEs.

and this

Attached: 1566265708404.png (1962x1105, 1.57M)

Based user, thanks!

>Oatkeeper and Oblivion
>The two most iconic Keyblades in the series and has been a staple to Sora since KH 1
>Is now DLC
I mean I'm glad they are in but why wasn't it in the base game already?

Attached: 1539615803283.jpg (1024x956, 78K)

Literally every single piece of criticism gets passed off as "Barry shitposting" don't fucking pretend it doesn't.

Please stop responding to Barry on QTEs. It's a fight you'll not win.

There are QTEs in KH3 like the final boss sequence but your pic isn't one. That's a block counter. Having an on screen button prompt doesn't make it a QTE.

>looks like shit still

What were they working on for the past eight months

Attached: JOntvmI.jpg (540x303, 22K)

>no one is defending its flaws.
Do you come to these threads? At all?

So, a single button prompt on screen isn’t a QTE, going by your standards?
Also, a rerelease several years after a game’s initial release does not compare to DLC episodes and patches.

At least they'll be free (i think?).

None of these except the FF13-2 one are QTEs and neither is anything in TWEWY you retarded autist. Keep making up definitions in your head and looking like a complete moron defending them though, while everyone laughs at you as usual.

Because they give you completely different combo set compared to KH1+2 now. Guess they didn't have the time to properly implement them in KH3.

So twewy has QTEs
press the buttons prompts on screen for certain action

Attached: g) (1).jpg (761x403, 59K)

oathkeeper will be free. We don't know about Oblivion yet but it looks like the later one is included in the Re:Mind dlc which you have to buy

>combos that dictate how a character fights are QTEs
Okay, retard.

Cannot wait for Based Bl00dy to shit all over it.

Attached: this hurts the osakafag.jpg (512x512, 68K)

Did interviews confirm that Sora would use the "power of waking" again to save Kairi before this?

Fucking kek. Underrated.

TWEWY top screen is literally sonic tier QTE

Attached: Real_Time_Interaction.jpg (1280x720, 217K)

You are as wrong as you could possibly be. I never see actual criticism of KH3 get disregarded, and I also never see anyone call it a perfect or even great game. You think people look overly defensive because of all the barry talk, but it really just is because barry is an actual extreme autist who posts in these thread every waking hour.

It's Osaka team. They took 7 years to produce a game with handheld-tier physics, fights that play themselves, no coliseum and no Sephiroth.

Attached: Do nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

>posting a trailer that doesn’t even have that show up in the final product

I mean, doesn't the game imply this enough? How the fuck is he going to save Kairi otherwise?

I'm just going by what they said here

>control f Barry
>45 results
Literal schizos

Attached: 0998E08C-9056-4975-AA67-CCA97DC08A71.png (1022x731, 643K)

Can't they let this shit go already?
It was trash and it will never be as good as 2FM.

Because you cant patch DS games retard and TWEWY didnt sell well enough for them to do an immediate revision
they only did so after it gained more traction from the mobile version and being in KH which just happened to be almost a decade later from initial release

>You can protect yourself by blocking in the air and punish the enmey
>B-But you stay in the air!
His arguments are so retarded.

Attached: 1551062933056.gif (300x196, 1.65M)

Wanna know how I know you don't participate in these threads?

They're all QTEs

I don't give a shit. This should be a free update for players who bought this garbage at launch. I'm not paying for the rest of my $60 game.

Even when I posted proof of my Lv.1 Proud and Crit runs and criticized it's shit gameplay they called me Barry. Osakashitters are mentally ill.

Attached: KINGDOM HEARTS III_20190713173116.jpg (3840x2160, 489K)

yes twewy is full of QTEs

When a combo tree is part of the core gameplay it's not a QTE, dumb autist. Especially when said combo tree is for the secondary character while the main character is always controlled directly. You don't know what words mean. Plus that combo mechanic didn't make it into the remake anyway.

>button prompts that fuck you up if you mess one vs actual combos
This is just embarrassing, Barry.

Not feeling the focus on using the other characters. Feels like a quantity over quality solution. Hyped for the Sora vs Xignar though, hope we get data fights for everyone in this vein.

Man, you must have hated the other Final Mixes. At least it's proper DLC now and not a second KH3 you have to buy.

literally qte simulator

next you'll say rhythm games aren't just long ass QTEs

Attached: 1337156902-the-world-ends-with-you-20080314041317696.jpg (480x353, 277K)

KH2FM and KH1FM were a thing at the time, retard.

It is a QTE

Every thread some ignorant jackass like you says something to this extent, and then you realize it really was as we say when barry gets banned for the 100th time and half the posts in the thread disappear. Rinse and repeat next thread with another disbeliever.

You underestimate how bad autism can be.

>cut content is the same as extra content

If you press the wrong button order you won't do what you intended and will mess the qte to do the specific thing you wanted

Other user, but it was a industry standard so bad that only the japanese could endure it.

I bought the other final mixes last year, not when they came out. By then they added even more shit making it about worth the price.

That's not remotely what I said.

>actual combos trees
Barry, you can just say that you haven’t actually played TWEWY.

And they were Japan only games for games that sold over 4m each

TWEWY didnt even do half that

Exactly this. Shitsaka team are still ass-backwards. They're actually wasting development time and resources on underdeveloped characters that you will play for literally ONE (1) fight instead of fixing the fucking core Sora gameplay.

Attached: 1446613726502.jpg (250x180, 9K)

Severe autism.

It is.

Sabins Blitz in FF6 is a QTE exactly the same way TWEWY is

And there’s no consequence whatsoever to fucking up a combo map in TWEWY and you can immediately start another one up. Hell, in some cases, it’s encouraged due to having to certain Fusion Stars.

>side games
We have known since COM that they aren't side games

Okay, you can keep spinning your own narrative over there. I'll wait for you to reread my post and come back over here where the goalposts are.

>Playable Lea
>Possible Playable LW
>Data battles
Looks fun. Only thing I’m still waiting on is an expanded Scala. That was my one big gripe with the base game.

A combo tree isn't a QTE. It's the core of the combat, not a gameplay-interrupting timed button prompt for inserting a cutscene into gameplay.

Based. I fucking hate playing video games too.

They aren't part of the ReMind DLC, they are part of a free update

You are saying that fighting games are just long QTEs, because they make you press button sequences to do moves. Hell, you are saying that all video games are just QTEs. It's funny how you lack awareness because of your autism.

Someone should ban Tetsuya Nomura from his usage of the latin dictionary, he clearly doesn't know the language with monstruous shit like VERUM REX.

Where the fuck are you people getting timelines from, its a straight line, it's the only way it works in Kingdom Hearts, the same way it worked in Dragon Quest 11's 3rd act only difference between the luminary and Sora is that Sora paid a price for his manipulation where as the Luminary didn't, he saved Vernonica and everyone who died as a result of failing at the world tree to Jasper's nonsense. The biggest question is how the friends are able to win their fights without Sora's interference. Terra-nort and Vantias were easily smacking around Aqua and Ven, Mickey was outnumbered 4 on 1 as was Riku with it being 2 on 1, so what plot points will happen to make it possible for them to overcome those odds?

It could be as simple as Sora stopping Xenmas from grabbing Kairi during the Saix and Xion

>I haven’t actually played the game

What am I looking at

Sabins Blitz is literally a QTE

It functions the same as the """""""""""combos""""""""""" in twewy

its a qte

This thread is a complete shitshow. God, I hate Yea Forums

Attached: c07.png (644x942, 97K)

>they talk about dumb lore for 20 seconds, then rush at each other and the scene ends

It's just a complicated way of saying that he rewinds time again to do it in a way that he saves Kairi.

DLC can't save KH3

Attached: Blessed Fry of the people.jpg (856x677, 386K)

Oh, so it's bsers shoulda known.


Being important to the overall story doesn’t make it a main game
Main games are numbered, developed for consoles not handhelds and don’t experiment with gameplay with shit like cards, command deck, dream eaters, flowmotion, and all that other shit

Monster Hunter world and Ninja gaiden, why do you ask?

Nothing can save something that is fine already

>Sabins Blitz is literally a QTE
It literally isn't. You select your Blitz, input a fighting game-style button sequence and get a variable effect. In a turn-based game. Which isn't remotely the same as stopping a real time game with a giant PRESS X NOT TO DIE prompt, which is what QTEs are.

Based 2FMchad

I should have started a standard critical mode, no lvl1 shit, because holy shit is it frustrating to crowd-control everything, die almost in a single hit by some off-screen stuff, and then wait for the excruciatingly long loading screen to finish.

I'm only playing it in short bursts because of that and only made it to the Monster inc world.
It's kinda killed my desire to play the game and now the dlc since I don't want to start all over again just to see if the game's really fun this time around.
Seriously everything's just tedious as fuck on this mode.

Attached: 1542654359518.jpg (640x640, 62K)

It's not something new, it was obvious that he was using the power of waking in a similar fashion again to save Kairi in the base game.

2FM is literally the best AJRPG ever made.

I was just wondering if you had the capacity to enjoy things at all.

Sabin's blitz can be called a QTE because it takes you out of the regular gameplay and stops the action to make you push a specific button sequence, you clueless fuck. That's what a QTE is.

TWEWY's button combos are just the basic gameplay of the top screen and happen in real time, at all times.

Sabin's blitzes are based on Street Fighter combos. Are combos in Street Fighter, which happen during normal gameplay like TWEWY's combos, QTEs?

Try to wrap your extremely limited IQ around that.

>combos that continually do damage to enemies is the same as a QTE
Again, you haven’t actually played TWEWY at all, have you?

Attached: twewy gameplay 2.gif (250x376, 2.47M)

It’s better to just skip CoM it’s a shit game
Going from 1 to 2 and not knowing anything about what the fuck is happening is the best way to play

That's what they said about KH2.

Yes it is

KH2 didn't need saving.

Level 1 is a meme anyway. Crit in KH3 stays hard the whole way through unlike KH2 where when you wanted to even have a harder time was to play on crit level 1

Yes it can and it is, same reason twewy is full of QTEs, same reason rhythm games are basically just long QTEs

Why has no one told that TWEWY's combos are not QTE because they're simply not "quick time"? They're there the whole battle, you don't have a limited ammount of time to use them. Hence why in Final Remix they were translated into two characters fighting simulaneously from two joycons.


KH2 was good though final mix just made it amazing

>No Indiana Jones world

I remember when the consensus on KH2 was LMAO PRESS X TO WIN

Yes that is a qte
see the button prompts?

Getting one shot from offscreen isn't difficult, it's just tedious.

I just had a 3 hour convo with my bro about how dissapointing this game was last night
There's literally nothing they can do to redeem it, I can't even look at the garbage plastic artstyle anymore.

Attached: 1564806326392.png (382x321, 24K)

Ralph is your best friend for those annoying Monstropolis turtles. Make a "snake" around them and it one-shots, it often takes out surrounding enemies as well depending on how good your chain is.

oh god the same idiot from the last thread who said that vanilla KH2 didin't need saving

>hate Yea Forums
You mean /vg/. These are all fags leaking out of /khg/.

Triangle, your memory's foggy.

Let me guess, autism?

If the game isn't fun at level 1, why don't you just level up so it becomes fun? RPGs generally aren't fucking fun at level 1 unless you've already mastered the game and are a huge masochist. Leveling systems aren't there just so you can not level up at all. It's like complaining that Mario isn't fun when you can't jump, while doing the no A button challenge playing Mario 64 for the first time.

Says the virgin loser shitposting on Yea Forums in a thread for a baby game

>taking shitposting at face value

So any game with button prompts is a QTE, then?
Is Monster hunter world a big QTE? But you can turn off the button prompts on that so I guess it is and isn't a QTE.

>Didn't saw yesterday
Oh, poor child.

KH3 was good too and I'm certain history will repeat itself in it's own way. It always has.

they are qtes
specific button prompts lead to specific inputs that has a specific animation done at the end

Then you should keep an eye on the enemies and your enviroment and gid gut.

Holy shit, you’re retarded.
Look at the top screen again and pay attention to how Beat is continually damaging enemies. That’s not a QTE, dumbass.

Attached: twewy gameplay 3.gif (250x376, 2.55M)


So fighting games are just long QTEs. And by extension, all video games are just long QTEs, including your beloved FF15. Are we in agreement? Because if you don't agree, then you admit that TWEWY doesn't have QTEs.

KH3 is a joke even on Lv.1 Crit, you literally can't die while Links are up and you can acquire Once More/SecondChance from fucking accessories on Lv.1, not to mention it's on certain kb transformations. You can't acquire OM/SC in 2FM Lv.1 at all.

Link spam. You can't die while they're active and they blow everything up. Magic is shit on Crit.

>KH3 was good too
Unfinished shit by definition can't be good.


Twewy is full of QTEs
its ok lots of games have them

Attached: 428038-qtes.jpg (740x416, 89K)

Don't forget about people bitching about reaction commands being "triangle to awesome" and how there was no Dodge Roll or how OP Reflect was.

At least I'm shitposting while earning good money.

Ansem's NEW Guardian

Attached: 1554858453308.png (935x495, 300K)

That's literally a qte

Nah, it was X with a side of triangle. Standard mode vanilla KH2 with auto lock-on (so what most casual players would pick) would pretty much play itself by just mashing attack. Harder difficulties make a game's combat's flaws and strengths shine.

>lol just screen nuke everything constantly
This is what constitutes "fun" to 3tards?

Then KH2 wasn't good either by your definition. They both were fine and their Final Mixes made them great. Or in KH3's case, will make it great.

The only problem was the game was too easy the core combat was fun and the story was good and complete
Final Mix just added some bosses and cutscenes it didn’t fundamentally change the entire game

>button prompts that take you straight out of the action vs actual combos that happen in real-time
As someone who played and loved both TWEWY and Bayonetta, you are so full of shit.

A difficulty option endorsed by the developers isn't comparable to humanly impossible SM64 challenges that require TAS, retard.

>Tai Yasue: For people who really want a challenge, you can decide to not carry over Keyblades, equip the “Zero EXP” ability, and play through Critical Mode without leveling up at all. This will test your concentration, willpower, and skill as a player, but we did balance the game so that you’re able to clear it - even with those options.

You're right that it isn't fun, but that's KH3 in general, nothing specific to one difficulty mode.

See the thing that happens when you hit the star here that's finishing the qte and watching the canned animation play out

Are you ready for /ourguy/ young Xehanort to save the day in KH4? I guarantee you his reply to MoM is something cheesy like "sekai wa mamoru"

Attached: no name.png (898x910, 290K)

No, KH2 was great 2FM was amazing. 3 was unfinished and remind is just the finished base game, we'll wait to see what the quality is like.


QTEs are one of Bayonetta's biggest flaws. They have no place in a stylish action game unless they're simple one-button optional commands like Busters and Reaction Commands.

twewy is QTEs dude
stop with the denial

Please never reproduce.

>canned animation

Another term you don't know the meaning of and yet you keep embarrassing yourself year after year.

I can't imagine how pathetic your life must be. Has a girl ever looked at you with an expression of anything but disgust?

Please stop responding to him. I'm begging you.

Oh boy, i barely can wait until the best source of information on kingdom hearts, just a pancake makes a video about it!

Attached: 431586_stock-photo-business-success.jpg (600x572, 54K)

RE4 has QTEs
Bayonetta has QTEs
God of War has QTEs
TWEWY has none, you retard.

I guess I just wanted the ultimate challenge after how easy everything was in the base game, plus I'd never done a lvl1 crit run of the other games so I wanted to try it out, but I underrestimated the quality of bullshit you must endure in this one.

I think you're just being negative because it's the popular thing to do. The situation with both games (and KH1 if we want to cover bases) is the exact same. The only difference is what either of us look for in an ARPG.

>enter thread
>completely filled with Barry/FFXV-kun shitposting, years old copypasta, and falseflagging

Attached: 1425248550750.jpg (887x1097, 487K)


Attached: kingdom-hearts-3-keyblade-graveyard-light-of-the-past-help-800x450.jpg (800x450, 85K)

Hello retard.

-Vanilla KH2's combat isn't built around random resource free nukes, 3's is.
-Vanilla KH2's damage scaling is well balanced, KH3's isn't. KH2 isn't half as reliant on stats as 3.
-Vanilla KH2 has great movement and melee, KH3 has floaty movement and Osaka melee.
-Vanilla KH2's magic is all unique and focuses on utility. KH3's are bland nukes with copypasted Revenge values, half the offensive spells being pointless and transformation altered magic are all lazy palette swaps.
-Vanilla KH2's Summons are support focused and augment Base Sora's moveset, KH3's are gimmicky minigame nukes.
-Drives all have an identifiable niche even if Valor falls off and have unique attributes, half of 3's transformation are 'mash X' and completely redundant. You can alter the combo structure of Drives with Combo Plus, Negative Combo and Finishing Plus, you can do none of that in 3 (where Negative Combo and Finishing Plus don't even exist).
-Vanilla KH2 wasn't dumb enough to take Ultima's name literally and invalidate almost every other keyblade, KH3 was.
-Vanilla KH2 didn't gate the best equipment in the game behind half as much minigame bullshit, KH3 did.
-Limits are for more varied, interesting and hilariously better balanced than Shitlocks. Cups > Battlegates, Sephiroth >>>>>>>>>> Dark Infreeno.
-You can spend Drive to regain MP in KH2, in 3 you're at the mercy of the cooldown or forced to use items.
-Every mob fight in 2 isn't an enormous Musou clusterfuck with 30 enemies on screen, 3's are. KH2's lock-on actually works with enemies that aren't on camera.

More content doesn't solve core gameplay issues. KH3 literally CANNOT be saved by any patch.

Attached: mfw KH3.png (118x124, 22K)

That's literally a cutscene, though.

No, you're just sucking 3's dick because it's contrarian. I form my own opinions unlike you retards.

He's too busy playing Fire Emblem to death

TWEWY does have QTEs in the Final Remix. Finishing combinatory attacks have minigames.

Yes it is a QTE, that animation only plays when you finish a button input row and hit the last input to finish it thus doing the QTE canned animation and whatever effect that input was

I’m sorry. His autism is just too much. How does he even function?

That's literally a press triangle QTE

I consider a gameplay-shifted full segment a different thing from shoving OH MAN THE BOSS LIFTED UP ITS ARM BETTER PRESS CIRCLE IN THE NEXT 0.75 SECONDS OR REDO THE FIGHT FROM THE START into normal gameplay.

>I'd never done a lvl1 crit run of the other games
Breh... drop it right this instant and get on 2FM. It has the perfectly designed moveset, enemy encounters, and scaling to make Lv. 1 Crit a blast.

Attached: SorcererXemnasKino.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)

KH2 is still my favorite of the series, I'm just not inclined to be a negative nancy about it.

This entire post is essentially
>It's not KH2, therefore shit.

KH2 was beloved!

Attached: Butkh2washated.jpg (1080x1216, 383K)

Yeah, during a cutscene, not during gameplay.

And that’s one of the things that I hate about the ports. It’s just way too easy to get Fusion Stars in those.

I doubt you even played any of the games at released. Probably just bought the collections because of the hype behind 3.

Twewy has QTEs

Air game in KH3 is objectively retarded though in a way that you get shoved into it too much and messes up getting a finisher you didn't want.

>Suikoden 5 had over +3k votes
Impressive. PS2 sure was a different country.

That is literally during gameplay which is why its a qte

God i hope so, he's hot.

>can't address any of the points individually so he resorts to strawmanning

KH3 copers are mentally ill.

Attached: Do nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

No dude. Cutscenes aren't gameplay.

Yeah and qte is full of QTEs

I used one hand- one character co-op and it was fine. Of course, it's not as slick as TWEWY DS, but it's pretty nice.

Huh, that's a neat touch.

I'm sure nomura can save him, or disney!

>qte is full of QTEs
What did she mean by this?

If I hadn't sold my collection to afford a PS3 way back when this would be the part where I would take a pic of myself holding my original copies with a sticky note saying "again, you're being negative because it's cool."

KH3 and every other Osaka game are shit so he’s right



Attached: KH3bros....jpg (674x368, 62K)

There is no shoving around and you can cancel every move. Next time say something of value before you comment on objectivity, retard.

based kh2 bro putting osaka fanboys in their place

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>e-celeb dickriding


Imagine having standards so shit you'd apologise for cut content.

Oh wait that's Kh3fags in a nutshell.

I probably should. I don't have the collection, though, even if I was meaning to get it at some point. Now might be a good time I guess but I have too much stuff to finish.

>he sold his KH games
Fake fan, fuck off.

So, let me get this straight.
>Bayonetta, KH, and FF all have QTEs because they take you out of the core combat
>TWEWY is the same
as those even though there is no such factor in the game and you can actually combo enemies
Going by that logic, doesn’t FFXV have more QTEs than TWEWY?

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Oh yeah it is. Wait, what's your point again?
That's a cutscene, dude.

twewy is literally a cooldown hotbar simulator with QTEs
it took elements from khcom and replaced them with pins instead of cards

Hes right. Look at the magic data for kh 3 the revennge value are literally copypasted

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uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh it has big button prompts bro so it's a fucking qte got it?

TWEWY has QTEs just like FF, KH and bayo too

Those two games literally play nothing alike, especially when it comes to the mechanics and inputs.

Are you grasping at draws due to us already getting playable Roxas?


That's what shills said about critical mode and look how that mess ended up.


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If TWEWY has QTEs, then name one PRESS X TO NOT DIE sequence in it.

Also 2 new keyblades.

Will the solo Org XIII fights still only have like 3 moves each?

Your entire post is "It's KH2, not KH3". But if you SERIOUSLY want me to respond here you go. You asked for this.
>-Vanilla KH2's combat isn't built around random resource free nukes, 3's is.
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-Vanilla KH2's damage scaling is well balanced, KH3's isn't. KH2 isn't half as reliant on stats as 3.
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-Vanilla KH2 has great movement and melee, KH3 has floaty movement and Osaka melee.
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-Vanilla KH2's magic is all unique and focuses on utility. KH3's are bland nukes with copypasted Revenge values, half the offensive spells being pointless and transformation altered magic are all lazy palette swaps.
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-Vanilla KH2's Summons are support focused and augment Base Sora's moveset, KH3's are gimmicky minigame nukes.
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-Drives all have an identifiable niche even if Valor falls off and have unique attributes, half of 3's transformation are 'mash X' and completely redundant. You can alter the combo structure of Drives with Combo Plus, Negative Combo and Finishing Plus, you can do none of that in 3 (where Negative Combo and Finishing Plus don't even exist).
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-Vanilla KH2 wasn't dumb enough to take Ultima's name literally and invalidate almost every other keyblade, KH3 was.
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-Vanilla KH2 didn't gate the best equipment in the game behind half as much minigame bullshit, KH3 did.
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-Limits are for more varied, interesting and hilariously better balanced than Shitlocks. Cups > Battlegates, Sephiroth >>>>>>>>>> Dark Infreeno.
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-You can spend Drive to regain MP in KH2, in 3 you're at the mercy of the cooldown or forced to use items.
That's because KH3 isn't 2
>-Every mob fight in 2 isn't an enormous Musou clusterfuck with 30 enemies on screen, 3's are. KH2's lock-on actually works with enemies that aren't on camera.
That's because KH3 isn't 2

No, I've just learned that Nomura's a fucking hack and Square is shit. Expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised.

Nope. They're full bosses each now

>Barry just had to change the flavor of his shitposts for people to gobble them up again
Guess it is impossible to talk about KH after all.

It IS a QTE. A cutscene QTE. I never said it wasn't.
What the fuck is your point?

They already have more moves
Vanitas Remnants shadow clones and Xigbar Quick shot reaction command

The World Ends with You was developed by the same team that created the Kingdom Hearts series, with input from Jupiter,[25] the company that developed Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. The development of the game started two and a half years before its Japanese release, during the development of Kingdom Hearts II and the end of development of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.[26] At that time, Nintendo had announced the DS, but it was not yet on the market; Square Enix asked the team to make a game specifically for the handheld system.[26] The creative team—consisting of Tatsuya Kando (director), Tomohiro Hasegawa (co-director), Takeshi Arakawa (planning director), and Tetsuya Nomura (character design)—were able to experience the DS during the "Touch DS" event in November 2004.[27] From this demonstration, they had envisioned a version of Chain of Memories in which the card game aspects would be present on the bottom screen and an action role-playing game on the top. As they continued to work on the game, the developers realized that they wanted to use the touchscreen more, to make "a game that can only be played on the DS".[27] However, they also encountered the problem that by focusing heavily on the touchscreen, the top screen would be ignored. From this, the idea of the dual screen battle system arose.[27] Several other options were explored for the top-screen game, including command-based battles or a music game, but once they reviewed the game from the eyes of the player, they ultimately settled on the card-game approach with the player having the option to control the game if they wanted to.[28]

>people bitch about useless A.I for years.
>A.I gets good for one specific character in one specific fight.
>"wtf shit easy game".
Fuck off, Barry.

Why are you responding to bait, idiot?

I'm a poor fan, but my memories of playing throughout the nights when I wasn't binging Budokai 3 can never be fake.

button inputs

So what you’re saying is 2 has better combat in every single way?
Being different doesn’t make it an improvement
How are any of 3’s changes for the better?

Whoopee, some fucking skins for your stat stick.

Was the Vantias in KH3 a Time-Travel'd Replica or the real deal that was reconstructed in Monstropolis?

Inspired by is not the same as actually play as. I’ve played both and they do not play alike outside of the choose your own deck aspect and even those are different in they’re implemented.

Real deal. Rebuilt himself thanks to scream power.

you just admitted Twewy is command deck shit, cope

So, every game has QTEs going by your logic. Again, name one. Just one.

xv doesn't have any "press x to not die" qte

in fact the button mash radial thing will happen automatically regardless of if you press it or not, its only put there to increase the clash conflict, so by your own logic they arent QTEs?

Let's not have oblivion or oathkeeper or critical mode on day one. But let it go. We def need that

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that you're homo

Because he seemed desperate. I felt bad.
I'm trying to say that directly comparing KH2 with 3 as an actually accurate measure of improvement is a fools errand. The amount of changes the series went through after 2 has made it quite literally like comparing apples and oranges in a "best apple" contest.

Nomura said he time travelled AND rebuilt himself in the Ultimania but I choose to ignore that first bit because it's pointless and stupid.

Actually, in KH1 keyblades were alot different with each other, not just in stats but even in unique ability and reach, some were short as hell while other were stupidly long.
It was the peak of keyblade differences before the standardization that came in KH2 and onward.

>only one fight plays itself bro

>vanilla KH2 didn't need saving.
>the game without a dodge roll.
>didn't need saving.

It has the same artstyle, battle view, the cooldown combat mechanics, the movement, etc

>choosing your own moveset is a Command Deck thing now
I guess God Hand is Command Deck shit too, huh? Also, TWEWY came out before BBS.

Attached: God Hand.jpg (384x316, 22K)

>needing dodge roll
There's no saving you, casual.

anything on top screen

>I'm just not inclined to be a negative nancy about it.
There's a sheer difference between being a shitposter and not giving Osaka Team a free pass at consistently half-assing the "action" aspect of an ARPG, which at this point is unlikely to change thanks to brainlet shills sucking the DLC hype dick.

Combine that with KH3 selling 5+mil the chances of Osaka Team fixing fundamental issues with their design philosophy aren't going to vanish.

>The game without the best fight in FM didn't need saving
>The game that was completely broken due to tryinity limit, Genie and Explosion didn't need saving
>The game that didn't even have Crit or a challenge didn't need saving

Not him but it's not about needing it, it's about variety in your evasion options. No dodgeroll is awful

Is the Power of Waking pretty much Playing God?

that's assigning actions to different button inputs

not a hotbar deck with cooldowns that twewy has which it got from com

The changes were shit.

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>proud mode.

See Vanilla already had Sora has Quick Run, Aerial Dodge, Glide, Guard, and Reflect as dedicated defensive options, enhanced versions of Quick Run, Aerial Dodge, and Glide depending on the form he's in, can parry a huge number of attacks with his own melee attacks and Final's auto-keys, has i-frames on certain moves like Explosion, can call Stitch who can block attacks, and can use some meter on a a Drive transformation to i-frame through attacks, etc. Dodge Roll was a good addition but the game already had better defensive options than any other action game. Dumb Osakatard

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No because that's all just extra content. You're looking at it with hindsight.

>shitposting for 7 years straight
autism is not a joke, folks

This. An A-press is an A-press. You can't say it's only a half.

No, but it does have shit like this, which has you actively taken out of the gameplay in order to escape.
>cooldown combat mechanics
Literally not the same.
>still can’t name one

Attached: FF15 QTE.png (1850x1036, 1.77M)

It's a bit of a complicated system that comes from understanding that past things are stored in some sort of middle section of reality and that you can fiddle with that section of reality to make it true and sort of rewind. Of course, this comes at a cost for your living.

If you say so.
I don't see how the gameplay is suddenly being half-assed because the enemies no longer all have QTEs attached to them and you can slide around the arena (sometimes literally) like an ice skater to convey how powerful Sora has become.

based bbchad

>taking away options is a good thing.

That's the radial thing I mentioned
there is no fail state to not pressing it
its literally an eneny grappling you, its like saying getting grabbed and thrown in a fighting game is a qte

It didn't. It was highly rated. Crit didn't exist back then.

You are aware to you have to actually perform different touch screen inputs in order to activate the Psychs as opposed to jus using one button in the Command Deck games, right?

so qte

>literally an enemy grappling you
That you have to continually press a button in order to escape from. MGR had this shit too and people regarded those as QTEs too.

>this thread

Will us Tokyochads ever stop winning bros? I feel bad for KH3 copers, how will they ever recover? I saved and this is getting reposted whenever I see them acting uppity again.

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>There is no shoving around and you can cancel every move.
There is in form of transitioning from ground to air mid-combo unlike KH1 & KH2 where you could freely get to the air/ground finisher concern of flow, you also cannot cancel finishers which I'll remind you are laggy as all hell.
>Next time say something of value before you comment on objectivity, retard.
Ironic given that you sure as fuck didn't, heed your own advice instead of being a dismissive underaged faggot.

>Stellar Flurry
>Burst Rounds
Please stop posting.

With all this Time Travel, does KH work on Multiverse theory?

Go to hell Nathan

Kinda of. There are multiple timelines.

>I love pretending to win
>I love it so much I'm taking this copypasta so I never have to have individual thought ever again because pretending to win legitimately is hard

Not yet. Let's just see what cards do they put with the rewind shit Sora has done TWICE in the next game.

Clearly not the case if they felt the need to add it back in.
We're seriously crying this much about a verison of the game nobody plays anymore though?

We did in 358 days

>Roxas fight gets saved by FM
>Just extra content
Seeth harder

no you dont
pressing nothing will have you escape
or a party member will free you
or you just parry the attack to begin with and never get grappled simply based on timing your dodge by paying attention to both audio and visual cues from enemies about to attack a parryable attack

sekiro has enemies grabbing you too

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20161231012503.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

yes all qtes

Would've helped if people didn't wait 13 years for a mediocre disappointment.

Bait or not he ain't wrong.

We’re comparing two main games in the same series with the same core gameplay style we should expect sequels to improve on it
2 was a massive improvement on 1 and 3 was a massive downgrade from 2 there’s no excusing it
Every side game experimented with gameplay and were also inferior to both 1 and 2

>repeatedly button mash to escape or take damage
>not a QTE
The absolute state of Barry, folks.

Imagine thinking a game where Sora can't run in circles properly is acceptable

you're coping

>13 years
Imagine being this bad at math.

>There is in form of transitioning from ground to air mid-combo unlike KH1 & KH2
Thanks for confirming to not playing the game because there are moves that do this exactly in KH3, you absolute retard.
>You also cannot cancel finishers which I'll remind you are laggy as all hell.
That's what you get for button mashing instead of watching what your enemy does.

You know, I already suspected that you never played TWEWY, but this just confirmed it even more. Please stop posting.

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>kh3 copers.
This is true autism, call your gay little nickname based on your game as well, a studio war between branches that don't exist anymore makes no sense.

you never have to press anything to escape because you'll automatically be let go
you can avoid that entirely by parrying based on pure timing

3 was a massive improvement from DDD and the culmination of all the ideas brought forth throughout the series. You need to stop pretending the interquel games don't exist.

Nah. I’m just not retarded like you.

look qtes