Other urls found in this thread:
user, who cares about the low score? Tim and his chinks already paid for the game so there's need for it to sell any copies. I can't complain about a free game.
>skates by on
these guys can't even write correctly.
That’s technically correct
If the game doesn’t personally thank me for transitioning from a male to a female. Sucking big black dongs, and voting for Hilary Clinton. I’m giving it a zero.
what review site is this? Never seen the format = doesn't actually matter, IGN gives a 9/10 and Gamespot an 8/10
Why would you care about the story?
I bet the jokes are cringe tier though
PC Gamer
Site I visit from my country has the review up already, 9/10
If you're going by gaming "journalists" you're retarded but they're not trashing it
hol up
so u be saying it's not BADASS?
yep im thinking im refunind my purchase
Kek, Yea Forums on suicidewatch
Nice try, faggot.
just read it, literally shit review. the reviewer is just mostly bitching about the jokes and almost has nothing of value to say.
>only 84
Why is Yea Forums like this
A game is still good or bad, be it if it was pirated or not.
Their opinion is literally weightless
>hyped up AAA game
>there were multiple threads up until the game's launch
>all of a sudden there's a bunch more cyberpunk threads and a lot less BL3 threads
hmm gee
had a feeling when I found out
>no cheating prevention
>no global trade
>no quality pvp
if it's too much like the last games it's outdated
Go ahead and explain why that's grammatically incorrect. No, it not 'sounding' right to you doesn't count.
85 is the line for a normie tier game
Borderlands got old really fast. Were these really popular when they first came out? It is just step n fetch the shooter.
lmao that’s a terrible score OH NO NO NO NO RANDYBROS IT WAS OUR TURN NONONO
okay anthony
>get great scores at tons of places and the average score is also high
>Yea Forums cherrypicks outlier low scores
Sasuga Yea Forums
for children (who are now old enough to post here sadly)
9-10 = Paid off
Anything below 9 = Shit game
>Vandal is good
>Polyshit and Pc cuckgamer hates it
Nice good game desu
Dilate, tranny.
Drone harder, steamlet
I played the original in 2009 with my friend Tim and thought it was okay because of the bonding we did. The series was only ever mediocre though.
>tfw Tim and I don't talk anymore
Drop your cuck, coombrain.
You’ll NEVER be a woman and Randy’s game just got a 84 FUCKING LMAO
this is the bio from pc gamer who reviewed bl3 btw,
James is PC Gamer’s bad boy, staying up late to cover Fortnite while cooking up radical ideas for the weekly livestream. He can still kickflip and swears a lot. You’ll find him somewhere in the west growing mushrooms and playing Dark Souls.
*Breathes in*
sounds like borderlands target audience, shame he didn't like it
Is on 100% suicide watch.
It isn't grammatically incorrect, its sin is that it isn't clear and concise, as a summary should be.
>I can't complain about a free game.
you also dont need to play or download a bad game, even if it is free.
or are you going to look me in the eye and tell me that you have no backlog?
I don't give a fuck about Borderlands, I'm just laughing from fucking nolife memecringelords Leddit transplants like you, that have seizures over some review or a PC client, one or another.
Please write few more buzzwords, it's delightful.
you're a cult member user
Eh, I'm still gonna play it.
Are you high? It's seems to be the shortest way to get the point across while being clear enough
"Gets a pass" is more clear, though, I'll admit that.
I’m exclusively a Sony and Nintendo fan who doesn’t give a flying FUCK about Steam or Epic.
How do you think he feels about it? And by HE i mean about FL4K.
it's "skates by on watching" not "skate by on", "skate on by" is incorrect
I won't I was burned out after beating B1 GotYE, but gameloop was so fun I made it through entire 2.
I'm done with that format, 'le billion' guns is not super fun, shallow and novelty is gone. Not enough improvements to core systems, they are walking in circles.
Yes, let BL3 be a flop so Gearbox's last chance for redemption can be their final nail
Watched enough gameplay to know that the core mechanics, feel and flow of the combat hasn't been changed enough to justify playing a game where all you do is combat.
>or are you going to look me in the eye and tell me that you have no backlog?
Let me enjoy the cry of steambicils/
>it isn't clear and concise
You are extremely stupid or dishonest.
Yeah, understandable, I don't how they can really improve the formula without becoming a Destiny or Warframe clone.
>game gets a bunch of 85s-90s
>"devs paid them off"
>game gets one 63
>"see guys told you it was shit"
stfu you illiterate Amerinigger
ESLs like this poster will hang in the new world order.
>have to do Epic's job and be crunched to get preload available before release, all in a couple of week's time
>cant get 90
Imagine working for Gearsbox
God I fucking hate you third world ESLs.
If you're going to critique someone's language skills stick to a language that's your fucking native language and not one that you've barely got a grasp on.
that image isn't loading for some reason.
outside Yea Forums people wont believe that people hate borderland
Do we have any info on how long the game actually was in development? They probably already worked on it before Battleborn, right? Even with 4-5 years of time it doesn't look like it and i'm not talking about the graphics alone, though i still don't understand why none of the tech they showed in that demo made it into the final game.
Two of my friends are huge into them but they're the same people who think MMOs are good.
My brother and I played BL1 co-op on 360 and BL2 co-op on PC but aside from that it's whatever.
they have secured chink lootbox money, they don't care if it flops.
can you explain?
Finally loot shooters are being judged for what they really are.
Literally wouldn't get the Bethesda Bonus.
What's this from, user?
you do know that they will pirate it right?
Fuckin hell
>Borderlands 3 is The Family Circus by way of Spencer's Gifts, a game with long, earnest quests about how darn good coffee is punctuated by gore and gun violence. Borderlands 3 walks by dog poop, points at it, and laughs, and then sets it on fire. Borderlands 3 stays up until 11:30 pm drinking soda and googling crass Flash animations, taking detailed notes.
It's stuck in the late '00s, when surface level vulgarity was enough to qualify as edgy—Borderlands 3 is seriously obsessed with turds—and when the series was first conceived. It's stuck in a time when memes lasted months rather than days, when referential humor was still a novelty and not exhausting, when you could point at something the slightest bit abnormal or gross and call it a joke. Simpler times, not necessarily better times.
Already have a 4-man ready for pirate coop, just like BL2.
I'll sum it up for you then:
kuchera thinks it's basically a rehashed BL2 which makes him yawn.
Found the ESL
>The biggest Epic shill site on the internet hates Epic's most important game
It must really be shit.
Would expect a nigger to drop the N
>pirate coop
i don't know how to break this to you user, they removed the LAN option in the BL2 goty re-release. I don't think BL3 will have it.
They made another borderlands? What the hell.
If it's running off of EGS' networking, that shouldn't be a problem either. Satisfactory can connect to legitimate copies over the internet as long as the client had the same update as the host.
>Borderlands used to feel rebellious and refreshing
Even if it doesn't work with EGS, it should still be possible with the steam release and steamworks or whatever it was called, right? I remember playing a few coop games that way.
Pretty sure I've seen this pic for years now
Why does the movie industry seem to get this right, but vidya reviews are fucked?
I'm so tired of this spiral
>removing features with rereleases
why do developers do this anyway?
I know this feel
Gamers are incapable of nuances and always see everything in extremes, due poorly developed cerebral cortex, stunted by years of "playing" low effort non-artistic trash.
This is why Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums is full of natural geniuses due constant vast stimuli caused by their hobbies, whereas Yea Forums only cares about muh funneh feeling in da pp.
not even once
wow it's 1 better than VANILLA destiny 2
Imagine typing this shit out and then doing the captcha and pressing post
Because vidya reviewers are even more retarded and tend to overrate games massively.
Yeah, i can imagine the strain it would put on your feeble gamer mind. Fortunately, i read books so it's just that easy for me.
Do you guys think it will be fun?
Get woke go broke
>ever buying a gearbox game
>after the epic memey shitfest 2
Read this dick cracker
>Still butthurt the robot made fun of you
The tears never stop coming, do they?
Are you a gearbox fanboy or borderlands?
I only played tales from the borderlands, but i still remember the absolute SEETH that stupid scene caused Yea Forums because it literally mocked the board
>BL3 is mediocre
DaemonExMachinaChads, rise up, the 9/13 slot is ours
>posting about resterlands 3
How new r you? Everyone mocks this board, thats how they try to gain brownie points and not anger the normies.
what scene? i played tales and i don't remember anything related to Yea Forums. the only game that mentioned it that i know of is ghost recon wildlands.
Found the newfag
It's not like you need to PLAY the games that trolls thin skinned Yea Forumstards. They will talk about it for weeks for the INJUSTICE whatever game dares to make fun of them. I think it was some scene from one of the expansions.
So glad I was never cucked into liking this series.
tales from the borderlands doesn't have expansions, it's the telltale game.
>not recognizing orutoro
You asked if i was a fan of gearbox or the series, i just said i only played one borderlands title which happened to be made by someone not gearbox. Not that the scene was from it. Not even telltale was that on the nose
I never understood the point of Borderlands. If you want to play an mmo, just play an mmo. Borderlands has no enticing post game content, and the feedback loop grows stale after a single playthrough because of this. Like, if you're playing games for a humorous story... well, stop playing games. If you're playing for gameplay, there are about a half dozen shooter mmos that offer better content. Borderlands fulfills a shitty niche that people try so hard to force themselves to like. You are not missing a damn thing by skipping this game.
>Feeding clueless faggots while acting smug about knowing it
You're a special case of autist, aren't you?
A CG Game by Orutoro I believe. But it's NTR.
More like Snorederlands.
>You are not missing a damn thing by skipping this game.
Au contraire, if i do not play it, how can i be "in" with Yea Forums when we rip these games to shred with the dumbest nitpicky shit? How can i, a proud warrior of tortanics join and fit in, unless i myself endure shitty games just to find stuff to complain and blow out of proportions?
i asked for the scene that featured this Yea Forums reference, not that if you are a fan or not.
I don't know why I even care. I don't even like looter shooters.
I think I only tolerated the first few Borderlands because it
>had co-op
>was whimsical and somewhat fast-paced in an era where you were either a glacial Halo-style sci-fi FPS or or a cocaine-and-adderal addled tacticool COD-style shooter, both with two weapon limits and regenerating health
But now what's old is new and everybody from stuff like Bethesda-published developers to smaller scale indie stuff to whatever the fuck Ion Fury counts as, good FPS mechanics are back in vogue.
>Borderlands feels corporate
Well I'll be damned...
I liked the shooting, colors, characters and did some modding. Never farmed or grinded. Just a lot of 1-30 and 1-50 playthroughs messing around wasting my time. 600 hours in BL2. But Jack isn't even in 3? He was a big part of what made the game good. I really liked those edgy and cringe whatever you wanna call those jokes.
>what are phrasal verbs with prepositions
that's some C1 level shit
there is no diablo-like FPS mmo, aside maybe from destiny but it was a console exclusive until 2017 and sure as hell wasn't around during the time of borderlands 1, and yes I did disregard the rest of your post, because if you think a couple of RPG elements makes a game automatically an MMO then you are retarded, or you are going to tell me 4 player coop can be considered "massive multiplayer"
Oh no no no no no
Epicbros, where do we go from here?
If they leftycucks could stop virtue signaling for niggers and fags for just one second, their games wouldn't be so divisible for being impossible to play when you are an apolitical person, but NO, they just CAN'T STOP!
bro we already knew it was shit, Yea Forums can smell shit from a thousand miles away
>"Can't complain about a product because it's free"
>game goes Epic exclusive
>it's shit
Every time.
Based, me too.
Can't wait to pirate this shit.
>84 is bad for a multiplat
>84 is great for astral chain
what did Yea Forums mean by this?
But... That's what I want. Dgaf about plot, just want enemies and guns
>playing and Borderlands game after the first one
>i still don't understand why none of the tech they showed in that demo made it into the final game.
holy shit really? lmao
>"it's shit"
>Yea Forums
No wonder nobody tries to appeal to you faggots anymore.
Then why do people keep coming to Yea Forums if they want to avoid shit?
>skates by on watching numbers fly
The series has always been about this and it made combat boring as fuck because you're just watching a healthbar go down. How is this a complaint only now?
>Braindead multiplat shooter with IGN paid reviews bumping it up (They have 2 9/10s from IGN Spain and IGN on it)
>Niche Platinum game that has reviews like the Independent's "worst game on the switch" dragging it down
BL3 was expected to review well, Astral Chain wasn't.
Normalfags are slow on the uptake. Jeez and they say *we* have Autism.
Don't except anything sane from nintendidiots. They're the same spamming the journo score of botw like if it mattered.
so 84 is only good for switch games?
I see.
Fucking based. Anglo-saxons muttoids can barely speak their own language.
>playing borderlands with voice lines on
Lmao at your life.
Oh no. Now Randy is going to kill himself
So many reviewers refer to him as HE, do you think they will get banned on Borderlands forums?
So exactly like borderlands one and two
Because film critics are holistic. You don't see too many of them breaking down shit the same way you see
>Music: yes/10
>Gameplay: exists/10
>Story: lesbians/10
>Total: 8.5/10 it's okay
And you don't hear about an actor not getting residuals because his film wasn't certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.
It helps that most film reviewers also don't use a 10-point/100-point metric and most use a 5.0/4.0-scale. Not very nuanced but it gets the message across since they're selling a product that consumers buy for anywhere from $1 to $10+ for more expensive viewing experiences, and will deal with in a manner of hours, not over the course of days or months.
The other half of it is that games journalism struggled to fund itself in the early days since it rose out of a niche hobby. So the only people willing to fund games magazines were the publishers buying ad space in the magazines critiquing their games. Obvious conflict of interest there. This is why Mountain Dew and Doritos took off as meme fuel for gamers. Because they were one of the first in the 21st century outside of fast food to do big gaming-related projects like putting Halo/COD codes on drinks or buying ad space in magazines.
So the big ass 10 point/100 point system gave them a way out by just giving free points to a functional game(seriously what the fuck is the point of or difference between any score between 1-6/10), then playing around with the 70-90 range to say a functional game is this degree of good.
Seeing game reviews in shit like Time or Newsweek or Forbes, or reading about Smash Ultimate characters in the Washington Post still weirds me out.
reviews are shit in general.
people trashed Chappelle for his offensive jokes and praise far worse comics.
>new IP scores 84
>established IP scores worse than prior installments
How is this so hard to grasp? You can enjoy BL3, but consensus is that it's worse than the last two entries. The fact that they're headed on a downward trajectory is what's bad - not the score itself.
>Why would you care about the story?
Because I'm sure it's exactly like 2 and pre-sequel where you have to sit around doing nothing while the characters talk at you for 5 minutes every single mission, and it has an abundance of cutscenes no one cares about. The writers for these games love to jerk themselves off and hold the audience hostage while they do it. They might as well write something interesting then, but it looks like they fucked that up.
Both are probably enjoyable games but people shit on reviews because of favoritism/bias.
In general, a lot of games are overrated.
But Astral Chain has an 88.
it's perfectly clear, you're just apparently unfamiliar with the colloquialism
>Early Borderlands made fun of midgets, retards, and fat people
>Borderlands 2, Tales From, and Pre-Sequel push the series into a boring woke direction
>Borderlands 3 now results in lame poop jokes, making jokes about lonely dudes, and edgy youtube streamers.
4 points
the point is, lots of average games are overrated.
>makes fun of exploitative microtransactions
Borderlands is in no fucking place to do this
For fuck's sake. For all the self-awareness the series claims to have, it shows none.
Is that IGN? I'd trust a monkey before IGN
Switch exclusives that's right.
Everything that isn't on Switch is trash, talk to nintendofriends about Nier Automata, do it.
>a joke that could have been a 2 minute gag expanded to 10 times that
It isn't, you absolute ESL. To walk on by, to mosey on by; it's a normal construction. Don't lecture people when you can't speak English.
>bad jokes
>vapid story
>you just watch numbers fly
Normalfags are finally awakening?
PCGamer, i.e. Epic's paid bitchboys so you know it's bad
Never played borderlands but I though those were the appeal?
Battleborn 2.0 here we go.
Because a huge number of film reviews are from critics working for reputable newspapers, not some magazine that needs vidya publisher advertising to survive in the first place
And BL2 memes were bad huh
Poop jokes are elementary school level
BL1: Dark humor
BL2: Internet humor
BL3: Gradeschool humor
>reddit the game gets a shit review
>come ITT expecting laughter
>only find redditfags defending this trash
I knew the reddit infestation was bad, but this is next level
It's the same things, you just add +5 to become a videogame review because they use a 5 star rating instead of a 10 points one
How dare you utter that abbreviation on this site fucking apologize right now
so is everyone finally ready to admit that borderlands was never good?
Oh, so you never played the game. Gotcha.
Nailed it. Anyone that finds shit jokes or pop cultute jokes funny is a fucking retard.
I liked 1st and Tales from Borderlands
Randy still thinks DNF wasn't a fucking abomination, and people still defend this series by going "BUT IT'S FUN WITH FRIENDS".
It ain't happening anytime soon.
fill in the blanks anons
My 8 yo students spout poo all the time
Why did I teach them that word
LAN confirmed on launch, we sail
Spot on. and people thought it's be better with no Antony Burch.
Wonder what BL4 will be like.
im not saying AC is bad im saying the constant 80+ ratings for average games means ratings don't matter.
I admitted that when Borderlands 2 came out
I'm guessing they don't have much more chances before they suddenly have to shut down. Borderlands was their cash cow. Everything else they've done recently has failed horribly.
Are all better than your goty
>movie reviews
Not if we're talking mainstream / blockbuster films
going to get it on ps4 anyway at launch. never got a BL at launch before, it'll be fun to mess with some of the broken stuff before it's all nerfed
Have they finally included the option to have quest markers on for multiple quests at the same time? Recently tried replaying BL2 and the backtracking would be a lot more bearable if at least I could see all the shit I'm supposed to do in the vicinity, without going into the menus and cycling though shit manually.
Piratebros WWA?
Even better for me since I plan on playing with my brother and sister and we all share an apartment anyways.
That user is implying that he's pirating it because it's on Epic Store, how is he part of a cult?
I said the same about Bioware and they are still alive.
Have more faith in the resilience of shitty devs backed by lots of money.
Film review has a tradition in art critique and when it hit the “shill” period instead of falling the french and italians raised the standard.
Video game publications were born as advertising and actively worked to stay that way.
lol no
>Have they finally included the option to have quest markers on for multiple quests at the same time?
pretty sure you could do this in the presequel
BL3 is a success since EGS bought exclusivity. So they'll get the "no matter what" money plus whatever they make from the year later steam release.
>"A few quests: I collect brown rock specimens (poop) for a guy obsessed with brown rock specimens (poop), Claptrap needs help building a 'friend' who is clearly a feminine robot for his creepy private purposes, I plant dynamite in a massive poop dam to save a farm, I help a guy open a burger joint while he yells about burgers a lot, I help a guy escape from a porta-potty for a poop-spewing rocket launcher—it's borderline unbearable."
What is the deal with Gearbox's poop obsession? It almost as bad as all the poop related stuff in the Binding of Isaac series.
>Solving captcha's is easy because I read books
I didn't know pictures and books had so much in common user? how many books did you need before you figured your 1st captcha out?
Borderlands was always shit.
Is Anthony Burch still writing these games?
>Visceral died
>Clover died
>Pandemic died
>Maxis died
>Bioware and Gearbox are still alive
>id and Arkane have to be in Bethesda's hold
Just fucking nuke this industry already.
they think poop is funny. Like, REALLY funny. They saw that one scene in the Dumb and Dumber sequel and thought it was the peak of comedy.
I hate how accurate this is.
Maxis deserved it
clover is platinum
>I didn't know pictures and books had so much in common user
You should try reading some and see for yourself.
pretty funny, but you reminded me that Yea Forums is full of capeshit so now i'm annoyed
Mass Effect Andromeda was technically a financial success. Battleborn tanked horribly. It's not until the sequel that it reflects the diminishing quality of the franchise, so BL3 will still do well but BL4 might be looking like a lot less.
That money means less to a AAA team than it does to an indie. They might have even fucked themselves out of more money by not launching on Steam first.
this is the funniest post I've seen this month, I actually laughed out loud
If I didn't know any better, I'd think that was actually in one of the games
>ben kuchera
who gies a fuck?
Don't even need to read the thread to know that Yea Forums is already defending it.
>Collecting shit was ok when it was Divinity
>It was okay when it was Morrowind
>It was okay when it was Gothic 2
>It was okay when it was WoW
>It was okay when it was Fallout 2
>It was LITERALLY AMAZING when it was Conkers bad fur day fighting a literal pile of shit
The first game was ok, the rest are trash
admit it if they remade spore and made it less kid friendly you would buy it
>Ben "Say That To My Face" Kuchera
Borderlands 3 is probably fucking great then
pre sequel was a lot of fun with low gravity, lasers, and the o2 tank mods
that's a weird looking (you)
considering all of those games came out 15+ years ago, it's not entirely surprising that people grew up in the intervening years
alright faggot, gimma a book and tell me how many pics of traffic lights im looking for then
>faggots ITT acting like the shitty humor/story is relevant
The only reason to ever play borderlands is to kill shit with cool guns and crazy abilities and go looting with your friends. You laugh at maybe 1/10 jokes and groan at the other 9, skip the dialogue and go through the world blowing shit up, upgrading along the way.
Any of you who played any differently are retards
what does "less kid friendly" mean? Would it still have the same trashfire gameplay? Then no, I would not buy it. Wouldn't even pirate it.
for you
Literally any book about learning how to drive
The review says you cant skip it though.
Probably because in those other games it was a one-off joke quest or (in the case of Conkers) a boss fight.
In BL a ton of the quests have dumb shit like that, so it gets tiring.
Having some moments of lighthearted fun in a depressing post-apocalyptic world like Fallout isn't the same as having a constant barrage of hit-or-miss jokes and tons of unlikable characters who all feel like they were written by the same person and have the same personality.
Kind of like what's been happening with Always Sunny and Archer in recent seasons, where they run certain jokes into the ground (fucking phrasing) and turn them from somewhat annoying to downright fucking painful.
How many doe?
>skip the dialogue
you mean the thing Borderlands has never let you do?
keep in mind that the majority of Yea Forums does not have any friends
>Yea Forums
>Growing up
Same guy that bitched about Far Cry 5 having too many white people
>no handsome jack
That but a major difference in favor of those games is you're not bashed over the head with Borderlands' godawful dialogue constantly sucking it's own dick for being so clever
>cool guns
You mean mostly functionally identical guns that don't matter because all you still do is watch a healthbar go down?
>crazy abilities
Which I can't enjoy until I actually level up and even that is slow and boring
Borderlands is trash as far as it's FPS mechanics go.
Every time I see this image I can hear the words being read in scooter's voice almost perfectly
There's no female deers in driving books you bufoon
If I want a game to play with friends to go looting and make crazy shit I'll just play Dying Light, since not only does it have better looting and crafting than BL, but it has these great things called mod tools, so I can ALSO play tons of modded modes and maps and campaigns with my friends, which I have.
BL is just kind of boring.
Play BL2 and you'll find out why.
the plural of deer is deer, Mr. Reader.
Okay dear
Same guy rated Man of Medan with 81. This make his arguments invalid.
Is this the buzzword of the month?
Holy shit... Does this mean Borderlands is /ourgames/ all along?!?
it doesn't matter if this game is shit or not gearbox has already been paid millions by epic for exclusivity
Someone explain why this shit gets so much hype while presequel got shit on when they both look like dlc for bl2
>we pay the sites still friendly with gamersfor positive scores and the hated ones, like pcgamer and polygon, lower scores
Pretty genius desu
its a guilty pleasure
besides i dont want to play destiny
>Writes "doe"
>Actually thinks he's in ANY position to mock intellectual CHAD book conniseurs
Easy (you) farming due this dumb post ironic non-sarcastic zoomer culture.
Aren't things like favoritism and bias inherent in reviews?
>everyone who responds to me is one person
buck up, buttercup
Generally you can only trust game journos when they say something is mediocre. If they say something is great you can bet it will be shit, and vice versa.
I can't believe God Hand shifted Yea Forums's mentality into this dumb kind of contrarian mindset
but Alien Isolation is great
Ironically the people who like WoW and MMOs are the same people who like trash like BL, so it checks out.
Name a single game with an above 90 metacritic from the last generation that you actually like.
moreso in game reviews cause the reviewers are paid shills.
Journos LOVE walking simulators, though. They get through in half dozen hours and add one more review to their quota.
and this is why im skipping this trash heap
1 was okay because it was fresh, trying something relatively new and it was quick and to the point
2 ramped that shit up to 11 and was atrociously awful
Have you ever tried pressing the B button?
That's a 68 on metacritic
>even with the money they saved by going to epic, 84 was the best they could pay for
Oh Jesus.
not that guy but what the fuck does anyone want to play MP in these games for? They literally have WoW-level of quest design and boring PvP so you may as well go to an MMO where they at least tried to make it fun to play with other people.
I played BL2 with a friend and it was legit just the same thing as grinding in WoW leveling but with boring guns instead.
Tony B left Gearbox a while ago. He's writing the "story" for LoL these days.
Nier Automata has an 88 on PS4 and an 84 on PC.
They don't even bother listing the Xbone version.
That's fine. As long as the game works and has solid co-op, I expected the score to be like this. It's not a 10/10 masterpiece. Myself, and people I know, play this game because of the co-op. Not the story or whatever, that's all background noise to get some laughs or something to do.
You get a full squad and enjoy. The only question is if it's worth $60 for that alone. Maybe, maybe not, but due to the lack of TRUE co-op games it may be.
I don't get why people are being intentionally inflammatory as if Borderlands is this prestigious masterpiece game.
They bullied us so we bully back
>but due to the lack of TRUE co-op games it may be.
Every other fucking game nowadays has a shitty tacked on co-op mode.
I can kinda understand the levelcap one but all the others is just stupid. Micro transactions and post launch dlc just aren't the same thing no matter how kuch you personally feel like it should of came with the game which is iffy
because the Xbone version has a different name
and guess what!
Journos are shit period.
Give them a game that's more complex than a walking Sim and takes longer than 2 hours to finish and your game is guaranteed to have a shit score.
Fuck these incompetent muppets.
this setting would legit be god tier for little kids but then you see the absolute spergmaster inside, jesus christ randy stop failing m8
So in other words it averages out to ~87 across all 3 versions.
Was this some kind of parody-skit or is his son literally this fucking sheltered and spoiled?
Is this true? I remember this guy from Ash what are you playing youtube series.
Its "types" when using the internet.
Also Im your John Doe, not and all this was a setup to see how many awful deer puns I could feed into the obvious bait thread
br3 has microtransactions though.
>normal line
>boring, bland, no personality
>second line
>world building about the harsh struggles of the world in visceral details and constant danger as foreign agents in a dangerous situation, while giving the speaker a brash and expressive personality using hyperbolic explaining techmiqurs, truly marking him as a leader making the second party understand that time is of the utmost essence and why only YOU can do this job
Figures a bunch of non-personality autists hate the second. It reminds them of how boring and dead they are to the world.
It isn't bad because too many words, its bad because EVERY LINE OF DIALOGUE is like this, and it takes one joke and runs it so far into the ground it comes out the other side.
It's funny because that same game would be bashed by ADHD zoomers on Yea Forums for being padded out and artificially difficult.
That's not even true
>cater to sjw journos
>get fucked by them
fucking beautiful
Whenever you score a game on a 10 point scale you should consider where it falls on a 5 point scale.
3/5 is considered ok to pretty good in movie terms but a 6/10 for a video game is a fucking joke.
>journalists call the jokes bad
i sort of feel bad for him (randy) guy just has no clue.
They're killers Ross. They kill games and they kill features.
god this game fucking sucks
I dropped borderlands 2 because of this shit
bl1 really is the only good game
>rpg looty shooties suck
"Brevity is the soul of wit."
The consensus I'm seeing is that the writing is a dramatic step down from BL2 and Tales from the Borderlands, and missions are pretty bland and repetitive, but the gameplay itself is the best the series has ever had. I'll probably end up getting it then, because I put a couple hundred hours into BL2 and I spent most of those hours with dialogue volume turned to zero and listening to a podcast instead or something.
The irony is that people who quote that literally misses the very point he was making
>"lol they're genderless actually ;)"
>speaks in a deep and very obviously male voice
B-but le wacky humor XD
Do enlighten me, then.
what was the purpose of this post
You can complain all you want, but nobody gives a fuck. Deal with it, fag
waiting for this image to load :P
When will finally have a purely good looter shooter? Shadow Warrior 2 was great but I'm pretty sure that was a flop.
Modded Borderlands 2 with muted sound is pretty good
Annnnd i still gonna buy it
It's Eric "Say It To My Face" Cain. Ben Kuchera is a little bitch nigga. And the game sounds exactly like I've expected, a fucking Borderlands 2.5 with more aged references and busywork fetch quests.
Polonius, the character speaking that line is by far the dumbest character in any of his works, and his entire role basically boiled down to saying aphorisms that are either off by a word, or entirely unrelated to the situation at hand. Basically a gag character. Meanwhile Hamlet, the sharpest wit of the play is long-winded at every turn yet full of wit.
Hell, shaky himself wrote pages on pages with "wit" because witwas the soul of wit, no matter how long it lasted to him.
Besides, attributing the quote to Shakespeare rather than the fictive buffoon is like saying "Only your hatred can destroy me" was a statement by George Lucas as a position he holds.
Tl:dr people who quote it hasn't read the play thus miss the context of the speaker, ironically becoming the very joke character themselves by thinking they're smart for saying that line.
I just like saying it to make people mad.
Using "it" as a pronoun three times within a single clause makes your post have more awkward phrasing than any other post in this thread. Consider being more specific when referencing nouns, and perhaps take a few more English courses to brush up on your grammar, ESL retard.
"Merely pretending!"
-Anonymous, 2019.
Hi, Anthony.
I wasn't pretending to understand it. But I did understand it made people mad. Think of it like a cargo cult.
>literally the single game in the series burch didn't write
Get new material
whoa that jawline get a load of that chad
>hurr normal line too normal
No shit, it's comparing a generic line to spastic queerbox dialogue
>boring, bland, no personality
>autists think that is "normal"
Okay, how high on your own ass fumes are you right now?
>Like they have an insecure 12 year old filter for everything
This is the most accurate summary of Gearbox writing.
Imagine self-censoring to the point you can only make jokes about poop, because anything else would offend people
I love it when autists like this expose themselves as autists by thinking that the average person is going to make cringeworthy jokes and give an over-the-top explanation instead of just saying "Hey, I need you to go to X and get me Y."
Artist CG, not a game.
please tell me lilith fucking dies
so the same as 2 and pre-sequel
Sorry autist, but normal people have personalities, not just reading from a bland script their brain feeds them like you do. Good job outing your inability to see the difference between a lack of personality and full wacky as the two only sides. Befitting of a retard incapable of tonal change.
This. It's why terms like "shitlord" exist, because they're too afraid to mock anything else.
Good shit
Jealousy and being scared of success.
Normal as in it's just giving you the premise of the line, it's not like it's attached to a character or anything dumbfuck. Meanwhile the exaggerated obnoxious queerbox dialogue fits almost all Memelands characters.
You sound scared
Sure. And you also think people smiling in photographs are tryhard lol so randum xD people too, and only normal people such as yourself look dead when getting a photo taken.
It's okay when Nintendo does it.
>literally seething
What is normal anyways?
>Established franchise that scored much higher in the previous entry
>New IP (that has 88 and not 84, btw)
Unskippable too, by the way. Like why don't you niggers just read a book? I want to play a computer game, not waste time with bullshit, waiting for characters to exhaust thei spiel just so I can finally backtrack to the same fucking area I've been to 5 times already. That isn't fun, whether you're playing by yourself or with friends.
Such a bland and predictable reply. Befitting of an autist without any identity or personality.
>smiling for pictures = LOL EPIC NARWHAL BACON AT MIDNIGHT tier dialogue
t. pic related
Thanks for the free copy Timmy but is this best you could do?
So many people in this thread proving this post right suddenly.
Not him but I have literally NEVER had a backlog, because I'm not a stupid nigger who buys games without having an insatiable urge to play them first.
Filthy dumb tranoid scum
Loves to take it in the bum
Sucks up like cum Chinese whores
Die before you're 24
I agree.
>Taking anything from gaming review websites seriously, at all.
People get more and more stupid by the day
And again you're incapable of separating one extreme from the norm.
Classic autism. Many such cases lately.
>because I'm not a stupid nigger
it's because you're a poor nigger lmao
>tfw not Randy Pitchford
Apparently reviewers got unfinished, unpolished, buggy, early BL3 versions of the game in a pre-loaded EPIC GAMES account made for them.
If that's the case, I'm surprised the scores are even as high as they are. I expect the game to be a commercial success.
Can't wait to play.
Have fun user!
Just don't delude yourself lol.
I like walking sims and I barely remember Firewatch
based thesaurus
Okay fag, that generic line is still normal (as in it's just simply giving you your objective) compared to Aspergerlands writing.
This. Pretty much set himself up for this one.
Get coke
Go smoke?
I tuned them out.
Some games aren't even worth pirating
>they didn't give out review codes
>instead they gave us Epic accounts with the game already unlocked
This is really fucking retarded.
...for everything else there's mastercard?
Oh so Gears 5 is good?
>Not him but I have literally NEVER had a backlog, because I'm not a stupid nigger who buys games without having an insatiable urge to play them first.
That's a whole lot of text to say, "I'm poor"