Name a better Beat 'em up (you cant)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Double Dragon

Is this game honestly good?


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>Band-Aids on her thigh


>plot involves rescuing their boyfriends
>they are not even virgins

literally any other beat 'em up, you waifufag

China Warrior

Not even their boyfriends

just pirated it, will try tonight

No, you can argue that at the time DD was more important, but for now this is a much better game

it has some annoyances, but its the one in the genre i had the most fun with

the cheetah men II

No. It's a western anime styled game and the plot is to cuck yourself. Also there is a Arin Hanson easteregg. I would not recommend it.

Literally any arcade game by Capcom, including King of Dragons, a game with 1 (one) attack.

This also qualifies.

Is this cuckcore kino?

best answer

Do you guys even like games? you spend more time complaining about retarded shit like this than the moral warriors of twitter

>ironic weeb game
>tranny devs
>NTR story

yeah, I'll pass

It is. The plot is to rescue their kidnapped boyfriends and cuck yourself. The girls are not virgins and the game is made by a western studio. Pass.

River City Ransom Underground

>worrying about story in a game

Thanks, user. I almost regret buying Aksys' last two Kunio games if it's encouraging them to allow this fucking gay shit into their games.

>Only two playables characters
This is a joke right ?

>>NTR story

alpha fetish for chads

Dragons crown

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>Do you guys even like games?
I like good games. This however is not a very good game. Now stop shilling your mediocre game here, faggot.

You wouldn't be a virgin neither if you could afford it, buddy.

It's a fanservice beat em up. It fails at being fanservice when the art is shit, the gameplay is mediocre, and the goal is to cuck yourself. The west is really bad at making video games.

What's wrong with all of those points?

Streets of Rage Remake

why do people say this game is sjw again?

Does it do the double dragons thing where you have to fight each other at the end?

Once more you people show why Yea Forums is not a place to talk about videogames.

All the games you have shown are just your preferences, none of them have a combat system with more options and the presentation (animations are a good part of the game feeling good) doesnt come even close

The story of the game is just an excuse to have some cute girls doing cute things and punching hard, cute girls like handsome boys and you cant take that, sorry your life is so sad. So sad in fact that all the things you are arguing are incorrect, if you know the ending you know its nt a cuck game + there are more than two player characters.

Conclusion: you suck, worst than the retards on twitter.

Jap games are better than ironic anime westashit. No one likes the mentally ill. And NTR a shit.

Did you ever play a good game in your life?

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Streets of Rage 2 & 3


Japs are one of the most mentally ill nations in the world though

Nice Reddit blog, game devs. You can go back there now.

Beat em ups suck and Im not gonna play something with ties to Game Grumps

This right here.

>Japs are one of the most mentally ill nations in the world though
Cringe and bluepilled.

Scroll up

Stay mad piece of shit degenerate weeb

>Once more you people show why Yea Forums is not a place to talk about videogames
Correct. Now fuck off, dev faggots. Shilling is against the rules.


Attached: rcg pathetic.png (1618x808, 214K)

Go back to Twitter, then, and don't come back.


>make a game appealing to weebs
>fail at appealing to weebs
""""""Based""""""" Wayforward.

is this zoomer trannys stuff
playing/making a weeb game but calling anyone weeb. ive seen a post like this many times since this year

kinda understandable though that western games suck that much and zoomers cant play a decent new western game

You weebs are just as degenerate as them and so is your Japan.
Normal people would have girlfriends or wives instead of masturbating to cartoon women.

I highly doubt it but someday you may realise that having prior experience when it comes to sex makes the difference between a bad and a good lover. Better get to it, you're not getting any younger user.

Project harder

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X-Men. Easy.

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>more tu quoques

>dev is a Lefty feminist
>has a female staff for his game
>made Arin Hanson an easter egg
>all these fucking tweets
This just gets worse and worse. I hope he gets the Zoe Quinn treatment.

honestly pretty based of them to reel in and then btfo weebs so hard

Why make this mediocre game if you feel this way?

Incels have only themselves to blame. Just grow some balls and ask a woman out already.

>he doesn't do both
just end it already

Odds are he is a sex pest of some kind. Male feminist in a Western game studio raises too many red flags.

>Normal people would have girlfriends or wives instead of masturbating to cartoon women
I do both. My wife and I prefer the Jap stuff though. This game did not cut it.

Not really.
Rem's art is great, but the gameplay is lacking.

Looks like the game falls squarely in the trash. Thanks for some actual hard info on the game.

>you can't have a wife and mastrubate to cartoon


I prefer men

>made by one guy
>good mechanics and satisfying combos
>no SJW shit
>bouncing titties
pretty much perfect

The presentation comes closer thant the other ones, but in the world and specially combat options RCG is much better.
Probably best answer in this retarded thread, even if you dont give any arguments. DC looks awesome, has more characters and the combat is good, but I personally dont like all the trasure finding, rune exploring and the slow combat, the busy between stuff. Its a great game but RCG is faster and more inmediatly satisfying to me.

The ending is that they have no boyfriends and are crazy.

This could have been a really good game.if they just had of put more effort into the game design and polishing mechanics. I'll never understand why they half arse shit like this.

I don't get why people shit on this game's art.

No problem.

This based game deserve much more (you)s than oppic.

Devs said the bad words on twitter

We're still in the middle of a shill campaign, they paid for an extension after the release was a massive disappointment.

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No. both the combat and controls are done very poorly. story & dialogue is cringe overload too.

you need to dilate

it'd be perfect if it had more moves.

The artist isn't a dev though.
Shit, she's a fucking shotacon and love big tits.

Cadillac's and dinosaurs

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Then how does the game have art if the artist isn't a dev?
Dumbass lmao

The artist made it.
For the dev.

This is what you are missing for being so fucking retarded with you shit opinions, you dont deserve it.

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You see user, when a mommy game dev and a daddy game dev love each other very much, they pay a freelance artist to do work instead of hiring one for their dev team in order to save money.

this thread reeks of shilling

I started playing Tokyo Rumble (Camera is honestly weird.) I think I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't play Rival Showdown first. But Kyoko and Misaki are Kunio and Riki's GFs in that game. Though in Rival Showdown Riki was going out with Mami. Though canonically Rival Showdown should take place before Tokyo Rumble anyway. I haven't played Knight's Challenge or whatever it was called but I hears it was pretty bad.

is that what they're missing? that one static drawing that's displayed in one of the shops?
the one that they've already seen posted 1000 times? doesn't sound like they're missing anything.

>Almost every single post is "game bad" or "art's good, that's all".
That's one weird way to sell a game.

No it doesn't need more moves it just barely balances the ones it does have

Stop shilling your shitty game, Oh wait (you cant)

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but who created the thread and who defends it?

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I dont know, you guys initiate whole campaigns just because a girl has 20% less boobs, or recommend games if contains a couple of images of your waifu with one fetish. Im surprised by the sudden stoicism.

This game has a lot of problems that could be fixed with a few patches and would probably make the game better, but I doubt WayForward is going to do anything and just leave this shit be.

Streets of rage 1 2 3, river city ransom, final fight, turtles in time, hyperstone heist, the punisher, pretty much any 90s beat em up.

Yeah not even close buddy. Castle crashers has a fun style but the combat is complete shit. I have beated it in single player and with a friend, and both of us were fucking bored by the third stage.

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, there now fuck off.

The shill posts are from one person who is so mad they post in /qa/ about it

you're joking if you got bored by the forest level.

Most of the main issues are very easy to fix, you can probably even do it yourself if you have even the slightest familiarity with programming. But they don't make the game particularly better just easier and faster paced, it's still not exciting to play. Things like increasing enemy aggression and spawn count could salvage it but the way it works in the code is harder to figure out.

Someone post that image of this retard and his fifty samefag post cheering himself on then getting banned.

Kung Fu (NES)

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I fucking hate how things turned out
>See game trailer.
>Immediately want to talk about Beat Em Ups on Yea Forums hoping that inclusion of cute girls will spark more discussion unlike Underground which was just completely ignored.
>Immediately devolves into shitfest about Dev twitter posts, 'Nuh Real Anime', 'Muh Game Grumps as VAs' (ok the E-Celeb they got for Tex/Godai was fucking atrocious), 'CUQUEAN Posting'
>Literally all I wanted was cute girls and people discussing their favorite beat em up experiences.

>I have never played any of those games, I'm literally just remembering a checklist I read on IGN once.

Who gives a fuck about combat options when the basic combat is fucked.
I'll take xmen simplicity that works over an hp bloated, mechanically fucked beatem up any day.

>implying Reverse NTR is the same as regular NTR

Turtles in time
Knights of the round
Battletoads & double dragon

Is there a list of solid 8/10+ beat-em-ups out there? SoR 1 to remake, fight'n'rage... The new Ninja Warriors on PS4 looks pretty decent. River City Girls is close to good, it just needs a patch or two.

I have played most of them and I loved them, I would throw in there Aliens vs Predators, Dungeons and dragons shadows over mystara too, but they are no better than RCG. Like I said before, maybe for the time they were more important, but now most of them have a similar formula, the combat is very basic and the enemies have A LOT of cheap moves (RCG has a few, but a lot less)
The same answer i gave the guy above
I played it in 2015 if I remember right, wasnt the forest level the second one? In any case, the combat is boring, you have a basic combo, the running attack and the magic is boring and unbalanced, we were both very tired of the repetitive nature of it

>shilling a failed game

CAPCOM ARCADE GAMES, NIGGER. ALL of them. Also, if you're a combofag degenerate, IGS and Sengoku 3 are right up your alley

>The girls are not virgins
They’re not real.

fight n rage is the best side scrolling beat em up. You not knowing it makes you a fucking loser. Fucking shit thread by a fucking idiot...

Attached: lowskillcombos.webm (850x480, 2.8M)

AvP is MILES better than RCG, it's not even a fucking comparison. And it's not even the best Capcom beat em up. I'd rather have combat that's basic but tightly balanced, fast paced and challenging than RCG's worthless combos and enemies that can't do anything to you yet take fucking forever to die. AvP hardly has any cheap moves with maybe the exception of that cunt of a stage 2 boss and his insane priority super fast claws, you just don't understand the game mechanics well enough

Those are some rewarding death animations.
This on ps4?

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that's like saying super mario world needs more jumping mechanics. Get the fuck out you fucking doofus

>No mentions of Splatter House and Night Slashers
and this is why everyone on this thread are just retards.

Honestly the Beat Em Up Genre really needs to take a good hard look at what makes Hack and Slash Spectacle Combat games like Bayo and DmC work (Satisfying Combos and Special Moves, Combat Scores, Larger than Life Boss Battles) and apply it. Out of all of those three I've only seen like two games check off one of those, RCRU and Fight N'Rage by giving really great and fun combo potential in the game. (Ok I also liked how Rival Showdown did it's Burst type moves)

the game is very brutal (ryona). It's on gog. Pretty sure it's on all systems

Attached: lostmyskill.webm (850x480, 2.84M)

Very nice

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Dragon's Crown of course, has actually good gameplay and hot waifus/husbandos.

Ninja warriors

>Honestly the Beat Em Up Genre really needs to take a good hard look at what makes Hack and Slash Spectacle Combat games like Bayo and DmC work

No they don't, that's the exact fucking opposite of what they need. You end up with shitpiles like Phantom Breaker and its ilk, all combos no good design at all. Fight N Rage is the only one that pulled it off reasonably well, and in some ways it suffered from its fast pace and CUHHHHRAYZZZZEEEEE mobility in the long run. If anything it's these "spectacle fighters" that need to take hints from classic brawlers and bring back enemies that fight back and crowd control. God Hand did it, and look how great that worked out.

Good taste user. I'm currently trying to speed run this and should have it down in a few weeks.

it is good. I didn't think it would be good after seeing Yea Forums's reaction but it looks like they are just triggered by some really mild shit.

the voice acting is just ok (no option for jp voices and english script unfortunately) and the writing is occasionally cringey but more good than bad. The actual game is extremely solid and a lot of fun with a friend. The music is good too.

Cringe like an underaged weeaboo that speaks in kawaii with a Gaia online account in 2008 that never grew up and got a job in vidya?

Streets of Rage 2

It honestly looks good and satisfying to play, even if the chibi art style is not my jam. Ill check it out but do me a favor and go to anger managament, most people dont know about this game and you cant get mad at 99% of the planet, kisses.


>Thing is good, other thing is also good, they say thing is bad but I think thing is good.
That is not how you critique.

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Agree to disagree there. Bodying and Kiting mooks and goons can only get satisfying so far. God Hand had a lot of other stuff going for it as well being that it was just a hard game that delivered a lot of satisfaction when played. Most Beat Em Ups right now don't deliver that sense of satisfaction and I believe trying to go back into something more bread and butter will just lead to stale gameplay (See the new Streets of Rage trailer).

Mind going further into detail on thewhat made Godhandn satisfying? Different user I just want to know what your referring to in particular. I come to these threads to see what people like about beat em ups

>generic muscle girl
Wow all we need is brown skin tomboys for the ironic weeb shit taste trifecta

Imagine fucking her like that. While she just looks at her phone like you aren't even there.

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There are plenty of beat em ups harder than God Hand especially if you go for 1cc like god intended. Try to body some mooks in Final Fight see where that gets you. And once you're good that's where efficient play comes in, trying to keep up your aggression with enemies that are a constant threat and can run circles around you is awesome and very satisfying, not like juggling a helpless group. SoR4 isn't "bread and butter" either, it's yet another game which panders to the modern crowd. That's why they're showing off the move variety and juggles while having sparse enemy spawns with easy mode AI that don't even look like they attack you. Compare that to SoR2's Mania where enemies are constantly on your ass unless you're one step ahead and it's night and day. But even if a difficulty like that exists and is half as fun in SoR4, they won't focus on it or evolve it, it'll just be an afterthought.

P. Good. Yea Forums hates anything popular or uses popular references. There are some annoyances, like the books not doing a damn thing they're suppose to, and the air moves, but overall p. Good.

Now that you mention it, how come Wayforward or someone like that hasn't tracked down and bought the rights for that shit? I'd play a proper Cheetahmen game.

Yikes. Please don't ever come to Yea Forums.

>not masturbating to cartoons with your wife

streets of Rage

Sad how after all these years a fucking Scott Pilgrim game is the best 2D beat 'em up since the fucking 90s.

What a massive faggot, that's who made this pile of shit? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

The dude who owns the license has been tightass about who or what uses the property.

1/3 of Japs dont have sex. Grown men instead worship pop idols. They are looking at immigration to bring in some bulls.

Game name?

I'm 36 and still own a few of them physically including rcr. River city girls is shit

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

The writing, story, and voice acting are all trash.
The game itself is ok with a handful of minor issues that get really fucking annoying when added together and desperately need to be patched, in which case it could actually be great.

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The Ninja Warriors Once Again

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Im 30 and I have played all of them to completion, give some good arguments about why the combat was apparently so much better then or you are just talking nonsense (you are, but id like to see what do you have to say)

Little Fighter 2

Attached: 1516923795714.gif (286x333, 44K)

Lesbian tribadism.
That's all that comes to mind whenever I see these two.

Unironically Alien vs predator. Whoever prefers that over this needs to get some taste in games really.

Lovingly made and expanded remake by the original developers no less. That's the impressive part. It's the kind of game that oozes with love for the original work.

Read nigga.

Not him but let's consider Final Fight, it has
>aggressive enemies each with different movement speed, AI and unique behaviors/quirks
>low health pools, high enemy numbers, all combat is very close quarters with limited room to dodge, very fast paced and high lethality
>well balanced moveset where all moves have a role in combat and are chosen out of tactical necessity
>any screen can kill you in seconds
And more. River City Girls?
>passive enemies that all use the same movement, aggressiveness and behavior code
>all easily combo-able and knocked down with nearly every non basic move in the game, cheesable with basic juggle loops
>vast majority moves are redundant shit, useless in any real sense
>absurdly high health pools and long wake up times that are the same across the board
>only source of challenge is you getting impatient

>Arin Hanson

Oh man, I can't wait to see how the shit posters try to write off this actual well thought out argument.

Don't forget actual panty shots

>western devs want to divide and conquer weebs by peddling cuck shit in their games
If you support this game you're a retard

I love AvP and still preffer RCG over it, dont get mad I love you baby kiss kiss.

Maybe is just personal prefference, but after playing some 90's beat 'em ups, AvP feels about controlling the super busy screen with one combo and the same special attack over and over (fight and rage has that feel of overwhelming enemies too, but the combat system has much more depth). In RvC I have more space to enjoy the attacks and experiment, I feel the mistakes harder, and the finishing combos more rewarding.

AvP gives you sveral different combos, launch attacks, several attacks that hit grounded targets, incredibly fast movement with its own attacks, gun/laser that also hits grounded enemies, some basic juggles, very powerful weapons/items. You just sound ultra-shit. And even then from your description AvP sounds more like a game that wants to challenge and kill you, while RCG is just an aimless mindless combo simulator.

Yeah, it's a good fun game with amazing protagonists, there are flaws and quirks but nothing that made me hate it.

My giga nigga! I love that game.

I am having more fun with this game than Control

>plot is to cuck yourself
wait what? I thought you were supposed to use the girls to rescue yourself.

What is it about these girls that makes Yea Forums so angry?

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The girls get cucked in the game roflmao
I think it's hilarious and I have no idea why anyone has problems with it

>that boss fight where you literally fight your own drug addiction in your mind
such a kino moment

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Where are the pantsu

Don't have anything against those smelly femcels but the gameplay is bad in the most irritating ways possible, where you can see a good game emerging after some possible tweaks but the developers don't know enough or care to make those changes and make it fun.

>The girls get cucked in the game
Is this what all the NTR outrage has been? What’s the story here?



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Playing video games and judging them by actual merits like a functional human > Imagining a fantasy in which you're with these fictional women despite them "having" boyfriends in the game, like how everyone else on the planet does in everything ever when the player/damsel roles are reversed >>>>>>>>>>> Judging a game exclusively by textural elements > Self inserting in a game with no self insert character >>>>>>>> self inserting as a nonexistent character whose only trait is not having sex with the player characters

Please use the big pink organ in your head before you try to communicate with others.

I thought I'm going to get an actual Kunio/DD like beat em up but I got a shantae wannabe waiting for wake up simulator.

Nice try, but you make several mistakes.

1. The enemies in RvC have in fact more variety in attacks (this makes me think you havent played the game ...) some examples with THE FIRST enemies of the game

Normal schoolboys - normal attacks + stun attack that you CANT guard against.
Cheerleaders - The delay their basic attack + can evade to your back, dodging your attack and leaving you vulnerable
School bullies - they can throw you out of the air + their normal attack always jumps back (evading if you try to jab them) before hitting you with a kick.

Those are just the first enemies, the later ones have more moves and techniques that you should be prepared to counter.

2- The game can be easy on normal if you use food, ill give you that. In hard the enemies get faster and more aggresive, and then there is hard and new game plus combined. If you want even more challenge just wait after clearing one screen and a whole pack of the strongest guys will appear, with combined movesets like nothing you are going to see in 90's beat 'em ups.

3-The enemies have more life, and dont usually die in one combo (you can do it, with some juggling or using stone hands effectively with misako, but its harder and can leave you exposed) you should realize what that does to the moment to moment gameplay.
The moves you say are useless shit gives you in fact a ton of options for moving around the screen AND moving your enemies around too. They are not going to die in one combo usually, so you should be thinking about where you want to be after finishing it + where you want to leave the enemy (are they going to be stunned for a grab? should you quickly try to make some room to damage them in that oportunity? etc)

>game was being talked about for months
>this just comes to surface

Maybe it's my fault for not reading the threads, but I thought y`all had something nice here.
Is there a single development team that aren't a bunch of onions drinking nu-males that are complete bootlickers?

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It's not just 20% less boobs, people are angry because it's pandering to another audience that wants women to look uglier so they can feel better about themselves.
If lack of boobs were such a problem, there wouldn't be so many lolifags here.

This faggots like them a lot, but its one of the few games where the girls are portrayed with actual taste, so obviously this schoolgirls are after the handsome Kunio and Riki instead of the nerd losers, and it harder to fap to that.

>Is there a single development team that aren't a bunch of onions drinking nu-males that are complete bootlickers?
Japanese ones, if you don't regularly compliment Japanese devs on social media about the cuteness of their characters you are doing something wrong

The best beat'em up of all time. How many beat'em ups allows you to build an entire army to go against the main villain army?
And the skill really matters, depending on your strats, you can take an entire army on your own, it's just hard as fuck.

When did I say they had less variety of attacks you dumb fuck? They have plenty of attack variety but their base AI is all the same. Don't believe me? Look at the code yourself, they all use the same movement AI, the same global attack timers, same global wake up timers, and so on and so forth.
>In hard the enemies get faster and more aggresive
Literally does not matter, I have maxed out their aggression and it made fuck all difference because once you kite them and land a hit, the fight is over and they are your bitch. Because they all move at the same rate and your movement is fast kiting them is piss easy too. All this applies to your last point too, it has no gameplay implications because the game design is shit and you can easily group up and loop crowds in many ways. Get bent. Notice how you said fuck all about Final Fight too, probably because you credit fed through it and other beat em ups like a shitter and didnt learn a thing. Thats why you think RCG is a good game too

No one hates the girls, though.

It is the dev themselves. They didn't like working on this game and were very vocal about it on twitter. They still took the job though because they have no moral structure. So when they complain about the things they hate that they felt forced to interact with its really them hating themselves for knowing they would hate it but still did it.

When we call them cucks we aren't joking. Their minds are broken and they still willingly step into the hurtbox. Then cry about it and wonder why people tell them to fuck off when it happens.

asians and eastern europeans, user.

>likes to virtue signal
The chances that he has some skeletons in his closet are very high

Castle Crashers easily beats this one (up)

user, I get that you're excited about your e-celebs making money for a piss ass job, but bad game is still a bad game

>not numales
Choose one.
Modern jap """""""""""males"""""""""""" are the most feminine little faggots in the world.

>the goal is to cuck yourself
Play the fucking game before you spew shit.

The alt-right is too stupid to make videogames.

This one image tells you a lot about the game and why a japanese IP is clearly made by a westerner

Wow you are getting really angry there buddy, dilate.

I remember specifically the yakuzas moving much faster than the rest of the enemies, and I think the terminators move slower (not 100% sure about that) maybe the rest of the enemies have the same code in regards to movement and wake up, I dont know about that, but the conclusions you make based on that are incorrect (even with that there are enemies who charge at you, coming at a different speed, the policeman can catch you even at a slightly different angle, and their charge attacks are different needing a different answer)

You cant group all the enemies to finish them easily, in the playtrough im doing right now they sorround you in less than a second and block constantly so you cant enter your combo flow. Maybe with misako you can try that with the stone hands to a certain extent, but you are going to loose your bar quickly and there are always stragglers getting on your back.

Shadow over Mystara

The game grumps and jacksepticeye are the more annoying things to me about the game, I even skipped some of their dialogues the first time playing, the one good thing about it is that there just a few lines to endure.

Castle Crashers is some basic bitch stuff, so n., Nice try attempting to win the conversation fast, next time use some real arguments, love you baby kiss kiss

Not even going to bother responding to most of your nonsense, could have just said "I don't know shit" and leave it at that since that's what your post comes down to
>You cant group all the enemies to finish them easily
See webm, repeat it with any group in the game and it will work. If you want something slightly less braindead inputs wise but more efficient, do the nutcracker -> punch loop juggle

Attached: rcg combat.webm (480x360, 2.46M)

You're completely right about why the Capcom games are more interesting to learn and play, but at the same time this is a sequel to River City Ransom, which never had that much depth itself. Compared to RCR's gameplay, it feels pretty good so far. RCR was always a laid-back game, and this is going for that same feel. I think it's ok for some games to be a bit mindless like this, though improving some things like the AI and wake-up times could definitely help a lot.

mother russia bleeds

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Man look at all that SHIT they put in front of the screen. Way Forward knows nothing about readability. Probably why it's mixelshit.


Hey want to hear a joke:
Online multiplayer not requiring third party tools

Why are there so many gaps in the gameplay where you are just standing there waiting for them to get up?
Why do they take so long to get up?

Well thankfully the AI wake up timers you can easily edit yourself, among other things. Download dnSpy, open game folder/RiverCityGirls_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll using it, go to RCG -> EnemyLie, scroll to the bottom and change _Debug_LieTimerUpCounter to your desired number (0.15 only lets you get out a single stomp).

That's cool, I might mess around with that sometime.

It's too bad MRB had such shitty combat and a disgusting art style.

Attached: file.png (350x235, 170K)

Bad game design that they could have figured out and fixed with any amount of testing from someone with experience with brawlers

Nice moves user.
You take the most linear screen of the game, one of the few where all the enemies come from the same side, and one when there is only one tipe of enemy. The character there is level 22 with 50 $, so its not new game +, and im going to be nice and asume you are at least playig on hard cause I love you.

Dragon's Crown and Streets of Rage 2.

I know your game, fag. You better put on your 3-D glasses, bitch, because over the lips and through the gums look out tummy here comes the choo-choo train with a heavy load of my salty goo.

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Alien vs Predator
Dungeons and Dragons
Knights of the Round
Die Hard Arcade (Dynamite Deka/Cop series)
Guardian Heroes
Undercover Cops
Battle Circuit
Silhouette Mirage
Zombie Revenge

>why u not list X gamez
I tried to think of my favorites that are off the beaten path a bit for newcomers to classic beat em ups.

Attached: ScaredWholeHorse-size_restricted.gif (500x348, 1.23M)

What I've seen of that game disappoints me, but maybe I'm just spoiled after playing SoRR and Fight'N Rage.

I couldn't beat the end boss, it was just too tedious.

>have to manually edit the game so it feels fun to play
Is this the Skyrim of beatemups?

Both very good and fair arguments against the game + the same button used to grab items and change screens that fucks you up constantly.

>Moving goalposts
Every fucking time with you people.

can you rebind keys yet?

Then why wasn't it fixed? They did test the game before releasing it right?

The game play, animations and music all seem really good. Way better than the music in rcg, better than the twiggy character movement and the combat looks far more enjoyable. The whole thing evokes that classic SoR aura of "there will be people getting fucked up."

There's not a single screen in the game which doesn't allow for these kinds of tactics. Enemies coming at you from both sides? Just run around until they group up, which they will because lol same movement speed and behavior. It's just how the game works, I tried fixing it by digging through code but I don't care anymore since it's too much effort when I could be playing something else instead. And yes obviously it's hard mode. Why don't you actually try the strategy instead of dismissing it without even attempting it?

>I will not play this game because this ficitional character has a bf and probably had sex
>I also want big titty big ass 100/10 goth tomboy mommy tight virgin girl with similar taste and social autism
>why the fuck are women so shallow wanting 10/10 big dick chad with abs and jawline

ive been playing it. It's alright imo. it has flaws but I'm having a good time either way.

Is it moving goalposts though? The first post said "repeat it with any group in the game and it will work," and that user's reply seems to be saying "you need to do more than that for it to work on other groups/screens." Not involved with the conversation, but it seems like a fair reply.

The other thing to consider is the kind of people complaining are in the minority and the amount of changes they'd have to make wouldn't justify appeasing those people when the majority of their audience are ironic weebs who aren't that big into the genre in the first place.

the duality of man

well, they didn't ask for a critique, they ask for an opinion

Sounds kind of lazy though. I personally wouldn't support a dev that made these mistakes and wouldn't fix them when they are so glaring.

He will deflect and deny any and all criticism to the combat of this game. He has done so every single thread.

No but someone still is desperately trying to shill this garbage

This seems like the perfect kind of game to generate a ton of fan art and lewds, why is it still so lacking in both?

Voice acting in this is fucking atrocious

It's decent. If you're looking for a GREAT beat 'em up, check out Fight'n Rage.

Battle Circuit is really cool, highly recommend people try it. It's on the new Capcom beat em up collection too.
Give it some time.

Attached: battlecircuit.png (617x702, 909K)

The human being is a complex creature.

They're stuck in a shit game

Fair, I'll try it tonight and see if it works on my playtrough.

most men just want a GF who isn't fat or ugly,
that's it.
It's women who demand perfection, and when they don't, you know they're just in it for the money

No shit, english is always garbage.

Because they already have canon boyfriends and it would be boring to draw the same guy over again.

Doesn't each character have 1-2 "hidden" moves?

It's decent, played for a couple hours last night and I'm enjoying it so far. If you liked River City Ransom you'll probably enjoy it, though there's some annoyances.

But they don't. Not in this game, at least. Do we need to post this in here every thread?

Attached: 1567938003879.jpg (1296x4360, 992K)

Only the e-celeb shit can get bad sometimes, the rest its honestly fucking great, some jokes only work thanks to the V.O.

Twitter porn artists know they gotta follow whatever is trending in the meme waifu scene. One pokethot would be more than enough to derail any amount of forcing the girls in this game. Gotta remember the meme waifu trend will start in Japan and move on from there whether it's some dumb shit like the bubble tea or whatever

People generally have to enjoy the source on some level to do fanart of it.
From the looks of it this game is really bad from a myriad of angles.
>Dislike any e-celeb stuff? Game isn't for you
>Dislike NTR or cuck concepts? Game isn't for you
>Like actual beat-em-ups? Game isn't for you
>Dislike mixel/pixelshit? Game isn't for you
>Dislike weeb games made in the west? Game isn't for you
Its like a nexus of bad ideas shoved into a single package. Its astounding.

Remember to stay behind them on wake up since that renders their instant wakeup attack useless, also if you ever need a low effort way to deal some damage after grouping them up, the roll attack is a very good method because it either has iframes or insane priority, can't quite tell

Which one does anal?

the best beatem up is a just an urban dynasty warriors

Attached: MAX_ANARCHY.jpg (800x450, 351K)

Smarter play would have been to commission porn of their own game and hope it starts trending from there lmoa

yes user fat bastard and no eyes japanese boy in uniform are very unique

>He doesn't know.
The game has a twist ending.

They've tried that with Shantae, no joke. Turns out it doesn't lead to sales in any way as people will just spend their money on commissions of art from the artist instead of spending it on the game proper.

I pray every night for a PC port

>No, you can argue that at the time DD was more important, but for now this is a much better game
Maybe the original Double Dragon, but the GBA version is God-tier.

How much different would Yea Forums be if all of you just rub one out before posting? Imagine this board with less waifu obssession and angry semen in balls clouding your brain retarded infuriating posts.

Maybe we could even talk about videogames from time to time.

It is not good user, stop shilling

I can't jerk off at work retard

Sounds like shit. Fuck you.

How does it compare to River City Ransom and other Kunio games?

Is there any porn yet?

I'm running to your Mom's house RIGHT NOW to shove my whole fist up her cunt.

>retard shill thought he could instigate more discussion about his flop
>instead no one does it

How much better would your games be if you researched the genre before trying to make a game from it?

If you made decent games we could even talk about your videogames from time to time.

River City Ransom is pretty primitive, so that's a pretty easy win for RCG. There actually haven't been many beat 'em ups in the Kunio series until the recent crop by ArcSys.

Attached: 1567923555156.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Go to the bathroom or do it under the table you fucking coward, weak piece of shit no fapping motherfucker
But you are not happy user, you come here angry, not finding any answers or consolation, and even denying yourself of the comfort of one fap, the peace of mind that comes afterwards if you don engage in rabid shit after your ejaculation. I want you to be happy user, to enjoy the moment for what it is, witouth worrying about how the world doesnt adapt to your innadequate existence.

I bought shantae because of pron commissions. How ironic...

>>this just comes to surface
The guy posting that image has been spamming it since the start of July, I don't know how you missed it.

>he vomits up all that SocJus spaghetti
>"well, that's cool."
I can fucking feel her cringing through the text. He wants desperately for her approval and she just wants to get away from the conversation.

How long before this game is deemed a failure?
With all the e-celebs connected to it I imagine that they will be either very vocal or very quiet if this flops.

Attached: 1548707958796.jpg (800x433, 47K)

>How long before this game is deemed a failure?
It already is.
Can't even break 1k copies on all platforms.

The weird thing is that other screens with foreground stuff makes your character appear through it, I don't know why it doesn't for that screen.

It is already considered a flop user. Look at these threads. An enthusiast audience like Yea Forums would have eaten it up if it was a good game.

>Game has less and is primitive so less equals more
Yeah, right. Shut up retard.
I'm glad you paid full price.

faggot tries to change history again fag games never win

Because it's a western game so only a few japs will bother with it.


Attached: 3a0ec3b67c19c068c9846e845081d9af.png (636x900, 805K)

I hate the chibi art style but I still think it is the best side scrolling beat em up and I played many.

I don't even think people hate WayForward for their average to sub-average games at this point. I think its seriously the shilling and how they go about it.
People dislike shilling by default. They HATE when the de facto mode of engagement is to lie and provoke people. I have no idea what particular instance got them in the mind that it is helpful or will increase their sales. It doesn't.
We are losers who sit on Yea Forums for hours a day every day. We know when you aren't from around here. Shills listen: leave and just let the game quietly fade into oblivion. That way people can just forget it. The rate we are going people are going to hate you for life just because you are acting like clowns.

The game is bad and anyone that plays beatemups knows why and you won't listen. Casuals won't be paying 30 bennies for a game like this. You made infinite tactical goofs and we are begging you to just disengage for your own good.

Think of your company before your shattered pride. For once.

Having been playing Rival Showdown for the last several hours I would say that RCG potentially has more complex gameplay but RS is way more polished.

OP here, I dont know about the Yea Forums stuff, you are all a bunch of retards after all, but I have to agree it doesnt seem to be doing very well, no numbers in twitch or youtube is not a very good sign.

Its the beat 'em up i have enyojed the most, the best wayforward game and I really liked the characters, the humor and the world so I would have loved a sequel, sucks for me im the sad boy come make fun of me but dont call me cuck i dont have a girlfriend after all :(

is it any fun? have any replayability? or is it just a game for weebs to beat their dicks to?

I'm sure it was great for it's time and a pioneer of it's style, but all I see in a playthrough of it is spamming the same weird "3 round burst" punch and kick.

Attached: 1567801564014.png (419x745, 140K)

>hey anons, I'm totally not a shill
>believe me :)


If you enjoy it I'm happy you are user. Its a bad game in my eyes and won't be playing it but I won't shit on any actual person who likes it.
The problem is there are very clearly shills in the thread getting butthurt we are critiquing their work honestly and it hurts their feelings.

I'm only being nice though because im 90% sure you are a shill using the next tactic provided in your marketing points.

kill yourself shill your game failed to even outsell shit made 10 years ago

You're a cuck user.

>no hips
>neck as thick as his head
you liking mexican boys is your own problem


What problem?

Attached: 1556159246120.gif (126x249, 26K)

I forgot to finish:
I'm only being nice because I'm sure you are a shill and you are an inch away from jumping off the WayForward studios roof at this point.
You guys really should update your CV soon. Just a heads up.

You need help. Badly.

Attached: dddm.jpg (498x498, 59K)

Attached: dsadasd.jpg (480x360, 40K)

No, he is right. The story takes an even worse detour in the last minutes but the story is presented as cuckoldry and NTR thru most of the playtime.
You functionally don't need to immerse your mind in those concepts at every opportunity that presents itself. A healthy mind takes steps to actively avoid them. If you don't understand why a mind would not want to engage with that shit when playing a videogame (of any genre) I don't know what to say.

OP here again, you guys really believe this shit or its just a meme?¿ You are right in that i dont spend a lot of time here and english is not my first lenguage, but you really think im a dev shilling the game?
I dont know if there are stories of devs doing that, but who would come here to defend their game just after launching it, getting a ton of shit just for like ¿1000? people watching it?

I know you want to be right to the max but im just a sad fucker from spain who enyojed the game, my friends dont play so I dont have anyone to talk about it. Please dont call me a cuck I dont have a girlfriend

Pick any really

Attached: 81lBYcwKKUL.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

so is this the cbrain genre or what


It’s outrage culture on v, so fucking stupid first they complained about having boyfriends then when they found out the ending they completely flipped and said that it was shit they didn’t, absolutely stupid

>don't start making "english isn't my native tongue" posts with formatting to fit only AFTER getting blown.

If you are on Yea Forums you have the resources to play any game you want online over 3rd party software. You don't have to suffer garbage just because you come from a garbage place and culture.


Attached: Screenshot 2019-09-09 at 18.25.40.png (2194x1722, 3.19M)

It felt like they were going to go full NTR/cuck shit in earnest and changed the ending at the very end when they realized how much vocal dissent was already forming around it as a concept online.
The entire opening of the game makes no sense. It doesn't happen based on the ending but nothing in the opening even slightly alludes to them making it all up. Not even on replay with full context.
They changed the ending when they realized the entire world wasn't SanFran cucks like them that enjoy being mired in that degeneracy. And they did it very sloppily.
No different from any other game where you can easily see they just dropped a plot point because they stopped thinking about it.


Attached: flop.png (749x457, 120K)

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>but look at dese animemes!! arent they kawaii user kun

Im from Spain, not Mexico you fat retard, unless you are from the scandinavians countries I have beaches and nice weather, better quality of life and free healthcare. Im the least patriotic motherfucker, but we know we have it fucking good here retard.

I have played most of the nineties beat 'em ups obviously, the only suggestion that challenge my statment was the fight 'n rage one, maybe Dragons Crown, so stop being that fucking stupid.

Attached: 1_PS7TA0B8RtJMwNy1SZaY_w.jpg (1280x720, 289K)

have a pirated version, but don't even want to play it after seeing and hearing how garbage it is.

Now poop

I say Spain is a shit culture because I play Magic: The Gathering at the professional level and every Spanish player at that level is an out and out cheater.
Its Korean tier levels of ingrained into your society.

The art and the music seem like this game's only saving graces

That's even worse specially with those tranny designs.

Just buy the game you fucking weeaboo idiots, I thought you liked animes?

Uh. Wow.

The reason starts with way forward and ends with incompetent.

It's western trash though.

Would the game had sold better if the game's director didn't throw his fans under the bus to appeal to some GOTIS?

Attached: 1562322055673.png (597x807, 95K)

>changed the game after it went gold and shipped
Yeah sure buddy

This is soul.
Reminds me of the Street Fighter Gem fighter.

>she didn't retweet it
There better be a follow up to this

>I can't play a game as a female character unless she's my waifu
>I can't handle it when female characters have canonical love interests other than me

You people are literally, ACTUALLY retarded.

Even if you have to waifu someone there's like a million other options in the game, why would you go for the girls whose entire premise is that they have FUCKING BOYFRIENDS.

Attached: 1516.jpg (300x300, 12K)

>start bragging about having the resources to print your product like that is some achievement
>only do it after people start posting the sub500 player counts

>that they have FUCKING BOYFRIENDS.
They don't.

She looks like Mai Shiranui's sluttier sister.

if anyone wanted to play this game i suggest hitting up some torrents, buying is another form of cuckoldry

Mother Russia Bleeds

Wayforward hasn't published a good game since Shantae Pirates Curse

Attached: 1566780260797.jpg (1000x1360, 579K)


I do like playing the game, i do, it's very fun. But holy god damn fuck the character design and setting tone are gross. The only one worth a damn is the boxer, and he's just Lil mac.

>Wayforward hasn't published a good game
fixed that for ya

These are the best threads on Yea Forums.
You can see a shill openly shill, get brutalized in every fashion imaginable, see them snap and hit their wits end and pivot their shilling to a new angle but ALL of that anger is still venting and pent up and they instantly reveal themselves again.
Rinse and repeat for 400 posts and then they start it up again as soon as the thread archives.
Its Sisyphean in the extreme and they deserve all of it. They could just stop shilling and it would all be over.

The cherry on top is you can genuinely tell they look down upon us, but still need us to spend those shekels. Its pathetic.

It would have sold better if that guy wasn't in charge of writing because he can't write for shit.

Exageration, maybe you played against gipsies or andaluces, but at least in our younger generations all that cheating shit isnt familiar at all.

What the fuck are you even talking about, the game was finished, they’re not going to reanimate and get voicework one month before release are you completely retarded?

Nice try shill.

>Also there is a Arin Hanson easteregg.
Oh, fuck off. That’s like telling people not to play Yooka-Laylee only because of the shit surrounding Jontron, even though the game is flawed regardless.

Attached: Punisher-Arcade-Poster.jpg (850x1111, 128K)

That looks pretty horrible. Personally I don't like those old NES River City Ransom graphics but so many games in the series use those samey sprites.

Why can't we have a kunio beat 'em up with the designs from the Dodgeball spinoff?

user please contain your autism. They changed the ending when they found out that Riki's girlfriend was normally Mami rather than Kyouko and they'd started making their spinoff entirely based on one game.

It's been a blast, weeks of just shitting on these people and tanking their threads. The best thing is it's all paying off:

>the shills, they’re after my shekels oy vey
Holy paranoid jew, just fucking pirate the game

I don't know the culture well enough, Barcelona is a wonderful city though. Each person I'd play against that was representing "Spain" was either a known cheater within the community or would play "cornershots" enough that they weren't reputable.
I got most of the tips on what to look out for from German and Japanese players. It wasn't just cheating, it was long form cons to try and trick ME into breaking a rule so they could call a judge on me. It was next level cheating that is beneath contempt.
Claim it isn't your countrymen all you want, they were representing your nation to the world at large.

Can someone spoil me on the twist ending?
I want to know whether it's a genuinely good rustle or just some people being easily ass mad as usual.

>no online
>youtuber voice cast

Turns out you weren't the bishi's cumsleeve at all and you imagined it all and the boys weren't in trouble at all or handled it themselves because they are the actual protags.

It’s the latter, you find out the main girls are stalkers deluded into thinking kunio and Riki are their boyfriends

That Kunio design is perfect.

I'm a little confused here, I knew about the mix-up with the other girls and that the original gfs were the ones that want revenge in this game, but do Kyoko and Misako not get the guys at the end? I thought they looked cute together and I was gonna write fanfiction.

>literally admitting to coordinated shitposting of a single game into oblivion for weeks

see Kyoko and Misako aren't Kunio and Riki's girlfriends in this game, just obsessive fangirls on a wild goose chase. The boys don't even remember their names.

The fucking filename newfag. Gosh.

In my personal opinion, I thought that Mother Russia Bleeds was an amazing beat-up.

>Name a better Beat 'em up (you cant)

No fag, its just a babys first beat'em up

Attached: soyboy-2.png (210x240, 6K)

Maybe get better at shilling next time and you won't get shitposted to death.

>Name a better Beat 'em up(you can-

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 29K)

How could you forget the Japanese fat bastard with no face and in a business suit?

Im from Alicante (even if the board still thinks im a dev ...) and the only people I have been told to be careful around are gypsies, maybe some stores here try some dirty stuff when the tourist arrive, but I imagine is similar stuff to what other places do. It is an interesting story tho.

>HAHA get it? EBIN subversion of tropes.
>male heroes that save and protect women are creepy stalkers get it?
>archetypes exist for a reason and that reason is OPPRESSION
>it's so clever

These people would be funny if they didn't control the schools.

>Why can't we have a kunio beat 'em up with the designs from the Dodgeball spinoff?
That would require some actual effort from the developers. Like it or not, you're stuck with bare-minimum NES boomer pandering

Since Yea Forums says the devs are here and Yea Forums is never wrong, please make Yoko playable

Attached: 1567879316105.png (1408x1110, 1.09M)

I dig it. Still trying to get 100%, though.

Attached: yeh.jpg (237x105, 11K)

Get help
Schizophrenia is not normal

Also, please draw her with a thick benis.

god damn what a fucking nothingburger, shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Thanks though.


It wasn't coordinated, I'm just one guy doing my thing.
1. I see the thread
2. I don't like wayforward or ironic weebs
3. I recognize shills

the icing on the cake was that the game was awful. It's a perfect storm. What are you gonna do in response? Shitpost Nekketsu Oyako threads? Go ahead lmao

Fight N' Rage.

>Since Yea Forums says the devs are here and Yea Forums is never wrong
Poor little newfag doesn't know the rule.

Attached: always.jpg (785x590, 68K)

>mixing pixel art with clip art

Attached: meh.ro11980a.png (276x302, 102K)

Oh fuck.

Where are the hips? Why are the shoulders so wide in comparison?

>it's not that socjus is cancer, it's your defective huwhitoid brain that makes it SEEM like a bad thing

Is gaslighting literally the only trick you people have?

Yea Forums is telling me that this game is both shit and good

Yea Forums is not one person.

This. I just hate shilling by default and rage any time it rears its head.
And yes shills, we can notice instantly when a shill thread of shill poster is there. Its like reading the matrix code. We can just see it. We even try to tell you when we notice it so you'll adapt and you never do.

Then what's the point of your shitty jpg

You have gone too far user, you can’t differentiate friend from foe, you think everything and everyone is out to get you


user...most women have in fact had sex
Virgins only really occurs with the hyper religious, incels or the abused.
9 times of out 10 that hole will have already been filled at some point, it’s a fact of life and you need to accept it like a man and move on.
But you won’t, you’ll stew in your room and be mad that women have the ability to have sex. They won’t be saving themselves for you, you will never have that mythical pristine pussy so for the love of all that is holy:

Attached: 9D5D8336-6927-417F-A92A-EEA24CE05BB7.png (507x378, 541K)

Imagine being so much of an incel that you get triggered by fictitious relationships

Hockey girl

Attached: 5minutesinpaint.png (1408x1110, 1.08M)

The thing is first user consistently provides solid arguments that he actually backs up, while other user consistently demands more, dodges questions and just denies all criticism without offering solid counters based on gameplay evidence. In short, second user got BTFO every single time yet kept going while pretending he was right, and it shows. The second he post "you're getting pretty mad" he might as well have admitted he didn't have anything else to add.

>any other game gets "name a better *genre*, you can't" thread
>rightly identified as falseflag trolling
>rcg gets "name a better beat em up, you can't" thread

How the fuck is this anyway shape or form cucking?
Is there like a mission where you tell a nerd to go fuck himself and then do a QTE fuck fest with Tyrone?
Or are you just mad that you can’t self insert into fucking fake video game people.

Her shoulders aren't that wide actually, it's just that her torso has that traditionally masculine inverted triangle shape which makes it look that way. It's actually not an unrealistic figure for a girl so muscular that she has visible abs though.

Oh no, the poor RCG threads I feel so bad for them :((((((((

>xe thinks le ebin "looks like a man" joke is going to make me stop posting yoko

Attached: 1564729506589.jpg (1757x2500, 292K)

you're playing the villains, "your" boyfriends are sleeping with other girls(and always have been)

Both of them.
Now bend over user~

Hi, I was the loser user apparently, and the shill dev too, and probably did 9/11 at this point, who knows right?

You can think his arguments were better than mine, valid point of view BUT the reason I said "you are getting pretty mad" was exclusively cause he used three hard insults in his post, while I remained polite during the conversation, thats all, kisses.

You're gonna stop posting when you run out of all 3 pieces of fanart there is of him.

>missing the point this hard
you really shouldn't be skipping school just to shitpost, kid

If everyone else can post the same thing over and over again every thread, then so can I

Attached: 1567804253787.png (419x745, 140K)

I just beat the bonus boss and got all the cats, the game says I'm at 88%
Is there anything else you unlock other than items for each of the 4 characters? I beat the bonus with Kyoko and noticed I got her hair ribbon as an item for everyone. Also do you get anything for getting every recruit? I have most of them but I'm missing out on the zombie terminator and the 2 yakuza goons.


Having abs doesn't make your hips disappear.

In that case, me too.

Attached: brave.jpg (419x745, 61K)

Buy all the moves from every character, I got the 100% witouth having to recruit every enemy.

It does when you have a Y chromosome

But wait, weren't you defending the game yesterday? Isn't that contrary to hurting WayForward?

Attached: [OZC-Live]Kamen Rider Fourze BD Box E43 'Light and Darkness Twins' [720p].mkv_snapshot_13. (1280x720, 120K)

Your shit's all retarded and you sound like a fag.

Jesus christ dude, have you never seen a woman with small hips? It's not that rare, and again, if they're muscular, this just gets emphasized.

I would. While Kyoko watches

Attached: 20190909_093137.jpg (1144x824, 494K)

>Yea Forums hates the games beacuse of e-celebs and Twitter shenanigans
>cuckCHADS hate the game for cucking them of being cucked
>Resetera/Tumblr hates the game because the ending ruins their female fantasy of badass girls saving the boys

It's over. Kunio franchise is dead in the west.
Good, I hate you Underground secondary fags. fucking kys.

Oh no, you destroyed my self-steem so hard user. Im never posting here again, or on any other board for that matter.


Attached: Owned_and_buttangery.jpg (491x557, 73K)

Pls kys shill cuckster

Good. Now post her with her confirmed, foot long cock

Can't do, cucko.
It's currently resting inside my warm throat ;)

>male heroes that save and protect women are creepy stalkers get it

user very clearly states that the females are the stalkers, you're sick mate, fucking pig disgusting anti SJW gamer.

Paraguayan here just to say that the game is pretty neato, even if it badly needs a few patches.
Also yes, this is mainly Yea Forums being paranoid imo because there's no way you can really make the game look better by appealing to one of the biggest haters of WayForward.
And lastly: Quiero darle una sesión de anal duro a Misako mientras Kyoko mira y graba.
O si no culear a Mami y que Hasebe mire.

Im gonna do it!! You destroyed me so hard, im going to kill myself!! Tomorrow you will see in the news about the dev from wayforward who killed himself like that Night in the Woods faggot

You got me so hard anons, Yea Forums was just to cool for me

There's definitely a shill, but it's not this one. It's the guy who made threads every day for months about them having boyfriends and how awful that was.

succubus fist

Si Misako existiera en la vida real me apuntaría a un gimnasio durante un año para intentar impresionarla en combate antes de pedirle una cita, que seguramente no me daria, pero merecería la pena el intento.

Astro Boy: Omega Factor

The Simpsons Arcade Game

TMNT: Lost in Time

So... Aside from bug fixes, a reworking of the control scheme and hitbox changes across the board, what would Yea Forums want to see get changed to imprive the game? I'll start:

>Japanese Dub
>More playable characters (Yoko, Misuzu, some of the shop-keepers and a few "Unique" recruit enemies)
>Arcade-Style mode with linear stages to use said characters
>New Story Mode exclusive to the new playable characters
>Billy Lee, Jimmy Lee & Skullmagedon boss fights

Yaksha's game.

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You forgot to say you're also literally Hitler and Trump, a kike and Jeffrey Epstein's cousin.
The point remains, if you ask him to prove he's played other games and use them as basis for arguments against this one, he does and you continue to ask for more while not providing gameplay-based counter arguments it doesn't hold too well and makes you look like a sour loser.

Is it out in the west or did it get delayed again

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Well now isn't this nice?

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Complete rewrite of the script
Really though that's basically it, if they just fix the game's bugs / inconsistencies and stupid oversights it'll improve significantly, and Kunio and Riki need their own story mode.

I didnt asked him to prove he played another games? When he said what I read as "all enemies are the same" I argued that they are not, and that made me think he hadnt played the game (RcG, no other games) then he explained he was talking about the other things (movement speed, wake up times etc)

I didnt ask for more really, since the first post I explained the game gets harder mainly in hard with new game plus, and you can get tougher enemies after beating the first ones in one screen, and thats not what he showed, I dont think I was moving goal post, but you can disagree. I didnt used any visual proff cause I didnt record my playtrough :/

>changed to imprive
>a) Allow parry to break enemy combos and cancel attacks;
>b) Add i-frames to some moves;
>c) Fix minor bugs;
>d) Add the "action" button.

Most capcom beat em ups.

>When he said what I read as "all enemies are the same" I argued that they are not
>then he explained he was talking about the other things (movement speed, wake up times etc)
how the fuck are those latter elements not integral to enemy design you fucking gamer

Attached: huehehehehe.gif (480x320, 1.38M)

>ironic weeb game
>tranny devs
>NTR story
>youtube e-celeb
>cringe writing

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I was mainly focused on their attacks and what counters you have to use on them. He says all the enemies have the same movement speed 100%, im pretty sure thats not correct at least with two enemies on the game, but even if im mistaken all the enemies can begin a sprint at some point and attack you sooner than you would expect, in my playtrough I always had to think about enemies trying to hit me at anytime, so I didnt pay attention to what he says while playing.


Literally one of the best of it’s genre.

Is there any way to block or Dodge after you get hit. I feel like if you get hit once you just have to take the entire combo until you get knocked on the ground.

Well as long as you've learned your lesson.
Pour yourself another onions, onion latte to celebrate.


>lip bite
What did Misako mean by this?

Finally beat Noize. Maybe tomorrow i finish the game.

Nice art. That's it.

Cute shitpost OP

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Any Streets of Rage...

The game is a sales figure, and you are not gonna buy it, so here watch the cutscenes, they are funny, cute and well done. The pedos would like them to i guess

Ok now we're talking

Into anal

that boss is easy though

>Game is about about them being badass bitches
>Fanart makes them submissive whores

Right? I would love if Misako bullied my dick

Bitch in the streets.
Whore in the sheets.

Bitches can't beat the cock

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Game is trash. I've played better beat'em ups on Newgrounds for free

Still the best beat-em-up revival. And will remain so when the Battletoads reboot gets released.

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Neon was good for what it was but come on dude.

>only three mentions of The Ninja Warriors Once Again

Come the fuck on guys. Drop the pseudo-weeb stuff and go for the genuine article. This game is amazing.

Ninja saviors now user, yeah it’s great but it is essentially the same game as the snes


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Sorry but the Yaksha didn't get enough lewds for Yea Forums to care

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>Guardian Heroes
/thread zoom zooms

Why are they looking at him like that?

Can we all agree that at least the ost is great?

Castle Crashers and Turtles in Time

the hit detection is garbage, the AI will slide to connect attacks even if you sidestep, somehow the menus are fucking awful (laggy, have to hold a button to skip shit, never tell you shit like how a move works or lets you look at the names of each section of the map), the game is stupidly short and had an anticlimactic final boss (normal and secret), and the music is super bland

Wayforward games always start super charming then turn out to be shit. Shantae, Switch Force, Boy and His Blob, etc.

oh and I forgot
>enemies are damage sponges
wow I love being trapped in a room with one enemy who doesn't die

holy fuck. i was thinking of this game the other day. this shit was so good back in my lan days.

I don't like that the 'move to the next screen' button is the same as the punch button.

get some reading comprehension

>essentially the same game as the snes
It's the same game, but completely redrawn, with more moves, more characters, and redesigned stages. So yeah, but it's basically built from the ground up as a new game. It's better than the SNES game and has better sprites/art style than River City Girls (which admittedly looks pleasant in an indie way).

AngriestPat just gave the game a glowing recommendation on ALL aspects on their podcast, and I could see a few of you incels crying in the chat about shilling, what a bunch of losers. Even with that I loose :( the game sales are a joke and im sad, fuck you all.


I have my sister for that, got a problem mate?

The guy who's got a Toadette crown version of himself as an NPC in the game near Skulmageddon's shop.

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Have you not seen his girlfriend?¿

Why does a commercial product being less than successful affect you in any fashion?

Is it good? Also, Turtles in Time is my go to Beat 'em up.

Did he reveal his involvement with the product while shilling for it or did he do it as if he was just a genuine fan of beatemups?

The GBA version of Double Dragon shits all over Neon.

Scott Pilgrim was far better just on the basis that there was a way to mitigate the bullshit hitsponge enemies that take a decade to kill. You still had to grind for an extra few minutes at the beginning to afford the item that fixed your damage output but RCG doesn't have the mitigating factor anywhere.

Knowing Pat's track record, I'm assuming the later.

I like when the devs of a game I have enjoyed get success and money, in this case this is their best game, so I imagine they are going to be very devastated on wayforward with that shitty sales numbers.
With this game in particular I really enjoyed the characters, the tone and the world, so I would have really liked a good sequel, but its clear its not going to happen.

>bullshit hitsponge enemies that take a decade to kill
I started the game over on hard on a clean file and every common enemy goes down with a 4 hit combo and a throw. I don't see how people are having such a hard time with them.

>in this case this is their best game
remind us why wayforward deserve anything positive if this dumpster fire was their best attempt.
I'm glad you found a game you enjoy but you need to broaden your tastes. You like bad games.
If this was a webcomic or animation it might be interesting but it comes with 20 years of baggage that doesn't gel with what it is at all.

I have played the most relevant games in this genre, from 30 years ago and new ones, the only one mentioned here that surprised me was Fight n Rage. I dont need to broaden anything, you could argue I have bad taste and I could argue your mother cunt tastes pretty good, who cares.

Okay I'm imagining. Now what?

Damn delinquents only ever seem to misbehave when I'M on duty.

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Good taste, paraguayman

Came here to post this. Fight n Rage is by far the better and more technical game.

>all the porn will be them getting gangbanged
>there's will be no porn of them raping all the various enemies
>If it happens it's gonna be gay pegging shit
life is pain, I hate

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I fap daily to Futanari on Male, your misery is my dream. How much of a miserable garbage sub-human am I anons?

One biggest flaws with the way the game is designed is that all of the entrances require you to press X to use them, but that also happens to be the game's basic attack button. So anytime you zone in, if you start pressing X to combo an enemy who spawns right next to the door you'll find yourself being sent to the area you were just at. This is a very, very, very basic game design element that I'm surprised wasn't fixed in even the alpha. Even something as simple as mapping the command to another button would make combat less of a problem as you now have to run away from the area's entrance before you can start fighting every time.

Really gives the impression that the game's playtesters were asleep at the wheel while the VA's were being sucked off.
>6 levels
>only 2 hours long
>garbage spritework
>garbage artwork
>SJW devs
>gay forced dabbing shit
>paying vtubers to shill the same too
>garbage voice acting
>turned riki into kpop stan bait
>arin hanson is voicing billy from double dragon
>$30 for digital, $35 (probably $40 or $45 with shipping) for physical
>requires gtx 950 or higher
>Haha Misako is really angry lol
>Haha Kyoko is retarded lol
There you go, that's 100% of this game's dialogue.
>I'm waiting so I can buy this new chapter of this manga I'm reading
>K: Is blocked number someone you don't like?
>Misako's VA also can't say Riki's name right either,
> wayforward spent more money on the marketing (including shills on Yea Forums) and e-celeb faggotry than actual development on this game
>cuckqueens the game
also see
this game was contract work, the contract is finished, so the game is done. They aren't coming back to it.
river city shills cucks BTFO
>gay shill general

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Anyone know how's emulation on it?

No, give me playable Hasebe

It's good but not $30 good. Wait for $10 or pirate.

>retarded or false points
>call other people shill
I really want to know what compels you retarded people to shit on a game like this. At least shills get paid


I can't even name them. Who are they again?

Is this a good beat em up?

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Not me, I'm just waiting for some good porn

Just as leftty and autistic though, spreged out at a manga piracy site for uploading her already free "webmanga".

Only if you cheese. They made this boss retarded on purpose. You can't even drop him on the floor because he rises and immediately does an unblockable, unavoidable attack. Not to mention the retarded zillion invencibility frames he has for every little thing he does.

There a way to avoid the e celeb shit?

My only complaint is that it needs more than just one "final stage".

This game looks super satisfying to play, but the animation is so obnoxious.

Dragons y Mazmorras: Sombras sobre Mystara (tm).

Redpill me on Fight'n Rage, Yea Forums
is there controller support?

Battle Circuit
Armored Warriors
Streets of Rage 3