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No steam no buy
why do people care so much about Boringlands in general? the games feel so dull. is it just the 9gag-tier meme humor ? a lot of germans seem to like it
I love Borderlands but Iceborne has made me forget about 3.
>thinking people forgot about it while It hasn't even been released yet.
Only a few days now and i'll be able to play it.
Generally the same reasons as other Diablo 2 clones but with FPS gameplay instead of top-down hack and slash.
Its almost like when enough people report the obvious shill threads they fucked off. See ya in 2 years when the goty edition is out Randy Ill be pirating it
>no Yea Forums threads
>youtube trailers sub 200k views
>internet hates you for epic deal
there is zero hype for your game Randy this might even be a TOR2
Clearly not since you made a thread about it
Nice try Randy
>there is zero hype for your game Randy this might even be a TOR2
please god yes
There are thousands of autistic die-hard borderlands fans that will keep the game afloat. My friend preordered the most expensive edition as soon as he heard it was releasing just because "ITS BORDERLANDS DUDE ITS SO GOOD :)))"
one month and it will be released on steam because of "disappointing" sales
i'm a diehard memelands autist, 1000+ hours in each game, 100%'d all of them, never in my fucking life going to buy this shit on EGS
Epic is killing borderlands because of the PR disasters around it.
This is no surprise to anyone
This EGS turd has Denuvo. Might need to wait a bit.
it doesn't come out until 2020 though
>game designer revealed to be a pedo
Yea Forums sleeps
>game designer reveals his game is on Epic
To the user who gifted me the Handsome Collection thank you again
>i'm a diehard memelands autist, 1000+ hours in each game, 100%'d all of them, never in my fucking life going to buy this shit on EGS
I've been playing this series since i had a potato computer, baverly getting 20fps and really loved it as a fun game to come back once in a while, nothing more. But not even this stupid love I have for memelands is enough to overtake the shit randy pulled and egs
Definately will pirate
For the last time he was carrying around legal age, 18+ straight porn on a USB stick. It's kind of weird but not illegal at all.
Waiting on that steam release. Fuck epic.
barely legal age
There is a massive difference between the 2.
It's not even out yet. It'll probably be mediocre but a decent coop pasttime with the gf. She's better at Borderlands reviving than River City Girls reviving.
Barely legal = legal, you fucking retard. It is just marketing spin they use for the girls who aren't 30 and haggard.
I'll probably pick it up on a deep sale. This month I'll have Daemon x Machina, Code Vein, and Link's Awakening to mess with.
Barely legal is still legal you prude
Well duh. Randy is a idiot manchild.
What should he be watching anyway... Milf or gilf porn?
MILF porn is the most based you can get desu familia.
As a lead game designer in a AAA company? Definitely not lolis
I think Randy really is a magician he pulled the best magic trick
He made half his potential sales disappear
Tranny and fat shit is pushed all over the media as totally fine. But a man watches legal porn of a definitely 18+ and likely over 20 in reality girl .... Oh lordy stop the presses.
The only people getting upset over this are blown out 30yo roasties and gays and trannies.
>Meanwhile one of the most anticipated games of all time
The cope will be real come next week when Yea Forums gets BTFO and the game is a massive success
I'm hyped. I also know Yea Forums is hyped too but they shit on everything
lol no
As I said, it's weird. And if they wanted to push the angle of "carrying around porn" that's fine, go ahead but most people won't care.
But to consistently call him a pedo baselessly is just slander or cope.
>Meanwhile one of the most anticipated games of all time! - says epic CEO Tim Sweeney
>Numbers? Uhhh, who cares about those! Its an exclusive!
I tried to play through the Pre-Sequel to build up some hype for BL3 after not having played the series since BL2 back in 2013. Couldn't even finish it, and I somehow managed to come out of the experience even less hyped for BL3 than I was before. Tales from the Borderlands was ok though. Iceborne has completely killed any interest I might have had in the game right now.
its tainted and must now be avoided forever
If it was only the porn literally nobody would give a fuck yeah. But he did a lot of worse shit than that which was affecting the company, projects he worked on and other projects of the company which effectively killed an entire game.
Feel the opposite. Finished replaying Pre-sequel a week ago, Tales was amazing for me and I don't give a shit about Monster Hunter
>there is zero hype for your game Randy this might even be a TOR2
Gonna be pretty hard to top Tortantic, Aspiemeda did come close to those levels so hopefully, it'll be on par with that.
>tfw my sister apparently knows someone who worked on it so they preordered it for me and likely expect me to play it
I mean I like the series but the company itself seems like shit.
There is no proof he ever stole $12million
Imagine being so fucking deep in a cult that you prevent yourself from enjoying new things because it involves pressing a button on a logo of a company that your cult members told you is bad.
Its fucking unreal how steam fanboys treat anything that isn't on steam. It can be excused when 10 year olds don't want to buy a switch because its 'cool' to own a PS4, but you're all fucking adults here and you are this petty.
I guess the ongoing court case will show otherwise. Hopefully Randy isn't found in contempt of court again.
>new thing
kek, 5 bucks says its exactly the same as 2 and TPS
Shut the fuck up ching chong. We don't need your shitty chinese launcher.
Did it already come out? What are the review scores??
25 minutes until reviews are out, game is out in 4 days
I expect Urinalist shills to give good reviews then
>only selected shill sites are getting review copies
Yep, it's gonna fucking suck.
Why do these posts always ignore how fucking terrible Epic's security is
What if... I just don't like borderlands?
>can't play as Tina
Yeah, no shit no one cares about this game
its pretty much the only looter shooter out there, if something better came along people would flock to it but there isnt, so enjoy memelands posting for all eternity
>tina got older and uglier
disgusting game
im getting it on console
>you cant play as tina
>the second most memorable character from the games other than handsom jack
what were they THINKING???
moxxxi looks like a tranny too
Steambros if Borderlands 3 is a success we will be utterly btfo, how can we prevent this?
Destiny 2 has much better gunplay and endgame then Boredlands 3
shit game, worse than memelands
Day one pirate. Thanks, Tim.
Don't worry is still love you
I like having all my games on the same platform, sry.
could it be? an original w*jack? the end times truly are upon us.
looter shooter are boring as hell
they could be fun if fags fixed the gameplay, getting a dogshit gun that does literally nothing sucks ass
game is shit, move on
Did it come out already?
not defending the game but that's been the same since 2, what did they expect?
Destiny is alright. Hated it for years but tried it when it was free and now I actually love it.
>recently tried playing BL1
>enemies are bullet sponges
>loot all sucks ass
>guns feel terrible
you're not wrong.
2 was a shit game already, the whole "omg it was my childhood hidden gem" is astroturfing revisionism.
>>thinking people forgot about it while It hasn't even been released yet.
I legit forgot it was coming out in a few days since I've been having too much fun with Classic WoW.
Literally the same could be said about Borderlands 1, 2 and TPS.
Bad jokes are not a point of real criticism.
>barely legal
Still too old, yuck.
Why did the devs have a launch party before the game even launch?
So much has been happening recently that is making people forget borderlands 3 completely.
we had:
>nintendo direct with Terry and Sans reveal
>Cube World steam release announcement
>WoW classic
>Monster hunter update
Probably even more shit I forgotten. This is a really bad time for borderlands to release with all these distractions happening.
Tina was always an ugly child, it makes sense.
I even prefer it that way.
Now what they did to Mox was just bullshit
Uhhhhh, Chang? Hello? You okay??? YOU OKAY??????
Game's bad.
its doing just as a i expected
>Borderlands 3 is seriously obsessed with turds
I can't wait for people completely dissecting every part of the game on youtube with their hate filled reviews.
I was expecting it to be loved by everyone, but this is quite a surprise. The quote is from the review.
Bungie shill
Destiny is online only.
>no emphasis on story and dialogue
>cool guns
>goons exploding
So it's good then?
It's funny because the jokes are not he "approved" ones. This one might actually be better than the other ones.
Right up until a game you enjoy moves to another platform, and you'll realise how fucking retarded you all are over believing that Valve is the one and only company that you will support until the end of time.
You know its possible to like more than one thing right... Seriously just like console wars of the early 2000's up in here.
Find me 1 person living today in this year that prefers horse carriages to cars
piss off cheng, you're not getting me to install your shitty spyware you gook cunt
Nah it's a convenience thing. Game distribution platforms are going the way of streaming and splintering into a million little proprietary fragments that all want their own exclusives to lure you to their particular turd of a platform. It sucks and I for one refuse to support it. Steam is the netflix of game distribution, they started it, they have the most stuff, and all these johnny come latelys suddenly want to fuck up the industry.
Fuck off, Randy.
you're a zoomer or a pedo.
>shit tier loot shooter nobody likes
>comes out when classic hype is in full force
what did you expect the game won't even sell that good.
It was forgotten until you decided to go and make a thread about it
I'm gonna buy it on the epic store.
And I'm gonna play it.
You can seeth now ;)
You cannot comprehend how mad I am right now
>the amish
your move
>no emphasis on story and dialogue
Where did you get that from?
from the article:
>"Worse, there's no way to skip through the dialogue. Quests lurch into motion like an old car: listen to an NPC talk for 30 seconds, press a button as if twisting the ignition, more talking, more heaving of the engine, pick up an object, more talking, spit, putter, and now the objective location is revealed. And we're off. "
Sounds like they are still pulling the same old BL2 shit
>it comes out this week
whew, had no idea. Looking forward to Randy's Twitter.
When was this fucking turd released?
Steam bro here, dont give a fuck none of this matters. Have sex and make children
getting ready to rev up those torrents
cheers timmo
they are upset the story makes fun of streamers and vidya game journalists.
Is there any cracks available yet?
I don't keep up, has Randy said anything more embarrassing or stupid than usual?
not out yet
Since when? He said plenty of dumb shit after borderlands 3 got announced
So what's the joke that pissed off the cancel culture cucks?
>yet another mediocre loot & shoot
Did we really need this? Why won't this shitty genre die?
Chad Randy generates so much asspain how is he so based?
Imagine letting people like randy pitchford tell you where to spend your money
based retard
We might see another Diablo3 here. Big numbers, but dropped like a hot potato, because of terrible writing and so on.
I remember both Borderlands 2 and TPS were leaked and cracked early, I'd managed to finish both games before the official releases.
When you look at the studio, its entire company is reliant on Borderlands - and seeing how much of a creative dead end the game was and always will be, I really can't fathom how much of a subhuman you have to be unironically playing this game. It is subpar in every single aspect it tangles, driven mostly off cringey humor and repetitive gameplay, along with a nonexistent story, developed by people who hate their fanbase.
If you buy this game, you are a cuck and fuck you.
how's that lawsuit with randy going?
inb4 settlement
Same reasons people like Destiny or Warframe.
>have all previous games on a platform
>decide to drop the entire platform for the new game
>just so you can collect extra alternate digital store cash
It deserved to be forgotten.
Am i your friend? Coz i got it too!
>It's stuck in the late '00s
>If you buy this game, you are a cuck
Where's my black bull at? It was promised to be in the super deluxe edition :)
Yikes desu