You cannot debate this.
You cannot debate this
>Thought the pic was going to be bait
>It's actually pretty reasonable
I already stopped at FF8
>Pokemon Ruby
>The worst Pokemon game
But that isn't a Gen 1 game.
true. But even then, some of those games are fun.
Accurate. I'd argue DA2 is worse than 3, but everything else looks about right.
Color splash is worse than sticker star.
>FF8 instead of FF2
>Pkmn Gen 3 instead of Gen 1
>Chrono Cross instead of Radical Dreamers
>he got pleb filtered by Dragon Quarter
I'll give you credit for putting #FE twice, made me lol. Though I'm 99% sure there's a worse FE game.
Triforce Heroes is worse than Zelda 2
At least Gen 6 & 7 are worse than Gen 3, if not more
Fallout 76 is worse than Brotherhood of Steel
To be fair I think these titles were all not out when this image was made except maybe XY.
(You) are just as retarded as OP then
>worst in the series
Not only is it the literal best, but even if it wasn't, V exists. Any game in the series obliterates V, which is pure trash
Assault Horizon is not the worst ace combat game. That would be Ace Combat Advance.
DS3 is worse than DS2
DA2 is worse than DA3
And while technically correct that chrono cross is worse than chrono trigger, it's still a good game and I feel weird about including it on this list.
>Starfox Adventures
The absolute state of fucking brainlets on Yea Forums lmao
you keep on posting the wrong image
Apollo is better than Duel Destinies
>Tms#FE is in two times
Not accurate but funny, not a bad list though
A lot of people's mothers dying tonight huh
>RE6 is the worst RE
pleb tier opinion
I loved that game, the story, at the time gunblades were the shit. Also the card game.
A+ game, loved the ending too.
Battle Network 4 is flawed, but it's still far better than BN1 or 2. Those games have aged very poorly.
>Bioshock infinte
DMC2 is worse than DmC
nice bait list
Whats wrong with unreal II?
What was wrong with Final Fantasy 2? It wasn't even released in the west so I doubt anyone here even played it.
>Nowa's game is the worst
That's what you get when she's the protagonist instead of Nep
>DS3 is worse than DS2
Actually pretty reasonable OP. Only nitpicks I would say would be with Sonic, Final Fantasy, and Chrono.
Chrono Cross while worse than Trigger is still phenomenal with IMO a better soundtrack. So true but like still amazing and the best game in that picture.
Sonic 06 is a good choice, I would personally go with Rise of Lyric due to a higher ironic enjoyment of 06.
FF8 is not the worst FF. It is bad, but FF13, the original release of 14, and FF3 are worse.
Nah, it's the correct image in the OP because it triggers you, idiot.
>FF8 is not the worst FF. It is bad, but FF13, the original release of 14, and FF3 are worse.
don't forget 15. That is also worse than 8
Not him but DS2 actually tried to be its own thing and not just suck 1's dick. I personally love it but I can admit that I've always seen it as a mechanical sequel to Demon's Souls.
This picture is more or less accurate but when was it made? Clearly it was before fallout 4/76, mgs5 and newest pokemon games.
let her live
>Clearly it was before fallout 4/76, mgs5 and newest pokemon games.
Yeah it was before those and shit like FF15
Stay mad degenerate male
What SRW is that ?
The dungeons are inane, repetitive bullshit with atrocious encounter rate, the music is mediocre by FF standards and the leveling system is not only broken and exploitable, but even if it WASN'T, it just forces you to repeat the same actions over and over with the same type of gear casting the same spells because once you get a bit of experience in it, everything else is vastly inferior to whatever you're currently doing.
Sure, FF8 is also a hot mess with broken and exploitable systems as well, but at least doing so somewhat fun. FF2 is just a horrible experience in its entirety.
>It wasn't even released in the west so I doubt anyone here even played it.
Seriously nigga? In 2000+19, with emulation alive and kickin' and all the remakes the game got?
>Lunar: Dragon Song
I just realized how seeing anything related to that pile of shit makes me fucking angry. I just zeroed in on that cover instantly.
OE for the PSP.
Released in episodes, requires farming a secondary currency alongside gold to upgrade units, and if a good guy unit is 5 levels below their target, they are fucked
Cheeky cunt
This is literally the only perfect list I've seen on Yea Forums
this image is super old
this image is just retarded... zelda 2? gow2018? DmC:DE? lmao
The worst Fire Emblem game is Shadow Dragon and the worst Pokémon is gen 4.
>Zelda 2
Replace with Skyward Sword or Phantom Hourglass
The game's had fucking ass loads of localized remakes, you idiot. But it's honestly not the most painful thing ever, as long as you play it on an emulator with save states and fast forward.
No, retard.
I would debate the shit out of Dragon Quarter and Persona 1. The rest I don't have the energy for
Ok I need an explanation. I thought Pokemon Ruby is great. What the fuck is wrong with it?
Dragon age 2 is literally unfinished piece of shit with like 3 repeating encounter/dungeon maps.
Inquisition at the very least pretends to be a full game
Because they dumbed down the series to pander to retards like yourself.
But that's not Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
what in the absolute fuck are you talking about?
FF2 is worse than FF8. If you argue this point, you're wrong. And an argument can be made for the GBA port of Sonic 1 being worse than Sonic 06 because Sonic 06 is undeniably the logical progression the series was going in. I also prefer FFTA to FFT.
im not sure if this is b8. but whats wrong with dark souls 2? I'll admit though i like DS3 better. Its the music that gets me....
I like when she calls me Ashen one...
You're missing a I before the V.
Even if the story is shit, at least MGSV is still a game. IV is a movie with playable segments.
You played the DS remake or one of the ports of it instead of the original Famicom version didn't you.
I wouldn't argue that either game is worse than NES Metal Gear
It's worse than Bioshock 1 and 2
This has to be an older list, how the fuck is ME3 worse than Andromeda?
No, DMC2 is a lot worse.
>Bioshock Infinite
Still better than 2.
>Star Wars Battlefront 3
What the fuck? That game never even released.
Liberation was a LOT worse.
Whoever made this list really hasn't played a lot of games.
What's wrong with Pokemon Ruby?
I understand that there were only two games in the Final Fantasy Tactics series, but putting Final Fantasy Tacitics Advance anywhere near this list is absolute heresy.
Replace Ruby with ORAS
pretty accurate but there are def worse FFs and Zeldas
I don't see Diablo 3 there.
why is #fe listed twice?
also, add megaman x7, that one is complete garbage
Add Halo 4
Worse in series ≠ bad
How old is this?
Andromeda is a lot worse than Mass Effect 3
>not The Room
oh boy.
JFA is worse than AJ
>DAI worse than DA2
Thanks for making it clear to me none of you have actually played the games and you were just phellating each other for (You)s all along.
>not Jack Bros
If I had a gun, I'd start with the relative you loved the most.
This. Also, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric for Wii U was worse than Sonic 06.
fallout BOS not 3 or 4?
FF8 instead of 11, 13, 14, 15
DaS2 instead of 3
GoWcoO instead of GoW2018
not even putting KH3 in there.
SWTor is not even a series and galaxies was something different.
this is some sick b8
Git crit body slammed faggot, Gen 1 was shit.
>Adventure of Link
zoomy shitter
Zelda 2 a black sheep of the series, it's not the worst game.
>Battlefront III
>FF8 instead of FF7
Shit list
Oi bruv
>listed twice
Representing both Fire Emblem and SMT.
wow wow wow, slow down you fucking faggot.
Yeah, should be MGS3 not 2
DmC is better than DMC1 & DMC2.
I don't care about your nostalgia or your atmosphere or your preference for the little lore and voice acting work Dante has in DMC1. DmC is better.
I don't know what you would compare tokyo mirage sessions to but it's a good jrpg.
Pokemon ruby is better than gen 1 games.
MGS2 is better than MGS1.
>instakill moves were also based off of speed, making most of them totally useless because they were on slower dudes
seems reasonable balance decision though
You think XD is the worst game? Are you high?
>not 4-5
Tell me ONE thing wrong with Ruby
zelda 2 is in both image you turbo retard
You already prove yourself wrong with shit like FF8
It's downpour faggot
>Assassin's Creed 3
It's Origins faggot
>Resident Evil 6
It's Resident Evil 3 Faggot
>Bioshock Infinite
This is kino
Fuck you
3 actually ruined the series, Andromeda was just a broken afterbirth.
No online play
Yes I can. 358/2 is the only good kh games and anyone who hates it either doesn't like kh or only likes that anime shit called 2. Panels are the best and that game had least amount of Disney shit.
>fallout BOS not 3
>not 3
Tell me ONE thing wrong with Ruby that Red doesn't also suffer from.
red is an interesting and fun journey, all pokemon games are awful however
fuck you fucking cunt
>Homecumming over Silent Hill: Rain
> he doesn't like ONE MORE SOUL TO THE CALL
>FFTA instead of FFTA2
Fuck you OP, Marche did nothing wrong
Red has actual difficulty, and was an original idea at the time.
Ruby was the first of the Pokemon games that could be beaten with just your starter, spamming 1-3 attacks.
I do agree that FF VIII is a really overrated dumpster fire FF game, dropped it after about two hours. FF VII and even FF IX are way better. Some games I don't agree on but most of the list is correct I suppose.
I actually enjoyed Dragon Age: Inquisition and Bioshock Infinite, also SHARP FE MINOR or whatever looks fun to me. Other then that most of the games on the list are hot garbage, so mostly a good job, OP. 358/2 in KH was pretty bad, so I'd agree with that as well.
Gary has a Pokemon with literally only three attacks.
Red is a piss easy game.
FF8 instead of FF2
Homecoming instead of Downpour
MGS2 instead of MGS4, which even then both games are unique enough that they’re decent
Even saying that Tactics Advance is bad
Claiming that Act: Zero is really part of the Bomberman franchise
Half of these are obvious picks, while the other half are just stupid. Also, as absolutely horrible as Sonic ‘06 is, it only gets meme status due to the anticipation behind it. Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog are arguably worse overall.
It was one of the most generic shooters of the sixth gen, a total far cry from Unreal 1
>not ff13
dismal taste
This, Mercenaries alone saves RE6. RE5 is worse. The first half is great but the second half of RE5 is fucking bullshit. The gun toting enemies turning the game into a cover shooter is unacceptable; it’s way fucking worse than in RE4 because only one enemy type even had a rapid fire projectile, but in RE5 a ton of zombies have an AK-47 to pin you down. The one shot kill bug enemy is also pretty dumb.
and yet Ruby is easier, hence the worst in the series.
Also #FE isn't even a series, just a spin off reference one shot.
Children that were 10 when pokémon Black and White came out in the Nintendo DS are old enough to post in this site
Very nice
Based. It was super ambitious, god forbid someone try something new. Junctions were cool, sorry. Not every game has to be wizards and sorcerers casting fire ball all the time. Fucking nerds.
I wish Quistis’ blue magic wasn’t just a limit break, but gunblade right trigger for instant crit was cool.
It is my favorite FF unironically, most of the series is absolute dogshit.
Disc 1 was the purest kino in video game history. Triple triad is the only good mini game in and video game, including Mario parties which are all mini games.
OP is a simp
When I read "Final Fantasy VIII is the worst Final Fantasy game", I instantly know these people haven't played anything released before Final Fantasy III, or anything released after Final Fantasy XII.
Hi, we're the worst pokemon game
I think you are the first person I see who agrees with me that MGS2 is the weakest. At least as far as the numbered MGS games go.
This. Gen 1 games are playable, but bad. Just because I prefer Gen 1's Pokémon doesn't mean Gen 1 has the best games.
Well played
>When DMC 2 exists
Let's not
>EVERY attack in the game (except for Swift) had at least a 1/256 chance of missing
How is this a problem? The point of Swift is that it always hits, meaning that every other attack misses. It's an RPG, attacks miss if you are unlucky.
I'd inherit the life insurance retard.
I wonder what kind of person defends Phantom Hourglass, honestly.
Spirit Tracks at least went for its own atmosphere rather than copying 80% from Wind Waker.
many of these games are not part of a series, for example, DMC is either spin-off or a reboot, just like brotherhood of steel is not part of the fallout series, or thief.
the former is a spin-off cloning attempt of the success baldur's gate dark alliance 1 and 2 and champions of norrath had, the latter is a consummate reboot.
Because it's a programming bug that never occurs in any other Pokemon game.
What were the thing changed for that stupid meme
Is Metal Gear Solid 2 really that bad? I mean, I know Raiden is a shitty character, but is it worst than Peace Walker?
What's the "bug"? That any attack minus the one whose sole unique trait is that IT CANNOT MISS can miss?
The way it calculated accuracy was essentially:
if (Move's accuracy) * (Accuracy modifier) * (Evasion modifier) < (Random number between 0 and 255).
Thus, a 100% accurate move could still miss if the random number rolled was 255. Again, this bug was fixed in almost every other Pokemon game.
Which girls were in Generation 1?
it is
All Pokemon games are equally easy.
Misty, Erika, Sabrina, Lorelei, Agatha, Lass, Channeler, Ace, Picnicker, Psychic, Rocket grunt, Reina, Copycat, Your mom, Daisy Oak, Pokémon Center Nurse, Jessie, Officer Jenny, Melaine, Giselle, Nidoran, Nidorina, Nidoqueen and the Ghost from Lavender town.
>not including Kangaskahn, Jynx, or Chansey
>pokemon ruby
>battlefront 3?
Fuck you
Yah, thanks for mentioning it
You're welcome, faggot.
>Zelda 2
Git gud.
>chrono cross is worse than radical dreamers, a text based walking simulator
>ffta is worse than A2's shitty laws
>FF2 is completely ignored by zoomers
Are you even trying?
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>A bad game
Guess I've found the weeb who likes his emo characters, whiny bullshit story and can't get laid so needs big titted waifus.
I wonder if there is a chart like this for other gens
There's not that much that is horrendously wrong with other gens. Even Gen 2 doesn't have much objectively wrong with it.
Some salty genwunner made one for ORAS, but most of it was just subjective whining.
fuck you bitch
FF13 and FF15 is worse than FF8.
People who dont like Danganronpa V3 are brainlets
Mass Effect Andromeda is worse than 3.
Lemme fix that with the REAL worst games.
>Devil May Cry 2
>Silent Hill Downpour
>God of War Ascension
>Fallout 76
>Assassin's Creed Unity
>Pokemon Sun/Moon
>Kingdom Hearts 3
Pokemon Red/Blue/Green is still worse than SuMo.
>includes TMS#FE
>doesnt include spinoffs for other games where a spinoff would be worse
i see u
That's Tactics Advance, dumbass
Mass effect 3 and not Andromeda
fail is fail
Jak 3 is worse than Jak 2.
I replayed the whole trilogy earlier this year and 3 now feels rushed, too easy, has too many gimmicks, most weapons are useless since you can beat the game with just the blaster upgrade you get during the very first act, recycles scenarios from 2, has less mission variety, plot is less focused than 2's... Driving the buggies in the desert is fun though.
FFII was way worse than FFviii
I don't know if 3 is worse than 8 but 3 is not bad. It's better than 13 and 2
Fuck you again
But i will anyways. All the FF of the PS1 era where great, VIII included.
Not only XII, XIII and XV are easily worse than VIII but XIII and XV are actually shit tier games. XII is not bad either, it just was not able to live to the impossible expectations formed around it and had some development problems due to SE internal problems.
Something similar could be said about FF VIII for those that played it on release after VII. Coming after VII would have been hard on any FF game. Granted, VIII as every other FF game is a flawed game and not perfect in any way but it´s still pretty good and there is a lot to love on that game.
FFIII and FFVIII are in different fucking galaxies. I have no idea how one would do an honest comparison of the two. It's like comparing apples to Honda Civics.
Stay seething secondary
the core tenet of debating is that you can debate anything and everything, even if you know correct, but especially when it has as many seperate elements as your image.
All these arguments about which Pokemon game is worse will be null the second Sword and Shield come out.
fags shouldn't be allowed to use the term "kino" when they have opinions like these.
Paper Jam is arguably worse. Partners in Time was great.
What, no Blood Omen 2?
Fuck you
Zelda 2 is garbage. Braindead AI, RPG Mechanics that don't fit and Castlevania jumping physics without castlevania level design.
>trying to be his own things
is not a trait, it doesn't automatically give it 3 points. DS3 it's a true sequel to DS1, it may have recycled stuff from it but that is not necesarily bad.
DS3 was consistent.
Add Megaman & Bass
Nigger Starfox Adventure is NOT the worst Starfox game. Actually it's not bad. Also Homecoming is the only western SH I've played. The others aren't as bad then?
Tell me a worst zelda game.
>MGS2 is the worst
>in a world where 4 peace walker and 5 exist
also even though DmC is bad its still playable, 2 should definitely replace it.
A lot of these games aren't even explicitly bad, just disappointing. There are dozens are pure shit games that are way worse but far more obscure.
consistently ass, if that's what you mean. I hope you like having to run the same fucking path EVERY time you start up a new game, whereas DS1 and DS2 allowed you to traverse the map with much more freedom. it's killed the game for me
FF VIII was shit but it's far from the worst in the franchise
> Competitive retardy
> MGS 2 worse than 4 and 5
i think sonic heroes is worse than 06 and bishock 2 is worse than infinite
I find it hard to believe that anybody thinks Chrono Cross is a worse game than Radical Dreamers.
Based but fuck you
It starts with "A"
You fucking motherfucker
>MGS 4 and 5 worse than Survive
>Zelda II
>Worse than Skyward Sword
Get fucked.
MGS2 is one of the best in the series, i'm surprised you did not pick Survive or Portable Ops.
Also, DMC2 is way worse than DmC.
wtf man
People who like danganronpa at all are brainlets
What's wrong with V3?
>heroes worse than 06
Heroes was by no measure a good game, but it was at least playable.
I don't think you can say the same for 06.
Brainlets got mad at the ending
Ff8 sucks but it's not the worst. That's 2. Dishonorable mention is 10.
Nah. SuMo at so bad I couldn't even finish them. First games I just couldn't finish.
I know it's fun to shit on DmC and all that but you are legitimately fucked in the head if you think for a second that it's a worse game than DMC2
I actually played that piece of shit all the way through, say what you want about DmC but at least it's a functionally fun game on a bare minimum level that doesn't make you want to kill yourself
Replace Saga 2 with Torna.
Grow up, but Gen I is trash
Dumb plant creature