Happy with your buffs?

Happy with your buffs?

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>CH f+4 and CH d/b+4 now worth fuck-all


Honestly might move to Kazumi now...

He's worse than before but he just went from S tier to S-
He'll be fine.

You can still combo off f4, you just have to commit to the ZEN. And be glad you still get d2 out of db4 ch, it could've been way worse.

I agree, his "Nerfs" weren't too bad. plus he gets a 14f wallbounce for a potential 70-80+ Damage.

Why do they keep making him stronger?

Like, I'm fine with it since I use him but does he really need it?

FC is now a full mixup on oki and FC d/f+1 is really fucking fast too.

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they want him to be strong and easy to get FFags to play the game but they also want him to use more than 3 moves hence the changes

Wall bounces are like tag assaults in TTT2. Never learned how to use them.

and whose fault is that?

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as a lee player..
fuck yes i am.

Season 3 is a fucking joke, instead of nerfing cheap characters they've fucking buffed them.

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everyone's been buffed, user. stay mad.

t.miguel main

That doesn't make a good fighting game.

That's a legitimate reason to be mad though, cheap shit should be nerfed.

better than nerfing everything to sfv levels of sterile

But I like the lowered recovery on d/f+2,1. Now I can land d/b+2 like I can off u/f+4. Previously I had to hit d/f+1 first before d/b+2 would combo.

>it really was a miguel player
holy fuck lmao

>you just have to commit to the ZEN

I always did because trying to CD into WS 4 is wonky. Now I can't even seem to land that.

Hell, I can't even do simple shit like f,f+2 like I did in Tekken 6.

Not the same user, I just felt like replying.

When's Kiryu? Zafina is boring.

we're getting ip mayne before anyone else anyway

You can always just ZEN 3 if you're a pussy

I dont even know if Leo got anything useful..
Like that new move out of bok seems way too slow to be good.

can't wait for jimmy j to win evo :)

What I always did was CH f+4~f, ZEN 1, b,f+2,1~f, ZEN 3 (S!), b+3~f, ZEN 1,2.

But now the first ZEN 1 doesn't land and I don't know what does.

Lili """"mains"""" bitching about not getting the buffs they wanted, sounds about right.

>use Jin's parry three times in a row
Should I stick with Jin or is there another character that's a parry god. Ultimate battle always rings in my head whenever that shit happens and I love it.

I keep accidently going for another parry than the free grab :(

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jin's parry is completely unique
lee's parry is just a stylish though

I never used the parry because I always think my follow-up timing is shit.

I seem to get by just fine, normally.

Need to figure out how to make use of b+2,1~u/f.

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kek, you are trash.

lee's "parry" is a feint.

Nigga I play all three Mishimas, eat a dick.

Oh did s3 drop already?

Does she have any neat gimmicks?

This morning on PC, at least.

I couldn't get the PS4 or XB1 versions to update, though, before I went to work.