Yea Forums tells me the game is the masterpiece from the series

>Yea Forums tells me the game is the masterpiece from the series
>it`s actually shit

Attached: 2639620-metal-gear-solid-3-hd-01.jpg (1280x720, 208K)

The movement is garbage!
You can`t crouch and walk because he just lay down on the floor and starts acting like an autistic, so why the fuck he even crouch?
CQC is a mess of a clusterfuck of controls and I needed to reload my save every time I slider the throat of an enemy because I hold the bottom while still trying to interrogate him, this is counter-intuitive as fuck.


Attached: Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater (Manual)(JP)(PlayStation2)(PS2)_0037.jpg (1566x1158, 447K)

The story is retarded and boring, the cutscenes are too long and very cheesy. I gave up after 4 hours of playing, the game is VERY EASY and made for BABIES.

Sry, the enemies are no threat at all, you can circle them like an autist and they will be defenseless! Snake is to OP.

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Try Fallout 4 instead.

Already played, it bored me.

Try again, it was made for your kind after all.

The primitive controls make it better. Just like the tank controls in RE4.

Or better, Fallout 76. And Anthem.

You are blinded by nostalgia, the only game I fully enjoyed from the Legacy collection was Peace Walker and the VR missions, pure gameplay and little no nothing of Kojombo dirty movie director-wannabe hands.

But in RE4 works, and it was made in the purpose of gameplay and horror. In MGS 3 there is no meaning on making CQC are a clusterfuck, it`s like the game is begging for me to shoot a gun.



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When people will learn that MGS series belong in the garbage?

I don`t speak in moonrunes.

You're absolutely right, it's terrible! Let's play Fifa instead!

>it can only be black or white
u mad

MGS3 thread?
MGS3 Thread!

Attached: MGS TECH.png (1329x773, 169K)

Literally best game of ps2

Attached: MGS Timeline.jpg (877x877, 73K)

Was this your first metal gear?
It was my third played 2 first, then 1 and I loathed it to be frank.

Attached: Mgs3 vs Mgs2.png (1144x728, 873K)

Attached: ORDER METAL GEAR.jpg (2664x3824, 2.15M)

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My first was MGSV, finished, did all the side ops, 81% and hated every single minute.
My second was Peace Walker and that game is a masterpiece, I`m on torture scene from platinum that game. Definitely up my 3x3 chart. The others don`t appeal much for me because of the camera and linear progression.

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I'm thinking of buying the playstation classic to finally play metal gear solid.

>81% and hated every single minute
why would you play V that much
why would you even want to play more metal gear entries after that

jUST emulate the dam thing.
I like stealth and timewasters progression systems, MGSV and PW was a no-brainer for me but V sucks, and PW rocks.

What's wrong with Po Ops?

reminder that peace walker is the true mgs 5

yeah emulate.

Not much. The OST is top tier MGS and the story is better than PW and 5.

It also connects with the original metal gear game seamlessly. There was no point in making V.

>Yea Forums tells me
>15 year old game

Go play instagram you absolute dickworshipping faggot

It runs controls plays and looks like total ASS

Please, speak English.

V should be about Outer Heaven and ending by connecting to MG2. Diamond Dogs was a waste.

That you're majority in Britbong doesn't mean your historically failed civilization has the proper way of speaking English.

Go back to sand runes.

>bringing in brits out of nowhere
What an insecure baby.

>Ghost Babel
Glad someone took the time to acknowledge this gem.

>calling others insecure over being called a pedophile

I know insecure when I smell it, Mohamed.

What with those mental gymnastics?

is stuck on a shitty console,

user, PSP emulation exists and work wonders with a ps3 controller.

You sound like a 12yo retard.

yeah but PW got ps3 treatment with better load times and not shit controls

40+ posts on this thread, not a single counter-argument. Are MGSbabies this infantile?

It`s better than rotting on a portable console.

we ain’t using ps2s anymore though
it’s clunky and aged poorly

very true
i think its mostly retarded brazilian monkies that praise this cheese