Let's be honest, it's irredeemable garbage - and so is the next expansion

Let's be honest, it's irredeemable garbage - and so is the next expansion.

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MoP was the last playable xpack anyway

expansion is fine, not bad not good
quit looking for games to save your miserable life

eh, it gets boring after 3 days


MoP was complete fucking trash.

>heirlooms existed, old talent system destroyed
>leveling now a garbage experience
>LFR in full swing
>dungeons were useless soon after hitting 90
>scenarios were a failure
>dailies were everywhere and exhaustive
>the story in 5.0 was infantile and the pandaren were written to appeal to literal children
>ruined Garrosh
>only good raid was Throne of Thunder

MoP is consistently overrated by zoomers

the only to save wow now is to reboot it and try again from scratch.

pvp was good atleast

legion was better then both of them

I resubbed two months ago after a nearly 10-year hiatus.

Time spent playing retail: ~20 minutes
Time spent playing classic: easily over 60 hours

better than classic though

Definitely not.

it's common for people to quickly open their game's settings and switch the difficulty to "easy" or "very easy"

this is the WoW version of that

Definitely true.


it's actually RIO

>it's common for people to quickly open their game's settings and switch the difficulty to "fun"


I t has been irredeemable garbage for almost 15 years.

classic is more easy tho

imagine being this delusional
imagine being a retail tranny

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>orc holy priest and troll paladins
Classicfags will not touch retail ever again.