How are you holding up? Gotten your shit pushed in yet?
Monster Hunter Iceborne
>$40 DLC
Still haven't failed a quest but I got close with Blackveil Vaal
nah maybe barioth but once you get good enough equipement he becomes tobi tier
What are some good armor sets for lance?
Aside from 2 pieces of uragaan armor what else should I add? Am at acidic Glavenus now.
But is there a monster that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Ruiner Nergigante? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about a starving Nergigante. I'm not talking about a Nergigante that has fed on Zorah Magdaros either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Arch Tempered Nergigante (with the instant slam abilities and being capable of both OHKO's and massive AOE spikes).
I'm talking about the Ruiner Nergigante equipped with his black spikes, a perfect moveset, control of Xeno and Zorah, with Sharah Ishvalda's DNA implanted in him so he has even harder spikes and can perform sound wave attacks while being an expert in kill stealing and running away
>You can rapid slash through projectiles
Well. Time to cart a thousand times seeing what dumb shit I can do with this.
What’s the timing for the counter armor on the rapid slash? I know fade slash has frames during the backstep, is the iai slash just right as it starts up like a guard point with no delay?
Crimson Fatalis would dab on Niggergayte without breaking a sweat
What's a good starting armor set for master rank?
man, this naruto pasta has come a long way
>We're going to be stuck with obnoxious Nergigante wankery for the foreseeable future
It’s an expansion that more than doubles the amount of shit in the base game, shitposter-kun.
>mfw want to hunt Barioth but don't want The Handler back
Valbros... He is in... right? in the 200MR or next DLC, right?
Nigga this your first flagship wank? they do this all the time. He'll get overshadowed by MH6 flagship the same way Glavenus overshadows Gore and Seregios
Only exception is Valfalk because they somehow forgot he exists
Brachydios fucked me up, I had to upgrade to a MR set because I was getting OHKO'ed.
Unironically Beotodus is decent for all the early quests in Hoarfrost Reach because of the ice resist and polar mobility skills, but you’ll get mixed results with it outside that map. If you have any of the Gamma sets or Drachen set from HR then they’re still good enough to carry you throughout MR1 and maybe MR2, but by MR3 (Barioth) you should really upgrade to MR armours.
>How are you holding up? Gotten your shit pushed in yet?
It’ll take me a while to answer that since I’m still going through the claw-based games.
Gotten a few ass-kickings so far, but nothing that some grinding couldn’t get around yet.
user I...
I wish I got the plush back when it was on sale
Only had trouble with Tigrex, but haven't failed a quest yet
Valfalk also doesn't even fight other large monsters really. It was mainly a problem because it was fucking up airship routes.
This is why I want him in Iceborne as a DLC. He needs another go
It's when you actually click the sword in
>Got serious handler
>The good one
I'm scared guys, i don't want my stupid dumb idiot useless bimbo-brained-without-the-body gluttonous braindead isekai-main-girl-intelligence-level handler back, is there a way to always keep her or once i hunt pukei and paoulumu she wil be gone?
Did Brachydios' gunlance get boned?
Yep Lance and Gunlance.
>Tfw they never bring back generic map themes unless the actual map comes back
>Tfw any old map would need a complete redo to fit the new style
RIP Frozen Seaway Battle
Viper Tobi raped me for a while but I got him. The other deviants haven't been as bad for me. Greatsword is feeling really rough for me on Iceborne but it's been a while since I've played, and I'm still using the old Wyvern Ignition Steel. Dunno, feels like a lot of the times the monsters are too fast for me to keep up. Haven't played G-Rank since 3U so it's been a while.
I think she comes back after you hunt Barioth.
Haven't done that hunt yet because I don't want her back either but it's safe to hunt pukei and paolumu.
Oh Jesus no wonder I’ve been having trouble using it as a counter
Alright, is master rank as difficult as G-Rank? Are the monsters actually agressive?
Whoops, meant Impact not Steel.
el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow was warned
the nergigante wank is above that of other flagship monsters though. he's got infinite regeneration according to the lore, he can wear any elder dragon down, and at the end they imply he's actually a hero monster that brings balance to the world. he's like the hunter, that targets monsters who disturb nature. every other flagship is portrayed as a simple monster, while nergigante is the most important monster in the world.
Yeo, she's gone, taking care of ace cadet
user they are all doped up on crack
Special mention to nu Tigrex and Odogaron
Got a picture please?
I want to see how bad it is
So Nergigante is truly The Monster Hunter™
Don't worry, Fatalis wank is stronger than negrogante wanks by a million, just wait for his inevitable dlc
>Are the monsters actually agressive?
Most definitely, a lot of the shit in Iceborne is really fun and challenging to fight.
unless it’s something that uses the Tigrex skeleton, in which case they NEVER FUCKING HOLD STILL
Fatalis and Deviljho are worse.
I beat tiggy, now I just have to slay that dumb slime boxer
Rajang will beat Jho AND negrogante, screencap this
Are they gonna port the other monkeys with Rajang?
Shara Ishvalda was kinda shit desu
He's in right bros...they didn't leave him behind right?
Anyone noticed bad FPS drops in certain areas now?
Shit goes from like 50 fps on my xbox one x to like 15.
Fuck around with it in training mode. With out a bunch of bullshit on screen you'll see the blue pop really easy
Yes, it’s literally just G Rank with a different name so it makes sense to the non Japs and English speaking fans too. The jump in difficulty from HR to MR/GR is probably the biggest in the series considering base World was fairly easy outside the absolute endgame stuff.
>Old everworm
Worse than that, RIP Lagiacrus ever having its actual battle theme.
Nope. If anything it seems to run better than before on my ps4pro
it really says something when nergigante wank is only weaker than literal god monster wank. i'd say deviljho is seen as a joke in mhw, since the fatass handler rode him around like he's a jaggi. can't take him seriously anymore.
Nah he ain’t beating El Negro Grande (Blanco), World is focused on EDs so they’re getting the spotlight in most cases.
if i could i'd get khezu and gravios source code, art, rig and generally every material capcom has and delete the fuck out of everything
Rathalos gets screwed too since Fatalis jacked the Forest and Hills theme
Post your weaponfu lads
He's not and that's a good thing.
>Glavenus Ancient Forest optional quest has a Savage Deviljho spawn
>trying to capture Glavenus, Savage Deviljho keeps blundering into it and following us across the map
>too lazy to go back to a camp for dungbombs, not even sure if they work on savage 'jho
>glavenus is just limping everywhere, can't get away from 'jho, I can't get a good spot on setting a trap for fear of trapping the wrong monster so I just put the poor bastard out of his misery
He is a hero monster. Elders do nothing but fuck shit up and Nerg kills them.
Yeah sure he will, faggot.
No he doesn't. He ran his course and no one liked him.
Probably not in Iceborne, my guess is we’re getting Rajang now because the monkey skeleton has been rigged for a while and they want to get some use out of it earlier than 2022 or whenever the next game releases. Expect the rest of the monkeys and some of the other Fanged Beasts plus new ones in MH6.
They really did balance all these mr hunts around endgame gear, grinding Odo so I can make a memetastic critdraw Velkhana armor for long sword and fights don’t feel like a grueling contest, but more of a fighting dance
Is SA still good ? Because I'm using the bone one and it seems to be doing fine. I'm on Brachy btw
So far I've been having more fun in a video game in a long long time. As embarassing as it is to admit though, the only thing to ACTUALLY get me to cart up to two times is the Coral Pukei I simply just shit the bed on that thing for some reason.
>I didn't like it, so no one else could have either
Haha you don’t have an MR version (yet)!
better than before with its new moves
good, as a PC World bab, one of the biggest issues i had in terms of game longevity was that it was pretty easy to kill even arch tempereds with sub par gear/builds, which hurt my interest in actually grinding for optimal shit.
I'd prefer the game to kick my shit in until i struggle my way to a good gear set
Very fitting picture OP, I actually just killed tigrex. He was pretty difficult but lucky for me an Odogaron decided he was going to hold a grudge against it for 20 straight minutes and followed us into every single area within seconds of leaving just to show that orange bastard what for. It was honestly amazing seeing that tiny dog stand up to that monster so valiently. Gave me a knightly boner, it did.
Don’t worry user, it’s been nearly a decade and I still can’t fucking wrap my head around Nargacuga. It’s fight just flows completely wrong for my brain and even after all these years and all these games the cunt still fucks with me. The Nargacuga hunt in Iceborne was my longest so far, it took me 39 fucking minutes.
Only thing pushing my shit in are the FPS.
Just 4 more months till I can replay everything at 60fps.
i'm about to go hunt an acidic glavenus and ebony odogaron, anything i should know before i jump in?
I always just bring Lightning DBs with a ton of Evade skills and go apeshit. Works every time.
Dude what if we gave crack dog AOE
Dude what if Glavenus was a weeb
Yeah I think we all have that one thing that just rocks our shit. Eventually you're gonna be so good at Nargacuga you'll look back and laugh, keep on kicking ass user
>Join an SOS
>Everything going well
>Drachen LBG shitter joins
>Carts 3 times and ruins it for everyone else
Hey, if you're using Drachen shit in G-rank. DON'T JOIN OTHER PEOPLE'S GAMES
he also got p4wned by garuga, and tigrex puts of a fight against him
You can defuse Ebony Odogaron's berserk state by hitting it with water weapons. Be sure to gem in Resistor jewels so you dont stop to eat nullberries.
In my heart I know... He's inst coming back...
For Ebony Odogaron make sure you use an elemental weapon, he starts off in his highest rage state where his only weak spot is his head and the best way to break it is with elemental damage. If you can’t break the head then you’re in for a bad time. For Ass Glaive there’s not too much to be concerned about, other than getting trapped in a corridor while he’s sharpened. Fucker’s tail is fast and does big damage. He’s a fun fight though.
I just can't do it, barioth just walls me from the rest of the game
Yes you can do it, stay focused and sharp and don't let up
>Use Girros hammer
>Nonstop paralysis procs, KOs, exhausts, leg breaks, etc.
>Monsters are flinched so often you sometimes get full minutes at a time where they're just sitting there not attacking at all, getting hammered directly in the brain
>Hunt still takes 25 minutes
Monster health seems too high.
He even lives in a stinky NEET cave and eviscerates all the Girros normies who try to give him shit.
dude, jho got fucking wanked to oblivion when he came out two years ago, Rajang's wank is going to be extreme
The Velkhana fight where you actually kill it and not just repel it was the first time the game actually forced me to make a MR set. Everything else was ez in HR armor.
Switch to MonHun language and get ready for endless PADA PADA PADA
How much defense do you need for tempered monsters? I have 806 and tempered Banbaro OHKO me like nothing.
I've been fighting this asshole for a million hours, I just can't git gud
The first quest I actually failed was Blackveil, because he was just constantly shitting AoEs fucking everywhere
>jobs against monster 10 times smaller than you
lmao shara is a fuckiing joke, fucking ukanlos and akantor would brutaly rape nergi, and a fucking giant elder that destroys ecosystems can't do that?????????????????
Is that an MR Girros hammer?
Monsters are balanced around endgame gear this time
And while the Girros hammer has great lockdown potential, its damage sucks
Nah, it’s probably just that the gear you have is a bit low even for MR. it’d be like trying to hunt any other monster in HR with a normal Girros hammer.
Focus his wings from the start. Use you claw to wallbang him, mount him, trap him twice if you need to but BREAK HIS DAMN WINGS. He'll be much less agile after that.
You can git gud, just pay closer attention, be more intuitive to what's happening and you will succeed
Only monsters with a G-rank version are allowed
Yeah, I forget the name but it's easy as hell to build, and like that other user said, its damage isn't amazing, but it's basically like 3 or 4 full minutes per hunt of the monster just being open for attacks.
just use SOS bro
I’m not saying Rajang won’t get the Royal jerk off treatment, just that he won’t beat Nerg given how much they’ve shilled him. Like Deviljho he won’t ever even encounter Nergigante, though Furious Rajang might.
Every hunt of the new monsters, takes me 30+ mins.
Partbreaker definitely helps with breaking its wings. But most importantly, watch out for that wing-planting dive.
Just use an SOS flare. The only people who will give a shit are Yea Forumsirgins who define their self worth on playing video games in a hard way.
but like a shonen protagonist, he's got endless regeneration/damage resistance. you can attack him as much as you want, but he'll win in the end eventually. it's why i find nergigante so boring.
shut the fuck up nergsue, ill fucking kill you you filhty shit monster
i really like his design bro. Shame he is forever shit
Yian Garuga is normally immune to pitfall traps, but it becomes very susceptible to them when enraged. Be sure to start setting them up when you can see flames billowing from my mouth!
>never used elements in base
>Now want a free element charm
>Have to redo Zorah mission
Fuck lads, tell me there's another way
>Check out updated IG
>don't see anything new with it
>do air pogo
>see new move mapped to R2
>press it
>dives the monster
>makes kinsect auto attack AND make dust
>auto starts strong ground combo
Why has no one mentioned this beautiful move? What other new shit are you fags hiding?
me too!
It's nice that they tried the alien-like concepts again with Shara. They're great
Break his shit, Barioth goes from being a whirling dervish that changes position from ground to air to walls every 15 seconds to a tuckered out kitten that just wants a nap after you've broken everything.
Arms are the easiest to break, I did those first by accident while I was trying to break his head.
I fucking despised Velkhana in the beta but now that the game is out and I’ve played it extensively, I think it’s my favourite Elder Dragon. Still haven’t fought Namielle or Shara Ishvalda yet but Velkhana is pretty damn based. I like how he flees after fucking him with the Dragonrazer, you can see in his facial expression that he’s surprised and humbled and runs away like a bitch. Good stuff.
LS iai slash is so rad.
If i can't keep her no reason to make'it last, will miss legs and the "yes" she does when a well done meal is made on the field.
Lance's Clutch Counter is the safest clutch in the entire game since you can be off the monster again before their attack even finishes
>missing Freedom 2
Speaking of the Dragonrazer, we’d better get some more sieges there as DLC because it was actually pretty damn fun and it seems a waste to only ever be used once.
You can feed your kinsect with slinger ammo. The less carrying capacity of the slinger ammo, the longer it lasts. Spirit in particular acts as an Effect Extender for triple essences.
Your IG's pommel will also change color after feeding your Kinsect.
The fact that they went to the effort to make alternate animations for her in literally everything else the Handler does makes me think they’ll sell it as DLC later down the track. Kind of like the Handler’s holiday costumes, everyone gets a free taste during the events but if you want them permanently you gotta cough up some dosh.
I started maining ls because of the special sheathe and I'm on PC
>no one liked him
>best siege is on a monster that isn't even big
It's a strange feel, but I loved it
The only thing pushing my shit in is Capcom for NOT RELEASING ON PC UNTIL 2020
I don't even remember how to redo Zorah ffs. SOS?
this one user itt is really fucking furious about nerg eh?
quell that autism bro, you're just as annoying as those faggots who get personally offended seeing their favorite mons get obliterated in turf wars
new monster hunter when?
It won't be announced until after pc release for iceborne, but it will come out fall of next year
>Shrieking Legiana
>Devs purposly included another legiana normal so you have to fight 2 in some cramped little area
Thank god Barioth came and fucked up the normal legiana and both fucked off.
That was pure fucking cancer.
I want Frontier's refugees in the next one.
Just throw shit at them.
Does Barioth have any weapons whatsoever? I can't find any Barioth weapons on the trees at the blacksmith.
Pick up a turd and load it into your slingshot.
So is a elemental crit draw set for GS viable or is it still stacking crit skills and going for the TCS?
>After a harrowing battle with the A-Listers, Velkhana transformed it's carapace
Bitch I did that shit by myself, who the fuck are you giving credit to?
>love autism gf
>especially her giggling in the steamworks
>also love wife handler
Help me bros...
>People bitch about Frontier's super-duper-extreme-omega AoE attacks
>I never see anyone saying a word about Lunastra's nova
How is it different?
It's far too late for help.. Accept your fate
I've been using a crit draw set, it seems good to me, but spamming TCS is still probably better
>>I never see anyone saying a word about Lunastra's nova
You haven't been looking then
alright. which monster should be in SMASH!!!??
we did it pardner
Nigga what people bitch about Luna all the time
Have you ever looked at 10 seconds of any G Rank frontier fight?
i really want to have sex with velkhana, he is just so hot.
zorah magdaros as an entire stage
It's just a glowy Midir
Where is my updated Armor/Weapon list on kiranico?
Wheres the good serious handler doujins
I was thinking of going crit drw GS due to how mobile everything is in IB, for stuff like Glavenus and all that it's managable but I find with anything with the tigerex skeleton takes longer.
What set are you using. currently I'm contemplating using the Velkhana set with another piece that gives crit boost or something.
dude they should put rathalos in
On fextralife.
Good idea, he's a pretty underrepresented monster.
I'm using Velkhana's
>Hammer requires 4 Seltas Horn+
OK so I understand weapons using rare shit. But this? What challenge does hunting 4 Seltas in a row pose? It's just a waste of my fucking time.
Don't reply to him
>not going for the awkwardly cute guild girl at Seliana who spills her spaghetti when you talk to her
Why should people farm for stuff right?
All the weapons and armor should be unlocked from the start!!!!
Fug not sure how you got that reply, meant for
>that fucking Gajalaka gunlance
I think I'm in love
Good joke
Hornitaur set with bone chest
>tfw empress blade is still wreckin house even after slapping Velk's shit twice
God it feels so good watching monsters stagger around helplessly as I unload by molten explosions on them. Giving Brachy a taste of his own medicine and flinching him into a trap was cathartic.
Serious Handler is just peak wife material though, on the other hand I have a thing for autism handler's raging autism
Fuck, everything has so much fucking HP. What weapon classes offers the highest DPS in Iceborne?
Velkhana and slotting in focus and crit boost seems fun as fuck
>That special seath LS move
Barioth shit all over me and I had zero responses to my SOS. Joined some other guys SOS and we took it down no problem with the 4 of us. Glavenus went down the same. Now I guess I’m gonna go get bodied by Nargacuga
yeah, the manlet monkey will be bullied
>use hammer
>rodeo master
I'm not french I swear
Just wait user it gets better
Because the move can cancel out recovery animations for any attack
You basically have easy endless combo potential
Just beat that sleep paolumu, it's nowhere as bad as people make it to be. Feels like people just forgot that you can just flash that thing.
Narga's super easy in this game, you'll be fine
I didn't even flash it. Just used some of the hundreds of energy drinks I had stored
I hone no one defends this
Just realized that if you press triangle after sheathing, your bar will auto charge.
I mean if you can just do the slide spin over and over why the fuck not?
>Are the monsters actually agressive?
In my case, no. I don't know if the game is just bugged for me, but I swear every fight so far has been awful because the monsters just keep moving areas and never bother to stay and fight me.
>this game runs better on my PS4 Pro than my 6600K/1060 6GB
What the fuck?
Lagiacrus and Rathalos are arguably the most famous monsters in the franchise and yet their unique themes are just area themes that only recently appeared in X and XX
They move a lot more but it seems you can out DPS their AI to the point they just run for a while
Equip Evade window. You're done.
Monsters seem to stand around doing nothing a lot more often, probably to allow people to cheese it with the clutch claw. The claw itself is broken as well.
It looks like he got scaled up in IB a little bit.
Its easier to optimise for a console than it is a PC.
is wearing full sets viable or will I have to meta build to make good hunt times?
that should 100% be a given based off of how console optimization works. but mhw is a terrible port regardless
soon pcbros...
Wear full sets, don't care about times. A win's a win, baby.
If I had a PS4 Pro I would double dib, but I won't do this again with my PS4 Basic, framerate and loading times are cancer.
I might just make a few sets and throw in slugger jewels and be done with it when I use hammer
Does Capcom know that people hate the Handler?
>not knowing elemental got buffed and uncapped
>double dipping on base PS4 after playing over 500 hours on PC
Goddamn. I was really really hyped for IB, but I can't bring myself to play more. It's been a chore playing up till EOdo/AGlav because of the fucking FPS.
I'm really considering dropping IB and waiting until it releases on PC.
Yes, which is why they teased us with Serious Handler and then snatched her away from us again.
So thinking of picking DS, is paralysis DS from 4U still a thing?
that doesn't change the fact that GS has the highest motion values
DB is still the #1 blademaster choice when it comes to status application, yes.
1) You have a threadlet CPU. You will need at least 4c/8t or 6c/6t (any i7, newer i5 or Ryzen).
2) Make sure to tune your settings. Volumemetric Rendering for example, can drop your overall framerate by quite a bit and looks pretty bad, since it adds a fog effect on distant objects.
However, even with the above suggestions, optimization is pretty bad in general and YMMV.
They made her the main focus out of spite and teased you with Serious Handler for a laugh
Weapon class tier list for iceborne?
my weapon>your weapon
People love the Handler though.
And before you start, no, Yea Forums are not people.
handler is not so bad if you use MH language instead of the english dub
she's still kind of dopey in an unappealing way though
i'm pretty sure everything got scaled up
like it may just be my memory playing tricks on me but narga, zinogre, and tigrex all seem much bigger than i remember them
I know that, but GS benefits the most from raw damage anyway so youre a dumb faggot for trying to bring that shit up
Yo so I want to make Jagras Deathclaw II but I don't know what the hidden bone requirement is. Anyone help a Jag bro out?
Stop being a faggot
My reasons for hating the handler have nothing to do with her voice or her appearance (although she is definitely an uggo) and everything to do with the fact that she is dangerously retarded.
She's just hungry. You know how women are.
Also buzzing sound
Is it an insect elder dragon? HR200?
Definitely an insectoid. God I love Capcom and this game, really exceeded my expectations.
>start playing with friend
>new quest
>both have to start quest separately to watch cutscene
>leave and join the other
>repeat ad nauseam
>you can't join mandatory expeditions btw
That's not how belts work.
stop shilling your shitty channel
No, the Iceborne new roar is very deep actually
Can't find the original video
They are
It's probably to make multiplayer hunts easier, I'm going through GU with my GF now and she spends 90% of the time being sent flying from my superpounds
>$0,5 has been deposited on your account
Sadly every time people have asked in interviews it was about skipping cutscene and not just being able to do story scenes together so the devs probably won't get the hint for the next game
Got a problem, m8?
It's not mine but I will post it 5 more times now because it makes you ree
its elderfrost gammoth
we went from 4U's cool co-op cutscenes to whatever the fuck X's was to this forced unskippable but still kinda cool shit
It’s the endemic life that looks like a harp making the sound
For those boyos who have played Chad blade in MHGU, what armor skills should I be shooting for before I break into grank? The usual art novice/attack L?
It's strange because the Behemoth quest handled it just fine.
Capping the framerate dropped my CPU usage by quite a lot and got rid of all micro stutter, which only leads me to believe that capcom are bunch of hacks.
Shit, I actually want to see atavistic monsters like this in game.
Good, Ishavalda would have been a bad last fight. There better be something hidden like Abyssal Lagiacrus
It's still pretty damn easy, unfortunately.
Sorry to say it but the equivalent to Abyssal is the Nerg variant
God I love this move.
Chopped the tail right off.
Please tell me they added a LBG that rapid fires sticky shots.
>Acidic Glavenus
>99% wide sweeping attacks with massive range
>hits like a truck
>causes defense down
>completely breaking his tail doesn't reduce his damage or hinder him in any way
>in the effluvia area
>chance of a tigrex hounding your ass the whole time
What in the goddamn fuck is this fight
Can Kulve Taroth weapons be upgraded?
PCfag here, is this move similar to the parry that Valor LS has in GU?
I just beat Velk with GS at an amazing 42min for my first real solo attempt. Most of my damage was clutch claw spam. If I hadn't gotten a tcs when it was sleeping and then another 2 I would have probably timed out.
That aside does anyone know what the sharpness looks like for the final version of Hidden Saber the narg LS? The plus version has really trash sharpness and I'm wondering what the final looks like. There's not any good fucking info available yet on IB for some reason. Fetralife is trash like always and doesn't list sharpness properly.
How's my wife SnS bros? Is she glorious in IB?
so what do you think is going to be the first collab?
Perfect Rush is pure sex and poison is in a pretty good spot now.
I thought they said there would be no collabs this time and just focus on dlc.
Why are japs so fucking bad?
Pretty much, but with more commitment. Requires you to be in sheathing stance. If you whiff or don’t iframe something, your gauge goes down a level.
DMC again, to coincide with the new rapid slash and Vergil DLC
The one in that clip no, it just gives you a gradual spirit gauge increase if you land it.
The nothin' personnel move is a counter, but you still have to go through the sheathe animation first and you lose a level of spirit if you fuck it up.
What's a good solo HBG? As in can break the most monster parts possible. I like the jagras one but it doesnt have slicing
too many mobile games
Not really. You get by far the best version with faster animations, 60 FPS, better graphics, mods, time-gated events always available, etc.
Just do something with your wife until it comes out, or work a bit harder and make more cash in the meanwhile.
Love when tails just pop off like that.
>start the boaboa quest in hoarfrost
>only two scouts following at first
>as the hunt goes on, more and more start gathering around you, hooting and hollering when you do something cool
>when you bring down the monster theres a bunch of them standing all around and chanting at you
This is by far the coolest thing in this game.
So has anyone done the Custom Upgrade lv4 yet to see if there actually is "unique" designs when you finish it.
Bros is it true Lance is bad for Iceborne?
>Just do something with your wife until it comes out
I love this meme
last time it was lvl3 and it did change, but not unique yet. We still dont have anyone reaching full upgrade
Offensive Guard made lance outdamage CB
For me, it's Kirin Armor (male)
My weapon is shit and can't find any fucking pure crystals to save my life. Using switch axe.
Perfect Rush does a lot of damage, but the animation is so long that I feel like your only real opportunity to use it is when the monster is down.
Is the expansion worth it?
Did they bring Chad blade back down to reasonable? Weapon is so gloriously OP in vanilla
how long until the next steam sale? i don't wanna buy steam shit at full price.
Worth waiting for
it's not even on steam
No, you're just a dumdum.
It's more op but now requires actual brain usage and AED more than SAED ungabunga
It's worth it if you haven't played World before and you buy the version that comes with IC.
It’s a shrieking legiana calling for back up.
Haven't failed yet but I did cart once to Barioth who is a fucking flaming homo who can't sit still. I hate fighting him, always have because he is a piece of shit.
I'm digging the first ore switch axe because I've boosted the poison up to roughly 590, but honestly I'm eyeing up the Diablos armour for that sweet slugger boost.
no thank god fuck that shit
I just did shrieking legiana and thats not it.
Just fucking mine nodes dude, purecrystals aren't even that rare of a drop, I had like 6 of them after the first few required expeditions from hitting up every node I ran by.
which is the bigger weeb weapon, dual blades or longsword?
>falling for the slugger meme
Any HBG lads know what's a good tree to start down if I want to continue using HBG and focus on sticky shots and cluster bombs? Also how good are the new attachments?
Is it no good then? What's the scoop.
Spinoff monsters in general need a mainline debut.
>longsword literally got a sheathes katana heh nothing personnel kid teleports behind you move
Ironic weebs
Actual weebs
Yes, it is. Not while you’re engaged in combat though. I’ve done expeditions with shrieking and heard it a few times throughout the map, but as soon as it left the expedition, didn’t hear it anymore.
Which switch axe are you using ?
i just beat my dick ama
today I killed a tempered teostra with a mount finisher, first time I think I ever did that to any monster. (I did kill one with my dagger while mounted)
>High rank
*crying in pc*
You need to go back.
back to what? I am a pc player and I don't have iceborne
Tfw i killed kirin like this once but didnt capture screen
one hell of a horsie ride
>cluster bombs
Yo you better not bring that shit into multiplayer
Back to TF2 or Greedfall
Its the Horizon shit again, already been confirmed a while back.
then why didn't they make it, like, sound like legiana?
Barioth almost gave me anger conniptions. Still can't figure out when it's safe to hit it. If ever.
Beat glavenos and I'll be trying nargacuga after work. Still don't know what armor or weapons to build. Everything seems subpar compared to high rank endgame shit.
I went back to god eater and it's just ok
funny how toukiden and god eater both have monster grapples and the series they both ripped off just added them in iceborne
This was my best mount finisher, on this asshole.
Just killed Velkhana. It was very hard i had to wear ice resist gear and 4 hp gems otherwise she one shots me with her wide breath.
This game is very good desu
Nope, I just rack up the KOs with sticky ammo and heal the retards
I just realized I should throw all my Taroth/Kjaar weapons away. They're useless now.
the pc port is fucking atrocious
When I see HBG fags doing that shit I just spend the rest of the hunt upswinging them.
Ignore Sonybro migrants. Just like real migrants they are a bit belligerent
He isn't as such unless you can block attacks or flash him out the air. Once you break his wings he becomes a lot easier to deal with but holy shit does lance seem to take the edge off.
always good to see kushala getting brained
i killed Nergi with 1 hp stab once
Why stun a monster three times in one hunt when you can build for damage and kill it by the second stun? Just use paralysis or something.
What the fuck user you blind? Check the kulu ya ku tree, it's right next to it.
Yeah with a lance you just let him sperg and block everything anyways, you' just really need to know when to attack
And yet better than the modless 20 FPS console version
Save them for the eventual MR Taroth
Friendly reminder to take your consolewar autism to /mhg/ where you and the rest of your kin belong!
My average hunt time in G/master is currently like 15m.
I feel like a scrub, but I know part of it is I just want to fucking claw everything.
But it's always way more rampant here?
If it bothered me I'd get a PS4 for it. I can play MHW until it's out and then play it at 60 FPS and with mods though. And I have my PC forever. You can throw your game out of the window when the PS5 comes out.
Imo no. I have full vaal HR armor and nothing is hitting hard enough yet to make me sweat. If anything it's just annoying cause regular monsters take almost double the time to kill
It's deleted more often on Yea Forums than /vg/
New player here. What's the general plan with long swords? Just do a bunch of triangles, build up spirit then mash r2?
So for those who has reached endgame, is the the optimal endgame GS still the whole crit boost, WE and TCS spam?
first time shitter, i'm using the bow so far. this feels like a bad players choice of a weapon but it's kinda fun. what else should i try
Because the people of Yea Forums are nothing but console warring shitposters.
Mods should really fucking do something for a change and perma ban those who keep doing this shit.
Did they change how flinching works? I seem to get interrupted far, far less in Iceborne than MHW.
I'm finally getting around to doing the Witcher quest to get the notification out of the way. I hate this tree boss
Haven't tripled carted to Barioth because I was running healer Palico and he saved me from carting once with the revival stuff. Other than things taking longer to die, it's been a bumpy, but acessible ride.
I'll admitnl tho, I think the only reason I haven't done worse against Tigrex is because I had a very angry Odogaron around following both of us across the map and bodying Tigrex every chance it got. It even turf war'd with Tigrex twicez, didn't know that was possible
The only real OP weapons right now are CB and arguably LS, but really who gives a shit.
personally, I'm a SA/GL guy
damn Buddha looks like that?
every time you do a roundslash combo finisher, you get a spirit gauge level. You want that to be at level 2 or 3 all the time because it increases your damage. You can do a roundslash by doing a full r2 combo, or doing a foresight slash that actually dodges something and then r2 (the second way is much quicker). You can also do an r2 combo faster off of a fade slash.
Helm splitter is r2 + triangle and does a lot of damage in exchange for using up 1 spirit gauge level, it's best when the monster is downed since you can get it off and use the spirit from that to get your gauge back up to level 3 immediately.
Also it's safer to do circle triangle circle triangle if you don't know when the next attack is coming because you can do foresight really fast off of those moves.
Don't know the iceborne moves sadly
>I'm too young to know what a proper expansion pack is, let alone what it should cost or include
Stun had some big memes on base game, the best strat for things like AT luna and Teo with hammer was to stunlock them with a slugger 3 charm and triangle strings.
But that relied on building up stun while the monster was already stunned on the ground(and they fixed that on IB with the trade off of buffing stun values/slugger skill).
I play duo with another hammer player and honestly I can hardly tell the difference between slugger and no slugger now. Running something like para makes a little more sense if you need more CC.
Make sure you use proper elements now too. They're buffed and worth a damn on GS now.
>Iceborne will update Witcher quest, you will be able to small Jagras and Geralt will complain it's not Roach
Iceborne added a second I-frame move that's basically Vergil from dmc.
After some moves you can "special sheathe" and on release gain iframes and a level on hit, but whiffing costs a gauge.
Choose a new weapon when you're done with the weeb training wheels.
Don't have Drachen so I'm eating all the shit
>He doesn't use Raider Ride
What's your excuse?
you will be able to ride a small Jagras*
well I sort of have the idea of it since I've seen clips of it, but I just don't know enough about how to use it to offer advice.
ailment boost abilities dont cause more ailments, they just make the first instance happen sooner
I say go gunlance if you’re a fan of lots of big flashy explosions
I gunned him with pierce hbg was too easy
>that one guy online who just spams clutch claw attacks
Don't, they are getting upgraded eventually, I remember that being talked about by the devs.
I use that shit every quest. Being able to sharpen and drink potions at full speed is great.
>Fighting Brach with Hammer
This might have been a bad idea.
I'm contemplating buying this but idk, I feel bad for wasting money into games no matter what, maybe I'm just burned out
But LS is one of the more complex melee weapons. In the top 3 along with HH and CB.
Are all of the new monsters G rank or are there high rank versions of Nargacuga and Glavenus for example
Upgraded the legiana for pierce gunning seems gud
What's the lowest IQ weapon and why is it HBG?
>2 strategically played mega bombs
>exhausted rathian
>cc towards a wall where the megas are placed
>3 slinger bombs
nothing personal
Nope, it's all G-rank. Only thing changed on lower levels was an optional for two Tempered Bagels and one for Tempered Kirin
Best advice for LBG? haven't gotten Iceborne yet so I need to know what to grind for.
Every new monster, including subspecies and variants of old monsters, as well as the new area are Master Rank exclusive
I love this meme lol
I've been playing Gunlance and is it just me or is the damage on Wyvernfire really bad? Comboing into the attack that releases all your shots or the wyrmstake does way more damage. I get that Wyvern can be good for waking up monsters, but it just seems to not deal nearly enough for how long it takes to charge.
small explosion, check this out
What's your favorite raider ride bros? Mine's the shamos.
its always been bad
for a better explanation, though this is functionally correct, statuses proc when you hit the monster’s threshold for that status, and the value you need gets higher every time it procs. Two stuns with no change is no different than two stuns and being a handful of points shy from a third.
Maybe tomorrow bros..
I already got the hang of him but my first Glavenous fight was downright scary considering it wasnt the tempered version
I like the jagras, I dunno why but he feels so speedy
Make sure you use it after you have a Wyrmstake blast on the monster. It feels like a 50% damage increase. She’ll type might also have an a effect
Shara Ishvalda is at its most dangerous in the fourth phase. Tenderizing its rear will help during that phase.
>mfw Savage Axe
I have never Unga bunga'd as hard in my life.
>never tri-cart until the final boss
>keep dying to the final boss's stupid bullshit
>takes forever to kill even when I bought ice weapon
Please help
Is it supposed to be such a damage sponge?
Weapon is SA btw
On the other end, is wyrmstake good now? My jyura gl with wide 4 does about 600 damage to a CC weakzone
>that pussy faggot user who said Shrieking Legiana looks and fights exactly the same
That's an outright fucking lie if I've ever heard one. I wish I could find that fucker and slap him hard upside the head. It has its own suit of ICE ARMOR a la Velkhana and it's moves are completely different and it spends FAR more time in the air and almost never lands unless it's completely exhausted which is also rare. Why do people lie about games they have obviously NEVER fucking played?
Glav HH is nice, Narga looks nice. Feels good, shame about Dios Bell.
I've also been trying out Gunlance for the first time. Is it just me or are normal Gunlances much better than wide or long? I might be missing something, but Burst Fire with a normal Gunlance does way too much damage to miss out on.
wide is good because you can do poke-shell poke-shell poke-shell really fast and stay mobile
I still don't know what to do when Glav charges his spinning move. I just superdive
>The boaboa are rooting for you!
Heh, I won't let you down little fellas
Normal is best for full burst, long is best for charged shelling and wide is good for poking
wyrmstake has always been good but yes its better than wyverns fire, provided you hit a good weakspot
Is the Dios Bell generic like the lS is? no idea why most of his weapons are right but then some aren't.
Everything I've seen about sub species being the same has been horseshit. They have to been shitposters or shitters being carried by superior players.
if it’s anything like GU, stand under him or learn the timing to iframe it
You can hit his face to make him release the tail but its very risky. I just pick CB now and laugh behind my shield
Titanfall 2.
yea but mine is cool
Depends on your playstyles ultimately
Wide does the most standard shelling damage, it's best for long poke+shelling combos, also has the strongest Wyvernfire, probably the most mobile style
Long increases the damage of charged shots, and is probably best for a pure shelling build. With focus the shells come out super quick too. Works good for Guard-focused builds in my opinion
You have good taste in games.
>but mine is cool
It got Bone Zoned like the DB.
but mine was keikaku doori
this fag and his black and white cousins are the bane of my existence
ok i give you that
...Looks too much like Zinogre.
I mean the purpose of SnS is to bob and weave with short combos while the monster's up and pull out your bombs or big dick damage combos when it's down. I think it works well, and since it combos into a clutch claw mount it's incredibly versatile and I use it when the monster isn't aggro'd at me.
Why? His hands get fucked by uppercuts. Good luck actually hitting his head for a KO though.
I like your style
>sips in the background
I'm on PC so I'm still waiting. Drowning my sorrows in monster music. God fucking damn, they really nailed it with the Narga's theme. I hope someone uploads an extended version of the chase section. It just works so well.
I'm starting this quest despite not knowing what a boaboa is. Better not let me down anons
Reminder that it's coming.
How do the people who can play feel about g rank actually having scaling instead of always being scaled for 4 players?
is this a Rajang teaser?
>new ips to the thread
the steamworks progress bar doesnt ever go down in between quests, does it?
I really should get new screenshots. All I’ve got left are LR early days
>Barely scrape by regular glavenus
>Now I'm sitting here putting off accepting the Wandering Ronin Bushido Warrior No-Gaijin-Allowed Glavenus quest
>gluk gluk gluk gluk
I’m conflicted, I can solo hunt monsters with no deaths but I like to play with others whenever I do though I always get paired up with tards that triple cart
It does not
niga why the fuk you posting a killscreen by me? shieet
The roar doesn't sound like Rajang at all and it sounds like it has insect wingbeats alongside it.
damn, Iceborne music is much better than the original
Beotodus is phenomenal
About to fight him. I'm in desperate need of one of these new master rank dragon elder gems, is he a good choice for this? I farmed 5 kushala daoras thus far and got none, even with 5x gold rewards
what are you talkin about? this is me, literally me
Are you able to get them from the melder using gold wyverian prints like before?
You really think it'll take that long for someone to record the chase theme? That's a damn shame.
Some of it is. Tigrex and Narga are really exceptional. Brachy's theme is good too. Glavenus is a bit mellow compared to GU, but I wouldn't call it worse.
I just assumed those were meant to be spooky noises to freak you out, not actually coming from the monster
Please tell me you’re going to use the free character edit voucher to give yourself the more prominent pompadour
MR gems need deluxe prints now
>dante armor without the waist
Hyper based. Biggest dick in the whole thread.
How do you even get those?
are you insane? you don't need to use voucher for that, you can change makeup and hairs without using voucher
Beotodus is great, comes with Earplugs, Health Boost and Mobility skills, while giving you a few slots to play around
I'm still using it as of MR3 (going to Brachydios now), and I'm only replacing it when I get to Ebony Odoggo
Oh I wasn’t aware. I usually never go back and edit my characters in anything.
>Not going full Japanese for endless Aibou
Steamworks minigame has it
How do you CC the monster into a wall?
Pretty bad explosions
i did it because i needed to add x mark on my hunter's chin
Grapple it’s face and shoot it with slinger ammo.
Vulcan Bazelgeuse sounds better, but this is one hell of a hunt. Never felt so alive
I feel this one is near perfect with my friend inches away with the hammer swing
we must be brothers then, weird
Idk, I personally prefer my geuse freshly seethed.
Hunter Dandy is a Dandy guy on a hunt.
>MR diablos
what are some other monsters that just refuse to die?
Any other Lancers here?
I was prepared to craft a whole array of elemental Lances, but it looks like the fully upgraded Kulu Ya Ku one is super overtuned for how early and easy you can get it. Which ones are you guys using?
>Monster Hunter is tranny propaganda
>B-b-but it's okay when Japan does it!
Barioth, since it took me 43 FUCKING MINUTES to kill it. It was also sleepbombed twice, jesus christ
You are like little babby, watch this...
I mainly gunlance and lance on the side. I just made the barioth lance because it looks sick as shit and has great stats at the moment
Made a barioth lance specifically to deal with Fulgur Anjanath. Clutch claw counter is so fun.
Man, narga is such a fun fight
I haven't used CC counter at all. Is it good? Won't it just kill me if the monster attacks again?
man you are such a fun guy
yes, the japan are based
You're in and out before the attack even finishes unless the monster has an exceptionally fast combo. Use it on shit like headbutts or Rathian's tailflip for free damage.
I've noticed that the clutch counter is insane but my muscle memory keeps wanting to power guard. Clutch claw stuff in general doesn't come naturally with lance yet.
Also, my reluctance to ditch my health augment lances made me realize just how much of a casual crutch it was.
It's very fast and you seem to have some damage reduction and super armor.
Some attacks damage you and I'm still trying to figure out what most attacks damage you, like the electricity/fire coming out of anja's nostril, carted once to it.
Gotta try that after this hunt
Bros, whats a good early master rank Switch Axe?
Does anyone have an easy way to use CC with gunlance? I can never get the damn thing out in time
you can aim with your weapon drawn you know
wait a sec, with all provided files it shouldnt be so hard to make a mod to switch handlers no?
I’m aware. But with gunlance it feels like it takes way too long to whip it out in the middle of the fight
What pendants are there? I heard about the one for helping low rank players, and I got the one for tempered banbaro, has anyone found any others?
Lance needs even more time to aim with slinger burst, GL feels like normal.
Doesn’t lance have a counter with the slinger? I don’t think gunlance does
>character customization is tranny propaganda now
People like you are the reason our species isn't going to make it
What's a good longsword?
CC counter is different from Slinger burst, Aiming with L2 and firing with R2 does the burst whilst Aiming L2 and pressing O does the CCC stance.
That said I never use L2 to use the CC Counter, takes too much time to aim.
GL should have slinger burst tho iirc, I remember using pierce pods on a tigrex before.
When is the DLC coming out on PC? I just bought the base game today
Next year
Thanks broski
PC version is a cancer in MHW, it drains resources from other versions to get the same content months later, only to have a large chunk of PC players be modders or hackers
Pukey pukey, still use it and I just beaten velkhana. It's capped at rarity 10 tho but you can get super early purple sharpness with only one handicraft. Also the poison helps a lot with the HP pools. It also has power phial. Not sure how to replace this bad boy 2bh
What gunlance is good now that physical has been nerfed?
Also, is blast dual blades a thing now?
Fuck off Ryozo go back to rigging Rajang's left testicle
I'll rig it to slap your chin while you suck his dick, filthy gaijin.
LS meta, if anyone wants it
I used the banbaro gunlance up until glavenus. Just started using the fully upgraded jagras since good damage, white sharpness, and hidden sleep element
I was thinking of making a Jagras tree one, since it branches out to Tigrex
Don't get hit by the spirit bomb
enjoy your no transmog existence
Go for it. What kinda armor/skills do you have on?
The Brachydios set is hideous.
Well fitting that meme monster
Thank you bro, I will try it.
w-what? I have the whole set with the GS, I thought i looked cool...
Maybe the male version.
The female version looks like shit.
Actually most armors in Iceborne I've encountered so far looks like shit on female.
Only exceptions are Banbaro and Nargacuga
I tried to use farcaster but I wasn't fast enough
>playing female
kys tranny
The female Namielle armor is cute
Not should where to use it though.
in the end we were the iceborne
>Male Namielle set is otherwordly assassin looking armor
>Female Namielle set is fucking Splatoon outfit
I've genuinely considered using that character voucher.
>wanna buy iceborne and have fun
>see all the videos of people speedrunning monsters and killing them 2 times faster than me
>suddenly dont feel like playing the game anymore at all
what's even the point of it all anymore
>Still no transmog
they should just give you a layered version of each armor once you craft it
You could do this for any video game, so clearly you shouldn't if this is how it affects you.
I’d rather hve the option to craft an armor and decide whether it will be cosmetic or not
>Can't play a videogame in the knowledge that there are people better than you
how do I use hammer well?