Resident Evil: Project Resistance

>protags are all young adults, typical college age
>one character has a 1996 Raccoon City varsity jacket
>setting is likely Raccoon City University, established in RE Outbreak
>university features an Umbrella laboratory
>Project Resistance is an Outbreak reboot


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Other urls found in this thread:

I'll apologize when I see gameplay, this shit looks like l4d shit.

It's gonna be shite. The only good thing resident evil had going on was the first few games because Capcom was ahead of its time back then.

Its going to fucking suck.
I just wanted RE: Outbreak 3.
Fucking L4D and fuck 4v1 multiplayer shit.

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You're worse than my ex-wife

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Is this made by japanese or westerners?

What is that guy from RE 2 doing there? Looks more like a battle royale kind of thing giving how random that is.

Capcom doesn't outsource as heavily anymore

Apologize to this!
>unzips dick

I bet they wanted to make Obscure 3 but decided to call it Resident Evil at the last minute to cash more money.

Mr. X was a mass-produced Tyrant that could be fully controlled remotely by Umbrella.

Attached: T-103.jpg (480x320, 23K)

RE6 was a shitshow.
Hope they don't repeat that.
The other outsourced REs were hot trash.

Remember how they where all like "IN REMAKE 2 WE ARE GOING BACK TO HOW IT USED TO BE!"
Then they teased you thinking "oh wow, RE games are gonna go back to how they where?"

Well this is them not keeping their promise, here you go, have a generic saw the game clone where Umbrella is once again a comical bad guy that somehow does this insane shit last man standing battle royal.

But I will give you an actual spoiler.
You have two teams of 4, 4 humans, and 4 players can control monsters, Licker, Mr X etc, its all just survival games to test out the bioweapons.

It could be the chinese honestly

They're in a lab located in Raccoon City. That's why Mr.X is there.

its 1x4 but the 1 controls the zombies like a RTS game.
is just oubreak where the AI is another player

>capcom doing a lfd clone more than 10 years latter
>konami jumping on the survival bandwagon 5 years too late
why japan take so much time copying those cash grab games ?

capcom invented the l4d formula

I don't think this is a outbreak remake.
I have a feeling it's either going to be one of those 1v4 multiplayer games, where the guy controlling Mr. X can also spawn lickers/zombies, or it's a competitive shooter like L4D versus.

ITT: faggots who have never heard of Outbreak

I'll pass

Actual L4D was quite literally L4D and I enjoyed the gameplay mechanics in the remake, so I'll probably buy this if it's not shitty.

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It's probably closer to DBD than L4D with it being a 1v4 style game.

I hope not, DBD is fucking boring

no they didn't

>Mr. X was a mass-produced Tyrant that could be fully controlled remotely by Umbrella.
No they couldn't, they could only be given orders.

Im playing the black guy

It was there the whole time and we didn't even realize.

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Hmm I didn't know that, cool then.

course they did

Attached: file.png (600x300, 377K)

you mean you didn't realize because literally everyone else did the moment we first saw screenshots of him

>capcom invented zombies

>Man in a suit watching events unfold.

Is Wesker back boys?

Attached: faceapp-Resident-Evil-Wesker.jpg (720x720, 72K)

did you even play outbreak / l4d you retard
there's not much in common, l4d is a lot faster paced and made with 4v4 in mind, on top of having wave-defense sections


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>4 players having fun by making 1 player miserable
Sick. I can't wait to sit around in a matchmaker for hours on end only to have other players instantly d/c.

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It's a sequel to Dead By Daylight
We're calling it Dead By Arrival

>coop zombie game where you must complete objectives on a map while surviving zombies

>coop zombie game where you must complete objectives on a map while surviving zombies

the main diferece is the gameplay TPS vs FPS

I don't know it looks like the 4 are up against whatever the 1 decides to spawn. Like the AI director in l4d. Rather than 4 v 1 very slow singular enemy. Its 4 up against an omnipresent dungeon master dropping in lickers and dogs etc.

Is Thanatos isn't in this game, I'm going to be pissed. The set up is so fucking obvious.

cute girl in the yellow hoodie

Some user also said that there's going to be a RE7 map and you can control Jack.

The main difference is literally everything, L4D you spend the entire time fighting waves of zombies in fast paced action, in Outbreak you can go a long time without even running into one and it's slow paced fixed camera shooting. They're not comparable as games.

Looks like some random Umbrella employee to me. Also, seems like those power gloves will be used as a controller for Mr.X.

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The 1 player looks to be in direct control of Mr X at the very least

>Killing zoomers as Based Jack.


No it looks like the one player will have much more control over what happens in the map, its not just playing catch against 4 other people that are in different corners of the map

no you obviously have never played outbreak or l4d to draw a proper comparison

>co-op zombie game with limited inventory, objectives spread around the map, different gimmicks in every scenario, barebones puzzles and very slow (old-school resi) pace and has cutscenes as well as characters with own traits

>co-op zombie game with shitloads of ammo, constantly sprinting around the place, reviving players, objective being only running from one door to the next with a generator in-between that spawns zombies in waves, fighting the tank at the end of the chapter and being entirely built around 4v4 VERSUS multiplayer

if they dont let us use the chainsaw i going to say the game is shit

Yeah you'll probably take control of Mr X as the rare boss type, while all your planned out Lickers, Zombies, Dogs etc are set up ahead of time. I don't know how people are looking at that trailer and thinking its JUST gonna be one guy as Mr.X walking around.

so who's ready for Resident Evil: Zombie Master edition

Mr. X is given specific orders pretty much operating on extremely cave man instincts to find and retrieve a sample of the G-Virus
>but now he's hunting down four irrelevant fags!
gee i wonder what excuse plot they'll use for this, at least in outbreak it was just another mass produced tyrant with its brain controlled with a remote somehow which immediately failed and caused it to go berserk

and what if this game is more like 1 than 2 and you just fighting zombies controled by another player like in RE6?

>Cute nerdy girl
>CHAD Thundercock
>Cute Goth GF
yep, its Jeepers Creepers 2

Outbreak's objectives are either puzzles or exploring to find key items
L4D is about fighting off a giant wave at each setpiece and occasionally finding key items you can see through walls


>it's just a shitty multiplayer game

eat a dick, faggot

>directly control spawns of zombies and occasionally assume direct control of Mr. X
>map design as good as the RE2 remake
>co-op survival with RE2's gameplay
>possibility of additional maps, characters, weapons and zombies to spawn

I hope they don't fuck this up.

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>Zombie Master but Resident Evil
This is amazing

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capcom is pretty much responsible for breathing life into the zombie genre and survival horror itself, though
in a tasteful way too, none of the gay shit you see in other media where they're comical necromancy fags or some comet strike, its pure "believable" cold hard science
OG RE zombies are best iteration of zombies ever used in video games

Mr. Sex was always ordered to kill every still-living person in Raccoon City, not just retrieve the G virus.

I only ever play these kinds of games with a group of friends. If this is just L4D except one of us is an omnipotent god hovering above placing monsters and traps I'm all for it. Who really expected RE3 already?

>people praising this soulless multiplayer cash grab

zoom zoom zoomers

This game doesn't need to be canon. The guy controlling Mr. X is Wesker apparently.

if it is fun who cares?

At the very least, I'm almost certain we'll get at least a file mention of a Resident Evil Outbreak character. 7 and REmake did it. They've started a pattern.

>campy L4D in the Resident Evil universe

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I hope zombies don't have souls, otherwise I'd feel bad about killing them.

No, just the survivors in the RPD so nobody with dirt on Umbrella could leave the city.

I care, cause these types of games die after 1 day cause no one gives a shit.

l4d came out 11 years ago and I can still find games

He tries to kick the shit out of Rob Kendo despite not finding him in the Resident Evil police department. Same with the mayor's daughter.

There was 6 Mr .Xs dropped all over Raccoon City.

I would prefer a regular game/campaign and then multiplayer added on.

>probably closer to DBD
god please no

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Asymmetric multiplayer is fun
Evolve was good, dammit

And 5 got wasted by US Special Forces.

I thought Ghost Surivor was non-canon.


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The Chad
The Nerd
The Token
The Tough Chick

Which class will you play?

Who knows? The market trend is 4v1 games in the horror multiplayer genre.
Capcom putting out a 4v1 Resident Evil game can go both ways: some casual game that has nothing at all to do with Resident Evil except for lickers and herbs or a proper resident evil experience in multiplayer (somehow)
Judging from the trailer we got though it seems like they're shooting for the casual one

oh, you care, thats cool user

Not the point.

>all these people shitting on it being multiplayer

From the very start we knew it was going to be sone sort of Outbreak game or whatever, what did you faggots even expect?

Assuming that the Chad will be the one carrying the shotty, Him.

You morons. Just the fact that the humans have offensive options disqualifies it from being a DBD clone.

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a shitty 4v1 that will solely take place in Umbrella Lab box arenas is completely different to Outbreak.

i wonder how mean you can be to the survivers

>solely take place in Umbrella Lab box arenas

This is just a teaser user, TEASER!

it takes place in a school though

The point I was making is that these dumdums are going
Like that's some sort of new revelation that kills the hype when we knew from the start that that's the sort of game this was going to be

Non-canon, not out of character

You are literally fucking retarded if you can't tell thats Wesker.

Meant for

Yellow hoody person reminds me of Yoko, though to be honest I can't even tell if it's a girl or boy. I assume girl, a cast 50/50 on the gender spectrum.

>No iconic protags
I have a bad feeling about this. Every single RE spinoff featuring "who's" besides Outbreak has been shit.

What did you expect? legacy claire got cucked and now everybody loves nu claire

Fuck off weskerfags

I hate the fact that capcom seems to love using real faces instead of designing cool looking protags

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Show me definitive proof then. Not every guy with a suit and slick back doesn't mean it's Wesker. Again, looks like some random.

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>everybody loves nu claire

Her chipmunk face is genuinely unattractive

>What did you expect?
Honestly? A standalone raid mode.

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thats the whole point of the RE Engine

Capcom are unoriginal, and have been scrambling to get Wesker back into the series since they killed him off (see: Umbrella Corps)

>recycling Mr.X

Come on, man.

You're gonna hate RE 3/REmake 3.

it's because reactions were positive from re1make and re1 also had those iconic live actors playing the characters

Thats my bro from another hoe right there.

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I have high hopes for this concept. A big budget Zombie Master that takes place in the Resident Evil universe could be amazing, shame it's probably going to be stuck as a 4v1 but there's so much they could do right that I hope they do do it right.

I think it's because they realised they no longer have any overarching villain or group. It's why they brought back Umbrella for RE7 even though they claim to be "reformed".

Probably Nerd or Chad

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Blue Umbrella aren't even evil, they're practically bought out by new shareholders and becoming the new TerraSave. What you've got are the "Connections", as some nebulous black market bio-terrorist outfit that has only been alluded to so far and may have been responsible for 6's plot as well by helping Simmons get to where he got.

Im picking the black dude

But will it be full priced? Or at reduced like Umbrella Corps?

>Operation Raccoon City 3: Umbrella Corps 2 - Project Resistance

Yeah, no. I'll pass.

capgod is cancelled

Maybe there will be unlockable models or dlc where you can play as established RE characters. I just don't think the one in the trailer is Wesker.

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It's not Umbrella Corps if you don't spawn with a full loadout, can kill 100 zombies in one backflip and there's an actual element of trying to survive.

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Nemesis is kind of like a cranked up Mr.X, so that doesn’t really bother me. His whole design probably revolves around improving how the Mr.X formula and AI worked at the time.

>Girl with glasses in a heavy unrevealing sweater.
oh you knoq how that trope goes.

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Cant* kill

literally all they had to do was improve on the established outbreak formula

instead they chased trends

I'll bet $10 the nerd is actually a girl (male) and it's going to be an 'important' part of his character bio

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Let's be real, nothing from 6 will ever be referenced again. Hence the soft reboot nature of 7 and 2.

Give us more detail of the game please insider user.

Residead by Day-evil.

fuck, I wanna play professionals not some shitty teens

>chasing trends
that's literally all what RE has been since RE4

COON on jacket, capcom are based

>twig arms swinging around a puny wooden stick with nails pounded into it
I thought poindexters were supposed to be smart

I guess that sounded funnier in your head right?

if it's a co-op mission-based game like L4D with PvE and PvP, that's godlike

if it's a match-based multiplayer only online game, that fucking sucks

more like dead by daylight crap

Yeah, it did. And I don't think I'm wrong about it being isometric multiplayer game..

I hope there’s costumes and character swaps in this like there was for Outbreak 1 and 2. The amount of character unlocks in 1 gave the game a ton of replay ability. DESU, I think this game is just gonna be CoD Zombies, with the mysterious “5th controls the zombies” meme, which is unfortunate. Had they decided to stay more traditional to Outbreak 1 and 2, it could’ve been cool to see how creative they could get with maps, routes, scenario endings, etc all with RE2’s gameplay.

Capcom is Japanese user

In terms of Outbreak and emulation, I have the original downloaded, but should I just download File 2 as well, or look for that fan-translated online-compatible version? Is netplay via PCSX2 even a thing?

>Guy puts on gloves and controls Mr. X

Evolve, Dead by Daylight, Friday the 13th, 4 vs 1 asymmetrical multiplayer confirmed; dead in a week confirmed.

>dead in a week confirmed.
but isn't dead by daylight popular? and RE is a big name

The RE2 remake being well-designed and its brand name gives me some hope this will be pretty good

Only for the games that matter, this is not one of them

I don't play online multiplayer zoomer shit.
R3make/RE8 when?

can't wait for another 3rd person off-center camera zombie shooter that vanishes from everyone's memory 3 days after release

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>Twitch bait game
>dead in a week

I don't think so, only if they fuck up real bad.

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you realize that outbreak existed way before left4crap?

This, pretty sure people play that.

>look for that fan-translated online-compatible version?
Only if you got friends to play with.

>Is netplay via PCSX2 even a thing?
Yes it is.

this shit ain't outbreak

You're blinded by your optimism. It's a genre that only works as a novelty, no matter how high Capcom bounced back with ReRE2 they can't change the laws of the universe and make something long lastingly fun out of it.

Yes, kept alive by a bunch of brain dead Twitchsluts and their zoomer hanger-ons.

DbD squeaked by on launch by paying twitch streamers. Then they snagged the rights to Myers and that let them get popular enough for a stable playerbase.

>You're blinded by your optimism.

There's not even gameplay footage yet you faggot.

no becca = no buy

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>Yes, kept alive by a bunch of brain dead Twitchsluts and their zoomer hanger-ons.
Says you based on some asshurt you have against twitch I guess?

>Yes, kept alive by a bunch of brain dead Twitchsluts and their zoomer hanger-ons.

I fail to see how exactly that go against my point.

I'm slightly concerned but still hopefully optimistic about this. I just need to see gameplay. Gameplay will be the deciding factor here. When the fuck is Tokyo Game Show?

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it seems to be hinting 4v1 where the "killer isn't just a killer but a "Director" who throws out enemy resources. near the end of said level will get to control the "Boss"

Exactly, so why are your hopes up over literally no gameplay?

Because getting banned from the game or getting teamkilled because I'm annoying some streamer sure sounds like fun.

How the fuck does that pile of shit have 30k players?

The normalfags who watched RE2 reaction videos are going to eat this shit up because it has le ebin "MR X GON GIV IT 2 YA XD" man

Starts on the 12th, goes on till 15th.


>Tokyo Game Show
From 12th to 15th.

Also, according to "rumors" this game will be 4v1 situated in RE2/RE7 maps with its respective BOWs.

>why are your hopes up over literally no gameplay?

Because Left 4 Dead was fun and the Resident Evil 2 remake was fun, so combining those two things and staying as far away from Death By Boredom as possible will probably make for a pretty decent game. If they can keep its multiplayer scene alive in Steam with custom server support that would be great, but also probably too optimistic, so I would rather assume this won't suck.

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>Resident Evil: Project Resistance
feels like Left for Dead...
I didn't like it... and that Robotic Mr. X?
It makes no sense within the series lore... I mean... I only consider REmake1, Remake2 and 3 as canon...

Still... what a let down.

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>Because getting banned from the game or getting teamkilled because I'm annoying some streamer sure sounds like fun.

Thats still away from the point.

None, they all look like a bunch of shit tier scrubs. I want Kevin back you motherfucker, I want Jim and his stupidly overpowered ass and David and his god tier 4 hit knife combos. GIVE IT BACK, THIS ISN'T RIGHT, IT WAS OURS!

retarded anime poster

Kevin was for noobs. I always mained Mark. Seeing a zombie fly back after being hit with a pipe never got old.

>controllable Mr. X makes no sense with the lore

Dont trip over ellipses on the way back to Yea Forums

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They remade RE2 in a third person style; of course this is going to be called Outbreak.

>but it doesn't look like Outbreak!

REmake2 doesn't play like original RE2 either; they are two different styles of gameplay. Same thing is happening here.

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>not playing cindy just to hear CLACK CLACK CLACK all game while hoarding all the herbs

Wow anons, don't tell me you like the Super natural Leeches and Super Wesker. Also the Super Leon from RE4...

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>Robotic Mr. X
>makes no sense

Attached: claire_phone.jpg (1077x1080, 145K)

Is this like the Outbreak games?

We don't know. Probably not.

>Kevin was for noobs
Kevin is fine when played right. Also he's FAST.

That's bullshit. They don't oursouce whole games anymore but they outsource parts of a game all the time.

I've never played Outbreak 1 and 2 (I really want to do so, though, in fact I'll do it this weekend.) Is there a T-1000 Mr. X in those?

T-1000 Mr. X is not in re2. Nemesis isn't robotic either... or Tyrant. They "programmed orders in their brain" but they weren't robotic.

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Is it dead by daylight clone or just outbreak renamed? im just judging by the thumbnail

What if the game has RPG Elements!?

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>oh, look, bunch of teenagers pulling off same shit that a trained cop, survivalist chick trained by her specops bro, a secret agent and black ops commando did
Capcom really wants to keep the Resident Evil franchise a roller coaster?

X has always been programmable.

anyone want to play outbreak fan servers?

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>We want the Friday the 13th Streamer audience the game

fuck this shit

No way it's outbreak. The trailer showed them getting stuck in a battle room. Outbreak never did that unless it was a boss fight.

In the first game, there's Thanatos as a final level boss. This unit who's introduced by slaughtering a whole UBCS team.

In the second game, we had an experimental T-103, same type as Mr. X.

Attached: Thanatos.png (225x525, 97K)

>trained cop
literally his first day
>survivalist chick trained by specops
retcon she was originally just a college thot
>secret agent black ops
got bodied at the start of the outbreak got lucky

Haven't seen any gameplay, but are they really re-using Mr X?

Yes, you even have Tyrant/Mr. X on your team for like 3 min.
It's a very fun game that you'll want to play.

Attached: Baka.png (99x99, 3K)

It's not outbreak and it looks like trash. nuMr X is not intimidating. Want an intimidating Tyrant? The ones from Damnation.

Nancy Grace mains where you at?

Attached: nancy-grace.jpg (1825x1217, 366K)

what a turd..

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Never player L4D right?

There's a black man in a speedo in Outbreak
You get Mr. X in File 2

I bet evil BLUMPF ordered the nuking of Raccoon City

I hate retarded shills so much..

>are they really re-using Mr X?
Confirmed to had never played the classic games. The T-00 you know as "Mr. X" is just one of hundreds of tyrants Umbrella has created.

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I want to deflower her, bros!

The game is free nigger.

I'd be excited if you could play as all the forgotten characters like Billy, Sheva, Ashley, Josh.

Programmable, but not robotic...

Yeah, I'll play them, they, at least, feel like RE, differently from the new ones.

But none were robotic. I guess it's not a remake then.

There's no concrete proof that Wesker is the man in the shadows in this teaser. However, why couldn't it be Wesker? It probably is. Even if this wasn't in the same timeline as REmake2 (it is), Wesker is alive during this time period in the original timeline too. He will be in this.

I'm gonna put that chubby nerd in a schoolgirl outfit

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>ANOTHER four player zombie survival game

So, we didn't get RE3make for this? Jesus Christ.

I still need to get my shit all set up and ready and I need to stop being a lazy ass fuckhead and buy that stupid USB to IDE converter already since I need it to transfer the games over to my PS2 hard drive. Why do I always procrastinate everything in my life?

The T-103 in Outbreak File 2 is supposed to be something like it. It has a bunch of cybernetic implants to make it super smart.

So smart in fact, it kills the scientists controlling it because it realizes they have a kill switch.

Don't worry, you'll be able to, $4.99 each or you can roll to get any of them other than weapons and ammunitions for just 99 cents a pop.

I see.
So it's probably Outbreak 3.

just emulate bro

The appearance of the playable characters makes me think of 1998 so he's got over a decade to live.

hope this is true so it's the nail in the coffin for this shitty looking game

>there are people on this planet that actually believed we were getting REmake3 when REmake2 only came out this fucking year
I understand if you thought it was Outbreak, but come the actual fuck on.

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>never having played Outbreak
>not knowing REmak3 is still happening (this is in addition)
Fuck you for the spoonfeed, lurk more

Im gonna porn the hell out of the jock

Exactly. It's gonna be called Outbreak and take time roughly around RE2/RE3. Capcom isn't going to jump forward to present day with REmake2 fresh in everyone's minds. This is the new timeline and I'm honestly okay with it if the games are good.

This game is probably not canon anyway, so putting Wesker in it just to hook his fans would be a really smart move.

Anyone who loves outbreak and still plays it to this day knows this game isn't looking promising and won't praise it for this shitty CGI trailer, using 'so you never played outbreak' to any negative reaction only shows how ignorant these faggots are by pretending they know shit about those games.

nu RE plays way slower and more tanky than any of those games. I don't think it's going to feel like them really at all, even if they're both 4v1 games

Alright. I'm sorry God for whatever I did to end up living in a clown world. Please forgive me lord just make it stop.

My laptop is shit and basically on the brink of dying so I don't bother with it anymore. Last time I tried PCSX2 I couldn't run a damn thing. I just need the converter and I'm set. I also think PS2 users can play with PC users with stable connections.

Outbreak was a fucking garbage series. Almost on level with how garbage RE4,5,6 was. You MUST kill yourself for having such bad taste.

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This. They were completely obedient with those antenna things lodged tightly on their heads, probably preventing them from going berserk and becoming mindless murder machines, otherwise they just followed orders like a completely obedient slave. Once the chip falls off, it's painal rape time.

You dumb motherfucker...

That's a sad truth. At this point, I'll be happy is just a single character gets mentioned in a file or something.

Trying a bit too hard there my friend. Try to be more subtle next time.

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Why the hell would they be naming it after a PS2 game that 90% of everyone who played disliked it? Remember, Outbreak File 1 and 2 were console exclusive online games, and almost no one even knew they were online games. Hell, almost no console pleb even imagined that their couch bro-op machine was capable of online multiplayer. That was some nerd PC shit. The majority of those who bought this exciting new Resident Evil game were disappointed by how boring the game was and how the bad support AI made the game nearly unplayable. Never realizing that there were people playing online and enjoying themselves. In the eyes of the public, Outbreak was a failure. There's no reason why Capcom would name their new game after something that by all intents and purposes failed.

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Stupid zoomer

more like project retarded

Does nobody remember the Mr.X in Outbreak 2 having that self destruct switch you could find on the dead USBC dude? Or was it a scientist? Either way, there’s always been implications that some bioweapons could be controlled in some small degree.

Wow. Just fucking wow. Actually kind of cool. Always wanted to control a Mr. X killing witnesses in Raccoon city, not destroying public property unless absolutely necessary, shoving zombies away from your way, and readjusting your jawbone after being "hurt" by some idiot.

Attached: Remote Controlled Mr. X TYRaNT.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

must be a lonely life.

You found the mine detector on a dead UBCS. The switch appeared in different places depending on difficulty. But besides that, the Tyrant only activated once you used a data disk.

I think some fan theory said Umbrella USA wanted to make a smart Tyrant like Umbrella Europe did with Nemesis.

based and truthpilled

I hope there's a lot of guns and upgrades spread through the stages.


>re2 remake
>you can play ring around the rosie with mr. x
>re3 remake
>nemesis has improved ai and will use his tentacles to remove objects in his path to chase after you

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How much fun would it be for the operator to spawn 3 zombies there, 2 dogs here and 1 Licker over there and then wait until the round is over so you can play as the Tyrant? Sounds like a stupid concept.

He's right though. I mean, I don't agree with you killing yourself but you certainly don't have and standards.

Best case scenario it's a Left 4 Dead clone with randomized items / weapon locations and special infected spawns. Lickers equating to Hunters, Tyrants to Tanks, etc. That's the only way I see anyone playing this more than a couple times.

Then again, I already have my L4D2 completely decked out with RE mods.

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Even if Capcom did want to do another Outbreak with the old cast, they'd have to redesign them. A lot were pretty blatantly modeled on certain celebrities.

Will there be unlockable costumes/skins like in the original?

fuckin idiot

People are retarded user.

Like Kevin who was just Tom Cruise.

Well, even if 4v1 multiplayer is shit, they have enough characters and bosses to fill dozens of survivors and bosses.

I just hope that doesn't mean Capcom is going back to the "let's milk our franchises with any shit famous now".

Yeah Dead by Daylight has its niche audience, but you can't expect to sell millions.

You're the zoomer here if you can't remember that far back, zoomer.

Big bazoonkadongs?

its a 4v1 game nothing like l4d

I hope to god that this is something that they developed alongside RE2 since it's multiplayer and that they are actually making a proper single player major release.

Will they show gameplay at TGS or will it just be another round of absolutely nothing?

They said there's going to be a playable demo at TGS

>more multiplayer garbage

Yeah, but I wonder if they will actually show it or if it will be some closed door shit.

Not him but it's true.about 90% of people I tell about ps2 having online, they always try to correct me and tell me I mean ps3. Like maybe the top 5% of ps2 owners maybe even 1% knew the ps2 had online capabilities. Truth hurts, your on a video game board ofc we know.

It's umbrella corps all over again.

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>Yeah Dead by Daylight has its niche audience, but you can't expect to sell millions.
It says see more at tokyo gameshow in the trailer. im going for gameplay on youtube by Friday.

>Umbrella Corps
>Operation Raccoon City
Was Capcom trying to kill the RE franchise?

They were trying to expand the player base even further from the RE4/5 demographic and failed miserably.

Outbreak was a failure due to PS's horribly marketed and at the time, poorly maintained servers. XBL was on fire and wouldn't be burning out any time soon. If that game never existed back then and introduced now, it would be a far different story imo.

But fuck me, right?

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A mix of the Inafune era of "lets outsource more to westerners" and going all-in on the idea that RE wouldn't sell without action.

It's impressive the franchise didn't die right there and then to be buried with the rest of forgotten IPs they have.

Honestly outbreak would live longer if it's got ported for xbox

I'm pretty sure Capcom had a deal they couldn't put any mainline Resident Evil games on a different system. That's why RE4 was Gamecube first. Outbreaks skated by being spinoffs.

And I'm pretty sure Outbreak would've done better if it shipped with the previously promised 18 scenarios in one disk instead of spacing them out over installments.

I wouldn't mind a L4D-style RE game. ORC could've been great if they didn't outsource it to literal who's with a shoestring budget

I just wanted file 1 and 2 remastered and released with working netcode. Those surveys got my hopes up. Fuckkkkk.

RE6 was fun as fuck tho

"Maybe next year." Says fan nervously for the 10th year in a row.

They should just use RE6's combat system and create a raid mode+mercenaries only game.

I remember trying to use the online function but the guide I used said I needed a Japanese (PAL) copy of the game and then a translator for it to work. Is this still the case here? Because I have both Files 1 & 2 but they are North American copies.

I enjoyed RE6

>RE6's combat system

lol no.

dont forget he has a giant fuck off rocketlauncher

Left4Dead was leagues more fun than Outbreak past the J's Bar scenario, despite the latter's perfectly doable concept and great presentation.

t. played both a shitton.

Eh, I see why fans would hate RE6's combat, but it's pretty crazy once you figure it out. Clunky ass cover system aside, the game practically encourages you to rush into fights if you have the resources, quick melee/shot foes and then dodge and weave to set up kill shots while evading damage like a madman. It's the janky kind of approach to an action third-person-shooter that only Capcom would make. And it's leagues better at what it does than ORC or UC.

I genuinely hope we're getting Escape Room X Resident Evil Outbreak out of this.

It's so jank but once you master it you'll be getting combos for days. So many tricks you can do to increase time like timing a grenade explosion with a melee kill to have all the kills done by the explosion add to the bonus time gained. Also never use cover except to regain stamina lol.

L4D was braindead - the game. It's like claiming RE5 is better than RE4 because "it's fun with friends", an opinion worth a straitjacket.

>Implying this isn't l4d killer

Attached: wwzgame.png (1000x563, 398K)

>judging a game based on a CGI trailer featuring no gameplay

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It's just going to be a Resident Evil themed Zombie master
and that's a good thing


Claire is cute though.

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Sure, probably would have had a better MP base as well considering they had that shit on lock when it was released, the Xbox ofc.

I feel as if Capcom might have the same taste in their mouth and want to try and maybe have a mulligan...who tf knows, but I miss it dammit and hope this is the next installment for MP we need from Capcom, RE2R was a breath of fresh air and maybe the same track will be followed with this one. Doubtful, but who knows.

You're right. The exclusivity rights were held and no one else could touch them. Much like MGS at the time as well, I was almost forced to always have an Xbox and PS due to this, but always strayed and stayed in XBL. EVERY TIME.

PS never had me interested until I started to see more gamers jumping ship and didn't understand why until I realized that it was all about back compat and free service at the time.

Online service is x.xx but still has all the back compat of a library that we all grew up with, for the most part.

Fuck them.
Cross your fingers
Spit in your socket

Here's to hoping we get a good RE survivor with decent MP and that it doesn't get forgotten about too quickly...

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If this is what the game is like then I'm going to defiantly get it, Zombie Master was really fun.

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Judging from what’s been said in this thread it sounds like zombie master, if so what’s the problem? Are people too young to remember the RTS vs FPS/TPS games?

>Are people too young

Thats the problem with nu-Yea Forums.

>super mario and mega man are the exact same games because you jump around and kill enemies and bosses

my favorite trope

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The trailer was neat. Hope it will actually be good.

Of course, and they all wore fedoras. It's not like Capcom is shamelessly recycling resources.

Literally all I could think about was Velma.

>third person LFD with porn mods

I'm in.

Capcom must know people want a new multiplayer experience. But this isn't the answer.

Not to me. I think it's super cute

Nah, you two kill yourselves instead. It was miles ahead of the shit that was 5-6 and ahead of it's time for classic-formula network multiplayer.

Except the zombies won't be made out of paper like they are in l4d

And thats a good thing!

sure, it will be much slower and tactical.

>super mario, mario kart and mario tenis are the same game because mario is on it
i seen people say that

Outbreak only takes brains the first couple of walkthroughs, after that it's all memory just like any old RE title.

I think youre the one with shit taste friend

So Left 4 Dead + Cabin in the woods?

Nah, itll likely be like l4d. My guess is 4 players traverse a level and complete missions while one person controls all the monsters and traps on the level, like how that unreleased fable game was gonna work.

Bet you loved 7 faggot

stop acting like you've even heard of any of these games before yesterday stupid little faggot

Wrong. Left 4 Dead requires you to reach the end of the level, very rarely are there objectives, and theyre usually just in the form of "survive until the escape arrives"

>Raccoon City University
so does that mean that george or thanatos is gonna be in the story somehow

Man, I really would've preferred something more traditionally Coop instead of this asymmetrical shit. I'll wait until they show more gameplay before I completely ignore it though.
Also there better be more playable characters otherwise I don't see people wanting to play as anyone but the Varsity Jacket guy and this chick

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Maybe Yoko too


I really hope it has a co-op PvE campaign. If this shit is just online 4v1 matches, I'll be so disappointed.

it's already instantly better than dead by daylight etc for the fact that the survivors actually fight back and play a videogame

He looks almost normal

Assuming Mr. X isn't the only type of fully controllable monster, what other RE 'boss type' monsters could you see them implementing?

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leakposting QA user was right
multiplayer 4v1 using classic levels (e.g. police station) as well as new one
looks like a half-assed version of outbreak tbqh, like l4d
they really don't understand resident evil do they?

Jack Baker, Birkin.

RIDICULOUS! One masterpiece is enough!

Does nobody remember those Showdown modes from File #2? That's what this reminds me of. Are they just making a game off of that? Will there be any actual scenarios to play co-op with, or will it just be fighting boss monsters with 3 other people?

If it's done properly and in-house and not like ORC, I'll buy it. Still, why is it so hard for Capcom to make a modern day Outbreak game? I know they were ahead of their time back in the day but come on.

Is Outbreak on PC alive?

mutated birkin
jack baker
big fuckin alligator

Hopefully we at least get Hunters.

Let me control Alexia and just stare at my tits

There were also Eliminations, basically kill x amount of monsters in a certain amount of time.

I hate those and never played them. Showdown was great though.

mite b fun

>(you) control the AI

This feature has never translated to mainstream success just stop

L4D was always a shitty Outbreak clone but in first person.

>5 Minute mission time
This feels like it's too short even for an asymmetrical game like DbD, hopefully TGS gives us more info
Unless the five minutes means he's finally back

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A pain in the ass to finish tho, especially the last one. Getting pitted against all bosses of 1&2 PLUS two Mr. X, plus a red recolor on speed is not fun.

All I wanted was a Outbreak like game with the gear/skills progression of revelations raid mode why could they not fucking give us that?

I always saved the RL for the red one. The regular X's were slow (as long as you stayed close enough to them) so they were easy.

>project resistance
>the game is just Wesker vs 4 other people sending monsters at them for "battle data"


don't post again


>team based
>when the only good games in the series were single player
into the trash it goes

Elimination was pretty lame, everything was so disjointed since rooms lead to places from different scenarios so it would be difficult to figure out where remaining enemies were. and dear god who thought it was a good idea to have the same repetitive track play for up to 30 minutes?

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> You'll never have another Resident Evil game where you flee in terror from an Elephant.

Back when giant creatures in RE games were actually scary.

Regenerator from 4
with no thermal scope

If it's a resi themed left 4 dead and the gameplay is good I don't mind but if it's DBD then no thanks.

So Mr.X is now Capcom's pyramid head?

I cheesed it with Yoko, backpack and her dodge really helped in the long run, even though I literally had to constantly limp out of reach of Mr Reds flailing arms at the end.

being this retarded should be a crime

this. its very hard to outcute her

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Guys I just checked the Outbreak website and for a split second it said "Never Again" and then went back to OK.

Nice creepypasta

>it's real
wtf bros

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>guy that controls everything literally looks like wesker
if you can play as him against 4 other faggots this will be the most kino thing capcum has done this decade

I guess it COULD be Wesker. He wasn't established as being anywhere during the Raccoon City Outbreak.

He let us down..

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Where's ya mind at?


>outbreak reboot
Outbreak was not 4v1. Miss me with that shit.

Holy shit I forgot all about that scene, lol.

Same. But we will never get something like Outbreak again. That shit was too complicated for normies, and Capcom wants that Twitch/zoomer audience.

No way this isn't some clone of either L4D or DBD.

What if it's a zombie master clone?
That shit was great.

zombie master only works with 20+ players, this shit is 4player only, so its gonna be shit unless you can spawn and control everything instead of just being able to spawn them

But you were wrong about the funniness

That’s because it’s a rarity in the first place

the fuck?

That’s not true though, if anything due to the way traps worked it was better with less players rather than more

stop lying faggot, i played it yesterday with 5 other people and it sucked, people either died instantly to some trap or got overrun with zombies because the game is meant to be played with 20 people
> if anything due to the way traps worked it was better with less players rather than more
so you never played the game? traps can take out the entire team and most of the time they're unavoidable so on almost every map its impossible to complete with the population below a specific number

what's everyone's problem in this thread?
a left 4 dead ripoff would be fucking great since the only game we've had come out since 2 was fucking vermintide which was shit

because it isnt a fucking l4d rippoff you newfag, its a 4v1 like evolve

we've seen one teaser trailer
are you a capcom insider or something?

>4 characters walking through a room
>nothing happens
>some guy is controlling the spawning of zombies and other shit
>literally takes control of mr.x
are americans always this retarded? how can you NOT tell that this is a 4v1?

i never used the scope anyway
by then my bolt action rifle is so upgraded i can kill them in like 5 shots

I'm not American
the guy controlling the zombies could easily be a lore explanation for l4d's AI director and the player controlled specials
stop being so hostile Jesus Christ just have sex already

That sounds more like Zombie Master like other anons were saying than anything like Evolve.

>resident evil outbreak reboot
inb4 DRM


It's going to be like Last Year: The Nightmare, but worse.

It sounds like you never played the game with the original player base and maps.
Original zombie master is absolutely intended for lesser players, maps like red queen was better off without a ton of people blocking the way and being unhelpful. It ain’t my fault you played with brainlets

how can you lie this hard?
ZM was never meant for small player count
>dude brainlet lmao
>red queen was better with low player count XD
yeah red queen is so good with them unavoidable traps and instant death pits and that part where you NEED to sacrafice someone to progress im sure you and your 3 butt buddies loved playing with eachother

God I hope this means a port of Outbreak with working multiplayer. I'd suck 14 dicks at most for this

It's just Left 4 Dead with zombies.

will they add other monsters for the asymmetrical multiplayer besides x?

Nigger red queen is easy shit once you figured it out, Zombie Master was never about a horde of 20+ people which is why the only servers that even tried to have that many back in the days was the same servers that had maps like Tetris, you are the reason why they stopped working on it. The game wasn’t supposed to be easy, too many people make it easy and even if a trap killed more than half of them then it’d make no difference cause the people who lived are the same people who would’ve lived if those other retards weren’t there.

What if Capcom ports them to the switch for $40 each? Also, straight ports, not remastered.

RE5 is better than RE4 for its inventory system alone. The attache case is gay.

>its easy as shit
no one is saying its hard
>ZM was never about huge player servers
this confirms you never played the game, especially during release
>bitching about tetris
>the easiest map of all time
>people wanting to play the game is the reason hey stopped working on it
>not the fact that every sourcemod dev is a hack that cucks out sooner or later
>the game isnt supposed to be easy
>red queen is easy
pic ONE and only ONE faggot
>too many people make it easy
no it doesnt
>hurr if people die because of a trap then durr
thats bullshit and you know it, many traps dont do the exact same thing 100% of the time, even if you know the trap is coming there is nothing preventing it from sperging out because of the physics and killing you anyway

The main point of zombie master originally was the strategy aspect, i don’t know what kind of setting you played on but if players are actually getting overwhelmed by walkers then they’re ass in the first place since you can kill them without a gun to begin with and if they’re getting run down by hulks early on then the resources on that server is too high since that shouldn’t happen until before the level ends and the zombie master either saved or managed to make that much from killing a few survivors but even then they wouldn’t be able to spam a lot under default settings

Yeah because all those people who could solo maps like red queen don’t exist, more players is only a clutch for retards who can’t manage to survive traps

Right before the level ends*

Meh, that inventory system is one step in the right direction but 2 steps in the wrong direction.

To all the people bitching, RE2 took 4 god damned years to make. What were you guys expecting? RE3 remake? Outbreak remake?

This is a spinoff game made by the B team, did you retards really expect the team that made RE2 to turn around and squeeze out another game in under a year? Temper your damn expectations.

>*gets 0WN3D by a stray physics object*

>you can kill walkers with no weapons
and whilst your swinging at shit the ZM is building up more resources which in turn fucks you over with banshees
>muh hulks
didnt mention hulks at all but okay

>he has trouble with banshees
>he can’t kill basic bitch zombies fast enough or better yet just run around them to complete the objective
Damn you’re actually garbage, the only way this is excusable is if the server had jacked up resources gain which only exist because people wanted to play on 20+ servers to begin with

7 was great. Limp dick retard

you do know games last for a few minutes right?
no fag is spamming banshees and hulks as soon as you spawn schizo.
good luck trying to outrun 10+ banshees in small corridors near the end of the level

>not just killing the 8 banshees the zombie master spawns in a panic before the level ends
The more you the post the more I understand why you need a ton of other players to carry you.

>games last for a few minutes right?
That’s dependent entirely on the map brainlets strayed away from the longer maps

No shit. RE games are fun and the atmosphere is cool but the plots are fucking retarded. The characters are constantly making decisions that make no fucking sense. Like in RE4 Leon should be suspicious of Luis instead of blindly trusting him. He runs away like a bitch with no explanation the first time you meet him and acts like a pervert towards Ashley yet Leon is constantly saving his ass. And don't get me started on RE1. The games are fun despite the plot, not because of it.

Fedora Mr. X is just how the Mr. X tyrants look now

How else would they blend into crowds?

>That’s dependent entirely on the map
every map lasts for 5+ minutes, yes *GASP* even MODDED maps last that long!!

>killing the banshees
>instead of just ignoring them and dodging their leaps
fucking casual
its a coop game, people are supposed to work together, are you one of those fags that runs through the entire level then bitches when the ZM owns your ass because you left everyone to die?

>survivors shooting and killing opposition
>Dead By Daylight


This looks like a dead by daylight l4d resident evil love child

>tells me to dodge panic banshees that will kill my teammate while trying to call me a tryhard that abandons my team
I’m just waiting for you to admit you’re wrong about zombie master requiring 20 fucking players.
>every map requires 5+ minutes
Now you’re just lying, meme maps like death run definitely struggled to even beat 5 unless one faggot was delaying the round for no reason

Looks like shit

please have a PvE co-op campaign

please don't just be online multiplayer garbage

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So is a Zombie Master from Half-Life? I ain't even mad, the mechanic is cool but I wanted an Outbreak.

>panic banshees
you mean a complete nonthreat that you can walk away from?
>your teammates
if your teammates are THAT fucking shit that they cant deal with banshees then you must be playing with nigger AIDS
>meme maps like deathrun
you mean those maps that do actually require 20+ people because all the traps are practically unavoidable? i thought you didnt like 20 player servers?

>re5 better than re4 for any fucking reason
yeah no.

>"Zombie master"
>16 hits

I love you guys

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>unavoidable traps
If it wasn’t obvious before it’s plenty obvious now you’re garbage. Deathrun in any source game has always been easy shit, a good set of players would clear the map less than 3 minutes in

Do people still play this? I have a hankering for it now

No clue

I liked Zombie Panic: Source more

only on weekends but even then there may not even be players, people only play the ZM reborn shit nowadays,

ZP sucks, completely unfun with the most recent version
>cant make proper barricades
>cant get out of a barricade or get into one
>only populated servers are 24/7 church servers
>no one works together
>cant play objective maps because everyone is completely ignoring the objective

>Multiplayer shit
Fuck you Capcom

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So L4D/Dead by Daylight where 1 zoomie chases four others around as Mr. X. Guess I'll be giving that one a miss.

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>always online multiplayer RE game
apologize for what?

They just had 2 fantastic SP focused RE games. Done a co op spin off at this point is fine.

1v4 doesn't work because you either can queue with your friends and ruin the balance because voicechat, or you can't play with friends, which is gay as fuck.
Give me outbreak back

Characters look like a modern Scooby Doo gang

this takes place in america dipshit

They look like ass. And they'll only get more diverse with each DLC.

>luck stat is never explained

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1v4 never works because after the first week tactics are discovered that always fuck over the lone guy.

If you flipped the coin and it landed on heads, the critical damage chance went up by 15%. It stacked as high as 45%. So be patient enough, you could beef yourself up the whole scenario.

Jim could be hilariously overpowered if you were patient.

I always chose Jim as an AI partner in File 2 just because he talked a lot. Some of his lines were really funny.

Like the root of the problem jab in Flashback.

into the fucking trash

when's the Nemesis remake coming out?

Well, they said that was wholly determinent on how well REmake 2 did. At most, they only just started on development.

At least they have some assets they can reuse.

and the RE4 remake???

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Best of the 3 female characters in looks, but had the most useless gameplay bonus.

>tfw playing dead makes your viral meter tick so much faster

>as some nebulous black market bio-terrorist outfit that has only been alluded to so far and may have been responsible for 6's plot as well by helping Simmons get to where he got.
What suggests that they're the family?

I just realized that they never actually show where Mr. X came from in REmake 2. I keep imagining a cutscene where he gets air dropped in, but I’m getting my memories with the original mixed in there.


I hate all 4 characters and the women who was potentially hot had an ugly face, if there aren't more characters I won't be playing it unless the gameplay is as good as Vermintide but attacking zombies with a baseball bat seems retarded

>attacking zombies with a baseball bat seems retarded


get a load of this RE7 zoomer.

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>l4d shit
its litterally killing floor

Not to mention that his "Play Dead" move is both a quick forward movement ability that can be rapidly spammed, and is 99% invincibility frames from beginning to end. If you knew what you were doing, getting hit as Jim was nigh impossible.

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>REmake 4 but this time actually focusing on actual survival horror
>all of the children who started the series with 4 and above AKA actionfags, erupt into uncontrollable fits of autistic rage
God, I would laugh so fucking hard if that happened. I would honestly forgive Capcom for all of the shit they've pulled in the past if they grew the balls to do just what I described.

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I already know it's you Michael, you schizo fucktard. I don't even have to watch the video to know that it's you, the thumbnail was enough to clue me in.

Which is why Jim is the best character and only smart people know this.

It's only invincible while you're falling, once you're on the ground you take double damage and double infection rate damage

I used to get murdered a lot riding that elevator in Decisions Decisions after getting V-Poison. Then I learned the forbidden tactic of taking an Anti-Virus (L) and just playing dead the whole way up as Jim.

Can lickers dodge bullets that well? I don't think I've ever seen that in any RE game.

Resident Evil Damnation. Canon to the games. Those fuckers dodged a bunch of Slavs firing AKs off like mad. They can be mad fast in an open environment.

>once you're on the ground you take double damage
I don't think in my entire history playing the game I ever saw Jim get hit by anything while on the ground, every attack I'd ever seen whiffs and they stop trying afterward. The infection rateissue is true however, but if you spam the move and basically do The Worm, you barely gain .3% per use, and 0% if you're clever enough to use even the shittiest healing item (like a single blue herb) first, since even that for some reason briefly halts viral increase.

>mfw VH BFP Freezing Point runs with other PS2 HDD-having bros
>even when they all die 10 minutes in and I have to finish the fucking thing solo or tank my precious 98% survival rate
>thank god for the lucky coin and crazy pistol crits

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can't dodge my acid grenades though

Not in a game. They can be pretty fast in RE2make though.

>co op zombie wave game #193829101
And here I thought maybe RE was back on track after REmake 2. Back in the shitter it goes

This only I'm cautiously optimistic still if it's the RE team proper.

The tough chick and I'll be the group's cumdump.

I wish she was chubby.

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He has turned his channel into nothing but trolling.

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>protags are all young adults, typical college age

Lame. No one wants to play as a faggy college kid.

aren't most of the playable characters in the first few games like 18-24?

Maybe. But they're not faggy college kids.

i'm sure they went to college

Why does college make you so mad?

he's american and can't afford it

>not outbreak 3

What's wrong with any of those?

I'm getting an Umbrella corps/ Operation Raccoon city vibe from this game.

Youtube comments are something else.

i like asymmetrical MP but I didn't really want this. I just want a regular new RE game.

weird, for me it said "wooden doors? lol" for a second

are you stupid?

I dont get it, didn't you people play Ghost Survivors?
Did you actually believe Capcom wasn't going to expand upon that? They were pretty good missions, and it was nice seeing more survivors, although none of them are canon

It looks like they took the cast from Generation Zero and dropped them in a Resident Evil setting


I don't understand the joke in this picture. Yeah the actor's name with swimming but what the fuck does it have to do with RE?