Borderlands 3 Review thread

Here comes the GOTY

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>jim carrey levels of humor
Yeah it's a now from me

This. It's a now for me too


>In the meantime sjw polyshit and Pc cuckgamer hating it
Kino incoming bros

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Only good humor ITT
I'll start
>that scene in Married... with Children when the husband says something mean to his wife
Really got me laughing! Fuck his dumb wife!

Boring looter shooter in an ever expansive sea of looter shooters, except this one has (insert bad comedy you don't like) humor and is made by a company who can't get their shit together or stop making everything pointlessly political. /yawn


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This is not a very badass post

name five looter shooters

>gameplay is 4/10 at best
>game gets 9/10
I hate game journos

well deutschland likes it

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Actually the bitching comes from people not liking the humor, gameplay is praised everywhere

Borderlands 1/2, Destiny 1/2, Division 1/2, Anthem, Warframe,

gameplay is actually 10/10 based retard, people crying about muh story


Can't wait to see all those paid reviews!

The new ghost recon is also a looter shooter

>pc gamer is the only one that gave it a negative review.
Looks like it's going to be GOTY

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what did germs mean by this

Wellll fuck you!

So like every borderlands game?


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It's going to have the biggest opening in the series and ultimately sell the most copies in the series and Yea Forums will have helped with all the free publicity. Badass!

So is there anything new confirmed for gameplay/setting or is it just more of what 2 was? Which is hit or miss jokes and bullet sponge enemies.

>Expecting a generic shooter to be goty


>butthurt enough over the humour to mention it in the short summary
Two possibilities:
>the reviewer has actual good taste and doesn't like Reddit onions humour shit
>there were some jokes that weren't entirely progressive and politically correct and that massively triggered the reviewer
I think it's safe to say it's not the first option.

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name 5 games like borderlands

>generic shooter
>the best of his kind
>not goty
go play some gacha games user

I'm curious what the new opening theme for this one is though, "Ain't no rest for the wicked", and "short change hero" were pretty good songs.

Warframe isn't a looter shooter. You cant collect loot from those you shoot. Also the other games are trash so bordlands wins by default but thats not saying much since even bl2 is better then those games


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>name 5 games like borderlands
SeeEven expansions like Iceborne have a better chance to win something than borderlands.

>a huge number of reviews are a variation of "It's the same shit again"
>8 out of 10.

This is why nothing changes in the gaming industry.

It's The Heavy again

>You cant collect loot from those you shoot.
>what are mods and resources
based retard

It is generic user,I dind't say it isn't fun tho.
Games like this are fun but they don't win awards, they aren't doing something really exceptional.


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>one of the biggest releases this year
>still a lower score then Shadowbringers
how did ffxiv do it lads?

>You cant collect loot from those you shoot.
Excuse me?

Also, how long before there's a crack, boys? I assume quickly given the popularity, but I've seen games like this take pretty long.

Same, gotta love jim carrey


This is a pirate m8

>it is generic

Still a lower score then Iceborne another expansion.
Expansions are dominating this year.

They're all triggered camwhore white knights, seeing as the villain is a streamer stereotype.

No arguments huh, seems like you're hurt.

It's probably nostalgia talking, but this just isn't as kino as 2's intro. Still better than 1's intro though.

Do you really think people wanted this to be drastically new from the previous entries? These games have always just been about shooting braindead enemies and watching numbers go up. If that's not your thing don't play it.

>its generic because reasons
that is not even an argument you fucking nigger

>not an argument

Borderlands sucks for many reasons, but being generic is not among them.

>its generic because reasons
>give reasons
>Not an argument

Jesus dude...

Same dude from basedgamer who gave borderlands a 60, also gave man of medan a score of 80.
Let that sink in.

>Shoot bullet sponges
>Collect guns

Someone here already cited 5 games that do exactly the same.

are you fucking retarded ?
>because reasons = no reasons at all

Can we please check the negative reviews for misgendering issues? Ugh.

What misgendering?
It's a Trannybox game.

Imagine thinking mods and resources count as loot

>It gets worse

Ok dude, you tried to sound smart.

If it was the latter option there would be a much larger shitstorm surrounding this game.

You can be reductive and make any game sound like any other game, yes.

You can counter my points as well, why don't you try ?


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This entire genre is just fucking Skinner box trash

>any borderlands game
>having great guns
This is a series with a million guns that all feel identical.

Dude. Mods are definitely loot. Mods are more important than guns, really. And they drop from. The Dudes. you shoot? Looter. Shooter.

This IS a gacha game

>it's another episode of Yea Forums getting btfo
When will you fags learn?

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Old Jewish people talking about how much they hate their wives/mother-in-laws was peak comedy

Is it supposed to be a gag that Brick looks like Marcus from Gears of War


>88: Swastika Award
They never could let go of their Nazi past. My fucking sides.

>He's not using three hands to blow his brains out


>even when the intro cinematic shows a psycho holding another psycho's lost limb as a quick gag
they danced around the idea and came juuuuust short, as expected of talentless hacks

having some reddit humour doesn't make it not generic


moze is my wife btw

If you unironically find Borderlands 3 funny you are legitimately retarded or Adam

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lol stay mad

First of all Loot can only be defined via the OG diablo's standards - ie loot that you obtain from a particular area that drops from an enemy when you kill it. Any rng mechanic means you've turned what should be a loot mechanic into a gambling mechanic where gameplay is secondary to entering an activity to play slots. Please kill any gamedevs trying to equate the two

>Can't play any of the alikes offline
>Complete RNG mechanic in every one of the similar games
enjoy playing slots you gambling cuck

Nah it's just the ol big muscly skinhead is stupid gag

>loot that you obtain from a particular area that drops from an enemy when you kill it.

On a serious note, that's actually how it works in Warframe, dude.

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>can't play as Tina
It could have been, now it's just a waste of opportunity

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PC Gamer posted on here the other day saying the last two digits of his post will be the score it gets. He's also a Fortnite fag.

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an average of 85 really isn't goty.

Unironically getting hyped just because polygon hates it.


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None of the characters ability trees look good to me. Fl4k specifically i thought looked cool but his trees look dumb

People are remembering that expansions are supposed to make the game even better instead of more of the same.

Borderlands was always just fps diablo. It never was adventurous or fresh.

umm Fl4K has no gender sweetie, remember that or you'll be sent to the gulag ;)

I like Moze the Gunner, but we will obviously have to try them all before saying what's good and what's not.
Reading skills is not always the same as using them.
It seems to me that they went for an all around composition to appease as many play styles as they can.

they retconned that, sunshine