Have we reached a point where super modern video cards aren't really necessary anymore...

Have we reached a point where super modern video cards aren't really necessary anymore? MY laptop has a 1050 and runs everything on ultra settings without any loss in quality. How much further can the technology really be improved? I know race tracing is the big new thing but it doesn't seem like any thing to get super excited about.

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Running indie games is that difficult.

But I'm running stuff like Gears 5 and recently released games.

Ultra settings on 720p 25fps you game at?

>How much further can the technology really be improved?
Way further but its not currently competitive to do. Only 6% of people in Steam have resolution higher than 1080p, thats a hard cap on how pretty your game can be. And really, more demanding the game the fewer buyers it will have.

Why do you care about graphics anyways?

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Everything is able to run at 1920X1080. I'll be honest I never check frame rates but nothing ever seems slow or stutters.I can't run 4k, but I really can't tell the difference between the last standard and the new one for hd

I'm lonely and wanted to talk to some people

>I can run everything on ultra but I never check framerates

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>the human eye can't see faster than 24 fps
I know this is a meme, but it's actually true for some people, in the case of OP and my friends. I think it may have to do with smoking too much weed or something.

I don't know what to tell you man. Everything I play appears as smooth as I am watching a movie. My eyes can't differentiate between 1080p and 4k, or anything above a certain frame rate. That silky smooth 60fps may as well be ultraviolet light to me.

My machine is six or seven years old and I can't be arsed to upgrade. And frankly, there is little reason to it. Most modern games are either pritty with fancy graphics, so nu males buy them and therefore shit or they are picking up the retro style and not demanding at all.
It doesn't fucking matter to upgrade or to buy into expensive parts.
Save your money and buy a better chair or clothes.

I actually agree

>MY laptop has a 1050 and runs everything on ultra settings without any loss in quality.

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>laptop has a 1050 and runs everything on ultra settings
That's not happening.
>without any loss in quality.
That's definitely not happening.

i dont believe you're playing games on ultra with a 1050 with no dips. no way

>my cheapshit craptop runs everything on ultra.
No it doesn't.

There are probably dips but I don't notice them.

The only push now is going to be raytracing when that's VIABLE (RTX 20 is a joke) and higher resolutions/framerates.
Put VR into the resolution/framerate category if it takes off

>My laptop has a 1050 and runs everything on ultra settings

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Still using pic related. Runs pretty much everything on high/ultra at 60-144 fps.
You only really need anything stronger if you go to 1440p and up.

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>MY laptop has a 1050 and runs everything on ultra settings without any loss in quality.

For everyone posting about the 1050 being a joke, how much value do you really get out of the most modern graphics card? Which game makes full use of its capabilities?

For 1080p kind of

There's nothing wrong with a 1050. But don't tell obvious lies.

Modern graphics card? You're lucky if you get a year before you have to start turning down settings again. And they cost significantly more than before. The whole situation is a fucking joke, honestly I would rather advocate console gaming at this point.

>gaming on a laptop

people still do this?

>On ultra
just because you play psp port anime games only

It's weak and it's shit and an APU gives you way more value if you're going for budget, plenty of wrong with that.

Kind of proofs OPs point. Even the cheaper cards deliver perfectly acceptable results.


>Shittalking a guy who's just enjoying his games
Goddamn bro, do you realize how much of an elitist youre being?

A $400 card is cheap now?

Yes, for now and for only a year or so more. My HD7870 lasted this entire gen and never made me want a new card.
The real question: how big will the spike in system requirements be when next gen rolls around?

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Not big at all since consoles are focusing increasing resolution and (maybe) framerate instead of actual graphics.

sadly yes

yea that sounds like the low end for a graphics card unfortunately.

Relatively speaking, yes

>"wassit say then fargus?"
my sides, every time

Screw "ultra", I've been using dual 660 TIs and its only been the last 2-3 years that games have gotten unplayable. Mankind Divided was the last one that ran decent, but the bigger problem is input lag. Lazy AAA devs want to code one input system for PC and console so we get stuck with garbage movement.

upgrading to a 1440p, 144hz monitor was a mistake though, the 660s cant push the extra pixels, and literally cannot even do above 120hz due to their spec. Not that they even get above 50hz anymore

t. nvidia rtx shopper


i have a 1060 3gb oc

run so many games in 1440p at about 50 fps on mostly ultra settings

want to update because msi 2060 gaming z because it is the sexiest card ever made
and meme racing while i am at it

Looks like ops gtx1050 is about as powerful as a PS4. And the gtx1050 is only about 100 bucks.

I'm starting to rethink my console buying

lol he fell for the marketing

>smooth as I am watching a movie
as yes, the 24fps tier of gaming

Well fuck you that's enough!

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Why are poorfags always making these coping threads?

>muh shit rig runs everything on ULTRA, I won't mention resolution or framerate though

Average, ops card is half that or less

i never needed more except for watchdogs 2
and re2

2080 is a waste

RTX is a waste

get a 1060 6gb.

Cope, ops 100 dollar graphics card does a good enough job..
Meanwhile you waste thousands on a pc with dimishing returns

My GPU is a 1060 6GB and runs most games really well. Everything else is older though, seven years for my CPU, MoBo and RAM. Will probably upgrade them soon as I don't think they can emulate some of the newer versions of emulators/platforms and the few new games worthwhile will be lesser because of the dated hardware.

I'm using and HP Omen that has the 1050 installed. Once the card burns out I will upgrade sure. But everything runs perfectly. I never experience slow downs or stutters. There was one time the machine force shut down cause it overheated. But that was my fault.

>buy gtx 1080
>have tons of problems with most older games/mods
>hate new games
I should have bought a basic GPU instead and just stick to Brood War

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here's a truth: I played shadow of the tomb raider on my laptop with an rtx 2070 in it, and in the thick jungle scenes I get around 30-45fps and 50-60fps in scenes with people or where the camera isn't panned out to view the whole of an area. This is with the rtx and all settings set to max, dlss and all.
although control plays well if I turn on dlss it drops the rendering res to 720p but I don't notice it that much.

You should be getting about 90fps average with a rtx2070

My 2080ti struggles to hit 30fps dxr/rtx at 1440p so no

Poorfag here seethe all u want

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i bet its just throttling because the memebook cant cool it enough

>I can't afford it so it's diminishing returns

The poorfag cope is unreal

Oblivion is pretty fun once you level up your acrobatics, you can leap around from rock to rock like a retard.

anyone of you fags use a vpn?

>can't differentiate between 1080p and 4k
>can't tell the difference between 24fps and 60fps
>can't see ultraviolet either
what the fuck, get help or get dead

>MY laptop has a 1050 and runs everything on ultra settings without any loss in quality
No it doesn't.

>can't see ultraviolet either
Are you an alien?

>inb4 you can't see the whole spectre of UV
no shit, at least I can tell the difference between resolutions and framerates

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Oh here comes the "big" boy bullying the little guy.
>My power level is 1050
>Ahaha manlet, my power level is 1080
That's nice ... my power level is 8000 and 1.

1995-2005 cars have also gotten really inexpensive and functional.

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>poorfag coping so hard he convinces his eyes and brain to stop working properly

That's actually impressive

If it wasn't for resolution and framerate fags then we'd have video games looking as good as the demos presented at E3.
Low resolution is how phones can afford to run games beyond 2003 graphics without requiring a mammoth of a card with 375 watts pushed into it.

Based. No need for anything to ever go over 1080p 60, fps

Until we reach 4K 120fps, there will never be a reason to upgrade

Then once that's reached that's it. It's over.

8k is a meme that the human eye can't see, and anything over 120 fps is pointless

I have this exact card and it's not really cutting it anymore. Struggles to hit 60fps at ultra 1080p in most recent games. On the verge of buying a 5700.

>in most recent games.
Indeed, good thing most recent games suck. I mean I have like middle graphics for a game like Control and it's enough.

At least you know when to stop ... you do know when to stop, right user? You won't be asking to play on gigantic cinema screens and with 3600 FPS which looks like everything is fast forwarded and liquidy?

Try HD 7800 series from 2012

I've got a 960 and I'm perfectly happy with it.

I'm upgrading from a GTX 750 to a GTX 1050 for the same price. But if 1050 gives me compatibility problems then I'll just switch between graphics cards like a boss.
One graphics card for watching movies and the other for playing games.
I refuse to use graphics cards and processors which go beyond 100 watts and don't stay cool, especially second hand ones.

>I don't regret the amount of money I spent on my prebuilt! You're all just poor!

RX 560 still works for me desu. gonna be my last purchase in a long while; next up'll be the big leagues

The games still have the chance of being poorly optimized, same goes for console but its less likely

Targeting 1440p60 on ultra, which is about all I want or need, is expensive as shit. I mean it's not bad in the grand scheme but if I want it to last more than year before the droppening and having to downgrade, it ends up expensive as shit.

no you dummy, that's because most games have to adhere to 2013 standards aka modern consoles standars, you won't be able to run shit once they move on to the next gen.

runs as in doesnt crash
5 fps isnt exactly running

I really doubt that

well i doubt OP will be able to play TES VI on his laptop.

What's the difference between the RX 500 series and the GTX 1000 series?

That's rite mun

Not even the mega computers at Google can play vaporware

What do you mean, I don't know that series, give me the layman interpretation...


Reddit said the bigger cards are better so then I can post them in my gaming rig on Yea Forums


Bigger cards are more prone to failing due to sudden temperature differences and too much electricity running through it.

>From 2012

I have a 1050 in a laptop and a monitor at 1600x900. It can play esports, simple indies, older well optimized AAA games (ie The Witcher 3) But there's no way it can play everything on Ultra. And definitely not at the full 1600x900

An high-mid end card from AMD. I remember putting a HD 7850 in my sister's build Time flies.

A family member got me a laptop with an RX 590, I haven't noticed any fps issues except in Bethesda games which are already buggy pieces of shit.

You don't feel a difference at all? If you know you have this inability why would you asked when everyone else will feel the same? You're literally disabled asking everyone else to give up what they can actually experience.

I didn't know there were laptops with radeon gpus

the human eye can barely perceive any difference past 15 fps so you're not wrong

Why is Yea Forums so retarded when it comes to PCs?

Fortnite kiddies who got into pc gaming

Because the people that have decent PCs are having fun at consoletards and toasterpoorfags so they make troll replies about human eye only seeing 12FPS per ear and about 1337dB per eye

And because most people here are huehue pajeets and americans so no wonder you're surrounded by poorfags

The only reason you can't tell the difference is because your screen isn't physically capable of showing you more fps.

im 25 and i literally bought my first desktop pc 2 weeks ago

There’s no real benefit of playing games higher than 30 fps other than showing off how much you threw away.

You don't know why 60fps was a target huh

If it isnt choppy to you then it isnt choppy to you. Power to you.

(Un?)fortunately I have played quake 1 on a 240hz crt at 1000 fps (at 640x480) so i cant stand anything less smooth now.

I googled it, it's a 50 dollar card...

new games blow

>it's a 50 dollar card...
Well, yeah, it's quite old.

Some of us have eyes that work.

Advice: i want to upgrade from a 980 ti to a RTX 2070 OR 2080.

It's worth to do so or not?

Based 290bro

ray tracing is still a meme, i cannot run anything above 60 fps @1440p with 2080

Gtx1060s and rx570s rx580s can be found for $100-$150 and are much better than 1050s and 1050ti

more like a $400 is enough for 1440p/144hz. (Rx 5700xt)

You need to mention your CPU when talking about greater than 60 fps.

I'm on a GTX 1060, and it's been working fine for literally everything I've tried. Get a few hiccups here and there, like games mistakenly being under 60fps at any given point or the game using more of the GPU than it has any right to do, but the card's been working stupidly well since I got it.

>can be found
my dick can be found in your moms ass, so what

i7-9700k so should be more than enough

Sell the shit
Get a rx5700xt or 2070super

If you meant you cant run anything past 60 fps with ray tracing turned on then yes I understand, but with it turned off you should definitely be getting higher than 60 fps in most games.

I bought a 580 on release for $200
Best videocard I bought ever

Yeah i meant with ray tracing on

>Which looks like everything is fast forwarded.
That's not how time works.

Should i go
RTX 2070 Super or RX 5700 XT?
What can i get out of the Super that's worth about a hundo?

The only gfx card I’ll need for the next ten years. 1080p is fine for me and I can anything I throw at it on max. Was considering an rtx card but glad I didn’t buy into it, Ray tracing does look nice though

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Might just grab it and other cheap parts and game all I want in hd at 30fps then pirate games for it.


They say that's level with the Xbox one x, what do u think..

what game you playing?
games released before 2008?

I play on a 950m at 720p low-medium and I still enjoy gaming. Played Helblade yesterday and it was fun and scarry and the fact that it was running 40fps didn't bother me.

Most recent game is vampyr. I have yet to load up gears 5, we will see how well that runs. Most games I play are ages of the singularity and supcom

Ehh I’d say it’s on par but depending on what your systems specs are, if the card isn’t bottle necked, you can get a little more performance out of it. I tweaked the card in msi afterburner. Maxed the ram oc, increased the base to 2020 mhz and it has no trouble loading things quicker than my one x.

If you want to know my specs..
I7 9700k
4133 16gb ram
Asus 1660ti
Evga z390 ftw motherboard

I’m ready quite happy with the way my computer turned out and really the only thing I need for it is a third hardrive for bulk storage of music etc...


you're full of shit lol I've got a 1050 and it can't even run csgo in ultra nevermind anything newer

and because of this, many games look better at 1080p with good AA. some look better at 1440p but almost all of them look worse at 4k because you can see details and distance you wouldn't in 1080p and it really stands out

It still does 60FPS, just usually not at high settings

yeah definitely not true. lock a game to 30fps and control it with mouse then unlock back to 60hz and you'll definitely feel it. Over 90hz you don't really feel the difference but below that you definitely will regardless of how much drugs you've done

>snagged 5700 xt for $360
>upgrading from my 1050 ti
>userbenchmark says it's about a 300% improvement
Will have to lower settings for 1440p 144hz but at least I can finally use my monitor

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I agree, I'm running a hexcore ivybridge with a 980ti and there is nothing to really upgrade for except star citizen when more is completed and maybe cyberpunk2077. maybe.

where does a 980ti fit in here, near the 1070?

The bump is worth it and 60-90 is still a great target.

when they want their shit to die in a year or two

It's shit brains like you that contribute to the elitist new of PC gaming. Let the motherfucker enjoy his games without shitting on it. Yes he isn't running Gears or Ghost Recon at Ultra/1080 but he didn't mention what he played.

And the FPS meme? It's true for certain people. Plus it's much more noticeable when you are aware of it and looking for it.

As an example I was playing Gears 5 on my PC yesterday and was getting 45-60 fps. I honestly couldn't tell the difference in that range. Now I can definitely tell a difference between 30 and 60 but that's about it.

>Only 6% of people in Steam have resolution higher than 1080p
And it will stay that way because 4k is a meme.

VR needs to render the scene twice from different angles, to high res, at a minimum of 90fps per eye. We've still got a ways to go

Upgraded from my HD7950 to a RX 580 8GB since my HD7950 died. Cost me 240 euro's a year ago. I can run most games at med-high settings with some tweaks on 1080p 60fps. Seems good enough for me.
I'll probably upgrade once my i7 3770k needs to be retired.

OPs card running at 17 fps on that chart. That's acceptable to you?

I can run most games on high at 1080p75 with a 1060, sometimes have to lower a setting or two to medium but that barely makes a difference. Sometimes everything's on high or even maxed out and I can still get stable 60.

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Why is vsync so fucking shit?

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meme resolutions are fucking stupid is why
1440 makes sense if you need fuckhuge screen for some reason, but other than that they're only good for aliasing, which supersampling works just as well against. And "4k"(2160) is just an outright joke.

Enjoying my new Red Devil here, I'm good until 2021/2022.

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>97 percentile
>measuring the 97th percentile fps(not frame time) at all
>lower than average
>measuring 3rd percentile fps and calling it 97th
Jesus Christ these morons.

that's a lot of goddamn heatsinks

Lmao all these fags barely on 2012-2017 high end performance gpu levels with brand new midrange shit

God we've stagnated desu
T. 2080ti 2700x fag here

Im guessing it really is rtx, or something in the way of improving lighting, because its a huge factor for realism. That and it being able to handle a lot of independent movement and calculations, so we can get more interactive enviroments

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That's a chart it has absolutely nothing to do with realty it probability runs 30 fps all the time

yeah, and where are their newer cards

You think so? I've upgraded from a rx 570 so the difference is quite big. It runs very quiet so far unlike the reviews I've seen on the others AiB.

GPU progress is slowing down because it is getting harder and harder to shrink transistors.

Your 1050 is still fine because of consoles. They hold back the entire generation. The money is in multiplatform games so most devs will not make games better than one consoles can run.

When the PS5/XBox Scarlet drop expect a big jump in graphical fidelity and your 1050 will start struggling more.

The good news is you'll probably be able to buy a 2150 or something that will last you another 6 years.

What's the barest minimum PC spec for playing MH: Iceborne, guys? Is 2200G enough?

Look closer user

A lot, most games do not push graphics that hard. On PC you can push things with 1440p or true 4K and 144Hz.

Once you step up to 1440p you need a pretty beefy card to get past 60 FPS.

>G4560 + 1050 Ti
>barely play any AAA releases

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Looks like Nvidia has to do something about those 1080ti drivers, can't let you goys get away with not upgrading

for nvidiots it is

Gears 4 and 5 are insanely well optimized. They should be the standard for AAA releases on PC. If every game was well optimized like that we wouldn’t need half the power we do to play shit like ghost recon on high settings

he meant the RX 5700

OP started this thread saying anything over a 1050 is pointless you dumb cunt. Calling him out for a retarded opinion is not elitist.

my geforce 7600 GT is still the king

Honestly people who make these threads have never even tried to play at 1440p 144hz, which should be standard for any PC player IMO. When you’re not poor and experience it, you will struggle hard core to go back.

same build but now I regret it because I can't emulate demon souls and I can't use massive x because the g4560 doesn't have avx
upgrading for that socket is not worth the price and going amd means replacing ram and motherboard

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I have a 1660 ti. I could easily get a 4k monitor an a RTX 2080 Ti if i wanted (I'm an EE making pretty good money). But i prefer to use the extra money to buy stuff like a better guitar, a better wacom tablet or arduino stuff. People that waste that much money on gaming usually have really empty and sad life, usually playing videogames is their only "hobby"

Why does ram replace ?

Or some of us aren’t that poor we have to budget those things you listed LOL


my current ram is not that fast

How do PCfags feel knowing that console gaming is the only reason your PC parts are so cheap? How it's keeping gaming viable at all? How if it wasn't for console versions of games most games would not even exist?

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I can easily tell you are an amerimutt. Also I'm sure you don't have any real hobby.

watch out user your games are in danger

Oh right I forgot about that. Least it’s cheap right now.

>my hobby is better than YOUR hobby

What’s your hobby, drinking yourself to sleep every night for not being American? I don’t blame you

At what resolution? stop telling lies to people.

of not being played? I finished those games already. Waiting for Code Vein next.

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without pcs how would dev make games ?
its a symbiotic relationship retard

PC needs consoles more than consoles need PC

You don't need fast ram. All you need from ram is its capacity. DDR3 is enough as long as you have at least 16gb. Upgrading to DDR4 won't help you get constant 60fps. At least not with those CPU and GPU.


but ryzens should greatly benefit from good ram

>fast ram won't help in rpcs3

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feels nice to pirate, i guess


>Upgraded from a gt 820m to a rtx 2060 and user benchnark says it's a 2229% improvement
Fucking hell, finally I'll be able to play doom at more than 30 fps

Confirmed, your only hobby is playing videogames, that's really sad.
My hobbies: Playing guitar (I started when i was around 7), i used to go to a conservatory, but nowadays i just play with my friends, we have a band (me mostly play covers tho). I also like to paint, both traditional (oil panting and graphite) and digital (i even have an artstation account, but my instagram art account is way more popular, normies love photorealistic drawings). Since I'm an EE (currently getting a master in Control Engineering) i also love to mess around with Arduino / Raspberry Pi.
Videogames are just a small part of my life, so i don't see any point in wasting money in brainlet shit like RTX cards or RGB shit.

Oh and also I'm german, so iI have better healthcare and education than any amerimutt in this thread. Stay mad.

Last time I checked G4560 isn't a ryzen.

>rpcs3 using dual core

>GT 820M
How were you playing 30fps doom on that fucking potato to begin with

everything you said is nullified by the fact that you are german


Insecure amerimutt.

>>rpcs3 using dual core
Yeah, no shit, he says as much you fucking retard. Learn to read.
>same build but now I regret it because I can't emulate demon souls

no im a finn and i loathe germans due to the retarded way they act on the internet and their incessant use of the ^^ and xD emoticons

my 8800gt gets me 240fps in any game at 1440p

Just bought a gtx1070 last christmas for 250$. Fucking lucky

1080p, of course.
Oh, we can list stupid normal person bull shit as hobbies? I play piano and sing (church choir), play Dnd with friends every week as well as other board games, go to breweries with my gf, work full time. I’m also a bit of a cinephile and watch a lot of movies late night - I have a basic rasp pi set up for catching ads.

And all that + I have an Rtx card for heavy gaming and VR on my valve index

Try to kill yourself and try out that German healthcare

Thank crypto currencies.

I can still sell my 1070 for 250?

Imagine listing "playing dnd" and "watching movies" as hobbies. The only decent hobby you have is playing piano and i'm 100% you are a "self-taught" amateur at best. Also lol'd at "church choir". You are a joke.

depends on your resolution and if you want ray tracing
Is doable on a 980ti, but if you want really high fps(90+) its worth the upgrade to a 1080 or an equivalent
>4k60fps decent settings
Not really possible on a 980ti, my OC'd 1080 struggles on ultra/high depending on the game
why tf do you have a high end card for this shit, you wasted money

Ah so now you’re just a faggot
>I play in a band
>oh... he plays an intstrument... well I play better!
>t-t-those still aren’t real hobbies like a man of my taste

Seriously kill your self

You don’t even have a job you dumb faggot
Going to school isn’t a job

Oh and also, i love how you listed "watching movies with your girlfriend" as a hobby (like that's not something we all fucking do lol), but not "learning x language", ignorant amerimutt get your priorities right. I spoke 3 languages when i was a kid (I was born in switzerland), holy fuck.
Insecure amerimutt. Better go watch some Synthesia videos, ignorant retard

hi, can you assholes stop shitting up the thread? smells like fucking gay sex in here no thanks to you two

>learning languages
Name one value of this that isn’t job related since I already make 98k a year speaking only English
>inb4 some stupid shit about being smart
You’re a real embarrassment trying to one up people just because you’re too poor to afford an rtx card. Maybe when you get a real job and move past worrying how to allocate money for your mediocre garage band hobbies and caring about normie shit like Instagram lmao

No fuck off we are busy
>gay sex
You wish homo

My GTX 770 is still holding up, old games is where it's at anyways.

YOU learn to read. Getting DDR4 with those CPU and GPU doesn't automagically let you play demon souls. That's not how it works.

Who said i dont? Engineering master programs are really flexible, specially here in München where there are a lot of international students. I work 6 hours per day (until i finish my program). We also have 24 days paid vacations, yep, stay jelly amerimutt.
>being proud of being ignorant
America in a nutshell.

>Imagine listing "playing dnd" as a hobby.
Ok. Now what?

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your kind of people is why i can't fucking troubleshoot any game without absolute idiots saying GAME IS FINE WORKS ON MY MACHINE*
*at 720p 24fps

Nigger, I even linked you the fucking post you're talking about. >upgrading for that socket is not worth the price and going amd means replacing ram and motherboard
Learn to fucking read.
>going amd means replacing ram
That's how RAM came up.

Tell me. Is the G4560 an AMD proecessor?

>we have 24 days paid vacation
I literally do too. Stop falling for the meme that Americans don’t have decent benefits because they work for ass companies then complain on the internet.
24 days vacation, paid maternity and paternity leave, 5% 401k match fully vested. The works. It’s not even uncommon. This is my third job like this.

My almost 2 year old PC still feels sufficient

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Not proud, I just don’t give a shit. Stop looking for pride in every hobby you can think of to one up people you’ll never meet, just do what makes you happy. If you’re happy knowing languages then good for you fag. I don’t give a shit about language.

m8 that's gonna be suficient for a long while

Why wouldn’t It? It was a top of the line PC you with those parts. You’re good for another 3-5 years easily.

1440p 60hz

I wanted to upgrade to rtx for future games plus so that if I ever get the idea of going 4k i could be partially set already.

I'm really not an expert so I was just looking for some advice, thanks for your input user

I said it myself, nigger. Read the reply chain, retard.
Why reply to me with this trash then.

Fps is part of quality

Answer the question.

2080 supers will be good for 3-5 years easily.

I am still running a GTX 970 and it runs every single game I play on at least high settings. I havent even considered upgrading yet. Maybe for Cyberpunk 2077 or the new Elder Scrolls....

>we've reached a point where graphics cards are larger than the boxes they come in
holy fucking shit

>tfw 1070 and all i do is read VNs

Attached: cmvs64_2019-09-09_13-32-05.png (1280x720, 724K)

I posted it way before you, NIGGER. FUCKING READ.

>Last time I checked G4560 isn't a ryzen.

That's right. The G4560 is not an AMD processor. That wasn't so hard, now, was it?
When he said 'going amd means replacing ram', the only time RAM ever came up, he was talking about pairing it with an AMD processor. The G4560, not being an AMD processor, is not what he was talking about. Do you understand now, you stupid sack of shit? Nobody was talking about getting new ram for a G4560.


All these advanced GPUs but too many of them make pc/laptops fans scream.

Fucking illiterate nigger should kys.

>Thought 144hz would be a meme
>It's actually fucking incredible and 60hz looks like shit now
>Want to upgrade my monitor to 1440p but don't want to lose that sweet buttery 144hz

Honestly after playing some older games locked at 60 can get used to it, but 30 is just unplayable.

Ask your handler to explain it to you, then, I don't think I can make it any more clear than that.

If a RX 570 can run DOOM at ultra, it should be able to handle Eternal on medium, right?

Attached: msi rx 570.jpg (1280x960, 92K)

AMD RX cards have problems with anything below DirectX9
And Radeon HD 5000 have problems with any kind of 3D game.

Attached: 1567813556524.jpg (1000x750, 85K)

You still can't READ? Maybe you shouldn't have skipped elementary school to play all those games.

Well, give him my best wishes.

Fucking R E A D. It isn't that hard.

>unironically believing star citizen is not a scam