Why was there so much smoke around this game getting an official translation back during the Wii U era just for nothing...

Why was there so much smoke around this game getting an official translation back during the Wii U era just for nothing to come from it? Did any insiders like Emily Rogers who talked about it so much ever get called out on this?

Attached: Mother3.jpg (640x360, 54K)

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Why would you want an official translation when the fan translation is higher quality than what we would have gotten?

people have wanted a translation of this game since it was released
The reason they don't wanna do it is because anyone who's played it knows it wouldn't be rated E for everyone and it probably wouldn't rake in that much profit by this point.
Why even give a dead series so much attention?
read the first post

so more people will play it

Dead doesnt seem like the right word for a series that got a proper conclusion
You get more people to play it by spreading the world of the fan translation, and anyone too lazy to use that as easy as it is unironically doesnt deserve it after the work that team put into making an amazing translation.

>anyone who's played it knows it wouldn't be rated E for everyone
Earthbound is rated T

The only marketing mother 3 has gotten in a decade is smash bros.
they rereleased earthbound on the wiiU, they intentionally left mother 3 out in the cold. Shits dead

>legends of localization translator guy
>can't even translate Tomato Adventure

Sorry user, but... just learn Japanese instead of banking hard on fan translators or official ones being any good. It's better for you in the long run.

You have nothing to go off of to claim the mother 3 translation was anything less than amazing

You're an idiot.

pso2 and trials of mana happened, so i have a small portion of hope

>a series that got a proper conclusion

Good job admitting that you didn't play the game.

You didn't see the whole ending, did you?

The chain of events set in motion all the way back before the beginning of mother 1 is conclusively wrapped up with the last shred of Giygas evil influence in porky being permanently sealed away.

What the hell are you talking about?
I guess if you're going by that, but the ending was way too open for me to call it properly concluded.

>Did any insiders like Emily Rogers who talked about it so much ever get called out on this?
She did but it got buried thanks to her being an admin of you know where.

The ending was basically "everything is better now and we are going to live our lives, good luck in the real world [player]" its open ended in the sense that "their lives are going to continue from here". You could force a sequel sure since they are alive but as I said the actual plot that was set in motion with giegue george and maria has been laid to rest.

A quick message to anyone that may come in here expressing desire for Nintendo to release an official translation for Mother 3: You're fucking retarded. Anyone who cares about the series has already played the "fan" translation that was led by a professional translator who does it for a career. Even if Nintendo did put out an "official" translation, it would not meet the standards of Tomato and Co.'s, censoring lines and scenes that could get them any flak, as well as the general Nintendo localization faggotry, it would not be the same game. Stop begging for a cock with the Nintendo Official Seal of Quality up your ass.

This. Fucking this. Do you faggots really want an 8-4 translation of Mother 3?

Because all the """journalists""" believed a literally who tranny on twitter who had nothing to do with Nintendo. It's that stupid.

Also we already have the best translation that censors nothing and keeps all the jokes why settle for something guaranteed to be inferior?

This isnt even considering the fact that Itoi is done with the series and with making video games. Mother is complete as a series and if we got more it wouldnt be the same heart we grew attached to

They're all dead. The world was destroyed and reborn. They only added that bit at The End? because they thought the ending was too dark just leaving it as is.

Nice theory fag, all we have to go off of is that the world is reborn and they said they are ok.

Are they too retarded to install a GBA emulator and download a rom?

More like Nintendo thought it was too dark and made Itoi add the confirmation that everybody's still alive in the darkness.

Morons jumping on a bandwagon. That's it. We have had a perfectly good translation for over a decade.

Liam Robertson bans you if you decide to remind him about Star Fox Grand Prix

These insiders have massive ego’s

The question you have to ask is: Where are they? And if you had watched the cutscene just before, the answer should be fairly clear. They're in the afterlife. The Dark Dragon's prophecy states that the world will be recreated based on the purity of heart of whoever pulls the needles, it makes no promises or guarantees about the well being of the people who are around when that happens. To recreate the world you first have to destroy the current one.

We know the world was destroyed, we know the absolutely safe capsule wasnt and we know that the absolutely safe capsule is in the same place that the people who said they are ok are.


Attached: 1559730352374.png (500x707, 463K)

Fucking Nintendo trying to force a happy ending. In that case the only place they could be is the bottom of that chasm. Everyone was in New Pork City when the dragon woke up, and it would also explain why Porky and the door knob are there as well.

Attached: 1487716150131.png (548x437, 430K)

No one knows how sad he was going to make the ending originally but I believe he said that the ending became nicer because he as a person changed. And considering the pull Itoi had I really doubt nintendo forced him to change the script. I think by the time this version of mother 3 was coming to fruition he wanted the ending to be bittersweet instead of just bitter

why in the world would you want to give Nintendo, of all companies, money for a trasnlation of a game you can play RIGHT NOW?

game literally shows trannies being buttfucking fugly delusional fahgets and some other some mentally ill shit that nintendo didn't wanna bother with
or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass but who fucking cares anyway cuz I liked the fan translation instead of an official "nofunallowed" one from nintendo

prepatched rom
here's the emulator
you just open the rom with the emulator and you're good to go

>spoon-feeding retards

Stop it.

maybe he also wants more people to play it

shut up kid
sharing it caring you sad motherfucker

I just want this begging for nintendo for mother 3 to stop
Nintendo will never translate it, and I want people to enjoy one of my favourite games

When it become s socially acceptable for "Fairies" with 6- O-clock shadows to have their ways with innocent little boys, that's when this game will get an official release.

what emulator do i use to not be shitty at the timing stuff?

Fiddle with the options, you want maximum accuracy
the timing window is actually pretty generous, the problem is that inaccurate emulators mess the timing a lot

only by way of the excessive automated digital ratings, the ESRB reviewed it years ago when they mistakenly thought it would be on the wii VC and gave it an E.

But that's precisely why so many usual suspects want an official translation.
Another leaker (Imran Khan) said that eventually Nintendo of America reviewed the "offensive content" in 2017 halfway mid project (was by NoE for 5 languages) and vetoed any further work on it.
Would explain the constant teasing.

Resetera wants it to replace the "transphobic" original translation. HG101 tried to #metoo the fantranslator over "importing a misogynistic hate campaign against female heroines in jrpgs" over an inoffensive comment about some heroine cucking someone in a snes game he translated twenty years ago.
The translator pledged to remove the translation from his website if Nintendo does do it officially, and did give tools for a "relocalization" of his "shitty script" with "more flair" and "sensitive writing"... but it was a separate rewrite patch not supported by him, not an update of his (frankly excellent) fan translation - which he did update to fix some bugs found by an italian romhacker that prevented some text even in the JP game from displaying.

most leaks, even "real" ones, are just educated guesses, and journos with poor intuition thought it could get a translated VC release because mother 1 did, not realizing nintendo only puts out old finished translations they already had on hand, they don't make new ones, and mother 3 does not have a secret period official translation

Luckily even if Nintendo does do it officially once it's on the net it's there forever. Most fans like everyone here has stated already played it too. I do admit it'd be nice to have it on the Switch though. Hopefully the Japanese eshop gets it.

>Nintendo of America
NoA is far less cucked though thanks to Treehouse being reigned in kicking and screaming. I wonder how they'd go at it.
An ex-employee mentioned that the staff is miserable with the current situation they're in, in one ama

what the fuck is even transfobic about mother 3
also stop saying the Magypsies are trannies, they aren't even humans
They are a parody of Okamas aka crossdressers

Trannies consider crossdressers to be fellow trannies. You have to remember that none of them are Japanese. Even the ones who claim to live in Japan are either lying or refuse to assimilate and stay in the American bubble with all their other English teacher friends.

so they are scared of the media cherrypicking like the hot coffee controversy
imagine SJW twitter raging at how "transfobic" nintendo is and Fedora twitter saying how nintendo is trying to make the west lose masculinity or shit like that

>so they are scared of the media cherrypicking like the hot coffee controversy
That's one of the theories yeah. We're better off not getting it. It's not gonna get us a Mother 4 regardless. Getting 3 and the translation is trivial too. Anyone with a modicum of effort can do it.

Pretty much, the context of a generally gay okay celebrity author and the okama stereotype (a theatre stock character from the fucking feudal era) is lost.

I thought your image had a decapitated black person wearing a pink speedo for a second, doesn't anyone else see that?

>spoiler text
That's like music to my ears. I want details, pls.
I was pretty surprised with the shift myself (Culdcept Revolt 2017 for example)
Do they send people from Japan to check the script like Atlus does? Stricter localization budget auditing? (man, they really blew that one with SMT)

According to resetera, Magypsies aren't only schrodinger gender, but shrodinger trans representation they are simultaneously offended about being cut or changed, and about its existence.
Everything about them - mementos, etc
Lucas' awakening / waterboarding / molestation
Oxygen Machines (which NoA was okay with in a cameo for A Kappa's Trail on the DSi in 2010)
Yokuba not being a flamboyant tranny like the rest (Fassad in the fantranslation)
Kumatora's dress and Lucas' pants falling down in one escape sequence
Probably some racism and sexism too, there's at least one sexual harassment joke

If you want to be offended, Mother 3 has more than enough material to last you a few months of journalistic coverage. In fact some infamous gamejornos all but admitted the news of the leak about the cancellation of US Mother 3 (which may be damage control for the resetera tranny predictions being far off, for all we know) is a shame because they were so "looking forward" to see how NoA "would handle the sensitive content."

I know this is weird to say, but NoA also cares, if a fraction compared to sjws, for their perception in devout religious no-nonsense normies household, which is where their stance about renaming all religious shit in Bravely Default, Fire Emblem, and Xenoblade 2 to random Roman equivalents, come from, as well as the lack of overt political commentary. This might have been a factor as well.

Scuttlebutt is that higher ups heard complaints through 2ch and didn't like that they didn't even know it was going on. Throw in some other treehouse bullshit that we've already heard and the nail that stands is hammered down.

>That's like music to my ears. I want details, pls.
I read it a while back but basically any "localization" changes they want to make have to be vetted by the director and staff of the games. You can already try to imagine how them and all their favorite "gross" "icky" "yikes" buzzwords would go in Japan.
>Do they send people from Japan to check the script like Atlus does? Stricter localization budget auditing?
Any changes have to be approved by the Japanese director so it's even stricter than just having a Japanese person audit it. They pretty much have no wiggle room anymore.

>Lucas' awakening
the joke was that they weren't doing anyithing sexual, kinda like the puff puff in DQ
>Oxygen Machines
Meh, that part was painful because it was so slow
Guess who is the Evil Gypsie
>Kumatora's dress and Lucas' pants falling down
>one sexual harassment joke
don't remember that scene

You really want YouTubers playing it and fucking ruining it so you can't discuss it without memes being posted and kids making theories and shit?

It was probably just canned because the Wii U failed so hard. I'm expecting a trilogy release on Switch with the third game being the selling point

there are people out there who are moral fags and wont emulate games regardless of whether they can do it or not