Why are DigitalFoundry lying so much?

Why are DigitalFoundry lying so much?
They just got exposed again.


Attached: DigitalFoundry.jpg (620x350, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>he takes DF seriously
can't think of a better red flag than this

more like dilate foundry lmao

A shitton of people take them serious.
They fooled all of the Sonyfags into thinking pic related is the best looking game of all time last year.

Attached: skyrim.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

They never said that.

They literally did retard, and they did the same with Horizon Zero Dawn

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They did. At the end of the year they said it was the best looking one.

Nice video

The biggest slap in the face was dark souls remastered one. It looks so obviously worse but they pretend it looks great. It's pretty sickening.

>Horizon Zero Dawn
>wow this game looks really amazing
>but we won't mention how everything is static :)

I'm not going to watch a 22m nig vid, give me a tl:dw

This video is fucking retarded.
Digital Foundry are discussing rendering techniques and this dude is going around shooting lamps and is angry when the light doesn't go out.

>believes what the resetera posting digitalfoundry trannies say

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it actually was. Its surely not garbage PC exclusive indie games

>everything is static :)
Explain this do you mean the environment?

>do you mean the environment?

Lights going out when you shoot them was around in the PS1 era, why can't they be shot out now?

Stop shilling your new channel Chad

>nigger music
close tab.

>literally a sony nigger

This dude sounds like a miserable joyless cunt ranting about a game he isn’t even obligated to play. I don’t give a fuck about gears but this guy needs to take his meds and find a different hobby


Attached: gears lighting.jpg (1456x1443, 991K)

Well trees move in the wind as does grass water flows there are time of day and weather effects enemies patrol the environment there are particle effects like dust and small details like fireflies all in the starting area.


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Not him but that's a different matter

I bet you post goldfaces wearing the sony beanie and fat cryjaks wearing fedoras with the Steam logo as well. God of War looks like a fucking badly made Skyrim mod, don't delude yourself.

If the game has completely dynamic shadows then explain this Why is there no shadows on the plates and bowls where the light isn't even going to anymore?

Main points are
>Xbox said native resolution would be 4K, game uses dynamic resolution.
>Shooting environmental objects either does nothing or has them go through the floor
>Lighting is supposed to be dynamic, but light sources don't correspond to shadows or light emitting objects. Walking through water doesn't change the light textures or show any kind of water scatter effect
Smoke trails disappear after a very short distance
>Bullet holes disappear after a few seconds
>Certain surfaces don't register bullets
>A lot of work was put into getting snow track deformation to work, but you don't leave wet footprints when you come out of water and your character doesn't have a wet texture after being in water
>Reflections are generic textures
>Plants don't react to you walking through them, but they did in previous games
>Enemy a.i. can be janky

Basically it's disingenuous to praise the detail. You could consider this nit-picky, but a lot of small things can add up.

>Rap intro
>Nigah thrown out in the first paragraph
That's going to be a yikes from me, mate

Honestly, the only games I've seen this in, where it's not a gameplay mechanic, are the division games, and even then they flicker back on after being shot out.


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What are you on about have you played either game? Vanilla Skyrim is fucking gross

The final looks better tho

dats gon be a yikes from me bruv

That's not dynamic, that's static movement pretending to be dynamic.

Yeah getting rid of dynamic shadows and global illumination sure makes games look better

The thing is, none of this disputes anything DF said at all. This video is stupid.

>Oh no digital foundry said this shadow is dynamic but I found a case where it isn't so the game sucks now nobody should play it!!

Imagine seething so hard over this game because its reviewing well and getting general good feedback all around that you spend like 5 hours of your life making such a pointless video talking about how the game sucks and nobody should play it because of a fucking shadow. Where are your days gone or horizon zero dawn videos which also have this apparently "game breaking" shit?

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What the fuck is this literal nigger video?

>1 point above Gears of War 4 which everyone can agree one was the worst mainline game
>reviewing well

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meant for

>ever trusting digital "this new switch port runs at 240p 15fps and it's very impressive" foundry

Go shill your trash somewhere else

Nigger Im standing right under a lightbulb and the characters are dark as fuck
the game has SHIT lighting, SHIT!

Attached: gears18.jpg (3840x2160, 2.57M)

>he thought we were just memeing

Gears 4 got an 84 and 6.9 user score (I.e. the thing which actually matters)

Gears 5 is on an 86 and at an 8.8 score which is a colossal leap in positive user feedback from gears 4. People are actually enjoying this game way more than 4. If you want to talk about critic reviews then this game is 1 (ONE) point off spiderman so either this game is shit and spiderman is also shit for being in the same bracket or they're both good games and have good user scores because people are actually enjoying it.

If you mean scripted movement then yes (expect for the enemies) but it’s an open world game and the level of detail is quite high what’s an open world game with “dynamic movement”

>nigger music
>nigger noises
>nothing of value said or actual criticism beyond woke Twitter tier unrelated comments
I don't really care for Gears, but if this is the biggest critique someone has on DF, then I'd say they are doing well.

Attached: nigger_alarm.gif (320x240, 379K)

It's like you've turned ambient occlusion intensity all the way up to 15. It has to be below 10 if you don't want these black areas.

But nonetheless it's a bad game now right?

This. Them salivating over a switch port is the dumbest shit ever.

AO is at 10 and AO doesn't impact the general shadows you penisbrain

Attached: gears19.jpg (3840x2160, 2.44M)

So it's a bad game right and I should never touch it?

While I would never play that, saying the facts about something and saying it is impressive are separate things. It's not as if he lied about the numbers. He just came to a shitty conclusion. If the viewers are too dumb to see "240p 15fps" and think "that's fine" then they deserve to get got.

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>completely static environment, cant even shoot glass when you were able to break stone walls in gears 2

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imagine listening to a nigger over DF

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Bretty good vid, all of muh downgrade rants would be massively improved with this kind of delivery
>cyberpunk 2077, more like mothafuckin GTA 2077, you know what im saying nigga, do these niggas even know what cyberpunk is, shiet?

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You are seriously asking if the 6th game in the *hide behind cover and shoot* franchise is good? Gears is fucking dead, and it's a technical catastrophe.

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Read what I posted next time.


>characters are between camera and lightbulb
>side of characters facing camera is in shadow
You're a special kind of stupid, huh? Del is lit fine.

Yea, DF stopped being worthwhile when they stopped being focused on just reporting the facts (resolution and framerates) and started dicksucking games' technology and talking about other meaningless shit.
These guys said Astral Chain runs at a constant 30 FPS and it's pretty fucking obvious that they only played the first 30 minutes, considering the game's framerate goes to SHIT in some of the later cases.
Hell, the Grand Plaza itself in file 8 has tons of drops into the mid-low 20s.

So I should never touch it then because of some shadow?

ACG pulls the same shit all the time. 30 minute video going into great detail about how great a game is, with just a few conspicuously tiny gripes. They never criticize anything, but just recommend a buy at the end of a long-winded verbal blowjob to the game.


You shouldn't touch it because it's a dead franchise and the gameplay loop is still the same.

Attached: gears50.jpg (3840x2160, 2.32M)

Reminds me of when Breath of the Wild was new and they were so ridiculously wrong with their initial video that they had to make not one but two follow up videos to correct some of the outright lies / inaccuracies that they said.

>the game has no aa whatsoever what a joke!
>o-oh wait sorry it does, and it actually several kinds of aa running in tandem which is how the trees and grass can stay sharp even in the distance. Haha, w-we were just joking in our initial video.
>the game has no reflections. As expected from nintendo.
>w-wait. It does have reflections? And real reflections at that, that actually reflects the surrounding geometry relative to the perspective and everything. Y-yeah well of course. It's a flagship title after all.
Like seriously. They were wrong about the resolution too initially.

Didn't stop people from taking them seriously though.

They are standing right below a lightbulb so they should be bright instead of almost pitch black, especially since the ground they're standing on the walls next to them are break as hell too you dumb retard.

DF were extremely dishonest about Gears 5 because it's a dull looking game that manages to make UE4 look like UE3 with PBR textures. but the nig video doesn't help one bit. nitpicking random shit isn't refuting DF's insincere praise.
lighting, shadows and reflections are all sub-par for a game in 2019. character models are pretty good but not better than in the previous game as far as I can tell. the only praise they even half-way deserve is for going 60 fps when they could have kep the 30 cap and only increased the res for the X. but changing the framerate cap is one line of code unless you come from the Bethesda / From Soft school of programming and tied your physics to your framerate. meanwhile making better assets would be extra work.

Gears was never good as a game but the third game was impressive as a late tech demo for the Xbox 360. this new one looks like higher res assets in the same engine. they even stuck with the blurry baked shadows which by now really stand out as ugly. I can't think of any other game that still displays baked shadows up close. generally there's two approaches to shadows now: high resolution real-time shadows up close and low res baked shadows in the distance (if your sun / moon doesn't move) and fully real-time (for open world games). using baked shadows exclusively is a dead-end approach that I thought was abandoned after last-gen.

So I shouldn't touch it because you think the franchise is dead but have no valid criticism of the actual gameplay experience or multiplayer?

*bright, fuck

They clearly fucking aren't though. Your character and Kait are both closer to the camera than that bulb is. You can see Kait's fucking shadow coming toward the camera on the ground, moron.

>no criticism of the gameplay in gears or the mp
how new are you
>hide behind cover
>hide behind cover so health regenerates
>hide behind cover so health regenerates
>hide behind cover so health regenerates
>hide behind cover so health regenerates
>hide behind cover so health regenerates

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So I should avoid TLOU2 in that case then as well right?

>This guy is a literal nigger going full nigger spek
Fuck off OP


yes although for the record naughty dog games have more depth / variety than Gears, if only slightly.

What's your favorite game?

The fucking lightbulb is barely in the picture anymore, Kait is standing under it or even before it. If she was behind the lightbulb then why the fuck is the wall infront of her and that couch next to her bright?
The lighting in this game is fucked up because it's NOT dynamic.

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>Metacritic user scores
>Mattering at all

>regular Digital Foundry
Don't care, I only watch their DF Retro series which is pretty solid.

From here I'd say yes, I don't think they're actually capable of telling a good story. They'll have set pieces and big moments with characters creaming and dying, but I can't see them telling a meaningful story that does something that hasn't been done before.

>gears 4 has 1300 userscores after 3 years
>gears 5 has 1400 userscores after 4 days
Looks like Xfags finally found out they can raid this shit like the Sonyfags have done for years.

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Why are new games so much lazier than old games?

I knew they were scraping the barrel when they were trying to talk up motion blur.

Seethe more, Xniggie.

They're coasting off name recognition and old assets. They take the core consumer base for granted and to pull in new buyers they tack on some meaningless new feature, include a celebrity cameo and take the plot in a "bold new direction".

second guy here, if you're asking about console shooters I only rate Halo 1 - 3. Battlefield Bad Company was good but not great. third person shooters have never been good on consoles. on PC Max Payne was good, that's the only non-terrible third person shooter I can even think of. the very concept of putting the playable character on screen and moving the camera further away from the gun in a game that's all about AIMING THE GUN speaks of the style over substance philosophy of the game designers. why invite problems like being able to see around cover when you could just not? the only valid reason for third person is platforming, and most third person shooters ironically feature little to no platforming. the original four Tomb Raider games were good platformers but not really shooters. that's where third person makes sense.

fake lighting like this can be extremely convincing. I think they just screwed up with the way they placed the probes or they baked the probes in an earlier, darker version of the corridor and forgot to redo them for the final, brighter version.

it's just a rushed hack job of a game, like all games post 2005.


get a different hobby. You're done gaming.


This game had 2.5 years development time and they managed to craft a much bigger world and completely re design the shooting mechanics in that time. Obviously people won't actually play the game to notice these improvements but they will watch some dumbass youtuber who calls the game shit because of a shadow he found and then leech off that. If you want an example of a lazy game look at fucking days gone. 7 fucking years in development and we got a game with less depth than fucking assassins creed which is the most bare bones fucking open world game.

are you disagreeing with anything I said?

>Reviewing reviews
Good god what is WRONG with youtubers and the people that waste time on this horse shit?

>video has literally 1,3k views
why should we care of literal who opinion? is this a self promotion OP?

Difference is we have evidence of Sony paying for reviews

>You play as a white guy instead
More like upgrade am I right?

i dont think their a debate about spider man been shit

DF are talking about tech, theyre not reviewers.
They just dicksuck every game no matter how unimpressive it is or how bad it is.

You only play him in the beginning and at the end you can choose to kill him (killing him is canon).

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I'm pretty sure I remember them saying that.

Or maybe they're not jaded like you and everyone else who posts here and actually appreciate the good shit in games instead of getting worked up over a minor subjective niggle.

almost all of it, yeah


what's wrong with halo 1-3 or OG tomb raider?

If your literal job is to critique games and you're not a critical person then maybe you should find a new job.

i checked the accounts of the people who gave a 10/10 score and pic related seems to happen a lot. 1 game reviewed, always a 10/10 for gears.

looks like some spic made 5 dozen accounts

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>interactive and destructable environment
>a minor subjective niggle.

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Is that not inherently subjective? What’s wrong with that?

It has the most interactive and indestructible environments of any gears games to date and multiplied by like 1000x. There's literally a whole act which is in this ice area and there's fucking loads of destruction where even the fucking wind can destroy your cover or the enemies can shoot at it and it flakes away piece by piece. You clearly have never played the game.

>It has the most indestructible environments of any gears games to date

Spiderman is a great game
As is gears
As is astral chain
They all are within 1 score of each other as well. 3 great games. Don't know why it's so hard for people to admit other games are good. Fuck fanboys.

Nothing is wrong with them, but there are plenty of great first and third person shooters on consoles. Hell, the new Tomb Raider games are the 3 best ones in the series.

Their job is to look at games from a technical perspective, which they do.

So sonyggger business as usual? It's okay when you faggots do it then?

If you're surprised about this go and check uncharted 4

nah spiderman was a fair game 6/10.
great is exaggeration for such a lazy game

I'm not surprised its being done I'm surprised Xfags finally figured out they can do this.

So a channel dedicated to playstation is complaining about an xbox game getting praise?

Crowbcat also posted it in the comments
stay mad xniggie

>people watch df for what they think about a game instead of the technical information
What the fuck?

>console game gets downgraded and someone is paid to help cover it up
my shock is being imagined OP

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Crowb is whatever since he targets everything from Zelda, to Horizon, to Dead rising, but the video in OP is 100% a kidmcsmooth style channel

Somebody saying an opinion you disagree with isn't a lie.

oof yikes, Sonygroids are still living in 2010

>user score
>relevant at all
nigger all reviews on metacritic are either 0s or 10s, and most of it are console war faggots and fanboys

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Recently Metacritic just banned hundreds of accounts and are considering getting rid of user reviews over people review bombing exclusives over being exclusive.

>muh cherrypicking dishonest editor crowbfag
kys faggot.

>Their job is to look at games from a technical perspective
And critique them on those grounds, which they do poorly.

The majority of the content in their videos is technical things.

So a channel who loves and never every criticises and playstation games is complaining about an xbox game getting praise?


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they are meme trash just like the rest of all the subhumans workin in, off and around the video games industry.

Can't have consumers voicing their opinions on the sad state of the industry. How else would we continually cram lootboxes, forced exclusivity, and gacha up their ass?


digital foundry are shills

Yes, because all of the "My platform game - 10, your platform game - 0" reviewers were really stating their opinions on the industry

Thank god we have Anonymous reminding us of this fact: people who actually do shit sucks.
Real niggas are useless NEETs who shitpost in a taiwanese basket weaving forum.

The game looks like ABSOLUTE DICK CHEESE. It looks like Crysis 1 on LOW settings. It's fucking embarassing.
Yet they couldn't stop fellating its dick for 20 minutes, acting all in awe and amazed at how this turd looks.
DF are the Red Letter Media of video games. They are a bunch of fanboy publisher WHORES.

That doesn't make him right and DF are even praising the visuals in Call of Duty games so their opinion is worthless, they suck dicks all the time unless it involves ARK Evolved.

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There are zero good first person shooters on consoles.

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t. jiren

>that intro
What am I a monkey? Dropped.
We all know Digital Foundry usually dont know what they're talking about when it isnt about performance & benchmarks

>comparing Gears 2 to Gears 5
Why those just those two when theres 7 games in the series?

you have braindamage you shit eater. kys unironically

Except that the new engine used in the upcoming Call of Duty genuinely looks amazing?

this, nobody gives a shit about they think. there is no person on this entire planet who watches df videos for the opinion parts.

Based schizo sonyfag

You're a bunch of stupid motherfuckers, Jesus Christ. This vid is exposing a big influencer's shilling and all you retards can say about it is hurr durr he's a nigga.

Shut up nigga

One looks good, the other is more readable in terms of gameplay.
But maybe you prefer prefer games to just look good over not being able to see shit. If that's the case, stick to movies.

Same reason to compare Far Cry 2 to Far Cry 5. You pick the oldest game in the series that has technology the newer game doesn't. This heightens how pathetic it is that the new game is a downgrade in those ways, and rightfully so.

>the new engine
they were praising BO4, Infinite Warfare etc as well dumbass
and the new engine aint a looker either

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>people are unironically calling GoW 5 ugly
Cringe, I get that you're small details are gone but that doesnt change how it looks you autistic faggots


Not gonna lie, I like this guy

you're making it too easy and obvious

Or maybe he nitpicking features that were removed in games prior to 5. Gears 3 removed most of these features.

polygon literally got most of its funding from MS starting out

Whoa, look at those next gen grafix!

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If it was this it would be justified, but Metacritic user reviews are litterally unironic console wars in 2019.

Why the fuck would I take a low iq monkey seriously with his criticism if all he is spouting is nigas niga niggaaahh bruh and blasting trap.

DF is garbage, and Gears 5 looks like shit. But I'd take framerate over 99% of the bullshit he was complaining about any day. I don't care if cans have physics in a gears of war game.

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Read my post again. Comparing to the newest gake heightens how pathetic the removal is. A 2011 game not having something a 2008 game has? Lame. A 2019 game not having some a 2008 game has? Completely pathetic.

Most people ive seen complaining about the visuals are mad that its 60fps since they would rather it run like god of war

>hear a nigger's voice
>immediately close the video
based me

It's more entertaining than listening to a söyboy explaining how THE EXCELLENT USE OF PER OBJECT MOTION BLUR AND BOKEH DEPTH OF FIELD ADDS TO THE SENSE OF CINEMA.

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thank god the game is on pc and you wouldnt have to make any compromises like these

>subjectivity over objectivity

>this game has dynamic shadows
>uhh no it doesnt and heres why niggah

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>crysis 3 was 2013

>Video maker is literally a sónygger

Attached: [Seething Intensifies].jpg (920x900, 179K)

scripted movement isn't the same as static animation...
you can't change the fact they literally said all shadows were dynamic but can't keep up with any lumen in any other area

It's pretty clear they're getting paid by the major companies. Just look at the FFVIII port video and how they spend almost 4 minutes talking about how technologically advanced FFVIII was before pointing out the port's flaws, which they downplay as much as possible.

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Obviously the real problem is that Gears of War 5 was made by Canadians.

They used to be sooo fucking critical and bitch about almost everything.
Nowadays they got nothing but praise after praise for their sponsored 'technical' review.

But like I said these things were removed prior to Gears 5, so why wasnt he making videos about how Gears 3 was a downgrade from 2? Or at least compare Gears 4 to Gears 5?
Or do a full analysis of the series to show how it changed?
Looks like just trying to stir shit up.


Because MS paid them. Gears 5 has shit graphics and is a garbage game. They only praised it because they got money to do so.

You aren't so retarded as to think PC games are immune from these types of decisions?

Basically this, they post on retardera too

All of Gears 5's reviews were paid. IGN, Digital Foundry, and even Skill Up, ACG, and Worth a Buy all praised it and said basically the same shit. It's not a good game at all and completely unremarkable in terms of graphics, yet they all called it the best looking game ever. MS must have paid very generously for this one.

oh no i can actually see what's happening

im saying the game would have ran at 60fps on pc regardless of interactive environment or not

got payed off by MS

Are you blind?

>Paid reviews

Every time I look at the ground modeling of a modern console exclusive I cry a little bit. They even try to hide it by covering the entire thing in generic 3d grass sprites and such. All they have to do is round out some of the fucking edges, use a texture that wasn't recycled from the N64, and give an actual appearance of depth. I mean, even fucking black ops could do it.

Based nigger

it looks like someone took a jpg and just put it into the environment
looks really out of place

Attached: gears42.jpg (3840x2160, 3.55M)

The game is a 6/10 at best, so yes, absolutely paid reviews here.

That's a lot of scenes in this game. Like in the snow map when you open this one gate and it shows a view of a huge mountain in the distance, it was so pixelated and grainy that it looked like a shitty cardboard cutout image pasted into the scene. This game unironically has the worst graphics of the entire year, I haven't been this convinced of paid reviews since IGN's Assassin's Creed Odyssey review.

Aside from the fact that the lighting is really jarring, in my experience overdone sharpening always creates kind of this paper cut-out look like that.

It looks fine.

Yeah this retard maxed out the sharpening slider


The solution is to stop exclusivity. No exclusivity, no reason for consolewars bullshit.

Maxing it out would be 30, default setting was 6, but since you literally can't turn off the TAA it's set to 15. It's far from oversharpened.

That's never going to happen because if it did consoles that don't fill a niche would die out, so the makes of those consoles won't give up exclusivity

Okay, you do you, just saying that without even knowing the settings it looks way too sharpened to me.

>Cherrypicking: The Post

Its just the shit lighting

Attached: gears29.jpg (3840x2160, 3.54M)

whats cherrypicked about it?

This looks really mediocre. This game's graphics are not impressive.

Why is Yea Forums like this? Why cant you enjoy games as they are?

It's a thread regarding a technical/rendering analysis of the game, not sure what you were expecting.

>implying its only isolated to this thread

Taking things as they are shows low iq.

Because this game is also just garbage in general

Wanna talk about the MP which is just wall bouncing sim with trannies?

Some of the things he says are right, but others is just him nit picking or just talking abot something else entirely

based nigger figured out that the shadows were baked.

Read my post again. Comparing to the newest game heightens how pathetic the removal is. A 2011 game not having something a 2008 game has? Lame. A 2019 game not having some a 2008 game has? Completely pathetic.

Df is absolutely shit apart from lead better linneman doing retro stuff.
Alex basedtalia is absolutely terrible and is literally a redditsetera leftcuck poster
I hate his voice and his videos are just gobshite.

Gears 5 is better than 4 so far but that isn't saying much

>different aspects of pride
>no white pride flag

Not even btter than RDR2

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All the PS4 games have cherrypicked images that takes moments and even glitches to areas you are never supposed to go just to make them look bad.

UC4 screen is just a screen of Madagascar
Idk about Horizon
And the screenshot of GoW was taken in the best looking area of the game according to DF


Attached: resetera.png (1411x633, 87K)

So what they fixed there mistskes besides they are still the best for this kinda of stuff

Madagascar is the area with the lowest density in environmental detail and you can barely see the character model in the image.
HZD pic is literally some dude who managed to get ontop of a rock you aren't supposed to be on just to show that the shadows aren't activated properly.
GOW is not the graphically most impressive location just a popular location from an artistic perspective.

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post a good looking location of gow

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This video and digital foundry's aren't even talking about the same subject.

Queers 5 user scores is getting spammed by Milgrau fuckboys starting new accounts.

You mean again?

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looks bad

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lmao the absolute state of seething Xtrannies

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That is just like your opinion man.

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>pitch black half naked man and blurred out environment
yeah, best looking game ever right there

Attached: God of War_20180502121730.png (1920x1080, 3.07M)

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>that aliasing
>171 kb
>mobile phone wallpaper

>buttmad sony chad shilling his gay youtube channel

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apart from the nigger ape talk
he is 100% right

kek absolutely seething.

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God damn it. Had a feeling he was a turbo sjw

Isn't he german on top? wow
what a pathetic cuck and shithead
fuck DF

>Skill Up
I thought he was being sarcastic at first

>The original gears of war runs at a ROCK SOLID 30 frames per second
They've NEVER been trustworthy.

Nigger ape talk is based since it triggers sjws

nice aliasing

>since it triggers sjws
What? Really? How does nigger black talk trigger SJWs? Wouldn't that be racist or shit?

Sorry, I don't speak ape. Learn a human language.

I bet he sucks nigger cocks

SJWs are the real racists, that's the point of all the virtue signaling

Well, it is in framerate mode.

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Based on his hair and outfit in the last df direct id say he fucks underage tranny "pussy"

>Yea Forums niggers crying about graphics when they all got 1080p 60hz monitors and never seen 4K HDR on OLED glory

photo mode increases visuals and removes blur
>that 50 degree field of view and 5 meter LOD distance


>getting mad that a tech channel that regularly analyzes tech and its uses marvels over underpowered hardware running games that it shouldn’t be able to run
Damn, dude. Get sunlight and stop getting angry that they didn’t shit on a game for something everyone already knows and, instead, focused on how the devs manages to get a certain game to run on weak hardware.

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Why are you comparing it to a mod of a 10 year old game? Are there no other games released in the last few years on PC to compare it to?

That looks like garbage

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hes a confirmed fag tho

If it doesn’t serve a gameplay purpose for a plate to break for the sake of breaking, then who the fuck cares? I’d rather have the environment be static and run at 60fps than for everything to make a fart noise when I shoot it and run at 30fps.

We had HDR in the 90s, it failed for obvious reasons.

>Yea, DF stopped being worthwhile when they stopped being focused on just reporting the facts (resolution and framerates) and started dicksucking games' technology and talking about other meaningless shit
You say this like its a bad thing. I much prefer them looking into old tech, discussing things like volumetric lighting, and dissecting a game running on interesting hardware than another “60fps with slight frame pacing issues and a dynamic resolution ranging from 4k-900p” video.

No it doesn't.

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I still can't believe how mind blowing RTX was on Control. This game is the most impressive piece of tech I've ever experienced.

good christ kill yourself you literal who

Nah, I don't care about them talking about a game's tech unless they go in-depth explaining it or talk about interesting old games.
Who gives a fuck if the face scanning tech in a game is impressive? Every mid-budget or higher game nowadays has impressive face scanning tech.
It's like saying a game has soft shadows.

Same. I thought he had integrity, but he praised this game like it was the best game ever released despite it being on par with a number of other games he has shit on before, even just this year.

I love DF Retro and John and Alex put a lot of effort into their videos even if they can be off the mark sometimes. I think the problem here is that John looks at games as an enthusiast rather than a paying customer. He's not reviewing the game for someone who's going to play it for hundreds of hours, he's just playing it for a few hours and talking about graphics techniques.

John should just stay away from new games because they're all boring shit. Alex is generally a good lad, but is also off the mark now and then. I remember him praising RE2make as a "great PC port" but completely glossing over the fucked up mouse issues.

The old twat and the zoomer should just fuck off entirely. Their videos are so boring. "Here's a switch game here's the resolution and framerate test alright bye, not even gonna edit this lmao"

Thank fuck the nasally voiced twat left a while ago. Nobody even remembers him.

>Shitting on Richard while praising John the downy

what a based youtuber

DF are shills, they don't deserve their reputation

Why are Sonyfags so gay?

DF is pretty good, but there has been some big ass lies they have told, like claiming Watch dogs HASN'T been downgraded & the PS4 could handle the E3 vision


console war...console war never changes

not an argument

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kingdom come came out last year

Attached: horizon powa.jpg (1920x1080, 577K)

They are quite literally paid by Sony and regular posters on NeoGAF/Resetera.

Go figure

Daily reminder that Gears 5 is approved by Resetera dumb Xcuck poster

they lie about every game and just jerk it off

And this is where people seem to get confused on what DF does. They discuss technology in terms of visuals as well as game-related hardware. They don’t review games. They rarely comment on visual design except in passing. They don’t discuss controls. Why do people keep getting angry at them for not doing things the things they never really do at all?

yeah the DG video is pretty cringey

>DF are being paid by Sony
So why are they defending Gears 5 and the shit FF8 remaster?

Attached: 1543778512325.jpg (3840x2160, 2.18M)

FF8 isn't Sony you retard

This, Kingtrash hates them because it doesn't fit his narrative, if he wasn't a Sony faggot I would agree with him.

They are actually Microsoft shills. They vehemently defend the Xbone and lie about the performance on those garbage consoles to make them look better.

Horizon looks decent up close, but anything past 10 yards turns muddy, low resolution, and draw distance gets fucked.

Attached: Horizon Zero Dawn_ Complete Edition_20190510100848.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

So, this is what the average Yea Forums poster sounds like.

I wish. This nigga is smarter than most Yea Forums posters.

>grasping at straws - the video

DF shills some games, it's been pretty obvious for years now.

FUCK the old geezer
FUCK the flamboyant homosexual
FUCK that midget who left
FUCK that leftist crack addict
and FUCK that motion blur enthusiast

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Alex is a faggot retardera sjw

kys nigga DF literally called this reflection good

Attached: gears17.jpg (3840x2160, 3.8M)

>open a video
>nigger's voice
I think any statement said by an ape is automatically invalid

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FUCK i meant

he's smarter than both you and DF

reddit and 4channels very own /Halo General/ so be sure to shit up those places.

Also VG Tech's the only good tech channel that gets shit right. Stats in the description and (recently doing) any differences in a pinned comment. Absolute raw data and no bullshit
Do I go this route or provide the stats and sort, but with a commentated video so I can fully satisfy people who want commentary and mostly satisfy people who want the raw stats?
That's okay.

based nigger > trannyera söyboy

Attached: DH-9LTFXkAA2z4v (1).jpg (1200x948, 193K)

So basically DF praised a bunch of details that turned ouy well in Gears and ignored all the ones that were missing or shit?

>the nigger version of Yea Forums's OLD GOOD NEW BAD
gave me a good laugh

So just like every other game that has a LOD system?

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Ironic coming from a loser posting little anime girls.

Digital foundry is a treasure, they consistently have highest quality most informative content for GFX I've ever seen! To top it all off they're completely unbiased which makes them a Target to Fanboys everywhere.

I seriously dislike that guy. He lies and he looks like an absolute mong.


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>digital foundry
They played off the ff8 remaster like it was great, ignoring all flaws. Even the obvious blurry ass backgrounds.

Fuck these niggas

Tears of War

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>Being this autistic

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I turned that shit off after 2 minutes, what the fuck is this moronic bullshit, seriously

Snoys are based for tearing this guy a new asshole.

He's crying on resetera atm and its glorious

Digital Foundry's analysis is pretty fucking watertight and non-biased and they often highlight issues to devs which later get fixed. If you think there's a bias then you need to shut the fuck up, honestly.

This looks like an early 360 "graphical" show piece

I don't think they're biased. I just think they're fucking tasteless retards.

you're literally just uneducated. DF literally just spouts buzzwords and hopes they stick

if you watched the OP video you'd start to understand just how nonsensical things they say are.

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Seems like the reasonable conclusion is that many games look very good in certain specific situation but every game has some scenes that look very ugly. Control is the only game I can think of that doesn't have moments where the lighting is completely broken. Graphics technology has a long way to go.

I'm not sitting through 20 minutes of semi literate bullshit. what buzzwords do they spout? examples please.

>20 minutes
you clearly don't care enough to bother replying to seriously. you're just a DF fanboy defending a bunch of shills because you don't know any better.

20 minutes is a fucking eternity when you have to listen to a man with the vocabulary of an 8 year old ranting about things he doesn't understand

>makes video that will be obsolete after a game gets updated
>so jewish they won't cover games if they "weren't able to get to them", even though later is always a better time to cover a game

Attached: digitalshills.jpg (539x190, 31K)

Link or screens?

Did you even try to not sound like a shill?

Why are the sonyfags COPING now?
First astral chain, now this.

I disagree with OP, obviously I must be a shill

Does this game actually look so oversaturated in game?
It's ridiculous.

>Why are
It's why IS.

Sum this shit up for me in one sentence as to why I should care

You're clearly a shill because of what you said, not why you said it, faggot

And yet he understands more than you. What does that say about your intellect? You're beyond a faggot.

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lick my asshole clean

It's amazing to me that we are still stuck in the overreaction against brown and grey games. Everything even in a lot of realistic games is neon bullshit.

>internet movs can go to hell
The irony is completely lost on him isn't it?

>even he knows it's sonyfags COPING hard
LOL, even normies know they are cancer

What does he understand? Because he sure doesn't understand how to make a coherent fucking point.

That's what I thought. Fuck off

You're fucking dumb.


Because the screenshot is from PC version where you can turn shadows off (most of them), it's poor bait.

How so, friend? Please be specific. Give reasons based on facts not emotions.

>runs out of "arguments" immediately

Yeah, look at the chin

Nigga Gears 5 is pretty bad but you're sperging out way too hard. It's a really well optimised game and it looks great. It's a well polished and attractive turd

He's right about everything he says, /pol/fag

Attached: Download (69).jpg (1024x576, 121K)

OLD GOOD NEW BAD funny ebonics version

>looks great
>great optimization
bcs it doesnt look great

Attached: gears-5_6077594.jpg (1920x1090, 578K)

It looked like shit

KC:D is ugly as fuck tho. I fucking hate snoys, but God of War looks 100% better than that trash

kek what the actual fuck is this shit


He doesn't understand a single fucking thing he's talking about, it's utterly painful to hear. I don't give a shit that he's black, he's a retard, and so is OP.

John is wasted on nugames

What publishers are the RLM whoring out to exactly?


you4re posting photomode bro

The black man on the video, which I'm assuming is OP promoting his own channel, can't even understand what the Europeans of DF are explaining.

A sad sight to see, but expected from a nigger.

df are confirmed liars even crowbcat agrees


Confirmed by whom?

Some wannabe eceleb who has been shilling his vid here for couple days now.



I think it's a good comparison. Gears 5 uses a new version of the engine that boasts new fancy graphics options, but at the same time it's a much cheaper game compared to Gears 2.

This is a collection of clips. Are you sure linked the correct video?

That's probably the most accurate and trustworthy review for the game

>taking crowbcat seriously
Getting rid of camera shake and the giant blood splatters IMPROVED the game. Gears 5 has destructible cover and even environments. There is nothing like shooting the ice below enemies and breaking it to make them fall in the water in Gears 2.

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yeah you can destroy everything in gears of war 2 and the ice stuff looks garbage and buggy

Attached: ice2.webm (1100x640, 1.16M)

jesus Christ Alex
>which he feels is his history
It IS his history. Motherfucker.

How exactly did removing the blood splatters improve the game? Also, sorry but I can't share your excitement for the ice graphics in gears 5, I don't think it looks that good.

He's right though. Vavra IS a racist sack of shit who skewed history to reflect his own racist beliefs.

dilate and go back to resetera

Why is everyone on Yea Forums so racist

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Richard is the only person of value in DF for modern titles. John should be relegated to DF Retro only. Alex will be killed in WW3

How did not covering half the screen in an overlay in the middle of a fire fight good? Seriously?

Other games have LOD that doesn't look like garbage.

he's right though.

I'm not talking about blood splaters on the screen, I'm talking about blood covering surrounding surfaces in the game. Sure, removing shaking camera and bloody screen are steps in the right direction, but everything else is just lack of details because gears 5 devs were lazy or running on a tight budget.

That's John crying, not Alex

>Sony shills

Apart from that time when Microsoft gave DF an exclusive on Xbox One X

Gulags were made for people like you

nigga this is some first class comedy, u kno what I'm sayin, hell yaa, bam bam my nigga

>Df makes claims, nigger disproves them.
You are the real nigger after all.

Being someone Russia wouldn't like is a good thing


kys nigger

Do you have brain damage?

Alex will be killed by aids

Great thread

Are sonyfags COPING so hard they believe that goes against anything digital foundry said?

Remember that time 5 years ago when, in the same episode, they trashed boyhood and praised GotG?

They're coping because it's an opportunity to attack xboner (not really tho), crowb and op are just saying that gears 5 lost some soul and that df lied

To be fair any movie looks good in comparison to boyhood. But yes they are marvel shills

He most be the "historian" who wrote this article in pic related

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I'm sure this is a reliable source of information

Why are the tranny Jannies deleting Gears 5 threads, face facts, your virtue signaling Gears game is shit.

Digital Foundry was good when they were pure technical discussion, but they tried to turn into a journalistic opinion source. And games journalism is fucking cancer so

because of the greater internet fuckwad theory

But crowbar literally doesn't contradict DF at all.

them saying gears 5 was the best pc port to ever have existed makes me want to just vomit, can you be even more of a shill. hell even tomb raider they never once mentioned the flaws it had when it came to graphics but conveniently made a video about it's entire history out of nowhere

OP vid does tho. I meant crowb was on about the soul. Snoys saw it as an opportunity for some reason.

journalism and opinion pieces aren't the same thing. So which is it?

It runs flawlessly, has endless graphics options and improves on the Xbox version in almost every possible way. It is the textbook definition of a good port.

They are in games journalism user
there is no integrity, fact, analysis or critical substance in games media
hasn't been for a while
you might not have been around when there was though

So we are mad the DF video didn’t cover negative nit-picks? It was pretty good at going through and showing what the various settings do and some of the positive details.

Are we just looking for stuff to be upset about at this point?

>all these shitters have trash ass pc's
imagine my shock

>Playing the campaign not offline and logged in will result in the servers crashing and game glitching out
Bad game honestly

But he still didn't actually, he just cried and pretended to.

I'm 38 years old. Games journalism has never been under more scrutiny than it is today. Journalists have never been held more accountable than they are today. Magazines were routinely paid to print puff-pieces for unfinished games in the 90s, and there were no repercussions.

They also lied about Spider-Man PS4

not fucking puddlegate again.

Morel like dilate furry

LOMOA gottem

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Reminds me of 2006 eurojank

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>posts pics with shitty shadows
>thinks it looks good

everyone got it for free once

DF is known for shilling

it's one of the best PORT user, not game

>john linneman.jpg

why so many dislikes? its a good vid

because some people are born shills

They were crying on Twitter and their hugbox came to the defense

is there a hugbox for this shit game? if this was during the 360 era then it would be okay but who fanboys gears on this day and age?

DF's hugbox I meant

It is, the guy shows concrete evidence of how unimpressive the lighting and other graphics are when you take a closer look at them through gameplay. The guy in the video isn't even a Sony fanboy, he said that he even thinks Gears 5 is a good game and that people should buy it, but the graphics aren't as great as Foundry is making it out to be.

Which account are you talking about?

Alex and jon

Looks like a PS2 game lol

I want to see this in motion

Not trolling but it doesn’t look like this on my Xbox one X. You have something setup wrong, probably in your graphics cards settings. Or you enabled a form of AO your card doesn’t support

>complaining about hugboxes in a hugbox

Please post more screenshots
The game looks aesthetic af

I didn't realize every reply is telling op he's great and to ignore le haterz

>watching stupid shit on youtube to eat up time
>this pops up in my recommended
>theyre going on about what is or isnt fake
>small things caught my attention
>everything shown was real and even exists as a sample in early sdks
>literally requires the hardware as it was at the time or porting, but is in fact quite real
>this video then spawned the efforts of some smart motherfucker to port the unmodified duck demo to modern firmwares
>the ONLY changes were the ones made by epic which we dont have
>where they get the glasses of water, which are in fact real as well
>only differences is that we have yellow and green ducks, while they have only yellow and glasses with eye support
digital foundry is run by retards and this genuinely bothered me enough to source development hardware just to build the samples they say were fake

is that a 360 game? it looks like fucking garbage

What the fuck are you talking about? Sony's E3 2005 had numerous clearly pre-rendered trailers. Nobody give a fuck about your ducks.

i assure you, the majority of it is real. theres very few fake things in there

>It runs flawlessly
nigger everytime i get into a new area and that cutscene animation starts the game drops to 5 fps and it does the same during the ingame cutscenes
apart from that its alright, the game could run a lot better for how meh it looks though

This shit is fucking hilarious.

imagine being this much of a fanboy. like why do you even care? the only other answer i can think of is being on their payroll

>Fuck responses like these
>haha this doesn't bother me tho

Attached: shillfoundry.png (597x724, 171K)

who is this literally who

the irony

>expected video with actual arguments
>it's just a literal nigger chimping out

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Are you intentionally confusing alex and John on purpose?

Out of all games why has it been fucking Gears 5 to send people into a frenzy?

Because there is nothing else. This is the first western AAA game of 2019.

this whole thread is about his bullshit game journo crew

They're both DF and my post wasn't in response to anyone else, just highlighting Alex's response to the whole thing.

I just dont get it, I mean, were videogames not allowing gay people and crips to play? were games just shutting themselves off if a gay banner wasnt flying from the player? how can people be so retarded and not see the transparency in this shit?
internet activist faggots who dont even play videogames bitch on twitter to devs > devs bend knee and add shit to game like this to make it more "inclusive" and its something you can put on the title of an article > core mechanics and parts of series fade due to incompetence and ignorance > actual fans dont buy game > internet faggot activists dont buy game > dev loses money > cycle continues

why? why the fuck? dont these people only care about money? why would they risk losing money to save some face on very low reaching bad publicity? fucking hell

Attached: Aids.jpg (481x442, 57K)

remember if its not inclusive its literally genocidal violence aimed at minority groups.

Because they put 19 flags in the game for the lgbtqiac++python=9 community, the largest gaming community

I can be called a polfag, but the based black man is right. He's making a lot of good points, he gives and shows examples to back his words.

Whoever made that image must be retarded.

There's a LOT of faggots in art jobs. Including videogames. So it's easy to imagine themselves pushing for it.

Why the fuck do any of you faggots care about Gears of Wars 5 anyway?

>he thinks the thread is really about gears of 5