One mistake locks you into the bad ending

>one mistake locks you into the bad ending

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I could have shitposted more on Yea Forums and played vidya instead of accepting the challenge of raising a family

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How much you wanna bet that the baby is gonna come out black?


That image is very old, before people started pushing for diverse breeding.

This is my biggest fear. Thank God for celibacy.

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This, Slavs are already basically black people. No interracial needed.

Imagine needing to drink in order to have a good time.

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After graduating high school it's funny seeing how many girls became single mothers with mixed babies.

Metro Last Light

Is there a fetish for licking pregnancy test tips

That's the best possible scenario for the guy. It gets him off the hook. More likely it'll pop out and he'll have no idea if it's his or one of a dozen other Slavs the whore has been fucking.

The girl looks so happy
You told me femoids don't have feelings

She ruined a guys life, she has achieved her goal.

I do not like people who drink alcohol.

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Never even heard of anything like that

That girl is significantly more attractive than him, if anything he should've been the one trying to lock her down.

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they look like usual slavs

it turns out most girls are more attractive than most guys, who would have thought.

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>advanced inceldom

I already hate women OP you can stop now and talk about videogames

>Be me
>All alcohol tastes like shit
>Get invited out
>Eventually the only sober one and feel like a babysitter

It's just not fun, bros.
Unless I get fried pickles

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he's not an incel like you

>This, Slavs are already basically black people. No interracial needed.

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>puts her pussy on a pedestal
>acts like the act of coitus is work for her even though she just lies there, while you do ALL the thrusting and humping
>tries to convince YOU that you two should get married even though her young minded friends and media will inevitably convince her to abandon all responsibilities in favor of shaking her ass at a fucking bar.
>you break up because she wants to live like a single 20 something again, only for you to both repeat the cycle with somebody else within a week

Jesus CHRIST relationships in this day and age suck ass. Please let there be functional sex robots to save me from all this bullshit soon.

>implying you are actively choosing to be celibate and aren't just an incel like everyone else
There's no need to pretend, user. We're all friends.

thats the good end tho

>More likely it'll pop out and he'll have no idea
Look at that face, I don't think he has any ideas period

This is because men have REALLY low standards.


I once intentionally killed myself multiple times for the sake of testing out the "super guide" in New SMB Wii, and as a result I couldn't get the perfect five stars save, because one of the requirements was never using the super guide. I 100%ed it and everything, but because of one silly little thing I did at the very beginning, I couldn't get the fifth star.

>Not getting a vasectomy

Best decision I ever made.

You don't drink for the taste you little fag

>Slavic women
>Not the biggest coalburners

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All women in Slavland look like models and all men look like shit and they treat the women like shit too. It would be a based country to live in if it wasn't for the Slav culture.

Is it a white girl thing?


Western 21st century values, thanks guys

Slavs are inherently racist.

Don't mutts get sex education? Do you even know how pregnancy works and how to avoid it?

Why do 5/10 people and below insist on having kids, have some goddamn mercy. No one wants your genes anyway.

Kinda. It's a western girl thing.

women want kids, and think a black guy will stick around because he isnt like the stereotype.

There are almost no black people here. You see one maybe once a week, provided that you're in the capital.

wew, so if you accidentally hit the block you have to reset your wii or you're fucked?

>cousin dropped out of high school
>becomes a tinder whore and rides the cock carousel
>ends up a single mom with 3 kids by 21
>quits her retail job and now lives off child support payments

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I find it tragic

Lose the friends.

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about what?

Not really. You don't understand how desperate men are for pussy. A 7/10 male would fuck a 3/10 female if they could.

Not really

There is one more above that where if you never even have it show up the stars are brighter and release sparkles.

>image not having the joy of Deliberately starting a family
>a couple of kids later
>decide not to have any kids
>wife still goes crazy when i tease her with the possibility of breeding for another kid
girls go wild when you tease to cum inside them

I mean, you can just start another safe file, but I only found this out AFTER I 100%ed mine.

It was way worse before, unless you memeing about boomer murrica, in which case that shit was unsustainable.

>I drink to get fucked up
Found the 'social drinker'

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if you're yugoslav its because not even black people would want to go there. Prague and warsaw has lots of nigs though.

This is the finest example of projection.

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Fuck my life.

Makes me wonder, can you retro-actively ruin a perfect file by going into it and intentionally getting the super guide? Would be one hell of a dick move if that was possible.

Actually most places dont really get sex ed. That is determined by states and because so much is ran by conservative old men they dont want kids thinking about sex so they dont get educated on it.

fried pickles are based user

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You underestimate how fucking stupid women are.

>This is because men have REALLY low standards.

It isn't even a situation of standards, it's just a biological fact that males have to compete with one another to be selected by females as they are the gatekeepers. If surrogacy becomes cheaper or artificial surrogacy becomes practical the value of females goes down including their choosing power. It's about time child production got industrialized like the rest of the human species way of life has.

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Im talking about slav immigrants.

based projecting redditor

lol if you're a fucking normalfag
i save myself to wizardry, 25 lvl here and still going strong

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oh no, i exclusively drink alone at home because it's cheaper and i don't have to deal with other drinkers.

can someone confirm this?
please tell me it's fake

Boomer america was sustainable, but republicans decided to cut taxes down further and further.

It's possible but I dont think it would since it already has all the markings.

It's optional for him to take care of his offspring. He is not bound by anything, literally and figuratively. If women demand the right to abort, then men have the right to abandon it.

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they're trash.

>used to drink sparingly for fun times
>end up drinking daily because more fun than sober
>build up enormous tolerance
>drinking daily no longer becomes fun
>drinking sparingly no longer becomes fun
All I get now are hangovers even if I don't get drunk. My liver must be wrecked. The plus side is I no longer drink, since it's a waste, but lacking drugs and having done a similar thing to my body with caffeine, I'm stuck in perma-sobriety with nothing fun to really keep be engaged during wind-down times. I'm more productive now than ever, too, but when I can't just sit down and play vidya, something's wrong. Maybe I'm getting old...

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Im sure you'll get far with this reasoning in court when battling child support.

One DNA test later he's bound to 18 years of alimony.

That’s horse shit. Almost all school districts are run by women. GTFO

Based in every sense

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you're trash.

>Prague and warsaw has lots of nigs though.
Really not that many nigs. Like the other guy said, it's once a week at most. I see shitskins far more often.

>tfw want biological children but don't want to go through a woman to get one
born in the worst timeline

>It was way worse before
This, we need to go back to when you could marry a 9 year old and groom her to be the perfect wife. I really am fucking sick of the modern generation.

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>I see shitskins far more often.
well yeah that's included when we talk about niggers in europe. No country has lots of niggers, its the shitskins and the occasional nigerian.

that's how it should be, but it isnt
women have all the power and no responsibilities

What are the laws about child support in whichever eternally cloudy slavland this is from?

how did someone like him end up with someone like her? shes kinda cute

>getting super defensive and immediately attacking someone
Lol. Touched a nerve, I see.
Sorry, user. I totally believe you are drowning in female attention but just choose to ignore them because you don't have access to contraception.

True but most wont do more than the minimum education since they have to keep on budget.

>they dont want kids thinking about sex so they dont get educated on it
That's utterly retarded. Censoring, not talking and educating them about it makes them even more curious leading to more pregnancies and STD's because they don't know shit.
But hey your country's backwards as fuck. Even infant genital mutilation is still considered completely normal.

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>as they are the gatekeepers
Actually men are the gatekeepers, since if it wasn't for them I could have sex with whomever I pleased.

So basically men with low standards competing for average looking women.

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I can't wait for the war of the chads vs the beta orbiters.

That only gets a pass if their married. Judging from those two urchins, they don't seem to have set foot on an altar lately.

>Almost all school districts are run by women
Probably why the education system is so shit.

No they don’t. All of their sex ed are antique fluff pieces and american media.

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alimony and child support are different things.

It's going to happen eventually but it will be in places like China, the west is too pussy to adopt a controversial system (again this shows what gender has the real power here).

>Not just fucking qt twinks

This image disgust me at my very core. I wish I had never seen it.

You can see the sparkling on the file select here.

It's slavcore aesthetics.


>euros: American women are all disgusting degenerate sluts
>also euros: wow you tell children not to have sex what's wrong with you????
This is why no one listens to you, so wishy washy

>All alcohol tastes like shit
agree except for coffee liquor and herbal liquor

>States where sex and HIV education, if provided, don’t have to be medically accurate
What the fuck

Yes that's how ass backwards the rust belt is with their religious ways, but they refuse to change because muh KJV.

This is real freedom, freedom to live your life however you want.
Western countries are so afraid of a strong government that they have no government.

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You really obsessed with black people and it’s not healthy

Couples like this are common in Slavland. Women are hot and the men don't give two fucks about anything and they both hate brown people. They are very based.

Wait is red meaning they do require it or not?

The important thing is that this filthy Amerimutt managed to project his inherent cuck fetish.

I am so glad to have so little testosterone. When I see what sexual attraction leads you people to do I am very glad to have no part in it

>both hate brown people
Slav women sleep with Blacks all the time

sex ed is a joke, I'm German, had sex ed in 5th and 9th grade and it was pointless because in 5th grade I didn't care and by 9th grade I had already googled everything. people born after 1990 learn about sex from the internet.

He's probably Jewish. Are Jewish men secretly gay for blacks?

It is entirely a white girl thing because all white people are racist and fetishize other races like the racists they are.

why didn't he brake?

>have sex they said

Fuck me I'm too tired.

Why didn't you?

Why are you millenioids so allergic to having kids?
Is it just fear of responsability since millennial creatures have as a life goal being perpetual kids?

Whats wrong with having kids? Gives meaning to a barren life.

Sure you save money but what the fuck are you even going to do with it anyway, donate to patreons so youtubers can have kids and get married?

As you get older kids are a fantastic thing.

Go live in russia, either of the koreas, china, or iran for a few years. You will have your wet /pol/ fantasies washed out really fucking fast and will beg to go back.

jesus christ if any post is projecting its this fucking one

what the fuck is this thread you fucking faggots

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>Slav women sleep with Blacks all the time
Only for the Slav men that don't beat their women hard enough.

First worlders are terrified of ruining their life with one of the most expensive investments they can possibly be stuck with, yes, since the system is rigged for it.

They like being treated as shit. They're women. You fucking simp. This is why western women are inviting sandniggers. They want their shit slapped.

>what the fuck are you even going to do with it anyway
What money? I’m already scrapping by as-is.

Most millenials are fucked financially and dont want to lose themselves to financially support a woman and kid when most cant move out.

No, but you will insist because you Americans wish to see white people gone, its a fantasy of all Americanoids for everyone to racemix. Thank god the USA will collpse first due to excessive muttification

What a crock of shit. Look after your nephews/nieces whatever and see how great it is and that's only for a short time.

>pedophile weeb can't handle alcohol
Lmfao pottery

I hate adventure games with a passion.

You do realize millenials are currently almost 40, right?
How fucking old are you?

I'm on to you, Shinzo Abe!

>volcels dont exist!
Peak incel logic.

blacks are racists too, all ethnic groups are racists towards each other
and thats a good thing
fucking bastard nigger

Your women get called sluts because they fuck with niggers, nowadays maybe even more than with white guys

You've been watching your kike pornos too much my muttistani friend

Because your generation fucked them over.

They sure do Schlomo

Because modern American society will fuck you in the ass for making children. Even if you manage to stay together as a family unit, the cost of living demands that both parents work, and if you don't have family ready to watch the little brats, then prepare to get raped by childcare costs. It should be especially frightening for a would-be father, with how easily and regularly they get the shaft on child support and custody agreements.

I dont feel like giving pedophiles more opportunities.

>blacks are racists too
yeah thats why they fuck white women.

No they weaponize blacks against whites to keep the hatred going and keep the heat off them because they know if blacks and whites ever managed to set our differences aside they would be fucking done for. Jews have fucked over blacks just as much if not MORE than whites.

They don't give a shit about Black people in Moscow lmao, have you ever been?

>waaaaaaahhh kids r expensive
God, you milleniturds just keep spewing out manchild excuses

I have no problem with having kids themselves, the problem is thinking of the bleak, dystopic future they will have to live in. That seems too cruel to do.

Have you tried getting a proper job instead of going for gender studies?
Or maybe not wasting all your money on capeshit merch?

Soros is a slav user. You lost before the game even began.

Look at this cracker cracking under pressure. Riding the achievements of his ancestors because he has none of his own. Eliminate your lineage, scum.

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>He's probably Jewish.
No, self loathing hapas are behind the blacked spam on this site.

I keep seeing it more and more.
At a point I just imagine them going
>Ah yeah, child support
But nah.
He ain't payin' that shit.
You fucked a black guy.
You pay the black tax.

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What's she going to do in 18 years?

Look at this obsessed blacked customer

adopt cats

>he thinks sex education does anything

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>Whats wrong with having kids?
>bringing your autistic child with your garbage genes in a world where the economy is shit, nigs/shitskins are everywhere, a society that suffers Peterpan syndrome, and everything is controlled by Jews
Why would you do this to your kid, you stupid faggot?

The society and taxpayers pay the black tax. Not the roast.

Why are americans obsessed with abstinence?

Millennials are almost 40, and yet they are still dying their hair, getting piecings and playing videogames?
Are there any millennials who arent a bunch of autistic freaks? Are there millennials who are normal people?

No it’s probably actual Jews and brainwashed whites.

>playing videogames
Maybe you should take your larp somewhere that's not Yea Forums, it'd make no sense for a boomer who hates video games to be here.

I work at a factory for 20-plus dollars an hour you fucking nigger. Mother of my children wife's old people's ass for a living. I don't even have the Privileges that would allow me to go to an adult day care center. Never have. Never will.

>Are there millennials who are normal people?
No, all of them swallowed the libtard media load. Luckily, Gen Zyklon will pull through and get society on the righteous path.

It gives you information, provided you have enough brain cells to process it.

Starless literally does this if you nut inside. You get the worst ending.

>Why are you millenioids so allergic to having kids?

Because I'm an eternal manchild.

Either she’ll find a basedboy who will gladly support her 3 kids or she’ll be a cat hoarder.

>Mother of my children wife's old people's ass for a living.

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>teaching kids how to protect themselves from STD's and avoid unwanted pregnancy is useless
Gee, I wonder why the USA has so many AIDS patients and 14 year olds with kids.

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>no money
>most likely will not be a competent parent
>life is not what it used to be like in the 50's-80's
>more and more niggers, shitskins, liberals, and Jews fuck everything up
You really are fucking retarded and will make your child's life miserable you selfish cunt.

It was supposed to say wipes, but I'm okay with the way it turned out.

I’m out in the open ocean 8 months out of the year.

And the girl is not fat like you.

times have changed boomer.

We do teach that though, in church.
>Gee, I wonder why the USA has so many AIDS patients and 14 year olds with kids.
Those people don't go to church, and probably not to school that often either.

Yes, but I have no money to search for a good job. Being born in the fields fucking sucks. I know no one important and am stuck between walmart and the fields while praying for a gov job at least so I can get some benefits.

Americans arent capable of learning. They only know what their born with which is violence and degeneracy. Literally the shitbulls of the world.

You just find excuses to be a perpetual kid.
Millennials with no kids should simply be permanently drafted, at least being a slave of the military industry will mean you'll kill a bunch of sandniggers, putting the population balance in the positive.

You are either a zoomer, larping as a Boomer or a woman. Either way you are fucking stupid and you need to stop posting.

Buncha fucking queers.
Some of the most fun I've ever had was spent tearing shit up with my drunk friends.
You haven't lived until you've busted into a random party you weren't invited to, and became the life of it anyway.
I live for Friday night, motherfuckers. Grow a social life.

Hey, fellow boomer. I, too, miss the days when you can walk into a factory and ask for a job and be able to start a family and buy a house with that wage.

I too enjoy video games

Being an uneducated 3rd world mutt has nothing to do with being a boomer or zoomer.

>playing homeworld 2 remastered
>barely save one generator in mission 13
>pic related happens in mission 14

Fuck gearbox and their ''adaptive'' scaling.

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Reminder that 2D>>D

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Why the fuck are you here
Fuck off normalfag scum

woah imagine if we had social values and dogma to keep kids from fucking around we wouldn't even need to tell em to protect themselves, wow you might even see a restoration of the nuclear family and marriage

>this thread

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Yeah, zoomers are too stupid to figure out how to use a condom.

I can't believe this boomer larp is getting so many replies. Yea Forums gets fucking gullible during euro hours, it's like they're completely incapable of detecting insincerity.

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Low IQ.

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Yeah, too bad millennials ensured that white people dont get jobs anymore with their diversity and multiculturalism crap.

If theres any revolution, which I seriously doubt, millennials will be the first to get their heads planted on a pike.

Obsessed and mentally ill pilled.

It's a good thing your church teaches kids about this but parents and especially schools should be doing the same. It should be standardized in the entire country like it is in any self-respecting 1st world nation.

Kill yourself. You are a liability to society. It’s all fun and games until somebody gets killed and suddenly “wow maybe this was a bad idea.” You piece if shit

And then you same people have the nerve to bash that xkcd comic

This reads like a Facebook post. No one here is falling for your larp.

Aren't Chinese people supposed to be of extremely high IQ?

No way. Kids will do whatever because they're all fucking stupid. At the very least tell them how not to fuck up as badly when they do stupid shit and it'll be better when there isn't a pregnancy.

It’s not Euro hours anymore the sun is rising in the West.

No you don't get a job because you're either lazy or unintelligent. Plenty of White people do get jobs because they don't spend their time bitching on the internet like you

I'm not pursuing children because my life isn't in order and possibly never will be. I'm 27, previously a drug addict, whose father was also a drug addict and left the family after screwing it over financially, and I'm seemingly a perpetual manchild as a result. Doesn't seem like a good idea for me to reproduce, not right now at least.

All forms of contraception should be forbidden, from condomsz to pills and abortions. If you get pregnant, your problem.

During Euro sleepy time one starts up this American versus Euro shit, but you'd better believe the war is on whenever the limey fuckers are at their keyboards. Maybe if they were more focused on themselves, instead of country that bested them at their own game oh, they wouldn't have such a problem with the Muslim invasion.

>Yeah, too bad millennials ensured that white people dont get jobs anymore with their diversity and multiculturalism crap
It's boomers that did that. I don't know why I am replying to an obvious shitpost. You are obviously a zoomer larping as a boomer.

>the sun is rising
Something tells me there isn't a big overlap between Yea Forums users and people who wake up at dawn.

With their hormones going haywire through puberty no amount of "social values" or pressure is going to keep kids from fucking so you might as well educate them on how to do it safely.

>having a child ends your whole life
nothing is as fun as having a family

Have a similar situation
>Drink nearly every day, sometimes 70 standards +
>Never hungover, rarely blackout
>Have what some would consider a problem
>Give up because it costs to much
>Drink rarely, even 5 standards gets me drunk now
>throw up every morning after drinking no matter how little i drank

Their laws encourages them to kill each other. I'm not kidding.

The high IQs have left the mainland. So what's left in there are soulless bugs.

When did Yea Forums become an RP board?

Yeah, you can tell he's smart because he knew to follow through and make sure that biker cunt was fucking dead so she couldn't sue him.

>not wanting to raise your children with a girl like that
faggot, I'd plant another one inside her ass soon as the current one popped out

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The only ones you ever see might be smart, either that or they're being pressured to achieve. By that same logic, Indians must be smart cuz they're always doctors or business owners. All the typical stupid ones are still locked away in their country where they belong.

Everytime I see someone bashing whites its always some blue haired, 30 year old freak.

And I never pretended to be a boomer, i'm 21, and i'm probably in a better economic situation than most millennials who are still working at McDonalds.

>this thread
guess it's time to dump teh infographics

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It's actually less than 10%, but the jewish media would have you believe otherwise in an attempt to normalise bestiality

fuck off, /leftypol/

you can have a family without kids shitting everything up


>Yeah, too bad millennials ensured that white people dont get jobs anymore with their diversity and multiculturalism crap.

lol what? I see more white people with jobs than anyone else every day.

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This reads almost exactly like this guy's backstory.

Not exactly and not anymore. Most of those webms are really fucking old.Doesn't mean they are not fucking bugmen though.

>Implying any of this is a bad thing
Fuck off back to Resetera commie SJW

>I live for Friday night

I lived for Thursday nights to Sunday evenings, shit doesn't last user, you get bored and the crowd/atmosphere/wavelength moves on. I know, I did it for 10 years.

>half the population are low functioning alcoholics
>everybody smoking because living in the best possible time is somehow stressing everyone out

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There wouldnt be any muslim invasion if it werent for the 20 years of pointless burgerclap wars.

If you hurt somebody they can sue you and you'll end up paying them for the rest of their lives. If you actually kill them instead they can't sue you and it ends up being cheaper.
This is why all traffic accidents in China always start small but then escalate into full on carmaggedon.

There's also a lot of scammers over there because of this. They throw themselves or their children in front of your car so you bump them, giving them the legal reason to sue you and rob you blind.

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If you hurt someone you have to care and pay for them your life long so they just kill them or drive away. Even if you weren't the one hurting the other person but still helped her you'll have to take care and pay for them until you die or something like this

Oh they changed it? I'm unironically glad.

>letting strangers teach your kids about their private parts and how stuff works without any way of knowing what exactly they're being told
I don't understand
inb4 jokes about playing with your children genitals

Why didn't they move?

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Yes, keep blaming Americans while your leaders welcome refugees. There is no man behind the curtain. Israel is innocent. It's all those nasty Americans faults.

If it tastes bad, why would I drink it? That sounds counter productive.

4th and 7th grade here
4th grade was boring because my parents already talked about everything
7th grade was fun, because everybody already knew everything and we asked silly questions to make our teacher think we're the most perverted class on the planet

>burgers destroy a country of dirty sand people
>dirty sand people come to your country
>just let them in
>don't do anything to try to punish the burgers
The blame game just makes it more embarrassing, the sand niggers are your metaphorical wife's son.
We need some white people to go to war with us, killing brown people gets tiresome.

>college tuition, medical care, food, housing
hmm what do all these have in common.....

It works for me desu. Almost all pics here posted about interracial couples have some 10/10 white girl and a nigger.

Imagine how good of a time you'll have if you drink alcohol. There's no cap on how much fun you can have. Don't you want more fun? What's the matter, you worry about your health you little puss?

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Yes it is. The US population is one of inherently anti-west and anti-white dogs. Even the furthest right wing American will never pass the chance to attack whites and will promote racemixing in some form. The USA is an enemy, and maybe our biggest one.

Leave your basement once in a while.

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It really is since you enable them.

Attached: burger christcucks.webm (574x382, 1.24M)

Inconclusive, but if you can find the okcupid data from around 2009 it suggests that men are actually quite fair in the way they evaluate "average" attractiveness in women. Women appear to take "average" to mean "third quartile"

>nobody realized this is a (shitty) copypasta

And heres the typical Americanoid, projecting his interracial cuckold fantasies.
Americans deserve death.


Raise your standards. Retards with an agenda spamming the same shit every thread isn’t proof of anything.


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Asian men rway like them some spices.

>you can have a family without kids shitting everything up
but kids are the best thing about a family tranny

Nice projection Schlomo
If this event took place in California, then I reject it as I do the state of California.

But the important thing is that whites do NOT have kids, right?

>allies can betray you

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>Don't you want more fun?
Boy do I

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TFW my country have sex ed but nothing to do with protecting from STD and avoid pregnancy.
Only later I realized how important that was.

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>noooo mumy drinking is so dangerous nooo
So you're just a little puss boy, okay then.

I once talked with an American Christian protestant about the State of Israel.
I can only describe his insane zealotry as idolatry. How on EARTH did kikes manage to brainwash these fucking mutts this hard?

Attached: 1567696612524.webm (300x369, 1.76M)

now THIS is american education

You get your worldview from pics posted in Yea Forums?
Let me guess, you are a millennial. Fucking generation of weirdos.
This is what happens when you let freaks into the party instead of bullying them and reminding them that they will never be normal and be part of society.

>dumb str8 boy having fun with his dick now has his entire life changed

this is my fetish


>not wanting to die quickly and violently

I doubt that's in California. Most kike idolaters are from flyover countries. Because being a Christian in America is pretty much a synonym for being a Zionist.

>pointing out a flaw in your logic

>"Hey, maybe the gov't should invest a couple billion into infrastructure, healthcare, education, war vet pensions and compensation for rescue workers"
>*proceeds to give 3.8 billion to Israel plus tip*

Attached: eternal mutt.jpg (777x777, 94K)

Actually, American education would have you believe that the 6 million were an innocent race of dindu nuffins.

>doesn't wear a condom
>cums inside of female
>mad that she ends up pregnant

Retard deserves it.

That's definitely from some Midwest shithole, not California.

Europe has rejected Christianity and America just larps as Christians.

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>implying colonization threads never happen
All racists of all races have always been about killing the men and taking the women.

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Marry a single mother and leech the money

I do not agree

Or something comfier?


Damn she is fucking fine

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Alot of millennials came from broken homes or were raised by single parents, so they see the family unit in the west as absolete and the institution of marriage as broken.
I grew up with a single mom and watched her toil asay ever dollar of child support she got, i got to wear ragged clothes, never had any food in the house, but yet she always had money to go out.
Fuck marriage and fuck a "family" its just a dumb boomer meme anyway to keep muh society running, need bodies foe the next war and need bodies to run them factories.
>Glad i got snipped right out of hs

They should be free?

Slav women are gold-digging whores who will sell their teenage daughters to child pornography and oil sheikhs

Well mutts always consider themselves innocent and dindunuffins.
They're just as bad as jews and niggers in that case.

I'm Catholic, user. Celibacy is preferred.

>Europe has rejected Christianity
And that's a good thing.

Actually true. Faggots talk about "based" slavs but most of them act almost as bad as niggers. And their kids are loud and obnoxious.

>women are gold-digging whores who will sell their teenage daughters to child pornography and oil sheikhs

yeah, but you know what we don't have?
I can just walk outside like it's nobodys fucking business, and just walk down the street. I have NEVER in my life thought to myself
>damn, there could be NIGGERS around, better look out
Not once. I can just stroll down the street, shoot finger guns at a fellow white man passing by like, "Hey! Aren't you glad we ain't got no FUCKING NIGGERS around? Haha, me too!"
Oh, and by the way, we ain't got no guns, either!
>he's american
>he's fat, and he has a goatee
>he visits the shooting range every Sunday
>he wears his vest, his baseball dad hat, and his protective goggles and earmuffs
>he spends hours with his pistol in both of his hands
>when he's done he walks outside
>and he gets mauled to death by a pack of RABID NIGGERS

Attached: le melanine man.jpg (466x422, 16K)

Unironically true.

The issue is it then embraced free market liberalism as a replacement and elevated bankers and CEOs to being effective aristocracy.

Does anyone not do this, since we're making dumb sweeping generalizations?

I reckon boyfucking doesn't count then?


See? Millennials are just fucking stupid. This one says that millennials think having a family is bad because their parents were scum, and even then proceeds to shit on it.
At this point its obvious millennials are an exclusively destructive force and should be forbidden from having retirement privileges, right to vote and healthcare, just chew them up a bit more in the work force and then spit them out.

ridiculously fucking based, but cringe

One mistake travels you back in time to unfuck your mistake. Fate is for fags!

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dumb zoomer post

Mutts BTFO.
How will Jose Manuel Tyrone Wong ever recover?

Not everyone finances and supports Saudi terrorism and then pretends to wage war against it.

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Zoomers need to be gassed. All of them.

Wow, he called me "dumb", isnt that a bit too offensive for your kind?

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I'd imagine they all have their own method for unethical war crimes. I wasn't talking about who's innocent in times of war, the answer is no one. I was asking, who is this benevolent race that so freely admits when it has done wrong. Also no one.

Its true tho. Pic related married a nig, Billy Eilish literally said on snapchat that black dicks are bigger and can only satisfy her etc.

Attached: 3SjNA9t.jpg (1080x1259, 82K)

I barely made both ends meet as a wageslave in a company who goes through employees like a machine gun uses bullets. And you want me to commit financial suicide?

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>people can't realize it's an old as fuck shop
cringe desu

>t. missed the penis inspection day

Бaзиpoвaннo и кpacнoпилюльнo

Judging how dark the mother is already, high chances.

Did she remove a rib or something to get that waist?

Ever gonna stop wishing things would happen and actually do something?
The last 8 years of activism have been all talk but no bite. Hell, you actually consider it a victory when some shitty videogame repeats a mantra from whatever ideology you follow.

Your ribs are in your chest silly, not your waist.


>shilling your fetish this hard

Damn, two people, I guess stats and research dont matter anymore, right, you autistic blue haired millennial freak?

Based schizo retard

That might very well be true, but this shit isn't black and white.
Also there are degrees of fuckery you can commit, and the amount of fuckery USA is causing together with Israel is concerning to say the least since it seriously threatens the stability we have in Europe and the USA and used to have in the Middle-East before mutts came in and fucked it all to hell.

What all of those /pol/graphs don't account for:
>the consolidation of businesses into bigger businesses
>aka the death of the self-employment

The rich haven't gotten greedier, it's just capitalism at work

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I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti--biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.

Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

>I live for Friday night, motherfuckers. Grow a social life.
You sound like a fucking highschooler. I live for every day.

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OKcupid stats?

Cпacибo, Mocкaл.

Expense is just 1 part of it. A woman can easily divorce you and take your kids when she gets bored or finds someone more exciting than you.

What's ge gonna do? What could he possibly do that the rampant, overblown, controlling media wouldn't swiftly move in to destroy in any, and every way possible?

Only brainlets think that having kids is a good thing.

Not only are you doing exactly what the zog machine wants you to do, but you're also decimating your finances for the sake of your fucking genes. People who have kids are slaves to their biological programming, if you possess even a single braincell you'd never have kids.

let me have this one character flaw im sick of being everyone's rent-a-friend yes man that people love to shit on because my ego is nonexistent while my patience is high

>kids who are raised on Fortnite, friend simulators and SJW cartoons
>setting society on the righteous path

Attached: Dr Nigger.jpg (549x556, 27K)

Must be sad to be this souless.

Next time you want to bait post, don't Reddit space. It's a dead giveaway.

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>People thinking this is actually funny
I truly believe half the people on Yea Forums nowadays have a single digit IQ

I'm a sperg that can't properly talk to women unless i have something to loose my mouth, so everytime i go out i always need to have something or else i just sit in a corner and only talk with my friends or their girlfriends

Among others, still better than a handful of individual examples, which is enough to convince millennials since you are weak minded manchildren driven by emotion instead of logic.
You are pretty much a generation of perpetual 13 year olds in their period.


Awww Boomer gonna cry cause no one is going to be there to pay for your social security? Get rekt fag, the west is done for ahaha

Why do people not care that their girlfriend has had other men inside them?
Do they just not think about how she's had other guys cum on and inside her?
Do they just say to themselves "why yes, my girlfriend has had other men inside her and I'm okay with that"?

Biggest kek

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I'm 21 you stupid freak.

Turns out I'm undateable because I am uncompromising, brutally open and frank. For some readon that bugs women a lot and they drop me after a month at most. I've since given up despite wanting my parents to feel the joy of being grandparents, which is their greatest wish. I wanted to give them something back for all the love and support they've alwaus given me and the guilt of being unable to do so eats me out from the inside like cancer.

But your penor has been in other va jay jay too

Mass replying, especially when it's just to do it and has no actual relation to most of the posts, should be a bannable offense.

They're brainwashed to think it's somehow "normal".

>mass replying
Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)

>Why do people not care that their boyfriend has stuck their dick in other girls?
>Do they just not think about how he's had other girls suck his cock and fuck his weener
>Do they just say to themselves "why yes, my boyfriend has had women and I'm okay with that"

no it hasn't

Attached: 1559779052474.png (522x418, 109K)

I fucking hate women, but sadly I want to fuck them all the time.

>I am uncompromising, brutally open and frank
I swear I once heard some parents use this exact phrase to describe their autistic son. Clearly the "incel problem" is just another instance of the more privaledged kids picking on the freaks and geeks. Except they're all grown ups sitting at their computers now.

But women are attracted to men who have already proven their value to other girls.

She cute. I'd impregnate again.

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That’s crazy I don’t like people WITHOUT alcohol

>I want to be a single parent

It's true. My ex never wanted to fuck me like the times when she met my new girlfriend. Women are horrid little goblins.

That girl seems to have to much hair for that head.

>giant nose poking out behind a mask dot jpeg

Very epic thread my fellow gamers let's RISE UP against society


Sure gramps, need me to get you some prune juice from the store?

>my fellow whites
Sure thing Rabbi.

Blacks and Hispanics.
No I'm not joking.

Haha, you mean like, like A JEW? HAHAHAHAHA very clever and original joke my fourteen year old friend

God I wish that was me

What the fuck is prune.

Imagine destroying your body with absolute trash consumer pop culture

Also whites. All Americans in fact. There's no real difference between any of you despite your skin colour.
Stop deflecting.

Attached: 273.png (476x401, 138K)

And then consider that a fair number of the whites in those stats are actually Hispanic when you take into account how spics are only labeled spics if they mark the Hispanic or latino (a purely optional thing)

Well, she has autism. She's 30 and still lives with her parents.

Attached: 1550713793274.jpg (1080x1350, 264K)

Slavs have never been white. Cope, pollack.

>caring about having sex with women after MeToo allegations can ruin your life
>hasn't taken the gaypill yet
Explain, user.

Attached: 1566072381441.jpg (1181x1476, 192K)

>Billy Eilish literally said on snapchat that black dicks are bigger and can only satisfy her etc.

I wouldn't be surprised she's only saying that to stroke the ego of her fuck buddies, she clearly hasn't come across a white guy with a monster sized dick.


Yeah, and whites also commit violent crime in their own neighborhoods. Just not in as ridiculously high numbers as some.

I could agree with you in almost every thing, except
"All alcohol tastes like shit" because I love hot chocolate with cognac.

Baziran in rdečtabliran

Attached: ReadNiggaRead_zpse82079de (2).gif (180x155, 939K)

I wish there was no difference.
I wish I still didn't know there was a difference.

With a car, you can go anywhere you want.

Maximum cringe dude.

Imagine being such a cuck that when you see a woman the only thing you can think about is her fucking other men.

Came to my mind too lmao

For me, it's prison homosexuality.

Attached: grat.jpg (560x292, 30K)

It is only usefull with you have sex, user.

Who let this leftoid talk?

But isn't it white folks who hold all the high scores?
Also most are just smart enough to join the mutt/israeli army to live out their murder fantasies.

>Not just having sex once and they ignoring it for the rest of your life in favour of saving money

Attached: 1344466783459.jpg (645x773, 87K)

>hasn't taken the nofap celibacy pill yet

Attached: 1565326557357.png (1280x720, 1.17M)

Attached: kf.jpg (600x800, 124K)

I didn't write it to be funny, I actually meant it.
>he tries to cope
i'm actually crying laughing in front of my secondhand slavPC

Because I can get laid easily?
Why would I become a fag, to die of AIDS?
Hell, do you fags unironically think people can just turn themselves gay? Fucking freaks.

Liking men doesn't make you a leftie automatically user, are you sensitive? Projecting maybe?

Attached: fg_zabaniya03c_skin2.png (904x640, 680K)

If we are going to start growing humans in tubes, It would be best to get rid of the concept of gender entirely.

>"I hate women"
>"I hate kids and will not marry"
>Eurocucks shit talking Americans yet AGAIN
You're all so fucking gay, just become trannies already.

Amerimutt leftist detected.

Coping slavnigger

>this guy can get a wife but I can't

Attached: 1566662708239.jpg (619x453, 28K)

Have fun getting your job taken by robots.

No, they think the vast majority of men aren't purely heterosexual and are just repressing themselves.

Yes it does.
Right wing ideals involve the removal of degeneracy, like homosexuality.

what's the problemwith someone having a previous sexual history?
they choose YOU.
the rest desn't matter

Exact picture I was basing this off. I love you user

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Its ok, just lay down. Everything will be fine

just get jack and coke


There's a difference between being gay and a faggot, retard nigger

Alcohol is one of the gateways I have that let me enjoy life even if it's temporary happiness

Attached: D_I82JwXkAI89Dc.png (394x317, 157K)

Someone get a Switch, the millennial is acting up again.

Who took the photo if she's holding the pregnancy test??

I'm Yuropeen actually. "Folks" just stuck with me cause I watched a ton of Looney Tunes as a kid.

No there isnt.

Cope, incel faggot nigger

wow so edgy

Imagine wanting to fuck your loli wifu but your pussy ass can't drink, pathetic

Sorry, but the only dudes im willing to fuck are emo twinks, only ones femenine enough to give me a boner.

Don't ever do this. After a while you can't even properly think anymore and become very aggressive, perhaps even violent. Also prostate cancer.

We all make mistakes, and we all are looking for love. If she's a good person who realizes how much worth you have then her past mistakes won't matter much. Forgive and be happy.

Зacнoвaн и цpвeнoпилyлиpaн

Me on the bottom right

Have sex.

The only thing right wing ideology promotes is unintelligence and ignorance

>social values and dogma stop teenagers from being teenagers
nigga i live in a muslim country and all friends lost their virginity by the time they were 16/17, thinking that scare tactics stop kids from doing what they want is retarded

And the leftist fag exposes himself. Go to Africa instead lf filling white countries with shitskins and nigs.

Left isn't much better either.
t. le enlightened centrist

salam inshallah my hbb your post is kinda cringe

>recently started wageslaving
>suddenly start having premature ejaculation during fapping sessions

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True, its about time it gets enforced st gunpoint.

I don't remember which one but I'm pretty sure there's a Mario game that locks you out of shiny stars if you die enough to prompt the block even if you don't hit it. I want to say it was 3D Land.

He's fucking with you retard, if I had to guess he doesn't give two shits about either and just wants (You)'s.

>Brutal, uncompromising, and frank
From one autist to another, I know that feel, but bro if you don't compromise you're not gonna get anywhere. That's just how life works. Plus, what you see as "honest and frank" is probably seen as "rude and without tact" by normies; you gotta learn how to keep those thoughts inside. You need to get close to someone as a human being before you start saying stuff like that, and even then you need to make sure you have a bit of a filter.

fake image, roastie wouldn't breed with a goblin like this

Lol fuck off, I dated an eastern girl and there was no difference.

So, Ronald Reagan is at fault?

based gf

Your post just proved me right lmao

و عليكم السلام يا اخو الكحبة اذا ناديتني كرينج مرة ثانية راح اسافر لأمريكا و انسف خواتكم بعيري الاسود العملاق™

>fight against sex ed, rubbers and pills
>stupid bitches kept flushing babies in toilets or throwing them off highrises
moralfags are a special kind of retard

>going raw on a woman you don't intend to be the mother of your children

>one mistake locks you out of a permanent upgrade

Attached: eoliens_69.png (240x160, 13K)

Alot of third world countries are sitting on top of mineral rich earth and they have access to the sum of all human knowledge, whats up with that?

I would guess that the two biggest reasons Millennials are allergic to having kids because the job market is very unstable (note: not necessarily BAD, but unstable. There are increasingly less jobs that can promise or provide actual job security and you must constantly be on the hunt for new work), and that they have grown up in an environment with a very confusing dynamic between men and women due to the rise of feminism and the full endorsement of the sexual revolution into our institutions. There are also a larger number of people with less agency due helicopter parenting/schooling. You're supposed to be able to sink or swim by college, and we're not allowing kids to do either.

More like dad ending

If you play strategy games:

You don 't encourage your most intelligent people not to have kids and your most stupid to pop them out like smarties.

The 3rd world are popping out kids like crazy and we send them money for food so they don't starve, yet in the west we push propaganda to stop people having kids.

You don't have to be that smart to see that's a fucking disaster in the making...

Listen here Bill Gates, push your fucking vaccines in Africa, China and India please!

>have 10 kids
>one of them becomes a movie star
>livin on easy street

>have 10 daughters
>free flesh lights

Are you faggots gay or something?

You made the right choice user

The gross federal debt tripled during his presidency, so yes

Bazowany i czerwonopigułkowy

>Why yes I do think these posts are based (on true events) and redpilled (about the nature of man).

Attached: gigahabib.jpg (1242x1394, 87K)

When you die alone and have no kids they will throw all that stuff in the trash.

Keep playing your switch old man, hopefully today is the day you get to go home ;)

Ah yeah, here comes Yea Forums, expert on women.

Guess you shouldn't have mass-cut those taxes that enabled the golden age of the 50s and 60s.

I'm autistic and poor. I have as much chance of having healthy children and being able to provide for them as I have being an astronaut.

Her Muten Roshi tattoo is arguably great.

>Want nothing more than a family with 6+ kids
>Current law fucks men on the whim of the woman
>Courts are insanely biased, so even if im the better parents she'll get them by default
>hoes ain't loyal
>Clearly impact on the quality of health due to chemical in food and pollution
So far it looks like unless i win the lottery, or find a decent younger wife who wants to be a parent - i'm not going to be a parent until mid 30s

Attached: mfw Bendis.png (2128x1344, 3.7M)

If you die and have no kids or family, they send people to clear your house and they literally just rent a skip and throw all the stuff you collected over the years into it like its nothing.

You're buying all this crap so someone can chuck it all in the trash.

I doubt the parents will outlive her.

Attached: 1550716531500.jpg (1080x1350, 162K)

On them? Sure.
Fucking them? Doubtful.

>posing with your boyfriends stuff

>hoes aint
Maybe america wouldnt be a shithole if Americans didnt try to imitate niggers all the time.
Considering even american right wingers speak like fucking nig hoodrats, all burgers are honorary niggers for me.

What stops you from hooking up with brutal, uncompromising, and frank autistic woman, if I may inquire?

Yah, because every genetic disaster need to be able to produce more low quality humans whenever they want. You think people are ugly mutts now, juat wait.

> her

Nice try, faggot.

KOTOR, I accidentally became evil after talking with evil Bastilla

Am I supposed to give a shit? I'm fucking dead you stupid nigger. That's the least of your worries when you're a fucking corpse

Americans are obsessed with niggers, hence i use terms they'd understand
America is the face of cultural marxism, materialism and a general degeneration of anything good

Fucking this. Drunk people are boring.

Attached: 14583729672967.jpg (760x839, 311K)

>be cute
>ruin everything with tats and piercings

Would be pretty sad if her boyfriend moved to her parents home.

Attached: 1556831207355.jpg (1080x1350, 163K)

>Turns out I'm undateable because I am uncompromising, brutally open and frank.
So you have zero social sense and just blurt out whatever is on your mind.
You are literally autistic, socially retarded and you won't get better because you rationalize it away as everybody else on this planet being the problem, they are just too dumb too weak to realize HOW GREAT YOU ARE!

Like if your post wasn't ironic, I suggest you do some deep think and turn your life around before you end up with zero close people female and male both.

You ever met any real chinese people? They're not smart. I seriously doubt they even think like humans.

because honestly brutally, uncompromisingly and frankly, they both view each other as retards

>imagine being this beta

Those shoulders are too narrow to be a dude's.

>it's up to a woman to have the baby or not
>but if a man doesn't want the baby, it doesn't matter because he's financially obligated to pay for it

explain this

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Blacks are the closest to apes, therefore it is only logical for them to have the smallest dicks just like apes do.

Attached: 1567838761614.jpg (1000x1113, 81K)

It will primarily breed productive humans, after a period of time ugly and unproductive humans will be a minority and even less so when plastic surgery becomes even cheaper.


Yeah, real alphas die lonely and with their virginity intact.
Will millennials ever manage to leave their rebllious emo phase, or will you always get a boner for doing the opposite of what everyone else does?

They're not closest to apes. They evolved black skin specifically cause they have no fur. They do look like apes th cause of massive inbreeding due to a traditional tribal African life.
Blacks are not stupid, they're not apes. They're just retarded, literally.

10/10 Would foreplay as Guts and Casca during The Eclipse

It's kinda scary how monkey like they can be.

Attached: 1559001926982.webm (198x360, 2.93M)

>they're not stupid, just literally retarded
What's the difference?

Why does the nigger fear the slav?
Because all of the typical "whypipo" insults don't apply to them?

>tfw want a kid but not the woman
I also don't like these "am I the only one?" posts but does anyone feel the same on that one ?

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Stupid people are still people. Blacks have Down's syndrome, basically. Theyir recessive inbred genetics cause them to look and behave like apes.

Because she's a perpetual scene kid.

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Absolutely something I relate too. I'm way to opinionated and brutally honest with my thoughts and commentary. I really got to learn how to dial it back because I realize how big of a character flaw it is. For example I always shit on my friends for their awful taste in video games or movies

>most fun I've ever had was spent tearing shit up with my drunk friends.

Thats you

Then get a husband and adopt a child.

I know the feeling.

Attached: Kowai_with_Yotsuba.jpg (435x598, 169K)

What is the actual benefit of having a kid?

Attached: 15425254245.jpg (1000x563, 244K)

White grill into anime and pokemenz.

>slavery? What fucking slavery? I'm not Britbong, not a frog or spaniard, I don't give a fuck
>do you fucking even know where the word Slav came from? Think about that for a second. And stop bitching, bitch nigger.

this dude has microcephaly like those zika kids. his brain is at most half the regular size. legit retarded even by nigger standards. point being, don't use him as an example for how niggers look or act.

Is something preventing you from speaking normally?

no one thinks its funny, its just him samefagging his own post for le ebic screencap


It allows you to further your own genetic material if you take any issue with slowly fading away from existence.

No need too. Stay buttblasted tho

Yes, its a terminal condition known as millennialism.

You sound like a faggot


Normal niggers are hardly any different.


>90% of Yea Forums is currently populated by 2015+ newfags
WOW!! what a shocker?

Not gay and I want the kid to be my own. I don't think the attachment between the product of your own actions and some adopted kid from nowhere is anywhere near the same.

it depends how you do it, if you're passive agressive and bitchy about how you conduct yourself then it's not going to do you any favours, if you can be a charismatic nigger about it though suddenly you're arrogant and decisive in a sexy way

Everyone is falling for it. The incels in this thread can’t help but try and tell everyone how they’re better because they sit in their rooms and play video games while reminiscing about the crush they had back in high school.

if its a daughter you can turn her into your personal sex slave for life

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While you miss out on the genetics, an adopted child will still be the product of your own actions through its upbringing.

>t. actual nigger

She's the typical succubus

>Plus, what you see as "honest and frank" is probably seen as "rude and without tact" by normies
That's funny, I have the opposite issue where everyone takes whatever I say as a joke even when I'm actually being rude without tact.

correction: I'm a SEAnigger, slavnigger


So this is the power of the black man compared to a slav, huh?

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Fuck off roastie

How tall are you, user?

Oh no my Loli figures

Jesus christ it’s like looking into our past as a fucking species. This is morbidly cool when you think of hi as a type of proto human

There's joy to having children of your own but in today's western world the benefits for men are not worth the risk, majority of men are nothing but drones for society and when you realize this all you can do is check out of society and inform everyone else of the scam. The slow death of these societies is working hence why the importation of populations from other countries but even this will catch up to this eventually as the current guard will die and be replaced by the kids of the imported culture.

Someone to take care of you when you’re old.

1m70/5.6 feet

No one itt is living past 50 tops

Wait this is based

I occasionally work overseas with Flips, Indonesians and Malaysians. If you belong to any of these tiny brown creatures then you don't have the right to even try to pretend that your women (or men really) are more chaste than literally any other demographic in the world.

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>letting yourself grow weak just because of old age

Attached: The God of Lightning (6).png (1309x448, 663K)

Ocнoвaн и чepвeнoхaпчepaн

Attached: 49.png (247x354, 125K)

Yes, they changed their laws almost 10 years ago. You guys are unironically living in the past.

Based and black pilled

>not the good ending
>not impregnating as many women as possible

>2010 was almost 10 years ago
I never asked for this user

Attached: pepe time.jpg (545x362, 25K)