"classic" Mist of Pandaria

How long until we get a Pandaria server? My warlock wants to go home...

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Play Tauri

eat shit

I'm still mad they fired the MoP warlock dev. He cared about the class so much and is responsible for the green fire. Mop seemed like the last expansion that WoW devs had passion for what they did.

Mists of Pandaria was BASED

Pandaria is the real home, bro

I used to hate the pandas in Warcraft with all my might, but now, looking back on it, gameplay wise I probably enjoyed MoP the best.

i loved playing my DK in MoP
it was always my favourite expansion and it was also the one that i quit on

Tauri is your only hope. It's one of the most well scripted private servers I've ever played but it's pretty dead.

Fuck off furfag

Got it, your from China.

I wish China was as comfy as pandaland...


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I would actually be excited/pay for this. Mist was perfection.

Pretty sure he was fired because he made Ghostcrawler look bad. He was actually doing his job and getting constructive feedback on the class he was designing. Rather than taking a piss on all the beta feedback like the rest of the developers. The guy turned around the Warlock class from clunky mess and one of the least played classes in the game since vanilla. To the most popular class in that expansion. Everyone and their mothers wanted to get in on god tier Warlocks. It felt like we got two new classes rather than one (monk). Every single Warlock spec played differently and they were all fun to play. It also made magefags seethe that another caster nuke did their job much better. Which is always a huge plus in my book.

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Fucking blizzniggers wont give us more slutmogs. I swear, every slutmog I've seen is either from Vanilla or TBC.

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God more girls should wear latex casually, I'm fucking gonna COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM AUAUUUAGHR

>dude made a secret cabal made of warlock players who he regularly gathered and discussed class design with, taking pointers from them in terms of balance and class themes
>he did this without directly involving other class designers and whatever position GC was at the time
>turns warlocks into such a godly spectacle that every other class forum is ripe with people bitching they want their class to be reworked to the same extent and with as much attention
>fire the guy that made all this possible instead of catering to the masses
Xelnath was a legend and it's harrowing how ActiBlizzard would rather remove him than get another bunch of turbo autists and get their shit together

I miss Garrosh

Seeing that screen on my rogue when the beta released at the end of Cata was what finally made me quit. My only regret was not quitting before Cata itself

kys yourself jizzbrain

>choosing role with talent.
Literally lmaoing @ you. If you didn't played a DK during Wotlk you played the shit version of the game.

>mfw unholy tank

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Im waiting for wotlk. It was golden time of wow in my opinion.

maybe if my dick is the player and her uterus is the house

>being a DK shitter

>still seething

t. got caught in a death grip chain rape circle while leveling

What the fuck else is there to do in retail but make my Belf/Slutforged look like whores? There's nothing else worth doing. Collecting mogs was the only reason I bothered subbing. Blizz keeps making ugly as shit samey looking gear. I WANT SOME FUCKING G-STRING BIKINI PLATE ARMOR AND VIRGIN KILLER CLOTH CHEST PIECE FOR FUCKSAKE.

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Me too friend, me too..

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