Have you ever laughed about a joke in a video game?
Have you ever laughed about a joke in a video game?
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Is murder not considered a crime in this game world or something?
I don't get it
She wanted to cook him
What? How was I suppose to know that, she said she's making beef with wine.
I hate these meme fucks
Context clues and an above room temperature IQ should do it.
Never played Xenoblade and I know I won't ever play it thanks to Yea Forums and that gif/webm, you know the one.
Hell yeah
Takahashi knows his audience
What was Takahashi thinking?
Xenoform scum don't count as intelligent life.
Arthur and the gang had some fun dialogue from what I remember
Nopon are not people.
The cringe dance is from 2, this "funny" joke is from X, which is even worse than 2
This is probably the funniest moment in a video game
Was certain it was going to be "LMAO HER COOKING BAD xD" anime joke. Good job, Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Based. It was so subversive that they thought repeating it countless times was the most hilarious thing ever.
It was funny the first or second time, but why did they have to repeat it every single chapter?
Because Japanese humor sucks
I want to eat Linly out!!
I think this is the part where he kills us.
Portal 1&2 had plenty of quality funny stuff
>jprg 'humor'
Japanese "humor" is absolute fucking cancer.
>"Oi, oi. Koichi da."
>"Aaaaaaaaaah, soouu kaaa?"
>*someone mentions poop*
>*a man wearing an eggplant says a non-sequitur*
>*he says another non-sequitur*
>*says it a third time, so rule of threes, the man gets knocked the fuck out by a wooden slipper*
>*a bunch of people gather around and pray to Mount Fuji or some shit*
I hate the fact that I genuinely laughed at some of the jokes in Undertale in Deltarune but I did.
Idk whats thats from,but thats funny. Also i laughed at one dark elf asking about necrophilia in oblivion. Totally came out if no where for me.
truly a soulless game
Honestly this is that terrible, it's better than generic LOL HER COOKING IS BAD
did you really type all that
Didn't laugh but was impressed at how long they kept fucking going with this. It's not as clever if you're actually native Japanese I suppose, but for a JSL it's pretty neat.
Kingdom Hearts II.9 was probably the hardest I've laughed at a video game, and the only time I laughed at a moment in Kingdom Hearts that was intentionally trying to be funny
if only your brain would make the effort your hands are capable of.
>Tch. Little spud's smarter than he looks.
got me to laugh, yeah. I was 100% expecting something like
>Oh ha ha silly me!
But no the girl was really gunning for it. Adds a lot.
Who's she calling spud
The thing that bothers me the most about this is her downie face
She isn't a downie, she is a genius
I laughed at this, I still think it is pretty funny, but it was especially so as this sudden break from the super serious super edgy plot
Do you have that webm of one of the characters shooting some alien raising Elma's affinity or whatever?
>the dude had to go take a long fucking shower because the downie wanted to make a mongoloid joke
lin lee or linly?
how old is she?
Truly he is the third strongest mole.
If I'm already cringing at this without sound I can only imagine what it sounds with high pitched insect noises or some disinterested gaijin doing the voice acting
>laugh at in-game joke
>someone sees me
>'why are you laughing on your own?'
Lin Lee, that's just what he calls her. Probably something lost in translation, as usual.
Does age matter if you are not exactly human?
what the fuck
>this joke fell flat to me, therefore the entire game is shit
>boiling the wine before putting the meat inside
I still think about this one all the time
is this allowed in a nintendo game?
>I'm Tomas Jefferson
It's one of the greatest short jokes I've ever seen in a game.
I laughed through almost entire scene with Monokuma in all Danganronpa games. I didn't like him that much in V3 since his new seyuu sucks and the monokubs take too much fucking space but now that I'm replaying the game he still has some brilliant moments AH-GLY BITCH
Yeah, prank calling the Enclave soldier in Fallout 2.
Holy based
God I hate Elma
Good lord, that's brutal.
Good point. The game is shit not because of the cutscenes, but because of the awful gameplay, long load times, textures just not loading for minutes at a time, and turning the Wii U into a fax machine.
Fuck that game.
>Let us hope this serves to educate the Ma-non
To be fair, the TATSU FOOD XD joke is done so many times and also casually slipped into interactions that it becomes obnoxious.
Even so, the game is fine if you can stand the music.
The vulgar western humor vs the intelligent japanese humor
You can also choose to let a guy get eaten by a monster, which will also raise affinity with Elma. She's fucking brutal.
basically the entirerity of God Hand but inparticular the midgets
>*ring ring*
>"Secret Soviet Moonbase Solaris!"
>"Yeah, I ordered a pizza like, seven million years ago..."
>"Is being on way comrade, driver is just leaving."
Japanese humor
I thought this shit was just treehouse being shit at localizing and translating
This is how REAL games are made funny. None of that SJW bullshit, just real talented writing that is absolutely hilarious. I was laughing out loud the screen, completely hysterical. My mom thought it was going crazy because of it.
What in the actual fuck.
I only knew about him shooting the first one.
Who is Alex, an actual party member?
And why does Elma get off to those alien dogs getting shot?
This but unironically. Western humor aka epic sarcasm and quips is the worst.
characters in xcx have no personality. i did like that time machine quest though
>shooting innocent creatures
>shooting them on the back
>"You disgust me"
gets me every time
>*a bunch of people gather around and pray to Mount Fuji or some shit*
Lost it hard. Really wasn't expecting it after all that unfunny crap you typed before.
Japanese humor seems to have no concept of buildup or payoff, it's insane just how all their jokes boil down to random nonsense, like the stupid chicken scene in yakuza 0.
"Haha isn't this situation bizarre" is not exactly good humor. Neither is fucking characters slipping or falling or any of that shit.
>slapstick is not humor
>That hand gesture of "cute girl punching herself when caught"
It will never be funny nor cute.
btw is Tatsu a boy a girl?
jap humor boils down to overreacting to everything
>something normal happens
>Lets hope this will educate the Ma-non
You killed them all, faggot, no one learned anything.
>on the internet, nobody knows you're a nopon
This is just Family Guy, though.
I'd probably pick this up if it had a Switch port. Looks miles better than Xenoblade 2.
No, it doesn't.
You're just being a contrarian for the sake of it.
Based. Keep btfo out of braindead weebs, user. We are American for a reason.
xc2 is full on anime while x only has a bit of it, its miles better
>You're just being a contrarian for the sake of it.
Should I? I have never played a Xeno game in my life. Also, I have the normal 3ds, do I need a New 3ds in order to play it? Most images ive seen about it have the New 3ds logo next to it.
emulate it so it doesnt look like shit
Just wait for definitive edition, even if you're emulating. (Yes you need the new 3ds iirc)
Im a poorfag and I only have a 3ds and my shitty notebook that cant emulate ps1 games. Oh well.
every time a character in anime eats more than it looks like they are able to eat i die from laughter
Here, for you
it was a bit clunky but it was fun up until the point where the game just froze in the forest level, I should give it another try
I Will never understand when people post this game.
Why are they all wearing neon cyberpunk Skyrim outfits while sitting in an Oblivion cellar? There's a massive contrast here and it bothers me
poopie! stinky poo!
>*a bunch of people gather around and pray to Mount Fuji or some shit*
Alex is just an NPC that has a quest line of being a homicidal xenophobe.
Every decision you make has an attribute to it. Stand and watch could be considered as the "careful" decision which Elma prefers.
I don't
No, why would I laugh about a joke, ESL monkey? At a joke, sure.
The Messenger is pretty funny
This is less funny than the xenoblade 2 webm lmao
It had some decent jokes but they are killed by how every single line of dialogue in the game had to be a joke for some reason with most of them being painfully lame
To be cucked by spics and niggers?
japanese games lol
TW3 where they get drunk and use the mirror to call the sorceresess.
Portal 2 "Look at you flying through the air. Majestic like an eagle. Piloting a blimp."
I always see these "Japanese humor" threads but I honestly can't think of a single good joke or funny moment from a western game.
witcher3 has landed some solid jokes so far, but otoh it too has lame shit like the guy who keeps wanting to duel
what a shit fucking joke, I've heard that shit before; I'm not impressed
Ratchet and Clank was pretty fun I think. The first ones at least
What is the most intentionally funny game? If you say secret of monkey island or some other monty python bullshit then I will shoot you dead
Lego games?
Different user.
Someone answer this.
Skid McMarx
R&C is some solid comedy writing
M&L Superstar Saga made me crack up many times when I first played it.
Slapstick needs absolutely flawless timing to work, and Japs don't know what comedic timing is.
Zoom zoom
Where's the slapstick?
They're not skyrim outfits and its not an oblivion cellar
In the whole game
I thought you were pointing to a particular scene and accidentally linked the credits or something. Nah, God Hand was a good game but I wouldn't call it funny.
>your right hand comes off?
boku no pico was a comedy?
leon ftw
which one with their own taste, user.
Same. Also a ton of criticism that can be applied to most humor in western games. I mean, are people really mad that XCX has a recurring joke between two characters that don't like each other? That's a comedy staple in any culture.
That's probably because you're some retard that hasn't played enough western games.
Unfortunately nobody can make me laugh. People in general just aren't funny. I hate watching anything focused on comedy because it's so painfully boring. People tell jokes and I try to take laugh but it's hard to even keep that up.
Because there are different levels of technology.
I mostly play western games though. The only Japanese games I play are eroge.
I will partially take back what I said though, I played a lot of Sierra/LucasArts adventure games as a kid and I do remember getting a laugh out of them.
Some of them are good
>X worse then 2
LMAO what a retarded faggot. 2 is absolute trash that only switchfags defend because they have no good quality JRPG exclusives anymore except XC2 which is shit, but because it's the only non-port exclusive left on their system the cling to it as though it's any good whatsoever.
Never actually got to this scene, but wasn't the point of this that they lost a bet or something so they were supposed to do a stupid and embarrassing dance?
They are higher than people
>potato face calling Tatsu a little spud
Humor is subjective
Only in flavour.
Shut up, faggot.
Yes, it's basically the anglerfish dance all over again
I could physically feel my brain cells dying while watching this. Thanks.
YOu're really dating yourself with that one, user.
The Sly Cooper games have some good jokes, In particular the pasta sauce one from 3 but I can't find a clip of just the joke
Why do fucking robots need to eat
it's funny how the story and jokes went to shit once they hired actual writers
Maybe that's how they power themselves.
the core problem with Japanese humor is that all of their humor culture is dedicated to three shitty concepts:
1. Puns
2. Manzai (basically "guy says/does something stupid, and then the other guy calls him stupid")
3. Person does something embarrassing/socially unacceptable. Especially if they actually didn't do anything bad and are just being misunderstood.
That's it. Pretty much all japanese humor falls into one of these three categories. Japanese authors that manage to do something other than those as a joke are insanely rare.
Shut the fuck up.
Banjo Tooie had some pretty amusing moments
cats poop in sand
>bet this faggot likes tomgirls
In terms of funny dialog, AliceSoft consistently has hilarious writing IMO
I like this linly person
If you have to explain a joke, there is no joke.
Video game humor in general is just awful.
For every Anachronox or Z.H.P. you have hundreds of Borderlands and Xenoblades