Tomb Raider thread

Post rare Laras and discuss the future of the queen of gaming.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love my wife

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I too love my wife Lara.

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Lara Croft is the queen of gaming.
Nu-Lara is the queen of horses.

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Old Lara was a bigger whore than the current one.

the fact that the new games are only ever mentioned when waifu fags post nulara is a testament to how shit they are old lara best lara nulara pussy bitch lara

I love my wife Rise Lara!

That's funny because no one mentions the old games at all. Ever.

At least she didn't shallow horsecocks and looked like a meek sorority girl.
What a pathetic decline for one of the more iconic heroines in gaming.

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But Lara doesn't do that. It's only perverts with a fetish making that shit up.

operative world being old and yes they do


Yes, they were so successful that they killed the old series because you faggots wouldn't even buy them so go eat shit.

And Old Lara wasn't a whore.
Point still stands, she has became a joke of a character, essentially a different one.
Supposedly one of the poster girls for nu-feminism and "muh realism" because big boobs and sexy outfits bad. Yet, ironically, she comes off so pathetic compared to the original "oversexualized" Lara.

Was angel of darkness really that bad?

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culture declined so its art naturally follows...
it's time of degeneracy, something like the black plague only psychological

>Old Lara wasn't a whore.

Imagine unironically believing this.


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Old Lara was sexy, funny, and a bit of bitch at times, but that only made her more lovable. She didn't have a Jonah-cuck-mixed-race-character following her around acting as an emotional tampon. Even the child-Lara in Tomb Raider Legend and Chronicles exuded more confidence than Starbucks-Lara.
A sadly rushed game that might have been brilliant if the controls weren't so bad.

Show me where it happens in the games and I'll believe you. I'll wait.

Nu-Lara is pure wife material. Old-Lara was a filthy bimbo slut. Both have their uses.

>the waifufag screeches in pain as it strikes out at you
kek, no actually the entire existence of nulara is a result of the financial success of the original series, AAA did what they always do and they abandoned the core audience for shit eating normalfags like you

Show me as well where the OG Lara was a whore. I'll wait.

>a bimbo
Stop watching too much porn you zoomer

I played and grew up with the original games and you're a fucking liar. The series went to shit and needed the reboot to get interest even Core knew the series was fucked back then.

Play any of the old games, all the evidence is there. Now please show me where in the new games that she fucks horses.

il love old lara but come on, she can't compete

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>The series went to shit and needed the reboot
it went to shit after what 10 titles? yeah i don't give a fuck, the original series was more than successful it was a symbol of the industry

nothing changes the fact that what they made was worse than what we had

The old series had loads of shit games and sales steadily declined, they tried soft reboots a few times even then.

How is she so fucking perfect?

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Too bad they made her a shit character, she didn't even grow up to become the smug badass female she was in the originals as they said she would, she went from a multi-orgasmic pain induced whinny cunt to a selfish and stupid cunt which had to clean up a mess she was usually provoking herself.

Yeah ok, fuck off.

And this thread is being kept to life by a dedicated autist who posts her pictures and replies to himself and the replyfest that we have here. So I'll stop here and let this thread sink as intended.
Nobody gives a shit about Nu-Lara outside of porn. She effectively killed the series. Good job.


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Bye Felicia

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She's THE perfect woman.

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Name at least two of her sexual partners.


Not at all.
It's my favourite tr game.

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And me

if Lara was real shed look like this

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>Real shed

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What's wrong with American women?

detomasso's lara is best lara

What's wrong with Americans in general?

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Just googled it and the answer is no.

>fine ass
you's a fag

Those creatures look like blow up dolls.

so what lara is supposed to be like

The old Lara maybe. Not the perfection that is the new and true Lara.

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yes, the desire to breed white women makes me a joo

Do not touch our women.

i'm a slav, mohammed

Hi Tyrone Rubinstein

Sure you are Mr. Goldstein.

>You came home after day of work and see this in your bedroom.
What you'll do?

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It's how Lara went from feminist icon to basic bitch the moment women "got into videogames".


Put a blanket over her, kiss her on the head and prepare dinner for her waking up.

It's also the best Lara

What's the point of me posting on this board or site when no one ever replies anyway? Unwanted in the real world and unwanted here of all fucking places.

You hope.

Try posting something of interest more frequently.

>new and true Lara.

this uggo again?
shitface and autism

>this uggo again?
That's not a picture of your mum m8

Put Sugarcube back in his stable since Lara was too lazy to after she was done

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You need to seek help friend.

OG lara legit beat up a guy who was oogling her and then killed him later. She doesn't play games.

Tomb raider is not relevant nowadays, it's more 90's thing. And NuLara's audience doesn't play games.

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>10 year old article

trillions of pajeets making one model

must have been your first TB its fucking awfull

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>Ur mum
t. 12 yo

literally deformed scanface

She's next for Smash

Smash? What kind of a horse name is it?

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To smash

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nuLara is SO much hotter than boring old Lara. Old Lara never did this to my peepee

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Smell my fingers, it's your mum. Smell my dick, it's your sister.

Another one for the collection.

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>user, it won't fit in that hole

ITT 3 autistic posting the same 3 pics every day trying to turn their shitty waifu into something someone will someday care

What's coom?

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>he doesn't COOOOOOOOOM

Someone please explain

Looks like a new dumb forced Yea Forums meme

I'm a decent man but Lara is the only girl whose asshole and shit I would eat.

What does it mean though?

Post the one of her with tan lines

Post the edits

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Exactly this.
The thread is 10-20% of the autists posting the same pictures everytime and the rest are mostly pornfaggots that don't give a fuck and just want to shitpost and "COOOOOM".

I said it once, I'll say it again: The new Tomb Raider games, and that cancerous movie with that plank of wood that portrayed Lara, ruined this franchise forever. Enjoy now these kinds of TR-related threads in Yea Forums from now on.

why are you always here tho

what are you doing with your life

>The thread is 10-20% of the autists posting the same pictures everytime

But what are you doing here ragefag.

>Samefagging this bad
>Being this faggot and coming back because mad

Lmaoing @ your lyfe

i coom on this stupid post

I am a proud Cumbrian and I shall not be silenced

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Why do devs insist in shoving that Prince of Persia style autoplatforming into every 3D platformer these days? That was only used in PoP because the insane acrobatics in long chains required controls like that, you could still fall and die in PoP if you messed up your string, but nuTR doesn't do anything too crazy with the platforming so using the PoP style only makes the platforming pointless, you just go through the motions and can never mess up because the game basically plays itself. Any new TR game worth a damn needs to take a hard look at the controls and design something more involved that better fits TR's more realistic platforming style.

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Speaking about the movie.

Lick pusy


I want to have SEX with Lara

Turn 360 degrees and come inside.

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Good lord...


what about that bitch left to laura

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i would to be sandwiched in between both of them

>Prince of Persia style autoplatforming
Hope you meant 2008 PoP autoplatforming because the Sands of Time trilogy didn't have that shit.

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I legit thought you were quoting Lara's in game platforming segments.

LAU copied sands of time trilogy in this regard.

She was cute the whole 2 minutes she was on screen.
Honorable mentions to that whatshername girl from Rise that also used a bow.

Based and cummaghlas!

I don't think there's been a single Lara Croft design I didn't like. She's had wildly varying qualities of writing, but visually she's never missed the mark.

But they made Lara need a QTE to properly grab a ledge if your timing was off or your jump length was too long.

I love NuLara but I absolutely despise the movie reboot. They couldn't have cast a worse actress even if they made her black. The world forgot about the movie reboot as soon as it released. I really can't comprehend how it's getting a sequel.

Just came here to say that I've never played a TR game. Have a nice week.

>I don't think there's been a single video game Lara Croft design I didn't like
fixed that for myself

The movie gave her dual-guns and sunglasses in 2 hours.
NuLara hasn't gotten them yet and it's been 3 games.
Also Zombie touch > Super weather powers

Current Lara is pretty common sight at my Uni. They're a wonderful phenotype.

Lara Croft was my imaginary friend as a kid. Lmao.

I agree that the game reboot mischaracterized Lara by refusing to give her dual pistols. I'll never understand that decision. She still used guns in the games, but dual wielding was taboo for some reason. That's dumb.

But just because the movie tossed old fans a bone with the guns and sunglasses, doesn't mean I'll forgive the film for casting a 9 year old boy for the role.

I would slaughter a small African tribe to have a lara gf.

It could have been amazing if it wasn't horrifically rushed and unfinished.
>i'm too weak mechanic
>Lara is now agile as a 70 year old woman
>no tombs, only cities
>you collect money throughout the entire game despite the fact that there is only one item shop in the game that you visit only once near the beggining
>open world meme turns out to be a couple of corridors in Paris
>glitches and bugs EVERYWHERE, final boss was literally unbeatable at release
>that cliffhanger ending
That game murdered the franchise and it's acclaimed studio so hard i have never seen anything like it, both of them just completely gone in less than a day.

>getting friendzoned by your own imagination

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she's going to bully you

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First reboot was great.

ahahahah... didn't the first one bomb enough?

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>I like everything

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Look at that ass, Rise's model is perfect, too bad they ruined it in Shadow.

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I didn't.

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Not everything

nuLara is a WHORE and a SLUT
there i said it

does lara keep her bush or does she shave it?

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She doesn't really have the time to shave.


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Goddamn french canadians.
They're all gay.

i want to stab lara in the stomach

How is the game on ps4?

He shaves it completely.

of course not idiot

>being bullied by a weak little girl in a 20 year old's body
haha no

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>unironically liking baggyface butterbody rebootgirl
>calling anyone a faggot

Easier to clean. Mud would clump in it.

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it's a bland shooter

Hyperbolic faggot

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>when Lara learned how glue used to be made

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>faggot faggot faggot
t. sexually confused 12 yo

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Such ugly ass.

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>literally no u
Retard faggot

The 2013 reboot Lara was stunning, sequel Lara is just good looking

I thought image dumps on Yea Forums were forbidden?

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Its fun

She keeps her armpits shaven clean even after weeks of adventuring, she's probably hairless down there, maybe a landing strip at most.

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>200 posts
>49 IPs

You autists will never learn. So sad.

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One of us! One of us!

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You are only known for all your sausage factories though...

if i could put nulara in sexy lingerie i might play her games but mostly because i want to see her get impaled and choked wearing skimpy clothing

The only time 2013 Lara looked good was in that single pre-rendered cutscene at the beginning of the game where she looked at herself in the mirror. Her actual game model looked like plastic surgery gone wrong, mixed in with a little fetal alcohol syndrome for good measure. I know there were a couple of remastered updates of the 2013 game that fixed her model a bit, but they could only do so much. Rise perfected the design.

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was this outfit really necessary?

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>lieterally butthurt over your Anita approved product

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Oh no a nipple!

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I have a challenge to Eidos Montreal. In the next Tomb Raider, create a storyline in which Lara gets breast cancer. Imagine the drama of a vulnerable Lara Croft still persisting on her worldly adventures despite her illness. It needs fleshing out, no pun intended, but I guarantee the gaming world would be shocked, stunned, and moved by the effort to make Lara's character more meaningful.

I approve this. There is literally nothing else you can do with this fetish character at this point.
At least try something with no precedents

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>create a storyline in which Lara gets breast cancer.
She already did this, she became Maleficent afterwards, remember?

Post some of them senpai or you're a lying piece of shit. Thank you.


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See you in 3 days.

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Perfect Lara

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Lara Croft Square Ass

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Is that the Hank Hill mod?

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one on the left looks like nuLara

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Literally Nathan Drake with tits

cant wait for the rise of the fall of the shadow of the dawn of the legend of the planet of the tomb raider where lara finaly learns to survive and become the tomb raider

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It's the other way around, Drake is the female Lara Croft.

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Drake is male OG Lara. nuLara is genderbent Drake. A ripoff or her own ripoff

>I'm a decent man but Lara is the only girl whose asshole
no shame bro, i get tha-
>and shit
>decent man
motherfucker, get your shit together.

>faggot faggot faggot
come out of the closet already user, no one gives a fuck

Loli lara SFMs when?
I'll even take TR4's loli Lara

The one on the right is literally lara croft.

Nigger look at her face, she unironically looks like a female version of Nate, doesn't mean she's not hot though

Are you faceblind by chance?

>white skin
>brown hair
>green eyes
>"Holy shit dude Lara is so common at college lmao"
Please end yourself faggot

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>fat tits
>nice posh english accent.
stfu you bitter faggot

was gonna post this

Sadly no one wants to animate her. Maybe there's some inherent flaw with the skeleton rig. I know someone made a loli Asari model from Mass Effect, but no one is using that either.

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Maybe not for you, incel.

>PoP because the insane acrobatics in long chains required controls like that
>insane acrobatics
You can't be fucking serious.

I support /Lara/ threads.

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>The final platforming segment in Sands of Time
>Not insane
>The race to the palace jumping through ships and caves in Warrior Within
>Not insane
>The final climb to the Vizier
>Not insane


have Essex

Horsebros, are you enjoying the Quiet videos? I was bored to shit with them but the latest episode's clifhanger got me interested again.

I prefer boomer bimbo Lara

I don't like horse SFM.

Thought you were talking about the Prince of Persia game from 2008

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Can someone dare to explain me the horse meme? NuLara legit looks gorgeous, absolutely stunning

everybody does, few obsessed contrarians aside

In videos SFM Lara fucks with a horse, they are quite popular.

or dogs or wolves, the latter is almost canon porn.

The high res doesn't do the model good

Why is Shadow Lara so much shittier than Rise Lara?

Eidos Montreal.

Love her pouty lips.

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Grab the switch and play in my

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The new trilogy is amazing for guro fans.

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So much loads on those naked hips

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>expected a comfy tr thread
>it's a shitty image dump of nulara
Of course.

Are you new?

lol idiot

oh boi

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lol butthurt kid


you sick fuck!


We don't post original Lara here. This is a Tomb Raider thread faggot.

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She isn't the Tomb Raider yet.

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I just realized I never searched for a nude mod on this game... WTF is wrong with me ?

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When she sees you fapping.

Congratulations on your wedding Seabiscuit

Why couldn’t they have just made the shorts and teal bodysuit Lara outfit as an unlockable for the new game :(

Doesn't matter. Old-Lara is an ugly hag.
New Lara is improved and a new face.

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I want to lick those fingers.

She wasn't a bimbo. Just a smart woman with a killer body.

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> all the evidence is there.
then show it, oh fountain of knowledge, or you admit that people posting horses tops your argumentation by your omission to make even that little of an effort to substantiate your claim.

I turn it off & think about ways to find a real partner.

He clearly didn't play them. Lara was the purest vidya girl until this reboot.

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>Old Lara
>Sold entirely on her sex appeal
>Cock-teasing with nudity through out it's whole life-span

She was a huge slut

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Go dilate, you Kent

>We don't post original Lara here. This is a Tomb Raider thread faggot.
the irony of this faggottry...

nulara a cute, a cute!

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