Have you ever thought games make you neglect important aspects of your life...

Have you ever thought games make you neglect important aspects of your life? Maybe it's about time this addiction gets addressed.

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Other urls found in this thread:


My wife plays video games with me and my daughter

Yeah sure, that's the reason..

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Sex is not important. Jerking off does the same without an obnoxious cunt causing drama in your life.

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

Someone shop that to make it say they'd rather COOOOM

Women hate me, OP. Not much I can do about it

Maybe women need to up their game.

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as a true gamer you have no idea how hard it is when there are 200 women who want to be fucked by you everyday and you simply say no and play games.
you don't know the struggle of a gamer faggot

>Not much I can do about it
Have you tried uhmmmm idunno improving yourself?

no no no, i’m playing games BECAUSE I’m not having sex

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I fuck my wife every single day. I still miss daily hours long vidya sessions that I dont get anymore but they aren't lying when they say after having sex you cant just go without it. I need pussy.


>Women do everything in their power to make men the bad guy in society.
>Men stop dealing with them all the way down to base level.
Why is every article like this about sex? Why are women so obsessed with sex.

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Why can't you do both? Get a chair that lets her sit on your lap backwards while you play on your pc, or rotate the couch so you can lay on top of her while playing on consoles

Im married

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Sfm ruined real women for me. When I watch real porn all I can think is how dirty everything looks.

Nahh, we are just ugly


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I'd rather Ampharos

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based and waterpilled


the value of women has artificially ballooned due to increased connectivity
it's easier for women to find the top 20% that they want so it makes competition for everyone else much more difficult
there's nothing wrong with this or anything, it's just how humans react to social technology

Thank god I'm a virgin. That sounds inconvenient if you're single

OP, stop making correlations that have nothing to do with the clickbait title and get treated for your shitposting addiction.

I don't know, I thought it was kind disappointing, just a tad above fapping.

>Dude you need to get your shit together
>Now I’m a workaholic, plenty of money but no time, no vidya, no cute girlfriend
Thanks society

>stop being a comebrain
but also
>be a comebrain
Which one is it you polnigglets

young men arent having sex because western women arent worth a shit*

ftfy. video games are just more entertaining and cost effective than wasting your time and money on privileged and coddled whores for zero benefit.

You wouldn't fuck your Pokèmon

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I'd rather play games than spend time with a boring whiny woman. If I feel horny I bust a nut to some loli hentai and get back to gaming

It's quite literally their only way of having power over men.
If they lose it they become powerless on every single level you could imagine.

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I don't believe it.

Same here but with gf.

Don’t reply to me again

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Video games are more fun than bitchy nagging roasties

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had sex with a gf 2 years straight, went back to no sex without any problems, also onaholes are great altough anoying to clean and dry

Very nice.

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>stop being stable, fulfilling partners in the grand scheme of things
>men try to have their emotional needs met

self improvement is more fulfilling than any of that shit
going mgtow isnt an excuse for nihilism

>play video games for hours
>wife starts feeling needy/neglected, tries to distract me with sex
Best of both worlds, lads.

It's different from one guy to another. Everyone constantly breaks my ears with how much they can't go a week without sex whether it's guys or girls it's all the same. I haven't gad sex with my bootycall in a month and I'm pristine clean. Matter of fact she keeps nagging that I don't call often enough. Last time before that was 3 months.
And the thing is, I LOVE sex.When I do it, I really get into it a lot, but I just don't feel the urges like everyone else does. To me you're all dirty sex addicted animals. Get a fucking hobby.

Femcel article

I'd much rather be having sex, but I can never find any women who want that with me. It's been years, only had it once, and I'm starting to feel like I'm never going to get it again or ever find a gf.

>real talk anons: if your girlfriend looked like that, would you REALLY opt to play videogames over fucking her in different positions, anal, oral, everything and THEN play videogames? I mean you're getting both, so why not?


Literally impossible without paying for it

>mfw virgins actually trick themselves into thinking sex isn't fun

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Sex is too much work for little pleasure it is

>implying mothers only have power over sons because of sex

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Clean this shit up

Chop chop

sounds wholesome

Maybe if I could get a girlfriend without the "person with emotions of their own" attached to their cunt.

>self improvement
For what? There is no reason to contribute to this society anymore, just let it collapse

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I’d rather hydrate my wife

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>become a chore to deal with because you think your genitals are just that valuable
>get replaced by video games

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You're right, now that I think about it I'm wasting my time with this broad. Thanks OP

Yes, I would still play games
2d>3d every day of the week

asian mail bride

What's the difference between sex and jerking off? As far as I'm concerned, both achieve orgasm.

No one said that. Sex is good, but it's great with someone you actually care about. Affection > sex.

And since modern women can't pairbond this is becoming a real issue.

My cock is broken from years of porn viewing.


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Based cunbrains.

see you tomorrow

Take meth

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>have sex with a girl who will accuse you of rape when she eventually regrets sleeping with you
>or play video games
Metoo ruined everything.

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Fuck women (figuratively, not literally)
Fuck faggots
Fuck sex and fuck cümbrains
But most importantly if all, fuck niggers

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Haven’t had sex in a year and I really don’t care

Sex feels better because your dick is nice and warm and safe inside that tight pussy.

Honestly playing videogames with my daughter is one of the most enjoyable time we get to spend together. I'm glad they're around.

ask me how I know you're a virgin

Girls aren't really fun to be around. They can't banter and are always looking at their phones. Also, an increasing amount are getting terrible tattoos.

Enjoy raising a fuck toy for some BBC, cuck. Nothing more cucked than having a daughter. She's gonna be railing hundreds of guys before she's even out of highschool.

Not my fault cute and funny is the best.

yes because a woman no matter how hot she is or what she'll do in bed will get boring eventually.

How do I know you're a virgin?

This is moaning about what failure would be like. This is like saying '4th place and beneath exist and could potentially happen to people that aim for the podium, I better not get 4th or worse that hurts my winning prospects!'. If there was an article called 'Fat, ugly women are hurting American men's marriage prospects' it would be exactly the same.

I think it fucks my study, sometimes I come home and I just want to play something instead of reading .
I tried fighting it but I replaced with TV and food, one vice for another

wtf I love meth now

>Fuck faggots
Literally this time though?


This is what he does with his daughter. LOCK UP THIS user!

>its not unreasonable to compare drugs to vidya when vidya gives according to this chart I myself sourced far less of a rush in some cases literally less than 1000% the rush

Who wrote this retarded fucking shit

Mothers have power over you because they had six with your fathers.


have you not seen the news about sexrobots and sex dolls? women shut down anything that can replace their holes in fear of losing power, think about it, if a man could have a robot and have children without the need of a woman, then what purpose does a woman serve?

>sex is only 12.5% better more enjoyable than videogames

[hobbit smoking a pipe.jpg]


Sounds like women logic. Always trying to change a man

You're right, women need to address their sex addiction and play more video games until they get some good taste. They're being pandered to anyway so they could at least have the decency to try get good games made.

Ew no
Faggots are the worst of both worlds

Sex keeps you physically active and you generally cum much quicker, which means you live longer and have way more time for vidya

Except the West is extremely gynocentric so women are never at fault for anything

Sex isn't an important aspect of life unless you're using it to procreate.

Women aren't a particularly important part of my life.

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there is nothing good in my life except games
you take the games away and there is 0 reason to live


i dont actually give a shit about sex, i just pretend to because it makes conversations awkward if you say you dont care about it. i also only pretend to care about being a virgin because i know its expected of me at my age.


The first time I had sex was quite disappointing and the next ones weren't really that special either. Sex is overrated. Even my friends with girlfriends admit that it is more about bonding. The act itself is nothing special.

You have poor reading comprehension. Maybe you should stop playing video games.

It's not. You fuck a ugly fat woman. What's so good about it?

>not finding working on finding your soulmate who literally makes all your potential to start showing while you do the same for her

spotted the blupilled cringy incel

It just makes the bottom 80% sorta check out and stop trying as hard.
Then women are surprised they can't find a stable relationship anymore

Depending on the game, you can toss on an audiobook, or lecture or something. You can't really do it with a game that has a lot of story, or lots of talking, but games that are almost entirely gameplay are great for popping something on in the background.

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Same, by the time I actually did it I didn't even come close either. Vag can't compare to the power of two hands furiously going at the speed of a vibro-scourer.

Rent free, obsessed, mentally ill

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>finding your soulmate who literally makes all your potential to start showing while you do the same for her
Are you hunting unicorns too user?

>going mgtow isnt an excuse for nihilism
You're right, it's one of a few possible ways to take the first step on self improvement and self actualization.
You will never self actualize if your """self""" improvement is built around your desire to please the expectations of others, especially women.

>had sex
>world view the same
>opinions on vidya the same
>everything the same except that my penis felt amazing for 10 minutes and im a little winded from the activity
Why does everyone put sex on a pedestal? Like its cool and all but I wouldnt exactly say its fuckin life changing.

>wasting your best years on resources on some bitch who will inevitably divorce you
Spotted the mangina white knight cuck

>10h on exhentai
>on amphetamine

normies don't know SHIT

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Honestly I just don't know how to meet new people.
I had lots of friends and a couple of girlfriends back in highschool because it was the best environment imaginable for meeting people your own age.
But now I just don't know what to do or where to go. I only have internet friends now.

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Yes I want to fuck unicorns

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>going through all the tedious bullshit just for someone else's sloppy seconds

keep it to yourself cuck
I'd rather be a rich motherfucker and keep that all to myself instead of some golddigger backstabbing bitch
heck I'd even adopt some kids
and teach me how to make the cash flow and no I ain't adopting nigglets cuz fuck niggers and most of all fuck jannies

Stop watching Disney Movies lmao

more like men
>young men don't want to get involved with a thot that's gonna metoo them at the first sign of inconvenience

>metoo movement promotes people to assume guilty until proven innocent
>men would rather not get their life ruined so they avoid that shit
yeah, suprising men would rather play videogames than have sex

last time i had sex was 10+ years ago
i don't miss it much
fapping is fine and games are way better than some drama making bitch


She'll remember those moments of gaming fondly when she's gagging down a BBC, face thick with cum.

sounds like something you fantasise about user, put the porn away its clearly rot your mind

that picture is so perfect
no homo

>>not finding working on finding your soulmate who literally makes all your potential to start showing while you do the same for her
This poster is underaged or retarded

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Yes, because pic related is my ideal woman and mai waifu only exists in 2d.

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Based and cardiogenic shock pilled

Nice try Abe. I still ain't procreating.

Unironically unequivocally eternally based

>just want a partner that will love me and I can love back
>But most women now are emotional husks that simply crave attention, dopamine, and do anything to avoid being bored
>Women don't even try to make their relationships work, depend entirely on the male to keep it going because they know they can find a new walking dildo with a few swipes on tinder
Technology was a mistake.

I have no life, no friends, no girlfriend, so I play video games. Not the other way around.

It's not, only teenagers and young adults put sex on a pedestal. For everyone sane, it's like alcohol, something that used to be forbidden to you when you were a kid and releases "good" emotions so it's pretty nice.
Plus for most religion and traditions it has to be pretty strict and/or secret, forbidden things always sound cooler.

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>Enter the workforce and destroy the male labor market
>Have dozens of sexual partners before settling down
>Refuse to cook, clean, or raise children (public school doesn't count as raising)
>Get brainwashed into feminism and misandry
>Get protected by police for free
>Vote against men 46% of the time (more if they are not white)
>Take back sexual consent months after having sex

Also women:

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Must be fun arguing against a non-existent strawman

What is really that important in life besides what you enjoy?

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Kek get fucked.

I’m not having sex because I’m ugly as fuck and women don’t like me and video games are how I escape this prison flesh to try and forget that I’ll never feel the warmth of another human being.


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And 8000% more tiresome to get.

>Have you ever thought games make you neglect important aspects of your life?
My life is miserable, but for reasons that have fuck all to do with videogames. I play when I can't do anything else, not vice versa. And I suspect the same is the case for most people here.

People turn to videogames after they fail at important stuff in life. But they don't fail important stuff in life because of videogames. At least - not the vast majority of us sorry sods.

Sex isn't important. Finding the answers of the universe is the only thing that has even a tinge of inherent importance.

t. Sex having bastard

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Every fucking time

Imagine having so little value that people would rather play video games for just a little longer each day than spend time with you.

>Cocaine vs amphetamine

This would actually explain why I prefer speed over coke. It's funny because back in the day people used to rate coke as if it was the best shit whereas I was just happy with speed and ecstasy.

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that's what they SAY
the real reason i they dont have any willing partners to do it with

Get a job or join MeetMe
Stay the fuck away from tinder and OkCupid. If you're desperate pay for a subscription only dating service like match since primarily those are used by people seeking long term affection and not immediate gratification

Now this is boomer posting

my imageboard addiction is plain worse than my vidya addiction

>not finding working on finding your soulmate who literally makes all your potential to start showing while you do the same for her

Who are you quoting?

Vagina is the driving force behind every man

If men are more interested in other things that’s a YOU problem

We get it. You can't coom without feelings of inadequacy.

Literal gigachad poster

Are you literally 12?

Sex releases roughly four times as much feel-good homrones (only one of the mix that cumming gives, I forget which of them)
Ironically during the coombrain raid tr*nnies and /pol/ puritains said that these hormones are bad for you but they then want you to have sex, dosing yourself HARDER on them.
Chad is more of a coombrain than most Yea Forums fappers by this fact alone, even if he only has sex once for every three faps you do.

I have a job, but all my coworkers are in their 40's.

>real talk anons: if your girlfriend looked like that, would you REALLY opt to play videogames over fucking her
Yes, because she is not Japanese

Why are you so obsessed with black cock and cum user, is there something you want to tell us about yourself?

because fun is a buzzword

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Sure, there were times when I thought I'm wasting my precious time on video games.

Luckily, those days are gone. Plus, DQ11S is coming out soon.

>They aren't complying with the sex agenda, quickly, correct the narrative

They are scared people are no longer kumbrains. Remember, sexual overstimulation causes brain fog, lethargy and mental decay.

Why would They be worried people aren't buying it any more?

>Have you ever thought games make you neglect important aspects of your life?
Yes, that's the point of video games for me atleast.

I haven't met a woman in 5 years that isn't either already in a relationship or fucked up on drugs.

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>Dont listen to your shitty mother.
>She goes to tell your cuck father.
>He thinks the son is right and wont discipline him.
>ok dear.

Not him but I work from home so can’t meet people like that
Never heard of meatme, looks fishy, is it actually good?

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Funny. I had all those things and dumped them because I'd rather play video games.

Based and dogpilled

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This headline is misleading. Men aren't refusing sex because they are too busy playing video games. Women just refuse to have sex with gamers such as myself.

I was around 22 when I finally lost my virginity and it was a terrible disappointment. I had sex with that girl 3 times during a short lived relationship and I never was able to orgasm from it. I fapped too hard all those years and pussy can't give me the friction I need. I'm completely disenchanted with it, it was nowhere near as good as I'd been hyping it up in my head to be all those years. 27 now and haven't had sex since. I just don't care about it anymore. Fapping is unironically better in my case.

>Hey user I'm in the mood, we should have sex
>Nah bitch I'd rather play vidya for 5 minutes longer than blow my load on your face because I know you'll stick around like a leech and probably accuse me of raping you when we have our first argument
Its no wonder women are going insane, imagine getting this BTFO by a guy whos probably a 6/10 at best. They have to feel rejection for the first time in their lives and they cant handle it.



The only kind of arguments leftists have is deflecting or ad hominems, everyone who calls them out on their insanity must be a virgin

I'm 29. I've had sex with 10 girls, had a gf for 4 years and had sex with her maybe a few hundred times and she was 10/10. I got sick of her but I'm not sick of video games.

>same but actually not the same

>All these anons who have never been loved for who they are
It's kinda sad but it makes sense considering this is the kind of shit they say

>Not Pegasi of fat assed Earth ponies
Unicorns swerve.

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Imagine believing modern women try to raise their man up anymore
No, you are expected to raise yourself up or they leave. No conversation, no second chances, it's over. You have to read their mind and know what's wrong or it's too late
Eventually you'll find a clingy bitch that'll stay through the tough times and you'll end up dealing with her annoyingness because you just want to move forward in life, but the soulmate myth is juvenile Disney manufactured bs

She'll remember those moments of gaming fondly when she's gagging down your thick daddy rod, face thick with your cum*

You posted the perfect pic to illustrate that

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A wholesome post

>being unable to read

Fact: there are more women with boyfriends than men on the planet

Women's rights fucked up everything

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This, women cant handle being sexually rejected because its all they have

Please, PLEASE have sex.

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Full article.

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good larp so far

t. semenhead

Sometimes my girlfriend will try to start sex with me when I’m about to play video games but it feels like she’s just doing it so I’ll keep paying attention to her

Rejecting a girl when she wants sex will drive them insane. Girls live their entire lives never once being rejected for free sex so they break down and can't comprehend it.
I recommend everyone try it out at least once if you get the chance. All the gears in their head just jolt to a stop

Women offer literally NOTHING to the world except their holes for sex and making babies and they will even lose that once we get sex robots and artificial wombs.

>babies aren't produced because men refuse to have sex with their wife in favour of video games
Meanwhile, in reality: Women are on the pill and have sex all the time with random strangers, but never stabilize in time to produce offspring.

Why would I want to have sex outside of marriage and lower my value as a life long partner? Also, it’s ate up how all these women won’t stop looking at men as the issue when they can’t find somebody to actually settle down with them. Seriously, what do we get out of it? I work out, I eat right, I’ve got a healthy social life, and I’d still choose vidya over the mess that is today’s western woman. There’s just no point of spending my time cleaning up a big mess so I can have a couple kids and raise them with somebody who could take them from me if she ever decided she didn’t “love” me.

One fault with your post user
>Get brainwashed into feminism and misandry
Feminism and Misandry is the natural state of women, they are not pure beings at heart.
Women need to be brainwashed into being good human beings. Even then, it's only as effective as the strength of your pimp hand.

this is a crummy post

your dick is literally in the most danger inside a woman, if she wanted she could rip your dick right off.

Literally always has been that way. Back then it was jousting, then cards, poker, football, generally TV, now it's said vidya. The whole "marrying is the end of your life" trope has been around for a long ass time. Women, ultimately, are pretty boring to be around.

Young men have realized its just not worth it. The average woman uses sex as a form of control. Once you're having it with them they think it gives them free reign to demand your complete attention. They see any hobbies or other friendships as a threat to that control.

Every time one of these articles pop up they portray men as the ones with a problem. They never even consider it may be something the women are doing wrong.

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>10 girls
you're a whore
casual sex is for trash people

>Imagine being straight and having to deal with women when you can just fuck your bro and play games later together.

I do both of these, my wife works too so when she gets home she mainly wants to relax and sit around reading while I play vidya until it is time for the sex. I do not see why the two need to be mutually exclusive unless you are having lots of sex each day, in which case power to you.

>implying they won't just go fuck someone else

address my asshole, roastie. i jack it to an asian idol bitch then play videogames, you can go seethe on ResetEra about it or something (:

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So trade one addiction for another?

>lol who hurt u

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Sex is a lot of work in itself. And the social stress involved with it rarely makes it worth the effort. You figure this out once you hit boomer-tier. I thought it was magically fantastic until a got it a few times. Now it's like ... meh. Jerking off is easier. And I'm married so I literally have pussy on tap. Not worth the hassle, though. It also strips away women's main source of self-worth and bargaining when they know you don't give a fuck. More useful than you can imagine. Gracing them with their penis is now a compliment, instead of them doing you a favor.

Just for a crummy orgasm? Should have been fucking for pokemon creatures instead!

I'm too much of a jaded, bitter fuck to believe in the idea of soulmates

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They won't.
Shitty sex and being boring / getting fat leads to cheating
Rejection leads to a meltdown

>The average woman uses sex as a form of control.
Shame that pretty much nobody here is capable to appreciating the absolute irony of posts like these...

>01 abril 2019
I don't even speak Spanish but I can't believe the amount of people who fell for this bait.

poor woman having to date down like this.

It literally doesn't, though. Sex involves a whole lot mental shit, having actual sex raises your self-esteem and testosterone levels, it also keeps humans (not just men) mentally healthy without going around and stabbing others. Though of course not everyone who is on sex withdrawal becomes an Elliot Rodgers, but the withdrawal fucks with the psyche to some degree.

>the problem is not enough negative reinforcement for playing video games
>not that there is no positive reinforcement for having sex
Did my mom write this!?

based waterposter

Sex is more about having someone you love with you rather than the feel of it directly

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My childhood in a nutshell.
And then my mom had the temerity to act all saint like and say "I never hit my children". No you fucking cunt, you made dad do the dirty work for you.

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All the women I meet are mentally ill whores with daddy issues. Shits just not worth it anymore. They’re a fucking drain in your soul.

The article is real, tho.


No, men are playing more video games because women are too busy destroying western civilization and dating the top 20% of men. They have the pick of the litter in 2019, all over the globe. Why would they date someone with an even passing interest in video games?

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Its only slightly better than fapping .. not worth the effort at all to get it

>You wouldn't fuck your Pokémon.
Are you sure you want that make that statement here of all places?


How is he wrong? It has been like that for thousands of years. Women are able to exploit men for their resources because of their higher sex drive.

Not if I marry her myself.

Video games don't get divorced and take everything from you, including children, pets, house and most of income, even if they cheated on you.

Video games don't file false rape claims.

Video games don't say no to marriage just because you only spent half of your life savings on a diamond ring.

Video games don't need constant attention so that they don't cheat on or break up with you.

Video games don't come back to you after you haven't seen each other in nine months and demand child support.

I made a promise to never get married or have children, and I am sticking by it.


High IQ post


that's literally contrary to how vow of purity works.

I have a wife too, but we only have sex about once a week. If even that. Just kill me.

>fat assed Earth ponies

As opposed to being loved for who someone else is?

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Sad sacks of meat you fucks are. If an autist like me can do it then you retards can do it. But you don't.

This happened to one of my friends. He was with some girl for two years or so and then they broke up because she was "restless" and thought it was because of him, then later said it wasn't actually him because she felt the same afterwards.

The amount of legit virgins in Yea Forums is actually sad.
Imagine being such an ass of a human being that you literally start making excuses and creating weird ass pseudo-cults based around male fragility and the fact that you just can't get people around you to like you.
user, it's not that women are bad it's that you have a fucking problem lmao.

Football was 10x more violent and distracting during the time of jousting, they literally had to ban it so people would shoot more arrows

or are you a fucking Amer*can?

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Hoes mad their hole's geting devalued

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Sure you can, but is it worth the effort? She probably dreams of cheating on you with some Chad while you work hard for her.


Imagine actually thinking like this. Do you live your whole life through the lens of the Internet and sensationalist media?


>Broken pails are hurting Americas water prospects

>have a light dom fetish
>most women fronting as being super strong and independent that dont need no man
>afraid to even try to express my fetish because I know the girl could so easily ruin my life with a rape accusation if things go sour later
>cant even get off to ERP with strangers because its always some tranny/fag that starts talking about their leaky cock or whatever when I'm getting a fap going
And people wonder why hentai exploded in the west

you know when you tickle yourself compared to when somebody else tickles you?
like that, it's better

Tell me how? I have my shit together, nice job, work from home, 6 figure salary, etc.
I just don’t meet people anymore and all my friends are married so they can’t help

Do they fuck with the mask on?

>thinking I give enough of a shit to proof shit on Yea Forums
If you don't believe me, I don't care. It's also incredibly different from being to being. But if you actually want to learn about it, google it instead of asking for proof on Yea Forums, that you only want because you hope someone posts a bad proof that you can debunk to feel better about yourself.

I just read those 2 titles and I'm already mad.

I would have sex if I could. But I can't and I don't want to contribute anything to a society that punishes me for being who I am by making everything impossible or unattainable that others take for granted, such as relationships.

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>just be urself
>meet your soulmate bro
>meanwhile divorce rates continue to climb for young adults

lmao life isn't a fucking disney movie

>not pictured, the 300 pound cunt with pink hair and a women's study degree who demands sex because she believes it's a human right

>lol get laid vigins
Is this all arguments you faggots have? It's amazing some people never mature past high school

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Thats a pretty rightous argument user, upboat!

Well, they will once they get all their “crazy” years over with but by then they’ve had multiple partners and are left an emotional mess because of it. I dunno if I can put the blame squarely on women though as society pushed them down this path in every form of media out there. They don’t realize how their loose lifestyle is hurting them till it’s far to late, but I suppose even then they’ll find some fat bets to take care of them once they’ve lost some of their physical value.

Not American, but I actually meant handegg, yes.
Though I didn't know that actual football was that old, learned something new today.


Mine just nags when she feels neglected. Nag, nag, nag. Doesn't matter if I answer or not. The words just keep pouring out of her for no reason, and there's never any valuable info contained in them. Just random shit she read on reddit about things that totally happened(tm).

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Burden of proof, fag, get out

hoes mad

Women, not even once.

Tits or GTFO

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I've got an enjoyable job and money to spend on myself. Why should I bother spending time and resources on some sort of bleeding bipolar creature that would rather fuck my dog in the grand scheme of things?

why are people who say "wifey" always extreme redditor cucks?

see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assemblywomen

young men aren't having sex because no one wants a thot, and the good girls are too picky for the average man to land.

wait so now Men have to be the money makers what happened to all this equality and strong woman needs no man

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at this point i feel completely romantically distanced from other people. most of the time sex doesn't even cross my mind anymore and it takes me a while to realize when my colleagues are making some dirty jokes

Daily star is the onion of the uk.

It wasn’t really modern football though, it basically had no rules

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so what killed him?

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No u.

*hits pipe*

I have a work buddy who said "what a waste" during the ultrasound to determine his wife's sex. He's divorced now. Still hilarious.

user, I'm not gonna pretend I have great experience because I was always that one weird kid (for many reasons). People avoided me, and if some girls were hittign on me, I didn't get the signals. I was being called virgin a lot of times.
So why are those same people who back then made fun of me for being single now mad at me for the exact same thing - being single?

I just really need a hug.

It's his money it's his fucking life choice
who the fuck are you tell him how he should be living his fucking life
you fucking jew

My day is ruined, now I'm just sad and mad, thanks

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Congrats, you're one of hundreds to get a ran through unattractive woman. You don't even know what good pussy is. Shut up stupid faggot.

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fucking how? I have the personality and humor of a rock.

Same, but I have a fetish for making women cum multiple times, so it gives me something to work towards.

It's not so much whenever he is right or wrong. It's that we have come a full circle now, and the most strong opponents of Feminism are not using the very same core arguments that feminism invented for it's own needs in the first place. It's fucking hillarious if you have basic awareness of social theories of 20th century.

I actually missed out on losing my virginity because of WoW Classic.
>Girl says she's interested in seeing what the game looked like originally and invites herself over
>Just watches TV or plays my PS4 the entire time until she leaves
>Later says she was planning to fuck me the first time I took a break from the game
>Never got a chance because I never took a break
>Still hasn't come over since
No regrets desu


Sex is for losers.

You wouldn't even get much money for them from a game store.
Talk about ulterior motives.

As much as I like him, he's mostly humanized. I use Anonhatter for my fat assed pony needs. Andelai too on occasion.

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Obviously her. He was pretty blatantly murdered. She probably smothered him with a pillow in his sleep if I had to guess based on the evidence.

Because actual man don't tend to cute-fy something, because it's extremely emasculated.

>she bought me a console with my money oh boy!

>fall asleep every night to GF ASMR
>porn doesn’t do anything for me anymore but a girl whispering “I love you baby” makes me diamond hard

I’m very lonely and will never experience affection from a woman who cares about me.


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The question that I think will be the most interesting to see answered is when we're going to start seeing militant feminist groups start attacking things like wAIfu stores, wAIfu factories, etc. Will it be when the tech is in its infancy and the androids are basically just gyrating versions of those clap-lights? Will it be increasingly believable conversation and emulated personality that sets them off? Or will they manage to hold out until there are men utilizing artificial gestation chambers to have children? And just how badly will the overall problem be exacerbated by its mere existence? As we now know, semen contains several novel compounds that are absorbed by the woman, improving her mood and mental state. The less they have sex with men, the crazier they can potentially get on a biological level. In a sex-scarce society, will they adopt the self-discipline to keep these impulses in check and continue to be productive members of civilization?

>life isn't a fucking disney movie
then I choose death

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Something similar happened to one of my cousins. He had a history of being emotionally unstable and he had some gf that demanded he sell all of his games. And then she ended up cheating on him and they broke up. Because of course

Sex robots can't come soon enough

This is how 2D people feel. I shutter at the memories of eating out women in my youth. That filthy gash. The taste and smell and getting hair stuck in my teeth. Not like glorious 2D. Clean, pure, cute, and will never betray you.

Show the follow up tweet where she used his credit card.

ampharos posting is the most based thing in Yea Forums
it is also my fave pokemon

>having a fucking annoying cunt is the only way to success
you're pathetic man

I'm so glad I'm not this man.

Probably sleep apnea.

No women is like Skyrim, they get old, stall and can't be nodded easily.

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>tfw 30 and never had a gf

This image is making me very very angry

This isn’t rationality
This is the penultimate incel cope

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>tfw so disgusted by modern women that I wish I could turn full gay

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Cringe but wholesome.

Be a 6'5+ 7/10+ white man. It's that easy.

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Realistically, it results in a lot of unmarried 35 year old women because they're still waiting for that perfect someone. If they'd simply lived in a rural town, they'd be happily married with 3 kids. "The grass is always greener on the other side". Women can never, ever shake that mentality. So they wait for it, or abandon what they have in search of it.

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Why do they pretend that this isn't a completely unavoidable side effect of women entering the workforce with men? Like they all piss and moan for change, and this is simply a part of that change. There are simply not enough 6-figure-making 6'3" handsome men without autism to go around for them. Besides, aren't they all about independence? That's all you hear is independent woman this independent woman that, why are they upset if they don't have a man but they make good enough money to support themselves? The whole point of having a man is to get money, and they have money now so it's unnecessary.

WTF are you babbling about? Feminists have no understanding of basic economics.

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>that would rather fuck my dog
what did he mean by this

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Man, i don't like final fantasy but that's just fucking sad. imagine getting rid of something that is part of your life and important to you just because some bitch said so. Of course having a child is just as if not more important to that guy but there was no need for this.

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Supergirl could do better honestly

Not interested!

How can this person read her own article and not understand the correlation between everything that's wrong with it?

The very idea of conceptualizing human relationship based exclusively on notion of control and power is what feminism brought to the table in the first place. That is their invention (they themselves "borrowed" it from Marxism).
Again: it's funny if you have basic education on the subject matter.

Isn't that just Rugby, then?

cardiac arrest from stress and lack of sleep

Try taking time off from fapping
If you were using a condom that is a likely problem, I was never able to cum with a condom on.
Blowjobs and hand jobs are really where it's at, IMO it is way better to sit back and relax and enjoy it than throwing your back out while she just lays there.

Also I find it is usually more awesome with THC. Had my biggest load ever other night when my wife jerked me off.

Haven't you heard that white girls fuck dogs?

In reality, our generation prefers to play the blame game and glorify our problems( and our broken self in general, while we choose the vast majority of alternatives pushed by the media mentality, to superficially fill the gaps in our lives. We never really had to face true hardships in our early years to mature properly, and the future feels nihilistic and bleak as fuck

Women will NEVER take responsibility for their actions, they will just keep blaming everything until we put them on a leash again


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*Throws a ball 1 cm forward*
*Gets flagged*

>''Final Fantasy was a big part of my life. It would be great if my son plays all those great games one day.''
That thought never crossed his mind? Or it did, but his wife forced him to sell all those games?

would just rather hire escorts desu, women today are such obnoxious cunts

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The same way mothers coddle their sons making them unfuckable and continue to coddle them when you point out that they wouldn't fuck a guy who's being coddled by their mother.

>implying he isn't appalled by the fact his gf is so fucking retarded to get him a PS4

ok christcuck, makes sense you don't want to actually source

Vidya is fun and easy to understand, hard to master.
Women are only fun when you're fucking them, then the other 80-95% of the time they're extremely boring.
Just do what I do and get a hooker every once in awhile and cut out the middleman.

it probably did but he was probably too beta to say no.

I'd want something better to, juicy supernips are something to die for.

He's volcel

Guys advice for life here, invest in yourselves, study hard, stay healthy, do the things that you love.
Women nowadays are one of the most despicable beings I've ever had a chance to meet, had various girlfriends of various types but one thing stays the same, they're super egoistical and you always have to try and conform to their bullshit, if you find someone who really likes you and your hobbies then you're in some outworldly luck, don't chase after no one, chase after your future, become a better person and know your true value, someday someone with true value will find you.

She never intended to fuck you. Women say something like that all the time when they don't get the attention they actually wanted. They want to spite you.

>mfw actually started being hydrated and stopped drinking soda, energy drinks

thanks Yea Forums

It's a kike

t. roastie

ITT: People pretending to hate women as a coping mechanism for not being able to find a girlfriend.

Just wallow in self pity like the rest of us instead of taking it out on others.

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I was chuckling to myself while thinking about this image the other day, can’t believe morons fall for the marriage meme

This is unsurprisingly accurate.

You know I've always wondered about that. A dude being a momma's boy is one of the most unattractive things women find in men and I've heard many bitching about boys they meet being like that, but then when they have sons they feel compelled to coddle them and make them into momma's boys. Why is that? Is it fueled by some sort of subconscious fear that the boy will leave them or something?

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Nah, I have an ex.
Do white guys think that only incels dislike women?
Maybe you should take some of that self pity, load it into a gun, and do the world a favor.

she actually looks cuter when that first slap wipes that gremlin smile off her face

Lets be honest, if you are not Giga Chad (which considering you are here you are probably not) the only way is the beta way by giving a women your time,attention and money. Ive seen it, its sad and pathetic, but it gives you pussy I guess?

>Have a great girlfriend that doesnt do 99% of the shit people bitch about here
>still perfectly capable of commenting on how shit most women are because I've dealt with their shit before
Nice try though

But he's 100% correct.
Some of the worst men on the planet are men who were coddled by mommy.
Whether it's annoying incels, annoying whiteknight faggots, shitty weirdos, etc. etc. they were almost always coddled by mommy.
Women are shit at raising children, ironically.

Bro the worst thing in life is getting mad pussy and realising most women have fucking trash personality, some of the posts here are retarded but I can understand some others.

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Yeah, but the Hebrews are supposed to be more intelligent than the rest of us, not say stupid, off-the-rails bullshit that makes no sense

It's all to do with biological purpose, once your kids have left you're no longer useful to society.

Don't rely on somebody else to make you into what you want to be. You'll end up wasting precious time, and end up bitter because it never happened.
You have to become the person you want to be, and unlock your potential, on your own terms; and this is the better way to do it because if you fall down, you can pick yourself back up. Even if other people are always there to help you (unlikely, but it happens to some), it's unfair on them to be a burden when you break down.
And you will break down eventually. Some "normal" lucky people don't and won't; the fact you're here makes it very unlikely that you're one of them.

I have a question for the thread:
Life happens to you whether you like it or not;
Why do people want to endure it with someone else, when they could be trying and failing and learning on their own, on their own terms? Isn't it better to know you have total control over your problems?
Someone please explain what makes my thinking different to every love song and chick flick.



>32 year old
>web dev
>120k pay
>still wizard

Women are waste of time. I learned that long time ago. Play more vidya frens

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That's not the worth thing at all, I came to same realization without ever getting to fuck more than one of them. I wish I was getting "mad pussy" since that would make up for how retarded, boring, and awful 99.9% of women are.

You should come play with me sometime. I love bullying my toys when I'm.not ever so busy with my day, user. I bet we could have tons of fun.
The only games that ever made me neglect important aspects of my life ate online games in all honesty. I wish there was a way to pause them without losing anything in ranked modes. The only guys I've dated were online and it always ended up bad. I remember I used to binge League when I was a dumb teen in a lesbian relationship that played Jungle constantly and would camp my partners lane. We eventually grew to realize we hate each other and things never really worked out. I kind of just don't like women anymore. Also didn't help my parents were always a pain.

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Right, but it has no relation to the comment "he" was replying to and "he" was quick to bring that shit up in defense of the article I was commenting on

I didn’t start hating women until I got a gf

It's a part of their demoralization and subversion

>tfw I'm about to enter education to become a web dev

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>man works, and women does not
That is OK. (even though she will say she's a strong independant woman; you will never hear that from a man)

>woman works, but man does not
She leaves him.