Next World of Warcraft expansion set logo leak

wow's 8th expansion set featuring a reborn Azeroth and a steampunk themed class

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Fake and gay as fuck, just like OP. Stop shilling on MMOC.

has a wow expansion ever leaked
ive read 100s of these gay "leaks" over the years and none of them were true

Many moons ago there was a leak that had every xpac up to WoD. This was like PreBC it was amazing.

>wow just went down
>posts this

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WoD, Legion and elements of BFA (not the expansion itself) were all leaked here. WoD especially, was leaked like 5-8 months before we knew anything about it. When the user leaked it was going back in time and grom etc people laughed and said that was so bad it can't be real. it was real

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Ok so... imagine... just fucking imagine... giving a shit about this garbage ass game when get to play fucking classic wow. You know.. the game that good blizzard made years ago. Retails is dead and literally no one except trailer moms and dress up trannies care about it. Later faggots

Needs some blur

I hope the next xpac removes the "player character is op" setting. Like if you do fight the old gods maybe a lore setup like when you go to the shadowlands you are a level 1 compared to every thing else.

awesome. I will just stay in classic

>dude I know how to make the game good again
>okay how
>just make everyone weak / level 1 again!

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I'd rather just play Classic. It's cheaper and was made by far better talent.

Move over.

This one was real. Mind you, only the map + logo and the cinematic still, the explanations posted with it were all just speculation.

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wow yet another expansion with timegated content and some annoying power resource grind

>r-retail is dead....s-so stop playing it
Classic niggers are hilarious. Your shit game is already dying because of layering exploits. Zoomers will soon leave it en masse because streamers are frustrated due to ganking and disconnections. Within a couple of months every major city in the game will be a desolate wasteland. The only thing you will hear is the faded voice of J Allen Brack whispering "You think you do, but you don't."

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Cata was leaked hard. You had people knowing about Tauren Paladins and that Garrosh killed Cairne before the expansion was even officially announced.

>everyone turned into moss stone shit

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Lmao I leaked that. Over 9000 years in photoshop, it isn’t real.

I'd believe you more if you've leaked on how BFA would end and what this "Age of Awakening" story would be about.

>the horde and alliance are about to wipe each other ou----
>here is a new big threat SURPRISE
>kill it
>go back to alliance vs horde expansion

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they turn into ghosts retard

>servers so packed that there is a q for 80% of them every night while retails players are having to wait hours just to do a instance with their instant LFG that pretty much spans through all their servers.

Ya naw tranny. It won't be long before anyone is even their to see your transmogs

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I predict a new caster/hybrid class from that


So did the battle for azeroth actually resolve any horde/alliance issues or was it just a red herring for old gods nonsense.

>Im bad at wow and dont have a guild, so im stuck doing lfr and qqing in trade chat about a lack of difficulty.

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Seemlinly Sylvanas' plan (which she succeeds at) was to crash both factions with no survivors (Except Gallywix and the frozen gnome whose name I dont care to remember).

The two survivors work on a method that allows the survivors to travel from the afterlife and back which paves the way for the next expansion and tinkers.

If fakes these are really well done, but the info that came with that are complete bullshit:

>Sylvanas is the first of two encounters that comprise the grand finale of BfA. Alliance and Horde will fight side by side against Sylvanas until Bolvar eventually appears and starts killing Horde leaders – first to go is Lor'themar. Bolvar will then side with Taelia and the Alliance. Sylvanas will shoot Genn in response, prompting the intermission.
>During the intermission, all of the Horde leaders will rejoin Sylvanas. Genn dies, and Anduin and Jaina declare war on the Horde. The final fight begins.
>The final boss is 'The Horde' or 'The Alliance'. This encounter is cosmetically unique to each faction, but strategically identical. Horde will win once Anduin is dead, and Alliance will win once Sylvanas is dead.

>The encounter has been designed to have your faction's leaders die one by one as the opposing faction's health ticks down. The players will all die as well (like the Arthas fight), with Anduin and Sylvanas being the last ones standing.
>A cinematic will play once the encounter is over. Anduin will end up killing Sylvanas or vice versa (depending on your faction), only to die of his/her wounds. Ultimately, everyone will be dead, and the harbor will be silent. Characters will then wake up in the Shadowlands, and a ghostly fleet of Helya's ships awaits us in the death version of Stormwind Harbor. With Nathanos by her side, Sylvanas declares that we're now strong enough to face the true battle for Azeroth.

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Almost the entirety of WoD got leaked but everyone ignored it because it sounded so fucking stupid.

Warcraft IIII will be announced at BlizzCon. My dad works with Activision

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Why are you so sure and how could this possibly mattter to you

>expension comes out
>it sucks as usual at gets fixed near the end
>new expension gets leaked
>blizcon or some other trash
>once again one of those 10/10 trailers
>new expension comes out
>milion dollar company and despite that the servers cant handle that
>1 week into the new expension : alright guys play this the rest is suboptimal trash

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logo looks way too generic to be real

>Sylverian Aprroach

Was this leak before or after the Sylverian mount promotion? And if after, how long after?

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... That sounds fucked up enough that I kinda like it.
Bit of a shame though, supposedly Tyrande just absolutely decapitates Nathanos before the last couple of fights. I would've absolutely humped my computer screen to that cause that cunt just needs to fucking go. But if he's gonna be sitting at the harbour with everyone else, eehhhhh...

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Will you play Retail after you're done with BFA?

You can't have the player consistently beating up gods and shit and maintaining that they're actually nothing-special nobodies

Basically this but i never buy the expansion at the start and prolly never because bfa reminded me of how BORING a game can be

I remember MmoChampion's frontage filled with 3d models, maps and overall details for cata, though I think it was like a day or 2 before Blizzcon?

IV you brain-dead illiterate retard

If 9.0 is death/undeath themed I'll definitely play it.
As in, I will level at least a main to the new level cap and collect some stuff I like, do a raid. WoW expansions at launcha re always worth playing.

Then I decide whether I want to actually keep the sub up and invest time. I noped out of BfA because they made a lot of bad choices when it came to progression systems and new features (warfronts, islands).
I hope they fix those issues in the next expac, because I really do like the undeath flavor.

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if you know where to look, all of them even BC

Was BfA leaked? I don't think so. Everyone was expecting a South Seas expansion.

>Streamers quitting is a bad thing
>Zoomers quitting is a bad thing

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>What are tally marks?
also gottem

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>With Nathanos by her side, Sylvanas declares that we're now strong enough to face the true battle for Azeroth.
That's beyond gay...

Given that his self-insert author is still there it makes sense.

I honestly thought they were going to do something with using wisps to kill the final boss in some kind of archimond 2.0 scenario and the real reason sylvanas burned darnassus was to get more wisps.

Good fake but still a fake.
Boats were created by a simple texture replacement.

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oh wow blizzard recolored an asset and therefore it's fake? what's next? it's fake because all of the things the guy was too lazy to recolor?

False and homosexual.

>falling for obvious bait

>forsaken logo on vrykul ships


> undead race
> death knight class
> dying to go to shadow lands

i need help

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Helya is still alive. Sylvanas and Helya had a deal we still don't know the full terms of.

It is real

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Just stop. The subtitle font and outlining is all wrong.