Do people acualy get angry about gay trans black etc characters in games.
Or is this just false flagging.
I refuse to believe anyone can be that much of a autistic fagot.
Do people acualy get angry about gay trans black etc characters in games
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go away you commie jew reeeeeeeeee
>Do people acualy get angry about gay trans black etc characters in games.
>Or is this just false flagging.
>I refuse to believe anyone can be that much of a autistic fagot.
I want to play as a normal person, not an sjw token
Not video games
It's just #CultureWarriors manufacturing controversy. Just don't give a duck like a normal person.
I don't care about gays or trans in games
But I HATE with passion when producers put bullshit leftist identity politics in games
if they actually do something meaningful with the fact that a character is gay then i'm fine with it.
if a character is gay just for brownie points then it gets annoying.
Yes. I hate lesbians.
>Do people get angry when politically-incorrect agendas force unnatural genders into places where they don't belong
Let me answer your question with another question
>Do freaks that are retarded and mentally deranged get angry when heterosexual bipolar characters are in places where they belong?
Yes they do.
I think they do.
I hate hate hate hate hate this thought process so much.
I like playing as a character with a "I'm like this just because go fuck yourself" type of personality and faggots who think someone needs to be justified to suck cock or have dark skin pisses me off so much. Give me a black guy like Dante, give me a gay guy like Mario, give me a tranny like Mondo Zappa. Why? Fuck you for asking. I want it. I need zero other reasons. You don't like it? Unironically kill yourself. I hate you.
I don't get angry at black/gay characters, I get angry at bad, political black/gay characters
Trans people are just mentally disturbed
This. I think gay men have cracked the code to living free of the vaginal Jew, they have made amazing music, brilliant comedians, and actors.
Name me one tolerable lesbian.
No, just disgusted
>let me ignore and deflect your question with some whataboutism
>involve character's gayness in story
>"they're forcing it in our face!"
>don't involve character's gayness in story
>"it's just done for brownie points!"
This is why your not a dev and just some anonymous nobody browsing this pisshole site
Dilate more Discord Tranny
Trannies are utterly disgusting and tolerating that is tolerating child abuse and enabling mental illness. It has no place in video gaming or society as a whole.
Gays are a similar matter as homosexuals count for an astoundingly high percentage of child abusers. However, I'm less annoyed by that as long as it's minor and not forced, which it never is.
Are people angry? Not really
Are people mocking devs who use 50 year old exploitation stereotypes? Absolutely
I get angry when non-characters are made so the creators can get free blowjobs.
Nobody cares that Lister in Red Dwarf is a black guy. Nobody cares that Spawn is black. Nobody cares that that Lee is black.
They care when the character is LOOK I AM A BLAND ARCHETYPE BUT ALSO A MINORITY, LOVE ME and the creators try to "make a statement" about it.
not gonna lie
I do find forced diversity a little annoying
>making changes to annoy your core audience and appeal to people who don't even play your fucking game
The only time that kind of thing bugs me is if its turning an already established character into one or is the game's selling point. Though with the latter I just ignore it.
i play video games for escapism and i have to deal with degenerates in real life
I don't really give a shit
Based. A character should absolutely be able to be gay/black for no reason other than "they were born that way and race/orientation don't affect their character arc anyway because it's a person's actions that define them". Using a marginalized trait as a character backstory strengthener is actually more annoying if anything if that's not the kind of narrative you're looking for.
Anyway, yeah, people who hate this shit are always racist idpol counter-SJWs (also known as rightist SJWs)
Im a latino scum i dont give a shit about latino character in videogames, never care. And I hate niggers and faggots too, pls stop with this token characters.
Shut up faggot.
>i am a self-hating third worlder, please give your approval big white man
The only time I've ever felt like this was Dandara. I couldn't figure it out for a while, but I think it's because you can feel the anger and contempt bleed through. I like angry bitch protagonists, they're fun. I prefer black chicks, so that doesn't bug me. I like atypical art and weird hairstyles. But something about the dialogue and art felt so put-upon and begrudging and laced with contempt that it bugged the shit out of me.
Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know.
>being an evil-spirited, self-proclaimed moral arbiter instead of being happy for individuals seeking personal truth, freedom, and comfort
you ARE the degenerate, user. Get off r9k and do some reflecting for once in your smoothbrained life
No I literally don't care. Pretty sure half this shit is from people that never play games.
You asked if normal people get mad when retards force retarded agendas, yet ignore the fact that retards get mad at things that are normal.
>equating 'gay and trans' with Black.
Trans people weren't enslaved for 300 hundred years. Neither were fags.
Also - latest science literally proves that you can't be born gay/trans, and that there's no testable or consistently reproducible genetic link between 'chromosomal patterns' and 'wanting to fuck someone in their tight, poopy butthole"
So fuck off, you commie faggot. Losers like you make me want to start voting 'Pro-Choice'.
Do people acualy get angry about people getting angry about gay trans black etc characters in games.
Or is this just false fagging.
I refuse to believe anyone can be that much of a autistic double fagot.
imagine a character-oriented game that makes no mention whatsoever of
everyone is just a blob/stick figure, and characters are decided purely by actions and personality.
could it work?
Oh, I'll give you a duck!
Quit larping, nobody wants gays or nigs in games, you included.
> black
Fine. Race stuff is only annoying when it's obviously some weird ideological thing.
> gay, trans
burn it
>imagine a character-oriented game that makes no mention whatsoever of
So Dragon Quest 3?
>muh slavery
Boo hoo fag, your grandma wasn’t a slave
It would probably work best with a cast of animals. So you can make statements like "all foxes are bad" or something to make somr artsy fartsy statements about our society. Fair warning doing that would probably get your game dismissed around here.
>nobody wants gays or nigs in games
Clearly you don't play many games and don't belong here.
Is it different people making this same reply or are you autistic enough to do it in every thread you dislike?
>Does the character being gay affect anything gameplay-wise?
If the answer is yes, I'm fine with it. Like the character has gay romance paths because it's a dating sim, or a female character gets a speed boost when she fights another woman because it makes her sexually excited.
If the answer is no, there's no reason for it. Gibraltar in Apex is mentioned as gay but that has no effect ingame. Same would go for a straight character, I don't need a shooter game where the guy's backstory tells me that he gets a boner every time he looks at a woman. It's not important and not relevant to what I'm doing.
Fucking hell stop replying to stupid fucking resetera bait threads you DUMB FUCKS
No just upset when a character is an annoyance rather than fun or intetersting.
I don't like it if it's really transparent, like you look at the game and can see the boardroom meeting of the devs asking how we can be more progressive, through the cracks.
With that though, there's so many people that begin foaming at the mouth with the sight of a gay/trans/black person, without any good reason
source: my ass
yeah totally bro gay and trans people totally don't suffer discrimination at all
and i totally liked the study where they asked literal newborns about their sexuality that's a very good way of late science
>Do people acualy get angry about gay trans black etc characters in games.
Or is this just false flagging.
Fuck you.
Only retarded 15 year olds get triggered by tumblr games with trannies and shit. Anyone in their right mind just ignores them. Gay romances are only ok if it's something like Fire Emblem where you have to go out of your way to get them. In fact romance as a whole in games is pretty bad to begin with.
You want to know how I know you are from Resetera?
>pick nigger character for the lulz
>see nigger character
>Only retarded 15 year olds get triggered by tumblr games
>Gay romances are only ok if it's something like Fire Emblem where you have to go out of your way to get them. In fact romance as a whole in games is pretty bad to begin with.
Do you not see the irony?
Niggers being portrayed accurately is perfectly fine.
Why do you think The Wire was so popular?
500IQ Haitian hackers is retarded shit that's just embarrassing.
Yes because you're a Redditor and not used to the concept of people voicing different opinions so they must be X boogeyman
I am totally triggered by a Nintendo game. You got me
Did you actually watch The Wire?
It depends. Most of the time is literally whatever, it's cool, no one cares, except when it's an obvious SJW agenda thing. The other times, like with the new cool as fuck nigger in guilty gear, only false flags and retards complain. Also, people give the word nigger too much power.
People mostly get upset by the marketing.
>We have a perfectly normal game, but IT WILL BE INCLUSIVE!!!
>everyone gets mad
>We have a perfectly normal game, with a variety of characters
>everyone gets hyped
That wasn't the point.
It's silly to brush aside people's grievances about a more extreme sexual deviancy but simultaneously be annoyed at other forms if they're not optional.
He didnt say that though.
>Video game character isn't a straight white Christian male
You know you're just minding your business, enjoying whatever it is you might be enjoying and then some fucking vegan forces their stinking ass into your situation and starts going on about how meat is murder and they annoying try to force you into veganism, never shutting the fuck up and making you want to kill them?
It's the exact same thing with these forced biuzarro world politics being bulldozed into every video game. This is something people partake in to escape reality and entertain themselves. Only the biggest cunt uses that to worm their shitty agendas into your head, unsolicited.
Gays have been treated worse than niggers historically.
Yeah I don't want to play as someone designed to take in social justice brownie points and I'm black.
>I play video games to be normal.
>This is something people partake in to escape reality and entertain themselves.
Based. Can't even watch sports without nationalist bullshit either. Our only escape is drugs user
>Im a latino scum i dont give a shit about latino character in videogames, never care. And I hate niggers and faggots too, pls stop with this token characters.
People will start making programmable acid trips.
>Little wrist watch sized thing injects a plethora of drugs directly to your blood stream on command.
Sounds like a dream come true
With all the negative shit and political agendas already in your head, doing drugs is potentially the worst idea. Imagine getting caught on an infinitely loop thinking about trannies going into womens' bathrooms.
Why are you so upset with a random spic on a vietnamese ceramics forum?
Nobody with any common sense gets mad about the characters existing, they get mad about the reasoning for the characters' existing, i.e. a bunch of faggots trying too hard to get brownie points and appear progressive that end up being just as racist as someone screaming 'nigger' because the diversity quota characters they make always end up falling into stereotypes because they don't know any actual minorities or they end up being a mouthpiece for whatever other retarded shit the writer makes them say
blaming autism isn't the right way to go about it, since everyone here pretends to the point where they actually are.
No I’m talking about the narrative of the trip itself.
Depends on the character (or number of characters). You can tell if it's forced or not. Some characters have to bring up their sexual orientation or racial struggles every other sentence. Some simply exist and do the job they were meant to do without trying to get you to sign a petition or crying about the plight of post-op.
literally mindblowing
I'm a pretty wholesome dude so I don't really find that kind of shit bothersome
Do I (deep down) think that the trans community is kind of weird? Yeah.
I just don't associate with them much because we don't have much in common obviously
I could care less about what they do with their time/voice because it just doesn't affect me much
I don't understand why people are so fucking mad all the time but at the same time, I do because the internet fucking sucks and you get people (like on Yea Forums) who just suck in general, and throw their grievances online so they can suck with everyone else around them
Issue with this is, we choose to tell stories about exceptional people. Exceptional people can come from all backgrounds. It’s just less likely for some. Sometimes much less. When people say “nigs need to be represented accurately” what they mean is they are never, ever allowed to be exceptional, which isn’t realistic. Media doesn’t always have to conform to these sorts of predictably valid assertions. And even then, discussing media in this way is boring anyways. Characters in fictional worlds don’t magic into existence, they are made by people. It’s much more interesting to discuss why people make the decisions they do rather than trying to “disprove” things.
I just hate when a character's sexuality/gender identity/race/whatever is used as the SELLING POINT for a game. In this era of SJW pandering it's a clear indicator that the game has nothing else to offer besides that.
I honestly dont care if its just a passive detail and not shoved in your face or is literally just the point of the game.
Like a pride flag thrown in on the side somewhere is just whatever, and if a chatacter is gay its whatever so long as its an understandable relationship.
Tumblr tier shit that the whole game revolves around sjw politic shit is what puts me off.