Has a video game ever made you hungry?

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I'm hungry for her cunny

No, but anime girls eating burgs always, always makes me crave one.

No since I'm not a fat lard.

Monster Hunter World has excellent cooking scenes that make me hungry.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-XV-Healthy-tonkatsu-with-tomato-sauce-625x352[1].jpg (625x352, 32K)


Any hentai game with cunny

VERY based

Stalker makes me hungry.

Vanillaware games make me pretty hungry

yes since i'm a fat lard

Damn she is cute

For doctor sausage and blins.

Don't exist
I honestly don't get the point of Malasadas in Sun and Moon. They sabotage the purpose of them with Pokebeans which do the same shit except better. If you get 3 Rainbow Beans which is pisseasy to get, you can get a Pokemon to full affection.

So why bother paying for a Malasada? Why even code it in?

No. But getting gangbanged on multiplayer makes me angry.

Gnome from Tales of Phantasia (Original SNES version). Has a frame-perfect window where you can actually hit him. Spends the rest of the fight draining your party's health with nukes. Party members can and will cancel his weak phase. Couldn't be bothered to cheat to instakill him so I just played something else.

It's so bad I'm honestly convinced the translation I used bugged the game or something


I want haggis now

Campfire cooking in Dragons Crown.

>region based on the UK
>having a character visibly enjoy food
0/10 immersion broken

Everytime I play a Yakuza game I keep getting a craving to go to this local authentic Japanese restaurant, which pisses my gf off because she hates sushi. It doesn't help when she starts watching Midnight Dinner on Netflix at fucking 1 AM and the restaurant is closed.

Attached: yakuza-kiwami-2-foox-exp-4.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

Oh fuck. Misread the title and thought it said "Has a video game ever made you Angry"

member that scottish meme?

How can you stand sushi? Makes me want to throw up

only amerifats need food to be full of fat and salt to enjoy it

anyone else suddenly gets hungry after fapping?

You mean curry?

No but I have been watching this Taiwanese dude review vending machines

Is curry actually a common British delicacy?

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Not hungry but playing pokemon makes me thirsty for like a bucket full of water idk why

Greedy to eat all that. You’ll end up with your teeth all grey!

same, until I eventually got used to it. Find a girlfriend that likes sushi.

>nothing on the spoon
Gamefreak needs to be shut down

Based, came here to post this.

The fucking SIMS.

Bongistan IS a country primarily inhabited by poo in the loos, so yes.

Came here to post Yakuza.
I actually went to a Japanese restaurant to try Takoyaki because these games.
And holy fuck is Takoyaki delicious

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Hungry for a good pokémon game, yes