Are Uncharted games any good? They reek of Reddit
Are Uncharted games any good? They reek of Reddit
They are playable indiana jones movies.
They are fine games
First one sucked.
Second was pretty good.
3 was meh.
4th was decent.
Entire series is average at best. Not horrible, but sure as hell not great.
2 is pretty good
That sidegame in india where you play as cloe is pretty fun
2>3>1, though i remember 3 played better than 2 control wise
haven't played 4
I enjoyed 1-3. Playing through 4 atm and it doesn't even feel like an Uncharted game. It's just (more) soulless, more serious and no fun.
Played the 4th one at a friend's house and the tutorial treats you like a retard, 4th game in the series why
Naughty dog got hit with the "games must be accesible" hammer
2 made me wish the rest were as good as people say they are. As a stand-alone game it’s still really, really good. Lost Legacy was better than it had any right to be but not as good as Among Thieves
story for 1,2, and 3 are good. Written by Amy Hennig.
4's story is completely unbelievable and seeped in sjw propoganda.
The games play better as they go on in the series. 1 has virtually no stealth. Like they built the entire game on shoot outs and added a "silent takedown" feature in the first last moments.
4 while it plays well holds your hand most of the time.
It's trying to hammer it down that Drake is old and should just let it go despite what his bro tries to peddle.
yeah. 4 was pretty good, but it wrestled the gameplay away from you too much in favor of kid drake and walking around sequences, but the game is undeniably fun when you're grappling around superman-punching south africans in the face.
the multiplayer was great though. fast paced and good gunplay. its still alive, but it's not what it used to be.
What happened to his piano?
They were fun cheesy Indiana jones inspired adventure games. But then Naughty Dog started making them more melodramatic and serious for no reason.
I really enjoyed the series desu
2>4>3>Golden Abyss>1
i can barely remember anything from 3 it was that forgettable
Laura is better
They're somewhat repetitive but otherwise enjoyable.
2>Lost Legacy>4>3>1
Playing through Golden Abyss so I cant properly rate it but its enjoyable for what it is
4 has best gameplay by far.
>They reek of Reddit
>if you have to ask, then you're Reddit
Never played the first one, but 2-4 are all pretty good. Personally think that 2 was Uncharted in it’s prime.
>there, I did it again, I called something reddit! I do fit in know, r-right?
>reek of Reddit
What does that even mean you insecure faggot? You're interested in them but are afraid that the hacker anonymous will disapprove?
Passable at best, they try to be more "realistic" than Tomb Raider by dropping any mystical elements by the third game and be like "you know, those allucination sequences in Batman Arkham Asylum were nice, let's rip them off". Also they try to pass Nate as a hero with no remorse nor alternative for mauling down hundreds of mercenaries in his quests.
Wish the games were about Sully, he's way more likeble.
Just stick with Tomb Raider.
>Reeks of Reddit
What does this even mean?
The first 3 games are pretty good.
The 4th one is typical Reddit crap, it's a deconstruction of Uncharted, Neil Druckmann basically destroyed the franchise and the main character. He also forced Amy Hennig to leave Naughty Dog.
Blame the Last of Us. It ruined Uncharted. It ruined Naughty Dog. And it ruined gaming.
>It's just (more) soulless, more serious and no fun.
this is just every sony game in 2019
I played it YouTube the only true way to play it and I finished it a lot faster then you...
The first two are good, 3 was shit. I never played 4.
>gets beat up by a black woman
>story for 1,2, and 3 are good. Written by Amy Hennig.
3's story was fucking garbage and was a likely contributor to why Hennig left. Sorry, not left, got kicked out for not writing what Druckmann wanted.