Do you feel sorry for zoomers? When it comes to vidya, they really missed out on all the cool stuff

Do you feel sorry for zoomers? When it comes to vidya, they really missed out on all the cool stuff

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Same could be said about boomers, because they're so busy absorbing themselves in what they grew up with and ignoring everything else, that they miss some cool stuff coming out nowadays.

it's easier than ever for zoomers now to emulate any game they want though

>Do you feel sorry for zoomers?

No. Fuck 'em. They're mindless drones who need their next skinner box and be told by their favorite streamer what to think.

>zoom zoom bad me original think no bias! time to play mario 64 for the 100th time yes yes

Lol y'all really genuinely think snes was anything better than mobile games of today. We zoomers are enlightened dog.

No, because emulation exists and if they care enough to check out the cool stuff they'll seek it out.
There were a lot of cool games coming out back then, and there are a lot of cool games coming out now. I feel sorry for people who blame everything on zoomers like they're their own personal boogeyman.

No, because they didn't miss anything. They don't have the nostalgic praise for old boomer trash like boomers do, and they can still play the actual games themselves. Yes, it was fun to live through the evolutionary hyperdrive of games from NES to the late 2000s—the videogame equivalent of going from silent films to Avengers in 15 years.

>retarded boomer thinks that when something is out of production it stops existing

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This is the same thing as saying you were born in the wrong generation. They still have access to all of the old stuff.

I cringe every time they talk about nostalgia for the Wii.

If only there was some way to play every single old game for free.

Why? Because it reminds you of your own mortality and how you're not "with the times" anymore?

No it's because the Wii was a piece of shit console.

This. I'm a zoomer and if I find anons raving about a retro game in a Yea Forums or /vr/ thread and I'm interested in it, I'll just get the ROM and emulate it. Sure for some of the games, I "had to be there", but I still find myself still enjoying what's good.

Sonic CD is the most fun 2d sonic game.

Wii was genuine garbage that ran out of steam three years into the consoles lifespan

No, they have a backlog of thousands of good games at their disposal
Playing the waiting game is not fun

How? They can still play old games

All Nintendo consoles are pieces of shit, this is common knowledge. It's the games they make that make their consoles worth buying.

I feel more sorry for ~25 year old chucklefucks so desperate to fit in that they're unironically saying "kids these days".

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Hey ya'll, Scott here-

>games worth buying
That's the thing user, they were hot garbage

they have emulators, they are fine

Hey, Punch-Out was on it, so it can't be too bad.

Nah. Despite what people like to perpetuate here, new, good games come out everyday. Although I love stuff I grew up with (or is even older than me) there's plenty of amazing shit that's come out within the past 10 to 15 years. Some of my favorite games and series have only started within the past generation.

Besides, you can always go back. Games are becoming easier and easier to return to, with ports, remakes, remasters, and emulation growing everyday. Hell, I never played a lot of old CRPGs like Planescape Torment until just a year ago. If you really care about vidya and it's not just a passing interest, it's easier than ever to go back and see what the hype was about.

Younger generations these days have so much media to choose from and availability of it, that they can get picky, look into what they are really interested in, and dive into what older generations claim to be bedrock of the industry. If they don't want to go back or explore, they probably weren't too into the hobby as it is. Casuals exist in any generation.

No, zoomers get to experience decades of fantastic games at their own pace. Good for them.

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I'm 26 am i still a zoomer?

Cool wholesome post

we can play the games you played for free via emulation, stay mad faggot

wordfilter zoomer to 'whippersnapper' and boomer to 'pep-pep'

Zoomer is at earliest 1995-2010 and at latest 1997-2012


Shit you telling me im a boomer fuck oh well

They won't play these old grampa games though, that's the funniest thing, they won't touch that shit because of it's age, or because it's not trendy, or because it's 'problematic' politically.

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Bro you just posted cringe

>implying that zoomers emulate
I've teached 2 of my nephews (13-15) on how to emulate with a bunch of roms of nintendo-sega-sony, they have not played anything but Roblox and Fortnite.

Your idea of who zoomers are is not based in reality. Stop acting like the world is only headlines you read on Yea Forums and go outside. I've met plenty of zoomers that play older games, hell my 12 year old little brother's favorite game is Donkey Kong Country 2.

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Not every zoomer is a normie. I've emulated plenty of games that are older than I am.

I feel sad for the zoomers that they missed out on the arcades but so did a lot of late boomers
>They will never kick some random guys ass at some fighter and see him on the verge of bursting into tears
>no 3p beat em up coop
>no SEGA deluxe arcade games

I'm 27 now, and seeing everyone else on Yea Forums complain about "zoomers" these days feels surreal to me, because I remember being on Yea Forums during the early 2010s, when the same complaining would have been about people my age.

well, they are retarded then.

>posts CV3 as something people won't play because """"problematic""""'
>not because it's batshit hard
You've never played CV3 have you? That game came from hell.

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hello please do not post this level again it triggers my ptsd

Nah, I feel more sorry for older people who grew up with 8 and 16 bit games and were cursed with high standards of quality. And then they were forced to massively downgrade them when Sony entered the market and transformed games into cutscene fests. You had to either "evolve"(lol) or become a retro gamer in order to stay in the hobby.

>I remember being on Yea Forums during the early 2010s, when the same complaining would have been about people my age.
We basically played the same games as the generation before us did that's the thing


>pic gets deleted

Games were going down that path either way. Compare Ghouls'n Ghosts with Super Ghouls'n Ghosts. SGnG is absolute garbage incomparison

I guess so, I mainly remember playing PS1 and PS2 games when I was younger. It still feels weird that I got here at the time just after I stopped being underage myself, and now I'm nearly a decade older than other people that are allowed here now.

i'm 25 and all the ageism on Yea Forums makes me very depressed.

If you think zoomers are bad just wait what comes after them talked to one of my coworker. His kids talk about a bunch of games they watch on lets plays except they are not at all interested in playing them.
Truly strange behavior they are children where is that child mindset when all you want to do is explore

Zoomers are missing out on amazing games because they are dated. When older people were growing up, every new game was a new experience and we played them without bias because we were always learning new control schemes and enjoying new art styles.

Zoomers can't handle new control schemes because modern games are generally standardized, and they don't see art styles the way we did they see fidelity which old games lack.

Just try to get any kid who has experienced modern games to play Banjo Kazooie, PS2 GTAs, Ape Escape, or something like that. He'll drop it in minutes.

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>parents do nothing but plop their kids in front of a tablet and put on youtube kids on autoplay
>wonder why they're not interested on doing things themselves

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That's more because 16-bit games tended to be incredibly easy compared to their older counterparts. Still, point taken.

26 here same

>Just try to get any kid who has experienced modern games to play Banjo Kazooie, PS2 GTAs, Ape Escape, or something like that. He'll drop it in minutes.
He'll drop it in minutes because you're forcing him to play something he has no interest at all in playing. It's akin to a dad forcing his musical tastes on his kid by forcing the boy to listen to whatever genre he likes, while insisting that what the boy likes is shit and that he needs to learn to appreciate REAL classics for mature palates such as his own, and not taking the kids opinions or feelings in consideration at all.

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The Gen alpha will be true final boss of generation

Zoomers can just load up a few emulators on a smartphone/potato/Wii/Raspberry Pi/whatever and play virtually any pre-sixth gen game for free if they really wanted to

>Why yes my parents just told me to go out and play, and I spend the entire day outside with neighbourhood kids coming home late and using my headphones on my mega drive for late night video games

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Yes and the zoomer's taste and feelings are old=bad, across the board with absolute no interest in expanding their horizons.

27 here. Is it just me, or did age used to not be a big deal on Yea Forums like it is now? I don't remember people going on about "millennials" when we were younger as much as people go on about "zoomers" now.

>Kids prefer new things that their peers are playing and talking about to old things
No shit, Sherlock.

I've been on Yea Forums since around 2004 / 2005 and 'underage' was always a scathing insult used very often, now we just have a convenient name for it

they can but they don't and they won't

I remember when I got our first PC It was a toaster with Geforce 2 mx440, but once I discovered emulation
one or two years down the road I plowed through everything

You're really stupid dude. The same thing happened in the past, our parents or whoever would say "hey user age 8 try this game it's awesome" and we loved it. Same thing today and the kid will hate it because it doesn't instantly reward him like phone games.

They're brainlets, like you.

Yeah no shit and we're saying it's their loss, but more to the point is their apparent programming to constantly bitch about old media and in fact seem proud of their ignorance

>Just try to get any kid who has experienced PS1/N64 games to play Space Invaders, NES Super Marios, Tetris, or something like that. He'll drop it in minutes.
Kids don't give a shit about "broadening their horizons", they just want to do what their peers are doing

Are you saying that the previous generation should never show their children their favorite movies, music, books etc because poor widdle zoom zoom might not like it? We shouldn't pass anything we enjoy down to younger people who could also potentially enjoy it?

Imagine being this much of a boomer. Why are you so upset?

>My dad hey son there's this really cool movie on tv
>Its a clint eastwood western'
>holy fuck this guy looks so cool
>kills 10 people in a row
>what the fuck I love this shit
Thanks dad, I guess it was a different time

I'm a newfag from 2011, so I remember seeing Yea Forums get mad about underage for a long while now, I just feel like I see people argue age more often these days.

Yes well because it has become more relevant, the generational gap has entirely become us vs them because of modern politics where old = bad evil racist and young = good hip and progressive.

I'm saying you shouldn't force it, not never expose them to it, you fucking tard. You let them develop an interest naturally. Kids are really stubborn.
When I was a kid I was taking piano lessons. Almost every single kid there was there because their parents made them do it and they didn't want to. They all dug their heels in, never practiced, and come time for the shitty recitals all blundered their way through the piece because they didn't give a shit. Money wasted, time wasted, all interest in classical music for them shot for likely the rest of their lives because they were forced to do things they didn't want to that they saw no benefit in.

>Yes well because it has become more relevant, the generational gap has entirely become us vs them

Something else I have noticed is people on Yea Forums these days being like "OLD Yea Forums WAS CRINGE", usually while spamming Wojak edits or something.

This is not a new phenomenon and has been happening for centuries

That's not even a bit true. Justin Bieber was born in 94, and Miley Cyrus in 92, and they're both zoomzooms.

That's because they're children. I'm a late millennial(91') and I remember having a similar attitude for old games, only wanting to play new shit when I was a kid.
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and its sequels were some of my favourite games but I didn't want to go back and play the super old originals. That attitude kinda passes once you get older, I started playing the older classics when I was around 20.
Zoomers will eventually get to experience all the best games of previous eras without the shit ones.

To me, Zoomers are anyone born after 1985. If you grew up with Sony shit, you're a fucking zoomer.

don't worry op, i'm catching up on things as fast as i can

>Babies born at the start of generation Y are generation Z
This stupid meme is going too far.

For someone who has rotted here for so long I can say most of how the site was run then was much better (no captcha, didn't need text to make a thread, much less cooldown between posts) but there was some legit horrible shit like a plague of trip/namefags like Chicken, Lanced Jack, Akagi etc (Scallion Negro was OK) and Ace Attorney roleplaying, the sort of shit you came to Yea Forums in the first place to get away from. Overall though I do think it was better back then, or at least I enjoyed my time here more. At this point it's because I have nowhere else to go.

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That guy's an idiot, but generations don't exist. Boomers and zoomers aren't born, they're made.

It's one thing for zoomers to enjoy their games but when they start to talk shit and get uppity about great older games is when I think most of us start to get a bit annoyed.

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>my first game console?
>why yes the Ending man Terminator, what gave it away?

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You're a zoomer yourself.

I'm too much of a newfag to remember pre-captcha Yea Forums, but I do remember stuff like noko, that "vote to archive threads" site, Synchtube, Ace of Spades, etc. I also remember Yea Forums being way more off-topic during the early 2010s, but not really having the political arguing that Yea Forums is full of these days.

Threads like these always remind me that no one here actually know any zoomers or what they like.
I was born 99' and everyone, EVERYONE I've ever known growing up used emulators.
I think you guys forgot that normies always played what was popular and not what was older or niche.
But on that note, I think classic Vidya is more popular now than it ever has.
I have 6 buddies from high school and every single one of them own a crt and and a modded wii, including myself.
I was a poorfag growing up so the consoles I played the most was the N64, Genesis, and the TG-16 of all things.
I think people also forget that zoomers, myself included, were growing up or super young when tons of great ps1, ps2 era games were coming out.
The first games I ever played was Megaman 8, MvC 1, and Resi 2, which solidified Capcom as one of my favorite vidya companies and got me interested in retro Vidya.

It's not as bad as you guys think it is, especially now with game collections being ported to every machine possible; more people my age both have the interest and the accessibility to experience old vidya at their own pace.
People love Vidya more than ever, just gotta chill out and be glad a newer generation loves what you used to love, whether you see it or not.

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He is not, zoomers are mid to late 90's to early fucking 2000's, 1991 was almost fucking 30 years ago

You're a boomer.

hes a zoomer

All little shits are the same to me.

yeah ok grandpa

There is nothing more based than being a zoomer. I can play any game I want whenever I want, I can play a modern online game with my friends and in an instant change it to an older singleplayer game

No, you're a boomer!

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But you're not gonna play any game whenever you want because you only love soulless shit like Minecraft, Fortnite, and Call of Duty.
Zoomers suck.

I thought I was a "boomer". Make up your mind already.

>demonizing the new generation because you don't understand them
>doing the exact same thing that actual boomers did to you when you were a kid

I am a boomer who easily plays both new and old games I enjoy. Can't say the same for zoomers, because they are essentially brainwashed to despise anything made before Obama's election. So who is really being deprived here? Who is really missing out? Do you really believe zoomers when they say they have the advantage?

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never played it

never played it

>Call of Duty
Only CoD I played was Finest Hour

Well, you at least like Battlefield or Roblox, right?
I mean, you DID say you're a zoomer.

Well yes, I might play CS:GO and Rainbow six siege with my friends but I also like games like fallout, quake, s.t.a.l.k.e.r, Blood and much more

How can you look at the state of America today and not realize those stereotypical stuffy 1950's fathers were fucking right about everything?

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Then you're a zoomber (half-boomer/half-zoomer).

i'm a 99 zoomer here. i still grew up with N64 and PS1 and didn't even get a "current gen" console until the PS3 in 2011-ish.

Eastern European video game scene during the 90s was pretty wild
>everything from bootleg zx spectrum,c64,dendy,snes,mega drive,arcades and that rich kid son of a politician who owned a 3DO or some shit

Then you're a boomer. Zoomers only play Minecrap, Shitnight. and Diarrhea of Duty.

>Zoomers eat up and suck the cock of whatever the latest le retro indie pixel shit game that comes out but can't be assed to play actual 8 and 16 bit games because they're too old

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Never played it

Never played it - my 12 year old cousin's shown it to me a few times and I downloaded it once, it's not exactly my cup of tea

Zoomers hate anything before 2006. They're soulless slaves to their social media handlers who would love nothing more than the elimination of older media.

They are too difficult for them, I see this among millennials too though why would I play some River City Ransom shit instead of say Alien Vs Predator Arcade

>because they're too old

More like "because they're too hard". Even the difficulty of Kirby games send most zoomers into an uncontrollable rage.

I agree with you on that honestly, but when you get down to it they are both old games being judged on different qualities beyond their age, zoomers don't make it that far, it's all the same garbage for grampas to them.

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I was born in 97
Am I a late boomer, an early zoomer, or some kind of weird hybrid?

Depends what your interests/personality is.
Do you like Star Wars, The Beatles, and Nintendo 64? Or do you like Avengers: Infinity War, Miley Cyrus, and Fortnite?

You faggots are insufferable.
Any time a zoomer tells you they play quality vidya you call them a boomer.
You're just using zoomer as a replacement for normie.

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Better phrase would be cookie cutter

>Miley Cyrus
What does she even do now?

by what definition is that Gen Z?

They wont play these games, they'll just play the remakes or the indie pixelshit knockoffs.

It doesn't matter what she does NOW. It matters what she DID. She popularized soulless fads like twerking, and promoted a culture of tribal warfare among the youth via her soulless music. She has yet to apologize for any of this. Fuck her.

So essentially....
Millenials: 1981-1985
Zoomers: 1986-2019
Seems legit.

Unironically did that. Everyone did that.

"Just be home when the streetlights come on."

You can't raise a kid like that anymore unless you can somehow afford to live in a gated community, it's easy to blame kids or parents for not letting their kids go out anymore but outside is simply too dangerous these days

>outside is simply too dangerous these days

Do you live in Somalia?

I was born in 1997
I took that picture user

That's my point though.
It has nothing to do with generations because tons of zoomer's in this thread are saying that's not the case only to be called a boomer as the rest of the thread goes back to shitting on the generation gap again.
People are using zoomer as a normie who plays what's popular currently while also pretending it was a generational thing, despite how many zoomers in the thread say otherwise.
Half the people in here don't even know what they're talking about.

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They're not zoomers. Zoomers are normies, and boomers are based.
It's not a generational thing, it's a lifestyle.

Why do zoomerchads live rent free in newfag heads?

>this level of delusion and lack of self awareness

Why didn't you just get a KILLER/Action Replay or modchip and pirated every game?

Actually it's gen y

>zoomers born from 95'-00 have shit taste in vidya
>i was born 95-00 and like good vidya
>no you're a boomer, not a zoomer...

>zoomers born from 95'-00 have shit taste in vidya

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Zoomers in general have shit taste in vidya. It doesn't matter if they were born 95-00 or not, they all have shit taste in vidya. That's by definition.

Boomer good, zoomer bad.

Millennials aren't boomers retard you have to be 60 to be a boomer

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is 96 a zoomer or a boomer?
Some sources claim I would be a millenial while others claim I would be gen z, the least consistant one I read tho was a source saying that if you remember where you dont remember where you were on 9/11 then you're gen z, but everyone has different abilities when it comes to memory so that isnt reliable at all

>if you remember where you dont remember where you were on 9/11
I meant if you dont remember where you were on 9/11

You are talking about baby boomers

Why do you keep trying to say zoomers and boomers were born in specific years? Do you want to be in the "good zone"? Because newsflash buddy: you can be born in the 80s and still be a zoomer. Your not safe from judgement just because you were "born in a good year".

>There are people posting on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW that never experienced life before 9/11

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Because I like owning games physically
I know it would cost like 25k-50k but someday I think I'm going to try to get an entire PS2 collection, and definitely a lot of PS1.

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>entire PS2 collection

You're going to need a whole room to store the absolute mountain of shovelware garbage that came out on PS2.

>lol lets give the previous generation the same name as one that was born 60 fucking years ago.
>dude BASED and redpilled hur dur

Definitely, but it's worth it. It's an absolutely incredible system.

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Not really, I'm jealous as fuck. They get new games plus have access to our old games and have all the free time to play them together. Gaming is much more accepted aswell, before you'd get called a nerd now every zoomer is playing fortnite. They got a full life ahead of them. All 25+ anons on here get MOGGED by zoomerchads and it fucking hurts.

I was in school during 9/11 and I remember thinking Man its just two buildings not like some nuclear bomb went off

It might seem fun for a while but sooner or later its just some plastic on a shelf that collects dust.
Trust me not worth it, if you don't want to emulate just mod the systems and pirate away

I gotta say, as someone on the border of Zoomer and Boomer, I don't feel that bad. I was blessed to grow up in a family that had played video games since the 80's, and I was exposed to a lot of classic titles most kids weren't. It's how I'm nostalgic for games like Bubble Bobble despite being born quite a while after the game. I've been recently going on a journey to complete my retro education and play all the greats of the years before I was born and it's been wonderful to see the progenitors of the modern titles that I've also happened to love.

Side note, if you got classic games to recommend me, feel free to (You) me with suggestions

Nope. They blindly consume dogshit like Minecraft, and should be killed off. The sense of quality is a key ability that most living beings should have. The monkeys we descended from have a sense of quality, like they know when a piece of food tastes like shit. Proof we've fully evolved backwards.

shut up boomer lol go mow your lawn

At least he has a lawn to mow, rentmonkey.

my parents left me a mansion, cope harder boomie boomer, you got kids to raise and wagecucking to do, stop typing on a chinese teenage forum

I'm actually a zoomer, with *clears throat* SELF AWARENESS. I grew up on Minecraft but 100% regret it. I play Doom and FNV now.

Then you're a boomer.

>my parents left me a mansion

Well my parents left me a castle on the moon.

Choose, Yea Forums

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cringe social outcast, imagine not spending your early teenage years playing minecraft with your bros after basketball. oof, no wonder u self insert as a boomer


There's something missing in the middle.

based dad joke boomer, good one

>generations arent dependent on your birth year
I just want to know where I stand, but no someone born in the 80's cannot be part of gen z

Honestly, Zoomers have it best as long as they kept their taste right. Old doesn't mean bad, and neither does new. They just gotta talk to their elders and find out what games from retro years were good and emulate them

Katy Perry was born in 1984. Are you seriously suggesting she's not a zoomer?
>*sips* Yep. Dark Horse. Now THAT was a song!


Gen y millennials tend to get ignore

I don't really get this Boomer vs. Zoomer bullshit desu. Both eras had good and bad games, and both fanbases have good and shitty people. One isn't better than the other

Yes. Zoomers will never understand the joy of growing up with 6th gen

You're just a faggy contrarian. There's nothing wrong with playing older versions of minecraft, its legitimately a decent game.

Minecraft is also older than fallout new vegas, as well, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here.

Unfortunately, many zoomers DID grow up with the 6th gen, but they were led astray by the nu-shit that comes out these days.

she literally isnt she's 35

Lol ok. What about Taylor Swift? Is SHE a boomer?
>*sips* Ahhhh... nothing like listening to Ready For It while mowing the lawn.

Stop apologizing for zoomers just because they were born in "le based times!!!"

I find it odd how everyone is now obsessing over each other's age on an anonymous imageboard.

Can someone remind me which gen is 6th gen? I honestly don't pay attention to the numbers.

Just because zoomers are her primary demographic doesn't mean she's a zoomer herself


6th gen is Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube and OG Xbox
So 1999-2007ish

Good lord that's a lot of shitty games

It really does...
She makes zoomer music for zoomers, uses zoomer social media, talks in zoomer slang...
She's a fucking zoomer, dude. There's no two ways about it.

I'm OK with it. I generally hate games made after 1995 and I generally hate people born after 1985. I deserve all the hate I receive from zoomers. And they definitely deserve all the hate they get from me.

Oh shit, that era was fucking amazing. Outside of the SNES/Genesis era, that's probably my favorite era. Probably nostalgia for me mostly, but I'll never get tired of those games. It was the perfect time where they had mastered 3D but hadn't fallen into the cliched ruts of the modern era

Ocarina of Time was made after 1995.

PS1 was inferior to the N64 and the PS2 was inferior to the Gamecube graphic-wise.

That's one of the worst games ever made.

You're a zoomer. Get the fuck out.

OK, so like, OoT is a heavily flawed game and is honestly almost downright unplayable nowadays outside of the 3DS version, but I would hesitate to say it is one of the worst games of all time

"Remember when" is the lowest form of conversation.

Fuck OoT and everybody who likes OoT.

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In fact, fuck the entire N64 console. The first zoomer console. Every game for it is shit.

Ocarina of Time ain't no Link to the Past, but it's still a fun time, at least on the first go.

too bad nintendo shot themselves in the foot 2 gens in a row using inferior media storage

Bait is supposed to make people mad. You're just making people call you a zoomer. Get a new hobby.

They're basically the same game. Only OoT looks and plays a thousand times worse.

How fucking old are you. Go back to 1940

I feel the same way towards "boomers" as you do towards "zoomers. Let's just leave it at that.

I unironically would if they weren't all annoying as fuck

Yeah, OoT is basically 3D Link to the Past and occasionally suffers as a result. But I still think it's a fun game, maybe 7/10. Worth playing once if you like the genre