What do you want from Elden Ring?
>less casual hand holding like in BloodBorne
>more meta build options & gameplay like DaS3 instead of bloodbornes & weeb souls stripped down, streamlined gameplay
>proper open world with DaS style "levels" that can be approached in different ways, castles, ruined forts etc
>expanded MP/PvP mechanics
>Covenants should offer a greater variation in MP/PvP roles, instead of just being a slightly different versions of invade/help
>proper cheat prevention & detection
>some dynamic AI driven activity in the world, so you don't know how EXACTLY how things are going to go when you're out exploring in the open world
What do you want from Elden Ring?
Also I want it to be dark souls 4
I want Valkyrie (Profile) Souls!
-The SOUL of DaS
-The weapon variety of DS2
-And the enemy and boss design of BB and DS3
I'd prefer they look to BB for how to make/ balance weapons in that I'd rather get a smaller number of weapons but they're all "viable"
having the covenanants be player agnostic might be nice so like there are two seperate warring covenants killing players can help but isn't relevant
More complex builds, fantastic environment and the most advanced PvP to date.
A shock collar attachment.
When you get hit, it delivers a shock based on how much damage you took.
But if you die it delivers a fatal shock no matter what.
I think this would make the game more exciting to play.
Ebbin gamers only.
No multiplayer, don't @ me.
I want waifus, many of them.
Slower. Less action, more RPG.
>let's just make it Dark Souls 4
No. Let's actually get some fucking variety in the game besides the same shit over and over again:
>keep the fast paced action of Bloodborne and Sekiro
>Actually have more than one way to counter an attack besides just rolling like a retard and parrying
>Keep the counters Sekiro introduced like the Minikri counter, the jump counter, etc
>Add more variety to builds, bring shit from DaS2 if you have to
>No fucking swamp level
>No Covenant bullshit with broken online matchmaking
>Tight hitboxes straight out of Sekiro
>No shit Bamco-tier netcoding
>don't make it DaS4
>make it shitkiro instead
Better than having the same tactic of rolling to dodge attacks like some blubbering retard.
I hope they'll go back to souls gameplay with stats, weapons and armor other than that I have no real expectations because nothing FROM makes will ever top Bloodborne anyway
Wow.... Sekiro fight system........ is great.....
quests that aren't bs traps
Man, Dark Souls' combat is so engaging and interesting.
I wish we'd get a game like Sekiro. But without deflecting.
I just wanted George to finish TWOW, why did he have to waste time with this? I will probably still buy it, though
Just keep the parry system of Sekiro but remove the posture and honestly it just works. No wonky-ass parrying from Dark Souls, just direct and responsive timing.
Deflecting is pretty meh, so I wouldn't be surprised with a removal either.
That's basically what it's going to be
I know you're afraid of invaders, but with no multiplayer how will you summon players to do everything for you...?
Boss variety like in Demon's Souls but done better
>What do you want from Elden Ring?
nothing because i know that the game will be a pretencious circle jerk of pop history (GRRM) and anime, manga and japanese folklore (Myazaki) that is hold together by *~~~woHoOoO obscure LoRe* and semi decent gameplay
Super easy and smooth if you just learn how to do it, I'd just say git gud but that makes you guys cry most of the time so
>Let's get some variety.
>But keep the same spammy combat as the last three games.
Sekiro’s deflection mechanic or I won’t even touch it with a ten foot pole.
go back
For the best builds to not get datamined to hell and back so that fags actually have to explore and experiment.
No more poison swamps.
Some random boss stuff like Remnant: From the Ashes has like in ng+ you can get entire new bosses or people have different bosses on their first run stuff like that.
>hard stuff is hard cries the casual
I want Dark souls 3 in a new setting.
>proper cheat prevention & detection
After three games in a row I’m sure they’ll get it right this time.
Not like there’s a horde of people waiting to cengine the fuck out of it or anything.
We can have the roll/quickstep and deflections too. It’s not an issue unless you’re an INTfag.
I want something completely different from what we’ve had before.
The only time I ever matched that same sense of excitement and exploration that I felt when playing my first Souls game was with Bloodborne and Sekiro.
Making a lazy reskin of DS is boring and makes that first playthrough way less memorable.
It's impossible to beat the game playing like that.
Where as this is legit what you do in Souls and even more so in bloodborne
>open world game
>not expecting at least a couple swamps
>americans need swamps to feel at home
>completely overhauled magic system, so going a caster build is actually fun
>completely overhauled covenants, that tie into the main plot
>overhauled summoning/invading
>better AI with decent pathfinding and no attacking through walls
>keep estus-like healing (they can experiment but shouldn't just bring back cheap consumables like DeS/DaS2/BB)
>no open world memes, hopefully Miyazaki doesn't copy Ubisoft/Bethesda
>world design similar to Dark Souls but even more interconnected (i.e. it shouldn't be possible to go the wrong way and hit a dead end like with DaS's catacombs, there should be some path to another place)
>keep some innovations from Sekiro (swimming, all the idol features, facial animations, a challenging final boss, posture)
>no level-up waifu, there can be a waifu NPC as long as she's not a Maiden in Black clone
>more interesting/off-the-wall status effects (e.g. enfeebled in Sekiro)
>more interesting stats/equipment system
>serviceable netcode
Same goes with Sekiro, in fact it's much easier and smoother to pull off a parry in Sekiro than in Dark Souls. Not to mention the different ways of parrying an attack (Read: Landing a jump counter against a low attack, landing a Minikri counter against a thrust, Parrying compared to just generalized block-spamming)
Sounds like you just need to get gud at a different parry system, Soulsfag. Thought you guys actually liked a challenge compared to wonky gameplay.
>Mmm yes lemme rub my face in a shit-covered swamp, it makes me stronger and faster in a game about dodging and parrying
>What, you guys also don't like constantly applying an antidote in my toxic swamp?
It will probably be exactly that.
Im not sure how From will handle a large open world, normally they excel at small areas with lots of content crammed into them