I have to grind to level 21 to survive the castle in the middle, don't I?
I have to grind to level 21 to survive the castle in the middle, don't I?
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>he fell for the early DQ meme
enjoy your RPG maker tier kusoge, baby!
You can beat the final boss at level 20 so yeah
I hope you're having fun and not just another tard forcing himself to play a game he doesn't enjoy bacause he's retarded.
Never cast a spell that isn't healmore. Go in with an inventory full of herbs, try to use herbs and walking to heal, save healmores for the dragonlord. Run from all of the fights. You should be able to do a charlock run and the dragonlord somewhat reliably at around level 19 or 20, depending on your name. Some names can run it at level 18 but their dragonlord %s are usually in the 60s even assuming they get there at full mana.
Yes, it is comfy
>I have to grind
>walking to heal
Only with the Magic Armor and Erdrick's armor though IIRC
You know I'm right.
You're fine at 20 as long as you have an alright name and Erdrick's gear
What about X (10)?
The first game is literally the only meaningful game in the entire series. Everything else is derivative nonsense. There's a reason the series has tanked so badly everywhere but Japan - without nostalgia the games absolutely cannot stand up on their own merits.
VII isn't shit you idiot
>VII and IX in shit tier
>Japan only
I beat DQ1 at level 18, playing on mobile. I'm trying to get into DQII but I'm not enjoying it.
I bet you say the same for Final Fantasy XV, faggot
8th is garbage tier
>10 in the west never ever
I know there's no regional lock anymore, and that you can use a software to auto translate stuff but my japanese's kinda rusty and I'm kinda afraid to screw things up with the subscription
The remakes of 2 are a lot better.
Of course you still have to go in with the expectation that it's an early NES RPG.
DQ is and will always be the retarded cousin of FF.
Even with all that the jap users are genuinely mean and will ostracize you the moment they detect you aren't a real japanese person.
Yeah I know how japanese persons can react to gaijins. Still kind of a shame because to me, DQ 10 seems like the most unique and fun MMO on the market
Some won't though. In /dqg/ one user even made a couple friends. You'd only get people being assholes if you speak English in the game. Don't do that shit.
I tried a few times, user. God knows I tried. But I can't.
I used a translation app to talk back and they could tell by the broken nature of it that I wasn't a native.
>Imagine having no self-identity and constantly referring to the activities of someone else
Am I seriously the only guy who liked VII and IX?
>I in shit tier
I can understand II but DQ1? Come on man
Nah dude. I like IX and I'm currently going through VII on 3DS. I'm really liking it so far
How do I beat Knight Abberant in those ruins? He literally snoozed me and took out all my 102 HP while I was asleep.
S-E failed to realize with DQIX that we in America play video games to isolate ourselves. We don't have the Japanese "we play together everywhere we go" mentality.
Plus limiting online to the DS's shitty WEP setting made it fucking impossible to do much of anything.
That's good. I admit, VII is pretty slow until you get to Alltrades Abbey.
Those are my favorites in the series so nah
I didn't think it was slow imo as I really liked some of the stories on the islands you visit in the past, especially the first one and the one where you recruit Raph. They were pretty memorable
You don't need to grind.
Here is a non-tas speedrun where he beats the game as level 7 just fine.
Yeah, I used a save editor to unlock all the limited quests. (And then unlock all the classes at the start, because why not?)
>your name adjusts stat growth
Shit, had no idea. That's why I beat the game at 18?
Stopspell/Fizzle him so he can't put you to sleep.
I don't understand why people like 1, sure its the first game, but that doesn't prevent it from being shit.
Its just a nonstop loop of grinding, its fucking terrible.
>start game
>buy better equipment
>grind levels
>head to new area
>grind levels
>head to new area
>grind levels and gold
>buy better equipment
>get story progession item
>get past golem
>grind a shitload of gold
>buy better equipment
>search for erdrick stuff and rest of plot items
>open up path to charlock castle
>get ass kicked
>go back
>get ass kicked by dragonlord because you're only dealing 1-2 damage per hit
>grind grind grind
What said is spot on. Its no better than a shitty RPG maker game.
I used it to max out the Inn's basement since nobody actually plays the game to pseudo-SpotPass with.
Well, DQ1 is one of the first JRPGs. The fuck were you expecting?
I know it was one of the first JRPGs, but like I just fucking said, that doesn't prevent it from being shit!
But is has an excuse. Unlike, say... Ni no Kuni.
The newer ones are exactly the same except they waste your time with a mediocre plot too. Some people prefer honest unpretentious games.
It came out during a time were grinding in RPG games was kinda expected. And like it's the first game in the series of course things aren't gonna be perfect
I said one of the first, user. Not THE first.
No they aren't, you rarely ever have to grind in newer DQs, and you especially don't have to do it for as long as you do in the first couple games.
That still doesn't prevent it from being bad design. Having an excuse for something in a game won't just magically make it good.
For example, Xenogears has those awful chair moments that tell you about all the shit you could have been playing through if they didn't run out of budget for the game. Sure, they've got a good excuse for it, but those moments still suck regardless.
Let me just ask you one question. If you beat DQ1, how many hours did you put into it?
Because yes, you need to grind. But thank God at least those fights are short because DQ doesn't have long ass combat animations.
DQ 1 can still be played nowadays despite of these problems because it's a simple game to get into. And the remakes, especially the GBC and portable ones, made the experience less tedious to go through
I think I was around level 17 when i beat.
The grind for those last few late teen levels is too absurd
I was expecting Wizardry
you're playing the wrong series then, DQ is for elementary schoolers and tired old men who don't want a particularly engaging game
I don't know how long it took me to beat the game, I was using an emulator, so eventually I got fed up with the grinding and trying to do shit legit and beat the dragonlord with my 1-2 HP chip damage and savescummed to keep him asleep for the whole fight.
According to HLTB DQ1 is 11 hours long.
Sure the fights can be short, but you get such pitiful EXP from everything that it takes forever. Fucking metal slimes are actually worthless and give you less EXP than your average enemy in their area because assuming the slime sticks around and doesn't just waste your time by running at the last second, they only give 113 EXP, and other enemies in the area give you about 40 EXP iirc, and you can easily kill those enemies in one turn, so you can kill 3-4 of the regular enemies in the area in the time it'd take to kill 1 metal slime, resulting in about 160 EXP, much more than the shitty 113.
Should've just played the porn re-make like I did
I don't know what to tell you, user. I don't remember having any problems with it. But then, again, I played SNES version so I don't know how different they are.
Speaking of mindless grinding... I'm changing the subject now. Started DragonFangZ because I love mystery dungeon games (since 2014 when I played Last Mission in FFX-2 remaster lol). And Jesus Christ, that game has some serious problems.
>only 3 dungeons, apparently
>well, there are 3 more, but you need to buy them from eShop
>the only way to escape dungeon is to finish the dungeon, aka no Escape/Warp item
>of course, when you die, you lose all your items
I think I will do savescumming. I don't want to, but ffs, I have no intention of playing the basic 1st dungeon 50+ times just to raise my weapon to lv 20.
>constantly referring
>One post
Welcome to the World of Warcraft classic experience.
>He doesn't know
What's your favorite music in the series anons? Mine is this one youtu.be
Yes, especially if you have shitty stat growths due to your name. The level cap is about 30 but the grind becomes a chore after level 20
I'm glad they didn't carry that shit over to the sequels at least.
Explain bro. Is that user autistic about it or something?
beat it at level 20, but I've found most of eldrick's armor at that point
u r like a little baby who doesn't understand you flatheaded fuckin SLOPE
>Is that user autistic about it or something?
Basically yeah.
I don't hate 6 I just have no memories of it. I enjoyed it but if you ask me what happened all I could say was there was a light and dark world.
I feel like there's a lot of context missing here.What the fuck are you three on about? DQX? Isn't that shit IP locked anyway?
6 has always kinda been the black sheep of the series if you don't take into account 2. I played the ds version and like you I don't remember much at all from the story except the stuff about the dream world / real world was confusing, and that the characters were ironically pretty forgettable
DQ2 isn't much of a black sheep just really not balanced right. DQ9 (10 if you count MMO) is really the weird one with it's focus on multiplayer dungeon crawling.
No I wouldn't you candy ass nigger
DQ6 is Chrono Trigger but bad
The fuck is candy ass nigger? A nigger with a sweet ass? Is that your thing, user?
/vg/ faggotry. Disregard.
For IX I really enjoyed the multiplayer aspect. I used to play it a lot with a friend when it came out. The game is still good in my opinion even if the experience can feel lonely nowadays
Never meant to say DQ9 was bad just that out of all the mainline that's the black sheep of the family. While DQ2 plays exactly like every Dragon Quest afterwards just not really balanced in a way that's enjoyable.
I know user, sorry for implying you meant something you didn't. As for DQ 2 I plan on playing it after beating DQ 1 on GBC, just go Erdrik's armor. I know it will be a rough ride but I'll try my best
Heard the mobile version is honestly the way to go since it adds a few things to make it less of a slog. But if you are going to play all 3 playing them all on the same system is the way to go. I would recommend just using a guide. The game isn't worth pounding your head against the wall to beat it.
Funny thing is that I bought DQ1+2 and DQ 3 on GBC before I've heard about the mobile versions. Still, even if mobile is probably the way to go, I don't like playing on mobile at all. And I managed to get both cartridges for 30 bucks so I might as well play them on my GBA
2 and 6 are the only bad games in the series. 7 is borderline, the rest are all good
For 1 and 2, it's passable, but you're losing most of the extras from 3 on mobile.
>imagine having a daughter
The only thing they cut was the board game if I remember right. I mean GBC has an extra dungeon the SNES doesn't I guess as well. But personally I never really touched the bonus dungeons. They are nice but I mostly just enjoy the core game than the bonus stuff.
They cut the monster animations out too which I think is bullshit considering even the GBC version had animations. They also didn't substitute the boardgame tickets for anything either, there's still spots you can search that give you nothing in return.
I enjoyed playing the mobile version but was still mad about it
By the way, Japan and Asia is gonna get a compilation with DQ1, 2 and 3 on switch, with Asia getting English subtitles. This compil might be based on the mobile versions but nothing has been shown for now
what separates any other rpg from being "rpg maker tier" exactly?
Is the mobile version of 4 pretty good? I've been wanting to play it but I don't really want to bother buying an overpriced copy of the ds version.
Japanese trailer and yeah it's the mobile version. Which been pointed out isn't really the best version. It's actually based around late 2000's phones. Which is why it's not as good as it really should.
Mobile is the only version with party chat iirc.
It's just the DS version on mobile. The only thing that makes it better is they added the party chat that they removed from the DS version.
Grinday be excessive in the early games but I don't really mind the straightforward nature of the series as a whole. So many jrpgs add on vestigial gimmicks but at the end of the day, most don't make the game any more intellectually engaging. Just more tedious
Nice, thanks anons
Kind of a shame, they could have gone with the SNES version imo
like other anons said, the only difference between the DS and mobile version is that on mobile, you have party chat. And I might be totally wrong but doesn't the original NES version have it? Because there's a hack that allows you to control your party members
Shitty RPG Maker games typically consist of heavy grinding because the designer had no idea what proper balance was.
So basically, anything that doesn't do that isn't RPG Maker tier.
Naw only PSX/DS/Mobile has party chat. Just recently played the NES version and it still holds up well if you can deal with NES RPG quirks.
It also leaves you with only two reward wishes for beating the Divine Dragon: revive Ortega and get a nudie book.
They're ports of the mobile versions. Pretty sure they already ran footage and 3 had no monster animations.
DS doesn't have Party Chat.
Yeah sorry meant the Japanese version on that one.
Yeah they didn't include party chat while localizing the game due to time constraints. Still didn't stop it from being a good version though
DQ1 is a milestone game for JRPGs, but it's also seriously archaic today. Then you have controversial sequel. Series really came into its own with DQ3.
>DQ is for elementary schoolers and tired old men who don't want a particularly engaging game
pretty much. game's obtuseness is really just a relic of the time it was released in. consulting the manual is expected.
What the fuck did they do to the art? It looks like FFVI mobile tier garbage
Which is ironic because the mobile ports of DQ1-3 didn't fuck up the sprites
Basically, professionalism of the person who made it. Majority of RPGM games are simply amateurishly put together because their creators, well, wanted more of what they liked in those commercial games they played.
At least it's not FF5 and 6 bad.
what was your name?
Japan went fucking insane when DQ3 came out. It was just that big a deal to them.
I am now in Dracolord's castle guys, wish me luck
I can't imagine what kind of hell it must be if you wanna go buy the latest game or order it online
Good luck.
Overture March. Every rendition of it is better than the last.
Interestingly enough, grinding is essentially pointless, due to this very reason. I tend to design content based on no grinding, but at the same time, have no idea how to make grinding even remotely a reasonable feature of a RPG.
This is a bit vague. I think a better way to put it, is that an RPG Maker tier game tends to be very "Formulaic" in that the creator has a pattern they noticed in RPGs, and they repeat it, w/o doing much else.
Such as;
Overwolrd map,
Where as a game like FF6, might throw in extra steps, or cut out steps, repeat steps, and do so w/o warning. Keeping it "fresh".
Along with various scenario requirements/conditions/minigames that dont really repeat, and arent solely there as the games primary gimmick.
Opera scene in FF6 is an example where its not there as the games primary gimmick, nor is it ever seen again.
When JRPGs are boiled down to their absolute basics, they are just mindless grinding attack/potion games, which rely too much on a story that is heavily limited by the format.
WRPGs tend to be more mechanical, but sadly they focus on prebattle planning, rather than in combat planning. (This is technically for balance reasons)
This allows for the process of grinding to be fun, but removes the spectacle of boss battles that JRPGs were capable of (not always doing)
Over all, if you put little to no effort into the scenario writing/planning, you're better off making a WRPG. But if your balancing is off, then it too will be crap.
>I tend to design content based on no grinding, but at the same time, have no idea how to make grinding even remotely a reasonable feature of a RPG.
I think its good as an option to make the game easier. Its even fine to require a little bit of grinding here and there for some difficulty spikes. As long as it doesn't go overboard and require a lot of grinding.