*bes loud*

*bes loud*

Attached: 8D030CE2-7225-4917-887D-192263D16EE0.png (1811x665, 954K)

It's only on hardware pushers. Yakuza Kiwami and Gravity Rush and other regular ass games are silent.

God of War or Wipeout in 4k mode will start the turbines though.

>not taking the headphones pill

Attached: 1548754867730.jpg (1200x1613, 294K)

*ejects disc and runs drive while you try to sleep*

Why is the PS4 such a housefire?

Attached: ps4 housefires.png (1682x396, 43K)

Learn proper english before making a thread, faggot

>posts headphones that don't block outside noise

>DF tests the PS4 Pro's noise output
>Literally worse than the launch R9 290x housefires
Fucking kek, that's insane.
Considering how hot and loud the RX 5700/5700 XT are, the PS5 is going to sound like a literal fucking jet engine.

Ey, schlomo, you don't think Sony's going to address the sound issue with the PSQuints?

Put those cheap sticky pads on the feet of the system to elevate it keep it vacuumed out and make sure at least 6-8 inches are clear on all sides. It helps

>he doesn't keep his PS4 vertical
But why

They'll put a chip inside to cancel noise like they do with the headphones.

>start monster hunter
>helicopter takes off

Attached: 1566952925325.png (1058x712, 696K)

Blocks the air exhaust flat is the way to go every test done shows the ps4 runs hotter on its side

Never had a loud time other than when I played infamous....

>boot into the God of War menu
>sounds like a jet plane
>go ingame
>can't hear it anymore
I don't understand how this console works.

>Fan is spinning so fast my Pro starts flying
>Pop off the lid to clean out the dust
>there's no dust

Attached: otis.png (528x501, 188K)

Attached: f1bU_-Xfc_vpqR1r3nDeiIxVShwUjotzaWRNSvVW6hk.jpg (638x470, 36K)

Not quite that bad, but still pretty bad.
Anything over 52 db past the year 2014 is pretty much unacceptable, and people shit all over the 5700 XT for being loud as fuck at only 54 db, and the PS4 Pro is even louder.

Attached: 1534717268061.png (1281x1117, 1.34M)

initial load in is always the biggest :)

>56 db
>To cool a fucking underclocked RX 480 equivalent

you question the design choices of the company who didn't put a 4K Bluray player into their own console even though they make the tech?

PS4 pro is one of the biggest botches I've ever seen.

1. Can't texture filter well but tries for 4K

2. Can't even reach 4K fast majority of time and has FPS problems due to cheaping out on Ram

3. Loud as fuck on some games

4. Poor shielding on USB ports making things like usb headsets lose or corrupt connections causing errors and drop outside in audio.

5. Back usb port is by a HOT vent and can cause usb device to throttle or overheat.

6. ugly as fuck with cheap fucking front button panel thing.

this post has captured the entire essence of my humour
i love you user

*Drops connection to 4K TV randomly*


Why the fuck none of the sonybuffoons in /mhg/ warned people about this?
I ended up to buy one for IB and its blowing louder than my pc did during the last drought.

Attached: 1539684323383.png (920x634, 149K)

>open the map in any game
>PS4 takes flight

Same thing with Horizon Zero Dawn. Enter map menu and the PS4 goes full meltdown iniated.

Boggles my mind how people ended up saying "Yeah the Pro is a good purchase" when it can barely push 10 frames more than the base model.
I don't care for the Xbox One all that much but holy fuck the One X is literally better in every conceivable way as a piece of hardware

Why is this? Any wizards care to explain?

there are two models of the PS4 pro. the new one is much more quiet.

Should I get PS4 Slim or Pro if I'm only going to play Bloodborne?

It's about 4-6 db quitter on average.
DF also tested it compared to the launch model.
Still much louder than it should be considering the hardware.

>sitting in main menu doing nothing

Attached: 91I3tZsp66L._SL1500_.jpg (1218x1500, 265K)

Yet the Xbone has no exclusives. Why bother with mediocre 30 FPS when my PC runs games in native 4K with 60 FPS.

>as a piece of hardware
Never said anything about exclusives, user

Eat my asshole tacobender

The main menu is still rendered in KF2.
On PC if you're using something like MSI Afterburner you'll note that GPU usage will ramp up as well, and if your framerate is uncapped and shoots up to 250 FPS your GPU could end up being maxed out.

Attached: images.jpeg.jpg (163x310, 13K)

Did u just call me a cuck

Sony has never been able to make consoles.

Attached: MV5BYjdkZjQ3NTctY2E0Ni00Njc4LTlmZWItZDlkMmZhNTRiOGQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjIwNTg2ODA@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,66 (666x1000, 135K)

Yeah well jokes on you ive never had a gf how can i be a cuck then. NOOB

>telling anyone how bad their system is
These are the same people currently in denial about their drought.

>Yet the Xbone has no exclusives
Who cares anyway?
The ps4's exclusives are worthless outside of Bloodborne.

Post year 2000 Consoles almost always have droughts in the 2nd and 2nd last/last year tho.

Gaytard. You are just jelly. Go play your GAYLO

Naw he's right, Sony just does not have variety or fun factor this gen, but Sony rarely ever makes or finds gameplay focused games.

Everything Sony makes from its true 1st party is by the numbers

How cone technology has advanced but heatsinks havent? I want a silent console. Switch and og xbone are pretty decent when it cones to noise.

looks kino, what film is this


Actually the newer Pros are very quiet. Though I haven't tried it during summer yet

I don't even have an xbox.

Not really, it's only been the ps3, ps4 and wii u so far.

Shouldn't RDR2 be the biggest hardware pusher? My ps4 pro was dead silent playing that but shits itself playing nier

Good because ps4 is better

And Wii and 360 and gamecube

I hope they do decide to do something about that shit on the PS5. By far the biggest reason I don't like turning on my PS4 is that goddamn sound.

Just put your PS4 in other room

Will the switch had a pretty big drought in year 2

Isnt it because most map screens don’t have fps caps so the system goes apeshit with it?

I wonder why dev's do this? Maybe to clean dust from system? Lol

Sure if you didn't explore the library otherwise they had a fair amount of releases and avoided the drought.

I find it funny when people say this when the switch had a lot of releases last year.

>buying a console on release instead of waiting for a better-designed slim version with quieter, more efficient cooling

>How cone technology has advanced but heatsinks havent?
They have, there are PCs out there with entirely passively-cooled components that take a giant shit on every console on the market (since they come with GTX 1080s and RTX 2070s), but they're insanely expensive ($2.5k+) thanks to the costs related with engineering a case/heatsink like that.
Consoles are made on the cheap, so they're always going to cheap out on cooling first and foremost.

>big drought in 2018
>got Super Smash Bros, some WiiU ports like Bayo, Toad and Donkey Kong, Kirby, Octopath Traveler, Crash Badicoot, Pokémon, Mario Party, Mario Tennis, Octo Expansion, Valkyria Chronicles, Dragonball and Gris.
Sure, first half of the year was shit, like 2019, but by the end it got tons of releases. This year even more, in the span of 30 days we're getting Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, Zelda and Dragon Quest XI S.

Attached: 1533739050507.png (1116x878, 148K)

>Fell for liquid cooling meme

I've seriously never played on a more quiet machine in my life

Attached: 0s0XI7ExYomJcyu2GyY-UZJ_BW6cuXfvQJ7UWEGE91E.png (600x337, 258K)

is the wifi card on the PS4 Pro still as useless as the PSPoor?


Not as bad, but still pretty shit.
My phone from 2014 can hit ~300 Mbps on my gigabit connection.
My old wifi card from 2014 in my PC can hit ~650 Mbps.
My PS4, Xbone, and Switch all struggle to hit and maintain 150 Mbps.
Shit's insane.

Maybe cube, but wii and 360? LOL

Had mines since 2016 and don't even give a shit about the noise.

Attached: 45689867645664.jpg (1440x1440, 582K)

of course you don't because otherwise you would have to admit how shit your little toy is

>but wii and 360?
Yes? They both had a constant stream of games, the 360 even had a sizable about of nip games. The only system that didn't was the ps3 hence why we all made fun of it for having no games.
Did you just skip that gen or something?

On behalf of all other black anons I want to apologize for this man's shit taste.

Because you phone and PC doesn't encrypt everything with it's DRM like every console past the ps2 does

>Gintama Poser
>No Gintama Rumble

But shouldn't that also be the case with stuff like Steam, Origin, and Uplay?
Shit, when I'm directly connected I can easily hit and maintain 920+ Mbps on all of these services on my PC (though the EGS has trash download speeds that rarely ever go over 300 Mbps) yet even when directly connected on my PS4 it struggles to maintain 200 Mbps.
I imagine the shit-tier CPUs in these consoles are a major factor, not to mention they all use shitty 5400 RPM HDDs aside from the Switch.

this happens on my PC too. Fucking shit optimized game

You just have a shitty, loud GPU.
Or a 2080 Ti or something, which is a fucking jet engine.

This thing has ruined DMC5, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Monster Hunter for me. The noise is unbearable. I have an LG soundbar and it still needs to get cranked beyond 50% max volume to hear over this fucking console. I am tempted to put it in the basement and run an extension cable up to my living room so I don't have to hear it achieving liftoff when I'm in the menu of a game. I dropped DMC5, bought RDR on the Xbone and got MH on the PC because the fucking noise.

i've got a regular 2080, and the noise comes from my CPU fans too

Its literally called cuck

You must have fallen for the Intel meme.
Which, in 2019, is pretty hilarious.

Mine is loud af (and I really mean it, I'm forced to max out my headset volume if I play close to it) with RDR2, but also DMC5 and Rainbow Six. Idk if it happens to anybody else or it's just my Pro being retarded.

mine is super loud with Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Every game I've tried on the hardware is quiet for me. I can't say I've had any issues with noise from the fans, though I don't have any other current-gen consoles to compare with aside from the Switch which is near-silent. I'm using the slim model, it could be that the 4K models are particularly noisy or it could be caused by dust build up in the fans.

Best regards,

>Best regards,

Ignore that. My head is still in work mode.

I hope sony rereleases ps2 and pse games

Spend $5 and replace the thermal paste