Ready for our game tonight?
Ready for our game tonight?
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what the hell is this
I'm glad that my mom was able to join the gaming session! :)
(thats my mom at the bottom)
it shouldn't be possible to look worse than male onions but here we are
Uhh, guys? I think I'm at the objective.
i guess i'll be tracer
>he doesn't have a gaming group of 50 year old MILFs
lmaoing @ your life
>BULLYHUNTER72 has joined the game
I am their objective
Nice job! :)
>Doesn't say the third friend's name
>Second friend already knows who they are and is looking at their profile
Extreme807 is being stalked by yellow ballpit girl
I’m already tracer
>Bullyhunterhunter has joined the game
What do Trophies mean
Hey can I join please?
What is this supposed to stand for? Her age?
This can't seriously be how normies talk about video games. They're being very evasive about the name of the game, as if they're afraid of saying it online, like they got the co-op mod for Rapelay or something.
The only game I can thinks that is female friendly...
Where is this from?
It's not. It's just how out-of-touch suits think normies talk about video games.
A brilliant knife move!
Ha ha ha that is funny anonymous, I'm very excited for our nondescript game later.
I just don't understand. How can marketers be so "unhip" and "not with it" as to understand what the gamer market looks like?
I mean, sure, don't use ugly potatoes and deformed preteens from /r9k/, but nobody falls for "mothers" talking like that either.
Womens curling is always the best part of the olympics
Im happy I dont own ps3, ps4, xbox360 or xbone. Im way too autistic to start grinding trophies, I know i would try to get everything in everygame i would own
I miss this format
>This can't seriously be how normies talk about video games.
No shit sherlock. It's written by corporate marketers trying to be hip and young, which means it's the closest thing you'll see irl to actual reptilians attempting to understand human emotion.
>I just saw all their trophies
Man or woman, it's super obvious this was written by someone who has never ever played video games with or without people.
Women are still at an inherent disadvantage in curling when compared to men.
They've trained their whole lives for it in the kitchen.
How did she know to look for the profile?
She clearly saw it when Lemons invited Extreme807 to the group.
I thought those were lemons.
They are.
Nobody actually uses their real face for PSN do they?
How do I make friends like that?
post other version
You think they're talking about a depraved sex party? Asking for a friend.
I just saw all of your trophies on your profile. You're not invited.
yeah this is accurate.
>nuck_figgers has joined
who says nword in chat first?
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking, but that's a common slang for a prostitute around here.
That's what we call vampires. Why the FUCK do they appropriate OUR culture??
>Not enjoying a nice gaming session with the girls
nerf this
>tfw that piece of shit is still watchable because the one cute girl in it is really cute and hot
>Pulp Shition
No thanks, all of them have terrible taste in movies.
Yellow shorts is like another order of magnitude of cute compared to the others.
>Gamer girls
Hey guys, gamer girl here, can I join?
Tits or gtfo.
oh no no no no no
>viewing trophies of someone
Excited about our game
Post source
son, come and play the wii with me
it's gonna be BADASS fellow gamers
Curling is a based sport tho...
That's an admirable belly for a person her age.
Second this can somebody tell us? I hope there is video I need cringe to stay awake. Any gaming advertising that induces it welcome.
Hell yeah! Get ready for some EPIC pwnage!
Why is SAUCEposting bannable on EVERY board except /gif/, the board with the simplest, dumbest userbase, and Yea Forums for some reason?
props to them for the mentally challenged chemo patient on the couch
thats like a 30 year old tranny, they deteriorate faster like most white women
dog sex dirby 2019?
Who invites their mom to their game night?
my mom still plays civ
Everytime you refresh that web it gives you new faces, lel
>tfw I pretty much only play games with my mom
Nowadays it's terrible since she only plays mmo shit so it's a struggle to catch up, I miss when I was younger and we would emulate stuff to play together.
We are unstoppable!
just play co-op games like vermintide or destiny
Who the fuck wrote this? Do people not just fucking ask their friends to come play with them? This isn't DnD where you need to schedule meetings.
>"Yo user, play [GAME] with me."
>"k, 2 secs gotta boot up."
>"Don't invite that achievement hunting faggot along
*spills can of coke on his keyboard*
Every single on of them looks like they fuck dogs. I can tell because I've watched plenty of dog porn in my youth.
That's more believable sadly
Each one is worse than the last.
At least there's some hapa representation.
>police officer nathan higgers has joined the game
Playstation cheevos
That's the point. All women are whores.
wow sony is really breaking ground with this one
Damn that one is good. Saved.
>refresh several times
>no blacks
uh oh
Somewhat underrated imho
Area code, maybe?
sauce? please? I have a thing for someone getting banged while someone else is distracted
Can't wait for edits with racial stereotypes for the pajeets and asians.
How are you on Yea Forums and haven't seen this?
Wtf dude dont say that. The fbi will shut Yea Forums down if they find out.
>only see a single pajeet
choose your main Yea Forums
Fuck the Chad simulator 2019.
>the high scorer
>the pronoun princess
>the manager mauler
One will protect you, the rest are coming to kill you.
Choose wisely.
>playing games
atatata I don't think so
Here's a joke Yea Forums
What happens when you take a gamer, and put him into a society?
Why does someone always use this image to reply to the Ampharos faggot?
ballpit thot will give us enough ammo to hold everyone back
>Hey! Ready for our game tonight?
>What game?
>This one.
>It's trash, fuck this and fuck you.
>Giganaga disconnected.
>one reminds me of Elliot Rodgers
>choosing him would put him against 4 women
Not a hard choice.
Nigga just watch porn.
Gamer Girl Needs Anal - xvideos
Nobody fucking talks like that or uses the PSN messaging system
>TRANNYHUNTERXXX has joined the game
kill me
>all those meds on the desk
*plane noises*
who let him bring a gun into a live set like that?
Women's curling is the only reason I even watch the winter olympics. It's full of top tier qts.
Get a job in tech marketing and "micro"-dose enough LSD to start hallucinating your powerpoint slides coming to life.
Two thumbs up for this lad
It's me. I am the Extreme807
>sister wanted to use my room to play Mario kart with her friends
>visit my room after her friends are gone
>no decency to put everything back in the place and have cables flying all over the place.
Who invited ice_wallowcome?
>the second gorilla fucking flips the other one off
Holy crap ....
fuck off racist pece of shit
Im howling, fucking christ user
actually that is bigoted not racist you dumb snatch. Also true so double fuck off.
Are curries incapable of banter? This is the first I've heard of it.
>some human taught the gorilla to flip the bird
is that a plump angela white on the right?
my sides
tope kek amigo
The person who made this is probably a 60 year old boomer who wants to kill himself and his sagging wife but can't so he takes it out in his dead end marketing job.
probably one of the smallest gaps in professional sport
curling doesn't require strength
poo in the loo
If only the last one had been the Indian guy.