>This is a book
This is a book
>This is a dragon
This is a moon rabbit!
Japan finally realizing that bottom curves are just as important as titties?
>This is a mushroom
Technically yes. See attached image.
I love Reisen!
You got that right!
where are the tits
Books don't have tits.
are you sure my dad used to have lots of boosk with tits
This is a Pokemon Master.
She has itty bitty titties.
This is a force of nature
You mean more important right?
It's not some random japanese mobage? It looks like a char from one.
Niggers gtfo.
You can't stop the Africanazation of the world.
Well, she is flat as a book
>This is a doll
>This is a squid.
>This is a reincarnated Anne Frank
God dammit. I uninstalled that shit long ago but those designs are really tempting.
>this is a book asking you to read her a book
Don't come back.
You didn't miss much.
Just so you know, this game is a typical Korean P2W gacha of the highest order. Don't even fucking bother. Such a shame because I really enjoy the gameplay.
Is this Fate/Cuck Order?
>This is a kid
>top of toes come out slightly from the shoe
not even that much of a feet fag but this shit is always cute
Imagine the naizuri
I think it is a good thing that Yea Forums is finally acknowledging this issue.
For example, I'm here at my office, during working hours, and OP's pic made me come in my pants, we gotta do something about anime girls, they are becoming more and more sexual with each passing day. Real girls can't even come close.
Paper cuts on my dick?
>this is a girl
crazy right?
>This is a German type 1936 destroyer
I want to rub my nose on his balls so bad
This is Patrick.