"Late 90s and early 2000s in gaymen" bread

Almost 20 years have passed. What's your stance on very late 90's/early 2000's games and gamers nowadays?


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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you I thought those youtube links were going to be fun videos of gamers from back in the day but they turned out to be gay dad rock songs.

Those "gay dad rock songs" are the very epitome of the late 90s and early 2000s, though. It's their direct representative. And you're mad because you know it true, because they're you. It's you.

Also, most of these songs were in different video games in one way or another (either as licensed original tracks, or as remixes), so get rekt newfag zoomer scrubshit.

We already had this thread

i never thought i'd see the day somebody would call this stuff dad rock

Zoom-zoom, the zoomers boom!

the 2000s is like the "weird because it's weird is cool" 90s loosing it's soul.

abandoning thread

Early 2000s gave us Shadow Hearts, Dino Crisis 2, Guilty Gear X, KoF 2000, though.
I'll be forever cherishing those times for that alone already.

sup guises


I'm 30 now so I miss the LAN parties where people didn't take their games that seriously. There were no streamers or e-culture.

Also this: youtube.com/watch?v=Y7EQaNlsEFs

It was the indisputable peak of the industry.


LAN parties are still a thing and they've actually even gained in the popularity in the last 2-or-so years, but, yeah, nowadays they're mostly about showing off your e-peen by showing off your custom PC build, instead of actually playing games well and together.


late 90's/early 00's nostalgia is probably my favorite thing in life right now. everything feels so fucking inauthentic, and I don't just mean video games.

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I liked this more

Gaming was better because I hadn't been introduced to "gamers" yet. The idea of meeting other people who shared my interest seemed so exciting at the time. Little did I know that the video game community is nothing but miserable degenerates who don't even like video games.

No change cause years later still no gf

ths is a boomer thread what's this shitty cringe zoomer video

just post the song on its own faggot

>The idea of meeting other people who shared my interest seemed so exciting at the time.
fucking this. I started meeting with a local group of anime fans when I was 13, started actively going to cons and shit. fell off when I was 17 or so and basically lost any interest of fandom of any kind around when I got to college. Those people still pop up randomly in various feeds and holy fuck most of them look like they have done absolutely nothing with their lives in the last 12-15 years.

now I actually avoid real-life discussions about shit I like because talking about them with anyone but anonymous fags hinders my own enjoyment of the thing.

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>5 years later: "00s-early 10s nostalgia is just like my favorite thing in life everything nowadays sucks"

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the fact that it's universal doesn't make it any less real

miss when the xbox 360 was next gen


Stop using tumblr lettering and maybe your life will feel better.

It was the top HD result fuck you

Absolutely how the fuck did they manage to tape him up there?

Seriously that shit must've taken effort. And what the fuck are they gonna do when he needs to piss or shit

>the offspring
>linkin park
>sum 41
>blink 182

>gay dad rock

I blame women and their enablers.

I miss when all games were playable in LAN without internet access, before steam ruined everything.

It was gay boi sk8er rock back then so it’s monogamous homosexuals dad rock today.

Wish I still had a nice CRT monitor.

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>gay boi sk8er

sounds like someone was jelly

they were great, games were still allowed to be sexy and have interesting new locations.
nowadays everything has to be the same open world, military shooter with ugly looking "strong wyman"

stay on your shitboard faggot


It was ours those days, our nerd thing
nowadays it's theirs.... their "political" retardation

I'm just going to be honest. The explosion of gaming made me realize how much of a shitter I am. Winning whatever tournament at the local arcade or among friends wasn't shit. I am literally shit at everything I attempt in life and it was pretty demoralizing that I couldn't even keep "decent at video games". Now i have nothing.

13 consoles.
300 physical games. (274 completed).
No skill.

I'm sure someone can relate.

Before MMO ruined gaming in Korea, it was pretty soulful experience. Consoles were banned due to shitty relationship with nips so PC was the main gaming system. I used to play korean port of worm, bomberman and cs1.6, broodwar. Since PC cafe was so ubiquitous and cheap (like 50 cents per hour), online community was active all day.


You guys are pathetic, watch this:


>you will NEVER EVER experience this ever again
>...like tears in the rain...

Attached: TTD.gif (498x249, 515K)

just be yourself

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Maybe you should stop being such a scrub and git gud. Pick any game and actually commit to it.

What's a respectable game to dedicate your time too these days?


>you will NEVER EVER again experience it for the first time ever, first-hand, in it's original form

Attached: DSEX.jpg (1920x1080, 516K)

Almost anything of fighting genre.

Its almost like capitalism and greed corrputs everything it touches and you had the luck of experiencing videogames before they went to the normies.

Back to /pol/, landwhale tranny.

What's tumblr lettering, is it the new reddit spacing?

I don’t have a stance on 90s gaming why would anyone have a “stance” on an era of time like who gives any fucks?

>I don’t have a stance
So, you're brain-dead, got it.

>very late 90s/early 2000s
...dry...so dry...fucking DRY.
