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>Both the Glock and 1911 aren't even in the game, Despite the artwork
Is there a figure regarding how much corporate tax is written off or otherwise unpaid?
Silly user! Taxes are for poor people! Silly user.
The UK has stupid laws, don't blame the player blame the game.
fuck them
Soon nobody will pay taxes in UK because the entire country will collapse by the end of next month.
What the fuck user finally some good news!
There is literally no written law in any law book that states you must pay taxes.
>makers of GTA don't abide by the law
based and upvoted
>The UK has stupid laws
Oi m8, are you criticoizin' the government? Yer under arrest. Hop in.
dosent matter you will still go to prison
Tax evasion. It's how they brought down Capone. The ONE charge they could get to stick.
He didnt break any laws
Nobody at Rockstars going to prison lol
>Oh we are so fucked, we have to leave EU they are siphoning money from us
>Meanwhile no UK corporation is willing to pay taxes in UK
It's almost like, this is a conspiracy.
>Tax evasion
It's "Evading theft"
it's almost like corporations shouldn't even be taxed to begin with.
Company Revenue
>shareholder dividend (they pay income tax)
>employee salary (they pay income tax)
>company can either pay a tax or reinvest earnings for more job growth (more tax payers)
0% corporate tax is the best system otherwise they just get double taxed for no reason or gain to the Government
No user, it's "comitting theft".
He reported less income than he actually made, and obviously didn't report the income from his criminal enterprise. Not paying your taxes isn't technically a crime but tax fraud is.
>have acid thrown at women, people stabbed to death, cars driven into crowds of people
UK: part and parcel!
>corporations don’t pay their taxes
UK: part and parcel!
>want to jack off to porn
A friend of mine didnt pay any taxes for 6 years and when he finally felt bad enough about it he contacted the irs and they told him it was fine. Not bullshitting you.
>the taxation is theft argument
Look if you don't want to pay taxes then fuck off to Somalia or some other lawless third world shithold. Paying taxes is the price you pay to live in the first world with all its benefits.
Makes sense to me.
t. amerifat with no healthcare living precariously from paycheck to paycheck
This is only a half truth as a matter of fact.
>corporations don't pay tax costing billions
>countries subsidize niggers costing 10's of billions
>person getting fucked is joe schlmo middle-income
Do you think you are going to get any tax revenues even if they did pay tax?
Dont believe me? Its all in the numbers.
Capone RAN shit in Chicago. He had the courts, police and media in his pocket. He was virtually untouchable.
It's not tax evasion, it's abusing writeoffs to legally push your tax rate near zero. A classic tactic is taking a huge corporate loan from a subsidiary operating in a country with more favorable tax laws, then spend so much on repayments that your profit ends up in the red. Because of your "poor result", you pay jack shit for taxes while all of your profit actually ends up in a shell company in some corporate tax haven with incredibly convenient laws.
It's slimy, but completely legal and according to the letter of the rules, this has been going on for ages and good luck actually getting someone to do something about it.
That's the point, he had the state in his pocket, but not the feds. If he's greased some palms at the IRS he would never have gone to jail.
Why do social democrats tax high income earners out the ass but leave capital and corporations alone?
>Because of your "poor result", you pay jack shit for taxes while all of your profit actually ends up in a shell company in some corporate tax haven with incredibly convenient laws.
But you can't even do anything with that money without raising suspicion. So you've got a shitton of tax-free money in a foreign bank account, but you can't even spend it without drawing attention from the taxman. Seems like a Pyrrhic victory to me.
>corporations create jobs and support workers!
>muh 1%
I'm on the right side of history and someday involuntary taxation will be abolished.
The government could do a better job of winning me over to compel me to want to pay taxes of my own volition.
>you'll get medical care / vision / dental
>subsidized housing
>other perks!
at that point, I would be retarded to not want to pay taxes. as it stands, I get NOTHING from the government.
>thinking you can bribe the IRS
gun play is complete trash in gta 5 anyway
>involuntary taxation
It's not involuntary. You're not obligated to stay. There's nothing stopping you from going to Somalia, or some other country where the government is insubstantial or non-existent and you don't have to pay taxes.
>pay the irs so you dont have to pay them
are you retarded?
The 1% can never be touched. That's why the NYPD crushed occupy wall street.
doesnt make any difference where you live. its not one mafia collecting from you its another one. in uk it is the governement and in somalia he is goign to have to pay protection money or whatever to some warlord
Ah to be young and naive again
Libertarianism is a fucking psyop. It's literally an ideology about wanting to abandon power and let corporations have it, because that's "fair". Lolbergs are far worse than marxists
How can one company be so good!
Other countries in the world manage to do it so I don’t see why the supposed greatest country in the planet can’t. But that would require the government not to be captured by corporations / the rich and willing to fight all the gimmicks corporations / the rich do to avoid liability.
corporations are a product of the government, corporations don't exist without the government offering them anti competitive advantages, but thanks for trying!
Does it not get old, spamming the same talking points over and over despite seeing it constantly fail in real life? You are so fucking pathetic. Drompf is truly the president american "right-wingers" deserve.
Why would the taxman care? As far as he knows, your megacorp is paying the taxes just like it should and you're also paying income tax on the profits of your bullshit holding company that "finances" your megacorp through some complex arrangement.
If your company does a cultural product (books, movies, video games...), you don't have to pay corporate tax in the UK. It's called Creative Sector Tax Reliefs. But I see most of you are no better than reddit.
Yeah, but the government has limitations on how much they can take from you. The warlords don't. And they don't put any of that money towards maintaining infrastructure or any of the other stuff the government is responsible for, it all goes into their own pockets. So yeah, you're going to pay some kind of tax no matter where you live, but at least when it's the government taxing you the goes to things that benefit you.
Why should they? Fuck taxes.
>I deserve to live in your hotel for free!
But that's what I get from the goverment? Literally all of that?
Because government retirement schemes literally cannot function without capital investment. Increase the capital gains tax and literally no one would ever be able to retire ever. This is in pretty much every country because there is no way to support a retirement pyramid outside of huge pop growth or capital gains
No thank you.
Good. Poorfags, neets and wagies deserve no welfare. They're animals, just like the creatures they import by the shiploads
Trump is highly protectionist.
>I mandate a bunch of shit that nobody fucking asked for and then extort money to pay for it
Don't take things like functional infrastructure, electricity and clean running water for granted. If you have those three things, you have it better than a good two thirds of the world's population.
>Grand theft auto maker
What a weird title. Makes them sound like an industrial goods manufacturer instead of a studio.
>There's nothing stopping you from going to Somalia, or some other country where the government is insubstantial or non-existent and you don't have to pay taxes.
Unless you did something to piss off the government and they banned you from travelling, or if you ignore the costs of transporting you and all your shit to another country, or if you ignore all the immigration laws most countries have that forbid you from staying over a certain length of time. To say "there's nothing stopping you from leaving" is a bold-faced lie and yet so many retarded people say it.
Took them long enough
Taxing people based on their productivity has to be the most evil thing ever devised. I can understand tax bad behavior but taxing people for doing well? Taxing basic economic activity?
Why should anyone voluntarily pay more taxes than they owe?
I generally hold the belief that if you can't sustain yourself or manage to get someone to sustain you because you're likable/provide them some sort of service you're worthless as a human being.
A lot of the NEETs on here get really fired up when you say that people have to earn their right to live, it's like they know that if that were the case they'd be dead very quick
>valuing human liberty is a psyop
Hmm, seems like some Brits are still mad about how ol' George-boy kicked their asses out of the New World and caused their empire to fall apart
You ever go to the hospital? Drink a nice clean glass of tapwater? Turn on a light? Drive down a not-pothole-ridden road? The government says "you're welcome".
Fucking kek, what benefits
muh roads
I dunno, i think they're really that deluded. Just look at all the shitty smug neet threads on /biz/ laughing at people with means far more than they'll ever have in their broken wasted lives.
But that's to be expected from beasts coddled all their lives by millenial parents.
Based but true.
>became a freelancing animator
>contact tax-office
>they tell me to apply and answer questions and describe occupation
>get a phone call from them few days later
>get told I have to pay 75% in tax
>tell them back that something is obviously very wrong
>wait a few more days for an "expert" to review me
>he calls me and tells me I don't have to pay any taxes
Based trips of truth
Total dude you got us, not like we hate the corporations as fucking well.
Bootyblasted wagie, co back to your cagie
Who will be the UK's savior?
I'd say ((((they)))), that being whatever super elite conspiracy only you and a few crazies are beholden to know exist has been pretty successful in cucking you.
I mean, not even the wealthy people defend their wealth as hard and as much as poor neets, usually with extremist opinions protect the wealthy's wealth. That's complete subversion of self interests as it come.
lmao fucking bong names
By the time it would screw them over europe would already be a new arab region. They don't ahve to worry about a thing.
The rich get richer. No news under the Sun.
Nothing beats reading the butthurt in hardware or game threads when some poorcuck NEET can't get something.
Same reason you see Denuvo games get the relentless shitposting before it cracks about how everyone discussing it is killing the industry and a week after it cracks with smug shitposts about how they saved a whopping 60 bucks on a fucking video game.
Same with GPU threads where people want everyone to hold out to lower prices (Will never happen poorcucks) or "144hz is j-just a meme"
It's pathetic how bad poorshitters shit up this board
governments provide the stability necessary to do international trade and if someone is profiting off that stability then they should contribute to paying for it. even if we ignore the reality of immigration rules and the like, no corporation would ever voluntarily set up business in a country like somalia because they damn well know that they would wake up one day with their corporate offices on fire and no way to call for help because the somalians would have torn up the local infrastructure and cut off all forms of communication before finally moving in to kidnap/murder their office workers. Saying a corporation shouldnt be taxed is kinda like saying 'well the workers should own the means of production cuz dey did da work'. It intentionally ignores the larger societal and physical structures set up that allows the workers to do that work in the first place. No videogame company is going to invest in these kinds of projects and then only sell to a small town in yorkshire, they need access to these cross-state, cross-nation, cross-ocean markets for their business to even be viable in the first place.
Found the government worker
Despite only being 1% of the population they make up 40% of all billionaires.
>clean running water
>emergency services
>functioning infrastructure
>living in a civilized, relatively stable society instead of a lawless hellhole
Need I go on?
>conspiracy theory
>the rich and powerful dont rule the world user, and if they did they wouldnt have any kind of motivation what so ever to protect their place in this rulership
what did he mean by this?
>The people vote for something
>Nearly all the political parties trip over each other trying to stop what the people voted for
>When a politician comes around that actually willing yo enforce the will of the people the rest of the politcians gang up on him and make it illegal for him to do what the people voted for
The UK is a complete joke of a country
electricity and water are not provided by the government via taxes, way to expose yourself as an underaged retard who has never had to pay bills before
Emergency services are more often than not a joke, infrastructure is also a joke, we'd be better off without it all anyways
there's a reason no major corporation is ran out of Somalia despite its tax free libertarian nature.
My highways cost a fee to drive in and the government doesn't pay a big enough fraction of my electricity and water fees considering the cut they take from my paycheck.
Currently, taxes are good for free healthcare and that's it, and even healthcare is constantly being abused by subhumans. I don't blame anyone that evades taxes.
Why pay taxes when most of it goes to bloated government employee pensions and the latest attempts by the government to kill me off and extract my wealth?
So go fuck off into the wilderness then. If you don't need all the stuff the government provides. Bye bye. We won't miss you.
>pay taxes in America
>the money literally goes to Israel
i dont know how it works in your country but in mine "private" utilities companies are private only in name. They run off a charter sanctioned by the government which guarantees them the right to do what they do and coincidentally nobody else can ever move into their business because of said charter.
Because it's full of niggers?
If a corporation uses trucks to carry lots of heavy stuff on public roads, that wear out the road much faster than normal cars, then they should be obligated to pay a bigger portion of tax to maintain the roads. This is just an example but the same principle applies to lots of other infrastructure provided by public funds.
>Paying Taxes
Retarded. Fuck the government, they've never done shit for me. The only people against this are retarded government workers who bitch about "only" making 60k a year while working a measly 7 months out of the year.
muh roads are less than .00001% of government spending
>People talk about how paying taxes is retarded.
>Same people will turn around and talk about how the government needs to spend time and tax dollars paying officials to age restrict lootboxes even though enforcement of age restrictions would be nearly impossible since payment methods are only available to working adults anyway
You guys confuse the shit out of me
I can assure you my country has a law in the law book stating just that.
fuck off nigger, it's the reverse, there should be no income tax and only corporate tax.
ah but doing that just by myself won't solve any problems for other people or the planet, I'm too virtuous a person to act so selfishly and ignore the problems of the rest of the world
the internet should be destroyed, the power companies dismantled, the roads reclaimed by nature, the people accepting living less vanity-fueled lives, the communities smaller and self-sufficient
It's possible to bring good to the world once again, my friend, if only people would seek wisdom instead of foolish mental assets
> taxes keep going up while benefits keep going down
> j-just keep paying taxes! It will work itself out!!!
seethe bootlicker
Tax is payment for all the infrastructure provided by the society that your economic activity relies on. Without that infrastructure you would not be "doing well." It's an exchange.
>One person has one opinion
>Another person has an opinion that proves contrary to the ideology of the first person
>I'm retarded so I'll assume these are both the same people
Why are you like this? Does thinking hurt your brain?
Well, to be fair their games were always about being criminals.
Roads are an immensely tiny portion of what the government spends.
What about government pensions, healthcare schemes that only help the worst of society (old and poor people) and social security that literally does not function? Why should I pay taxes for any of this? Assuming all this stuff was gone overnight, I would pay less than half of my current taxes
It's almost like Yea Forums isn't one person.
Seems someone is a little ass sore about it.
Want to talk about it?
So you literally don't understand what civilization is
Yes, compared to GTA IV, GTA V's shooting mechanics took a massive step backwards.
No, taxation of income is just plain theft, the government has no right to tax you for your earnings.
Property taxes are the only ones you can make a rational argument for since property can only be owned when there is a government to enforce laws and protections of ownership in the first place.
It does not make any logical sense to tax people on their earnings.
>muh roads
It was an EXAMPLE you fucking retards, way to miss the fucking point.
The rich shouldn't pay taxes because they don't benefit from public services
>private school
>private hospitals
>private security
>muh roads
Why should they pay for you to get surgery or Laquisha to get gibs
>that only help the worst of society (old and poor people)
You're aware that you will be old one day, too?
And I should be euthanized when that happens. Fuck old people.
The current civilization we live in is a burden on the strong man, only the weak see it as a benefit
Civilization can exist in non-fucked ways where communities are self-sufficient and not overrun with people wanting gibs, criminals, "muh gubberment" faggots, merchants, bankers, and crooked cops
they just throw darts at a board apparently
Yes I love paying for Achmed and Tyrone to rape and murder people, thanks based bootlicker.
Why do Americans love to suck corporation and rich(Jewish) dicks so much?
My wealth is being taken away to subsidize useless sacks of flesh that don't even consume as much as they should to make up for their meaningless existence, taken by a system that won't be in place when I reach their age, wealth I could've been saving up for my old age.
Why do you love to suck Government cock?
so cringe when someone with no power talks violence. you're going to pay for old people, and you'll like it.
Fuck the government and fuck jannies
>wanting not to be taxed for more corporate subsidies means you love corporations
retarded zookeepers accidentally gave a monkey a stick of dynamite
monkey is running wildly around it's enclosure waving dynamite around victoriously while panicking zookeepers try to shoot it with tranquiliser darts
monkey gonna blow a whole in his enclosure to escape but kill himself in the process
What about the can of beer?
corporations and jews only thrive when there are taxes and banks, we'd be better off without the lot of them and living simpler lives
people are too vain and obsessed with objects and assets to realize this
why can no one explain why it's bad literally? it's always these weird fucking allegories.
If you don't pay taxes Abdullah and Aliyah won't be able to have 15 children! They need the money!
Abdullah is a good boy he dindu nuffin, he needs to rape and murder to feel good, now pay taxes!
I repeat.
The ONLY ones that are hurt by taxes are regular people and small businesses.
The ONLY ones that are hurt by regulations are regular people and small businesses.
Every single time. Regulations and taxes benefits ONLY huge corporations and useless people.
>infrastructure is also a joke
I thought this was a huge meme until I moved from a blue state to a red state and suddenly became aware that what I thought was bad infrastructure looks like a utopian fantasy compared to the shit you see in flyovers and the bible belt.
Why should I then? I don't benefit from welfare either.
>without the eu we will FUCKING DIE
It's the monkey's right.
> Retarded analogies
Big corporations can only exist with the protection and regulations provided by big governments
Also you're a fool to pretend that people opposed to big government are somehow in support of big corporations
They should both be dismantled, not simply one or the other
He probably didnt file a return. IRS probably owed him money.
You are a fool. It is the big corporations who wish to dismantle big government.
love capitalism
While you misconstruct my post, the gnist of it is, you're the one building that elite running everything you do, because you defend their income harder than you defend your own.
Why hasn't anyone tried to assassinate any of them?
They tax your earnings because that's the only way to get tax from most people. And, as stated, without tax the quality of the infrastructure would decrease. And then you would not be "doing well."
Because their wealth only exists because of the infrastructure provided by their society. How would anyone accrue wealth without a stable civilisation?
Self-sufficient communities cannot exist on the scale of a modern civilisation. Not unless we somehow overcome the problem of scarcity. If resources were unlimited, there would be no need for any of our current economic models or systems of government. That is the only scenario in which a total overhaul of civilisation could occur.
Government aid to the most vulnerable sectors of society exists because in most human cultures basic morality moves us to allocate resources to alleviate the suffering of the poor, sick, and elderly. There was a guy called Jesus who was pretty big on that stuff.
Name a place without stupid laws.
No-one pays UK corporation tax. And that's just the way the government like it.
Most of my money is already going to somalians, and soon there'll be more somalians here then there are in Somalia. Maybe I should take your advice because Africa is going to be so empty of blacks in a short while that it'll practically be a white continet.
Actually killing important people is hard. Even just finding them sometimes.
Much easier to just shoot up a bunch of nobodies
taxes are theft. i'm glad they dont pay. only the democrats want them to
But what have the Romans done for us!? Nothing!
>Self-sufficient communities cannot exist on the scale of a modern civilisation
Yes I know, the problem is the scale of modern civilization
There's not much point in arguing with lolbertarians friend. You can't reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
That's fine with me. Rockstar would make better use with the money anyway.
>that's the only way to get tax from most people
What the fuck are you on about?
Property taxes exist, sales taxes exist, import taxes exist
NH doesn't have any income tax and they're doing fine, low homicide rate and high education scores that are comparable to the scores we see from MA which is held in high regard for its education
>There was a guy called Jesus who was pretty big on that stuff
Churches are pretty big on that stuff too, maybe instead of the government taking peoples money and allocating it ineffectively we should just directly donate to churches and hospitals
paying taxes is like paying for vidya, only suckers do it
>Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
>Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
>But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
>That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
(Matthew 6:1-4)
You are a hypocrite who does not care for the needy or poor, you only use them as a stepping stool for grandstanding.
The government is not aiding the truly needy or poor with any money they collect from taxes anyways, try living in a city before you assume that the government actually does what they claim to do.
UK citizen are idiots
dont fucking try this in frace
Why do British people clap when they're taxed?
at least capitalism doesnt fuck with your mind, the game is clear, liberalism is way way worse
Because we love big government dick up our arse.
also 100% of central banks
>There is literally no written law in any law book that states you must pay taxes.
A wise man once told me in the eyes of uncle sam the only thing worse than a murderer is a tax dodger
if you cant explain it plainly then you dont understand it
so then who pays for the upkeep of roads, infrastructure, law enforcement and food safety regulaion?
Well you're kind of right
the current excuse to import immigrants is to pay for pensions, howvever even if state pensions didnt exist they would still do it
banks want new debt slaves
corporations want to pay less
the real estate buisness wants to increase house prices
the leftwing wants more voters
all sides of government want to replace white people with 3rd worlders who are more accepting to corruption and totalitarian governments
jews want whites extinct
These are the real reason for mass immigration so even if tax didnt exist they would just come up with another fake reason to fool the public
>you'll get medical care / vision / dental
>subsidized housing
>other perks!
Fucking bong government won't even do that properly btw, I've almost been rendered homeless twice by their incompetance and have needed to go to the NHS emergancy dentist for 9 months because all the dentists in my area are full and they won't treat me for missing 3/4 of a tooth that I've cut my tongue on by accident with an exposed root till its infected.
Am too poor to pay for it to be done as well because of the aformentioned almost making me a hobo thing being expensive endeavors to fix
rdr 2 is much worse
While Yea Forums certainly is not a single person, threads like this one are usually very clearly in favor of one of the options, and contradiction happens when majority of thread about taxes calls for abolishing taxation, and then in thread about govcontrol over lootboxes, majority will support it and demand an action from officials.
At least it's how I see it, of course that guy may really didn't meant any of this.
even if you did that the money still wont be distributed to everyone in the country you fucking commie
>Africa is going to be so empty of blacks in a short while that it'll practically be a white continet.
Nope theres gonna be a population boom in africa, its being used as a breeding ground, then some of them not all of them get brought in to increase the population in other countries, africa will never be empty because the elites need the population to grow infinitely as the economy is built upon the delusion of infinite growth
I admire Rockstar for being a re big dick energy company. Literally does not give a fuck about what anyone thinks. Basically:
>fuck soccer moms
>fuck the gubment
>fuck sjws
>fuck console makers
>fuck the pc
>fuck everyone
If RDR2 is any indication, it'll go full on sjw soon, but for a time, I was "fuck you", the company and it was marvelous.
walk up to a homeless person in the city and ask them why they are there
not HOW they got there, WHY they are there
the answer will undoubtedly be "I want to be here"
Here's an interesting timeline for you:
>The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) publishes an action plan to address tax base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS).
>Pressure from backbench MPs such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and the rise of UKIP results in David Cameron announcing that a Conservative government would hold an in-or-out referendum on EU membership before the end of 2017 if elected in the 2015 general election.
>The OECD makes recommendations to the EU for addressing tax avoidance, expanding on the 2013 action plan. The EU begins to draw up the "Anti tax avoidance package", a set of legislative and non-legislative initiatives, aiming to strengthen rules against corporate tax avoidance and to make corporate taxation in the EU fairer, simpler and more effective.
>The Conservatives are elected. Legislature to allow for a referendum is drawn up.
>In January 2016, the European Council begins working on the proposals put forward in the Anti-tax avoidance package. Throughout 2016 and into the May 2017, directives from the package are adopted by the Council.
>In February 2016, the referendum is announced for June 2016.
>52/48 in favour of Leave, announced 24th June 2016.
>29th March, Article 50 triggered, starting a two-year process with the UK due to leave the EU on 29 March 2019.
>May 2017, the EU has adopted the directives of the Anti-tax avoidance package, and all member states are directed to implement them into their national law by 1st January 2020.
>Article 50 period extended to 31st of October.
>Boris Johnson adamant that there will be no further extensions, taking desperate measures such as proroguing Parliament so that he can to get us out of the EU, even without a deal, before the end of 2019...
Here's an interesting timeline for you.
>20 years ago,less niggers, less crime
>now, more niggers, more crime
Get dabbed on.
Tax pays for more than hospitals. Tax is also mandatory. Voluntary donations would not come close to covering all of the areas of infrastructure that taxation does.
more people = more problems
more people = lower wages
more people = higher house prices
more people = destroying the envrionment to make more houses
higher population density = more crime
higher population density = lower quality of life
Birthrates are below replacement so the natives arent at fault, but the population keeps increasing because the government import foreigners to make the population increase every year
also 3rd world niggers just commit more crime
Taxation isn't grandstanding. People don't gloat about how much they pay in taxes. It also isn't charity. It's an exchange. If you want to take part in a society, you abide by the social contract. Taxes that take care of the vulnerable are a part of that.
You are a bad Christian.
>talking with friends
>they bitch about paying tv taxes
>"lol just don't pay for it'
They are a special type of stupid for paying for such a stupid tax.
You don't know what liberalism is if you think capitalism is somehow its opposite.
protip: the money doesnt just magically disappear - it goes into the hands of citizen-workers who are paid for their work and then use the money to participate in the local economy
Neo-liberalism and capitalism go hand in hand
That is a great shame, but the solution is not to remove the social safety net entirely, it is to improve it so that people such as yourself cannot fall through the gaps.
But what is their tax policy?
White people have always used more government help than any other race by a large margin and it’s one easy google search away but nah let’s stay ignorant
What if everyone could file their taxes to the department(s) of their choice?
Good fuck taxes.
I'd vote for ya.
Lol the would actual have to care good luck trying to get the goveremnt to care
You are still talking about race and immigration when Brexit was always about preserving tax avoidance schemes, further privatisation of our public services, and massive de-regulation across all sectors. Brexit is a neoliberal wet dream. Farage, Mogg, Johnson are all explicitly in favour of replacing the NHS with an insurance based healthcare system - that should tell you enough about their politics.
The agenda has nothing to do with immigration, that's just how they sold it to you.
Muh social contract.... I didnt not sign shit fag
but then nobody would fund foreign aid and the africans would die and we wouldnt be able to let them breed to insanity to have a steady supply of debt slaves and left wing voters
That's why you're an outcast.
Don't forget to buy their games and pay for every possible MTX ingame! They are just poor struggling devs that need your money to survive!
If your argument is that the government wanted to leave to protect their corporate masters then why have they done everything possible to delay and avoid Brexit?
You know once brexit is finished you dont have to vote for farrage right? He doesnt become the supreme leader of the uk the moment we leave the EU
For the average voter its about pushing back against the globalists, I dont trust farrage either he wants indian immigrants, but having a large multinational structure like the EU is very good for globalists and bad for nationalists
I would send all my tax money to welfare and quit my job.
Sure buddy knock yourself out bootlicker. Also btw we already do live in a lawless hellhole, look at chicago
Yup, you got me, or the simple fact is I looked at reality and realize the goverment is more evil and corrupt than a warlord would or can be.
all the guns were generic as fuck
>all these tax paying cocksuckers sucking up to rockstar
>oi oi based fooking rockstar fook taxes, oh by the way I'm getting taxed out the ass but at least these rich fuckers who wouldn't piss on me if I was dying of thirst aren't paying taxes
jesus christ
Yes I would like to talk about your massive levels of stupidity. Where would you like to start?
The issue is that most companies do neither and just hoard cash
These two posts sum up the difference between liberal and conservative talking points today
Now i'm fucking pissed.
stop watching to many fucking movies dumbass
unless youre know this for FACT and BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT in which case abide by (pic relatred)
Funny how Brexit has nothing to do with stopping Pakis then you dumb muttoid
It's parliament that's fighting back against the government. Do you understand how our system works?
Fuck off, Dominic Grieve.
>government fighting itself
Sounds about right.
The EU is a protectionist entity that we will be weaker without. The enemy are neoliberals that are in favour of allowing for multi-national corporations to strong arm governments. Even lax immigration laws are part of that agenda. They want cheap labour - and they will get it elsewhere if we can't offer it to them.
Parliament =/= government. We have a conservative party government. However, they cannot pass laws without the approval of parliament. Parliament includes all elected representatives from all parties, not just the conservatives. So if members from other parties don't like the legislature, it won't go through.
I know but the net is shitty and I always end up falling through the holes.
Ironically it is a solution that works for me becuase I need the competition and the impetus to thrive, can't get it from sports because my knees are merely pretending to be real knees and don't get enough of it from gaming because its too impersonal and censorship sucks dicks.
In competitive environments I do so much better and I can't force that indescribable need because the temptation to be lazy is too great
Yup i watch a ton of movies, nice projection. I actual have study history and realuzed its all a lie
Man, that Theft is a pretty Grand one. Auto.
both the neoliberals and the eu are globalists
All globalists are bad
If you don't like globalists, don't vote for them. Leaving the EU means we have no influence over the future of EU policy, but we will still be affected by it. Brexit is a totally futile exercise if you were hoping to turn the tide against globalism - you've given up the power to change things, not gained it.
Consider how future visions of earth where we spread out into an interstellar empire always have a single-government earth.
Because they are communists so anyone who works is the enemy.
i'd rather be a dead monkey than a caged one
>always have a single-government earth
This thread convinced me that most of Yea Forums is not even 25 yet. At some point you're really being a lolbertarian is unrealistic and protecting corporations that are fucking you in the ass from the government who is also fucking you in the ass is a fools errand.
The government WILL fuck you in the ass one way or another, it's not in your interest to defend corporations who also use the government to fuck you in the ass with maximizing profits
If every Somalian moved out of Somalia, I would move to Somalia.
Media isnt on your side its all propoganda
the only way to win is to force it to disband
leaving is a good step towards that, but other countries would need to do the same for any effect to be had
you cant beat them by being part of their globalist plan
full on destroy all world governments, banks and economys is the only way to save humanity from the elites
unfortunately you'd have to go through a fuckload of people who defend these institutions for free
>There are people that think paying taxes is bad/evil/theft
>Countries with the highest living standard and happiness have highest taxes
Hmmmmm, really makes you think.
Other members of the EU want out but are afraid. If we fuck it up, which we have, or don't even leave then the others never will. If we leave without a deal and tell the EU to shove its divorce bill up it's ass, then other EU countries will find the courage to leave, too.
One can only hope user
but there are alot of powerful people determined on reversing the outcome and making sure their EU empire doesnt fall
Brazil and Venezuela have the highest taxes
I can see it happening with an international bank run but good luck convincing people to actually do that
you know you're talking to a leave voter when you have to explain to them the basic fundamentals of how their own political system works
They are literally becoming the morally bankrupt greedy unchecked corporation they made fun of.
Most likely its a foreigner.
Remain voters are usually pretty uninformed too tho either that or they actually wish to be subject to "authoritarian democracy"
For example the MEP's cant propose new laws so lets say you are pro x but the eu is anti x, well it never gets proposed so the MEP's cant vote for x regardless of who you elect
Now if its the opposite and the eu are pro y and you are anti y, then you have to win the vote every single time its proposed because the moment you lose the vote once it will never be proposed again
If I offered to play a game with you and said in order for you to win you have to win every single time we play, but for me to win I have to beat you one time and then I am the eternal winner forever, would you play this game?
which can't be used by those governments because they don't have the administration needed for them
they're literally just paying taxes once every 5 or so years
Don't the players make the rules of the game?
Isn't that exactly how most games work? The player only needs to beat the boss once to continue on. The boss needs to beat you every single time and just hope you ragequit and never play again.
In singleplayer games sure, but I used "you and I" so imagine its a multiplayer game, would you accept the terms that if I win once I win forever but in order for you to beat me, you have to win every time I ask you for a game
Yes because you're awesome and I hope we can be friends.
Thanks user thats kind of sweet
>if we fail, we'll fail
>so we must not try
>Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwich
Not sure whether to be disgusted or get hungry.
Income tax was brought in in the early 20th century in most Western countries.
>Europe has had roads since the bcs
>Most if not all countries have privatisated electricity that you pay for separately from taxes
>the vast majority of medical research happens in the US (a privatised health system and if it wasn't most of the drugs used in other countries wouldn't exist because there's no incentive to make them )
>Wells only came about as a result of taxes
Fucking finally, thanks based EU.
Whoever said that was a cuck sounds like.
This image makes no sense because all of those companies skirt by government law while smaller companies have to abide.
they dont skirt the government, they basically control the government
they're the ones who lobby for laws that make it difficult for competition to rise