Borderlands 3 Opening, Game of the Generation

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Videogames are for children

>Intended for mature audiences

where the fuck is the black outline?

I don't get it. These fucking terrorists just come into town, start massacring everyone and they're badasses? Or did those other guys already take over? They were defacing the place.

>collect poopy for poopy collector

Does Randy give you the shekels personally, or...?

thank for the you steamie

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Nah, but your mom does

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>American generic garbage.

>Intended for mature audience
this has to be the first time I laughed at borderlands

lame and trash

Textbook definition of a 5/10 game.


the fuck is the appeal?

Just turn your brain off bro lmao

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>The biggest Epic shill site on the internet hates the game
Randy BTFO

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hehe poopy poopy poop!

>those fucking explosion effects

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the guy literally rolled his review on /vg/

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ignore my newfaggotry

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Fuckin kek

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for what reason are you buying this man's game

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>no surprise evil guy ending
yep this will be bad

If you can't swap parts between similar gun types or even gun names, I'm not grabbing it.

this one looks really cheap and 2 and tps intro were much more inspired

thank you, randy
its tottaly BAD. ASS.

This intro feels hollow and the build up is lame. Still better than the first game's intro though.

You can't argue with numbers.


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Looks pretty bland tbqh senpai


Yeah, stopped watching here. This game always was REDDIT the game, shouldn't surprise me that nu Yea Forums unironically enjoys it though.

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looks awful

and visually the game is nothing like it's supposed to be

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>poop joke 23 seconds into the intro
oh boy

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Oh my... It seems it's time to apologize to Anthony Burch. I mean his meme obsessed writing was cringe, but at least it wasn't THIS.

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Because I'm not a cuck who cares about who makes the game

Once you've played borderlands 1 you've played everything the series has to offer.


how long ago was this? the fucking game comes out on Friday.

Got it, Tim sent you

>how do we make our product uniqe?
>play queen in the trailer
bravo Randy

Last week

borderlands 3 managed to make borderlands 2 look good
fucking bravo

Why am I getting Battleborn flashbacks?

bravo gearbox

Worst of all people will still defend it because of the whole "fuck Steam" bullshit that's going on. At least for the first six months after the game's initial release. They don't need to keep up the pretense that the game is perfect after the timed EGS exclusivity has passed, and everybody will admit that the game sucks harder than Borderlands 2 ever did.

I will play it. I will enjoy it. I won't be paying attention to the story. 63 is a harsh score if the gameplay is good.

has gameplay ever been good in these games?
i dont think so.

good enough that i've played through all three of them without getting bored

because you have shit taste user

*picks the lowest review out of 12*
almost like you have an agenda

are we trusting IGN now? All mainstream reviewers are retarded, but at least don't lie about it

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Nice engrish chinaman

god damn randy and his scat fetish

PCgamer is not IGN.

>are we trusting IGN now?
"We" always trust the site that fits "our" agenda now, even if it's polygon or kotaku.

Gets will always be a thing despite the faggot mods best attempts to get rid of them.

Unironically Tales from the Borderlands is the best game in the series. This opening is obviously trying to appeal to nostalgia of the first one and seems uninspired as fuck
>dude car runs over enemy
>dude remember the first line of the first game?

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its not a get
its davenport posting on vg.

>Tales from the Borderlands is the best game in the series
Which is why Gearbox went out of their way to piss all over it.

Who cares, they're all the same retards

>not in touch with his inner child

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No, one is IGN the other is Pcgamer.

Lots of reports the game is buggy as fuck with constant crashes and save game wipes.

Atleast try to hide your redditism subhuman steamie :)

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Man, why didn't they hire the writers of Tales of from the Borderlands. That got everything right.

Funny but not memey, characters you cared about, a good plot, even the diversity stuff was done naturally and not "LOOK AT ME I MADE EVERYONE IN THESE AUDIOLOGS GAY COUPLES SO ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO FOLLOW"

Based Tim give us free games


yarr harr tis the pirate life for me.

post your class and preffered skill tree
for me its zane and hitman

>what if cringy "hip" boomers made videogames? the game

enjoy not being able to play online

Because they hated the Telltale writers, obviously.

Most Reddit game of the generation no doubt.

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as if I give a shit, multiplayer is only good for pvp

You've pre-ordered right?

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>reddit doing mental gymnastics to ignore the mediocre scores
>going so far as to shit on Kuchera and Polygon
It’s gonna be a good day

Multiplayer is half of the experience. Playing with random builds and discovering new things about the game with other people is a lot of fun.
Good thing you pirated though :)


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The pirate versions of the last two worked fine online, don't imagine that changing for the third.

You've never played Borderlands and you larp as a 'gamer'
You're worse than a woman.

why are you people so fucking obsessed with a link aggregator website

>Claptrap built himself a hoe

>Can't reply to others correctly
>Accuses others of redditism
Oh the delicious irony

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>Three dudes with interesting gameplay
>Then the token Siren
Why do Sirens always have the worst gameplay?

Underrated post

You could say

not him but i finished 2 and it's as reddit as it gets

>new popular game which means new shadman art, maybe even a comic

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If it were Reddit someone would be fucking my in game wife.
The game has on the nose slapstick humor.

his art is garbage

this is like the one time the siren's ability looks remotely fun though. I thought the robot looked cool until I learned he was a fucking minion master, nothing is worse in a video game than relying on an AI to do your work for you.

You haven't played TPS...

What am I implying exactly? That borderlands is Reddit personified? Yes, I am

But uhhh you're uhhhh wrong???

never Apologize to a cuck that got his wii-u stolen

yeah. the pirated version.

>BL3 thread
>not mentioning the BS they pulled in the launch trailer

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>he cant afford borderlands 3
Have fun playing alone.

This unironically looks soulless.

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well it's a free torrent, idgaf.

The fact that it's edgy shit doesn't mean it's not technically solid.

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So, is crossplay confirmed?

You won't pirate it fatty.
Stop the LARP

his proportions are just terrible

fuck off randy bobandy

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You got the deluxe edition right?

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Based Tim giving us free games.

I miss this series, I only really got into gaming last gen and this was the first FPS I tried out with a friend of mine. A lot of good memories. Too bad Randy's involved, fuck that asshole.

The main antagonists are literally just YouTubers.

This series needs to fucking die.

weird, I always thought PCgayming was on EGS side

that song is just bland

you bl3 bugmen cant event make proper buzzword post

75 is way too generous for The Pre-Sequel.
It deserves a 45, and that's still being kind.

the new characters look inbred

That's just your average Borderlands fare, though.
Every character dresses like a Tank Girl cosplayer with color blindness.


legit got a chuckle from me

reminder any "AAA" game will automatically get 80+ cause game reviews are bought

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well zanes irish, what do you expect.


that looks so disappointing compared to the previous ones

BL1 was more on serious tone

The intro is unskippable and then it's followed by 30 minutes of hand holding before you're allowed to run around and play the game. Claptrap and Lilith do not shut the fuck up for the longest time. It may be the slowest start to a Borderlands game yet.

I got to the point where you can go to different planets and shit. Seeing new locations that aren't just shitty deserts and warehouses is a nice change of pace, but the absolutely nonstop juvenile dialogue and interactions ruins a lot of the experience. If the characters could just shut their fucking mouths, it would actually be a pleasant FPS experience.

Three of the characters are fun to play, but the girl with the mech is awful and has nothing good going for her. She has a giant robot but it isn't strong.

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No, it was as jokey as the rest. They just didn't have constant voice-acting bashing the jokes into your head every three seconds.

The DLC, on the other hand, did.

torrent out already?

>releases on 13th


BL1 is worse though

BL2 > BL3 > BL1


I unironically love how both opening songs reflect the state of Pandora

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It's alright, but the first game has the better opening

>Can't reply to others correctly
>Accuses others of redditism
>Oh the delicious irony
being this new, wow

Sweety, its way past time to dilate. Your penile vaginal cavity is collapsing

Ctrl+C Borderlands 2
Rename To Borderlands 3

song isn't as good as 1 and 2

Until it's on steam, fuck it. No support for Epic infection.

so no leak or anything
I'll take a look next week then

More like Borederland 3


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Imagine growing to be so jaded you forgot how to just have fun with friends and laugh at dumb childish humor instead of acting like a fucking 17 year old who got his first idea of being edgy towards dick jokes he was laughing at a year prior.

Why does UE4 look so fucking trash bros?

Imagine thinking that garbage is in any way funny, even with friends. Are they retards too?

it's "better man" not lil man

the OP's video is a cgi trailer
the game looks much worse

OP's video is the in-game intro sequence

yes, it is a cgi video

Jesus, nothing new. Just replay the last 2 and it is the same shit.

imagine laughing at poop jokes past age 13

It's done in-engine

Pretty ballsy of them to put the season pass in the $120 version and give out two (2) skin packs in the $80 edition.

Mt little brother really loves playing co-op with me and I havent liked the games for a while but I can't tell him that

that implies that i was the person to take the screenshots


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Very excited for this, I am upgrading my computer solely to play borderlands 3. The previous games were very fun in co-op, well worth their money.

I pre ordered the CODEX version.

>implying you can't play multiplayer with friends on pirated copies

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totally meh song

>why would you pick IGN? HMM!?!?! AGENDA PUSHING MUCH?!

because IGN is the most popular game review site you dumb nigger.


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I'm glad we can all come together in this thread and celebrate what will undoubtedly be GOTY or hell, even GOTD.
Only contrarians or people who can't afford the game would bitch about such a pristine looking product. Seriously. Try being happy for once.



> tfw can't find the steam store page


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theres no way fl4kk isnt loader bot

>the face of Yea Forums

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Moze mains??????????????????

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>implying piratefags have friends

what a trash song and what a bland intro. Shit dragged on WAY too long

Yeah, i'm thinking hes

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frick off randy
you greasy cheeseburger eating bastard

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>Yea Forums is one person
Double digit IQ, user

>he's jerking to his character

damn right

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>can't afford the game
>the game is literally free

I don't follow...

Ngl, this intro was weak compared to the other 3, probably my least favourite.

>the face of Yea Forums
>hurr aspergers
The face of Yea Forums

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yeah that was bad

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Boredomlands is shit and it will always be shit

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bait or
mentally retarded xD

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shut the fuck up Randy

>The main antagonists are literally just YouTubers
Ah. Explains why the reviews are assmad about the campain.


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Welcome to 3 months ago.

>lmfao based shrek posterLOL!!!! XDDDD
okay retard

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That's how you know a game is GOTY contender. It's going to be on the frontpage for a while and people will be buttpained if it's good and sells well.

Do you even know in what year BL2 released?

And none of that actually means the game is good

this, the amount of contrarians a certain thing has always gives away just how good its going to be
pussies cant handle being wrong so they seethe in threads like these, which just provides us smart people with boundless entertainment.

How do you do fellow Yea Forums user!

nice self image fag

Fuck off Randy go back to you Epic games masters

Thanks for the free copy Tim!

it's a cgi video

okay retard

Never implied that. Note that I even said "contender". But wether it is or not, you're gonna hear about it.

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We are witnessing the coming of the GOTD

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It's no coincidence that my most cringey friends like this game. It's like a 12 year old made it. I know I'm just shitting on it for no reason but Jesus Christ my fucking eyes

have sex


Piratefags on suicide watch

Shit song, no energy compared to 1 and 2 openings.

Nobody cares about your shitty take.

clearly you do.

pre ordering this today
multiple planets seem fun
also no mech games ever so Moze will be neat, reminds me of the fencer from EDF

you don't?

more like soulflop

I will play as THEY/THEM FL4K and keep spamming "trans rights" to annoy rightoids.

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Same reviewer used cheats for sekiro lol

i genuinely stopped paying attention halfway through

Somebody call the WAMBULANCE

>playing Borderlands
dumb libtard

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seeth more randy

>but the absolutely nonstop juvenile dialogue and interactions ruins a lot of the experience
Battleborn had the same problem; characters would never just shut the fuck up, they always had to have some quip for every little thing.

The humor never changed dumbass.

Go back.

It's ok. They won't play GOTY.

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Holy shit it can't come out soon enough LETS GO

>Yea Forums now has the kind of person who replies to every post shitting on a GEARBOX game

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>gearbox mean game bad!
Ok, tranny.

project more tranny

>no u
What a solid seethe.

yes you are seething tranny next is suicide it all you know

>yes you are seething tranny next is suicide it all you know

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They're called shills

doesn't mean shit, denuvo has been cracked multiple times

>All these weebs and tendies triggered over what's obviously game of the year

looks like a ps3 game

how is Anno 1800, you cuckold?

no one cares about niche games

Hello my good gamers, yes, it is I, the Borderlands 3 flavor dialogue

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I'm thinking this is based.


B-but r-randy b-bro...

2 was way better.

>game that won't even be released in 2019 will be GOTY of 2019.
This game doesn't even release until March of 2020.


>Because I'm not a cuck who cares about who makes the game
>implying even if it wasn't a cuck move to buy a game Randy was attached to that Borderlands isn't absolute shite

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>implying Borderlands 3, yes, game of the year, will be bad.
Sorry bro. That's just really cringy shit.

>it's real
holy shit meme magick doing its thing again

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Just pre-ordered the game.
100$ version.
I'm so hyped Yea Forumsros.


actual borderlands fan here
this game looks like shit

utter shitposting unless you post proof.

Actualy Borderlands fan here game looks awesome.

I am 200% more Borderlands fan and I don't think it looks good

the sheer sighting of poop doesn't mean it's a joke dude. I love Borderlands and I didn't find it funny. It's more of a setpiece than a joke.

>coping this hard

Would proof get you hard cowboy?

What version of Tales did you play? The characters sucked, I couldn't give 2 shits about Rhys. The story is so slow I had to restart it twice and still haven't finished it because it's so fucking boring.

Morons will say everything is a joke so they can bitch about it.
>what is world building
All Tales games are boring.

Only 6 more months

>of all sites it's fucking PCGamer who give it the score it actually deserves

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Jaded and sad!

>it actually deserves
Steam drones will never stop crying will they?

>Are YouTubers
>No mission about raiding their house since they found some confidential papers about a popular game on the CEO's Echobook profile
Why even live.

You are dealing with cucklords.

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I don't give a fuck what platform it's on you fucking mongoloid.

>giving RANDY PITCHFORD money
>giving GEARBOX money

Low-functioning retardation

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Even with high numeric values the general gist of every review makes it sound like they didn't enjoy much of their time with the game itself. A concerning amount of reviews mention things like "if it works well..." meaning even in the builds they got (a week ago) they were still experiencing game breaking bugs and shit.

Just reading a review but ignoring the actual score at the end, every review makes it sound like the public are going to be playing on alpha builds.

Seems like everyone is getting tired of the humor as well.

They are supposed to be obnoxious, are you actually such a massive brainlet someone has to explain to you how irony works?


>he cant afford it


Good thing the bugs will be gone in 6 months when it releases on a real platform.

This game looks super badass!



probably not honestly. There are still goofy bugs in BL2 that still persist to this day.
But yeah, its weird to have a launch thread when the game doesn't come out until march. I don't get it.

Not even worth the time

I don't think I've ever come across serious bugs in BL2 and I've got more than 700 hours in it.

That's such a fucking lie lol.

is this a Moze for ants?

There is one from the last boss that I remember I kept getting hit with when trying to grind his drops. Entire portions of the fight would just hang and you'd have to reload the game hoping it wouldn't happen again. And it would.

Had this happen with the ship boss toward the end. It would do its flyby thing and just fly off and not come back.

Obnoxious doesn't make a good and memorable character. It is in the same territory as being evil just for the sake of being evil on the villain list.

sure is

>oh that must be his only character trait!
I can't even begin to fathom being this moronic. You're a scientific anomaly.

>and those crashes were experienced by three Polygon staffers

Well, that just refutes the whole story. Those guys are so bad at games that it was probably their own fault.

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>oh that must be his only character trait!
Just play and see for yourself then.

Who gives a flying shit about loot shooters anymore? Holy shit. I was over borderlands a month after it came out in like 2009 or whatever.

>game hasnt come out yet
>Dude I'm SO sure
What are you trying to prove sperg?
Wow one hipster doesn't like a game?
Wow the franchise is doomed!!!!
Pic related

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When your villains are literal youtubers you need to start rethinking your business model.

>when the game integrates its characters into something easy to relate for a modern audience with it's own twist
Yep. Must be out of idea up there huh.

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>but the girl with the mech is awful and has nothing good going for her

Why are Gearbox cinematics always so awkward, like the timing is off, the angles are kinda wrong, and the audio is just too soft?

>equate your largest marketing sector as villains
yeah, great marketing. I wonder how Gillette is feeling about telling me to grow up and stop being men.

In case you guys didnt know you can go to the characters skill trees and do mock-builds to see how they play/their specs

Nade launcher/rail gun moze-ter race here

>brings up the Gillette marketing campaign that did everything it was supposed to

Randy couldn't siphon money from a bigger budget game for 3 like he did for 2.

Was losing $8B part of the plan?

Eh, not feeling this intro. Tales of the Borderland intros were all kino

They worked for exposure and got it. Their stock is at a all time high.
Go outside and stay away from /pol/ brainlet.

So is FL4K the leader?

I thought it was the other dude.
White haired guy.

I don't hang around polish people by default. They are nice people but they tend to be too tribal and get into trouble with the cops often.
No clue why'd you'd be a racist and bring up polish people like they are lepers. Its unsettling to be honest.
You are either a racist against polish people or you are an offended pole. Nothing I said was derogatory toward the polish. Please reconsider the conversation.

cringe effort post

I can't tell if these are ironic shills or not anymore

>waaahhhh pander to me not liking something waaaahhhh
Fuck off

I think the Borderlands 2 intro painted the vault hunters in a much more charming light as they literally being the game by being blown up on a train due to being tricked by Jack. They screwed up but at least you know why they hate Jack and that they aren't infallible.
I did not find the Borderlands 3 intro nearly as charming. It's just them showing up, killing everyone with ease and waiting for a bus. I know ithe intro is not a lot to go on but the writing in Borderlands 3 might actually be worse than Borderlands 2.

Yeah I don't know why the dropped the ball on the intro like that.

Ha. He stepped in poop and got run over. That's pretty funny

>these are the people who buy borderlands games.

I tried playing co-op Borderlands 2 with a friend and it was a fucking slog. Dropped it after 5 hours. How the hell is this franchise so successful?

I don't touch children



haha i wonder if it smelled bad lol just wondering as a joke haha

it's not technically solid at all, are you high?

this is a company so inept that they couldn't even get their port trailer to run off a desktop file without glitching every time the guy said DO YOU WANT TO HEAR A STORY? and then to mask the awkwardness, their CEO decided to perform amateur magic card tricks?

Did they improve upon the mechanical mistakes from previous titles? ie:
>is the new slag equivalent balanced?
>is it required in high levels/difficulties?
>do character skill summons and melee actually scale into lategame and don't fall off into uselessness?
>are there some more unique cool legendaries/uniques?

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The golden rule:

>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.


>Ironic obnoxious characters are still obnoxious characters.

>Game of the Generation
Im excited for hong kong independence, Taiwan is NOT part of china

You're making me cringe sweetie.

Top kek

nobody here talks about the actual game silly

>They are supposed to be obnoxious
every character is

everybody who's in this thread not pirating the game should kill themselves

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Thanks for beta testing it for me cuck boy

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no u


Borderlands 2 was one of my favourite games and I've been excited for this shit for literally 3+ years......until it actually got announced, the epic shit and Randy being an utter retard make me less excited and now that launch has creeped up on me I just don't care anymore. I might end up pirating it but I'm more interested in classic and the other shit in my backlog honestly.

I don't know how gearbox managed to turn a guaranteed sale from me into luke warm acknowledgement but they did

Imagine thinking that a game is not shit just because you're enjoying the presence of your friends.


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jesus man u are looking really smart right now

This. 2’s endgame slag meta sucked ass

I just pre-ordered my copy RIGHT NOW.
Pre order bros?
Is this what heaven is like?

Reminder to thank Tim Sweeny for buying you a free copy! Thank you Tim!

>it's fun with friends
Literally any game is fun with friends, retard.

pee pee poo poo haha

you forgot to add making legendaries drop more often from regular enemies and chest. killing crawmerax and receiving nothing but shit blues is awful.

>i havent played it but i know its bad dude trust me lmao
anime pedophiles

i'm the conductor of teh p00p train xD

normal enemies and chests should also drop legendaries more often. Bosses being the only ones that drop anything of value is gay. also Raid bosses should also have better drop chances too.

>kill son of crawmerax 3 times
>get nothing of value and only a bunch of blues from the post-death chest
>kill vermivorous couple of times
>get only a class mod a each time.

Don't worry, Randy is all about touching children.

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Music used for BL2 opening was 10 times better.

Randy is done for.

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user you shouldn't get people's hopes up like that

It's all true tho. You'll see.

just preordered on ebin games

Enjoy waiting 6 months from now :^)

tfw chad gamer who doesnt care about randy or epic games or steam and just wants to paly viiddy :^)

Thread should have ended right here

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sauce me boss, reverse search aint doing shit

Ironically shit characters are still shit.

Call the robot a he in voice chat
>banned for toxic behavior

Whens the steam version? I'll get it then.

Imagine selling your opinion on the internets
Or even worse, imagine shilling for free

What are your thoughts on Tiananmen Square?

April 2020

I'm just gonna buy it to make you seethe.

>actively ignoring major technical issues because "but it's polygon they must be lying"

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I'll just fucking play Warframe again before I play Destiny

Imagine being braindead and liking borderlands

Well, my favorite game ever is Saints Row 4, so yeah, i'm excited for Borderlands.

It doesn't matter, ironic shills are still shills

absolutely based