Mediocre game gets ported to the switch

>mediocre game gets ported to the switch
>suddenly gets 87+ metacritic
>nintendo bonus doesn't exist!!!!!!!!

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>nintendo bonus
The Wii U is already Nintendo, you retard.

>Switch is Nintendo but Wii U isn't

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jesus christ it really is undeniable at this point

>it's 80

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>Switchfags are so desperate for games, they'll even rate #FE an 80

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yeah especially when the game was still only on nintendo before it came to switch


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>so desperate for games,
lol we got Super Mario Maker 2, Fire Emblem 3 Houses and Astral Chain in the last couple of months and soon we're about to get Daemon X Machina.
Desperate for games my ass, no this is the part where you cope and dilate while screeching "THOSE DON'T COUNT!!!!" :)

TMS was actually good; not that you would know that because you didn't give it a chance.

>switch gamers have good taste

80 is pretty bad by metacritic standards, though it should still be lower.

Nintendo fans enjoy video games more.

>>suddenly gets 87+ metacritic
>score clearly says 80

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If anything all you've proven is that there's a Nintendo Penalty. There's the usual dick sucking Nintendo sites but on average Nintendo fans are far more autistic and critical of Nintendo games than general reviewers

Here's your SMT V, bros. Enjoy.

Nigger i'm still playing through astral chain
I don't get a lot of time to play it but i've got a line up of games to play afterwards

80 isn't mediocre.
>80 is pretty bad by metacritic standards
No it's not.

Everyone in this thread is fucking retarded, the Switch port doesn’t come out until January

>game was mediocre on wiiu
thanks you just proved that the nintendo bonus doesnt exist

Hope it gets even 90+ and you get very angry, user. :)

Let us pretend that Metacritic wasn't invaded a few months ago by some Persona fans who gave countless positive scores for all Persona games and negative scores for all SMT games.

Yeah. Let's pretend.

Game has fun combat and puzzle like dungeons.
But its biggest flaw was mediocre story and characters.
They are like the most generic anime trope trash characters.

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You're trying to reason with people who think a bunch of randos on metacritic actually matter.

Wonder what score the switch version will get, it's not out until January next year right?

It's a 3 houses boost.
>3H was a good FE with persona elements game, so clearly SMT with FE elements is good too right?

Did they seriously put a hashtag in their game title, is Nintendo that desperate for twitter followers? This is super yikes guys, I'm surprised nobody else is cringing as much as I am at this.

Anything below 85 is bad.

Its actually funny. You can literally compare any remaster of any game and the remaster is always lower in score than the original or in case of nintendo its always higher in score even though the increase in graphics is far lower in the nintendo case

It it comes out uncensored then it deserves a certain boost, if not then it will not be a buy for most people who are invested.

True, I didn't play the WiiU version due to it being censored in the first place. Going so far as to get the Japanese voice actors back into the studio to record the lines they changed was just too much. Let weeb games be weeb games, nobody else is going to buy them anyway.