haha, get it??
Haha, get it??
Get what
no looks dumb tho
fuck off boomer
>half-shaven leg
>joke about marriage
>gamers too dense to get it to this day
>think he took a literal arrow to his literal knee
Why would an arrow go through your knee this way this doesnt make any sense
Only a zoomer would think that Skyrim is a boomer game.
Accidental discharge with a crossbow
Crossbows don't shoot arrows. Also, why is the arrow crooked? Is that the joke?
why would your face look like this
your brain is crooked and youre a joke
Do you have legitimate autism
At least i don't have legitimate retardation.
it makes sense now that you explained it but no one describes proposing marriage as "an arrow to the knee"
What did you achieve in the last EIGHT YEARS since Skyrim's release, user?
What has Bethesda?
so then you do have autism.... everything makes sense about you now
also autism is retardation
I beat my dick to the point I triumphed over my phimosis.
It's a bolt, you dolt.
there's no native american third world scum that use flint or stone based arrows in skyrim
they actually advanced to an age beyond stone
the most basic arrow is iron
how do you fuck this up
What does it mean?
why do you insinuate metaphorical meaning where literal meaning makes sense already?
skyrim is so fucking inept at the ubiquitous attempt of subtlety and at the same so devoid of allegory that the implication that it was not a literal wound that got the cartilage and sinew infected and hardened and ruined his mobility is actually baffling.
just trying to mod it but im too retarded to do so, then again im using a pirated version
Omg this is hilarious, I am one of those retards
Nah, Todd is too autistic for these kind of jokes.
>Mario with two right fists
There's nothing left to say.
So ... he shot himself in the knee?
> Autistic fans can't accept that Bethesda can't into allegories or metaphors
it just aint right.
judging by the angle, it definitely looks self-inflicted
shoulda kept his bow in the holster and the safety on
How else are you going to make a tattoo?
that is one skinny leg
Looks pretty darn hairy too. He'll have to brush them aside to see it
Yeah yeah cool theory and all but I doubt Bethesda put that much thought into it.
Memes aside, if you are going to have a "gamer" tattoo this one is legit better than most
Likely a Nordic version of "ball and chain" in this context.
I wouldn't be shocked if it actually meant a literal arrow though. Would be shocked if Bethesda put that much thought into a line that repeats endlessly.
memes aside, literally no one gives a rat's ass about 4channers opinions
imagine this cesspool judging others for their own humoristic decisions, when this place is nothing but a graveyard of dead ass memes
dios mio.
wrong, this is the womb of memes. just because your womb is a haunted graveyard of aborted "clumps of cells" doesn't mean every womb is.
Jesus, if you're going to be an absolute cancerous faggot AND ugly as sin why give yourself a name everyone can identify you with?
Is the attention that mommy and daddy never gave you really worth it?
Friendly fire
>its a joke about marriage!
>(citation needed)
Remember that innocent time when people thought internet memes would remain funny forever?
you should go back where you came from and be a loser (yourself) some place else
wait, what? i never thought about it that way kek
kek !
I thought humans evolved to not have as much body hair as primates? Checkmate atheists.
The only game related tattoo I would get would be the fluted knight from Demon's Souls.
No what
holy shit upvoted!!
Based. I bet he’s a tranny now
Now he can watch Mario give him a handy every time he jerks off
I finished high school and lost my virginity
>this is your "brain" on /int/
Jesus, I think my arm is thicker than that leg.
And what exactly are you basing this conclusion on? What point of reference is in the picture that could help you determine the size of his leg?
He's basing it on the fact he is american.
nice body hair
That looks fucking stupid
How old is proposing to someone on your knee?
Confirmed horse shit years ago. There's no Nordic phrase about taking an arrow in the knee being related to marriage.
Tattoos in general are cringe, but video game tattoos are the fucking worst.
Never got how tats were seen as 'cringe' desu
I like 'em and they're not really an underground thing.
>How old is proposing to someone on your knee?
people only do that retarded shit in murica
the length of the leg, the size of the knee, and thigh-to-calf ratio
If it's a subtle video game tattoo I can accept that.
If it's painfully obvious it's video games then you look like an autist.
About a century old, because the idea of getting on your knee with a ring and proposing was some horse shit created by diamond companies in the late 20s to shift rocks.
Mario is a nigger...
Every single ape (that includes humans) have the exact same amount of body hair. Human hair is just much thinner, smaller and pussier.
Could have just said 'nothing' and saved yourself some time.
nigger his calf is almost entirely tibia, and his thigh is maybe 5% wider. even shaved you can clearly see 0 muscle definition in the thigh. what the fuck is your definition of skinny of legs if 0.95/1 calf-to-thigh ratio doesnt fall under it?
I always thought it was dumb but knowing the shallow history it has is going to make it even harder to do when the time comes. I especially hate it because of how much its shown on social media
is this what you think the whole picture looks like?
Yeah, that's one absent jaw. Is this an ftm tranny?
It's been almost a decade and you faggots are at it again. This just proves how people rarely fact check what they read and how long the effects of making up a nice sounding lie can be
Jesus christ. The dude is annoying but you have to feel a little sorry for him. We don't make fun of the retarded kid in a public setting even if they're being loud
Diamond companies also create artificial scarcity to jack up the prices. Diamond is common as fuck, practically worthless. There are fuck knows how many mines filled with the garbage in Africa. Their marketing campaigns combined with limiting supply created this false narrative that diamonds are expensive and nothing else is worth buying. The reality is shit like jade and even pearls are considerably rarer.
Oh I get it. The arrow is society, the knee is you and how society can and will cripple you.
I never realized my IQ was so fucking low
Stupid and forced dad joke. I bet it was super funny back in your days, old man.
Arrow isn’t lined up correctly
>Yes, I have a tattoo, how could you tell?
That's not how that would look at fucking all.
>zoomer tries to justify bethesda humor
take my upvote good sir
and he says bing bing wahoo
Got in a nice Uni, going through Electrical Engineering right now.
crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, you dumpling.
well now im bothered
Why don't you chill out, friend? Just relax a minute. Take it easy.
smart and bigdicked
how are you gonna get it tattooed then retard?