Dont mind me, just moving this dispenser at the control point on page 10
Dont mind me, just moving this dispenser at the control point on page 10
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put dispenser on page 10
>headshots you instantly for 150 damage cross-map at no risk to myself
Why do people think sniper should be in the game again?
good shot mate
nice shot
nice shot
good shot mate
every class has a reason. If the class is considered too weak or too OP, it means it needs changes, but the class itself isnt a problem.
The job of the sniper is about providing cover fire and also taking down important targets from a safe distance.
The problem with the sniper is that if good enough, the sniper can beat the whole team by himself with the only counter being a better sniper or a good spy.
With that in mind, theres a clear way to fix sniper from being too OP. Just make all the headshots count as crits only when the sniper has charged his sniper rifle for long enough (probably when it gets maxed). it will solve 3 things:
-the sniper now instead of blowing away the whole team needs to actually prioritize which enemies he needs to kill first
-the spy now has much more time to surprise the sniper, because he will be more preoccupied with charging his rifle
-heavy will be more viable, since heavy can easily tank sniper bodyshots and the sniper will need to think much more if its actually better to kill the heavy first or maybe someone else.
why don't we just give up pardner
Just turn your head away bro
>t. never used the classic to realize how retarded that is
*denys your headshots*
eins, zwei, drei... I think we're gonna need more body bags.
why retarded?
whats the problem with the classic?
i admit i never played it, but at least give me a counter argument, because i dont know what should i refute about what you said
Can do epic noscopes, which make it a lot more viable at close-medium range
I don't have a problem with sniper, I just don't like it when there's 5+ snipers on my team. They make me feel good about my amateur spy plays.
*ring ring ring*
It's genuinely awful as a weapon, the only upside is that you can charge when not zoomed to avoid having tunnel vision
Being restricted to low mobility for 4 (FOUR) entire seconds before you're able to do any amount of real damage to someone means you're fucking dead the moment anything surprises you at even mid-range because that much time is an eternity in a game like this. Every class can kill you 4+ times over in that timeframe if you're unable to fight them off, and the classic cannot fight them off in that timeframe without preparation and then not missing your 1 shot.
The press-release mechanics are easy to adapt to if you played earlier TF games, but TF2 is just a whole lot more fast paced and lethal and sniper not having access to any respectable burst damage basically makes him entirely useless
When do you think valve will cap cl_interp to something like 0.3 ?
>he thinks Valve will give a fuck about this when it was always there and never touched
Honestly having it at 5 or above is the default these days for Spy niggers
There's nothing wrong with having your infinite range instant kill mechanic locked behind 4 second charging. Sniper is supposed to excel at long range, not short range.
you can fix the first problem by increasing the charging speed so that it wont be as painful missing a shot.
also if someone actually gets to you when you are still charging then its your fault for not getting a better spot where you can both shoot well and be protected by your teammates and other classes do a better job of making burst damage (demo with stickies)
also you can use jarate as a form of burst damage, letting everyone mini crit that was in range of the piss explosion can be a very powerful tool. If he needs to save himself theres the buschwaka or the schahanshah
remember the job of the sniper: killing important targets from a safe distance. the sniper should be the class to do stuff when the rest of the team cant get close enough to actually do shit
More and more people are using it (openly), and while it may have had an object in 2007, that's not the case now
I just want to believe in Valve. Just at least in these last few years where I can still play video games before I inevitably grow old and lose interest.
this only fixes the wrong problem with sniper, dumbass.
his damage is fine, the lack of engagement for the victim side is what's not fine.
I'll spell it out so you can understand:
>spy is an assassin class
>sufficient paranoia will shut him down, you do this by looking at him when he's trying to go for any picks. he can still shoot you, but he can't instakill you
>sniper is also an assassin class
>currently, no amount of knowing where he is will truly shut him down short of just avoiding his sightline entirely
my change: jarring his aim will make him unable to score a critical headshot for 0.2 seconds (same as rescope timeout) after his aim is resteadied. this makes it so that if you lock eyes with a sniper, the classes that actually have problems dealing with sniper have a way to cover their retreat or advance, which forces sniper to either take the engagement closer or to peel off and surrender the sightline.
Sniper gets to keep his high damage, the classes with mobility already do scary things to threaten him. Close-range skirmishes are more-often against sniper's favor. Classes with poor mobility have a bone thrown to them for this specific interaction (heavy, pyro w/ afterburn, engineer) and sniper callouts would present meaningful suppression tactics are a thing to keep him in check similar to how calling a spy out will get people checking their 6.
>killed by scout, then
can you toggle it?
post your tf2 webms
>failed one trickstab
>expecting the opponent to not fall for it
just use catalog u mutt
Steady... steady...
Motherfucker he was carrying my dispenser
>people actually watched the second half
>3 for 1 (and a level 2 sentry)
That was not a good trade
I make every class other than medic obsolete.
>walks in a straight line through a commonly known sniper sight line and makes no attempt to juke out the sniper
>wtf sniper op remove from game
Literally get good
>be sniper
>shoot heavy
>kill invisible spy
A feel only TF2 can give
Why the fuck did Valve give Demo a sniper rifle? Giving him a sword was already dumb enough.
>projectiles only
enjoy getting cucked by pyro
Happy little accidents
Sorry bros, wrong picture.
Hey user, you may have autism.
My god you can see the confusion and panic of the engineer
*charges at you*
*shoots your feet*
*finishes you with shotgun before you land*
heh... nothin personnel...
Guys! Come to the house already!
Why hasn't Valve produced a Team Fortress movie yet?
expiration date
A feature-length film in theaters. And Expiration date was years ago. There is still lots of potential.
>gun down with my own shotgun while enjoying the panic on his face
try killing an unspun heavy who you luckily flanked while he is defending the objective next faggot
They can’t even finish a comic series.
stop LARPing
stop using The Original
>>gun down with my own shotgun while enjoying the panic on his face
>to a post replying to a demoknight pic
did you even read the posts
by spamming by getting a "HUH" chat bind and spamming it after every kill
I don't have a webm but I have a very old replay from 2011.
original is quieter and more consistent to rocket jump with, it has nothing to do with quake for me
only Soldier is quake because that's the quake weapon
in quake all you get is a rocket launcher
Oh yeah we can't even do this anymore
Nice one, even I wouldn't have expected that stab.
It's not more consistent to rocket jump with. The rocket comes from the same spot on both launchers every time.
>Small engie boi gets gangbanged by three spies ADULTS ONLY
Riddle me this Yea Forums
Can Pyro say NIGGER?
>doing something in a videogame is LARPing
dump et
>Yea Forums is a video game
I guess it would explain some posters.