If a game offers haircut options, do you ever bother to actually explore and use them?
If a game offers haircut options, do you ever bother to actually explore and use them?
What the fuck is there to "explore"? You look at the hair options, pick one you like, and play the fucking game.
No, I don't care about the looks of my character.
black haircuts look cartoony af
OG Saints Row actually let you decide the length of your hair. They dropped that in all of the later games. I don't know any other games that let you do this.
changed my haircut a few times in fable, but it got old really fast. and that game even mixed gameplay with the haircuts.
games where you can't change hair in-game i spend maybe 1 minutes picking one i like and move on.
>t. pasty ass wh*toid with long unkempt hair
The top of the hair in OP's pic reminds me of a hair piece for a Lego head.
>t. nigger that can't grow his shitty-ass hair more than 2cm due to monkey genes
Why does this guy’s hair look so fake?
>graced with magnificent hairline
>this is what he does with it
Fucking nigger.
any games where I can get this haircut?
hair isn’t meant to have sharp edges
pretty sneaky, peter
As a hispanic, i am ashamed that other hispanics tend to adopt nigger music and nigger haircuts and just nigger tendencies in general. Keep having to tell me friends "thats nig shit" whenever they ask if they thing these shoes are cool or gold chains. Maybe its the lack of culture or decent role models.
And white ones dont?
black people do have good hairlines but it is unfortunate their hair always tends to be curly instead of straight so they get shit like afros. i mean OP guy has such a good hairline
Yes and I always opt for long dreadlocks when available as well. It's a shame so many games lack this hairstyle. I especially love em tied into a bun but I don't think I've ever seen straightened hair in a bun in any game that isn't that chink style of doing it.
or maybe it is because dark skinned people tend to go for the culture that other dark skinned people have, cause there are blacks the same tone as hispanics. hispanics and blacks do have different cultures, but seeing hispanic guy go black is more common than hispanic going white
They also tattoo on hairlines because they can get away with keeping it really short
Heh black guys have the worst hair I shop a Ross btw
I dont see dark skinned Indians 'acting a fool'.
I usually look for a mohawk or some other extreme hair style.
Shaping the hair like that always looks so gay.
I just slap a pompadour on my chars and call it a day.
its just how it is man you dont have to be so butthurt my african friend
black people hair either looks like carpet or it looks drawn on with a marker, it's weird as fuck
Seriously who the fuck would do such a thing
it cause it is drawn with a marker
I have never customised a character in an RPG. I just go with default 'cause who gives a SHIT
With a marker.
There is only two races black or white and only blacks disagree with some kid who has never traveled in his life.
what does travelling have to do with black pipo's nappy hair
how often do you have to visit the barber to maintain a haircut like that? seems like it would look silly a week later when it's not perfectly straight and cut
my man
only the most basic retards fall for this black vs white polarity
OP guy looks like a fuck boy this is a better example
looks like carpet
It looks like hair
Carpet or wet mop you choose
lol no
looks like velcro instead desu
Looks about as good as as you can make black guy hair look though as far as styling
every week or so
What shit game, looks unnatural as fuck.
I have a giant fiery glam rock lion's mane and pick this option in every game that allows it, AMA.
How big
I'll see which haircut looks the least faggy, and stick with that for the remainder of the game.
Faggy cuts are the following:
-Ponytails(including rat tails)
-Undercuts(all variations)
-That weird pointy front tip that white people do.(Dunno what it's called, but it was the "generic male" hair for a few years)
-Long fringes.(Long enough to cover the eye)
-Anime hair in realistic games.
I'm probably forgetting a few others, but that about covers it.
what are you eating for lunch?
Yeah, well, it has different texture. What did you expect?
the only hispanics that adopt that garbage is peurto ricans and cubans because they actually carry that nigger gene. t. knows a puerto rican with fucking corn rows and says niggas because puerto ricans are black.
nitpick some more haircuts you never see on white people. lol fucking dumbass nigger
imagine ACTUALLY being a shit skin. imagine only getting jobs because jews need you to ruin some company.
At it's peak a few years ago, I had it down to about nipple level with maybe 1.5-2 inches of volume.
>implying that wouldn't be 10x better than the Uncanny valley shit in the OP
>skin color
wrong. I've seen more whitoids act like niggers saying "yall" and copying what they read on twitter because it's the dominate culture at the moment. the nigger shit must fucking end. best way to stop it is to call them out on it and they get embarrassed.
Only if I hate the default haircut
That's a mexican
Do low hair cuts really trigger people now?
The hair in op is Photoshopped
Niggers haven't got many options, to be fair. Their hair is just shit, fortunately white people evolved past that.
>mfw grooming chad embrace
The ones angry have shifty hairlines so they blame black people
>black culture
weren't southerners using it first?
ITT actual white boys getting mad over black hair styles
Niggerspeak getting popular is probably the worst thing to happen to the internet in the past 5-10 years
>adopt black tendencies
> saying "nig shit"
Hispanics brains must be as small as their height
True cave demons usually are balding by 18
Cubans are literally the whitest hispanics. Aside from actual black Cubans, the majority are descended from Spanish landowners
sure, but the fags using it aren't southerners.
The current style is to shave the sides, and then make the top tall and swooping. I heard a girl call this style "classy" the other week, and almost laughed in her face.
what the fuck happened to the epic grammer nazi's. to PC to correct "MY MANS BOUTTA GO OFF ON Y'ALL HELL NAW BRUH"
>cave demons
kek I forgot about that """Theory"""
Yes I'm so mad that I don't have shitty velcro hair, lmao
The 2019 male.
virgin cope here, no regrets
What do you consider as being classy?
Just grow a beard out and shave your head, cucksoydrinking faggots.
Are you single user?
still carry the nigger gene. half of cuba is black. and this isn't even cherry picking
thats been the trend for like 30 years, user
It’s more like sheep’s wool.
Not whatever this clown shit is.
>Have short, near buzz cut hair in real life
>Try to match hair in vidya, especially RPGs
>Always a completely bald option
>Always a generic anime MC short frizzy hair option
>Always a hair style that looks like someone spray painted the top of their head
>Lots of shaved head options where the hair can range from general shade of color on character's head to widow's peak/balding
>Any option that isn't one of these is shit like ponytails, locks, and full on manes
Making characters is suffering. There's never an in between. Most games it's either bald, balding, or lengthy hair. Ironically, one of the most commonly seen generic short haired space marine style is fucking no where to be found in tons of character creators.
I like to design my create-a-characters masculine with long hair
50's Corporate American springs to mind, as does British Victorian.
why are blacks so sensitive about their hair, even when you praise it they get upset
No it hasn't.
t. 33 year old.
you're confusing that with the "vikings" trend a while back, where people shaved the sides completely and grew out the middle so they looked like a bunch of pineapples
the side part (not the fucking one with shaved buzzed sides) is the peak white dude hairstyle.
they have literally no redeeming qualities so they go “”b-but wypipo” and “muh dik big”. its the never ending cope.
What are your redeeming qualities user?
You say that as if the internet isn't already a hellhole in the first place. Never forget Freakazoid called out how cancerous the internet would become in the hands of the masses before the internet actually came to it's own.
mashed potato lookin' ass.
I don't see much of a difference. Either way, it looks like you're balancing a concentrated mop of hair on the top of your dome.
Balding is not easy as a black man, as the texture of their hair makes hair transplantation borderline impossible. LeBron is the walking proof that some kind of plugs exist, but it must be terrible expensive and experimental.
The solution at 's pic is only fitting for those who don't want shiny bald head. I've also seen whites done this. It's simple and relatively cheap, literally nothing but a myriad little tattoo dots with traditional ink.
I insult people on the internet.
Guy in the op isny even black I swear incels can't stop thinking about black guys
only if I'm playing a girl character. I don't really care about how male characters look
>they have literally no redeeming qualities
Eh, it's arguable that their music is exceptional, at least if the market has anything to say about it.
I don't like it personally, but credit where credit is due.
We're discussing large scale trends across groups, not individual merit.
>lookin' ass
why is this the niggers only form of insult
bitch ass
broke ass
lookin ass
white ass
White people suffer from mpb more. Also black people do have bigger dicks. Keep coping.
There are a lot of asses out there.
i dunno user, i just think it sounds funny.
Not gonna argue there
Personally I haven't cut mine in almost 6 years now
Male pattern baldness
because they love ass
>Sees black person
>Sees brown person
"Sand nigger"
>Sees asian person"
"Yellow nigger"
>Sees Irish person
"Potatoe nigger"
I have to agree, if anything their contribution to music was incredible. to bad it all fucking ended in the 90s with rap and hipop and someone casted a fucking spell on blacks that made them permanently talk and act like the stupid shit they hear.
no one ever seems to notice this
gay ass
t. pussy ass bitch
black ass
fuck ass
yellow ass
cunt ass
They're mental cucks, what else do you expect from them?
ass ass
ass cidic properties
tiny ass
big ass
lame ass
dick ass
Case in point
>but wypipo
>mah dik
the never ending cope
Irish are the purest and whitest there is. Leave nigger out of it and put some respeck on our name. Rest of you are mutts.
>Irish are the purest and whitest
Lmao. You were called the niggers of europe for a reason, patrick star.
>Leave nigger out of it and put some respeck on our name
Oh the sweet irony.
silly ass
fool ass
poor ass
rich ass
>Sees Irish person
>"Potatoe nigger"
I prefer paddynigger rolls off the tongue better
Daily reminder that Italians and Irish were bashed and harassed when they immigrated to America just like blacks which came over by force.
So acting all uppity is amusing. You are seen as inferior by whites.
Also many of your women love black men
this is a thing called bigen, they basically paint their facial skin black to make the edges look sharper and their hair thicker
>Porch Monkey
Ireland #1
>bunch of fucking Yea Forumsirgins talking about men's hairstyles
yep, that's gonna be a canceling from me
why are niggers so sensitive about their hair?
>Yea Forums - Haircuts
I didn't even mention white people
better than
>Yea Forums - Twitter Thread #22675312
My white friend’s parents are from Spain and he is very white, but he talks like a nigger “ayo we finna fleek dis bitch no wit ion be sayin” and he almost exclusively listens music made by black people. He’s actually kinda rich and grew up in a nice neighborhood so I think it mostly has to do with being am*rican
Is it though?
A lot of suburban american teens are obsessed with hip hop and black culture, or they’re obsessed with a country lifestyle. I just listen to metal.
>Spic thinks he actually is worthy of anything
I dunno I'm having fun thinking up ass related insults
Marginally, yes. Although this thread already looped around to shouting about how much you hate minorities so it's not that different.
Truly a tremendous intellectual ordeal.
Black user here, why are so many whites like this now? I wanted to get away from black culture
Well to be fair, it was a terrible haircut on a nigger/MexiCHAD, so it was bound to happen eventually.
They think it’s “dope” because they have “cash” and “weed” and “hoes”
Sorry my nigga but whites in the suburbs have loved black culture since the 1990s but many just kept it hidden. It's cool now to want to be us.
It's also why their women love black dick now
kill yourself nigger
Because it's edgy.
And not on the meme way, the actual meaning.
What are you trying to prove? Blacks have a bunch of names for everything.
Punk, fairy, fuckboy
Honky, cracker, mayo, becky, cumskin, pigskin
Fool, clown
Fresh, stuntin, flossin
Just some that come to mind. Given more time I could think of more.
Please stop larping
>tfw blacks probably had a chance to assimilate into decent hard working americans in the 40s-50s
>everyone else managed to do so
when did it all go so wrong? heroin?
Wow, he styles his hair into a faggy hat
it's funny how NONE of these carry anything of significance. there is unironically nothing that can insult a white person.
turkey ass
dog ass
mongol ass
frog ass
cheap ass
Incel, apparently
based hispabro
>about to open the pic expecting her to be ultra hot
damn shame
Ironically, it's ownership of "nigger" that triggers white people the most. White people want access to all insults. And when they're denied, they get super indignant. "MUH DOUBLE STANDARD. LET ME SAY IT! i'M GOING TO Yea Forums WHERE I HAVE FREE SPEECH!"
Read a fucking book nigger. The civil rights movement didn't happen until the mid 50's to the mid 60's.
>A lot of black people hairs:Extremely curly, but almost brittle at times
>Majority of mixed people's hair: Midly curly, but very soft
>Majority of white people's hair: Straight, but very weak and limp, almost like a strand of spaghetti
Shut up nigger
>Punk, fairy, fuckboy
No, at best they're aracial.
>Honky, cracker, mayo, becky, cumskin, pigskin
These really aren't that insulting, they just don't seem to have any weight behind them.
>Fool, clown
>Fresh, stuntin, flossin
These even more so.
Are these really the best insults Black people have? No wonder they are so irritated when they hear the word Nigger, there really isn't much they can say in return.
I mean, if that's it, I guess I should consider giving myself a handicap so they can at least somewhat compete.
lack of strong male figures and a society that hates them basically
Nothing wrong with a being a bald black man bro
t. white boy
>>Majority of mixed people's hair: Midly curly, but very soft
Depends on the mix desu mine is a mix of waves, curls and frizz thats hard as shit.
you nigger. blacks had a different attitude about them pre 60s. if they kept that it probably could have been something good.
For me, it's left parted.
I wish
Lol no
>when you like having longer hair but don't know what to do with it
Mald was fucking murdered. Went from original and hilarious to dead and used in pokimanes chat in 3 days.
I swear memes nowadays barely even last for a month before death when before they'd be around for years.
>If they'd just been subservient Uncle Toms it'd have been fine
Sure thing Cletus.
damn my nigga got that lineup tho
I use to have long hair that touched my shoulders when I was younger
Now I just buzz it every two weeks
Feels good
How the fuck could the assimilate when the kids couldn't even go to the same school as the white kids? The problem with niggers today stems entirely from the retarded Jim Crow laws. If everybody had to use the same shit, they would've assimilated. But because they were isolated, they formed a different culture and attitude.
Grow dreds and become full weednigger
No, they're usually just: bowl cut, bald, afro, crack addict, stock hair.
I have that now because I'm unemployed
It wasn't a contest of who had the best insults. The claim made was that blacks only add "ass" at the end of everything. I was just saying that there is more variety than that.
Punk and Fairy were large in the black community back in the day. And fuckboy was for sure proliferated by blacks on social media, if not created by them. But like many cases today, everyone else stole lingo from black social media as their own.
Add to the list: playa, scrub, ho, and thot
Hair is an inconvenience. Bald is the true enlightened path.
I kinda want to grow it back out but its a pain in the fuck to maintain after waking up and it makes it hard to wear hats
>L.A. Noire x Bayonetta
cook on a George foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray
unoriginal and a nuisance.
vanilla as fuck
if a good haircut isn't available in games, I usually go for a buzzed down look and I make my dude dress in hick/hunter/military clothing. If a good haircut I like is available, I dress my dude like johnny rotten or kurt cobain.
taper fade short trimmed, my standard haircut with a nice full beard, faded on the sides :)
Lego man/10
>what kinda cut do you want?
>give me the Minecraft Steve please
looks good I would totally get it if I could pull it off.
I get two haircuts a year because I always get a JUST haircut no matter where I go whether it's a barber or salon. I don't know why I get all the bad luck, I'd probably be more confident if just once I got a haircut I didn't have to cover with a hat.
So you make bald characters?
>a nuisance.
>woman has mouth slightly open 0/10 would not bang
You can always stuff it all into a bright neon green beanie.
it might be different for other hair types but if i did that with my hair, it would require a crazy amount of wax, and it still wouldn't hold properly, it would feel greasy, and it would feel imbalanced on my head.
As character customization goes in vidya, I either go with default or something silly.
>mouth width
>brow height
>eye distance
>nose bridge
>muscle definition
Hair is fine, does anyone bother with THIS shit?
Yugioh looking motherfucker
I think this is a fine hair style for gay guys. No issue. But i wouldnt want to be straight or have one
beanies are retarded and they fuck up your hair worse than hats
>brow height
This especially because I always go for angry eyebrows regardless of whether its male or female. Besides the resting bitch face gives me mad chubs like nobody's business.
I dont trust people with slicked back hair. All either wannabe 80s big business boys or actual serial killers
This I only trust people with long ass mullets or dreds.
What about Reviewbrah?
Black women don't even have hair lol.
Highly suspicious
>yellow nigger
How dare you,we have different insults for almost every asian country:
Ching Chongs
>he doesnt know the signs of a mouthbreather
lmao palatecel
Also rice niggers
>he thinks its Jim Crow
Its blacks,its the same no matter where they go
Literally because its funny to talk that way. Its a totally lame way of talking so me and my friends do it because we get a kick out of it and dont understand why people would go to such lengths to not just talk normal.
what would you call this hairstyle
a crew cut?
He cute
what was his name again?
Or just short cut hair, you dont have to grow it out or grease it back ya homo
All three look good. You just need a decent clothing style and personality to make it work.
Why do sandniggers all have this haircut?
chink shops
pork fry ryes
egg foo yung cunts
two wongs dont make a white
Wing da wong numba
>the image that killed hairlets
how will they ever recover?
Yeah but once you pick a look you like you wont really change it. Also if the games doesn't have afros the game is TRASH!
Sure, it's entirely genetics and has nothing to do with the culture or society, no sir.
You're a fucking retard
a trained monkey is still a monkey user
Mountainblade doesn't have afros
this is the true npc hairstyle.
I like video games how about you?
yea nah cunt
I love them
I haven't been to the barber in nearly 2 years because I'm too anxious
That power stance tho
You can be a badass anime high school delinquent url.
>hes not a madman that cuts his own hair
Lmao people ITT probably have haircuts like their favorite JRPG protagonist
I like 1% of what I've played. The rest are okay
hispanics that suck up to their white overlords like you user are pathetic.
looks like he is wearing a rubber helmet
I have dreads but most games don't even have the option to make add them. Fucking get with times developers
Why do whites on Yea Forums spend a large chunk of their day obsessing over black people?
What are any of us, but trained monkeys? Some of the dumbest people I have ever met were white. I've dealth with two adult white (not even hispanic "white" either) customers didn't even know how to count to 10. At least every black person I've had to work with knew fucking math.
Behavior is like 80% genetic and if it wasn’t cats wouldn’t behave pretty much the same way all over the world.
>What the fuck, why does everyone target white straight males? Golly, I have no idea. Just a bunch of double standards, if you ask me.
I go with either the longest or completely bald.
If behavior is truly genetic, people would all act the same around the world. They don't. That .05% of differing genetics between races doesn't mean much.
Bro I felt the same way for a while, then I went and it's actually super easy. If you want a specific haircut bring in a picture and show them, otherwise just tell them "above the ear" or something and they'll ask you "do you want it like this or like this" a few times and then just do it. In most places barbers have to get licenses and shit so they know how to make your hair look good even if you don't.
white people are dumb too
only smart people on this planet are east Asians
because they dont let blacks and Muslims into their countries
Girls with slightly parted lips like that, if the lips themselves are big, look hot as fuck, they remind me that I should shove my dick in there
Probably due to my slight bimbo fetish but still
>of a fucking barber
Why are weebs so mentally ill?
>White or black are you only options
How about just living like a decent human being and recognizing gang culture for what it is and avoiding it. And i do it while eating mexican food and listening to jpop. I live in a close to 100% hispanic community (Rio Grande Valley) so whites are as foreign to me as russian people.
>Go to barber
>"What do you want, user?"
>"Whatever you think will look good I guess"
>Barbers face
I'm assuming you're someone who's just jumped into this conversation, but this started because someone said that blacks "had a chance" to assimilate with white people in the 40's and 50's.
Racist literally can't stop thinking about blacks the same way europe and other countries can't stop thinking about the USA. It's just what happens when your superior I guess.
Because whites are the only ones who dont hit back
I was anxious too about that when I was a long time neet because they always start asking stuff like hows life and shit and then because you're a loser you feel super forced to talk about it BUT THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON YOUR LIFE SO UHHH EHHHH BUT AT THE SAME TIME YOU DONT WANNA COME UP AS A LEECH SO
This guy gets it.
>Thread about video game hair
>Faggots talk about niggers and their preferred hairstyles
/pol/ was a mistake
Holy shit. 66% dedicated to what is basically a fit body. Time to start lifting.
>Wh-a-at.. e-verer.. hehe, wil-l look g-g-ood... T.T
fuck outta here cuck ass nigga
its the look I am balding from the left and right of my forehead haircut but its ok it looks good
The BBC is taking over
Maybe not physically. But whites will never shut the fuck up about perceived "double standards". Getting all righteously indignant.
Slick hair needs to come back again, fuck all the gay haircuts in this thread
>only 2% face
Pure bullshit
I feel you but no matter what Hispanic men will always be the worst tier. Or Mexican Americans really.
>monkeys who are dumb and have the most fucked up body proportions
>superior to any thing
next your going to post roiding blacks to disprove me
It's called Bigen. Similar to a hair dye, although it's used much more frequently on beards than regular hair: youtube.com
Absolutely. Especially that baldness fits Boozer. The point was that even if you made like $150M from apehoop, you can't just restore your hair as a black person.
lol aww I hurt the /pol/babies feeling. Your not going to shoot up a school now are you?
>that roid acne
Apparently bigen was invented in Japan
That's pretty interesting.
desu when white people pull shit like this, I'd bully them too
>human superior than anything
The last time I went to the barber he complained that my hair was too long and made me feel like an asshole. A man who's job is to cut hair complained that he had too much hair to cut. Haven't been since; I'd rather just grow it out than deal with that bullshit.
anyone up for a reverse trap ayylmao girlfriend?
Long hair a best, good taste
>mentions /pol/ out of fucking nowhere
dont you have a gang related shoot out to be at?
>Russian girl grows up with a alkogolik wifebeater dad
>wonder why she only hangs out with other girls or isn't dating a good Russian man™
barbers can be pieces of shit. Try going to a barber school for cheap haircuts. They don't complain are happy to have head of hair to practice on
>Just fuck my shit up
two wild assumptions with no proof. you're both faggots
I would yours if you actually went to one
/pol/ is actually this mad
where did you get this picture of my grandma
>"I heard a guy saying 2+2 was 5 the other day"
>How much is 2+2 user?
Yeah I call white people white niggers myself.
>cant make a argument
must be hard to type for this long
I suppose pic related is you, huh?
Looks like Phoenix Wright
If they aren't mouthbreathers I agree. This one however is one such person and would look absolutely horrid without makeup
> tfw long thick wavy hair
> usually straighten them
> people always get surprised when I show up looking like Dio instead of the usual jrpg protagonist because I was too lazy to straighten them
I've seen more ugly guys with girls than fat guys with girls desu
The last one I went to done mine for free. It was a giant mass and I just told her to go nuts. I left the place about 30 pounds lighter.
Have you even ever been to ? Half of posters there aren't even white
Depends on what you mean by "fat" and "ugly" I've seen plenty of overweight guys with girls, but not morbidly obese guys, and seen plenty of kind of ugly but not truly ugly guys with girls as well. imo you want Face>Height>Frame, if you're super short/tall you're fucked, if you're super ugly you're fucked and if you're super fat/skinny youre fucked.
Literally would have been better than their current status as ghetto monkey welfare queens and prison filler.
Nah it's frame > height > face
Regardless how nice your face is, if you look like a child the only women interested in you would be pedophiles. Like I've seen fetal alcohol syndrome acne scarred hicks with farmer bods get girls but I've never seen a guy with an alright face but fat as fuck ever have someone, and I don't mean like bear mode fat either. I never really see skinny-fat or land whale guys with girls even if their face is alright.
If the game has options to support it, I change clothes daily in games and change hair semi-frequently
You are grown men arguing about hair styles.
If you have the hair for it, and you've never had this cut then you're not living life.
It's definitely not though, your face followed by your height is the most important factor. If you're ugly as fuck with a great body you just look weird. in fact I see mostly skinny fat or ever overweight guys with pretty hot girls, even back when I was overweight I had girls hitting on me and managed to date a solid 9/10 who was fit with a perfect squat ass for awhile because I guess I was "strong fat" and have a decent looking face.
>face last
lol cope
That’s very good. Can you also tell you Hispanic brothers to go back?
of a carpet
Move to Japan weeb loser ass.
>If you're ugly as fuck with a great body you just look weird
Guess it depends where you live. Where I'm at women vastly prefer men who look like they work to men that look pretty. I've gotten more responses from women when I show off my arms than I do from trying to look nice.
Do you live in a brown country?
bald cope
It's important for a man
I live in a brown state
Dunno, it vastly depends on the person. Females tastes are are as diverse as males. I can guarantee that I'd rather be a handsome fatty than an uggo with a 10/10 body though, you can fix fat, you can't fix being ugly, same with being short.
He's Mexican
guy looks like he hasn't slept ever, don't whatever drugs this guy is doing, shitheads.
only in that one mission half way through the game where you have to get a haircut to go to some party. in saints row 3 though, i completely change my character model whenever i get bored.
still too neat, only thing you should ever make neat is the mustache part of your beard, everything else you can trim, but making it neat makes you look a percentage gay for every inch you do it.
this guy looks LESS gay than OP, but those sideburns are just too fucking sculpted, its faggot shit that black people have been tricked into going with.
>skin tone is different
the only hair men are allowed to put this much effort into are Pompadour's, nothing else.
We all gay here.
the 80's happened, Black culture changed rapidly into exulting crude crime and being poor.
its literally "being white" trying to learn shit and not be a poor criminal "hustling", they throw that insult at any blacks that even attempt to stray.
retarded chineses assimilated under nearly the same circumstance and prejudices, they are just naturally a more hardworking family oriented people who abhor chaos.
>cant grow hair more than 2cm
Is that supposed to be a flex?
>the 80's happened, Black culture changed rapidly into exulting crude crime and being poor.
You think that just happened for no reason? You think blacks were just treated on equal terms with whites until they just suddenly started doing that?
all the blacks in Africa, wherever you go, act the same.
its absolutely genetic AND cultural.
This image is complete bullshit on the sole merit it doesn't list height
You don't even need to ask.
>enter thread
>click bottom
>scroll up
>It's a /pol/ thread
Lol everyone else gets haircuts and looks better while Yea Forumsermin seethe about blacks and their haircuts.
A male with a pretty face on a small body is just a boy. A male with a pretty face on a tall and buff body is a man
>going bald
Gray is the only way.
This person 100% has the gays
this haircut looks goofy as fuck if you don't have a masculine face. that dudes face is way too round to be that lined up.
it definitely has been around since the 90s, only thing is now white people and zoomers have adopted it. Before it was hood people and hipsters with low fades. don't speak on something you don't know.
Nearly the same circumstances my ass.
ah, well I can tell you this, you are retarded.
Black Culture is stronger in the inner cities where all the Ultra Lefties coddled them.
Blacks actually act BETTER in right wing shitholes like Mississippi where I live, crime is literally lower per capita down here, even in the worst ghetto.
Black Culture being shit isn't racist assholes fault, we didn't beat rap and slinging crack rocks into their minds, they think that shit is the height of cool.
chinese were treated so bad that a term came about "chinaman's Chance", because they were put under working conditions so bad you were likely to die by getting blown up or whatever.
you are under some delusion that being a slave somehow damaged their genetics and culture forever, that is retarded, plenty of groups of slaves bounced back way fucking faster than Blacks.
blacks simply live under the delusion of it.
Maybe you should do some research on hispanic heritage...
my girlfriend looks like this, god i am fucking horny now bros
Confirmed that leg day doesn't matter
What are the best haircuts for each head-form?
No, it will look goofy on everyone. Being handsome enables you to wear all kinds of retarded clothing or have a weird haircut but there is still a limit.
>we didn't beat rap and slinging crack rocks into their minds
Ah, well I can tell you this, you are retarded.
I'm not even talking about the slave shit, I'm talking about the "two of everything except one was worse" for the niggers. There weren't 3 sets of everything for whites blacks and yellows
>A thread about hairstyles
>Goes full circle and goes onto a conversation of "I hate niggers!!!!!!!!!!1".
I hate this fucking board
I've seen plenty of faggots with that hair or that ugly bowlcut some retards give to their kids. Nigger hair is still ugly though.
t. A nigga with no bitches
>taking pride in being so full of oestrogen that your hair grows to female sizes
You just want to be bred like a sow
>as a hispanic
Nah, you're white.
>I get my haircut at a salon, not a barbershop
You are exactly the reason I hate this fucking board. It's a fucking mental asylum of people saying the same shit over and over again.
>Have Sex
Like all it is is just fucking weightless words that Ive seen 100 times before and I just sigh that another faggot is just using it just because it's cool to fucking force shitty memes around for no reason.
>as a hispanic
sure, Kyle
I started changing my character's hair and clothes after important story events after playing Tales of the Abyss. I just think it would be cool to reflect changes in the story with the character's look. I also really liked how in Prince of Persia, the prince would get more torn up as the story progressed, in the 3rd game the markings on his wrist would grow up his arm until it got into his shoulder and torso.
lmao no
it's not that they go through great lenghts to not talk "normal" it's just a dialect that has existed for a fuckton of time, and they grew up hearing people speak as such so they spoke as such.
I fucking hate you
Looks like someone took a shit on a shit.
>men can't go full Prince mode
how did a thread about fucking haircuts in video games turn into a race debate?
welcome to Yea Forums, faggot
For me, it's a simple choice. If the game offers long hair on a guy, like I'm talking viking shit not right above the shoulders, then I'll make myself. If not, time to make a rp character and explore my options
>drive with windows down
>long hair blows around and gets tangled to all hell
There isn't enough conditioner in the world to fix this.
>female sizes
Animals in the northern hemispheres all grow long fur/hair you troglodyte
For me it's pic related or the Christian Bale slick back
>he calls his hair fur
You will never be a real anthropomorphic wolf, yiffer
>selective reading comprehension to shoot a retarded insult
I'm done, have fun being a gay nigger, user
>calls anyone gay
>as his lush waist long hair flows in the wind, when he toss his offended head dramatically to the side
white people got no sauce
yeah but white people go bald at 15 lmao stay btfo
And girls like my hair more than yours bruh stay btfo
white people walk around with piss on their hands and cum in their hair
Black hair is the epitome of race and political discussion
The guy doesn't even look black. He looks more middle eastern.
discord propaganda groups from r/the_pol which has taken over every board
This guy looks like he could be a Jojo character.
hell yeah, you ole school shooting mayonnaise eating, sister fucking, crocs wearing, fedora tipping, no sauce having cracka
More like
>"I heard a guy saying 2+2 was 5 the other day"
>(Motherfucker talking shit about 5. 5 is a good number. I bet he likes 4s. Fucking 4 fag) "How much is 2+2 user o pal?" :)
that's big INCEL style right there
that's not a black guy
all the blackposting is dont by incredibly insecure asians who have been taught that, rather than defend themselves and their own honor, they should instead relentlessly attack wypipo in order to feel powerful
the more you know, user
I've wondered if that existed for years now. If a normal person had it done, you'd have random people asking questions.
>A white hairstyle today existed among blacks 30 years ago, so gotcha!
said on a board where 90% of white people are just hating on non-whites.
incorrect. maybe you think that because the only threads you post in are the crossposting /pol/ racebait threads
but that's because you're a stupid ugly faggot looking for (You)s because it makes you feel tingly inside
lol he doesn't know about the black Kabal know as the Brotherhood Of Really Unique Niggas aka B.U.R.N
cubist fade
I also remember a story about a private school where girls had to keep their hair "natural." Of course black girls had to straighten their hair because afros are not natural.
this is retarded
those restrictions were there to prevent you from being grabbed, snagged or get stuck on shit during combat. Fucking retards
>Walks into a thread that is guaranteed to have people of urban influence in it and says racist shit
Here's your (You)
Bigen addiction is serious
Definitely the "correct" and "canon" Arthur.
However, left parted FADE is my favorite.
King Cobra is the best 40
this, most of the trash posts on 4chins are from hapas
I wonder if there'd s male response infographic too? I'd be curious the overlap between straight women and gay men.
with how cheap hair transplants have gotten and with RCH-01 looking interesting I don't think I'd let myself go bald. I've tried the bald look once because of a shave your head for cancer thing we had during the first year of med school and I didn't really like it. I've been balding since 15 or so and now at 26 I still have decent hair at NW2 because of microneedling. I really like tfw running my fingers through my hair and girls quite like it too
If you are nonwhite why tf woukd you care about what some shut-ins have to say about you, honestly?
sounds like a cool bro to hang out with and listen to iron maiden
Wait for cloned follicles so you don't have to have the harvested area in the back.
aint you a nigger yourself?
I swer to god all these fuckin wetbacks shitting up this board
hope you all die from inflation
fuckin south American low iq monkeys think they special
As you suck each others dicks in rhythm with the music I bet
Most hispanics are extremely racist to blacks thinking it will earn brownie points with white people.
Non-niggers that try to look like niggers are reprehensible.
>women in real combat position
high IQ post I see
Cope nigger.
As a SA in the south the only racists I've had to deal with were niggers.
Never had a white person belittle me, but its a known fact in SA communities that niggers are racist as fuck and hate the idea of any other race being a minority.
Go demand some reparashuns from the wayt pipo to feel better.
Aren't hair buns allowed in general? Kind of fucked up to only restrict the "black" version of them.
South Asian?
he got the school shooter bowl cut on flick
t. lil civie
Black people built a whole town with their own banks and businesses
White people rioted and burned it down you cannot place the blame for modern day niggerness solely on blacks
They did that because they knew what letting niggers propagate in their country meant.
Mississippi doesn't count as white people.
Whole ethnic groups have been expelled and almost annihilated within the past half century that have gotten their shit together and stopped bitching far more quickly than American blacks. History happens, niggers use it is a crutch because they are allowed to.
>those fingernails
Legitimately frightening.
You know that just means cattle rancher from Florida, right?
where the fuck do you live that you have seen "plenty of faggots" with liberty spikes?
ok i take it back, pretty based
What a wild human. How old is this thing?
Mid to late 40s is my guess
Yes, and I hate a lot of JRPGS don't have good beards.
>how you want yo haircut today senpai?
lol no my man that can't be out of its 20s. This is what late 20s girls look like in 2019.
yo how did u de-age that picture 20 years
Looks like pubes
i hate afro hair. combing through that shit looks about as effective as it looks.
No joke, did you know most of these weird addictions are a sign of mental retardation? Did you know they're most common in niggers?
>guys /pol/ hasn't invaded Yea Forums it's just a boogeyman!
>tfw mixed
>used to get line ups all the time for years
>hair grows back in a week, max
>fuck it
>grow my hair out
>lil thick flame spikes for a year
>pic related, the tips of each flame on the front fireball
>grow hair out for another 4 more years
I literally have spiral curly hair. I get compliments from women, men, and children alike. It's great. Women come up to my hair and start playing in it.
lawl bye fag
>implying /pol/ hasn't always been Yea Forums
Fuck yourself with a broom nigger
Only if the default is horrible or the character is female
I'm going to have my child genetically modified to have superior native hair and theres nothing you can do to stop me.
Your ilk would have a point if you could actually point out /pol/ posters instead of calling anyone you don't like /pol/
I've heard of cutting off baby foreskins before but never baby scalps.
Any dudes who get line-ups and manicured beards like this are afraid of getting dirty and end up being more emotional than women. This is the reason why Keri Hilson gave up black dudes and was looking for white guys.
Looks like a crummy system lord from stargate.
>more emotional than women
Not possible
>genetically modified
>after birth
son are you retarded
How is trying to look clean emotional what is this?
>rushing to the defense of your beloved /pol/
>guys it's not /pol/ though!
Oh well I just assumed since indians scalping each other was pretty common.
*psst* I'm from /pol/, kill yourself nigger
Have you never met blacks?
Look up a thing called black fragility and laugh derisively at what blacks consider culture.
>trying to look clean
Get a normal tape up. Bigen lines might as well be colored in with a sharpie and look retarded.
I too don't go outside
seriously, its ken doll tier. That type of edging isn't natural looking
I've seen a video of a nigger breaking down crying after attacking a man in a popeyes before, does that count?
I live in baltimore. I learned not to go outside anymore but it took living around blacks to learn they are subhumans.
Be upset as you have to be that society at large sees them (you) as animals.
Im not from /pol/ pools closed nigger go back
This. Niggers should be drowned at birth
All this seething edge and no one calls out the Walmart and Texas mass shootings
People would claim it was a baptism and they now go to heaven and then reality ends when demons that were exiled are able to step thru the gates of heaven again.
Just incinerate them instead.
It's not looking clean -- it's STAYING clean to the point they refrain from doing most masculine things.
>any guy that does his eyebrows
Soon men will wear makeup and girdles I give it 6 years max
isn't a mohawk specifically a native american style that has been taken by the punk subculture?
I hate those extremely geometric and angular hairstyles, looks like the people from the Capital in the Hunger Games movies.
This really is the worst board isnt?
hello newfag
>Corazon Miller
Sounds like a fucking Metal Gear character.
/vg/ and /wsg/ are the worst boards on Yea Forums.
Of course
Yeah I hate niggers