Friendly reminder Geese Howard is a weeb, but also a total chad and a real beast in the arena...

Friendly reminder Geese Howard is a weeb, but also a total chad and a real beast in the arena, and had also scored a 10/10 waifu.

Attached: 1567820148655.jpg (608x448, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Scores a waifu
>Lets her die
Geese wtf

I prefer his brother, Ducks Howard.

He needed to stain his hands with her brood.

Your son is cooler and he's a chuuni fuck.

>scored a 10/10 waifu
And left her to die
and lost twice to a punk kid

That's okay, that she died is just what they told Rock, so Geese can cuck Terry and have him raise his son.

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For real though, does Rock have Yagami/Kusanagi blood in him? He pulls the whole uncontrolled flame hand thing in one of his victory animations.

He also has red eyes, but given he got those outside KoF, it's to be seen what comes out of it.

Attached: RockXIV.png (879x718, 564K)

Geese in tekken has made me want to check out his games
any suggestions?

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Fatal Fury Real Bout games are good,

There's also another brother, but he became the black sheep of the family ever since he wouldn't shut up about some Skyrim thing.

Only because he chose to fight on the top floor.

You may as well just burn through all of them. The old ones are so basic that one playthrough is really enough.

Since he already decorated it so nicely, it would be a shame not to use it.

Attached: GeeseTower_RBFF2-Geese.png (640x300, 75K)

Geese's summer house looks nice.

Attached: First_Stage_of_Geese's.jpg (2880x1755, 1.91M)

A weeb that's not a complete failure. impressive but unrealistic.

Yeah but what the fuck kind of name is "Geese"
Couldn't take him seriously if I tried

There is the name Giese, which is a short form of Gieselbert. Now imagine he was called that.
Geese fits him much better.

Remember that BARI did GEESE before he went on to make angel blade

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Attached: geese_smile.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Gotta keep Skyrim mobile, you know what I'm saying?

Am I allowed to say the art style that one famous artist does is fucking ugly? It's gross.

Taste is subjective and perfectly okay to have it different from others. If you think Shinkiro's art, it can be a bit creepy with the way he mixes up realism into it.
I personally find Falcoon's illustrations to be a bit... off.

Attached: Fatal_Fury_Special-Shinkiro_.jpg (1315x1600, 1.23M)

Why is KoF so fucking aesthetic?

Attached: 68a5582b85802833e68a34cb20dc9f0c.jpg (950x1340, 186K)

Because they are ordinary people doing ordinary stuff when outside of the arena.

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Billy really is the best henchman you could ask for

Billy in Heroines when?

Attached: Billy_concept_heroines.png (322x646, 149K)