Pick a side, everything on the other is removed from the Internet forever

Pick a side, everything on the other is removed from the Internet forever

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easily left

Right side
>SMB3 still exists
>Soul Silver
Only thing of value lost is ALTTP

Every game on the right is a classic

Left has pokemon so I pick right

>final fantasy on both lists
>cant in good conscience support the continued existence of weebshit

the only winning move is not to play.

>Kill right side
>FFVII speedrunning dies
>SM64 romhacking dies
>OOT romhacking and randomizer runs die
>Kill leftside



>pick either side
>every mention of these games on the internet disappears
>games still exist
>wikipedia articles get re-written, reviews get re-written, etc.
wow great thread

Atleast make it hard. The only good games on the left are SotN and Chrono trigger.

That is literally impossible for me. Well done.

Since I'm over 35, I choose left.

Begrudgingly right side.

>MGS3 (my favorite game)
>RE4 (I replay yearly)
>SOTC (I replay yearly)

64 can take world's place

OOT can take LBW

Not to happy with VI and VII, but I suppose I'll just play VII like I always have anyways.

I'll play Fusion instead of SM

Chrono Trigger and MGS3 is the real fucking break up here. But I choose MGS3

SOTN or RE4 is easy. I'll just play any other of the SOTN clones.

SOTC beats any Pokemon game every day off the week. Plus, we still have Soul Silver

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LOL sure faggot. The only bad game is Pokemon Gold.

>Mario World
Trash, worst 2d mario.
>Link to the past
Decent game, not fantastic
All FF games suck
>Super metroid
Worse than the original
>Pokemon HG
Atleast we agree here

Right one. No fucking question. Resident Evil 4 is better than all the other games on the left.

Right side in a heartbeat, there's not a single thing on the left worth a shit except HG.


Right is the only viable answer here, it isnt even a hard choice

Pokefags really do have brain damage.

Are you retarded

imagine picking left

Left easily, but I would trade FF6 for 7 and Pokemon for SOTC

>remove games from the internet
Who cares? Apart from speedruns what else is left to discuss?

Have a new column that has:
>Super Mario Bros. 3
>The Legend of Zelda
>Dragon Warrior
>Phantasy Star
>Castlevania III

And I'll chose that. But as it stands, I choose left. Most of the games on the right were never good.

All roms disappear, only way to play them is that if you own the original console

Imagine being this contrarian

If you didn’t include Pokeshit I probably would pick left, but because you did, right.


I like right more but left, otherwise there won't be Pannenkoek videos or Tifa porn


literally not a single good game on left side. EASILY right. no fucking contest. who makes this garbage?

And I'm lisdexic. I meant keep right remove left even if I like left more.

Not a fan of the left games because I was already an adult when they released and was capable of seeing their flaws. The games on the right are just babbyfied versions of the games I listed. Except for DuckTales which I just threw in there because lol Pokemon.

ok retard

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kek this isn't even hard, right easily.

>SMW is just a massively inferior SMB3
>FFVI is for pretentious retards
>Super Metroid has been improved upon by other Metroidvanias since its release
>HeartGold is one of the best Pokemon games but that's not saying much since Pokemon was never a top tier franchise

world = 64
LttP = OoT
super = prime
SotN < RE4

SM64 > SMW
FF6 > FF7
Prime > Super
Chrono > MGS3
SoTC > Pokemon

>Most of the games on the right were never good.

This. Anyone who chooses the right is obviously a nostalgiafag in their 20s.

I pick the side without retarded phoneposter faggots that create threads with images straight from facebook and reddit.

Which side is the most likely to remove smash?

But what about SMW hacks?

SoTC is literally the best game ever made

Ocarina of Time and FFVII drag down the right column. Those are not even good games.

>worst 2d mario
Like 13 or 14 New Super Mario Bros rehashes say hi

right has mgs3 so i guess i'd pick that
i really like all of these though, except for sotn

Right Side.
Mario 64 is the bomb, ALTTP isn't even in the top 10 SNES games, FF6 and Super Metroid are the only real regrettable losses. Chrono Trigger is amazing without a doubt, but I don't think of it as an "essential game" y'know? MGS3 on the other hand is probably the best game Kojima ever made and a a debatable contender for GOTYAY. I have a real soft spot for RE4 even if I see where the people who think it's shit are coming from, and I honestly prefer Classicvania to Metroidvania anyway so SOTN is not real loss for me, especially if Aria of Sorrow continues to exist. HeartGold is probably the best Pokemon game, but it has an original version and I think Gen V is it's near equal, so I'm good. Plus SOTC getting removed from the internet would mean that all of that cool and interesting secret bullshit investigations into the removed colossi and everything would go away and I've spent hours reading about that so no.

>Super metroid
>Worse than the original

abhorrent taste

Left. Way too much cutseneshit on the right side.


>Don't care
>Don't care

SotN could've been a masterpiece but the reverse castle is just fucking pathetic. Unfinished practically. 8/10 game at best.

it really couldn't even with the reverse castle fixed. The rpg mechanics fuck it up

Right, easily

SMW - 8/10
ALTTP - 10/10
FF6 - 10/10
Super - 10/10
Chrono - 9/10
SOTN - 8/10
HG/SS - 7/10
SM64 - 8/10
OOT - 10/10
FF7 - 6/10
Prime - 10/10
MGS3 - 8/10
RE4 - 9/10
SOTC - 10/10

Left, gets rid of occorena of time which fucked the Zelda timeline to begin with

>giving a single fuck about the zelda timeline

8/10 but GSC is 10/10


Pokefags are pathetic


meh, I only really like GSC, and black and white is good
others range from ok to trash