Why haven't you rolled an Undead yet?
WoW Classic
Because cute elf girls are the cutest. Not Night Elves though, those are gay. Sylvanas best girl.
Also forgot to add, you casual WoW playing toddlers need to kill yourselves out of Yea Forums. Your kind don't belong here. Take the Halo and CoD babbies with you too.
Cause the nostalgia wore off
I like my girls to have a pulse and body heat.
I am neither chuuni or emo
Because I remember what the original wow was like. I do not feel nostalgia for the grind and once a week crafting cooldowns.
There are 2 things what I would like to do again is full run of Black rock depths and zul gurub but the amount of time nowdays required to reach there is just too much for my life.
I quit at the end of wrath because I did not like the direction they were taking with the tools like LFG/R with crossrealms and with the general design. To me WotLK was the peak of class desing (with caveat of ignoring blender RET pally), leveling experience and dungeon/raid content. Tournament content was bit shitty but I liked the fights in general.
For Sylvanas!
All armour looks shit on Undead.
>I do not feel nostalgia for once a week crafting cooldowns.
Well you are obviously a brainlet, since these things don't exist in vanilla.
>we have to secure space for smashfags
>Well you are obviously a brainlet, since these things don't exist in vanilla.
Well you could have just corrected me the CD being about a day with certain alchemist actions but frankly I don't care because the brain space required for that could be used for more useful things.
Like suggesting that you should jump off from a overpass into the traffic below the make actual impact with our life.
Because their fanart never remotely resembles their models.
I am not a fat girl with pink hair and mental disorders.
Those play Night Elves.
I don't pay subscription to 15 year old solved games and to companies that have done everything in the last years to make me lose my trust to them.
ActiBlizz shill.
Orcs are more interesting. I did make an Undead mage alt I'll give a try
Undead are jerks.
>solved games
Type A personality over here
>no undead gf
She would feel cold
>No WoW
>No CoD
>No Halo
you think you know games, but you don't.
Human or Night Elf Warrior? The Quality of Life perks for being a Nelf seem really good, but the sword/mace spec sounds like a big deal
But I have, an undead rogue in fact. Currently have two days play time and nearly level 23 taking my time and loving every minute
Imagine the smell