Thanks for beta testing Nintendo bros :)
Thanks for beta testing Nintendo bros :)
No problem :)
Game FPS: 8.9
What the FUCK nintendobobos?!??!??
>sub 10 FPS
Have fun with that.
So just like the real thing?
So it’s just like the Switch version, cool, i always try to stay as close to the original version as possible when emulating.
here come the tears.
>screencapping your own falseflagging shitposts
Thanks for ruining emulation threads with your autism
>beta testing
You don't know what it means.
You say that when you get some sort of enhanced verson with more content, like Dragon Quest XI S.
>game FPS: 8.9
Keep telling yourself that m8, lol.
You are welcome, my dude. The game is fun so enjoy it
How? yestarday it was stuck at loading for me
rpcs3 can play persona perfectly, also demons souls at 60 fps
emulation is king
Ah. I was trying YuZu.
at this rate i might not even have to buy a switch if pokemon swsh is really shitty cause ill just play it later. the paid online is really killing my desire to buy a switch too.
Bullshit, half the reason I built my PC was so that I could play all my favorite gamecube and Wii U games in hd
>When playstation game gets emulated
try shutting down my iso of 5000 roms, nintendo faggots
>HAHA Nintendo games are shit
>t-thanks for beta testing
This is why persona is not going to be on switch
Call me again when I can emulate Xenoblade Chronicles 2
4K 60 FPS Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is where it at
Imagine playing games in
in 2019
I think after posting that, they brought even more awareness to the PS3 emulator, and caused even more people to pirate and emulate Persona 5.
1/3 of full speed, not bad
>8.9 FPS on the menu
oh noooooo NONONO AHAHAH
>unpatched version
>not even half speed
>full of visual and audio glitches
Have fun with that.
Nothing wrong with waiting a several years to play the definitive edition user
Honest talk, I'm glad I don't care about specs, I would not have half as fun as I have if I did and I really need my vidya.
ryujinx or yuzu?
Nice. Now we have to wait 2 more years to play it with good FPS and without bugs
>get rekt
I thought Nintendo games were shit, why are you emulating them?
Persona 5 is already playable on RPCS3
Cool, once the emulator is more developed, I can sell my hacked Switch. I just hope it isn't another Wii U emulator, where it feels like they're focusing on only one game.
you laugh now but in 2 weeks it will be 4k 60fps like BOTW
we still got at least 3 years to go. Fuck you OP. I could just spend $200 and hack the switch to play today.
Fuck off BSODgaming
what is the goal of this thread
You cant falseflag and then screenshot it like that Michael.
Seething shitters 'think' they're annoying Switch fans with a janky piece of shit emulator.
You will see them swear blind that they're playing Mario Odyssey in 4K 120fps when in reality its an unplayable mess and barely runs.
to make people like incredibly angry at the prospect of PC gamers emulating the game for free, very soon
You dumb motherfucking faggot. You're making me angry you need to fucking leave right now. Listen you dumb nigger cuck soiii I will beat you're fucking adds you faggot. You are nothing to me. You are a bug to me. I will step on you you worthless grub. Leave right fucking now this is your only warning before I fucking snap.
Enjoy my sloppy seconds
OK this is like the 100th time I've seen this who the fuck is Michael?
>very soon
Kek Mario Odyssey was two years ago. Have fun waiting for Astral Chain.
Thanks for pay pigging and beta testing it’s because of HEROES like you that i was able to play BOTW at 4K 60 fps.
Please continue to do charity work we need more good people like you.
No problem, enjoy, it's fun
>Game JUST came out and is already 50% done emulation wise.
I give it 1 more year before Switch games are better played on PC a week before the Switch version comes out.
niggers just get a job
user, this is exactly what Nintendies used to say when BOTW was running at 8 fps on Cemu, now that game is not only running at 4K 120fps, but it has a modding community more active than The Witcher 3. You people have no fucking clue how emulation can grow really fast when you code language is well documented.
They have it, emulating consoles that compete against their sóy slurping Playstation, there is a reason why PS4 has not been touched by this retards
Thanks for beta testing PChumps ;P
user, the RPCS3 team already confirmed they are working on a beta PS4 emulator.
>720p 20fps
you got the alpha
>B-bbb-ut emulator users are having 3000 usd pc.
>They should just get a job to afford a 200 usd item
PS4 will get replaced by PS5 in 2020, go away snóy slave, they start working with competing companies the exact day they throw their consoles to the market
nintenretards still going as if their GOTY wasn't emulated already
it's over you lost
Why would you think anyone would be mad about this? I don’t get the insecurities emulads have about Nintendo.
I own both a Pc and a Switch so whatever.
arrest yourself
>fps 8.9
Why are you assuming this post was made with bad intentions? We're all friends here :)
I just hope I can play Rune Factory 5 and No More Heroes 3 day 1. Not really interested in the other games.
I don't care what it plays on as long as I can get the best experience possible.
>when Playstation games get emulated
>hate game when it's only on console
>can emulate it
>suddenly love the game 10/10
You pcfaggots are really something else.
orbital already boots to recovery mode.
why emulate the ps4 when a WINE like layer would be perfectly sufficient and much better performance wise?
You know a game is really good when these threads start poppin up in less than a week afer release.
Emulation is not porting a game to another platform so the joke fails.
>b-but the portability..!!!!
Shittiest argument I've ever seen, nintendofaggots are delusional.
>Hey guys look I don't pay and play stuff on my computer
Calling bullshit, Its freezing on loading on both yuzu and ryujinx
They arent shit. just not worth buying a hardware level drm machine for
Enjoy it man. I's pretty good.
>that frame skip when he throws the blade
Is it getting ported over already? To which systems?
Nintendo games ARE shit. It's the third party games I want.
Couldn't give less of a fuck about Mario or Zelda rehashes anymore
And yet you're emulating them.
? must be a joke
I like the game
Good. This means the western version of MOON will be preserved even if it never goes physical
I am? Shit, I better get myself checked because I must be having blackouts.
Played Bayonetta 2 on a 5y old laptop 60fps 1080p
Present on switch too just hidden behind shitty motion blur
>still playing zelda and mario two years later
>antagonistic op
>engaging op
It all depends on who starts the thread and if they’re a faggot
Emulate a good game next time. I own a Switch and wouldn't ever play Astral Chain even if it was free. The only good Switch game this year is Moon Remix, and that doesn't really count. Maybe Pokemon.
The only reason I hate Nintendo exclusives is because they are locked behind a $300 underpowered piece of shit.
Is it underpowered, or does everyone else need to chill the fuck out with how fast tech is improving?
That's not what frameskipping is
It's not beta testing if we have the same patch version of the game.
>1fps drop from 60fps
whatever will we do
Make BTFO threads for the next month of course.
Games like xenoblade run at a whopping 20 to 30 fps at dynamic resolutions that range between 360p to 720p
How is this shit even acceptable?
>He can't take his games everywhere with him.
How is this acceptable?
1) The Switch is fucking TINY and costs less than $200.
>NOOOOOO! I expect 8K 120fps virtual reality ray tracing!
Fuck off.
2) Many Switch games look fantastic and run at 60fps. Its really dependant on how good the dev is rather than the hardware.
3) Like most of the mentally ill kids on this board, you will point to a screengrab of a fraction of a second where the framerate dropped as proof that the entire game runs like that. You can point to nearly every game on every fucking system doing the same thing.
As usual, the need to hate Nintendo outways any common sense and only seething bile remains.
>720p looks fantastic
>Mario Odyssey was two years ago
Fuck me how time flies.
how's that gameplay coming along?
the capture you have right there is from the recent BSOD gaming video where he explicitly says the game still doesn't boot into actual gameplay
kill yourself, tranny
>kek emulation wins again!
So how's that PS2 emulation coming along, emulatorfag?
He is playing with a linkle mod, therefore he is a faggot
ignore the faggot
I can't find a good C64 emmulator
objectively the best way to play ps2 games
>home menu
>game fps 8.9
I do wish emulation for anything other than zelda and bing bing would actually progress though.
nintendofags consider anything related to emulation as "antagonistic."
because you look like a manchild with your oversized bing bing wahoo tablet in public.
Delicious projection
>still image of the title screen
holy shit anons , emulation has progressed so far