How well-remembered is the Genesis?

>Sold 18 million units in the USA
>Yet most zoomers and people my age (23) don't even know what it is

How popular was this console really? Growing up, I had only one friend who had it in the early 2000s, and we had no idea there were other Sega consoles. The only other place I remember seeing a Genesis was at a daycare where my mom worked.

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Fucking zoomers I swear to god.

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The real mega drive version was way more popular

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Hardware is quickly forgotten. Gramps talks about his CD player being hot shit back in the day, but literally nobody gives a fuck.

Pretty much the king of Europe.
Meanwhile in Japan 1,SuFamicom,PC ENGINE,Mega Drive

This. Talking about 30 year old consoles is literally like grandpa talking about his old VHS player.

True, but the old Nintendo and Sony consoles are much better remembered. They're easy to find at garage sales, and a lot of younger people can recognize them.

SEGA is the patrician choice arcade games
If you are into BING BING WAHOOOOOO then it doesn't surprise Zoomers don't know much about it. Same goes for SNK NEO GEO


>Shit tier zoomer baitand samefaging trying to rile up SEGA CHADS

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>most zoomers and people my age (23)

Should we tell him?

Argie here, it was extremely popular in Argentina but I think most of the units sold were clones. I didn't have one tho, instead my father gave me a CD with 400 games to play on my computer.

It was GOAT.

I had this and only two games for it that I quickly grew tired of because I couldn't find any other games for it. I was young then and limited to only what I could bug my parents for. Plus my mom also knew SEGA only as that edgy company, so she was loathe to give in to whining for SEGA products.

Less forgotten than the SNES

It was the only sega console that was actually popular.
Dreamcast is fondly remembered, but comparatively by much smaller numbers. Nobody gave a shit about master system or saturn, and only lunar fags bring up sega CD.

Genesis? Good band

Most of the great MD games are hard AF and inaccessable for modern audiences. I don't like most of them and I grew up in that era.

I own a Saturn and Dreamcast, fag. I was just saying how surprising it is that Sega's most successful console hasn't left much of a lasting legacy.

Jim Ryan can eat shit.

The average normie doesn't care about backwards comparability, unfortunately.

As a kid, I had a choice between SNES and Genesis for my birthday, and I chose Genesis for Sonic and the X-Men and Jurassic Park games. I've regretted that decision ever since, considering how much I missed out on with the SNES.

Spider-Man vs The Kingpin was pretty fucking awesome for its time. It's the first time I recall seeing cutscenes in a video game, and it blew my fucking mind at the time.