Granblue Fantasy General #5365

>Granblue Fantasy General #5365
>Katawa Shoujo General #3700
>Visual Novel General #3096
>Love Live! School Idol Festival General /llsifg/ #2216
>Azur Lane General #1572
>Neptunia General #1547
>Senran Kagura General - #1499
>Doki Doki Literature Club! #1267
>Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1107
>Harry Potter Games General #590

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Let's rank these bad boys from best to worst, as someone who never visited any of these threads or many of these games

>VN general
VNs are like children's books for horny people, but at least these people are reading and there's a lot of content out there.
>Harry Potter Games
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible, but there's probably like 20 fuckin games based on Harry Potter, and seeing how adaptation can take many form is novel. But I imagine those threads are 90% talking about fan fics.
>Senran Kagura
To my knowledge, these are cheap beat 'em ups. Sounds like better gameplay than the following, but the waifu shit even here is utter embarrassment
These are console RPGs so there's a game here at least.
>Azur Lane
Truthfully I don't remember what Azur Lane is, but I can guess that it's another one of those games you first hear about on sad panda. Granblue is above it because it's got that ex-Platinum game coming out, I suppose. These are low on the list because they're gacha mobage, I'm also guessing.
>Love Live!
The premise of idols is worse than the premise of Neptunia, because ~cute girls as consoles xD~ is at least a smidge imaginative, and doesn't conjure to mind a very real industry of exploiting underaged girls. Being a rhythm game(?) does not put it above the Neptunias or the mobage.
>Doki Doki Literature Club
>Katawa Shoujo
I presume these threads are identical but with differing age demographics. If that's the case, DDLC wins out because they aren't as far down the rabbit hole, but they'll get there. Just a sad little miniature /r9k/.
>Artificial Academy 2
This game is just lousy pornography. Fapping to this stiff, soulless shit in an age of Blender and SFM stuff is really weird. Here be serial killers.

To those who actually go on /vg/, how'd I do?


Even gacha game threads have more video game discussion than Yea Forums. Wojaks frogs and twitter are not video games. This thread is not video games. Kill yourself nigger.

Time to drop more money on gacha and cum to cute girls Xiang

>Fortnite General

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What kind of VN's does the VN general play?

I would assume porn VNs that don't really qualify for hentai game general

pretty cringe

Harry Potter Games General is dedicated to one mobile game because there's some cute girl in it and waifufags can't get over her even after getting kicked out of Yea Forums