
Attached: Tibia.jpg (1279x992, 200K)

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this game's biggest drawback has always been no sounds

Who cares about sounds lol

old rook...

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A dream fades...

>mfw I pissed off some BRs so hard that they would seek me out every time I went in-game and kill me

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Bros, I...

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>Who cares about sounds lol
Runescape has a legacy of iconic music like youtube.com/watch?v=QSkvyG3H_KM
that people remember it by and more people play the game because of it
meanwhile Tibia is just Tibia and has 10 times less players than runescape today despite being able to compete with it back in the days

Seriously, I always gave 0 shits about the absence of sounds, specially because mmorpgs sounds are usually repetitive shit.

br? train? br? train? gib? br? br? br?

Tibia is not competing with Runescape, is not even trying. They are very different games lol

tibia used to be on par with runescape 18 years ago and was very much competing

But Tibia had sounds? Here's what it sounded like.


I didn't even need to look at the video I already knew what you posted

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>18 years ago

that isn't old rookgard

I can't think of Tibia anymore without thinking of the story of that one BR that had an argument with a 14 year old in game, so he went to his house, killed him, and then butchered to the body into little pieces in an attempt to hide the crime. They caught him in the act so the crime scene photos showed like a torso and limbs just scattered around his house. BRs are fucking insane.


who's /ab'dendriel/ here?

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>if Tibia was on steam it would be a top 50 game
>top 50 on the biggest PC platform in the world
>despite being released 22 years ago

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Ab is the gay town, crazy gay shit happen there

>old rook
That's tutorial island added in 2008 m8

rookgard didn't have a port before, you started right in the temple

sounds and music give extra life to the game world, literally why is this so hard to understand?
you start to associate areas with their music and grow more attached to them. it keeps you playing the game for longer. it makes you think of the game later down in life and maybe makes you try to play it again.

It's his own fault for not realizing fasthands was a scam.

>screenshots past 7.2

Stop posting here

shows what I know

I don't know. The appeal of Tibia was its lawlessness. The only MMORPG to date where indiscriminate murder was a frequent occurrence and death could potentially set you back to unplayability.


>that troll cave below the underground houses
>that hidden rot, slime and skeleton cave behind a wall deep behind the troll cave
>faggots somehow always find it anyway and kill your slimes youre training on

Cmon faggots what was your highest level on real tibia? 80 here

63 but I got hunted and stopped playing after that


Going beyond 14 under any circumstances should be classified as mental illness.

In the old times I never passed level 26, I was too afraid to hunt

like 30 lmao
but I went back to it like 2 years ago and hit 100+. obviously not a big achivement anymore but it still felt cathartic

Now pay to win is all over the place

>new tibia
>top 50 game

Even with the older patches, people would complain about losing shit on death or that the game is literally just grinding for months on end. I guarantee 90% of zoomers would instantly quit after getting PKed for the first time.

Tibia classic when? If Runescape can do it so can we. I want to go home for real bros, not this WoW shit.

For Tibia it's a step up. Back in the day you basically had to get involved with organized crime to get anyway.

Evidence #1 - Backpacks of UB

Please explain further

even without new players baited by steam release 10k online is enough to put game in top50

When I began playing I reached like 50 or something. Then I had multiple 35's because all I did was PK'ing with my guild for a few years

My good sir, you look hurt! Here, have a healing potion, free of charge!

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what the fuck am I looking at and why is the perspective so wonky

I sometimes play on Open Tibia Servers. Cipsoft is too retarded to do something like this.

you can buy potions, runes and training weapons which boost your skills and magic level for real money
you can even buy blessings straight for real cash

thankfully potions and runes are insanely overpriced so it's better to sell the tibia coins for GP to fags that want to buy premium with them. it's like a bond in runescape or wowtoken in wow

aw arghhh im hurt

tibia already has classic pvp servers though



>ywn count down combo sd on ventrilo ever again

Gonna tell one of my favorite stories in tibia that I had lived

>It was 2005, saturday morning on the server Xantera, city of Thais
>I was playing with my brother in his level 19 knight
>suddenly, Orc raid in thais
>I never saw a raid before
>fucking scary as shit
>in the end, the two strongest monsters (Orc Warlord) are alive and people keep trying to kill them but some use UH runes on it
>the orcs live for 2h, killing literally hundreds of players on the server
>I die 4 times for that fucking orc
>It was so much fun watch those two fuckers literally murder so many players while people try to kill or heal them

To this day, it was the biggest massacre I ever witness in the game.

look at this stream
now remember that it's 2019

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Did they ever ended up opening the lv 999 door?

Remember getting scammed by this, dying, then being so filled with rage and shame that I tricked some other poor sap to drink it but of course he didn't die.

Name a more iconic location in any MMORPG

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they did
and what they found would absolutely shock you

You know, tibia players are some crafty fuckers, this video fucking cracks me up everytime.



o fuck

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> knockoff Ultima

no thanks

What's inside my dudes, the way you guys replied makes me think that there was literally nothing inside

My first experience of this game is spawning alone by a river, following the river, and then coming upon a house covered in mutilated corpses and BRs cooking flesh. Was I even playing the same game?

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haven't played in years now, feel the desire to do so though.

Typical gay nigger zoomer

>game has insane punishments for death
>it allows you to lure big monsters from anywhere into cities
>it lets you fucking heal those monsters as they massacre everything for you while you loot the dead bodies
tibia was a fucking treasure


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I just told him if he could not use the word puta because my son was watching with me and he believed me and now i feel rather devilish.

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there's a teleport inside that teleports you to a remote island
theres an NPC there that gives you a trophy item with your name on it
and he sells coconuts

Don't go to school tomorrow

No zoomer game will ever capture the feeling of 00's MMOs
>no tr*nnies butthurt over microaggression
>free for all everything allowed, GMs weren't involved into every small thing between players "it's just a game" "you can PK them back" responses
>less restricted PvP as opposed to tr*anny games like XIV
>simple game play that rewarded teaming up for difficult quests, or monsters, or just for faster exp
>no "meta" (this wasn't a thing back then)
>more stuff by word of mouth and fan websites and forums

yeah, even later it was possible to lure bosses, now, not even this is possible anymore.


That's beyond lame fucking hell

Nah all of its core mechanics would be toxic for today's gamers. I have yet to experience something as exhilarating as the skull system

>through the fire and the flames begins playing
WoW zoomers will never know these feels

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59, couldn't get past level 60 for 3 months due to ok, lag and overall stupidity from my part so I gave up and did nothing but train noobs to pk with.

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12 years ago? yeah

Tibia is fucking garbage nowadays

This game was BRUTAL.

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>I fucking lured GS's to venore with my 102 ek
Literally no one could go outside of town

>crafty fuckers
I remember this one post on some polish forums about 50+ spots in the game where you could bait and trap people on PvE servers and effectively kill them. I once tried one of those methods with my friend. West to Venore there was a witchhouse, you had to lure them over to this one spot, in which they had to go in crosswise and thus making them not leave the spot (mobs can't roam crosswise). The spot was near a transit route to Orc Fortress, where about 50-60 lvl players farmed. All we had to do was wait a bit and throw some money to lure the fuckers. They collect the cash and aggro the witches which attack then from distace with magic that bypasses armor. At the same time we block their escape. They can't kill the witches because swamp terrain was blocking them and ranged classes couldn't get close enough to attack them. This fucking retarded brazilian 60 Ek sees 1k gold on the ground and flies to it like a fly to the shit. We loot pic rel outta him and some other shit. Literally one of the funniest moment in my gaming life

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user im talking about current players.
tibia has 11k people online right now which would put it in steam top 50


goldan age of gaming experience


Tibia never had the rogue class, but this video is a fucking example it is a fucking liar, traps them, then extort them even when they are fucking dying desperate.

I used to bring noobs to the king/queen and tell them to start a quest:

Hail to the king
Fag key

when they said fag, the npc would leave them with one 1hp left then I would LMM them and they would die to a level 8.

People had no idea of what fag meant in the game (Mostly Brazilians), it was fucking funny.

then they made the area of the king PZ, and nobody had any more fun.

fuck cipsoft.

I remember back in 2007 or so. I'd trick BRs into saying things like "fag" in front of the queen, most of them didn't know what these words meant and the queen used to reduce your HP down to 1 if you swore in front of her. Then I'd simply finish them off, grab the loot and run away.

I remember when i was only 6 and my sister's boyfriend introduced me to the game. I really enjoying fucking around in Thais buying silly stuff like music instruments and the soccer ball (which people would steal from you all the time).

Also vaguely remember there being an abandoned house south or north of Thais. I remember looking at premium player owned houses and wishing i could have my own, so i'd pretend the abandoned house was mine.

Never managed to get premium because my parents thought buying anything on the internet was a scam.

You could do that with the guard around Thais too. He would attack you for swearing at him.

>fire sword
oh you fucker, I can feel brs tears

I got a Brazilian so angry his guild master came to hunt us to Fibula but we trapped him and he dropped a DSM. Lmao

>Reward for a level 30 quest
>Commonly sold for 2k-5k
That shit is dirt cheap, the fuck?

This game was so shit that it killed the entire MMORPG genre for me. When FF XI and WoW came out I was like "dude this looks like Tibia" and refused to play them.

it used to be the best sword in the game at some point, at least until you were good enough to do annihilator quest for the magic sword, which 99.9% of knights never did

not on pvp enforced

yeah that was it
Literally everyone in tibia was a rogue, everyone except your friends tried to fuck you over
It was rather rara and sought-after at the time I was playing, it was go-to sword before you upgraded to that one from annihilator quest

Any of you ever made a tibia bot? How do you do it?



First and last time I ever got scammed online was in Tibia. I mist have been 12 years old back then. I was playing some class that could make runes, HMM's I think. So I grinded and made a bp of hmm to sell. One guy wanted to trade it to a sword, he showed me Sword of Light in the trade window, I got super excited. He did this a few times hitting cancel each time and asking "? too heavy??" so I got impatient and just clicked trade right away. In the last attempt he put in katana instead of the SoL, and because they look alike I didn't notice in time.

I got mad as fuck, I still remember this shit now when I'm 30 years old. Good times, good lesson.

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bots are dead user
now that tibia has battleeye nobody really bots anymore.

Not a hard achievement desu. I was in a guild in Amera and we had several people on a blacklist that whenever appeared online should be hunted if you were high level enough to kill. Good times.
I got to lvl 93 Master sorcerer. This was in 2006.

How was the world so well made? I've never had so much fun exploring in a game.
There's just tons of neat little areas, branching paths, adrenaline pumping danger and all in multiplayer where you can party up from the start or find new friends out in the world, player corpses to loot and half-dead players to murder..

Tibia took boys and made them into men

what about in medivia? I swear it's a hobby thing, I want to program something fun.

130 or something EK, haven't played in years though. Everything post-9.XX is shit.

no idea what that shit is. an OTS? then yeah probably. though an OTS means the community will be more tight-knit and GMs will personally look around the game and ban your ass if they see you

coming for that low lvl booty
fucking classic

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old tibianus, oldschool 7.4 tibia

you dont even know

>sword of light
you mean bright sword

even watching these videos, and looking at old design items I hated like the studded armor or scale armor brings me sweet memories

Getting rooked......

Impossible. The feels of being killed by rats in that sewer, oh man.

I leveled to 8 on rats, because best money drop ratio

i member leveling swords with a knife on bears outside thais


This is from like 2005 or so, it's fucking great and one of the most famous events in Antica, skip to 20:10 or so if you don't want to see the start

The guy pretty much never logged on again

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this was a fucking meme on the end of the year of 2007



holy fuck, this why I love tibia

Goes amazing with this music

>At newbie island
>Fill one cup with water and another one with poison
>Drink the cup of water and my character goes "Aahhh..." then place the cup with poison on the ground and tell the dude in front of me
>Here is some juice, want a sip?
>Dude actually drinks it
>Everyone in the vicinity instantly gather around him, not letting him move and start pushing one another to be the one nearest when he dies
>I just watch from far as he eventually breaks free and starts running away, while everyone gives chase
>I follow them until he dies at that sheep farm and people start flinging his corpse all around the place trying to scavenge him for loot

Those old MMOs were fucking savage when you think about it.

>3.2k dmg out of ass
Jesus Christ


He raped the boy too before.

>didn't throw his BP into the water or a trash bin
what an idiot, he only trolled himself in the end

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WoW raids ain't got shit on this fucking quest

pretty sure it would be bright sword + carlin sword, Katana looks nothing alike.


>guy fucks with me
>add him to vip list
>wait for him to leave
>exiva "retard"
>kill him
>rince and repeat
what other mmos let you pk and have find person spells?

absolute mad man

Still my favorite quest even if it took LITERALLY 10 HOURS


nah, it was a katana.

>all these sprites

fuck man, nostalgia as fuck


>5 minutes later his entire guild comes in to rape you

Is skull system the pinnacle of MMO PvP?

It was pure madness and I loved it. It was like walking into another realm. I could cheat, lie, steal, threaten, murder and even commit ethnic genocide with my friends against players from difrent country and not only it was allowed but also encouraged

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>friends brother kill me while I was with low hp
>get mad as fuck (really, really mad)
>pretend that I had let it go
>"hey, what do you say we go hunting so we can let all this mess behind us?" I say to him
>take him north of Carlin
>it's time
>start attacking him and feeling the adrenaline of revenge
>im shaking
>he tries to run back to carlin
>but can't, my rage and revenge is too strong
>he colapses
>I feel peace

>Not having several alts just to Pk.
>not having bots and multiclient to kill whoever wants to kill you back.
>not being able to play 4 characters at once
Lol noob

it always bothered me how punishing the death system was, they should just have made a level cap and make you lose no exp on death but still lose gear

days of grind become dust because of some retarded mistake

Man this game was wild. I remember I couldn't sleep sometimes when the pk sesh got too intense. Sometimes I had to jack off between murders because I was so excited

And 10k of those are bots.

That's why it was so meaningful to die or to kill people to be honest. If anything they just had to make better hunt areas.

>Sometimes I had to jack off between murders because I was so excited

Easy frags.
Botting was one of the best things in tibia.

>play knight
>have to level mlvl again
its worse than losing exp

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This was the only game I ever played that gave me that feeling of absolute horror when exploring the unknown. Not knowing if it was safe or if you were going to die to some beast far stronger than you could handle was something that never really got in other games.

Ah right, it's been a long time and I forgot the Katana wasn't always switched to the angled one. My bad.

Did you pk often?
Never had that adrenaline rush before?
That's the reason why Brazilians chimp out when they kill people.

>back when Hunters and Minotaur Archers had no internal CD for their attacks, was completely random
>could realistically get hit for all your HP if they just happen to decide to hit you 3-4 times rapidly
the castle

>go down a hole
>cant go up without a rope

pure magic

>Exploring PoH
>See blood on the floor
>Brace for GS, I'm a level 30 knight with relative good gear and a BP full of HP pots
>See someone running away, get ready to fight what I thought was the GS
>It was a lvl 200 red skull Pk
>Panic log out
I'm sorry guy...

>Sometimes I had to jack off
my first vidya-related fap was thinking about fucking an amazon in the woods

Attached: amazon.gif (36x32, 2K)

Did you ever cried because of this game? I did, let me tell you my story.

I was a level 12, druid, I was only 10 years old when I was passing by the Thais Hotels (next to the DP and the Paladins guild), In the above floors I witness someone being murdered. I got curious and get up, for those who knows the layout, the hotels are corridors that you can't move when trapped, then I got killed.

I was so angry ans crying so much that I went to DP and got one BP of HMM (fuck, that was my most expensive shit ever, 2k gold) and exiva'd the fucker with rage trying to find him,

Then my mom told me to stop playing because it was my brother turn.

I was fuming with rage and crying because I died at level 12, fucking level 12.

This was the moment I learned that being curious can sometimes get yourself fucked in the ass.

I learned so much life lessons in this game, mainly: do not trust fucking others, they will fuck you sooner or later.

>not Valkyrie
shit taste

non deaf people

>venore amazon camp is top tier comfy place to hunt as a knight
>go back fucking years
>hunting at amazon camp while listening to Radio Tibia (Yes, someone at the time made a Radio for tibians to listen while playing the game, I still listen to songs I got to know in that webradio)

man, this game was something else.

ultima 7 is better

Thais... Home...

I want to cry lads. This game has everything. Fights between guilds and nationalities, bounty hunters, economy, crazy and endless pvp strategies, ppayer owned houses and guild halls, guilds dominating entire servers and much more.

Take me back to 2005 again please

Did you guys cheat? I used that sorcerer mage bomb script before Cipsoft patched it out. Was pretty dope to kill a high lvl in 1 second lmao

>grow up in Tibia
>eventually change to Eve Online
for me, it's cut-throat life

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Of course I cried bigger. I got my friend level 100 EK killed in the hotels also but that didn't make me cry, what me me cry was the first time I tried to PK someone by myself.
I was a level 15 Sorc and I was hunting Rotworms north of thais, some focker starts hunting in my spot so I decided to lure him to the Carrion worm caves and bashed his head in with a mace since my hammer level was higher than my magic level. Fucker called his friends and I managed to escape further north to the troll cave and almost logged off but some asshole level 45 sorc found me and just SD my ass. I thought it was the most cancer and unfair shit in the world....then I got to level 45 myself and did it to other players.

Thanks god someone else did this
>Once at the amazon camp I pinned down one of the amazons against a corner, their AI keeps trying to retreat so she was facing against the wall
>Had one of my most memorable vidya faps, imagining myself raping that red head while she struggles

This game was pure magic

>mfw I stole someone hydra's egg
Was sitting alone in one of the premium cities, I just pick it up and went back to carlin.
Never managed to go past level 34 for some reason, every time I reached 35, I was killed by something, either someone trapping me, or the dial up internet giving up inside a dangerous cave.
I just want another Tibia 7.6-7.8 like MMO.

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>be me
>afraid to hunt
>afraid of pks
>only hunt when is very late at night
>carlin was my hometown, didn't dare go to other cities
>when I went, it was a fucking adventure, but I couldn't help but go back to Carlin, my safespace
>only hunted ghouls 10% of the time in game hunting, other 90% talking with people at the DP

If you played on Secura and someone at lvl 80~ kept fucking with your training spots (those slimes) and trying to kill you, it was me


A GM got mad at me and banned my acc twice which got it deleted and he did it because he was botting and I kept ruining it for him







These videos are PURE SOUL

i still cant watch cringe shit like this

It wasn't allowed but it was rarely enforced

They'd ban you for destructive behavior if they determined you're harmful to other players.

I used Tibia Lux back in 2005

I am a fucking cheater.


I had some of the wildest adventures with my friends in this game, that being because they were all assholes and significantly higher level than I was, they would take me to high level areas where any mob could instantly kill me, have me take part in their PK videos even though we would always end up being hunted down and killed, and would also randomly attack me for no reason and then stop when I was about to die, then heal me up, sometimes.

It was exhilarating


>tfw played on no pvp servers because i was a bitch
>every hunting place was being 24 7 botted
>get sick of not being able to level because of bots and start to make monster traps
>tfw luring 50 trolls into a ladder in AB and watch them get melted at sonic fast speeds
>making bots walk over fire until they die
>all the gold they collect from botting belongs to you now

killing botters was my jam


Are there any decent populated private servers?

I used to play everquest but my laptop bluescreen'd on me when I was fighting in the lake of ill omen

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>dead body close to the DP

Bros, I am scared.

this, everything looks like it's falling the fuck over


my brazilian brothers,

I know you still know the lyrics



I still got level 145 pally

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I got fooled way harder, but only once. Early on I dropped down the hole and the guy was like "don't worry I'll rope you up when we're done"

He left me for dead.

I was too young and bad at the time tibia most most fun and rewarding

>that fear of finding a strong monster that could one shot you while exploring
>getting lost in mols and ending up with a dl burning your ass
>going to plains of havoc to be greeted by 4 giant spiders at once
shit was fun

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AuraOT is one of the best high rate tibia servers with a lot of cool mechanics but it's a Brazilian core pvp server so it's not like normal RL.

i like the idea of just being able to murder other players
i heard they removed alot of that shit though

Tibia Lux was a pretty casual cheat because everyone used it

Multiclienting was a godsend

I absolutely loved this game but sucked so much at it, literally never took any risks because dying was such a big a hit for your character


look at the 4 and ignore the 2
end the 7 with 5 in mind
value of 6 is 9
explain the second of 4
run past the 7
substract 10
use the northeast first
see the colors change
errors are red
look what changes
expect no mercy
six times 10
stupidity is red

>friend switches characters with me, 43 Royal Paladin for my 29? Sorcerer
>I die twice to Ice Giants/Crystal Spiders since It was back then and I was shitty, and he RS's my character and that was that
spent the next month in the DP and people's houses merching and making friends, and probably got myself month-banned for account sharing (not related to what we actually did, but for me saying YES when someone was giving away his account). Good times.

Ugly and boring ass game

>i like the idea of just being able to murder other players

You know he got put in jail for that, right?

>That one kid who picked all the blueberries for himself

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Yeah, what we did was to wait for some fucker right next to the place where he logged out, wait for him to come online then drop a sudden death bomb on his ass the instant he went online. Unfortunately this was patched out eventually but it was fun while it lasted.


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nah he got let go because he showed his tibia license
tibia players operate outside any law

29 or 30, i remember the times between 23-28 were hell. I couldn't kill anything bigger than what I was already killing and I was dying frequently because I made the oh big mistake of exploring by myself and everything killed me.
Faggots luring giant spiders near the town were a big problem, those things would scare me shitless back in the day (the deaths in Tibia were the worst, I was always shaking)

80somethings Paladin.

I had a 130 EK friend and we hunted Nightmares in Yalahar and Behemoths in the Pirate city hills. Good times.

>tell someone in chat that i have the item he wanted (BoH)
>tell him that i’m in some island in one corner of the map
>he actually goes there
>tell him i was lying and laugh my ass off
>go train with minotaurs at the opposite part of the map
>suddenly the fucker comes and keeps killing my minotaurs and cursing me
>log out

It was great

I was exactly like you once, then I discovered ots and it changed my mindset forever.

Shit was intense, i went with the first party on my server and it took like 8 hours to finish.
>all those unlucky niggas that stayed in specific places to block monster respawn and died

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what is going on? did Ti steal something?

>Rookgaard got replaced with a new starting area
>The new area has no lore and the quests are just "kill X monsters". It's a tiny island for grinding and trying out all the vocations. There is no exploration, no mysteries.
>It's still possible to visit Rookgaard, but it's completely abandoned (it was already ruined by the linear questline that makes you level 8 immediatly anyways)

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wow, thats soul

yes, they were showing off their loot and he stole everything, then logged off and abandoned the game forever

That is evil, Rookgaard was amazing.

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>Want to give the game a go
>See the new walking animations
>See that they added critical hits
>No Rookgard

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Rookgard was so fucking kino
>Slowly leveling up so you could go towards the west side
>Kill bears for tons of food
>Save up for a rope so you could go down into the spider caves, get poisoned and die like a bitch
>Always find people trapped in there without rope
>Help them out from time to time
>Level up so you are strong enough to go into the crypt(?) so you could fight skeletons then sandworms and get a mace
>Go down into the orc(?) mountain and enter the house which needed the key
Fuck man, I didn't play Tibia a lot but I have fond memories of Rookgaard

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holy fuck, thats a good old times right here

To me the game died when they added level requirements for gear, which I think, was the same patch that killed the UH runes.

What ?

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they also fucked up everything by making armor sets and weapons vocation-exclusive


They added level reqs for weapons in some patch, I think it was 7.92. Basically this meant that it if you didn't meet the level for the weapon you would do absolute shit damage. Only good thing was that they introduced a bunch of new weapons to streamline more the gear progession, it was a dumb thing to do nonetheless. This patch also introduced those dumb giant potions that effectively killed ultimate healing runes.

Yes, this too, dunno how I forgot about this.

>Starting questline was so linear that I had a bot that cleared it in 1 hour.
The vocation hunting islands were so much better than that abortion of a quest.

I have this weird memory of saving up for the Draken Boots, using them for a couple of days, then shortly after they slapped the level requirement on them and I couldn't use them anymore. Or maybe the Draken boots were out by the time level requirements were a thing, I don't know.

Lads, I logged in and check this out:

I've been holding this rune since fucking 2006.

it doesn't exist anymore on Rookgaard since they changed into potions, so it is a rare item.

Wrong, it was changed for another path, then they changed into another. Now the second place isn't possible to reach anymore, but you still can go to rookgaard (and literally NEVER LEAVE), Rook is a fucking ghost town.

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Holy shit what the fuck is this UI dear god.

Here's a story about dedication and reward
>my older brother and friends from around the yard play tibia
>my bro came up with this brilliant fucking idea to get rich
>it took a fucking year of LARPing to get this done but he fucking did it
>so he made notebook of the backstory of a girl playing this game
>name, region of our country in which she lived
>name of parents, school life, hobbies, everything and all made up
>he learned it by heart
>he made female avatar, oh God I still remember
>green huntress outfit, blonde hair, a nickname only a girl could came up with
>he farms till 20 or so and goes to the hunting ground for high lvl's
>he knows that a leader of guild that rules the server often farms there
>he pulls a giant spider and runs away
>this fucking thirsty retard saves her (my bro)
>"hihihi, silly me I got lost", "What's your name? I'm Justyna", "woah, your character is very powerful"
>for the next year my brother larps as a girl, keeping a journal to not get mixed up in his own lies
continue in the next post

>he lvl's up and get's to meet everyone in the guild
>the guild has this big fucking place, the guildhouse, where everyone has their room and stores all the materials, loot and other goodies
>the thirsty faggot wants to give my bro a room in the guildhouse
>ppl from the guild be like "dude you don't even know who tf this is chill"
>but he's a guildmaster and in dystopian medival ancap wetdream of Tibia, whatever the guildmaster says, it goes
>at first my bro gets the room on the first floor, not getting access to other rooms, but its ok, the plan continuous
>the masterfaggot wants to meet with my bro IRL, he says he loves him and can't wait another day, that he'll travel to my "sister" even if thats on the other side of our country
>my bro says that you'll have to prove that with he loves him with a trust test
>"give me access to other guildies rooms and I'll tell you where I live"
>my bro walks around guildhouse with his lover and doesn't even touch anything
>"See? I'm not a cheater! I'm a real girl and I love you and I want us to meet"
>My bro gives him an adress to an entirely diferent city and says "Go to sleep honey. Long journey awaits tommorow. Can't wait to meet you darling :**"
>my bro, me and our friend wake up in the night and steal literally all the shit they had stashed in there, even the fucking wallpaint
>we sell everything on polish "ebay" for about 500 bucks

>start your own character not related to any friend in a completely different server (Berylia)
>is a fucking shitty mage
>the maximum level you get is level 18
>use the fucking suggested name
>it is fucking shit all over around
>years passes
>search for the name on the site
>they deleted my boi
>name is usable
>make a new character in other server I like to play
>get to this point mainly by killing wasps in 2x Loot day while making runes and becomes fucking rich by selling honeycombs

Yeah, this game is sometimes fun
>still refuses to leave thais because I love this city.

Attached: Screen Shot 010.png (1192x677, 1.34M)

>suddenly someone attacks me
>no please no no
>run for my life
>he keeps chasing me
>beg for my life
>check the webpage to see who killed me
killed by hunter

Now you remember this hellish place

Attached: Screen Shot 009.png (1192x677, 1.06M)

>use the fucking suggested name
I remember trying that and every single one of the suggestions it had was taken
Why the fuck did it keep suggesting names that weren't available?

damn right

>solo grind because i trusted no one
>just finished up my 300k oz lootbag i hoarded up during the day
>send it to thais because i can use the mailbox from the postman quest
>walk back to town to find the entrance blocked
>three way guild war going on in thais, bodies everywhere, the roads are all set ablaze
>gfbs thrown around, i feel the burn and leg it to mt. sternum to kill cyclops, figured i might as well get some more exp down the road
>start walking back, hear people yelling shit in the direction of thais
>those fuckers are still going
>decide to log out just behind dark mansion and call it a day
>log in the next day afternoon
>town is still a fucking mess and theres still small fights breaking out around town

shit was wild

this shit will never happen in any game ever again

the hacksaw ridge of our generation

One time a kid raped another kid and cut him in half because some gold in this game. The victims parents caught the killer trying to hoist part of the body into the attic with a rope like he wouldn't be discovered.

fucking classic

Fuck, Now I am sad that I lost my screen shots.

Yeah, I was looking into this and got sidetracked. Photos there, yeah, it is gore.


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is it worth going back in 2019?

>Once at the amazon camp I pinned down one of the amazons against a corner, their AI keeps trying to retreat so she was facing against the wall
>Had one of my most memorable vidya faps, imagining myself raping that red head while she struggles
When enemy characters run away from me with low hp, it always felt so fucking real and lucid like I was a serial killer on the hunt. No other game ever again gave me this kind of thrill

tibia doesnt have bots anymore
like, none. they hired a third party anti-cheat provider and it's pretty much 100% effective

looks like there are some OT servers that have things modified to be more like it was before.


What I absolutely despised was how p2w the game was

I remember seeing a hunter for the first time, then it started attacking me. I yelled stop don't PK me but alas

a bit too fucking late for that

>even the fucking wallpaint

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are you me?

It was never pay to win, retard. You paid to have a premium account and that's it.

>that feeling of absolute panic when you're travelling between cities and see a fucking giant spider rushing you at light speed

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lmao seems like it's not uncommon then

The game is not pay the win but paid accounts have an easier time.

>premium account
>not pay 2 win

130ish pala during the old days
250 druid on newer tibia

Back then it had like 80k players a day, you even had to wait in queues to login, it's down to 10k now

*10 level 8 mages and druids block your path*

they were doing annihilator quest
annihilator quest requires 4 players of level 100+ and all 4 different vocations to cooperate to complete. the quest drops all 4 of you into a death trap filled with demons and if you survive you are rewarded the best items in the game. you can only do the quest once per character.
imagine grinding for half a year to get to level 100+. imagine spending uncountable gold on resources to be able to survive the demons. then going into the quest with a group and succeeding, with one of your party dead.
you pick up your rewards and place them on the ground to make a screenshot with. then your paladin steals all of your loot off of the ground and runs away, so you create a hunting party to track him down. but he has an amulet of loss so he doesn't lose the items he stole on death.
you are now fucked

>Giant spiders lured to Venore
nightmares bros

>doing annihilator
>bring some of that newer mage food that had a 15 or 30m cd that full restored mana just in case
>also brought some random effect demonic chocolate balls since they're really fun
>give everyone involved a chocolate ball ahead of time, give the druid my backup fire res robes since I did the elemental spheres quest for a better one
>eat the chocolate ball
>in annihilator, burn through all my mana, getting near to death
>get hit to 15% hp, 0 mana, hit mana food
>shares a cooldown with demonic chocolate balls
>prepare for death
>instead manage to pot up and hit a heal due to a slight lull in demon damage output
>end up living while the druid died shortly later
I wonder if I killed him... One of the most "oh shit I fucked up" moments ever.

>Someone says hunted
>They weren't joking
I could see the rookgard

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>300k oz lootbag
fucking madman

Man, I play with female avatar and there is still even today some retards that wants me to be their gf

Also, remember when people literally raped people on the street and fucking died because of it

I will fucking craw you.

Good times when rape jokes would get you canceled.

>trade channel
>sell 1 bp of UH
>some bloke came
>fucking adrenaline when you reach the dwarf bridge

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my sides, I'm dying

Attached: HAHAhahahahhh.png (720x1000, 1.02M)

mad lads

Gotta wonder in retrospect why I didn't just make alts and park them in carlin/venore for trading and just parcel shit over
oh well, the adventure was 90% of the fun.

>Playing for the first time in early 2006
>Hit level 8 and finally go to Carlin
>First person I meet want to show me his house
>Takes me to the corner of the city and tries to kill me but he's only level 12 so I manage to run away to depo with 10 hp left
>Second guy actually has a house
>Locks 6 people in it including me and demands a ransom or he won't open the door
>All the people that got killed by getting tricked into disrespecting the queen and getting reduced to 1hp by the guards only to finished off
What the fuck


Whenever I'm reminded about this game I remember that mentally ill BR monkey that killed and sawed his younger cousin's legs off because he always beat him in game

>kids today are getting coddled in fortnite and begging mum for vbucks instead of murdering and backstabbing each other in tibia, learning social bonds and working towards your goals
fuck this generation and fuck modern video games

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>Now you remember doing the Desert quest and logging off the instant you get into the chest room

didn't exist some magic that you got kicked out of the house?

>That one dude that stacked a shitton of crates in the woods west to Ab and pretended it's his house
The ultimate sandbox mmo

Attached: wut.png (500x500, 118K)

10k players online for a 22 year old game is insanely impressive

You think any noob would know the alana sio word to get ported out of the house?

I loved how you were thrown to the lions with a jacket, club, a torch and a fucking apple.

>spells are actual spells you have to spell out in the chat and not abilities
what other MMO did this

>you are a fucking noob
>want to see some good players doing cool shit
>nowadays you have twitch, youtube
>back in the day you would go to flogao/dirrego and see cool shit
>remember this and go look into it
>finds out it was deleted.


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So that's why there were always so many boxes there?
Simply autism? Wew.

Can I play live & still have any amount of fun?

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>Share an account with one friend and buy pacc together
>Spend entire summer vacation leveling female characters on every server then sell every item or gold on allegro
I've lost count how many tibian houses I have looted in my life
Damn I'm a real nigger

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>bijcie masterczułki
polish tibia timeless classic


>reporting brs that would link their flogao in their profile and have pics with light hacks
fucking miss that they got rid of that because people used it for hacks.

I think this game made us into psychopaths. The things that happend there

>putting keylogs in tibia ng cracked version and spamming trade in every server
I had a gmail where we got emailed once per hour, it was like 65% brs, 30% polak, 5% English. I remember my buddy’s and I pking after we looted the accounts. Paid my first year of college with the profits. I miss losing all of my cams on tibia.de after it went under

>Never even took a single candy from someone in my life
>Spent months in tibia murdering innocents, stealing from the poor, ruining hunts and maybe even lives
I'm going to hell

Attached: sweating.gif (200x200, 6K)

This game is proof that Brazilians would kill each other in an anarcho capitalism country.


which login screen is your favorite?

8.0 is my favorite, even when 7.0 screen is more iconic.

Mateusz Dragon Wielki

Fuck, remember those OT servers that was full pvp, that you logged into a lvl 100 character with the names of the legends of the game? Cachero, Eternal Oblivion, Bubble and fought the hell against other players?

Couldn't find any videos of that format of ot server

My hatred for South America comes from this game. Pretty sure it’s where the huehue meme came from too. Before cheats, brs used to share 3/4 per account all day, gms were faggots and let it slide, ruined most American servers.

7.0 is max comfy

>version 8.0
that's where the game went to shit and when I quit

>Put wrong colors on your costume
>Get murdered the moment you enter the city because it turns out fucking swedes or poles declared they run this place now and you have to wear their colors

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Understandably so. I’m BR and I had to go to an European server to enjoy the game.

>became a gm on realots
>let power go to my head and rob houses
that was the only 100% OT I think that ever existed

7.6 were god tier times

now you remember this


>The eternal war between poles and swedes
You couldnt live in those servers

>Eternal Oblivion
based Amera legend



>played julera
>became friends with one of the setter gambler brothers because I showed his guild how to detect hacks
>he would follow me around and protect me while I pked people
Most brs were losers but you were cool man

>create a char in Antica
>go to the spiders cave in Rookgaard
>fucking Sunrise was hunting there
>keep bothering him, KS him
>red message appear on my screen like it was from a GM
>fuck off the cave and delete the char

fuck, that was scary

Do parrots still say "br? pl? swe? "

What a fag, almost asking forgiveness for being BR.
The servers ran by pole guilds were much worse than anything the BRs ever did

Setzer Gambler had multiple players I reckon since he was always online.

come play pokemon tibia with us

shits lit, server wind.

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yeah it was two brothers that worked opposite shifts. he just hunted banshee island with hmms before they changed the damage formula.

i'm crying lmao

I always wonder how come the stamina system never stopped them, did they just play 2-3 chars all day?


What about DBLOTS lad

Oh, I see what you meant now. I never really talked to the guy desu, but I remember he was sort of acknowledged everywhere in the server.

>even private severs require paid subscriptions to be playerd properly
How did this game get away with their premium model?
If you don't have premium you can't even use skills for God's sake.
Is there any private server or way to host a game with all the premium stuff unlocked for free? I wanna relive a part of my childhood but not the poorfag part of it and I'm not paying some random BRs for it.

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>dblots still exists
>300 players online right now
what the absolute fuck


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The stamina system came later I think, not sure if it did anything desu

he got most of his levels before that system hit. 7.8 iirc. before the formula change your damage included level and magic level, so hmms would do like 250-300 ish.
yeah he was pretty legit, just sold all his shit for cash on the side when the economy wasn’t toasted.

They actually update their shit, they added new characters/transformations, pretty based

I can't believe this is still alive

I remember playing this when it came out originally under the old name. made a killing selling diamonds on PayPal because the owner was a retard and only sold to brs.

Compared to most MMOs it’s doing really well

>Ignore the letter on the floor because the spot was empty anyway
>Someone whispers hunted out of nowhere
>See 100+ EK running at me with sanic speed

Attached: math.jpg (500x352, 33K)

>security risk

I thought you guys were kidding but I just check & the servers are still alive & kicking!

I wonder if I should dig up my old account to see what's changed since 6.0

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You DON'T disrespect the letters on the floor. I also learnt it the hard way

I can't believe it did so well in 2017 even though it had like 5k players during peak hours and it's back at 10k+ now

Attached: cipsoft.png (936x318, 140K)

These guys were worse than a drug cartel. Absolutely no mercy

Anakin Kenoobi?

Thing is now most players buy premium and other shit. Back in the day 90% of players were free.

a shitton of things have changed
shit like potions and runes are stackable
the game has a market system in the depo so you no longer have to spam trade chat or walk anywhere to trade (but f2p can't post their own offers, only react to ones already up)
the game has autoloot (but its only customizable by PACC players so if youre f2p get ready to hate yourself)

this tbqh

and you can now train your skills while youre offline so no longer have to spend hours hitting slimes with a knife (but only if youre PACC)

Man, If you didn't pay the premium account I am pretty sure it got deleted.

Not that autistic But I know him, the reason I use that name is because my name was uehuahuee and he was a tutor at the time, then I got namelocked and had to change it. Because of that, I used the name Crossfox Wave and he got me namelocked again, then I used this one.

Fuck fishing tho.

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bot runes and buy in game or buy them with another char and vpn and chargeback

0:48 Name one MMORPG that does cool shit like this. 20 mages pop out of thin air fuck you up with coordinated spell attack

anyone remember the old tibia gg with rapid fire sonic speed fishing? bp within 5 minutes

I find it amazing that some people were able to keep track of every house on the server and were able to trace back stolen items to you if you ever looted someone's house.
My friend once had to run away from the server because he showed off few items in his house that he stole on an alt and someone did a CSI investigation and found out that he couldn't have gotten things like demon shield on his character

>First time playing it years ago.
>Set my stater town to Pewter.
>Pewter fucking sucks for new players
>If you wanted to leave you had to go though Viridian Forest running as fast as possible because of that one Pinsir that spams in the middle of it.
>Or go through rock tunnel and its army of zulbats and geodudes and that one golbat that uses confusion on you making so that you can't control your char.
It was the fucking worst and I loved every second of it.

Fuck, now I remember people would snipe the houses I were bidding on a couple seconds before the auction was over.

>First camouflage backpack

Attached: bag.jpg (904x706, 276K)

does this account for inflation

Even if it doesn't it's still a massive increase because they still earn twice as much compared to the peak in 2006-7

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What the fuck is going with the perspective in that screenshot? It's all kinds of fucked up

Educate yourself a bit on Axonometry

It’s inspired on old ultima games

>game loses 90% of playerbase
>profits double
ok, how do you read this?

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>only pay premium account once in my life
>3 months
>summer vacation
>spends all the time chatting with others
>rent an apartment
>had no rare shit so I decorate like a true home

Comfy as fuck 3 months, I did not even get 10 levels in those 3 months, I just liked the people.

Whales are the most powerful race on earth

Thanks bros for all the reminiscing. Haven't had a thread this comfy in a long time. Goodnight

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>At newbie island
>Realize some people are too smart to drink some strange green fluid gave from some "helpful" player
>Try to Scam people to Buy vials full of Blood, got somewhat sucessfull
>See one person pissed of, throw it away in a Mud tile
>Blood turn Orange...
>Got my brighthiest Idea so far
>Kill a random poison spider, put its poisonous blood in a vial.
>Throw the green blood on mud, turn orange, poisonous mud.
>Evil laughts as I am tje hookguard poisoner

Back in the days, the only way they could get money was selling Premium, nowadays, they sell premium, and tibia coins, the cash coin that allows them to make more money.

Nowadays the whale players put more money in the game everytime a new server opens and the players waste the time and money to try to "control" the server while power playing.

So the thing is that they have more ways of monetizing and can open new servers where players are sure to waste money on Tibia Coins and merging old servers into new ones to maintain a singular server that doesn't have the same amount of the old times.

And yeah. they make some other games I guess.

Now you remember TibiaME

Oh i know what that is and this aint it. It does not follow the rules for axonometric projection

were they at a zoo? what was with all the chimps howling in the background?

legit how brazilians act irl

brazilians play in cafes and bond there because they cant afford pcs for their homes

looks like those times are long gone. we now only have our memories

>brazilians play in cafes
This isn’t 2005 anymore user

knew what it was by seeing the link alone

Brazilians used to do that in 2005
Nowadays we are very much civilized

tibia 7.6...home...

>18 years ago
we're old user

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holy shit I thought I was the only one who pranked people like that

>not putting the spider blood in a cup so you cant see its color in the sprite

I fucking miss the internet cafe craze. I feel like it vanished overnight. I’d go to this cafe in my grandpa’s town every year, and it would always be full of people playing CS, AoE, Warcraft 3 and other shit. Then one year I came there expecting to play lan games and I was the only one in there. The whole thing was dead. I’ve never seen a bustling cafe again in some 10+ years.

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yeah you just commit murder in real life more to compensate for tibias lowered player base

My 12 year old self raged so hard whenever got pked and lost all my loot plus some gear

Good, it was nigger culture
People just got wealthy enough to buy their own computers
And you go on school shootings to compensate for that

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>tfw exploring Folda for the first time
>tfw seeing the colorful flowers in AbDendriel
>tfw getting stuck in Kazordoom and yelling in hopes of people coming to rescue you
>tfw doing Fast Hands in the depot
>tfw trying to buy something without knowing the price and getting called a noob
>tfw getting scammed
>tfw not being able to go up ladders at first because you didn't know how it worked
>tfw dying, coming back for your loot, and dying again
>tfw deleveling
>tfw grinding skill points
>tfw literally talking to NPCs

I miss Tibia, but I probably couldn't find it as magical nowadays.

maybe we aren’t so different after all hueboy

>Good, it was nigger culture
It was amazing though. There was something magical about the smell of those places, the cold air conditioning, the noises of people screaming at each other. You could sit there for hours and it would feel like a few minutes

>tfw using tasker to train and setting up detailed scripts to run your 5 druids
>tfw finding the best bot spot on south mintwallin beach that was never once found
>tfw running uh traps in the Thais sewers
>tfw luring dl and gs into cities from poh or mols before the bridges and stairwells were implemented

There is actually a known murder case here related to Tibia

Now that you mention it...

yes the golden armor nigger who cut the kid up

will there never be something to a similar feeling as old tibia?

what if someone made a game similar to old tibia? hahah that would be cool hahaha

Unless you were a pole or a swede. I got a bunch of free mid-level equipment from a swedish bro once.

i thought only polish people played this

Sauce on this mmo. I remember playing it in its infancy. Reminded me a lot of RO

you are the dumbest gayest retard faggot

Yeah, haha, with no premium just for the laughs haha, oh god I want to play it

>implying I forgot

I still have it installed,just wish there was an offline version

Attached: TibiaME Symbian.gif (176x208, 14K)

Literally my favourite game of all time, but its been well over a decade now since i played... Good times on Antica, though.

and fortnite kids today pop their blood vessels when they lose a game they dedicated an entire 5 minutes to
I wonder how the current generation would react to getting PKd and losing literal weeks of progress

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>Spam in trade chat Hunter is PK



>world of warcraft
>pay to win because trial accounts are limited
nice bait. it's pay2win nowadays though

Tibicam too. I think it's gone as well.

Holy fuck, there's pictures and everything. Fucking crazy.

Remember when you died and always lost your most expensive item? I always had a fucking striptease when I died

>remember when you left your second more expensive item in the arrow slot for it to not drop it?

Well too bad, fuck you, nowadays, only light itens and arrows fit in that space, so you are going to lose it if you don't have a bless.

That was before all that crap, and I wasn't even talking about that space where the arrows fit. Just your most expensive equip being dropped when you died, always

iconic video right here

how did the player housing function?

7.6 was the pinnacle of Tibia

anything past 8 was trash

>Kagonestis last upload was 9 years ago
Time flies...

>back when reaching level 200 was a massive achievement and there were like 3 players in the whole game who had reached such a high level
>now everyone and their mothers are level 800+

Attached: 1467003703454.png (234x200, 22K)

it used to be dirt cheap since the price didn't change for years but now you have to be rich
Basically you owned a house and you could put your shit on the floor for everyone to see
Recently they added shit you only saw in OT's like a depot and trainers

>tfw lvl 100 EK
left in 2015 should i come back tibian bros

Fucking love this shit


PewDiePie's favourite game

when you bought the house where did you buy it from
did the game just decide your house?
was the house in the same place every time?
did you get some kind of deed you could sell off to other players?

man this was before being banned for killing many people, this is fucking insane.


Guy didn't die at the UE
>other girl kill him


>tfw my lvl 79 Paladin from the great nostalgia summer of 2010 is still there
Might play a couple of weeks desu
Has there ever been a better open world?

you "looked" at the door of the house and then searched for it in the tibia page, if it wasn't owned then it would appear
the houses are part of the map so they don't change
nah the system would just charge you money from the bank each month or something like that but if players looked at the door of your house they see it was yours

if a house has no owner you can start a bidding for it against other players, if you win the bid you get the chance to rent it and you have to pay a fixed ammount of money every month, if you dont have enough money to pay the rent you lose the house

there are various houses arround the cities, you could pick any of them as long as it is not owned by another player

sounds cool
runescape had something like this planned too but they realized they would quickly run out of space

this game was fucking total shit lmao
the only faggot BRs who played this trash were the ones who were too dumb to get into private servers

the thing about houses in tibia is that the best houses are the ones close to hot points were so absurdely expensive that it was really hard to get your hands on them

you could always get a house in the corner of the least popular city, but at that point you could just store all your stuff in a depot

so houses were just places you would go for safety and showing off items or could you still get your ass whooped in your own home

>you would go for safety and showing off items
they are protected zones and people can't get in unless you put them manually on a list

could they still slap your ass right outside your door though?


they were protected zones, also they let you *sleep* giving you extra regeneration bonuses instead of just logging off, also people could see you sleeping which was kinda cute

>tfw saw a cm sleeping like 6 years ago

would be even cuter if they could kiss your forehead too

>sword surrounded by fire in a unreachable island is actually unobtainable
>no other cool scenery spots like that at all
tibia had a big case of wasted potentialitis

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>Zoralurk still hasn't appeared
what other mysteries are there?

green is obviously poison, fucking zoombooms

>tfw grind to lvl 100 in rook
>could never find a way to enter the mino mage room

Wow is more like pay to play with a demo

>Cipsoft finally reevaluated introducing classic Tibia server
>they found out it won't be profitable
>case closed
I'll never return to classic Rookgaard, making another Rookstayer, hitting 30-40 lvl, getting bored, throwing away all my stuff making people go nuts in town center and starting fresh.

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disgusting sub human monkeys

thanks brah, good nostalgia thread

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>18 years ago

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I want to go back, but I'm checking this ots server list and the only populated ones are br or polish.
I kinda want to do it but I don't know

>tfw I was too young to ever really understand what was going on when playing tibia/runescape and WoW instead became the first mmorpg I "really" played
the pains of being a borderline zoomer millennial
I was there, but I wasn't really

Fug, are you me. I kinda knew what to do but not really, as a soc I never bought charged runes or pots and just healed up with meat. just trained at the lowest level areas and everything was so slow
damn If only I knew better

forced meme cock sucker

>Cipsoft finally reevaluated introducing classic Tibia server
>they found out it won't be profitable
what did their steps consist of
they could whip up that shit in a week if they tried

Just created a Rookstayer for free account and chill on Estela. IGN is Varning hmu bros


>a single game responsible for half the homicide rate of BR
shame I wasn't there for the shitstorm
herre kids just beat each other with chairs irl from what I've heard

Source story?


>tfw blocking newbies in Rookgaard with my guildies
Mino hell, wasp tower, rotworm hole, poison spiders.. There was no shortage of traps you could lay for the unsuspecting people.
Also sealing off the whole mino hell when you wanted to farm, was fun seeing whole crowds just blocking the entrance and asking for entry.
I dabbled quite deep into the SoF mythos, found all the 100oz corpses, all the supposed keys, placed them into the skeleton graves and pulled the lever, but never knew what that did. Was I close?

dunno, but if they say it ain't happening, then I guess that's it.

>>start attacking him and feeling the adrenaline of revenge
I feel this when i'm playing any kind of high risk PVP type thing

No, because SoF cannot be obtained, quest is unfinished, assuming it's not just a tease to begin with. You can make it dissapear by walking on 3 specific tiles on Rookgaard, which is autistic idea since there is literally nothing pointing out to that ''feature'', it was discovered by pure chance. After vanishing, sword reappears after some time.

Sword was once obtained on Rook and it happened thanks to one of the game masters who gave it to female player IIRC. Sword was later taken back by Cips.

Hi Dark Gladir ;^)

I think most mysteries in the game are just unimplemented shit. I like the idea of those mysteries because they give that old school feel of back when quests were mostly based on gossip and hearsay and people didn’t have a wiki fot everything. Heck, spoiling quests was against the rules back in the day.

If I remember correctly he also sodomized the boy after he killed him

>the first death of orshabaal
was it kino?

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>reading all the lore about the basilisk
>all those theories
>all that mystery

so good...

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it’s just a viper brah

>tfw Yea Forums was on the Damonia server and I forgot to add anyone to Steam
>literally the best gaming moments of my life happened in that 2-3mo we all played together

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Ab'Dendriel was my home but I always liked Venore the most. What does Ab even have in the 20-30 range? Arcanist is boring, Elvenbane is always full of people. At least Venore had the Elf Fortress, Dragons to the west, Black Knights near the Valkyrie Camp, etc. Sure, other towns had more hunting spots like Thais but swampcity is kino.

>go hunting Cyclops in cyclops cave south east of Thais
>Run into some dude, immediately know I will be PK'd
>about to die, about lvl22 knight, all my attacks blocked by some fucking level 16 sorcerer.
>Can't do shit
>fucking sorc drops dead out of fucking nowhere
>level 120 LK out of nowhere one shots the little cunt
>tells me unless I drink cyclops piss, I too will die.
>LK laughs, DRINK MORE he says
>proceeds to become my bro and protector
>Turns out he's from Poland and was based AF, we talked about anime and girls in school on the regular
>one day he stopped logging in
>never hear from him again
>account is lost forever so can't even go back to remember his name

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>Free item plix
>0 results
It's like you didn't even play this game, newfags.

>made friend named Mark in Tibia in 2001
>we're both around 11-12
>he's level 60, I'm forever level 35, so he brings me places to hunt and protects me
>years pass and we become good friends but I just stop playing because of school and work
>this was pre-Facebook, pre-everything basically
>2014, Yea Forums, in a Steam Friend Thread, I recognize his profile name
>it's fucking Mark
>reconnect, becomes best bros of all time
>I asked him to be my best man at my wedding, a guy I never even met before or even knew what he looked like
>he made it down for my wedding and was the best damn man ever
>we're best bros to this day

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Anyone here played on Rubera?

There's just something intangible about this game that makes it so good. Or it was, I mean, before skull system and soul points.

No videogame has ever come close to the survival horror aspects of Tibia for me. Knowing every trip outside of depot needs to be calculated risk against reward, always having an escape route, exploring new territory for the first time. It's just unreal the emotions you feel.

And even beyond the gameplay, just the politics of the game were so intriguing. Rubera was in constant strife all the time. Always guilds warring and it was PK on sight usually. The economy, too, was wild.

It just felt like such a living breathing social game, yet also equal parts RPG and horror. Fuck man, this thread's giving me hard nostalgia.

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Godspeed, user.

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these quests are just memes, most have no reward/end...
someone hacked server info and made an OTserver with the data to check the maps as GM, to see chests and secret stuff, nothing... They changed stuff several times to confuse the "roleplayers" over the years.

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I was fucking there when he allegedly threw his D-legs into the water just outside Venore depot.

It’s the exploration factor. You never know what you will find when you get into a cave, you never know if you’ll be attacked by a lured giant spider when you’re traveling to another city. Or at least it was like that before they implemented the safety changes.

You could also get stuck into a labyrynth or a dungeon with super dangerous creatures trying to solve some quest.

I came into the thread just for this.

I legit got lost in Carlin warlocks for 3 days, maybe 10 hours, before someone came to rescue me. Shit's wild.

epic days
him and Kimura Takuya shit talking

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this was a bad game

Did they ever crack the beholder language?
