What was the last game that you COULDN'T play?

What was the last game that you COULDN'T play?

Tbh, my machine is 2 years old and plays most newer games on high settings with no problems.

I guess new games (even AAA titles) just don't focus on graphics that much anymore?

Attached: mdtrmayruil31.jpg (717x717, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Try to play it anyways
>PC starts catching fire before the screen goes black and the game crashes
You name it. Just about any 3D eroge aside from AA2.



What the fuck

not gonna fit

>RTX 2080
Textures: Ultra
Shaders: Off
Effects: Low
Shadows: On
I just want a crisp image without shitty flares taking up all the screen


Attached: WHAAAAAAT.jpg (300x168, 6K)

Do emulators count?

>Shaders: Off
Shaders do like 90% of the graphics work these days user. Also
>SSAO: Max
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about

they are pocket sized, very convenient

i like you.

Attached: asuka thumbs up.gif (346x320, 2.76M)

Viking chadbro ordering at Filipino McDonalds?

>Shaders add loads of effects that look trash to everyone who isn't a zoomer
>You clearly have no idea what you're talking about
There isn't a single SSAO option that you can say is "best", it depends on the game. Now sit down zoomer. Go back to your xbox.

>PC starts catching fire before the screen goes black and the game crashes

yeah no, that shit can fuck right off.

most of the time, it's completely unnecessary and due to shitty software side calibration.

install MSI afterburner or a similar software to override your default fan controls and adjust that shit ASAP, you can thank me later.

>before afterburner, running default fan settings
>have the audacity to start battlefield 5
>my PC goes full A380 turbine engine, windows shatter as the propellers start screeching, sirens in the distance
>CPU temp at absolute zero outer space permafrost

completely uncecessary, your processor is built to last, not built to melt. spare your ears the terrorizing fan noises and let your CPU get a bit warmer

>using afterburner, running custom settings
>starting battlefield 5
>my fans pretty much stay the same, barely audible increase in noise levels
>CPU temp goes to 75°C, but that's completely okay because a CPU is not made out of chocolate
>almost 1 year later, still no problems

feels good man

Attached: c39wn521gjo21.jpg (4032x3024, 1.24M)

That's probably because dev's still have to make games run on outdated 2013 consoles.

so far I haven't had any issue, had to lower settings a little in Remnant to get 75fps but otherwise I'm fine, haven't been bothered by >4c4t in any of the games I've played

Attached: speccy.png (524x460, 31K)

I cant get some vr games into full supersampling to get them crisp on my vive

Asuka a cute

My machine is 6 years old. The only game I have problems with is AC Origins, lower fps in the cities makes it barely playable.

>still have a GTX 750 because BR poorfag

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As if we needed more proof that consoles are holding game development back.

Seriously, having devs forcing themselves to develop for consoles is the same as a teacher slowing down learning progress for an entire class because 3 kids called Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft are super slow learners but their parents refuse to put them in special ed.


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>Shaders add loads of effects that look trash to everyone who isn't a zoomer
Effects like volumetric per-pixel lighting, water effects, snow effects, skin shaders, normal and bump mapping, etc.
Shaders are the absolute core of graphics and without them you just have flat textures straight out of the early 90s.
If I had to guess you're probably thinking of post-processing effects like blur, bloom, vignetting, depth of field, etc. But you have no fucking clue about graphics so you're using the wrong terms.
>There isn't a single SSAO option that you can say is "best", it depends on the game
Still no fucking clue what you're talking about. Games don't even really use SSAO anymore lol.

let's adress the elephant in the room here:


Better call an ambulance beforehand, this can not end well.

Attached: 6h3jlAf.png (1280x938, 1.74M)

>Effects like:
>Games don't even really use SSAO anymore lol
Yes they do.

Attached: file.png (256x48, 17K)


Attached: EZOD8429.jpg (540x720, 48K)

>Want to play old games like wow, secondlife, homeworld, starsector
>upgrade from a gtx660 to an rx580
>performance is either the same or actually WORSE in the games I want to play

Turns out AMD can't do opengl and the company has zero plans to ever address the problem. So fuck me right? Last time I ever buy AMD for gaming. I really should've known better.

The menu looks Flip, they have natural BWC abilities

My favorite graphic settings meme is "motion blur" in FPS games.

Like, mate, u wot. Why would you ever leave that on in a game where my success depends on not seeing shit as a blurry mess?

I really need to know, does my height really look noticeable in Asian countries? I hear people who are 6'1 or 6'2 have trouble, but I'm 6'4. That's going to be a bit awkward.

I rarely even try to play vidya on my PC since my old one was a toaster that couldn't run anything more intensive than some japanese indie games and my new one is a linux and proton only gets you so far.

In both instances I'd say Metal Wolf Chaos (flat out doesn't work from what I read so I didn't even bother trying) and N++ (bought, crashed at startup, refunded. might actually try to pick that up again since I have a new PC now but still.)

Got an Oculus Rift for free the other day. Checked the minimum specs, my GPU wasn't even on it.

Ended up ordering a refurbished GTX 1060 (3 GB) for $115. How'd I do, Yea Forumsros?

>volumetric lighting
>looks like trash
I guess you prefer flat polys?
>normal and bump mapping
>zoomer shit
Ah, yes, techniques from 2004 are truly zoomer shit. Techniques that add depth to textures so you don't have those eerily flat models from the late 90s and early 2000s.
You still have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
>posts older game that still uses SSAO
Everything modern uses HBAO+ or VXAO, SSAO is very outdated as an ambient occlusion technique.

Filipino McDonalds.


all of them lol. barely got by with a GT 730 paired with an A6-6400K.

Crysis when it first came out

Attached: fflip.jpg (992x512, 191K)


Earth 2160. I was still using GeForce 2 MX200, and this game required 128MB of video ram and pixel shared 2.0 I think

Attached: e2160.jpg (800x640, 83K)

Try running it through Ubuntu + wine. I get better performance out of my RX580 that way.

Still runs everything I throw at it on high/ultra @ 1080p.
Had an FX8350 which also ran everything no problem but that died.

Attached: speccy.png (494x394, 20K)

dunno if this is relavent but I keep getting stutters and i dont know why, can anyone help on this?

Attached: Capture.png (1014x849, 26K)

Wow supports both DX9 and DX11
Homeworld(classic) supports DX8, remastered supports DX9 and DX11
For a lot of things that are OGL only... yeah, you're fucked. Linux has better OGL drivers for AMD cards since they're community written and not done by monkeys with typewriters but then you'd have to dual boot.
The thing with OpenGL is that it's hilariously outdated and basically no modern game uses it aside from extremely rare indie examples. It's still used for mobile games and obviously for Linux but on Windows it's been dead for a while. So nobody really cares about making drivers that work with it.

>266 Mhz RAM.
So that's 532Mhz effective for DDR. THat seems insanely slow.

try these:

- Radeon Settings > Gaming > Global WattMan > go all the way down and set Power Limit to 50

- Control Panel > Power Options > change power plan to high performance

Control at 3k 30fps with rtx meme on
Even with it off I barely got 60fps 2080ti just can't hack it.
Amd save us

also upgrade RAM ()

Thanks ill try it out
Damn I don't really have money right now, Thanks though

I can't run The Witcher 2 at max settings, and I refuse to play any game I can't run at max settings.


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>build pretty decent machine
>never max out settings because I'm scared to damage it
>also scared that it won't be at 60fps and that I failed at my build
Anyone know this feel

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foreign mcdonalds have all kinds of wacky stuff. one i went to in Vienna years back had fuckin calamari.

So far not any issue

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No, seriously, how the fuck is your RAM so slow? No stick for sale is under 2000Mhz effective for DDR4 so there must be something seriously wrong with your settings.
Try going into bios and setting a DOCP profile or tweaking the frequency manually.

>>never max out settings because I'm scared to damage it

>never max out settings because I'm scared to damage it

Attached: 1513044854965.jpg (700x394, 59K)

What should i change my frequency to?

Not toaster tier minecraft/Fortnite machines nah it’s consoles the only reason you even get games.

If there's no DOCP profile(one should exist) then try whatever frequency the RAM was sold as. Look at the actual stick, there should be something on it indicating who made it and what the rated frequency is.

Failing all of that start with 2133Mhz and go up from there until you can no longer boot(don't worry, you can't brick your PC like this, the settings will be reset if the machine doesn't POST 3 times).

Damage what you idiot?

Nier Automata. I mean it "runs", but I have like 1 FPS.

>muh steam surveys
>muh lol/minecraft/csgo/fortnite toasters
Thing is, people making graphically demanding games don't cater to these machines. Minimum and recommended requirements are still going up and are way above toaster-tier nowadays.
People who own those toasters usually aren't interested in your latest AAA anyway.

I have decent specs overall but my ram is way too low (4gb)
I can't be fucked to upgrade it, but I also can't run any AAA games post 2015 all that well. I'm satisfied though, no need to play all the newest hits, there are a lot of pretty good games I can run.

>I guess you prefer flat polys?
I like a crisp image that isn't ruined by zoomer effects. Yes.
>posts older game that still uses SSAO
You said games don't use SSAO and they do

You've been proven wrong in every post stop responding.

>Come from console gaming childhood
>As a result incapable of noticing more than silky smooth 24FPS
>As a result all of my gaming builds last years

For me the limiting factor was the HDD and load times. I built a gaming rig in 2012 and upgraded the GPU in 2015, aside from the glacial load times (which would get me kicked from lobbies of some games) the performance was fine.

Built a new PC last week with one of those NVMe M.2 SSD sticks. With the current hardware performance plateau it'll probably last me ages.

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Last game was crysis 3 and my 4890 refused now I have a 950m and that time is coming again

He looked way taller than that though?

Mate, you can't "damage" anything by playing games on max settings.

Your GPU and CPU will automatically shut down (forcing your PC into reboot) if you force them to run at "dangerous" temperatures. This is hardwired and won't be overridden by fan control software either.

What are you worried you could damage here, your fucking RAM?

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I only have a shitty laptop because my money spending choices have always been more focused on partying and on synthesizers. Last game I COULD run was S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shoc.
Sometimes I really wish I could run games like Arma III, Squad, RIsing Storm Vietnam, Insurgency Sandstorm... I would really dedicate myself to them. But on the other hand, I've lost that kind of behaviour towards videogames since I have more things in my life I'm passionate and wanna invest time on them.
But sometimes I do wish I could run those games, even if I'm afraid of my own committmend to them.

My rig is 5+ years old, built with some shitty specs which was decent at the time, but alot of new shit came out right after i built it so i was bummed. Didnt use it alot the past 3 years. Been using it ALOT. The fucking thing still holds up and runs most games on high

bioshock 1

>flat polys
>crisp image
Okay, you're retarded as fuck. Flat polygons is what you'd get with games from the early 90s(pic related). Even something as simple looking as Tie fighter uses gouraud shaded polys.
And you insist that things like normal mapping are "zoomer effects" while having no fucking clue what they even are.
None of these have any fucking effect on how crisp the image is since they're not post-processing effects.
Funny thing is, games don't even let you disable shaders, that would be retarded. You'd lose ALL lighting and per-pixel color and end up with just the flat texture maps.

>You said games don't use SSAO and they do
Learn to read retard. I said games don't use SSAO anymore. Key word being "anymore", of course they used it in the past. It's an outdated effect and has been replaced by HBAO/HBAO+ and VXAO for modern ambient occlusion effects.

>You've been proven wrong in every post stop responding.
It's almost funny how clueless you are on this topic but still insist on proving just how little you know about computer graphics.

Attached: shaded vs flat.jpg (462x240, 11K)

I've overcloked to 2667 but why does is my Mhz for ram a 3 digit number? is that normal?

Attached: Capture.png (680x429, 21K)

Why is her mouth wide open?

i can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded or not
i can never fucking tell on this website anymore

literal retard

Could be a speccy bug. Try checking with HWInfo.

Im working hard at my shitty part time job and trying to take commissions so that I can build a decent gaming pc. I know I still have to clear my console backlog but I want to spend my time fucking around in mineycrafta and tf2 afterwards. Splatoon and Smash getting kinda stale. Plus Monster Hunter World exists.

because your eye motion blurs stuff when you turn your head quickly and not as much when objects move through your field of vision, games emulate that

>have the necessary money to build something decent to replace an old craptop
>complete brainlet when it comes to pc, no idea how to choose parts and build it
>consoles are insanely expensive in turd world
>watching guides on youtube is like trying to learn Chinese from a chink who doesn't speak your language while every mistake costs you half the price of your future pc

My GTX 770 could only run the Bannerlord multiplayer beta at 45 fps on lowest settings, so I upgraded to an 5700 XT last week

should i just buy new ram?

Attached: Capture.png (656x434, 27K)

I also dont know how to make a gaming pc
I think I could understand how to put the pieces together but I dont know what parts to actually buy

Imagine doing all this to play a video game

There's no way you're running 266mhz ram, maybe 2666mhz. Check with another program like cpu-z and if it's still that low go check your bios settings for ram speed and change it to XMP

Its edited,he is 7'2"

it was in the states at one point

No, that seems right to me. HWInfo gives you the real RAM frequency, the one in BIOS(and most other places) will be the "effective" frequency. Since DDR, or Double Data Rate RAM transfers data twice per clock signal the effective frequency is double the real frequency. So 1368 real would be 2736 effective.
That's about the limit for gen 1 Ryzen CPUs with most sticks meaning you probably don't need new RAM unless you're also upgrading the CPU.

Total War: Three Kingdoms.
I'm still on a 8 year old laptop. Surprisingly I can run some newer games, such as Rising Storm 2.
I mostly play older games anyway. I used to build PCs every few years when I was younger. But this generation of games are atrocious and the GPU and CPU markets are fucked. Maybe in a few years I'll jump back in.

Attached: space-invaders-1999-pc_1.jpg (638x455, 74K)

Thank you so much, it's been bothering me for a while

>install programm
>adjust fan curve

You're right user, 10 mouse clicks and two minutes of your time just isn't worth it.

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My laptop as a 1050 in it and does just fine on everything I have played. I feel like we have reached a point where super high end graphics cards aren't really necessary. Everything I run is on ultra settings and I don't experience any loss of quality.

Personally I prefer cranking the fan curves more aggressively and upping the electric potential to get a better overclock. CPU at 1.42 volts still only goes to 84C at full synthetic load and I got a 21% frequency boost.
Who gives a fuck about noise when you're using headphones.

name 1 pc exclusive which couldn't run in ps4/xbone

>CPU temp goes to 75°C
And I thought my laptop going up to 60°C was bad

Ashes of the benchmark.

nah, my gpu can even go up to 85

A non-TI 750? uwotm8

Depends on what you're doing. If you're pushing your hardware with overclocks up to the silicon limit it's going to get pretty hot.
60C on stock clocks is not great. 60C on a +300-500Mhz OC at 1.3-1.4V is amazing.

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Holy shit dude are CPU/GPUs designed to run for a long time at this temp?

Attached: 1563046566682.jpg (1080x1080, 158K)

Minecraft with that really good shader and texture pack that makes pcs drop frames.

quake 2 raytracing edition

If I can't max out all the settings in game, I'm instantly upgrading my PC.
I refuse to play at lower settings.

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I bought a Meshify S2 and the supplied case fans refuse to do anything but go full speed from the moment I start it up. Do I really have to buy PWM capable fans to not have it sound like a jet engine is powering on next to me or is there a way to make these things calm down?

>buy new parts
>mobo arrives with bent cpu pins

Yes they are. Ran my 290X for 6 years at +60mV, +250Mhz core and +500Mhz memory(with +50% power naturally), temps on full load would go up to the 90s sometimes, though most gaming loads were around 80-85C.
It's been ran so hard that the fan bearings eventually gave out(vid related). After 6 years of abuse it still runs perfectly fine though I've recently replaced it. This hardware is designed to redline and if it ever gets dangerously hot it'll start downclocking to save its life and eventually just shut down your PC. So if that's not happening the card's still running just fine.

Attached: properly abused.webm (720x480, 2.69M)

What will 16GB Ram, 4.0ghz and a 1050ti get me in modern games?

Attached: 20190811_203854.png (533x503, 701K)

high settings

They get you to go back to the store to get better parts for your toaster.

Tribes 2 and Carmageddon.
That was ages ago. Nowadays my 1060 runs anything.

Not very useful info by itself. Number of cores/threads and especially IPC matter a lot.
>16GB of RAM
What kind? What frequency? 16 gigs is good but you can probably get away with 8 in almost every game, frequency matters way more than capacity for performance.
Don't expect much. 60 FPS on medium, maybe high in non demanding titles, settle for 50ish in demanding ones, maybe dropping to 40.
In anything even semi-demanding you might be able to average 60 but it won't be locked to 60 with no drops.

my laptop can't handle seige or nier automata, but it can handle anything else I wanna play

gta 5 ironically. Used to run back on PC launch but rockstar fucked something up where it runs worse

I just upgraded to Build Retarded so im good for years

cpu isnt an i7, its a xeon 2680v4 14 core. idk why it registers as an i7

Attached: Capture.png (680x624, 122K)

Your dumb bandwagoning ass thinks Shaders are referring to chromatic aberration and motion blur, we get it, can you please kill yourself now

I wonder what their kids will look like.

what the fuck are you doing with that build, it seems extremely lop-sided.
It's obviously not good for gaming with that slow-ass ram(2133 is bottom of the barrel for DDR4) and very slow single-threaded CPU.
But I can't imagine many professional workloads that would benefit from 128 gigs of very slow RAM.

I tried overclocking my 2600 to 3.9Ghz at 1.4Vs but it black screens when under load
Its stable at 3.7Ghz at 1.25V. Is the stock cooler the limiting factor here or is the chip just bad for OCing?

its overclocked to 2400mhz, the cpu actually is almost on par with the i9 9900k just with more cores. The in game specs match most builds with twin 2080tis so its not bad. Plus its an unlocked confidential so im running it at 3.5mhz constant and trying to get it back stable at 3.7 when I originally had it built

SLI is a meme and you're retarded for having dual 2080ti's, assuming that's real.

>stock cooling
Yeah that's waaaaayyyyy too high for stock cooling. You should be able to get 4.05-4.15 at 1.4V but you'll need a big push/pull tower cooler or an AIO with a 240mm radiator(double slot).


why are amerimutts getting more retarded everyday?

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Short answer: Yes

The thing is that the hardware market, specifically the aftermarket is so flooded with high quality cooling solutions (be that fans or liquid systems) that chip providers really don't put much effort into their stock fans anymore.
At the same time, overclocking has become so easy that with a few mouse clicks in BIOS (yeah, mouse clicks in bios, ~12 years ago that was fucking unthinkable) everybody and their grandmother can overclock their PCs - and they do.

So what happens is that people build PCs and put the shitty stock cooler onto their CPU, then overclock the hardware and play games. The stock fan will go fucking berserk because it think it HAS to keep the CPU at a cool 50°C in order to never even go near temperatures that could be considered dangerous to the hardware. Problem here is that this margin is faaaar to wide and is there for AMD/Intel's convenience.

>dear AMD/Intel my CPU died on me. I think it overheated

And that's where the Yea Forums comic comes from where the guy can run 3 instances of Crysis in winter without a sound from his PC but in summer it goes VVRRRRRRROOOMMMMM just from booting. Bad cooler optimization.

Enter the aftermarket cooler and fan curve software:
>aftermarket cooler has bigger heatsink
>comes with more heat pipes
>has a bigger fan
>all in all, it can handle heat that much easier while at the same time, running on FAR lower RPM, which is why you hardly hear it
>fan curve software tells your mainboard at which CPU temps it should power the cooler to which %level of its full power
>as long as the MB doesn't register CPU temp above XX°C, the fan will only provide XX% of it's cooling power, making it almost silent

Yeah, coolers rock.

Attached: Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.jpg (1080x1349, 339K)

its real. I have the completed build on my pcpartpicker build complete list

I had my reasoning for it. The 128gb ram I got dirt cheap being corsair for 350, the cpu I got for 309, the mobo for 115, and the ssds for 175 combined. The 2080tis I got for 1k each so it was cheap at the time compared to 1500 a piece

>overclocked to 2400mhz
Not in your speccy image. But even then 2400Mhz is very low for DDR4 RAM, you'd want at least 3000Mhz(2933Mhz for some Ryzens).
>3.5mhz core
Still pretty bad for gaming. Recent i7s will easily get 4.5mhz, 4.8-5Mhz with great cooling.
If you need a lot of cores for some kind of professional workload you should've gone with team red, 12 core Ryzens don't quite have intel's single-threaded performance but they're much closer than xeons.
Especially 3rd gen ryzens, those things are matching or beating intel in actual gaming loads.
If you're just gaming then 14 cores is way overkill, a normal 6 or 8 core i7 or i9 would be way better thanks to much higher clocks.

Then what would be a good aftermarket cooler for it then that doesn't use the clips?
I tossed the little brackets for the backplate thinking I didn’t need them since I had to remove them to install the stock, but all the aftermarket solutions I looked at needed them.

Shit nigger I used a phenom quadcore+ memecard combo, but now that mobo seems to be dying and I'm on a fucking celeron 450. The question is what I can run

Attached: despair.png (2011x1451, 2.91M)

>tossed the backplate
Well, that wasn't very smart. Pretty much all aftermarket coolers require that.
Luckily for you it's still possible to buy just the backplate for like 10 bucks.
Something like this will do just fine.

MHW ran at like 30fps with dips when i got it day 1
just cause 3 ran at like 25fps with dips when i got it day 1 but i still 100%'d it actually 99.9%'d because the game crashed when i liberated a town and it glitched into being uncompletable

2500K Windows7 master race here. Playing games for longer than most people here felt loved the last time.

I see your point but at the time I got the xeon for 309 when it was still over 1500 bucks. The mobo I got cheap with it and the ram was 350 for 128gb so I went for that. It was a budget build in a sense for parts that upgraded from a 980ti and a 4790k so I went all out with it when I got it. Plus the ram was corsair and not some no name brand. I wanted something half ass reliable for the pc

Plus I wanted a pc for 3d model work since im teaching myself how to do it plus I video edit as well on top of that. the ram was also going to become a ram disk at one point but I changed that idea

What's the best decent/above average gaming PC I could get for $1000~


you dont even need to spend that much for a decent or above average build desu

Cock goes where?

Your CPU doesn't really give a fuck about what brand your RAM is, it cares about the frequency and timings.
I'm just saying it might've been smarter to just go for 16 gigs of 3200-3600Mhz RAM which would still be under $300 and maybe a Ryzen which would probably outperform that xeon in gaming by quite a bit while being close in Blender. I mean a 3700X is like $329 and is a much better rounder CPU.

Depends on what you've got. If you have a monitor and peripherals already you can get a pretty beastly PC for $1000.

Kingdom Come Deliverance. No matter the settings I could not get it to run without constant, unplayable stutter. Various other games would also be stuttery but at least playable, barely. That was when I realized that it was time to upgrade.
This was on a 3570k and a GTX1070. Now I have a 9700k and the game runs like butter.

My rig is over 8 years old and still plays most games no problem, although the processor occasionally falls beneath specs. It's only recently that AAA games like Cyberpunk 2077 have been demanding better graphics cards.

>My system is 2 years old but can still play most newer games on high settings

Well that means literally fucking nothing. It's not like the tech changed that much in 2 years. They didn't come out with some insanely powerful card that can accurately calculate the depth of your mother's cavernous vagina, or anything. It isn't like you're playing a fucking PS4 and you can just get a new fucking model or something and everyone goes "Computer 2017? Yeah bro." This feels like some kind of bait.

team fortress 2 doesnt run with my 1080ti on any settings

Yeah but can be touch the middle of his back? Checkmate musclefags.

fucking what?

Attached: what the fuck.jpg (505x431, 31K)

Then I bought a new machine, and now I can play everything except The Evil Dead(2014) which is horribly optimized for my GPU

I don't play that many new games.

Attached: neofetch.png (463x228, 9K)

>Have a liquid cooler
>CPU has never exceeded 45C

Maybe I should tweak its voltage up a bit.

even manlet 5'9"s can mog 95% of the population. you're gonna look like bigfoot at 6'4"

>tfw 5'7" and I still feel tall in Asian countries

is that guy a space marine?

Yeah, that's not gonna handle modern games all that well, especially those without native Linux versions.
You're really gonna feel that 20-30% Wine/proton tax when running games that way.

Dutch body builder and model


is he like 7+ feet? he's nearing the roof

austrian mcd regularly has shrimps, they're amazing but expensive

Is there a porn tag for this? Not just WMAF, the dude has to be tall/muscular and the girl small/thin

Attached: leon.gif (326x302, 377K)

yeah nobody here likes burgers

why nobody is talking about it

Attached: McSpaghetti.jpg (640x640, 66K)

she saw a nintendo

Attached: YouJustKnow.jpg (471x648, 50K)

I built a PC and the only game I play is Phantasy Star Online 2 so unless sega actually does a graphical overhaul on this 7 year old game I'll be fine

Attached: Usbjkxf.png (232x341, 28K)

the game that broke me was the Mad Max game. Went out and bought a 1070 the same day and now everything runs smooth as butter

man that is some sad looking spaghetti.

are the chinks 3'' or the dude 8''


>What was the last game that you COULDN'T play?
The Witcher 3 but now that i've upgraded i can play pretty much anything. We'll see if i'll have to upgrade a gain for Cyberpunk 2077.

Size difference?
Large insertions?
Too big for her?

For me it was DMC5. I thought my PC was good until I tried to run that on it. For fuck's sake, my PC even surpassed the minimum specs but it still ran like ass because of Denuvo.

Attached: 1547152409631.jpg (800x600, 29K)

DMC5 runs very well for a recent AAA game though. Re2make too, the RE engine is pretty efficient.
You must have been avoiding AAAs since 2014ish if nothing strained your PC before.

Get on my level. Surprisingly it ran Sniper Elite 3 and Battlefleet Gothic 1

Attached: Extreme gaming.png (462x347, 19K)

its photoshopped

RE2make actually runs fine on my PC, it's just DMC5 that doesn't. I guess DMC5 is more processor-intensive?

>>never max out settings because I'm scared to damage it

Attached: 1323032512598.jpg (219x219, 9K)

What do you even have?

I have this conf with a 1060 but nothing run anymore

GTX 970, AMD FX-8350

Ouch. Yeah, that'll do it.

In 2017, my old PC (i5 750 + GTX 970) was starting to show its age on CPU side, games like Witcher 3, AC: Origins and Hitman 2016 were stuttery as fuck no matter how I tried to tweak the settings. I guess that someone could have found them playable, but for me it was nasty enough that it seriously made it hard to enjoy the games.

Got a new build based on i7 8700K and GTX 1080 to fix that shit, and now I hope that 8700K will last as long as i7 750 did. 7 years was excellent lifetime for a CPU.

iirc the guy in the OP is the same guy as this

Attached: 1551158680291.gif (400x373, 2.54M)


-select a cpu, check the socket
-select a mobo with a socket and bios compatible with the cpu. check the mobo dimensions (atx or micro atx)
-select ram supported by mobo and cpu (look at their specs at manufacturer's website)
-get whatever disc drive, they all connect with sata 3 (that's the same as sata 6 gb/s, often simply called sata 6)
-select a M.2 SSD if your mobo can fit a M.2 SSD, or get a sata 3 SSD
-select a case that matches the mobo dimentions (atx or micro atx)
-select a GPU, check how wide it is (some GPUs are really wide, and might not fit the case)
select a power supply that can handle the cpu and gpu without maxing out the watt (I heart you should have a 10% unused watt buffer)

I think that's all

Part of me wants to upgrade, but part of me doesn't want to shell out to play shitty optimized games when well optimized games still run fine on this. Also I think I could probably go 3-4 more years if I just accept 30fps.

I do wish I had an ssd though.

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (467x314, 18K)

if you really want to be a pleb

what Video?

read the manual
if you just want a build go look up a CPU or GPU review and copy the part list of the test rig they used
substitute the parts you cant get for whatever reason for equivilent but also compatible parts

m8 a cheap ass 570 would be enough for mid-high 60fps already, plus ssd are cheaper by the day. two cheap and great quality of life upgrades

Its not the backplate i tossed it was the clips that kept it to the motherboard I tossed.

knack proved the ps4 can run SupComFA
just not efficiently

the 570 stacks up really well against the 770 especially for the price, but when I upgrade next I think I wanna go really big